Payments for a third child to unemployed people. Child benefits accrued upon liquidation of an organization

During pregnancy, unemployed women have many questions regarding the payments they are entitled to from the state. Unemployed women are especially often interested in receiving maternity benefits in 2019. Sometimes it is this support from the state that is the only support for the expectant mother.

Legal features of the issue

Based on regulatory legal acts, namely, Art. Art. 6, 9, we can conclude that a non-working mother is considered:

  • a person without legally required employment;
  • a woman who was fired a year before the start of her maternity leave due to the company closing, provided that she is registered with the employment center;
  • a woman fired while on maternity leave due to the liquidation of the organization;
  • student of a university, specialized institution;
  • An individual entrepreneur who has officially ceased to operate;
  • lawyer who has completed his career;
  • wife of a soldier undergoing military service.

If the expectant mother belongs to one of the categories, then she has the right to receive some maternity benefits as a non-working woman from budget funds. The amount for payments to a specific region is determined by taking into account the number of women who do not have official employment. The counting process itself is based on data from primary institutions - antenatal clinics, where the expectant mother registers at a small stage of pregnancy. After processing this data, the funds are transferred for the use of the region, which can only spend them on paying compensation to unemployed women.

What compensation and in what amount can a non-working mother receive?

To understand how to receive maternity benefits for an unemployed woman, you first need to make a choice which type of compensation is most desirable - maternity benefits or for an unemployed person. Receiving two benefits at the same time is unacceptable.

Important! The following figures are relevant for 2019:

  1. Maternity compensation - 581.73 rubles.
  2. Maternal assistance up to 1.5 years - about 2900 rubles for the firstborn, and about 5815 rubles. on other children.
  3. One-time government assistance for the birth of a baby is approximately 15,510 rubles.

If you decide to receive maternity benefits, they depend on certain features.

A citizen fired a year before the baby is born due to the closure of an organization can apply for:

  • maternity benefits;
  • the birth took place without complications as planned - a little more than 2,670 rubles;
  • the birth had some difficulties of varying degrees - about 2980 rubles;
  • if two or more children were born at the same time - 3710.32 rubles;
  • if a pregnant woman visited a residential complex before 12 weeks, about 580 rubles are added;
  • compensation up to 1.5 years.

Unemployed mothers can receive all these maternity benefits in 2019 every month.

If a young mother was fired while she was on maternity leave, due to the closure of the enterprise, the activity of a lawyer, notary, individual entrepreneur was terminated, or she is the wife of a soldier undergoing military service, then the monthly payments include:

  • compensation for the pregnancy and birth of a baby is 100% of the salary, or it does not exceed 28,550 rubles, if the birth took place as planned, about 31,815 rubles. – there were difficulties during the birth of the child, approximately 39,570 rubles. – when 2 or more children appear at the same time;
  • if a woman applies to a housing complex for a period of up to 3 months, they will pay the additional amount established by law;
  • compensation for up to 1.5 years is about 40% of monthly earnings, but not less than what is stated by law.

A young mother is a student at a university, vocational school, or technical school; maternity benefits are calculated based on the scholarship received:

  • when visiting a LC during up to 3 months of pregnancy;
  • financial assistance up to 1.5 years per child.

If a citizen was not employed at the time of pregnancy, then she is only entitled to receive compensation for up to 1.5 years.

Regardless of her unemployed status, any mother can count on a one-time government payment in the amount established by law.

The process of obtaining state aid

To apply for child care benefits for an unemployed mother or other compensation, you need to visit the social security authority, where, depending on the assigned unemployed status, the following documents are required:

  • filled in by hand;
  • LCD paper confirming the presence of pregnancy;
  • paper from the Central Labor Office confirming the assignment of unemployed status;
  • an extract from the work book indicating the last place of work;
  • if there was liquidation of the enterprise - a certificate from the tax office confirming this fact.

