Yellow roses and their mystical meaning.

There are many signs associated with gifts. Often we are concerned about subtext and secret meaning. Why was a specific piece of furniture, decoration or flowers chosen for us as a gift? Why give yellow roses: some are convinced of the negative thoughts of the giver, others believe that this is a symbol of love and free devotion.

Yellow roses are surrounded by many superstitions


Since the old days, people believed that their every action symbolized plans for the future: guys gave girls yellow roses with the hope of reciprocity of feelings and a quick wedding. High-ranking people were given such bouquets to show their admiration and hope for their long reign. Warriors who went on a long campaign wore a wreath. It was believed that by this they show:

  • confidence in victory;
  • internal resistance to stress;
  • hope of returning home soon.

Color meaning

Gift bouquets have different meanings, depending on the shade and overall composition. If you make the right bouquet, you can tell about your intentions without words. You should always know what intentions the color of a rose reflects.

  1. White roses indicate that the person who gave them has sincere and purest feelings for you.
  2. A red rose speaks of passionate love. Usually it is given to a girl with whom they want to spend their whole life.
  3. The burgundy shade speaks of admiration. It is recommended to give such gifts to teachers or close relatives.
  4. The color pink indicates innocent feelings. It is better to give such gifts to underage girls.
  5. Yellow color speaks of affection, reconciliation and reliability of intentions.
  6. The black tint speaks of the strength of a person’s spirit and carries the desire to be confident in one’s future. It is best to give such bouquets to your superiors.

Negative meanings

The negative interpretation did not appear by chance. The color can often be found on traffic lights, and it denotes a warning. It is associated with lies in the media (yellow press). Some see it as meaning treason. It appeared several centuries ago. The legend says that a man who returned home after a long journey was unsure of his wife’s fidelity. He gave her a red rose and asked her to put it in water. He warned in advance that if the flower changes its color, this will be proof of betrayal. As a result, the rose turned yellow, indicating the woman's infidelity. From that moment on, yellow roses began to be associated with lies and infidelity.

Many girls believe that receiving a yellow bouquet indicates an imminent breakup. In the modern world, this meaning of signs is becoming increasingly rare.

Positive meanings

If some believe that yellow roses symbolize betrayal and mistrust, others are convinced of the sincerity and tenderness of this color. This is a symbol that a person has come to apologize for his long-standing action. With such a gift, he indicates that he wants to reconcile with you and begin a new stage of the relationship.

Reasons for a gift

Yellow roses can be given without any special reason. By doing this you will show the person that you wish him self-confidence, wealth, prosperity and success in the future. This color is universal, it suits both boys and girls. Such flowers are given to creative people. By doing this, fans show their idol that they wish him creative success.

In business, such bouquets are usually presented to managers. This will show that you admire their achievements.

If you decide to give half-bloomed flowers as a gift, it is best to give them to elderly couples who have lived together for many years. By doing this, you can show your spouses that their successes in life have faded into the background, and a wonderful and long future awaits them. A young guy can give such a bouquet to a girl in order to indicate to her his further serious plans. This is a symbol that the time has come to move to a new level of relations and make joint plans for the future.

Yellow roses can be given for no reason


Representatives of different cultures relate to yellow shades differently. In Eastern countries (China, Japan and India), yellow roses are considered a symbol of love, devotion and support, so they are given only to the closest and most beloved people. There can be a large number of signs, but flowers always evoke pleasant emotions, regardless of color.

A bouquet of roses is a wonderful gift suitable for any event. Such flowers are given on special occasions, presented at weddings and birthdays, not only for women, but also for men. In order for a bouquet to give joy and suit a specific occasion, you just need to make the right flower arrangement: choose the size, shape of the bud, the number of flowers and the color of the bouquet. A well-chosen bouquet is not just the perfect present, it is a gift with meaning.

Many have heard that there is a so-called flower, with the help of which you can convey your feelings, emotions, and express your attitude towards a specific person through a correctly composed bouquet.

So, roses. These flowers have long been endowed with a special mystical meaning. Moreover, everything was taken into account: the degree of freshness of the flower, how open the bud is, whether the thorns are cut from the stem and, most importantly, the color of the petals.

