Conspiracy to find money work. On a handkerchief

Former participant of the “Battle of Psychics” Elena Smelova told how you can attract a job. Of course, each of us dreams of working in a highly paid position, which at the same time does not require any special efforts and does not imply responsibility. Unfortunately, this basically does not happen. How, then, to find a job that would be to your liking and that would pay well for it? Let's try to figure it out.

Ritual for work: wish list

Elena Smelova believes that magic can come to the rescue in the matter of attracting work. According to the clairvoyant, in order to attract work, you just need to conduct a small magical ritual that will concentrate luck and monetary energy on you.

Take a small piece of paper on Friday at exactly 9 pm and sit by the window so that moonlight falls on the sheet. Write on it everything you expect from your future work. For instance: “I want to be respected by my colleagues; I want to have a high salary" etc.

Reread what you have written and fold the paper into a tube. You need to burn the leaf, and throw the ashes out the window. As Elena Smelova said, this simple ritual for work will help you solve your financial problems and find a great position.

Conspiracy to work: how to become successful

There is another effective method to attract good work. To do this, you will need to read a special plot every three hours throughout the day.

For this ritual, you will need a new white handkerchief, which you need to slander. Before going to bed, put a handkerchief on the bed and sprinkle it three times with holy water. Next, you need to read a special conspiracy to work:

“No matter which way I go, no matter which way I choose, everywhere I meet joy. Good luck with me and I with luck. Let it be so".

When you go to the interview, before entering the office, wipe the doorknob with your handkerchief. According to Elena Smelova, this will help you not only attract work, but also attract money luck.

If you want to find a new prestigious job for yourself, in which the bosses will not be atrocious, and your activities will be well paid, then these tips from Elena Smelova will come in handy.

According to Elena, people often turn to her with a request to help them solve such problems. Finding a good job in our time is quite difficult, so this issue will always be relevant. And so that you always have good luck, don't forget to press the buttons

26.03.2014 14:55

In the special issue "The Battle of Psychics" of the 14th season, the producers of the show decided to reveal all the secrets of the backstage life of the participants. ...

On the eve of the release of the “Battle of Psychics” of the new 15th season on TNT, we decided to recall the brightest participants in the project’s past seasons. ...

A person spends most of his life in the service. The well-being and success of the individual depends on it. If the current place does not satisfy materially and psychologically, then you need to find yourself another occupation. Is there a proven rite of passage for finding a new job? Let's analyze the most popular options.

Preparing for rituals

Experienced magicians know that without preliminary action, any witchcraft will not function to its full potential. In order for the best conspiracies and prayers to achieve their goal, it is important to properly prepare. Cleansing rituals will not only get rid of negative energy, but also set you up for positive changes in life.

  1. Spring-cleaning. People do not pay attention to the fact that they are surrounded by a huge number of unnecessary things. We recommend clearing the blockages in the closets and on the balcony, as well as washing the floors and windows in all rooms.
  2. Get rid of negative thoughts. Lack of money leads to the fact that even the most positive person begins to envy others. The influence of destructive energy violates inner harmony and does not allow one to move on to the next step.
  3. Without a "monetary threshold". Often people put a limit on wealth at the mental level. You can’t “order” a certain amount from fate, otherwise, after receiving it, financial failures will come again. In extreme cases, it is easier to wish for a car or an apartment than to put a limit on your own capabilities.

Need to find a new job? Before an important interview, you need to calm down and tune in to a positive result. Remember that the procedure is carried out by experienced psychologists who quickly recognize an indecisive person. Rituals will make you feel more confident and “show” interviewers positive traits.

Classic conspiracy

For a proven ritual to find a position, you need coins and a new white handkerchief. Remember that the last component is purchased a day before the ceremony. In this case, you must not bargain with the seller and do not take the change.

Actions are carried out during the growing moon after sunset. The money is placed tails up in the fabric. Then the words of the conspiracy are repeated three times.

“As clear stars are always with the moon, so money luck will always be with me. I will not complain about my life and will find a good service for myself. In a new place, everything works out for me, and the coins in my wallet are added. Let it be so. Amen".