The maximum deadline for submitting such papers is until the child is 6 months old. But this can be done already at 30 weeks of pregnancy. The social service renders a verdict on the application within 10 days, and notifies the expectant mother in writing.

Compensation for women registered at the labor exchange

Women registered at the labor exchange also receive financial support from the state. It is 850-4900 rubles. monthly. Starting from the 28-30th week, she can receive maternity benefits for unemployed people, which depends on the woman’s status. Until 1.5 years, the mother receives legal payments, and after this period she can again resume her search for work.

State support for unemployed single mothers

A woman who decides to raise her child alone, in addition to the required amounts of compensation, has the right to:

  • baby kits;
  • free dairy products until the child turns 2 years old;
  • benefits for medicines for children under 3 years of age;
  • rehabilitation in sanatorium-resort institutions.

Due to the fact that all types of compensation are paid from the regional budget, a subject of the Russian Federation can also finance:

  • until the child reaches 3 years of age;
  • compensation until the child reaches 16 years of age;
  • if the child is studying full-time, the compensation is sometimes extended until the child turns 23 years old.

When talking about maternity benefits for non-working mothers in 2019, it is worth taking into account their employment during this period. Often, a citizen raising a child alone does not work in an organization legally, which entails a lack of state support.

In accordance with Federal Law No. 81-FZ of May 19, 1995 “On State Benefits for Citizens with Children,” territorial departments of the Department of Social Protection of the Population (USZN) make payments at the applicant’s place of residence of one-time benefits for the birth of a child and child care benefits up to one and a half years for persons not subject to compulsory social insurance (non-working citizens), and also provide payment of a one-time benefit to the pregnant wife of a conscripted military serviceman, and a monthly benefit for the child of a conscripted military serviceman. For the last two benefits, according to Article 4.1, the federal center transferred the authority to assign and pay to government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for both working and non-working citizens.

The assignment and payment of a one-time benefit when placing a child in a family is carried out by regional guardianship and trusteeship authorities, also for both working and non-working citizens.

In 2018, unified rules for the indexation of social payments, benefits and compensations established by Federal Law dated December 19, 2016 N 444-FZ “On amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation regarding changes in the procedure for indexing payments, benefits and compensations established by the legislation of the Russian Federation” came into force. Federation, and suspension of Part 2 of Article 6 of the Federal Law “On additional measures of state support for families with children.”

In accordance with adopted legislative norms, the amount of child benefits assigned and paid in accordance with Federal Law of May 19, 1995 N 81-FZ “On State Benefits for Citizens with Children” is subject to indexation once a year from February 1 of the current year based on consumer price growth index for the previous year. The indexation coefficient is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

From February 1, 2019 child benefits are indexed based on the actual consumer price growth index for 2018. The indexation coefficient is established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 24, 2019 No. 32 “On approval of the indexation coefficient of payments, benefits and compensation in 2019” in the amount of 1.043. The amounts of child benefits from February 1, 2019 are given below:

List of child benefits paid by social protection departments

  • One-time benefit for the birth of a child

    For women dismissed due to the liquidation of enterprises - in the amount 655 rub. 49 kopecks per month.

  • Monthly allowance for child care up to 1.5 years
    • 3277 rub. 45 kopecks for caring for the first child.
    • 6554 rub. 89 kopecks for caring for the second child and subsequent children.
  • One-time benefit when placing a child in a family

    In the amount of average earnings for each additional day off.

  • One-time benefit for the pregnant wife of a military serviceman undergoing military service.

    Low-income families in the amount of the regional subsistence minimum per child.

The specified child benefits are assigned no later than 10 days from the date of receipt (registration) of the application with all the necessary documents. Payment of child benefits is carried out by authorized bodies through federal postal offices (UFPS) or credit organizations indicated by the recipients of the benefit no later than the 26th day of the month following the month in which the application was received.