Today, no one makes bouquets with secret messages, where the smallest details are symbolic, but some principles, such as the number of flowers and their color, are still relevant. When choosing a bouquet for a specific occasion, you need to think in advance which flowers are appropriate to give.

In order not to make a mistake with your choice, you need to know exactly what the color of the roses from which the flower arrangement is made means.

Yellow roses for separation?

Very often you can hear from women that yellow flowers given by their beloved man are a sign of impending trouble. Yellow roses are considered harbingers of imminent separation from a loved one or betrayal on his part. Many ladies are very upset when they receive a bouquet of this color.

This is a fundamentally wrong position. It is enough to study the language of flowers a little to correctly understand the meaning of the gift.

Yellow color means joy, friendship, respect. A golden flower expresses exclusively positive emotions; it cannot have the slightest relation to separation or betrayal. The color of the sun symbolizes happiness and creates a positive mood, as the language of flowers says.

Therefore, it is appropriate to give a rose of this color to emphasize friendly feelings or respect. Yellow flowers are a wonderful gift that brings joy and positivity to your home.

Who to give it to, what does the language of flowers say?

A composition of yellow roses will be especially appropriate if the bouquet should receive:

  • Manager or employee at work. The meaning of such an offering is a feeling of deep respect for this person, the joy of joint cooperation.
  • Teacher and lecturer. The bouquet means that the giver feels gratitude and respect.
  • Relative. The meaning of the gifted composition is a wish for prosperity, prosperity, longevity.
  • Close friend. The yellow color of the bouquet means strong friendship and the joy of communication.
  • Celebrity. Here the meaning of the presented bouquet is admiration for the merits of this person.

Note to men

If a man has somehow offended his soulmate, quarreled with her and dreams of reconciliation, the best gift that will show his beloved that the man repents is a lush golden pink bouquet.

Flower language makes it clear that by presenting such a gift, a person asks for forgiveness for mistakes made and offenses caused. It is golden flowers that can stop quarrels forever and help loving people reconcile. After all, such a bouquet means that a man offers to start over, throwing aside the past.

If he truly wants to return to his beloved woman and try to give the relationship mutual understanding, regularity and joy, then a golden flower arrangement will be very helpful.

How to arrange a bouquet correctly

Yellow roses are good on their own, but they can also be combined with a variety of flowers to create amazingly beautiful bouquets. The most commonly used options are:

  • Bouquet with roses only yellow. This bouquet is considered classic; flowers of the same degree of openness should be selected for it. If these are small, half-opened buds, a composition in the form of a ball is the most successful option. Mature, long-stemmed flowers look good when garnished with a few fern fronds.
  • Compositions of roses of different colors and sizes. Golden flowers should be larger and more open; they can be surrounded by strong burgundy or pink buds with shorter stems; a few sprigs of lush greenery will give the composition an extremely solemn look.
  • Bouquet complemented with violets. Delicate and touching violet flowers perfectly frame the rose; this composition is most appropriate if the gift is intended for a young woman. Purple color perfectly complements any shade of yellow. Experienced florists advise choosing half-opened, small roses with short stems for such a composition.
  • Chrysanthemums with roses. White spray chrysanthemum flowers will help you create a simple and elegant composition that can be presented to a colleague or favorite teacher.
  • Wildflowers with roses. Such an unusual bouquet, complemented by multi-colored wildflowers, can be presented to a beloved woman, a young lady, or presented to a person who is truly dear to you. An unusual composition will please everyone with its bright colors and bring something new to the relationship.

But these are just a few options; you can create many bouquets with yellow roses. Each composition decorated with these flowers will add brightness and a festive mood to any event.

Rida Khasanova November 26, 2018

Roses are one of the most beloved and desired flowers among the fair sex. There are a huge number of varieties of these plants, so you can always choose the right one. Roses are so versatile that they can be given for any holiday or event. At the same time, everyone tries to choose the right color.

When choosing a bouquet, men wonder whether it is possible to give girls yellow roses as a gift, and how they might react to such a gesture. Everything will depend on whether the woman is superstitious or does not believe in any signs.

Is it possible to give yellow roses: signs

Most people in Russia have negative feelings towards yellow flowers

For a woman, yellow flowers mean a sign of betrayal. This is due to a legend that tells the story of the origin of this plant. It begins with the story that Magomed went to war, leaving his young wife at home. In the absence of her husband, she began date another man. Upon returning from the war, Magomed learned from the residents about his wife’s infidelity. He did not believe it, because he loved his chosen one very much.