After reading, the money is wrapped in a scarf, tied in a knot and hidden away from prying eyes. In the morning, you can start looking for a new job. To do this, they buy a newspaper with ads, post a resume or respond to vacancies of interest. The position given by higher powers will no longer slip out of hand.

Honey magnet

The rite to attract financial luck and to increase is carried out for seven days. A suitable period for action is the full phase of the moon. The thin horn of the month is already visible in the sky, so you can start the ritual.

To find a good job, you have to take a honey shower. To do this, they take natural raw materials and smear the body during the hygiene procedure. Performing a ritual, they imagine how troubles go away, and the best offers “stick” to a person.

Then the sweet product is washed off with warm water and ordinary soap or gel. The substance has long been used by magicians in attracting actions, therefore it is also used to improve financial well-being. Remember that the rite is contraindicated for people allergic to honey.

Ritual with candles

Fire is a very strong element that has a dual nature. On the one hand, it destroys everything it touches, and on the other hand, it is a powerful source of energy that preserves life. Our ancestors knew these features, so they often used flame in witchcraft.

Before the ritual, it is necessary to carry out a cycle of cleansing procedures. You need to wear light, loose clothing that will not hinder movement. Still need to take:

  • four candles of different colors (white, beige, green, black);
  • ground cinnamon;
  • patchouli essential oil;
  • towel made of natural fabric;
  • a small bowl;
  • clean water.

The black candle is cut a few centimeters so that it is smaller than the rest of the lights. Gently lubricate the surface with an odorous liquid, light a flame. You need to look at the fire and mentally imagine how failures and lack of money burn in it. They put the element on the table, after which they thoroughly rinse their hands in a container of water.

The remaining candles are sprinkled with cinnamon powder. Lighting the green one, you need to think about a high salary at a new job, and the white one - how you will like the activity. The beige component is ignited last - the most important of all. It is a fixing element that gives energy for all previous actions.

After all the lights burn out, you can go to bed. In the morning, they begin an active search for a new place. The rules have been honed over the centuries, so it is important to adhere to the presented algorithm: in the coming days, get the desired position.

Ritual for a good job

Modern people often do not what they are interested in or like. Finding the best jobs that you like is not always a quick process, which is why many are afraid of running out of money. But there are conspiracies that contribute to undertakings.

Before the ritual, you need to start with cleansing, which is completed by reading any prayer. Then they take:

  • a new ceramic bowl;
  • Matchbox;
  • paper;
  • pen;
  • cinnamon;
  • crushed candied fruits;
  • long fig.

The ceremony is performed in the evening in complete solitude. They sit down at the table and write on the sheet all the requirements that they want from the desired position. It is important to think over the content of the text in advance so as not to forget anything. Then the paper is folded several times, put in a container. Sprinkle grains and spices on top, cover with palms and now you need to imagine yourself in detail at a new job.

In order for the magical actions to work, the procedure must be carried out during the period of the growing moon. The components are poured into boxes and left for three days on the windowsill. The rays of the night star will "charge" the amulet. The talisman is carried with them in a pocket or bag until they find a suitable place.


Ritual for getting a job.

Job search. Ritual of Svarog.

Before the interview

To obtain a highly paid position, they often negotiate with a future employer. If several candidates apply for one vacancy, then people will worry and can make many mistakes. The success of the business depends on inner peace and the help of higher powers.

In front of the building in which the interview is taking place, you need to stop and mentally imagine yourself in the desired position. Then they slowly walk to the door, pronouncing the words of the conspiracy to themselves.

“I am on my way to a new life. Let the owner like my face, character and performance. God, help me, give strength, and confidence, and good luck. Amen".

Now you don't have to worry about the interview. If the place is really good, then it will be yours. Fate will save you from a bad boss and low wages.

Rite on the handle

If instead of an interview they offer to fill out a questionnaire or take a test, then it is better to protect yourself in advance. Magic effects on objects is a proven technique that makes it easier to go to your goal. We offer to enchant an ordinary stationery item.

