A conspiracy to get a good job. Church candle spell

We devote a lot of time to work. Most often this is done simply so that there is something to live for. No one gives money just like that. I just want to do more than just “ramble”, performing tedious actions (even if the payment is satisfactory). Work should also bring pleasure, because creativity lurks in the soul of every person, wanting to break free. How to combine such different things? Have you tried to use The consequences are so incredible that it is sometimes difficult to foresee them. Get in touch if interested.

Preparing for Magic

You know that we shape events with our thoughts, colored by feelings? Almost no one argues with this anymore, because it is useless. It is necessary to take advantage of such an unusual discovery. This is what you are recommended to do when you start reading the conspiracy to work. The consequences of such actions will be satisfying if you understand everything correctly. In fact, it is quite simple, even when you don’t know where you would like to work. Imagine coming home from work, experiencing an unprecedented elation from everything that happened that day. Surely everyone has had this feeling at least once in their life. Remember. Do not begin magical actions without fully experiencing this incredible pleasure - satisfaction. Otherwise, the conspiracy to work will not help you in any way. The consequences will either disappoint or upset him. Is this what you are striving for?

What else do you need to know to avoid mistakes?

Those who are seriously interested in the topic have probably heard a lot of unflattering reviews about magician-advisers who give out recipes online and in real life. It’s just easier to blame other people’s mistakes than to admit your own. The fact is that conspiracies and prayers for work are effective in certain, sharply defined cases. One of the frameworks is faith. If you don’t get rid of every last bit of doubt, then don’t get down to business. Nothing will happen. A person who skeptically reads a conspiracy to work, then scoops up the consequences in handfuls, and with tears. A negative attitude towards magic can cause revenge from those forces to which you appeal. Therefore, it is better to treat everything that happens with humor, but not with criticism or skepticism. Although, you are the master of your life. You don't have to listen to the recommendations. Yes, you will also have to get rid of envy of more successful colleagues, anger at competitors and similar nonsense. Don't clutter the mental space around you with such things. Otherwise, the forces may mistake your thoughts for wishes. Can you imagine what will happen?

Conspiracy to “find a good job”

Let's start with magic for young people and those who are still enduring boring service. Naturally, it’s not worth quitting right now. But you can conjure up a more suitable activity for yourself. Of course, an effective conspiracy will help with this. You can find a good job if you learn the following words. They are said every time you leave the house (even if you do it ten times a day). The words are as follows: “Mikhailo the Archangel drives a pitchfork, catches my words. He pinches my deeds, seals my desires, blesses me with his hand. He considers my talents and puts them into action. Michael the Archangel will stand before the Lord. His good will will attract me. I have the Lord's servant (name), a powerful magician. Everything I wish will be so. Amen!"

Consequences of the conspiracy

Of course, everyone is interested in how long such strange words will need to be muttered and what, in fact, to expect. People who have verified this conspiracy say a variety of things. Some came across a very suitable recruitment advertisement right on the street. Others were told this by friends. Some received information almost from heaven. They say that there were also those who were told by random people in transport where they urgently needed to get a job. There were cases when the future boss made the wrong phone number. You understand that in favor of the one who used a strong conspiracy to work. You need to be careful here. Information will literally attack you. Only the methods she usually chooses are not the most “official”. Have time to understand and realize this, reacting as necessary. Otherwise, you will have to read conspiracies for a long time.

To get a job in a specific place

You need to cast a spell differently if you know exactly where you want to go to work. Although you also need to set your thoughts positively, without any “what if...”. We learn the plot “Get a job.” Then we act according to plan, without retreating one iota. You need to go to the store and buy something that characterizes this place and is associated with it. The cook gets an apron or ladle, the employee gets a pen, the accountant gets a calculator or abacus, and so on. You'll figure it out yourself. Moreover, the effectiveness of the ritual depends on your associations. Here it is better not to take advice, but to rely on yourself. We place the selected item near the front door. There he must “rest” for three days. Then a conspiracy is read against him. It goes like this: “I harness a golden mare, I sit in a golden chariot. I am going to where they are always waiting for me (name the place of future service). They love me there, respect me, and don’t offend me with refusals or bans. There will be no turning back for me when I enter their gates. Neither today nor any other day they are too lazy to accept me. No one says a bad word. They are waiting for my appearance, they will never let you down. I am baptized, I pray, I will not be deceived in my faith. Amen!" And now the main thing! Take the enchanted thing to where you want to work and “forget” there.