Magomed turned for advice to the sages, who recommended giving bouquet of red roses. They said that if the flowers turned yellow, it meant that she was unfaithful to her husband. The man followed their advice and made a present for his wife. The next morning the flowers turned yellow. It was after this that yellow flowers are considered symbol of betrayal and separation, which is why it is considered that they cannot be given.

However, florists assure that yellow roses given by a man will bring happiness to the union. joy and good mood. In some countries, this color represents prosperity and wealth. That's why they are often given as gifts successful people.

Most often, yellow plants are added to complex flower arrangements rather than making single bouquets with them.

Gradually, people begin to move away from stereotypes and do not listen to signs.

When is it appropriate to give yellow roses?

Yellow flowers can tell a lot about a person. By themselves they are symbol of energy. Most often, such flowers are presented as a sign admiration and love. For example, if a husband decides to please his wife with such a gift, he will be able to express his feelings by saying that every day spent together brings him happiness.

A bouquet of yellow roses is usually given to a girl for her birthday, March 8, wedding, New Year and other events. Flowers are a real personification youth and vigor. They are presented not in order to separate, but on the contrary, so that confess your feelings. A man can please his beloved and present a gift without any special reason. However, before preparing the bouquet, it is recommended to highlight the positive meaning of the gift in advance, so as not to hurt the girl’s feelings. The fair sex loves listen to signs and are quite superstitious, so with yellow roses you need be careful.

Delicate bouquet of yellow roses

A man can assemble a bouquet himself or use the help of a florist. It is recommended to purchase flowers from a trusted place where the staff is distinguished by their skills. The bouquet should be made by a person who has good taste and knows a lot about flowers. The present can consist entirely of yellow roses or can be diluted with other plants. It is best to complement the composition with white, lilac, red or pink flowers.

At the time of delivery, you need to tell the girl about the positive meaning of yellow flowers, explaining in detail that the bouquet carries the best intentions

You can strengthen the speech with warm words that will finally dispel the chosen one’s fears.

There are several interesting points that few people know about:

  1. There is an old custom in England. According to him, in order to confess your love to a girl, you need to give two roses. Most often, flowers are given anonymously so that the girl can independently guess about her admirer. In many countries, an even number carries an extremely bad meaning, however, the sight of two yellow flowers in bloom is considered a sophisticated and elegant symbol of love.
  2. If a man wants to apologize, he can give a bouquet of unopened yellow roses.

Bouquet of yellow unopened roses

  1. Yellow roses are always sick, so they are always in short supply. They can only be grown by experienced florists who know all the nuances and rules of growing. This process is quite labor-intensive and costly.
  2. In ancient times in the East, flowers were given to people from a certain social environment. Yellow plants were presented exclusively to representatives high society.
  3. Girls can also give yellow roses for guys. One sunny unopened flower will allow her to express her feelings towards him. After presenting the rose, the girl must tell how exactly she feels about her chosen one.
  4. According to Queen Elizabeth, yellow plants are the most beautiful flowers on the ground. Therefore, they are recognized as a symbol of glory, wisdom and grace.

Queen Elizabeth with a bouquet of yellow daffodils

  1. Conducted Scientific research, during which it was revealed that such gifts of nature can save a person from melancholy.
  2. Old Germanic artists have yellow roses are held in high esteem. They painted the Virgin Mary with three wreaths of these plants.

When else can you give yellow roses?

Such flowers will be an excellent present not only for young girls, but also for other revered and close people:

  1. You can give yellow plants to your teacher's day to the class teacher. This will allow students to express their respect and gratitude. Also, the bouquet will be appropriate during graduation from school.
  2. After performances at the theater artists and other employees are often given such a present. For them, receiving yellow flowers is a real tradition.
  3. A bouquet is often given as a gift for anniversaries to wish the birthday person good health, prosperity and longevity. They can also be presented for a wedding anniversary.

Original bouquet of yellow roses for an anniversary

Roses are exquisite and beautiful flowers that always evoke admiration. People are interested in why yellow roses are given as gifts. According to most, they symbolize infidelity and separation. This opinion comes from an ancient legend.

