Female exciter action. What does medicine offer?

Emotional experiences, past somatic illnesses, bad habits and chronic diseases can contribute to the development of impotence. As a result, exciting drugs for men were developed. Each of them has a number of features. As always: there are and not so, with pronounced side effects and. The site has highlighted a few of a number of pathogens that you should definitely familiarize yourself with.

List of 5 drugs that turn men on

We bring to your attention a list of stimulating drugs for men of various composition, mechanism of action and contraindications:

  1. Sildenafil (Viagra).
  2. Laveron.
  3. Vimax.
  4. King Tiger ("Tiger King").

Sildenafil, or the famous "Viagra"

Having sildenafil in its composition, it activates a number of biochemical processes that contribute to the expansion of the vessels of the cavernous bodies and their sufficient blood filling. But to achieve a therapeutic effect, sexual stimulation must be present without fail.

Viagra is intended for the treatment of erectile disorders resulting from nervous or vascular disorders, and manifested as an inability to achieve an erection and maintain it for a certain time.

Since the drug is biotransformed in the liver and excreted through the kidneys, its use in men with liver dysfunction and chronic kidney disease is prohibited. Contraindicated for use in persons with severe heart disease, optic neuropathy, peptic ulcer in the period of exacerbation, arrhythmias and arterial hypo- or hypertension. It is not recommended to use drugs that stimulate men based on Sildenafil along with nitrates and nitrites, since they are all sources of nitric oxide.

It is important to remember that fatty foods and alcohol somewhat reduce the duration of the effect. Viagra is taken before meals at a dose of 50 mg 50-60 minutes before the alleged intercourse, a maximum of 100 mg can be taken per day. In order to prevent the occurrence of side effects, it is recommended to use no more than the indicated dosage.

If a man develops an allergic rash, diarrhea or recurrent urinary tract infections after taking Viagra, then further use of the drug is not advisable.

The basis of the drug is represented exclusively by natural ingredients:

  1. Garlic extract.
  2. Red raspberries.
  3. Mango fruit extract.
  4. Extracts from nettle leaves and birch barosma.
  5. Adhesive Remania.

Useful properties of Laveron are influencing the blood supply of the penis and the function of the gonads. In addition, the drug has a positive effect on the endocrine and nervous systems, and its long-term use removes congestion in the pelvic organs.

This tool is effective for problems with erection, reduced libido and insufficient emotional sensations during intimacy. Some urologists recommend using Laveron as a prophylaxis for inflammation and prostate adenoma.

To achieve a quick effect, it is recommended to take one tablet with a dosage of 500 mg approximately 40-50 minutes before sexual contact. The average price depends on the manufacturer and dose (as a rule, it is 700-800 rubles per pack).

Despite the abundance of positive properties, this should not be taken by men with hypersensitivity to ingredients, atherosclerosis, arrhythmia, insomnia and hypertension.


If a man suffers from hypertension and needs an exciting drug that does not increase blood pressure, Vimax based on herbal ingredients will be the remedy of choice.

The composition includes:

  • Ginkgo Biloba - relaxes the smooth muscle fibers in the penis and slows down the outflow of venous blood from it.
  • Tribulus terrestris - increase testosterone production and viable sperm count.
  • Eurycoma root - in addition to increasing libido, it has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and immunomodulatory effects.
  • Walnut water - helps to cleanse the genitourinary tract, eliminates nervous overexcitation and reduces the number of vascular spasms.
  • - starts metabolic processes, participates in the transmission of nerve impulses to the cerebral cortex.
  • Schisandra chinensis - normalizes blood pressure by dilating blood vessels, relieves mental and physical fatigue.

Vimax is a good drug to combat erectile dysfunction, increase libido and prevent prostatitis and impotence. 30 minutes before possible intimacy, take one capsule with water. Perhaps a course of treatment lasting at least five weeks. The cost of the drug is available to almost everyone (the price for 60 capsules is 2600 rubles).

Among the contraindications, there are diseases from the gastrointestinal tract and the cardiovascular system, a history of stroke or surgery in the past 12 months. Side effects are rare and manifest as allergic reactions.

Tiger King

The safe stimulating drug King Tiger does not cause psychological or physical dependence, it is approved for use by men with diabetes and hypertension. The plant components included in the composition increase the flow of arterial and venous blood to the penis, increase sexual desire and relieve physical fatigue.