Vanga's conspiracies for work

It is believed that the seer helped many ordinary people. Times were difficult then, not like now. Without income, you could die of hunger. So she taught the unfortunate people a small conspiracy. He helped people find a place where they could not only feed themselves, but also have enough for their family. This does not mean that even now he will only allow you to find money for food. If you consider that times are different these days, you will definitely attract good luck into your life. Moreover, the one that is assigned to you from the Higher Powers. That is, it helps to remove obstacles that people create for themselves with wrong thoughts and attitudes. And also protect yourself from enemies and envious people. They talk about a new thing that you should carry with you. It could be some kind of nonsense like a handkerchief or a cheap bracelet. And the words are: “Lord my God. I stand before You! I pray that you save me and protect me from enemies. I pray to the Holy One to help and protect all the army. Ivan the Theologian and John the Long-Sufferer, John the Headless and Ivan the Postilite, Michael the Archangel and Nicholas the Wonderworker. And Praskova the Great Martyr, Faith, Love and Nadezhda with their mother Sophia. I, the Lord's servant (name), stand under your holy shield. Let him protect and protect me! Amen!"

May you be lucky in your current service

Not everyone is going to change jobs. Many people are generally satisfied with what they have. Only there is no luck on it. Or the salary brings tears. Sometimes the boss (colleagues) evoke such feelings that it’s time to quit such a service, but there is no other. And, in principle, why should you give up the job that suits you? Don't pay attention to some rough edges. They can be dealt with by magical means. Will help with work. It is recommended to learn and read it at the place of duty. If the troubles are strong enough, then write it in your own hand on a blank piece of paper and hide it there. The text is: “Lord, have mercy. Jesus Christ, be with me, Your son (daughter), now and always, at all times. In Adam's garden, green grass grows under a mighty tree. It blooms once every millennium. I walk closer to her, bend down lower. Overcome the grass, I didn’t plant you, someone else watered you, I only praised you. The earth gave birth to you, the dew filled you with moisture, the sun warmed you and told you to bloom. I glorify you, I ask and beg you. Help the Lord servant (name) cope with everything. Let everything go well around me. It will not be destroyed by the enemy, nor will it be strangled by the evil eye. Overcome the grass, take away evil people, bring me to success! Amen!"

Only from enemies and competitors

If the troubles you encounter at work are caused by certain people, then do not hesitate to use magic. They say that the image of a dome that a person mentally builds around himself helps. It's rational. And it is recommended to add to this mental image the following simple conspiracy: “Lord Almighty, the ruler of fate protects me, protects me from evil. I am not afraid of an evil eye, a bad word, black anger, or a vile envious person. I'm protected! Luck is open to me! Amen!" You can repeat it when you feel threatened. Remember to imagine yourself surrounded by a golden dome. Then nothing bad will happen.

Consequences of a protective plot

Critics of magical methods sometimes simply do not understand what to pay attention to. This is where their dissatisfaction comes from. Conspiracies and rituals do not at all transport you to the “other world”. They act in different directions. Firstly, they change the attitude of all actors to the situation. You become calmer, and the enemies are distracted and look for another target. Grumps are magically cured of grumbling, bosses of anger, colleagues of envy. As a last resort, they leave for another duty station. That's all the magic. When you cast a spell, don’t wish anything bad on anyone, and everything will definitely calm down and get better.

So that the salary grows

There are situations when you are happy with everything in the service except your income. In this case, it is recommended to use work. Their action is twofold. Either they will pay you what they should, or you will receive an offer “that is difficult to refuse.” The goal will be achieved. Should be read on the waxing moon. Take a regular coin. Speak to her like this: “Lord, thank you. I catch the fish that You send me! Dexterous and quick, there will be an ear soon. Send me, Lord, a rich catch for me, so that I don’t know grief, don’t count the money. Amen!" Place the charmed coin in a secret place right at the service. Wait. The results will appear very soon.

Work conspiracies work for almost everyone. If you are in the minority for whom improvements are problematic, then re-analyze your aspirations. Most likely, your thoughts have gone down the wrong path. You strive to go where it will be bad. Sometimes they protect us from big trouble. Think carefully and try again.