However, in reality, flowers do not carry no negative meaning, but on the contrary, are a symbol of joy and happiness

Most often, yellow roses are given to young girls, as they represent youth and freshness. The bouquet must be presented carefully so as not to arouse suspicion and bad thoughts in the chosen one. To avoid misunderstandings, the man must explain to the girl that plants have exclusively positive meaning. Only in this case will the chosen one be delighted with the gift and feel happy.

Rose is the internationally accepted name for cultivated forms of plants that belong to the genus of prickly rose hips. Roses were, are and will be one of the best and most popular flowers on the planet. Today, the rose is the most popular and most purchased flower, as well as one of the many exquisite and delightful details that are undoubtedly suitable for a romantic date with a girl. It's probably hard to find a girl who doesn't like roses. Therefore, this is one of the win-win options if you have not yet managed to find out about all the preferences of your beloved.

Even in Ancient Greece, this flower was dedicated to the goddess of beauty and love, Aphrodite, and, more accurately, it is assumed that since then it has been a symbol of warmth and love. But when giving a bouquet, it is very important to choose it correctly, since its design is different, and the color scheme can have completely different meanings. So, so that you do not make a mistake in expressing your feelings through flowers, it is worth studying their language in detail. And now we will dwell in more detail on the meaning of yellow roses.

Is it possible to give yellow roses?

Let's start with the fact that a yellow rose is not at all a symbol of separation or a request to forget betrayal, etc., with which we usually associate this flower. A yellow rose, first of all, means joy, which is why the person giving you yellow roses wishes fun and joy, and admires you. It also symbolizes that your chosen one cares about you.

Another meaning of yellow roses is reconciliation. Let's give an example: if your husband gave you yellow roses, this only means that he is very happy with you and is happy to share life's worries with you. You should rejoice at such a good bouquet, and you don’t need to cast sidelong glances in his direction, even if he wanted to tell you about his betrayal, then let him choke on his conscience and your carefree and joyful reaction to such an unexpected gift. By the way, perhaps few people know about this, but yellow roses are of a conciliatory nature, and not at all a recognition of betrayal or separation “forgive me, dear, I have sinned.” Therefore, under no circumstances should we say that yellow roses should not be given as a gift. Give them for your health!

Yellow flowers are given to bright and gifted individuals

It is customary to give yellow flowers to young girls, since yellow is the color associated with perkiness and youth. But for more mature women, you can give tea-colored flowers rather than yellow ones - these are less saturated, but more noble shades.

If you already know that the person you want to buy a bouquet of flowers likes yellow roses the most, you shouldn’t even bother about their meaning, but you just need to buy them and give them, making the person happy.

Color Features

The symbolism of yellow flowers is usually very ambiguous. On the one hand, they are considered flowers of separation or betrayal, and on the other, a symbol of good luck and wealth. This difference in interpretation is due to the fact that in different countries the meanings of colors often do not coincide. For example, in Japan, yellow is associated with gold and the Sun and signifies happiness, wealth, prosperity and respect.

The negative attitude towards yellow flowers in our country has become entrenched due to an ancient legend that says: “The roses in the hands of the sage’s unfaithful wife suddenly turned yellow, which exposed the traitor.” There are many versions of the legend, but the meaning is the same - yellow roses are a sign of treason. In our country, this meaning was consolidated thanks to the desire of Empress Catherine the Great, who chose to include it in the “official language of flowers.”

But today, yellow flowers are gradually beginning to acquire more optimistic symbolism. Yellow flowers in particular are supported by the fact that brides are starting to use them more and more often in their wedding bouquets.

If some people are still afraid to give yellow roses to their loved ones, they are often given to colleagues, relatives and celebrities. This is due to the fact that betrayal in its essence relates only to married life, therefore this not very pleasant meaning of yellow flowers is not taken into account in these cases. That is why a beautiful bouquet of yellow roses can be given with pleasure for any special event, and this gift will mean a wish for happiness, good luck, wealth, prosperity, creative success, fame, career growth and so on. All this depends on the specific occasion and situation.

Yellow roses also make an excellent anniversary gift. They can be presented to a relative, colleague or friend on March 8, or they can also be given just like that, without any reason, to cheer up a loved one. The last option is especially appropriate in cases where you need to instill faith in the best, to cheer up, since yellow is the color of optimism, which has a beneficial effect on the human psyche.