Actions are carried out on the growing moon. On Friday morning they go to the store, buy a pen and a red thread. Already at home, a church candle is lit, the twine is carefully wound around the body, trying to completely close the entire space.

At this point, you need to imagine how energy penetrates into the object. For three nights, the element of magic is left on the windowsill. Moonlight completes the ritual and "seals" the power within.

While filling out the document, use your stationery. The written text acquires for a short time witchcraft abilities. A person receives the location of the future leadership and the chance to enjoy the benefits of a good position. After being hired, we advise you not to be lazy and show your competence. Otherwise, the spell will dissipate, and with them a new place.

For promotion

What are the best magical conspiracies that can quickly affect career advancement? To make the dream accessible, we recommend trying a proven technique. The success of actions depends on the internal preparation of a person, so you need to carry out cleansing procedures and calm down.

Good luck will bring a piece of birch bark, which must be torn off on the way to work. They take a small bark with them, mentally representing it in the form of a shield. They hide it in the table and pick it up every day, repeating the visualization.

A week later, proceed to the next stage. You need to arrange a conversation with your boss. Before the interview, the words of the prayer to the guardian angel are said three times. Then they touch the birch bark and calmly go to an important meeting. Now you can not be afraid to apply for the best place.

Before taking action, you need to decide whether you need a raise or not. Often a person is not mentally prepared for other powers. We do not recommend engaging in witchcraft for the sake of experiment.

From ill-wishers

Sometimes career advancement is hindered by the intrigues of enemies. They do not allow to work normally and survive from a good position. Do not try to punish or destroy pests: black magic always returns to the original source. We advise you to create a reliable shield.

Within 12 days it is necessary to come to the temple to the image of the Virgin. They put a candle in front of the icon and mentally ask for protection from enemies. When the flame burns down to the middle, they leave the church, distribute alms to all the poor.

The ritual can be supplemented in another way. Candles are placed near faces:

  • guardian angel;
  • nominal saint;
  • Archangel Michael;
  • Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Before each image, they ask for protection from enemies and pests. At this point, you can not hate or get angry at people who want evil. Such humility reflects even the strongest dark magic.

Finding a job

The best specialists often face a problem when it is difficult to find a position. Companies offer uncomfortable hours or low pay. What do you need to do to get the right job?

To find a job and a device in a good place, you need to conduct a simple ceremony. You will need seven shiny coins and two new white handkerchiefs. The fabric is washed, dried and ironed, after which it is laid out for three nights on the windowsill. In the phase of the growing moon, the rays will touch the surface of the element, charging it with cosmic energy.

On the fourth day, money is wrapped in one handkerchief, and seven pinches of consecrated salt are wrapped in another. As it gets dark, they leave the house, bury magic coins under any plant. Professionals advise choosing places where the performer rarely goes.

They return to the dwelling, take a bundle with spice and take it to the nearest crossroads. They tie them to a tree, say: “Paid” and quickly walk back. Then you have to go to bed without talking to anyone. The very next day, you can safely search for a job.

Spells with rituals to work are ancient knowledge that has come down to us from our ancestors. By following simple rules, you can easily find a good place and get it quickly taken. But if you do not fulfill your duties, then magic will not help in your future career.

Reviews about the online conspiracy and good luck are quite good. It is easy to find work in the office and my work is arguing; my strength is growing and getting stronger. The magic of wealth, money, luck, magical conspiracies and rituals, and much more, can be read quickly and for free in this article.

A conspiracy for the husband to find a job and take

Seeing off your husband to the intended place of work, read the prayer "Our Father" and ask God to heed your request. If it happens that the husband is refused, then over time you will understand that another fate was prepared for him by God and soon he will choose the best option for himself. The main thing is not to stop there and pray sincerely, as they say "from the heart." It's so easy to find a high-paying and profitable job.