A job that promises good earnings and career advancement is desired by almost everyone, but finding it can be considered a real gift of fate, which is not given to everyone. For some, both a career and a decent salary remain a pipe dream, and all their lives they have to adapt to the whims of employers and listen to unjustified attacks.

If you can’t find a worthy place in life, a conspiracy that attracts good luck when looking for a job or already getting a job can serve as a good help. Such a ritual will allow you to achieve both a good salary and proper assessment of your merits. You can find a new job or win over a previously strict boss, as well as quickly earn the trust of the team and enjoy authority among your subordinates and colleagues.

Recommendations for conducting rituals to find a good job

In order for the effect of the conspiracies to be maximum, it is important to adhere to the following rules:

Time for the ceremony. Since the ritual is expected to increase income, promote careers and increase a person’s authority, all good luck spells when hiring should be carried out only on the waxing Moon. So the night luminary itself should influence the course of the process, and if you want speedy career growth and take a high position, the ritual is performed on Saturday. It is this day that can have the strongest influence on a person’s destiny and set its course in the desired direction. If a person wants a stable or growing income, then he can achieve his plans after the ceremony performed on Wednesday. This day of the week is responsible for your material condition, so all money rituals performed on Wednesday can give the most significant results.

A person’s persistent faith in the power of the ritual being performed. Whatever is undertaken in order to get a good meta job, whatever prayers are read before an interview at a company or when submitting documents, they must be accompanied by a sincere belief in the positive consequences of the rituals. If there are any fears or doubts about the correctness of actions, then it is better to immediately abandon the conspiracy; with such an attitude, it will still be of little use. All doubts and groundless fears only create an emotional and psychological block on the path to success and do not allow all a person’s desires to come true.

Complete confidentiality. The conspiracy should be carried out in compliance with all the rules, including the requirement of non-disclosure of the details of the ritual. If strangers find out about the ritual, this will not only reduce or stop its effect, but can also turn against the person performing it, becoming not a help in a career, but the cause of its collapse.

If you follow all the rules and believe in yourself, then magical rituals will become a good helper on the way to a good salary, a career and respect from colleagues and management.

Rite for good luck in finding a job

Conspiracies that attract good luck in employment can turn out to be not only a means of helping to obtain a stable, profitable job, but also an elixir that will change a person’s life, freeing him from excessive self-doubt, from doubts about the correctness of decisions made, and from haunting failures.

Both prayer and conspiracy give a good emotional charge and inspire confidence that success is just around the corner. Therefore, if you can’t find a job or get a promotion, you shouldn’t wait for the weather by the sea. You need to seek magical help from conspiracies designed to bring good luck.

Spell on a scarf

To get hired for the job you want, you can perform a fairly simple ritual with a handkerchief. When the month begins to grow outside the window, you need to buy an exclusively white handkerchief and say it on the same day:

“I whisper and whisper, God’s servant (name) will have good luck on the road, success in his work. Wherever I go, I will find work. I don’t see any refusals, I don’t hear the word “no”. Amen!"

The plot is read three times, and then the scarf is always carried with you. For the amulet resulting from the conspiracy to take effect, a month is enough. Sometimes what you want can be achieved even earlier.

Ritual for success

Siberian healers use their ritual to speed up the fulfillment of desires, including when applying for a job. The value of this ritual is that many generations have already tested its effectiveness and found their calling.

Every day, at sunrise, the following plot is read:

“God help me, Jesus save me! Help me solve my problem, find a job, get money! Improve my life and achieve success! Amen!"

The ritual should be carried out daily until the plan is realized and the person gets the desired job. We can say with confidence that within the next month everything will work out perfectly.

Rite of choice for employee

If all interesting vacancies have been sent

resume and all you have to do is wait for employers to respond to a person’s offer of their services, you can carry out a ritual that will help you get a new position. This conspiracy is designed to facilitate the conversation with the future leader. Therefore, you should read it on the way to the interview:

“I’m walking along the road, heading into a new life! The owner liked me, he liked my face, I liked my character, I was surprised by my ability to work. So that everyone will be touched, surprised and overjoyed! God help me, give me strength, confidence and good luck! Amen!"

They read the plot seven times, and after that it will become a reliable defense at the interview, give strength and inspire confidence in a positive decision.