In winter, yellow roses can be presented as a reminder of warm summer and bright Sun. They can also be given to sick friends or relatives, which will greatly encourage them, and they will serve as a wish for a speedy recovery.

If you wish, you can, of course, give a bouquet of yellow roses to your girlfriend, but before that, it is still recommended to find out how she feels about such flowers, so that you do not get into an awkward situation, and so that you are understood correctly.

One turns so tenderly pink,
Like a maiden, dearly embarrassed,
The other one, purple, blushes,
Burnt by the fire of love. (N. Gumilev)

First date, birthday, anniversary, March 8th – there are countless reasons to give flowers. A bouquet is a simple and understandable present, some even think it’s banal.

In fact, everything is more complicated than it seems. You can encrypt a message with flowers, confess your love, or even offend a person. Floristry is considered a real science, but for many it is mysterious.

Most likely, you knew what love symbolizes; tulips can be used to express your admiration and indicate intentions; mimosa can be used to show sensitivity. Before twelve, an even number of flowers is not given, this is a sign of mourning, and 13 is the “devil's dozen.”

However, the language of flowers is much more complex, it has many nuances. You were presented with a bouquet and you are wondering what it means? Now let's dispel all doubts.

Why do yellow tulips, chrysanthemums and other yellow flowers give? id="c6cedc05">


With the light hand of Natasha Koroleva, yellow tulips have been considered “harbingers of separation” for almost 30 years.

It so happened that in our country the color yellow in floristry is perceived rather ambiguously. Many people are biased towards the yellow bouquet, associating it with separation, betrayal and other sadness. The only exception is mimosas, a symbol of March 8th, which is favorably received.

You will be surprised, but the dislike of yellow flowers in the CIS countries was brought from European expanses. Since ancient times in Rus', solar plants have been considered a sign of friendship, warmth and light. A bright bouquet was given with wishes of wealth and joy. Actually, yellow flowers still carry the same meaning. lemon-colored from a colleague means recognition of merit and wishes for future success.

Interesting fact: The fashion for picking flowers as a gift came to our region along with Christianity from Byzantium. The ancient Slavs did not have such a tradition.

Why are yellow roses given? id="8db9b94c">


A man usually doesn’t bother with symbolism when choosing a bouquet. But if he decided to approach the problem seriously, scour the Internet in search of an answer, and in the end gave yellow roses, then there may be several options.

  • Reconciliation. A bouquet of yellow roses is not given as a request to forgive betrayal, as many are accustomed to mistakenly believe. This is a ray of hope that peace will reign in the house after a quarrel.

  • Delight. They are given to bright, cheerful personalities, for great achievements or with wishes for such.

  • Friendship. A man can present a bouquet of yellow roses to his friend, without any hint of a romantic relationship, or to a girl whose love he will not reciprocate.

Why are white tulips, chrysanthemums and other white flowers given? id="6e7250dd">


White is the color of youth, purity and innocence. Flowers in the shade of the first snow are chosen to express tender feelings, pure love and admiration. Florists often use them in combination with other shades, making bouquets more versatile.

What does a person want to say when presenting such a gift?

  • Snow chrysanthemums demonstrate the sincerity of feelings. Such a bouquet will be given only with open intentions, for example, during a marriage proposal.

  • Refined and noble lilies are also messengers of pure thoughts and reverent feelings.

  • White ones are given mainly to young girls, emphasizing their freshness, youth and beauty.

Why are white roses given? id="664324f1">


There is always a special attitude towards the queen of flowers. White roses are perfect, just like the girl they are presented to. Men give preference to white roses over any other shades when choosing a wedding bouquet in order to emphasize the exclusivity and purity of their chosen one. This is a sign of eternal love, erasing the boundaries of life and death.

Why are red tulips, chrysanthemums and other red flowers given? id="08d2193b">


Red is a very multifaceted color with a rich range of shades: wine, scarlet, burgundy, carmine. It is not difficult to guess that the color of blood, and therefore life, symbolizes love, ardent passion or desire - strong feelings, emotions. The bouquet can consist entirely of red flowers, or they will act as a bright accent. However, flowers in scarlet colors are given, the same tulips, for example, not only to lovers, but also to grandmother, sister or other loved one.