With its use, a good erection is achieved, problems with early ejaculation are eliminated and the sensitive perception of sexual contact is improved. Also, according to clinical trials, the quantitative and qualitative composition of sperm improves.

King Tiger is contraindicated only for persons under the age of 18 and prone to allergies to the main components. It is necessary to take only one tablet per day, preferably 20 minutes before intercourse. If a man likes to use, then at the time of using the drug, it is better to limit their number.

A pleasant addition is the affordable cost of the product (about 800 rubles) and the duration of the effect from taking it (about 72 hours).

The Chinese drug Aylida restores the functions of the reproductive system, provides a full and long-lasting erection, and also increases sexual desire.

The main ingredients are exclusively natural ingredients: deer antlers, cinnamon, crocus, morinda epidermis, chicory and aconite root.

Indications for use:

  • premature ejaculation.
  • Low libido.
  • Atrophy of the penis and its small size.
  • Inflammation of the prostate.
  • Weak vital activity of spermatozoa.

For the onset of the desired erection, take one capsule half an hour before the "bed scene" with plenty of water. Re-administration of the drug is possible only after 24 hours. You can buy a package of Ailida online or at a pharmacy for 400-500 rubles.

IMPORTANT!!! Before buying an erection-stimulating drug on your own, a person should consult a doctor to exclude the organic nature of dysfunction, since stimulant drugs, the list of which is updated day by day, can lead to the development of an undesirable side reaction or a formidable complication.

Sometimes situations arise when not only men, but also women need doping in bed to help achieve a higher level of arousal. In this case, female pathogens come to the rescue. As such a dope, you can use folk remedies (aphrodisiacs or decoctions with tinctures that you can make yourself at home). If you need to achieve a quick and strong excitement, then you can buy pills or ointments at a pharmacy or sex shop (Spanish Fly, Silver Fox, Horse Pathogen and other remedies for women).

Stressful situations, fatigue, natural stiffness are the main reasons for the use of pathogenic drugs

There are many reasons for a decrease in female libido. Most often, it is difficult for a woman to achieve rapid and high arousal in the following cases:

  • Strong fatigue.
  • Nervous tension, stress.
  • Diseases (a decrease in libido is observed, for example, in diabetes mellitus, cystitis, inflammation of the pelvic organs).
  • Fear of intimacy.
  • Physical discomfort during intimacy.
  • Hormonal disorders.

Any of these situations is best corrected with the participation of a doctor - a psychologist, therapist, gynecologist, endocrinologist or sexologist. The specialist will help to correctly determine the cause of the decrease in libido and select a treatment program. Temporarily achieve excitement until the cause is eliminated, it is possible by taking stimulants. What tool to choose? It all depends on the woman's requirements for the drug: action (time of arousal, duration, intensity), price, reviews, composition.

The most popular synthetic and natural stimulants

Stimulants for women in stores are now apparently invisible, just eyes run wide. Some act slowly but delicately, and some allow you to achieve strong arousal a couple of minutes after taking (you can verify this if you type the query “female exciter video effect” on the Internet).

The disadvantages of synthetic drugs that show instant results are that they have a fairly large list of contraindications and side effects. If someone does not really want to take synthetic drugs, you can try drugs made from natural ingredients - they work more slowly, but their composition is natural.

  • Spanish fly (Spanish Fly).

The Spanish fly is probably the most popular pathogen for women. It works due to candraitin, an insect enzyme. This substance is quite toxic, so you must strictly follow the dosage indicated in the instructions. Reviews on the Spanish fly are contradictory - someone is delighted with it, and someone considers it useless. This suggests that the remedy affects all people differently. The annotation states that this is the most effective remedy, since it begins to act 5 minutes after ingestion. The price of the Spanish fly is from 240 rubles. for a bottle of 5 ml (single package), you can check the price at this link. In the photo you can see what the original tool looks like.

The most effective and popular remedy

  • Female pathogen Silver fox (Silver Fox).

According to many reviews on the Internet, this is the most powerful female pathogen. The drug is really worthy of attention. Although the excitement from it comes later than after the Spanish Fly (after 15-20 minutes), the effect lasts longer. There are two types of Silver Fox - Silver Fox (Silver fox) and Silver Fox (Silverfox). They are both originals with identical composition, the differences are only in the manufacturers. In the photo you can see what the Silver Fox packages look like. The price for a disposable bottle of drops ranges from 1000 rubles. You can buy the product on the official website or in specialized online pharmacies (for example, at this link).