Magic ritual for water

This strong conspiracy for work is prescribed by Vanga herself and acts extremely quickly, helping to quickly hire the desired position. To carry out the ritual, you need to take a glass filled with holy water, onto which the plot of the legendary Vanga is read:

“The power of water, help me! So that the gold merchants would hire me to work with them, so that they would not offend me with gold or deprive me of attention. I will show myself as the best master of all masters, the best expert of all experts. Everyone will rejoice and marvel at me, and bestow gold and honors on me! Amen!"

The words are repeated three times, and then the water that has just been spoken is drunk. If everything is done correctly, you won’t have to wait long for everything planned to be accomplished.

Ritual for career growth

If you have a job, but you want to achieve more and move up the career ladder, then you can perform a ritual for success. It’s a shame when a talented employee does not receive the attention of his superiors for a long time, performing routine work that has long been mastered. It is for this situation that a simple but effective ritual is suitable, which is performed during the waning month, at midnight on Sunday.

Several not very small coins are poured into a pre-purchased handkerchief, while saying the following words:

“I’m not putting coins, but I’m giving a ransom!”

Now you can wrap up the coins, tying a scarf in a knot, and go into the forest. Here a person has to find a birch tree. If this is not possible, then a birch tree can be found in a neighborhood park or in a forest park outside the city. The main thing is that there are no people in the vicinity, and all further actions are carried out without unnecessary witnesses. When you are convinced of this, you need to bury the coins wrapped in a scarf at the roots of the tree, saying:

“Just as animals work in the forests and meadows, so I, God’s servant (name), work, I don’t see the white light, I don’t straighten my back. Send, God, grace to me, a well-deserved reward for my efforts, for my merits. Glory to you! Amen!"

The cherished words are spoken seven times, and after fulfilling all the requirements of the ritual, they return home.

The effect of the ritual on career growth can be expected in the first weeks of the month. The merits will be appreciated by management, and soon the desired promotion will be offered.

A woman is the keeper of the hearth and the protector of the family in all nations and at all times. The desire for prosperity and confidence in the future among representatives of the fair half cannot be called mercantile. Not needing money, providing an education and a good foundation for your children is a natural desire.

It’s quite difficult to look at a man who suffers from unfulfilled ambitions and plans. Especially if you love him and want only the best. If a streak of failures and career troubles befalls a husband or son, a woman can try to help him. “Household magic” will strengthen spiritual strength, give a special energy message and support at the level of prayer spells. It is not for nothing that they say that the person for whom they pray grows wings behind his back and the hand of the Lord remains over him in all his deeds.

Important to remember! When conducting ceremonies and rituals to strengthen the male spirit, do not forget about your mental balance. Support the breadwinner in all his endeavors, pray for him. Despite disagreements and quarrels in the family, always bless him before going to work by simply crossing him.

All rituals must be carried out with certain preparation. You cannot tell anyone that you are planning to make a strong conspiracy so that your son finds a good job. Even home magic requires discipline and observance of the sacrament.

Briefly about the rules

  1. It is recommended to carry out a conspiracy for the husband to find a well-paid job at the very beginning of the work week.
  2. It is advisable to read all conspiracies and rituals during the waxing moon. Otherwise, you may get the opposite result.
  3. During the proofreading period, try to think positively.
  4. You need to believe with all your heart and soul that good luck will come and fortune will smile on your family. No doubt is allowed.

Handkerchief plot for the success of your beloved

To carry out a ritual conspiracy, a woman will need a new white handkerchief (you can buy it the day before or take one that is already in the house). People say that this conspiracy was passed down to people from Vanga herself. Above the scarf you need to say the following words:

“I whisper and whisper. I'm telling a conspiracy. The servant of God (name of husband or son) will have good luck in all his paths and achievements in his work. Wherever he goes, he will find work everywhere. There is no word for him not to hear denials. 3 times Amen."

After reading the prayer over the scarf, put it in your husband’s pocket. This month he will be promoted to his desired position or offered a new job.

We ask the moon for help

On the new moon, buy a new wallet, which you then need to give to your husband. Place 3 banknotes of any denomination in your wallet. At night, when the moon has risen, stand by the window, press your wallet to your lips and say the following words:

“Let there always be money in your wallet, the servant of God (husband’s name) lives in abundance. Let him be valued and honored at work, I conjure him with God’s word, no one will unlock him. Amen!"