How to quickly find a job a strong conspiracy

Write on a piece of paper exactly what kind of job you want to find - and the more details you provide, the more likely you are to find the right job. Fold the sheet in three and carry it with you until your idea comes true, after which the paper should be burned. Suitable to be loved at work, everything went well. You can do it on a pen, a poppy, a scarf, and the forum also advises a conspiracy to find a job and a career, a salary for yourself and to be valued and respected and not fired (not cut), it’s worth doing at night.

Conspiracy to find a job on the full moon, on the new moon, on the growing moon (on the growing moon)

A conspiracy to find a job is best done when the moon is in a growing phase - that's when a person can attract good luck and money, and therefore find a reliable source of income.

Put change in your pocket. Go out at midnight on the porch of your dwelling and, looking at the young growing sickle of the month, cast a spell 3 times, sorting through the coins that are in your pocket:

“Grow up for a month, grow up, and give the servant (slave) of God (your name) work and money. Amen".

This way you will be able to find an easy better job, including using employment plots to be read at home before the interview (template attached).

Conspiracies to find a daughter's money job

Seeing off her daughter in search of work, the mother should read the prayer “Our Father” after her.

And the daughter herself will be able to bring good luck to her side if, crossing the threshold of the institution, she utters a conspiracy: “Your house, your roof, and I am higher!” By the way, this conspiracy helps not only when applying for a job, but also when you enter the penates of a school or university to take exams. For a specific test and so that they don’t find fault with you, this solution will be optimal.

Conspiracies work and career

If you want to move up the career ladder, then before you take your workplace, whisper a conspiracy: “Your house, your roof, and I am higher!”. You will see, soon you will be noticed and offered a higher paying position. Who helped the conspiracy, and what were the consequences for the desire to work, you can find out in the comments.

The best, “universal” prayer for every day is the prayer “Our Father!”. It also contains words in a modern presentation that sound like “give us our daily bread for this day.” It is clear that the word "bread" also refers to the means necessary to meet the daily needs and needs of oneself and one's family.

Say this prayer every morning and before entering the central office of the proposed place of work.

Conspiracies to find work for work took the son

The desire of every mother for happiness and well-being for her child is the natural desire of every parent. Sometimes it is so strong that mothers resort to magical rites. In this case, this should not be done.

Words of help in finding a job or other urgent need, addressed to God and coming from the depths of a mother's heart, are better than a conspiracy. The main thing is to pray from the heart, and the words will come up on their own, and the Guardian Angel will warn your son against mistakes and direct him on the path that he is destined to go through and you need to put up with it.

Conspiracies to find work on the water

Before you go to an interview, take the water consecrated in the church, wash your face and do not wipe your face until the water dries itself. Say three times: “Lord, help!” and take three more sips of holy water. Now you can safely go to the place of future work. But you don't need to pour water down the toilet to find a job you like and the boss was good.

If you do everything exactly as written - good luck will accompany you not only when you need to find a job, but also in other life situations.

Conspiracies to find work from Vanga

Vanga, in difficult situations, called for help from the Guardian Angel, which every person has, with the words: “My angel, be with me. You are ahead, and I am behind you!” If your prayer was heard, then you will be given to know about it. Sometimes it is done at the new moon, Saint Tryphon is mentioned, they say “work work go to fedot, I will come here on Saturday” and this is for a rich or vocation work.

An old strong conspiracy to find a good job for Easter

This is a very strong conspiracy and you can only pronounce it on the eve of the bright Resurrection of Christ, before you break the fast with the consecrated Easter cake.

Sanctify yourself three times with the sign of the cross and give praise to God for his deeds. Then say: “Send down, Lord, to your servant (slave) (name), feasible work and daily bread! Amen.". Now you can start eating. So that everything is good at work and there is success, you should not leave money with the fortune teller, because for the old new year such magic and a charm for work is within the power of everyone.

Conspiracies to find a job of the Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova

The plot is pronounced 3 times on a piece of bread sprinkled with salt, which then needs to be eaten on an empty stomach.

“I go to bars, neither young nor old. I'm going to contract - the owner will come in handy. My face is sweet, my soul is not ashamed. Everyone marvels at me, admires my words. Lord Jesus Christ - our God, have mercy on us at every hour. Amen.". It will also help to be treated well at work, to improve work, goes to a calm, fruitful, permanent, prestigious, profitable job.

