Vytynanka star templates for the New Year. Templates and large pictures for New Year's decorations

Good luck to everyone!

I think that you’ve already been waiting for me, I promised and I still can’t publish this post. And now it has finally happened. I am happy to offer you everything that I found on the Internet. Still, how many beautiful and cool decorations people have come up with to decorate their home, apartment or any room on New Year's Eve. All you have to do is take ready-made stencils attach them to a sheet of paper, cut them out and you will get new masterpiece. Which is easy to place on the window and that’s it, enjoy your health. All the templates are simple, but at the same time they are amazing!

So today, friends, I suggest you plunge into the world of vytynanok or kirigami. By the way, do you know what this is? Yes, that’s absolutely right, this is a special technique that first appeared, as sources indicate, in China. So, keep yourself busy with something interesting and creative, such work will only bring joy.

In addition, you can create crafts in the form or, because all these symbols are required in New Year's Eve. Do you agree?

Even if you are not yet sure that you will succeed, I am sure that after looking at this note you will clearly want to work hard, it will, as they say, excite you, touch you to the quick and awaken the master in you). Before you know it, you will become wizards. Ah-ha, like Santa Claus, paint all the windows with such a beautiful paper decor.

Well, well, please get straight to the point. Choose plots, compositions or individual characters, whatever you like. And don’t forget about the main symbol of this year - the yellow pig. By the way, you can make it, or make it from improvised means.

Before moving on to the process of creating crafts, you need to understand the main thing. All the pictures that you see here must first be downloaded to your computer. How do you do it? And like this, click right click mouse and select Save image as.

And then you paste them into a Word text document and stretch them by the corner to the size you need.

Then take a cutter and start creating, carefully cut out the motif or composition you need along the line. Move from the largest details to the smallest.

Remember, to do this type of work, you need to do it not on the table surface itself, but put something flat, but not necessary, for example, a board.

First of all, I will show you snowflake stencils, because they are in great demand. You trim the black background, turn the piece over and glue it to the window.

There is such diversity here, and inside there are treasured animals or New Year's heroes, decor. In general, such window decorations look amazing. Look, even from them the author figured out a Christmas tree.

So, here are the long-awaited templates. And by the way, you can use them in different ways, the first option is to cut and glue, and the second, attach the sheet to the window and, where you cut it, apply toothpaste by spraying a drop. Oh, you’ll find out more about this a little later. Catch).

You can take the most delicate or carved fluffs, they are of course more difficult to cut.

How did you get the job done? Then quickly take any of the proposed materials and glue the stencils to the stele. There are many ways to do this and why, choose:

  • double-sided tape or tape;
  • milk;
  • toothpaste;
  • soap solution;
  • water;
  • liquid paste;
  • PVA glue or stationery glue.

Frosty patterns to print and cut out

We continue to create a New Year's atmosphere and let's decorate the windows with something snowy, such as icicles. Or we’ll draw some patterned motif, like Grandfather Frost does. Choose a design and print.

Here is a pattern in an angular style.

Cut out numbers and letters for New Year's Eve

I think that numbers or figures will definitely be useful to you, because every time you can’t live without them, so take them into your piggy bank, especially when there are plenty of options and plenty to choose from.

I tried to find all sorts of designs and sizes. To make it more convenient for you to choose. Decorate halls and groups, use in schools and gardens, cafes, etc. I even found multi-colored ones, and huge ones, but which ones do you need, maybe small ones? Isn't it really lovely?

We've figured out the numbers, now take the letter templates cherished words: "Happy New Year".

Or use this option the right words January 31, which are made in the form of a garland.

DIY paper window templates

I want to show you a video on this topic. Yes, you yourself can already guess what it will be about. After all, the window is easy to design if you just want it. You can install or make any one, like the ones I showed in, you can install and use. And by the way, don't forget about . There are a lot of options, create for your health!

Here's another cool idea in the form of a deer. If you need this particular template, let me know and I will send it. I think it will be fun when you walk and such a friend smiles at you from the window).