The following ritual can be done by the wife for the husband or by the husband himself. You need to put some change in your pocket, go out onto the porch of your house at exactly midnight and look at the new moon. Slowly cast the spell 3 times, going through the coins in your pocket. Spell text:

“Grow a month, grow up, and give God’s servant (name) work and money. Let it be so. Amen".

Plot for a desk chair

If you need to overcome one of the steps of the career ladder, then before sitting down at your workplace, you can say in a whisper:

“Your house, your roof, and I am higher!”

After a short time, the person will move to a more suitable position. The plot will be more effective if, for some time before this, the husband drinks holy water.

Helping our man

To carry out the ritual you will need a candle, a blank sheet of paper and a regular pencil. We write our cherished desire (“to help my husband find a job”, “so that my son will stop being unemployed”) on paper. Remember: the more specifically you describe the desired result, the more accurately it will come true.

Then you need to set the leaf on fire. At this time, we whisper what is written on it (we repeat the wish out loud). We collect the ashes and scatter them to the wind. It is advisable to spend it late at night during the waxing moon.

“In the morning I’ll get up and braid my hair. I will say a prayer to God and say to the Mother of God: Mother, don’t you know how much I love (my husband’s name) and wish only good things. Give me that scroll where everything about him is written. I will burn it and write again - who he is and that he has countless riches. Whatever work he desires, that is what is destined for him. Amen"

We read the plot over the candles

Mother’s prayers are the most powerful energy shields and blocks that protect a person from evil. The text is strong and you need to carry it out only with good thoughts and without getting angry with your child. Light a candle and read the words:

“Let my son, the servant of the Lord (son’s name), not hear refusal and renunciation. Not today and not tomorrow. Not on any day or year. Wherever his foot goes, everywhere there is praise and honor. Amen"

Ritual for a high-paying job: real experience

When the crisis began, my husband lost his job. He is an educated person and understands the business, but he is not very pushy. Very constrained. And he began to fade before our eyes, so worried about his unemployment. I am a believer and I’m afraid to get involved in rituals or deal with candles. Although my friend has long advised me one way. When things got really bad, I decided too.

For the ceremony, it was necessary to take a seedling and plant it. During boarding, think about nothing but the new job and the success of your son. So, I did. I carefully looked after the new tree and prayed near it. As soon as the tree became strong, the son brought the good news to the house. And everything went well for him. The stronger the tree became, the higher my husband's financial condition.

Help of prayer

Not every person feels the strength and ability to practice magic and use spells. In this case, you can simply pray, sending the necessary emotions. The chosen prayer must be read every day, directing all your thoughts to the only desire - for your husband to work and have a good income.

Prayer should always be read with faith in the heart, without extraneous thoughts and desires. It is necessary that no one interferes or distracts during the process. You need to pray quietly, without fuss and haste. This ritual needs to be repeated for several months. Sometimes, the result appears after a week, but it can take several months. Strengthen your spirit, believe in your man and wait for good news.

Spells to find a good job

To get hired

If there is a suitable money job, but you don’t yet know whether they will take you there, but you want to be hired, do so. Towards noon, light a candle and, looking into the flame, speak out loud (you can look into a book).

“I’m riding, riding on a forged chariot, on a golden mare. Wherever I go, they are waiting for me, they love and respect me, they do not offend me with refusal. There is no refusal for me today, nor tomorrow, nor the day before yesterday, nor the day after tomorrow, nor on any day, month or year, glory and honor always awaits me. No one will say a word against me, no one will refuse me anything, open doors will greet me, everyone loves me, everyone believes me. Cross by cross, the matter has a good ending! Amen".
Repeat continuously until the candle burns out.

Plot to find a job with a good salary

Plant any plant - tree, bush, flower - in the ground or in a pot at home. When you plant, say without stopping, the more times, the better:

“I plant soot, I bless it to grow. Blossom and grow, bring me goodness. So my new business will blossom and bring me goodness.”

Afterwards, be sure to take care of the plant. As long as it lives and grows, you will have a money business. If for some reason the plant dies or grows poorly, without delay, plant a new one and repeat the whole ritual.