In addition to federal child benefits, additional social support measures for families with children, financed from the regional budget, may be taken at the regional level:

  • Regional child benefit.
  • Monthly cash payment for the third child aged from one and a half to three years.
  • Monthly allowance for families with children whose parents are disabled.
  • Allowance for children's summer recreational activities.
  • Annual allowance for a school-age child to prepare for school

and others.

More detailed information on the procedure for assigning and paying regional child benefits can be found in the information section of the region of residence of the section “Monthly cash payments for a third child under 3 years of age for large families.”

News on the topic

Popular answers to questions about child benefits

A monthly allowance for caring for a child up to 1.5 years old for mothers actually caring for a child dismissed during the period of parental leave due to the liquidation of an organization is paid by the social protection body at the place of residence in the amount previously paid at the place of work, that is, in the amount of 40% of average earnings...

If an officially employed woman decides to give birth to a child, she takes maternity leave, and the employer pays her maternity benefits. This is a mandatory condition established by law, and the employer does not have the right to refuse maternity benefits to his employee. But what should housewives who don’t work anywhere do? Do pregnant unemployed women have rights to maternity payments and benefits?

Types of payments

In our state, motherhood is encouraged and protected in every possible way. Of course, we cannot compete with Western developed countries in this regard yet, but it is still better than some. Take China, for example, where parents have to pay tax on their second child. In our country, on the contrary, the goal is to improve demographics, so even unemployed women are entitled to various benefits and payments.

What payments and benefits are due to a non-working pregnant woman:

  • There is no maternity benefit for unemployed women. There is no compulsory social insurance for them.
  • A one-time payment at the birth of a child to a non-working mother is 15,512.65 rubles. This amount is not issued every month, but only once.
  • Maternity payments to non-working mothers in 2016 are 2908.62 for the first child, 5817.24 rubles for the second, third and subsequent children. It is paid until the child reaches the age of 1.5 years.

When applying for maternity benefits for unemployed people, the woman must prove that she is not currently receiving unemployment benefits by providing the appropriate certificate. This is strictly controlled and verified.

Since many women in our country, despite the fact that they are officially considered unemployed, still work somewhere without registering, they can also receive all these payments. Certainly, if they had an official job, the amount of payments would be much higher, but the situation in the country is such that many, not only women, but also men, agree to work unofficially, the main thing is that there is at least some work. Therefore, women who work informally can also be classified as unemployed. True, they should not expect any payments from their employer, because there is no chance, because it is for this purpose that he does not register his employees, so as not to pay taxes, sick leave, and maternity leave.

Student benefits

This right is given only if the pregnant student is a full-time student.. The maternity benefit is equal to the amount of the scholarship the student receives. The amount is 581.73 rubles. she will receive it if she registers. Immediately after the birth of the baby, the one-time payment to the student mother will be 15,512.65 rubles. For child care, they also receive 2,908.62 rubles if it is the first, and 5,817.24 rubles if the second and subsequent ones. But, in most cases, for female students, this is the first child, although there are exceptions when some women, being young , give birth to children, and go to university a little later.

One-time benefit for the birth of a child

Its size is 15,512.65 rubles this year. To get unemployed, you need to contact the social security authorities, provide them with:

  • statement
  • a certificate from the registry office confirming the birth of the baby
  • an extract from the young mother’s work record book. This is required to provide information about her last place of employment to prove that she is not working

Also, if there is a second parent, you may need a certificate from the OSZN stating that such benefits have no longer been assigned. The decision on payment is made by social security authorities within 10 days after submitting all of the above documents.

How to apply for a monthly child care allowance

This must be done after the baby is born. To do this, you also need to contact the social security authorities for registration or temporary registration, providing an application and the following documents:

  • birth certificate
  • if there are older children, and their birth certificates

Also, the second parent must provide a certificate from the OSZN confirming the fact that such benefits were not assigned in another area. The woman must provide a certificate from the employment service confirming that she is not currently receiving unemployment benefits. The decision to assign maternity benefits for the unemployed is also made by employees of the social security authorities within 10 days from the moment the application and necessary documents are submitted there.