Among other things, you can paint a window with toothpaste using the same stencils, if you don’t know how to do this, take a look. On my own behalf I would like to add that better pasta or rather, wet the white solution onto toothbrush and swipe the bristles at yourself with any stick. That is, you will get splashes in the form of droplets.

In addition, you can use white gouache, choose what is more convenient for you.

Now the plot itself, if you still don’t understand anything. Let's go have a look.

Do you remember when we created a house or hut for a snow composition with you, it also turned out so cool. Many people thanked me for the diagram, it is not mine, but taken from the Internet, but I am sharing it completely free of charge. This is what happened, cool!

How to decorate windows for the New Year: beautiful templates and diagrams in A4 format

Well, and more friends various options, which I managed to get for you. Let it be Father Frost and the Snow Maiden with a Christmas tree, also a cheerful and mischievous snowman and a bunch of other characters. Many people print and decorate with angels or depict winter fun. You can often find stories from children on this topic. In general, create a fairy tale, I wish you good luck!

All these sketches will easily fit on album sheet or A4, if you don’t know how to do this, then read above, I showed how.

Friends, today I got hold of templates for Frozen and Olaf. Available in large sizes on 2, 12, 18, 28 sheets. Write if anyone needs it. There is also Pechkin (2 and 3 sheets), Matroskin (2 sheets), Sharik (2 sheets).

And also, like this large stencils on the three-leaf windows that I found on social media. VKontakte network.

Vytynanka Pig - symbol of the New Year 2019

But who can’t we do without this year? Of course, without the funny and playful pig, or as the kids like to say - pigs. This is the most chief guest, who will come to visit you on January 31st. Meet me.

Honestly, I have a document in which there are a bunch of piglets and all that kind of stuff, and with numbers and piggie faces. I will send it to anyone who needs it. Here I didn’t show everything, of course, but only a small part; you can’t display everything in a note, there are too many of them.

New Year's paper stencils for cutting out windows

Well, in conclusion, I would like to please you with more new products and ideas of what you can put on your glass. What an amazing view it will be from the outside, all the neighbors will be jealous. In general, I definitely recommend it.

The main thing is to come up with a plot, for example, it could be any fairy tale, or how children play snowballs in the yard. Take any favorite cartoon and get weird. By the way, there are a lot of ideas on this topic, where people show and share their work in a VKontakte group. I will send a link to anyone who needs it.

Create reindeer. Don’t forget to glue or draw the main character on the window - I mean Grandfather Frost and his sleigh carriage.

The Snow Maiden may be located nearby.

Also Snowman for winter compositions necessary.

You can also carve the forest beauty Baba Yaga).

It will still look cool spruce branch or a Christmas tree.

Funny bunnies in a clearing also certainly look beautiful.

Vytynanka New Year's balls and toys (pictures)

And here are a couple more ideas, because bells always remain in fashion, it is with them that we transform everything into holidays. Let them be everywhere, and with them the balls. I suggest you look at this collection. Take note too, friends.

From everything you see, you will decorate your apartment amazingly cool and attractive. Create masterpieces, especially since it’s not at all difficult to do when you have everything for the job at hand.

Happy holidays, gentlemen! See you soon, good luck and Siberian health! Bye.

Interesting! For example, curtains for windows were cut out of paper, because fabric was expensive back then and you didn’t always want to spend it on such nonsense as window decoration.

New Year's decorations for windows: a variety of subjects

If earlier snowflakes were most often simply cut out on windows for the New Year and Christmas, today this type of decor has undergone changes and many create real winter scenes on their windows, entire pages of them fairy tales and wonderful holiday legends.

You can print out the templates and pictures using the link given at the very beginning of this material for free. If you go to the catalog, you can see all the variety of possible plots. These are not just snowflakes, but also a symbol of the next year - the Rooster (very different images and decisions), angels, Christmas decorations, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden and Snowman.

Not without winter animals, which, according to Russian fairy tales, constantly accompany Father Frost on his journey with the children. Downloading New Year's decorations and stencils for windows is only half the battle (albeit a very successful half), but you will still need to cut them out correctly and accurately, and then glue them to the window.