Conspiracies to work white magic

If you can’t find the job you want, then it’s not necessary to make a conspiracy for Christmas. If you think that after reading the conspiracy, you will immediately find yourself the right and highly paid job, you are deeply mistaken. The conspiracy only contributes to the creation of conditions for the fulfillment of desires, and all the "rough" work - to run around in search of work, or to study the offered vacancies printed in the newspaper, you will have to do it yourself.

White magic offers the following conspiracy, which must be whispered on a new handkerchief on a new moon, which you will always carry with you afterwards:

“It will be for me, God's servant (name),
success along the way.
When I go, I will find a job.
I won’t let go of my luck, Amen.”

Conspiracy to work for cream

This conspiracy to the profession of your dreams can be carried out if it is possible to buy homemade milk from a cow. 9 tablespoons of cream are removed from it into a white cup without a pattern, and at the same time they say:

“So that I don’t grieve, -
drank milk and cream.
As I step - I will find gold,
I will live, live,
For a century I do not know grief.

Then you need to drink everything to the drop, taking 3 large sips. In a maximum of a month you will get a decent and well-paid job. It is also appropriate for a return (return, to be returned to work, called) to the necessary, excellent work.

Conspiracies for work consequences

Conspiracies for work, in fact, like any magical rites, can have negative consequences for the one who resorted to them, having despaired of finding a job in the usual way, because you have to pay for everything.

Therefore, it is still better to resort to them in the most extreme cases. It is much safer to read the usual prayer “Our Father”, which will give strength and self-confidence to a true believer to a greater extent than occult magic.

Conspiracy for the keys to work

In the old days, there was a custom, the essence of which boils down to "spell" the keys. It was understood that using such keys, you can protect the place from which you receive income from the penetration of thieves and attract money to yourself.

The custom has not found wide distribution due to the fact that the plot is quite long, and you need to pronounce it daily so that no one interferes with you, which is difficult to implement in our fast-paced time.

Work is one of the life priorities of every person. And, of course, everyone dreams that the position he occupies is not only beloved, but also brings financial well-being. And this is very difficult in the current conditions of high competition and economic instability. Difficult, but not for those who are familiar with magical prayers and conspiracies to get a good and well-paid job.

There are a great many conspiracies for work. They act in different ways: they help in finding a job, help to get a position, give good luck, provide a salary increase or career growth. They are all united by the general principles of implementation:

  • reading time - the phase of the growing moon. The growth of the luminary guarantees success in business affairs. The best day to conspire to work is Saturday. Rituals designed for career growth, salary increases or bonuses are recommended to be read on Wednesday (the day has a strong monetary energy).
  • belief in conspiracy it is imperative that the magical rite act in the right direction. At the slightest doubt and self-doubt, the conspiracy will be useless;
  • secrecy. You can’t tell anyone about the ritual, even if the new position is already in your hands - someone else’s energy can lead to obstacles.

And remember that the conspiracy is only aimed at helping you find a high-paying job, and not presenting it on a silver platter. All responsibility for finding and obtaining a position falls entirely on your shoulders, and the final result will depend on your actions alone.

Effective rites for getting a job and a successful career

Strong conspiracy to find a good job

The ritual is used when a long job search is unsuccessful. On the new moon or the growing moon, you need to buy a new white handkerchief and speak it on the same day:

“I whisper-whisper: God’s servant (his name) will have good luck on the road, success in work. Wherever I go, I will find a job there. I can’t see failures, I can’t hear the word “no”. Amen!"

The plot is pronounced 7 times. The handkerchief is then worn as a talisman. During the first month, all problems with finding a place and employment should be resolved.

For an interview

It is read before an interview with a potential boss, helps to win his favor from the first minutes of the conversation. The plot is pronounced 3 times before entering the head's office.