How to receive benefits after childbirth?

Today, you don’t need to wait for the postman or go to the post office yourself. Usually money is transferred to the mother’s bank card or account. If you don’t have an account or card, you can quickly open them. Many mothers, unless they have a special need for money, often do not touch this money, and it accumulates in the bank. As a result, some may accumulate quite a decent amount. As for monthly child benefits for children over 3 years old, they are scanty and average 200 rubles. Depending on the region of the country, their size may differ from each other, but not much.

Watch also the video about what payments are due to stay-at-home mothers:

The size and quantity of child benefits entitled to a woman who is temporarily disabled due to maternity primarily depends on the amount of her salary. The law establishes that the amount of payments from the Social Insurance Fund is proportional to the average income for the two previous years preceding the year of birth of the child. But non-working parents (other persons caring for a child) can also count on children's social benefits. For example, children's payments in the minimum amount, both in the form of compulsory social insurance and in the form of state support, are awarded to the mother in two cases:

If she is declared unemployed within 12 months from the date of dismissal from her job until the birth of the child, due to the cancellation (closure) of the enterprise;

If she was fired for the same reason while on maternity leave.

For other categories of non-working parents, the law provides for the payment of child benefits in a minimum quantity and minimum amount in the form of state social security. This category of benefits is paid at the Social Security Department or at the place of study (if the parent is a full-time student).

The procedure for calculating maternity payments to unemployed and non-working parents in 2019

Law No. 81-FZ, issued on May 19, 1995, establishes a list of categories of unemployed citizens who are entitled to various types of social children's benefits, including payments for pregnancy, at the birth of a child, as well as for caring for a child under 1.5 years of age.

List of child benefits and amount of payments for them

Maternity benefit

Cash payment for registration before 12 weeks of pregnancy

One-time benefit during the birth of a child

Monthly child care allowance (up to 1.5 years)

1. Dismissal from work during the period of child care (pregnancy and childbirth) due to cancellation of the enterprise or closure of activities. This category also includes wives who were transferred to the territory of a foreign state.

The full amount of average earnings calculated over two years or the base amount for:

51 919 rubles (regular childbirth);

57 252 rubles (difficult childbirth);

71 944

Sum - 632 rubles Accrued as an additional payment to maternity benefits

16 759 rubles Paid upon receipt of the child’s birth certificate (or equivalent certificate).

40% of average earnings taken over two years for each child. The minimum amount is

4 465 rubles (for the first child)

6 284 (for the second and subsequent child).

If a woman has three or more children, the amount of this benefit cannot exceed 100% of the average monthly salary.

2. Recognition of a woman as unemployed for no more than 12 months from the date of dismissal from her job due to the liquidation of an enterprise or closure of an individual entrepreneurship.

Minimum size – 632 rubles monthly.

Total amount:

2 861 rubles (vacation 140 days);

3 188 rubles (vacation 156 days);

3 965 rubles (vacation 194 days).

Sum - 632 rubles

Paid as an additional payment to maternity benefits.

Sum - 16 759 rubles

Paid immediately after the child’s birth certificate is issued.

Minimum benefit level

for the first child - 4 465 rubles;

on the second and subsequent ones - 6 284 rubles

3. Dismissal from work during the period of parental leave (maternity leave) due to the cancellation of the enterprise or the closure of the activities of the individual entrepreneur. Also included in this category are the wives of military personnel who were transferred to the territory of a foreign state. The full amount of average earnings for two years or the basic amount of the minimum wage:

The full amount of average earnings for two years or the basic amount of the minimum wage:

51 919 rubles (regular childbirth);

57 252 rubles (difficult childbirth);

71 944 rubles (multiple pregnancy).