Has a long-lasting stimulating effect

Product packaging may vary:

Silver Fox in different packages, but with the same composition

  • Female Viagra (Female Viagra or Femalegra).

This female version has nothing to do with the original American Viagra, if only for the reason that Female Viagra is produced in China. However, the reviews of this stimulant are mostly laudatory. They say that the drug improves blood circulation in the genital area and thereby provokes intense hydration of the vagina, rapid excitement and increased sensations from sexual intercourse. Effective 20 minutes after taking the tablet. Suitable for both young ladies and women over 50. The price of the drug is from 1200 rubles. for 6 tablets. How the original drug looks like, you can see in the photo.

Original packaging of Women's Viagra

  • Horse pathogen.

Substances that make up the Horse pathogen have an activating effect on the central and autonomic nervous system, increase blood flow to the genitals, and cause rapid sexual arousal. The price of one bottle is 900–1400 rubles. (price may vary at different retail outlets). You can buy it in specialized online pharmacies (for example, at this link). Please note that only an adapted Horse pathogen is suitable for use, not a veterinary one. A homeopathic remedy suitable for human use is called "Testicular Serum Extract" (look at the photo how the drug looks like - dark yellow glass with a white-orange sticker and a clear liquid inside).

This is what Horse pathogen looks like for people

  • Pathogen Forte Love (Fort Love).

A drug to increase sexual activity in the weaker sex. The Forte Love female pathogen works with L-arginine, acacia resin, green tea and ginseng. It is a powder that is diluted in water. It has a neutral taste and smell. Reviews of the drug are completely different - many praise the remedy, but there are those who criticize the drug. According to the annotation, Fort Love begins to act 15-20 minutes after ingestion. What is the price? Relatively inexpensive: price - 990 rubles. for 5 bags, you can check the price on the official website (for example, at this link). The original packaging looks like the photo. You can order only on the Internet, Forte Love is not sold in pharmacies.

Forte Love - powder for getting an exciting drink for women

If you do not want to take pills, drops, ointments, you can use folk advice to focus on certain foods in your diet. Natural aphrodisiacs are:

  • Chocolate. It contains phenylalanine, a well-known amino acid that promotes the natural production of pleasure and joy hormones - endorphins. So it is not in vain that men seek to appease the woman they like with sweets - this is a subconscious desire to arouse excitement in her.
  • Greens: celery, avocado, dill, tarragon, rosemary. Make any salad recipe that contains these ingredients.
  • Seafood: shrimp, squid and oysters. They help to quickly turn on both men and women.
  • A little light wine, champagne helps to relax and keep a clear head.
  • Fruits: female pathogens are grapes, strawberries, currants. You can eat them raw, or you can make some kind of dessert out of them.

You can also try the folk recipe "Female pathogen at home": for this you need to make a tincture of honey, lemon juice, unpeeled oats and cinnamon (pour warm water, let it brew for half an hour). It is necessary to take an infusion made at home for half a glass daily - it will strengthen the immune system, improve blood flow to the genitals, relieve inflammation, and help improve metabolic processes.

Naturally, you should not expect the same effect from products and herbs as from pills and drops. Products can enhance natural desire, but they will never artificially cause it, unlike pharmacological drugs, which begin to act within a couple of minutes after taking. But synthetic drugs have many contraindications and side effects. Is it worth putting up with them for the sake of a quick and strong result? It's up to you to decide.

Pharmacy windows and Internet pages showcase many drugs that should help men achieve epic bed victories. They promise that any quick-acting stimulant for men will provide the stronger sex with a very long sexual intercourse and an indescribable orgasm.

But whether such a promise will be fulfilled or not - let's consider the answer to this question.

Drugs from a pharmacy

Male potency is such an individual feature that it often does not depend on the age of the man. Sexual problems can appear for some psychological reasons, due to various diseases of the male body or from injuries. Therefore, each such problem with potency is solved by the patient and the doctor individually.