Why are red roses given? id="8bab2751">


The scarlet rose is a royal flower, a sign of the deepest, most passionate and powerful love. If a man gives a woman red roses, the number of flowers also matters:

  • One means the only one, unique. But the bud itself should be impressive. When it is open, it means the person is ready for a full-fledged relationship, and an unblown flower signals modesty, timidity and shyness.

  • Three is a sign of harmony and a strong union.

  • Five – compliment, respect, recognition, willingness to build relationships.

  • Seven – strong passion and desire.

The best compliment to female beauty is burgundy roses, but they are not customary to give to older women.

Interesting fact: A red and white rose separately have opposite meanings, but a bouquet of them together symbolizes a harmonious relationship, the unity of the spiritual and physical principles. And snow buds with a red border symbolize the desire to make peace with a loved one after a quarrel.

Why are pink tulips, chrysanthemums and other pink flowers given? id="97269d05">


School and student romances, first kisses and candy-bouquet periods pass under a waterfall of pink petals. Romance, youth, sympathy are the most suitable symbols of this color in floristry. A bouquet of pink tulips can symbolize the first feelings of a young man for a girl. But a father’s love for his daughter can also be conveyed with equal success, and at any age: to a schoolgirl, an adult, a successful businesswoman. Pink color does not oblige, but emphasizes affection for a person without subtext.

Why are pink roses given? id="3fd6dfaf">


The symbolism here is almost the same as that of tulips, peonies and others. But still, the rose is the most noble species, so in pink it signifies sophistication and elegance, and can be part of a complex message. A bouquet of snow-white flowers with a pink tint carries a romantic message, delicate pink shows sympathy, and deep and rich pink shows gratitude. Thanks to the geniuses of breeding engineering, these days you can choose the most unexpected color options, with edging and streaks on the petals.

Separately, it is worth highlighting lilac and purple colors. The charming lavender shade is chosen when they want to impress a creative and extraordinary person.

Why are blue tulips, chrysanthemums and other blue flowers given? id="b6a7be6c">


In most cases, deep ultramarine color in floristry is a great achievement of breeding art. Especially in high esteem are bright blue chrysanthemums, which are universally suitable for gifts to colleagues and partners, teachers and educators, men and women. If a person is given a bouquet in blue tones, they wish him successful career advancement and general well-being.

In closer and more intimate relationships, blue is the color of fidelity and wisdom. Here shades created by nature are more often used: irises, bells, forget-me-nots. Thanks to him, they emphasize the importance of a loved one and say goodbye before a long separation.

Why are blue roses given? id="0fbb38aa">


The Queen of Flowers also cannot boast of natural blue and cyan shades. Such varieties are bred artificially for special occasions. The person who presented such an original bouquet is clearly fascinated by you or has secret feelings and desires. This color, unusual for floristry, is a symbol of mystery and magnetism, strong attraction (not to be confused with affection). At the same time, in a situation with loved ones, a bouquet of blue roses indicates that you can rely on the giver, this is a sign of endless trust.

Why are orange tulips, chrysanthemums and other orange flowers given? id="f2cc29c9">


For some reason, orange-hued flowers are given extremely rarely. But in vain. Imagine for a moment the situation: on an ordinary cloudy day, you were presented with a bouquet of flowers. Which one will you choose? Pink or red - unlikely. Ahead, March 8, accountant's day or something else. They will give you a gift. But in such an everyday moment, you really want something bright, explosive. So orange will work 100% here. This color literally radiates life and energy and encourages action. The juicy shade is universal and will help in many situations:

Orange flowers are presented if they want to attract attention to their gift.

Why are orange roses given? id="053a2750">


How is a rose different from other flowers? It is more symbolic, especially in the relationship between a man and a woman. The person who chose such a gift is either your best friend or a true fan.

If a husband gives his wife an orange-colored bouquet, it means there is still “gunpowder in the flask.” There is an opinion that the orange rose also carries sexual overtones. Not vulgarity, but pure vital energy. This may be a hint of physical intimacy, and the presence of additional white flowers in the bouquet indicates that the person loves both your soul and your body.

Often men settle on a universal option - a bouquet of red roses. Show your imagination and choose a more eloquent copy, because now you know how to do it!