Sum - 632 rubles

It is calculated as an additional payment to the maternity benefit.

16 759 rubles Paid upon receipt of the birth certificate.

40% of average earnings calculated during the 12 months before the month of maternity leave (the month of dismissal during maternity leave). Minimum amount -

4 465

6 284

4. Unemployed citizens who are not entitled to compulsory social insurance, as well as full-time students.

In the amount of the scholarship.

Sum - 632 rubles Paid as an additional payment to the maternity benefit.

Sum - 16 759 rubles

Issued after receiving the child’s birth certificate.

The minimum established amount is charged:

4 465 rubles (for the first child) and

6 284 rubles (for the second and subsequent children).

If an unemployed person simultaneously has the right to receive several benefits, for example, child care benefits and unemployment benefits, according to the law, only one type of payment can be accrued.

As for the second category of citizens (a woman was recognized as unemployed for a year due to the liquidation of an enterprise), Federal Law No. 81 classifies her as a recipient of benefits as compulsory social insurance. But since at the time of the insured event the woman is no longer in an employment relationship, the formation and payment of benefits is carried out by the department of social protection of the population in the form of standard state support.

In addition, the law allows that the list of child benefits for unemployed parents can be supplemented with regional payments, the amount of which depends on the decision of specific constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

List of benefits for unemployed pregnant women and unemployed mothers in 2019

As follows from the table, the mother/father, as well as other persons caring for the child, regardless of social status and the presence of an employment relationship, are entitled to the following benefits:

Child benefits in case of liquidation of an enterprise

The law establishes that child benefits to persons subject to compulsory insurance in connection with disability associated with pregnancy and maternity, living in those regions of the country that do not participate in the pilot program “Direct Payments” from the Social Insurance Fund, are paid at the actual place of work. However, cases are not uncommon when, at the time of registration of maternity payments, the activity of an enterprise is canceled due to its liquidation, funds in the organization’s account are arrested, the employer is declared bankrupt, etc. Taking into account possible risks, the Russian Ministry of Labor developed administrative regulation No. 653 dated September 22, 2014, according to which, if the employer cannot fulfill its obligations to a subordinate who went on maternity leave, the payment of child benefits is carried out through the territorial department of the Social Insurance Fund, in which he was employed. or is an employer.

To calculate the required benefits, a woman should contact the Social Insurance Fund department, providing the following list of documents:

Application for child benefits;

Certificate of salary from the place of work (if it is impossible to obtain this document, the woman must write a request for information about salary, remuneration and other payments);

A court decision indicating the fact of non-payment of child benefits at the place of work;

Birth (adoption) certificate of the child, as well as documents of previous children;

A document from the social welfare department for the second parent, which states that he did not receive the appropriate benefit.

To apply for direct payments from the Social Insurance Fund, the applicant can submit documents both during a personal visit and electronically (through the Fund’s website, the government services portal and the “My Documents” tool of the MFC).

Social guarantees of the state include support for families with children, pregnant women, and women on maternity leave. The amount of maternity benefits for unemployed women will differ from the amount of benefits for employed women. Many women who are housewives are concerned about how to get maternity benefits if you don’t work. 2017 brought changes in payments through the Social Insurance Fund; in even more regions, the Fund switched to direct transfers of benefits. Now there are 33 such regions. In addition, from July 1, 2017, in Russia, along with paper ones, electronic certificates of incapacity for work began to be used everywhere.

Maternity leave for non-workers in the legislation of the Russian Federation

Working women receive benefits through contributions to the Social Insurance Fund. The calculation is made by the employing organization or the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation. And a logical question arises: how to get maternity leave if you don’t work?

Unemployed people do not make contributions, but the state has provided for this situation and payments are made from funds allocated for social support of the population. Not everyone has the right to maternity benefits for unemployed women. Housewives do not have the right to pay for a certificate of incapacity for work, which is issued at the antenatal clinic. The categories of women who are still paid benefits are defined in the federal legislation of the Russian Federation.