The modern pharmaceutical industry offers a large number of male pathogens that can be bought at a pharmacy:

  • Viagra- the most popular drug, which is based on the ability of the substance sildenafil to increase blood flow to the male genital organ in response to sexual arousal. The maximum effect of the drug is felt after 40-120 minutes, but can be weakened due to the simultaneous intake of, for example, fatty foods.

Indications for taking this drug: the presence of erection problems occurring due to disorders of the blood vessels or nerve disorders.

The first time the drug should be taken one hour before the planned sexual contact at a dose of 50 mg, preferably on an empty stomach.

Important! The maximum allowable dose of Viagra is 100 mg, and it is strongly not recommended to repeat the medication during the day (only once).

  • Cialis considered by experts to be the best remedy for the treatment and prevention of male problems, is widely used as a pathogen.

It differs from Viagra in that it can be combined with alcoholic beverages. The action of Cialis lasts from half an hour to 36 hours. However, its price in pharmacies is not small, although there are cheaper generics.

Its disadvantage is the possible side effects: headache, severe redness of the face and eyes, a negative effect on the digestive organs, etc.

  • Levitra- the latest medical product to increase erectile function. The main active ingredient is vardenafil, which provides:
  • prolongation of the duration of sexual contact;
  • erection increase.

Benefits of Levitra:

  • alcohol intake does not affect the effect of the drug;
  • suitable for men of any age;
  • side effects are minimal, well tolerated;
  • reduces the period between the next sexual contact;
  • can be used in diabetic patients.

Attention! Only 1 tablet of Levitra can be taken per day, the duration of action lasts 8-10 hours.

  • tornado dragon- a drug developed by Chinese scientists using folk recipes and natural exotic ingredients (ginseng root, saffron plant from Tibet, deer antler extract, male genital organs of deer and saiga, ant extract and seahorse). Studies involving men have shown the high effectiveness of these capsules.

The drug also has a general tonic effect on the entire male body. The capsule should be drunk within 20 minutes. before sexual contact. As promised in the instructions for this drug, its action helps to prolong sexual contact up to 2 hours, increase the number and quality of orgasms.

Read the most detailed comparison of all drugs for potency.

Buy online

In the global network, buying a pathogen for men in online pharmacies is quite simple, the choice is very wide. Let's talk about some drugs.

El Macho

(manufactured in Brazil) - a completely new complex drug (in drops), has a beneficial effect on potency and helps in the treatment of sexual disorders. The active ingredient L-arginine increases blood flow in the male genital organ and improves sperm quality, it is also able to treat infertility (raising the activity and volume of sperm).

It also contains guarana extract, which has a tonic effect on the entire body of men and on erection; glycine (to relieve emotional stress) and magnesium citrate (contributing to normal blood circulation in the genitourinary system).

France T 253 (Hong Kong) is a male tonic (tablets) used to increase potency, an analogue of Viagra contains natural ingredients: Tibetan plants and extracts from sea horse and yak testicles. Recommendations for use: increasing the sexual tone of the male body and preventing prostatitis, alcohol weakens its effect, which usually lasts up to 7 days.

The list can be continued, because the range of such funds is very large. The price of such drugs is in the range of 500-2500 rubles.


In a situation where there is no time to run to the pharmacy or you don’t want to try new drugs on yourself, a man can take care of himself on his own and prepare such a pathogen with his own hands. Moreover, the prepared product will give the same effect as the purchased one.

As you know, many foods contain aphrodisiacs - substances that increase male strength and potency. Such plants can always be found in home stocks: raw beets, celery, mint, rosemary, honey and nuts, cilantro, ginger, thyme, etc. And if there is ginseng root in the medicine cabinet, it will effectively help in such a situation.

Among fruits, good aphrodisiacs are strawberries, pomegranates and avocados.

Interesting! The most popular love ritual often shown in the movies - drinking a bottle of champagne during a romantic dinner and eating strawberries as a snack, turns out to have a medical basis, because this set is a good stimulant for a man (and for a woman too).

A woman who knows the right recipes can also help prepare such dishes for her man:

  • oysters with lemon juice (or other seafood);
  • fish stew with fresh tomatoes and asparagus;
  • eggs of young rams fried with onions (it is better not to eat a lot);
  • rice (slightly undercooked), with honey, curry and quail eggs.

Which is better?