How to cut protrusions

Snowflakes, balls and other patterns on how to cut out stencils on New Year 2017 for cutting out on a window will help you do everything as carefully as possible and end up with a beautiful, sophisticated craft. You will first need to choose the stencil you like and simply download the picture to your computer. You can proceed further in several ways. If you have a printer at home, then cutting is carried out simply according to a template printed on the printer. But how can you transfer templates to the New Year 2017 when you don’t have a printer at home?

If printing does not work for some reason, then there is a second option for obtaining decorations, and initially - with a stencil for them. You will need to take a sheet, it is better to focus on the A4 format. After this, the selected New Year's eve is enlarged on the screen to the size required. It doesn’t matter whether snowmen are depicted, or some voluminous plots, openwork angel, Christmas tree pattern for the New Year 2017. Having made the screen as bright as possible, attach Blank sheet and just carefully transfer the stencil.

As a result, it will be possible to transfer any template to windows for the New Year in this way. Many translation options are not suitable for simple work, but even the country of masters recommends this kind of translation from the screen with just hands and a pencil.

But after the 2017 New Year templates are already on paper, you also need to cut out the plots correctly. This can be done with sharp nail scissors or stationery knife. When working with a second tool, whether it’s summer or winter, you always need an additional board on which to cut the person. Otherwise, the table surface may be damaged.

How to stick to a window

When the New Year's templates for cutting out of paper are ready and have already been cut out, all that's left to do is attach them to the window. Here you can use plain water in which dissolve a little soap. Even large and big pattern can be attached in this way and this method is good because after the holiday it is enough in the usual way Wash the window to remove all possible dirt. If you use glue or some other method of attaching the pattern, then after the holidays you will have to fiddle around longer to get rid of what was used to attach the pattern.

If you have templates for the protrusions at hand, it will be simple and beautiful to make. It is better not to put off work until the last day of the year and it is recommended to decorate the room with vytynankas for the New Year 2017 in advance. Vytynanka is a method of decoration that has long history, but today it looks impressive and stylish. Templates for New Year's decorations for the New Year 2017 can be downloaded for free and without any additional registration from the link at the beginning of our article.

This is how vytynankas are made for the New Year. Clear and beautiful templates New Year's vytynankas will ultimately help you get wonderful fabulous Christmas and New Year's stories on your windows. We can only wish you happy and beautiful winter holidays.

Greetings to all subscribers and guests of the blog site

Let's continue New Year's theme on decorating your home for the upcoming holiday. IN this moment I am at work. I work on a 15 day shift basis. That is, 15 at work, 15 at home. This means that I will only get home on December 1st. And my son and I will begin to design and decorate the apartment for the New Year.

Last year we bought new tree. Most of the toys and garlands for her were also purchased at the store. But I did some of it together with my son. At that time he was 2.5 years old and therefore most of the work was done with his wife, and he only watched the whole process with interest. It’s interesting, after all, when from a set of different pieces of paper, all kinds of ribbons and multi-colored buttons.

And the whole interest of Arthur (son’s name) was that ready-made toys he hung it on the tree himself (by at least where he could reach). And if he couldn’t, then he showed the place where they needed to be attached. You can probably imagine what came of it, at his age.))) Of course, after he fell asleep, we re-arranged everything.

This was the extent of our joint creativity last year. We decorated the Christmas tree for several days, taking into account the production homemade toys, and in the end we got such a beauty.

Since we now have a lot of Christmas decorations, I decided to start carving with my son this year. By the way, he copes with this task perfectly, at 3.5. I always liked patterns on windows, but somehow we never decorated them. This year we will fill this gap.

That is, you don’t have to spend hours on the Internet looking for something suitable. You just need to write to me what you liked and I will send it to you. Or you can download the picture you like to your computer and then print it. To do this, right-click on the picture and select "save image as..."

Afterwards, select a folder to save and click save. It's quite simple.

Well, now, let's start looking and choosing templates that we will use to make art with interesting name- vytynanki.