Spell to find a job quickly

Go to the forest in the morning, find a larger stump there, go up to it and say out loud:

“Hello, stump, dear friend. You lived and lived, you were a tall tree, you saw a lot. Show me where the good work is. I’ll sit on a stump and find a job in three days.”

Afterwards, you need to sit on a stump and sit silently for a minute, trying not to think about anything. Then get up, mentally or out loud thank the stump and leave without looking back.

To find a cash job

In the first half of the day, take a whole loaf of bread and say it out loud,
you can use the book:

“Bread-bread, you are the head of everything, everyone reveres you, bows to the waist, greets you joyfully. So, wherever I go, they greet me joyfully, greet me, accept me, invite me to work, reward me with big money, say thank you, and even tell me to come.”

Then cut the bread in half, feed half to the birds, the other half
eat at lunch.

To get a good job

Every day, just after waking up and not yet getting out of bed, with your eyes closed, repeat three times in a whisper or to yourself:

“Where I am going - I know that I am asking - is mine, all obstacles will go away, the enemy’s power will fly away, luck will come to me, I will rightfully get the best job. So be it.”

Conspiracies from A.M. Krasnova
Conspiracy to find a good job

“The stars in the sky go their own way, the sun in the sky goes its own way, and you, clear month, move in your own way - so let me, the servant of God (name), have my own way in the world of earth and heaven, sublunary and celestial. On that path I will find a golden house, in the house there is a golden throne, on that throne is my work, given to me by our Lord for joy, happiness, luck, wealth. The thing is waiting for me - it won’t wait, no one but me will get it, neither old nor young, nor a mature husband, nor red-haired, nor black, nor white, nor fair-haired, nor gray-haired. Bring me, Lord, to that throne, put that matter in my hands, so that I can live comfortably, without grief and adversity, for Your glory, the Lord, for myself and for the good of all people. Let it be so. Amen".

A conspiracy to get what you need from your boss or official

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, be merciful to me, Your sinful servant (name), - you see, my cause is right, I am pure before you in my thoughts, so help me, for the correct solution of my request, bless the hearts of the mighty of this world soften, pacify, turn to help me. I go to them with kindness - let them greet me with kindness, greet me, not drive me out of the doorway, but invite me to their place, greet me with a kind word, reward me with a kind deed. Good morning! With God, With God, With God. Amen".

Conspiracies from Maria Bazhenova
Spell on the pen to have luck with work

“Hand to hand, order in my head, money in my purse, luck with me! Amen".

Advice from the great Vanga
To find a good job, perform a ritual on the new moon

Write on a piece of paper what kind of job you want and with what salary. Then cut this leaf into small pieces, mix them with crushed dry bay leaves, place them in a frying pan, metal tray, or clay pot and set them on fire. When everything burns and cools down, collect the ashes, wrap them in a banknote of any denomination and carry them with you.
(can be in a wallet or bag) as a talisman.
Do not sweep bread crumbs off the table with your hand - this will lead to poverty and hunger.
For this purpose, there should be a special brush in the house.
Also, never sweep the table with paper. When you sweep up crumbs, don't throw them away, but give them to the birds.

If you want to always have luck in your work, take a sprig of wood sorrel - this is a grass that is considered a weed and is easy to find in any garden, or if you are lucky, find a four-leaf clover,
It makes a particularly powerful talisman. Dry the leaves under a press or in a book, as for a herbarium, and then place them under glass at your workplace.

When you go to take an exam or an interview for a job, put a nickel under your heel. Good luck will be guaranteed.

To ensure good luck and always attract money, carry with you any image of a ladybug (embroidered, painted, engraved on a stone, or a decoration, a brooch of the appropriate shape). It will be a success if you drink tea at work from a mug with a ladybug on it.

Do not talk or think too much about your boss - otherwise you will incur his disfavor, he will often get angry with you and find fault with you over trifles.

If your boss is angry with you for something, swears at you, calls you to the carpet to work it out, put a small mirror in your pocket with the reflective side facing away from you. The boss's anger will quickly dry up.

Spell for good luck in finding a job
(Conspiracies of the Pechersk healer Maria Fedorovskaya)

First of all, you need to clean up your desk: throw away everything unnecessary, and put all the necessary things in their places. There will be order on the table, there will be order in the head, in business, and in money - everywhere. Then close yourself in the room and start speaking.