By eating the right foods and using various recipes for the preparation of pathogens at home, you can achieve the same effect as when using medications. Therefore, you should, first of all, try to use natural agents that help a man solve his sexual problems.

The best quick-acting stimulant for men is the love of a woman, especially if she can cook a delicious dish (from aphrodisiac products) that will delight a man and allow him to remain on top all the time of a romantic date.

Photo Female pathogens

Why is a female pathogen needed?

An online pharmacy can help you choose an effective pathogen

Psychological condition women depends on many factors, the main of which can be called the sexual sphere of life. Numerous stresses, overstrains and problems at the level of physiology affect the decrease in the libido of the fair half of humanity.

Moreover, as women age, menopause begins, blood flow in the body worsens, and the amount of testosterone produced also decreases.

So you need female pathogen, If you:

  • do not get satisfaction from making love with a partner;
  • have not experienced a powerful and long orgasm for a long time;
  • question your beauty and sexuality;
  • in every possible way avoid intimate rapprochement;
  • suffer from frigidity or diseases of the reproductive system;
  • want to get new emotions in bed;
  • unsure of their abilities and abilities.

Fortunately, the shelves of modern stores are filled with all kinds of drugs, fairy tales and gels designed for female arousal. However, some of them act quickly and safely while others do not achieve the expected result.

An online pharmacy can help you choose an effective pathogen. Here you have the opportunity to get valuable information about the method of taking pills, read their full description, see photos and read the reviews of doctors, as well as people who have experienced the effect of a particular product. Now the choice and purchase of the drug in the online store is not only convenient, but also affordable!

Types of female pathogens

The main difference between these drugs is the specifics of their application. Female pathogens can have internal and external effects. External pathogens are a variety of ointments, gels and creams, internal pathogens are produced in the form of drops and tablets. Aphrodisiacs can also be attributed to this group: due to the presence of plant components in the composition, they can cause a strong stimulating effect.

Preparations in the form of drops have a general tonic action. They can be consumed both with food and with any drinks. The main difference is the fast onset of the result. Pathogens, made in the form of tablets, act slowly. Absorbed by the walls of the stomach, they enter the bloodstream within a few hours.

Undeniable advantage is a powerful effect that manifests itself in a passionate and strong desire to make love. As for ointments and gels, they should be applied to specific areas of the skin (nipples, labia, vagina). The expected result occurs after 10-15 minutes. Consider pathogens for women, which you can purchase at our pharmacy.

Spanish fly

The effect of taking drops is manifested in a few minutes.

Action time: up to 4-5 hours

How to use: 5 minutes

Taste: tasteless and odorless

Reception with alcohol: compatible

Availability: In stock

Price: 1300 rubles 4 bags

Silver Fox

However, the main spectrum of action of the remedy is its effect on the female hormonal system. Silver Fox activates the natural synthesis of testosterone - a hormone that becomes less and less in the body over time. The product is accepted without additional sexual stimulation. The quality of the drug has been proven in practice.

Comparing the Silver Fox with, for example, the Spanish Fly, it is worth saying that the first option has more contraindications. It is also intended exclusively for the female half of the population: men are forbidden to take it.

With caution, the Spanish Fly should be used by women with individual intolerance to the components, diseases of the reproductive system, high blood pressure, heart and liver diseases. It is forbidden to take the drug to pregnant women and mothers during lactation.

Ingredients: 100% natural composition

Action time: up to 4-5 hours

Beginning of action: in 5-10 minutes

How to use: 5 minutes

Taste: tasteless and odorless

Reception with alcohol: compatible

Women's Viagra

Photo Female Viagra 4 tablets

Action time: up to 4-6 hours

Beginning of action: in 30-40 minutes

A woman's desire for love and passion, unlike a man's, is highly dependent on external and internal factors: problems at work, unresolved issues with children, words spoken by the mother-in-law, hormonal disruptions, and much more. So that all this does not interfere with the awakening of desire and the enjoyment of intimacy with a man, a female pathogen will help.

It must be remembered that the effect of stimulants is temporary, and serious deep problems with the hormonal background or libido should be resolved in consultation with a specialist - an endocrinologist, sexologist or gynecologist.

Most often, manufacturers produce stimulants for women, which include natural ingredients and natural substances, since taking pills or drops should not affect the state of health or well-being, even with regular use.