To make it easier for you to cut, I suggest you watch a video that gives tips to make this task easier.

Window stencils for cutting out in A4 format

Let me make a reservation right away that all the pictures different sizes. But when printed, they will automatically adjust to the format in which you are printing (A3 or A4). If you need a small image, then an editor like Microsoft Word easily copes with this task.

You just need to insert the picture you like into the editor field and, by dragging the mouse pointer on the corner of the picture, adjust it to the size you need.

Do not forget to place some unnecessary board under the paper so as not to spoil the table at which you will do your work.

That's all! And now let's begin...

Father Frost

Our selection will open main symbol every year. I offer you a choice of 10 different options with his participation.

Snow Maiden

An equally important hero is the Snow Maiden. Where would Santa Claus be without her?

Kids will most like the Snow Maiden in this version - in the form of Masha)


I really liked the option below too. And I think we can cope with this snowman.

Look what cool work. I wonder how much time and labor was spent on such magnificence?

We glue the cut out stencils to the window. For this you will need:

  • tassel

The brush needs to be soaked in water. Then rub the soap thoroughly and apply it to the template, as if with glue. Place it in the right place on the eye, straighten it and blot it with a towel. We do the same with the rest of the figures.

And then we admire the result.

New Year's decorations for windows - printable templates

Below are a variety of compositions. With their help, you can create a real miracle on the windows no worse than Frost does.

With this house you can create a picture like this on the window

There is a house with Christmas trees. All that remains is to add snowflakes that will imitate stove smoke. Cool idea, in my opinion.

Here is another example that I really liked and proves that fantasy has no boundaries.

And here is a video story that motivates, even very motivates...

Stencils of piglets on windows for the New Year 2019

Since we are celebrating the Year of the Pig, let's not forget about it. Let's make her image on our windows.

All children's favorite Peppa Pig will decorate the windows in the children's room.

And Nyusha from Smeshariki can keep her company.

Pig stencil templates for window decoration

Here and without unnecessary words It’s clear what the next cuttings will be.

Protruding New Year's balls, bells and Christmas trees

What is a holiday without toys, balls and Christmas trees? Below you will also see design examples that I found on the Internet.

Christmas balls

Christmas trees

For greater effect, you can make a whole city on the windowsill from the same cuttings, which will further emphasize window decorations and will make your mood even better. See how it's done...


Schemes for cutting snowflakes onto windows

And of course, snowflakes. Please note that in every composition on the windows there are always snowflakes. They are the ones who create the atmosphere of winter and holiday. After all, the New Year is associated with snow, and snowflakes are snow.

And now the options are a little more complicated. Although the fold lines are indicated here. So you can simply cut out a snowflake along the contour, bend it into in the right places and cut.

Stencils for cutting out letters and numbers for window decoration

Finally, the numbers in various options and cherished phrases “Happy New Year”

Choose, cut and decorate! Wish you luck! If you are interested, then in the future I can post photographs of our creativity (show what we did).

Well, now I say goodbye to you and wish you creative success. With coming! Bye.

The New Year 2017 and Christmas holidays are already coming. All people are busy decorating their houses. Everyone tries to decorate their house in their own way, so that it is different from the others, and so that people passing by look at the house and rejoice. People's souls will be joyful and everyone will be happy bright feelings. The most interesting and unusual of all the decorations are the stencils on the windows. You can simply stick them on or create entire compositions from them.

Stencils for the New Year 2017 for cutting out on the window: pictures.

They are also called New Year's piercings. This is paper from which various patterns and pictures are cut out. Decorating a window with these paper figures is very quick and, most importantly, entertaining. So, let's look at the technique of cutting out piercings.

First you need to choose what stencils you want to make. Enlarged to the size you need to print. You can make your images not only white, but also colored. Choose a color to suit your taste, but gold or silver would look better. Then prepare a place to work with stencils. There should be nothing unnecessary in your workplace. All you need is: a cutting board, a stationery knife, scissors, maybe a blade and the stencils themselves. Firstly, before you start cutting, place a cutting board on the table, or something that will not scratch the surface of your table.