“I go to the bar, not young and not old. I'm going to get hired and show myself to the owner. My face is sweet to him, my soul is not ashamed. Everyone would be surprised at me, the owners would smile and be touched by my words. He will not be able to drive away a baptized soul. Lord Jesus, our God, have mercy on us all at any hour. Amen".

To be good at work

When a new job is in your pocket, you should try to fit in with the new team and successfully cope with your responsibilities in order to pass the probationary period. For such a case, this conspiracy from troubles at work is suitable. You need to read it for several days in a row, before leaving the house, or on the way to work. Text:

“I go like a successful fisher, I will enter like a brave merchant. I am a lion, I am a wolf, I am a fox, I have stairs everywhere. Who, maybe others, is lower, but I am everywhere and always above everyone. Let me be loved and revered, they invite me to a high position. All the words I said, be strong and sculpt. Amen".

Another strong conspiracy, see this video:

From the boss's chicanery

“I have lips, I have teeth. With my lips - I eat away, with my teeth - I gnaw out all kinds of evil and all sorts of nit-picking. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

To find a job with a big salary

Someone is just looking for a source of income, and someone is trying to find a well-paid job. For people belonging to the second group, I advise you to use this conspiracy:

“Belun-father, scatter coins from your bag in front of me. Serve and earn. I ask not for gifts, I ask for a well-deserved one, help me find a job on the shoulder and moshne.

From detractors in the workplace

It is read when one of your colleagues haunts you at work, envies and sets you up, wishes you harm. To perform the ceremony, you need to buy on Wednesday, without bargaining, a glass of honey. On the new moon, honey dissolves in warm water, while speaking:

“People fall for him. Let everyone love me the same way, feed me with bread and salt. They let them into the house, they put them at the table, they pour sweet wine and serve magnificent pies. They kiss on the lips and cheeks, pamper with caress. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!"

They wash their face with water and honey for 12 days in a row.

For a pay rise

The purpose of the ceremony is to help in raising wages, in extreme cases - in obtaining a bonus. A coin of any denomination is spoken, which is subsequently placed at the performer's workplace. She is placed so that she does not catch the eye of strangers. Also, no one should take the coin. Text:

“Thank you, Lord: I fish, and You send me a catch. Let my catch grow and flourish with wealth, so as not to know and not to count money. The Lord will not forget me, good will come to me for the glory of the Lord. Amen - 3 times ”.

To help other people

It is used when you need to help your family and friends find a job. It is read for food that is served to a person in need of work.

“Sharing my strength and my light. Let the dear heart find what he is looking for. Let him find what he wants and attract happiness. His soul will rejoice, and my soul will rejoice. Strong is my conspiracy, like my love.”

Fortune telling today with the help of the Tarot "Card of the Day" layout!

For correct divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you're ready, draw a card:

About, how to get good luck at work, many think. It is difficult to do this, but nothing is impossible. It is enough to arm yourself with the necessary knowledge. Here various sciences and practices, signs and conspiracies come to the rescue. If you combine them, you can get a recipe for how to become lucky.

The thought is material

Luck is picky. She goes into the hands of not everyone. A person who does not believe in himself and his strength will never be able to grab a fastidious lady by the tail. Therefore, the first step should be self-awareness, recognition of one's own capabilities.

Most esotericists agree that a person has huge reserves. You can open them by getting rid of negative thoughts and replacing them with positive settings.

That's enough daily use the right affirmations and setting yourself up for victory. Affirmations are short, capacious phrases that contain the necessary settings. Experts say that their regular repetition will gradually lead to the fact that the program being laid down will start working.

And here is affirmation examples to bring good luck at work

On this day I will find the job of my dreams, because I deserve it!

All the necessary people have an interest in my resume data.

My knowledge and work experience attract employers.

I am a determined person, so I show my knowledge and skills in a position that I love!

I can be a contender for competition in any economic field, as I have the necessary qualifications and talent!

I am a responsible person! This or that boss was lucky to work with me!

Every time I talk to an employer, I assure him of my importance in the enterprise.

I am confident in my talents! To date, my career growth is actively increasing!

I make it clear to the employer, at each of our conversations, that I do not doubt my abilities.