The main law defining the procedure for payments is Federal Law No. 81 “On state benefits for citizens with children,” which was adopted in 1995.

  1. Employees of organizations subject to bankruptcy proceedings.
  2. Registered with employment authorities for a period of no more than 1 year after termination of activities as an individual entrepreneur or closure of the employing company.
  3. Students of universities and secondary educational institutions in full-time full-time education. They are not subject to social insurance, so they retain a stipend for the period of maternity leave.

Regardless of whether a woman is employed or is a housewife, a one-time maternity benefit upon early registration and a child care benefit for up to 1.5 years are subject to payment.

Amount of payment to an unemployed pregnant woman in 2017

Women who are unable to perform work due to the bankruptcy of their employer receive a payment from their average daily earnings, which is calculated by summing the income for the previous two years and dividing the amount by 730 days, the same as for working women. At the minimum wage, payments to pregnant unemployed women in 2017 will be 34,521 rubles. for 140 days, 38,466 rub. for 156 days, 47,836 for 194 days of incapacity. The benefits are calculated similarly for the dismissal of women who are on maternity leave or maternity leave due to the liquidation of the employing organization.

Payments to unemployed pregnant women who were fired due to the liquidation of the enterprise; benefits are paid at the rate of 613.14 rubles. per month, for 140 days of incapacity for work 2861.6 rubles, 156 days – 3188.64 rubles, 194 days – 3965.36 rubles.

Full-time students are paid a stipend amount monthly for the entire period of maternity leave.

Pregnancy benefits for unemployed women registered with the Central Labor Protection Center

Is it possible to get maternity leave if you are not working through the employment authorities? To obtain official unemployed status, a woman can register at the employment center. She will receive unemployment benefits monthly until the start of sick leave. The amount of the benefit, in case of dismissal from the last place of work no later than 3 months before the date of registration, will be 75% of average earnings, the next 4 months - 60%, from 7 months to 12 - 45%, then the benefit will be accrued in the minimum amount .

From the moment you receive a certificate of incapacity for work, the payment of benefits stops. Unemployment benefits can be resumed after the end of maternity leave. The certificate of incapacity for work will need to be submitted to the employment service to notify the specialist about the start of maternity leave. Maternity benefits are not accrued to a non-working woman, since employment authorities do not have such powers. But you won’t have to report as unemployed, and the employment authorities will suspend the job search until your mother returns from maternity leave.

Other maternity payments in 2017 for a non-working mother

The benefit for women registered before 12 weeks of pregnancy is paid in the amount of 613.14 rubles, regardless of whether they work or not. Unemployed mothers can get it from the social welfare authorities. To receive this payment, a pregnant unemployed woman needs a certificate from the antenatal clinic. A one-time benefit for the birth of a child can be received by the second working parent, or by the woman herself from the social protection authorities. The amount is 16,350.33 rubles for 2017.

A non-working mother is also entitled to a child care allowance up to the age of one and a half years; it can be obtained through social services. protection when providing the necessary certificates.

How to get maternity leave if you don’t work - necessary documents

From July 1, 2017, the Social Insurance Fund in many regions switched to direct payments, so women who quit due to the liquidation of an enterprise, or are employees of a bankrupt enterprise, can contact them directly with a package of documents. All other unemployed women submit an application for the required payments to the social protection authorities.

To receive maternity benefits for unemployed people, you must prepare the following documents:

  • statement,
  • decision on the appointment of a bankruptcy trustee in case of bankruptcy of a company,
  • a certificate from the Employment Center confirming registration as unemployed upon liquidation of the company.

Thus, you can receive maternity leave if you do not work only in cases expressly specified in the law. Housewives are entitled to some benefits, but to a lesser extent than officially employed women. Women who are dismissed during the liquidation of a company are in a more advantageous position. They retain all rights to benefits, just like working women.