Cutting them out is very easy. The silhouette can be cut out with scissors, but the details inside the silhouette are cut out with a stationery knife. But if you don't have a knife, you can take a blade, but be careful. Cut out all the details of the design more legibly so that passing people can understand what kind of figure you are on the window. After all the details for your winter picture will be prepared, all that remains is to glue them. It is better to glue them with a soap solution. They do it as follows. Throw a couple of bars of soap into a cup of water, but if you want, you can pour liquid soap. Mix your solution and apply it to the window. And glue your stencils.

2017 is the year of the Red Rooster. Let's see what kind of poking can be done from a rooster composition.

Interestingly, we cut out a rooster standing in the snow, around a snowflake, and under the rooster is the year 2017. Since it is the year of the red fiery rooster, we will therefore cut out the rooster

Where the stencil is red and needs to be cut out.

You can even make such a composition that this rooster goes to some kind of Christmas tree. For example, you can cut something like this:

This one is very easy to cut. The inside of the Christmas tree can be cut out with nail scissors.

The sign will look very beautiful: New Year's Eve is hanging on ribbons. Christmas balls. But the balls are not round, they will be in the form of 2017 numbers. And a rooster will sit in the zero. It's interesting and unusual to look at yourself.

We suggest sticking these funny cockerels on the corners of the windows. But cut them out carefully. It’s difficult to cut out the wings, so if you can’t do it yourself, ask an adult.

So, let's create a composition “village in winter”. In the middle of everything we will have a house with snow on its roof. There is a Christmas tree next to the house, and large trees behind. There is a path and on the sides there are small bushes.

Stencil - house

On the left there will be a mill with an arch. Near it there will be a large tall tree, and on the arc side there will be a gate.

And to the right of our house we will place the church. It is in a triangular frame. In the foreground are bushes, behind it stands a church covered with snow. There is a Christmas tree on one side of it, and a tree on the other.

On top of the window (in the sky of our composition) we will glue a Christmas tree made up of large and small stars. And you can just glue small stars around it. If you add a little imagination, people will think that the stars themselves formed a Christmas tree.

Now we need to make some kind of planet that will illuminate our earthly beauty. This will be our moon. Or rather, the month on which the little bear sleeps. He also holds a bear in his hands. And stars hang from the month.

This is how it turned out winter picture villages. If you wish, you can stick small snowflakes on the window, and it will look like it’s snowing in the village.

Here are the cat stencils:

These are the photos!

This was a village in winter, and now we’ll make a winter forest.

You can stick three or four Christmas trees along the bottom of the windows, and between them grandfather is coming frost with gifts. A fawn is walking towards grandfather. There is a month in the sky that smiles welcomingly at everyone. And in the sky around this there were little angels who were looking at him and what was happening on earth!

And here are the stencils for this painting.

Stencil for New Year 2017 Christmas tree

You can make window decoration another in an interesting way. Let's take toothpaste and stir it with water until foam forms. Then we take our stencil and glue it to the glass with tape. Now let's take a toothbrush and paint over our figure. It barks in a peculiar way.

Window cutting template
Picture for cutting onto the window
Stencil for cutting out onto a window

You can make these window decorations yourself, it's economical and fun. Do this with your child, it will develop his creativity. You need to cut it out carefully, and then you will be carried away by your work, and when you cut out and paste your creation on the window, you will look and rejoice at the beauty that has flowed out of you.

Your fabulous winter paintings made by you will delight passers-by, lift their spirits and attract attention.

Now that you have dyed your hair, you will only be in a great mood.

All that remains for us is to congratulate you on the upcoming New Year 2017, the year of red fire rooster, and wish you good luck next year.

Surely, the most favorite holiday for many is not Birthday, but New Year. After all, you see, it’s much more fun to celebrate a general celebration than to have fun at a personal celebration of life. Almost all people celebrate the New Year, both in our country and around the world.