“Serve my hand faithfully and truly,
I should be friends with the pen, live and not bother,
Write letters together and solve problems.
How much ink is in a pen?
I have so much strength!
Write and write with a pen,
And I need to find the job I need!
To pay money,
To be cherished and appreciated,
So that it doesn't get boring,
To make it handy.
As I said, so be it.
Forever and ever. Amen".

You need to tie a white thread around the pen, hide the other end of the thread in your pocket and walk around with the pen all day. Remember: you should only use this pen for the next month. Within a month, you will definitely find a place that suits you from all sides.”

Conspiracy to get a good job
(“Conspiracies from the Onega healer.” P. Belova)

“As you know, work and work are different. You strive to get somewhere, but it turns out that your efforts were in vain: the salary is low, and they demand a lot. Therefore, before searching, it would not be superfluous to create a conspiracy. It will attract the best offers to you. Buy three handkerchiefs in advance. On the full moon, tie a knot on each of them, then place the scarves in a crystal glass or glass so that the knots are at the bottom, and three corners (one from each scarf) hang freely from the walls of the container.

Lean over the glass and whisper:

“As the scarves are tied into tight knots, as the knots settle into a crystal castle, as the corners break out into a free draft, so for God’s servant (name) I find a serious, monetary job, so that my wallet is filled tightly. So that my work place is safe and pleasant. So that I can be surrounded freely, my colleagues are kind, and my bosses are kind! God help me! Let it be so! My word is strong and tenacious! Goy!

After this, place the glass with scarves on the windowsill so that it falls under the moonlight, and go to bed yourself. In the morning, carefully fold the handkerchiefs without untying the knots. Leave one at home, put one in your purse, and the third in the pocket of your outerwear. Be sure to take at least one handkerchief with you the next time you go looking for work.

When visiting a potential boss, touch the door handle with the enchanted handkerchief.

If you didn’t manage to get a job in any place, don’t be upset, higher powers will take the trouble away from you. The handkerchief will definitely lead you to the right organization, where they will hire you, and under the conditions that suit you.”

Spell on a pencil or pen to get a job

If you are one hundred percent sure that you have found exactly what you dreamed of, and you have an interview scheduled, the day before, create the following spell. Take a new pencil or pen. Hold it in your hands for a while and whisper:

"Behind seven doors, under seven locks,
Guarded by a serpent with nine heads
The chest is forged,
Painted with strange flowers.
And in the chest there is no gold, not silver,
No other good
No great magic
And the goose feather lies.
The serpent is not just guarded by a feather,
Whatever you write to them, everything is fulfilled.
I'll go through seven doors, seven locks,
I'll take nine heads with cunning.
Help me magic pen -
Fulfill your cherished wish.
May your boundless will
I'll get a paid job.
As I want, let everything come true,
And my house will be filled with wealth.
Let it be so! Goy!

The next day, be sure to take the charmed pen or pencil with you. If possible, fill out the application form or write a job application to them. When leaving home, as if inadvertently forget the enchanted thing in the organization in which you would like to work. She will definitely attract you to her, and you will become an employee of this company.

A spell to find a good job is one of the most interesting and useful techniques of applied magic. With its help you can radically change your life. After all, how can an unemployed person who has neither money nor the respect of others be happy? How can a person who works hard at an unpleasant job, devoting all his physical and moral strength to this work, receiving in return only insults, threats and pittance called wages, be happy? Good work brings a person satisfaction from the process itself, from the respect of others, from a good salary that allows you to get many pleasant things. And if you haven’t found such a job yet, it’s worth trying your luck with the help of magic.

Features and variety of rituals

Due to the wide variety of rituals, it is important to know how to choose the right ritual. It is unlikely that you should rely only on reviews and recommendations. Having familiarized yourself with the available rituals, it is important to listen to your inner voice and choose a ritual that suits you.

For a ritual aimed at a successful job search to be effective, you must strictly follow all the recommendations presented in the description of the ritual. The time and place of the ceremony are of great importance for the success of the impact.

It is believed that magical influences on finding a good job carried out during the growing month will be more effective. It should be remembered that plans for conducting a magical ritual must be kept secret. Otherwise, someone else's energy may interfere.

When performing the ritual, you need to believe with all your heart that you will soon be able to find a good job.