Exciting drugs based on synthetic components also have a safe composition, and the instructions indicate that there are no side effects from their use.

At the same time, the effect of natural and synthetic pathogens is approximately the same, they have the following effect on the partner's body:

  • increase blood flow to the pelvic organs, which affects the hydration of the vagina and increases sensitivity;
  • help to relax and concentrate all your feelings on sexual intercourse;
  • enhance the sensations during orgasm;
  • increase attraction to a partner.

Another advantage of many stimulant drugs is that they are suitable for both young girls who are just starting their sex life, and women at an age when relationships with her husband have become familiar and less acute, and the impending menopause often negatively affects mood.

Rating of the best exciters

Among the entire range of drugs sold, finding the most suitable one is not so easy. Modern pathogens are produced in various forms, have an unequal time period of action and composition. To choose an aphrodisiac, you need to understand their features and differences, but it is better to consult a specialist.

To date, the best and most effective pathogens for women are the following drugs:

  1. instant powder Forte Love. It is believed that this is the most powerful pathogen, the effect of which is manifested within 15-20 minutes after ingestion. In addition, it is absolutely safe and has no contraindications. The powder must be dissolved in water, it is colorless and odorless. At the same time, it contains natural ingredients that help a woman increase libido, relax and get maximum pleasure from sex;
  2. Libidrol. In addition to affecting sexual desire, these stimulating pills for women help relieve fatigue and eliminate depression. Despite the natural composition, the drug has a number of side effects with prolonged and regular use: allergic reactions, increased blood pressure. Therefore, you need to take it, observing the precautions and dosages prescribed in the instructions;
  3. Women's Viagra is one of the most famous and common drugs. Sold in drops and tablets, which allows you to choose the most appropriate form of release. The main active ingredient of this female pathogen is sildenafil. It is this component that actively enhances blood circulation and increases libido. Women's Viagra, produced in drops, is popular among the fairer sex, because it allows you to quickly and safely get the desired effect;
  4. G Female tablets - have the same effectiveness as the female pathogen drops, in addition, they can also be added to food or drink. It helps to increase the sensitivity of a woman, enhance sensations and sexual desire. In order for the pills to be safe, it is important to follow the prescribed dosages;
  5. Silver Fox is also considered one of the most popular aphrodisiacs. This strong stimulant for women has a natural composition and is known for a long-lasting effect. Thanks to the drug, the vagina is intensively moisturized, sensitivity increases during intercourse, and the orgasm becomes brighter and stronger.

Almost all stimulants have a similar mechanism of action. But it is important to trust well-known and reliable manufacturers and buy a safe product. The best pathogens for women have been tested by time and experience of use, therefore, trusting the recommendations of specialists, you can be sure of your choice.

Where to buy and how to choose the right drug

Girls who do not know what is better to buy - tablets or stimulating drops for women - should understand that it is not the form of release that is much more important, but the composition and characteristics of the impact, so it is important to decide what effect you want to get, how often it will be one method or another is used.

In addition, the question often arises where it is better to buy female stimulants - in a store, pharmacy or via the Internet. Online purchases can often lead to the purchase of counterfeit or low-quality drugs, so they should only be made on trusted sites or directly from manufacturers.

The safest place to buy is a pharmacy, because aphrodisiacs for girls can be classified as light drugs.

When trying any drug for the first time, you should strictly follow the instructions and listen to your own condition. Any unusual sensations or negative reactions should be a reason to stop taking it. After all, it is important not only to get the maximum pleasure from sex, but also not to harm yourself.

What other methods can increase the excitability of a woman

Drugs and stimulants are not the only way to increase libido and improve sexual contact with a man. There are many foods that can help you relax, increase your endorphins, and heighten your senses. These include:

  • chocolate - contains the hormone of joy and pleasure;
  • fruits - strawberries, grapes or currants;
  • seafood - oysters or shrimp;
  • some alcohol.

As for the last point, it is important to know the measure. Alcohol in large quantities negatively affects arousal, prolongs sexual contact, but at the same time reduces sensitivity. A glass of wine or champagne can increase libido and create a good mood. In addition, setting the body to the correct state contributes to the joint viewing of a movie or a football match. However, the best factor that helps to enjoy sexual relationships is choosing the right partner. Only a beloved and loving man will cause sexual desire constantly and regularly.