Traditionally, on the eve of winter New Year's holidays houses and apartments are decorated with garlands (both home-made and purchased LED ones), they put up a beautiful green Christmas tree and decorate it from the trunk to the very top with a wide variety of toys.

IN Lately It became fashionable to decorate windows with figures cut out of paper. Moreover, the more delicate the figure is, the more beautiful it looks on the window. New Year's stencils for the window for cutting literally fill the expanses of the vast Internet, starting from the beginning of December. And on our website you will find the most best templates to create on your windows the most interesting compositions. You look at such beauty, and your soul will become joyful, Christmas mood and you will want to come home soon so that you can decorate your window in amazing technology- vytynanki.

New Year's vytynanki

(stencil, template) is an artistic figured cutting from paper using a special knife or, at worst, scissors. You could say that this is special kind creativity, which is associated with paper and cutting from it.

Often, such protruding stencils decorate the windows of houses, schools, and kindergartens. And by slightly increasing the size of the desired figure, you can wonderfully decorate the stage in assembly hall any children's educational institution.

However, not only schools and kindergartens resort to New Year templates, - cafes, supermarkets, small shops and bakeries also decorate their premises with protrusions of the most different forms and sizes.

As New Year's decorations for both homes and various establishments, stencils delicately cut out of thick paper stand out among the already rather boring garlands, tinsel and rain.

How to decorate a window with your own efforts

To cut out future decorations for windows, you need to know some rules that apply both directly to cutting out protrusions and to creating real ones. New Year's compositions to the delight of passers-by.

Tools and materials required for cutting templates

Of course, in order to carefully and beautifully cut out the intended figure, taking into account all, even the smallest details, you cannot do without some available tools. For cutting out templates You will need:

  • A4 paper;
  • a special cutting board or mat (for the first time, you can get by with a regular cutting board);
  • simple pencil;
  • eraser;
  • ruler;
  • a special knife for paper (a stationery knife may also work);
  • scissors (it is better to take thin manicure scissors).

Having collected everything you need, you can begin creative process cutting out New Year's figures.

Creating New Year's decorations for windows

Of course, the easiest way will be to print the stencil using a printer. If this is not possible, then you can easily attach a blank sheet of paper to the computer screen and redraw the template, increasing or decreasing it to the right size(you can do this by holding down the Ctrl button and using the mouse wheel). Now place the drawing on the table and make the lines clearer.

Using scissors, you need to cut out the shape along the outside, and carefully trim all the internal recesses with a stationery knife, placing the protrusion on a board or a special mat so as not to cut the tabletop.

It is best to glue the finished template onto the window using a soap solution. Dilute the soap in a small amount of water and, carefully moistening the cut-out figure with the solution, apply the openwork stencil to the glass. If you don’t want to bother with the solution, use small pieces of transparent tape.

To create a truly spectacular composition, you need to take into account several nuances:

  • all bulky stencils, such as houses and houses, a snowman, Santa Claus, Christmas trees, snow glades, etc., must be glued to the bottom of your window;
  • It would be good to attach a team of reindeer with a sleigh flying through the air in the central part on the right or left (depending on where the noses of the reindeer “look”, they should not fly directly into the window frame, it is better to leave space in front of them);
  • snowflakes, Christmas stars, angels, Christmas tree decorations and Christmas tree branches will look great at the very top of your composition.

For the first time

If this is your first time mastering the technique of cutting out stencils for windows, take simple templates to start with. After some time, having gained experience, you will be able to try vytynankas that are several times more difficult, and, therefore, much more beautiful.

The most beautiful New Year's stencils for windows

We have tried to collect here a variety for every taste. They are all extremely curious. You can find here complex, but incredibly beautiful vytynanki, and for beginners there are simpler ones - with fewer small parts that need to be cut out.

All you need to do is print or trace the picture you like (or better yet, more than one!) and carefully cut out along the drawn lines.

With the help of vytynankas, you can create an amazing New Year's atmosphere that will fill the hearts of not only your family, but also everyone passing by the decorated window, if they only take a fleeting glance.

Just a little patience, a little diligence and your own Christmas story ready!