Rituals for finding a job are very different. Some of them are broad-spectrum, but there are also narrowly focused influences, for example, aimed at passing a successful interview, which of course implies the opportunity to get the desired job.

All conspiracies to find a good job last a short time. Therefore, if it was not possible to find a good job soon after the ritual, it means that something went wrong during the ritual and it was not effective.

Classic conspiracy

A classic spell to find a good job involves using a scarf and a coin. It is best to pronounce this conspiracy in the evening, on the eve of the day when a fresh newspaper with job advertisements is to be published. It doesn't matter what kind of newspaper it is. To perform the ritual, take a white handkerchief and a large coin.

Place the coin on the scarf with the tails facing up and, looking at it, say the following spell:

“As the stars are forever with the Moon, so luck is forever with me.
I don’t complain about luck, I’ll find a good place for myself.
I’m a good fellow, a nice guy, good at everything,
I can get used to any task, I can be useful in any job.
As the red sun rises in the sky, so a good place will come to me.
Everything will work out in that place, and gold will be added.”

Women can also use it by replacing “good fellow” with “fair maiden.” After this, wrap the coin in a scarf, tie it in a knot and hide it in a secluded place. The next day, as early as possible, buy a fresh newspaper, and feel free to call for those vacancies that previously seemed desirable to you, but unavailable. This time you should be lucky.

Before the interview

Another conspiracy to find a good job is used when you already know what kind of place you want to get, but are not confident in your abilities. When entering the office where the interview will take place, pause for a moment in front of the door.

And say in a whisper:

“As soon as I enter this door,
I will certainly find my luck and that place,
I will certainly get what I want today.”

If you have nothing in mind

It happens that a person spends a long time looking for a good job, but nothing works out for him. It is in such situations that you should use magic. There is a very effective ritual that involves charming a handkerchief.

To do this, during the new moon, you need to buy a handkerchief and say the following magic words on it seven times:

“I cast a spell on the handkerchief and tell myself good luck in finding a job. I, the Servant of God (my own name), will have good luck in my work. Wherever I go, I will find a good job, and no one will dare refuse me. Amen".

The enchanted scarf must be carried with you at all times and, of course, it is not recommended to use it for its intended purpose, otherwise it will lose its power.

This ritual has a rather specific effect. It will simply attract employers to you, but the right to choose remains yours. Therefore, when considering job offers, you need to independently assess how well it suits your requirements.

To find a job you like

It is important for every person that work brings pleasure. But this is precisely what many of us fail to achieve. After all, it often happens that where you like to work, they pay very little.

But magic can help you find a job you like. In the ritual you will need to use 30 small coins. On one of the nights from Monday to Tuesday, you should sew a small bag of red fabric.

The ceremony itself is carried out during the waxing moon. At dawn, you need to put the prepared coins in a bag, put it on your right palm, and cover it with the palm of your left hand.

Then say the following magic words seven times:

“Become 30 coins as talismans for me, Servant(s) of God(s) (proper name) will find me a job. But hurry up with this matter, and quickly show me the way. So that my work would be enjoyable and would bring me good income. Wherever I go, there will be only success on my path. Amen".

As soon as the last words are spoken, you need to take 20 coins out of the bag. They need to be buried in a variety of places, as far from each other as possible. A bag of ten coins should be kept with you at all times.

Summon good luck at work

Even after getting a job, it is very important to stay there. To do this, you need to perform a magical ritual that will allow you to summon good luck and express yourself to the maximum. This ritual is performed on the threshold of one’s own home before leaving home on the first working day.

The magic words sound like this:

“I, the Servant of God (my own name), walk through life as a successful fisherman and will enter my new job as a brave merchant. I am always higher on the ladder than the lion, the wolf, and the fox. Let the management respect and love me, let me not put barriers and invite me to a high position. The words I have spoken are powerful. May I have good luck and advancement. Amen".

Of course, in the modern world, a good job is very important, as it allows you to become a successful and confident person in life. To achieve this, people receive education and strive to constantly improve their qualifications. Therefore, using magic to find a good job is completely justified.

But it is worth noting that in financial matters, with the help of a conspiracy, you can lure good luck to yourself, but keeping it without doing anything and relying only on the power of magical rituals is problematic. So, magic gives you a chance, and you must use it to your advantage.