Employers trust me and feel my energy, communicating with me in person.

I can have a dialogue. I trust myself.

I have to get a job that I'll be happy with! And without any pretexts, I will start the search today!

If a start has been made, a person began to feel more confident, you can move on to folk magic.

Work cannot appear on its own, so it must be actively sought. And conspiracies and rituals will help you not to miss what should be yours and get around possible competitors.

On the eve of an important interview, take two tablespoons of salt, sugar and rice. They must be poured in turn on a saucer with a golden border. Should be a small hill. An open pin should be stuck into its top. You can’t touch all this anymore, it’s best to put it in a secluded place so that no one can destroy the structure. In the morning, the pin must be pinned to your own clothes from the wrong side.

To attract good luck, you can make a kind amulet. In a small leather bag, you need to add coins of all existing denominations. There you also need to add a bay leaf, a pea of ​​black and allspice and a bird feather. Any bird can be, but the amulet has great power if the feather is bright. The finished bag should be hung in your room or never moved from place to place.

Universal conspiracy to find a good job

It will help to get a job and a specially prepared and charmed coin. If you are invited for an interview, immediately look into your wallet and select the largest metal money. Until the evening, it should be carried in your pocket, then put under the pillow at night. In the morning, the coin should be firmly held in the palm of your hand and whisper to it about what you expect from the new day, ask for help and assistance. Then the amulet must be put back in your pocket and go about your business.

The next ritual must be performed on Thursday evening. For him, you will need to find a secluded place in the garden or park where no one walks. Having dug a shallow hole, a large coin, a live bug and a remnant should be placed in it, then covered with earth. In the process of performing these actions, it is necessary to pronounce a conspiracy:

Faster than soap, let my bad luck end,

Replace him with good luck in all matters.

As the bug gets out into the light,

So luck and money will come to me.

How to bring back lost luck

If a black streak has come in life, do not despair. It will definitely change to white. But you can't just sit and wait. How to attract good luck in work and money in this case? You can use special rituals and conspiracies.

First you need to cleanse yourself of bad thoughts. If you are sure that someone deliberately deprived you of your luck, try to get rid of the negativity towards this person. Ask for forgiveness from all those who deservedly or undeservedly could offend. As soon as you feel lightness and peace inside yourself, proceed to magic.

On Sunday morning, pour water into a glass. It must be consecrated or spring. Take a slice of black bread. Sit at the table and light a candle in front of you. Then take the bread in your left hand and the glass in your right. In this position, look at the flame of a candle and say a conspiracy:

« The Lord God gave people life, and bread, and his mercy. Jesus Christ brought faith and hope, saved from inevitable death. Give me back my fickle luck. Take away evil people with unclean thoughts. Let us do charitable, bright and pure deeds, and bring benefits to our neighbors. Take away my failure, let him curl up like a snake in a distant lair. Let him not go outside, neither drink, nor eat, nor breathe. Amen»

After that, eat the prepared bread to the smallest crumb and wash it down with water. Extinguish the candle and take it to the church. There, put the Savior in front of the icon and ask him for help.

To strengthen the conspiracy, give alms to those who ask. At the same time, whisper to yourself: "What I give, it will return to me a hundredfold."

How to arrange a workplace

We learned, how to attract good luck and find a good job. But you can’t stop there, because the action of the rituals ends sooner or later.

First of all, the workplace needs order. Then the flows of positive energy will circulate freely, and the negative will have nowhere to be born. Therefore, never arrange a dump of folders, documents, directories and other things on the table. Even if all this is necessary for work, put what you are not currently using in the appropriate boxes.

Never keep unnecessary papers on the table. Throw them away right away. The trash can also needs to be emptied regularly, without waiting for the evening and the arrival of cleaners. If there is too much used paper around you, you run the risk of getting stuck in your business in one place.

Be sure to keep a plant on the table. It not only dispels negative energy, but also adds strength, cheers up.

Having used all the above rituals and conspiracies, get ready for the fact that you will have to work hard. However, success awaits you, as it will definitely turn out to attract good luck in work. .
