Afro hair extensions are a French tress extension technology. Hair extensions with tresses - we create the necessary hairstyle quickly and safely. Scheme of French hair extensions

Not everyone can naturally have long and thick hair, so many are looking for alternative ways. One of them is hair tresses, which help you create the desired hairstyle quickly and safely. What is tress hair extensions and how convenient is it?

What's happened

Wefts are bundles of hairs connected by one thin strip of fabric. They are made manually and using special equipment. The length of the strands is 10–100 cm.

Types of tresses

There are tresses:

  • artificial: made from synthetic materials. Low quality, inexpensive (about 1 thousand rubles per pack of 10 strands);
  • natural: created from human donor hair. High quality and expensive (approximately 6,800 rubles).

Note, Various countries are engaged in the production of such material: European, Slavic region, India and China. Slavic and European samples are considered the best.

Features of the procedure

Compared to other types, hair extensions using tresses are the most gentle method. There are no chemical compounds (except for bonding), thermal effects or other manipulations that can harm your natural hair.


The price depends on the volume and origin of the material. European strands 40 cm long can cost 8,800 rubles per 100 grams, and 250 grams is already 22 thousand. The same strands of the Slavic type will cost 13,300 and 33,250 rubles, respectively.


Tress hair extensions are contraindicated for:

  • chemotherapy, antibiotics, hormone therapy;
  • high blood pressure;
  • hypersensitive scalp;
  • severe hair loss.

Extension techniques

Hair extensions using tresses are divided into several types:

  • afro hair extensions (aka Hollywood and French). The curls are sewn onto the braids;
  • Japanese - strands are sewn onto prepared rings;
  • bonding - extension using special glue.


Extension procedure:

  1. Thoroughly washed and dried strands on the head are collected in a bun and secured with a hairpin. The area at the back of the head, which will be used first in the work, remains.
  2. The master weaves a special French braid horizontally. Here it is worth making sure that it is tight, located close to the roots, but does not cause discomfort to its owner.
  3. How to attach tresses. After the braid is ready, using a needle and thread, the master applies an artificial strand to it. Then the braid and the tress itself are connected with stitches.
  4. Further, African hair extensions follow the same principle. In this case, the rule is observed: one tress - one braid.
  5. After all the strands are attached (the master does not touch the top of the head), the hairstyle is corrected: styling, cutting.


Similar to braided hair extensions, only here, instead of a braid, rings are used:

  1. Washed and dried curls are divided into sections: the back of the head, temples, and edge zones. In this form they are collected into bundles and secured with a hairpin.
  2. Starting from the back of the head, the master takes a thin strand of native hairs and a thread of about 30 cm, which wraps around the resulting mini-bun.
  3. The ends of the thread are threaded into a special ring and stretched so that the strand is pulled into the ring to the very roots.
  4. The ring is clamped with forceps closer to the scalp.
  5. Using the same principle, other strands are formed in a row at a distance of 1 cm from each other.
  6. As soon as the required number of rings is reached (about 9–11 pieces of the bottom row), tress is sewn to them.
  7. The next row is created at a distance of 4–5 cm from the previous one.


Unlike other methods, there is glue present here. The work takes place in several steps:

  1. The scalp is divided into horizontal zones. The first is approximately at a distance just above the earlobes.
  2. Glue is applied to the tress at the junction of the hairs.
  3. The prepared strand is pressed against the first (occipital) zone for a few seconds.
  4. In this way, all zones are glued.


Let's consider correction methods depending on the extension method. What is correction of hair extensions, how often should it be done, read in detail on our website.


If this is an African hair extension, then you need to adjust your hair approximately once every three months. The long wear period is due to the fact that braid extensions are carried out close to the roots, so when the natural strands grow back, the connection points remain invisible for a long time.

Important! If the hair grows back quickly or the braiding has weakened, you need to contact a specialist before the specified time for correction.

The correction is similar to African hair extensions itself and takes place in several stages:

  • The master disconnects the artificial strands from the braid and unravels the braid itself.
  • Next, you need to wash and dry your hair.
  • The next stage is weaving new braids. The main thing is not to braid the “spikelet” in the old place. Otherwise, this can lead to weakening and fragility of the native curls.
  • The tresses used in the previous extension are sewn to the places of weaving.


Like afro hair extensions, Japanese hair extensions last up to three months. The period depends on the individual growth of natural strands. As soon as the tresses drop a couple of centimeters, it’s time to see a specialist.

The procedure consists of the following steps:

  • The tress is separated from the rings.
  • The rings themselves open up and new strands with new rings are formed.
  • Next, the previously detached tress is sewn on.


Glued strands quickly become noticeable, so Correction should be done at least every 1–1.5 months.

Procedure steps:

  • A special deactivator is applied to the attachment points.
  • The artificial strands are detached, the natural ones are washed, dried and combed well.
  • Next comes re-building.

Photos before and after

Post-procedure care

When using African hair extensions or Japanese tress, the care remains the same. One rule - native curls are combed separately from sewn ones. All other procedures can be done: dyeing, styling, curling, etc.

Attention! When bonding, saunas and swimming pools should be avoided. You cannot paint or highlight.

Advantages and disadvantages of procedures

African hair extensions, like Japanese tress extensions, have many advantages.


  • Afro and Japanese hair extensions are a method without chemical and thermal effects, which means they do not harm your native hair;
  • care remains the same as before the procedure;
  • long lasting result;
  • Suitable for all hair types;
  • you can use false strands many times;
  • the procedure is performed quickly (0.5–2 hours);
  • removal can be done independently (if it is African hair extensions);
  • price;
  • possibility to increase hairstyle by 3 volumes. Other techniques do not give such results.


  • in the first days there is discomfort;
  • requires special combing;
  • not suitable for short haircuts less than 20 cm long;
  • You can’t do high hairstyles;
  • untimely correction can lead to the formation of tangles in places of braided “spikelets” and they will have to be cut off;
  • must be protected from entanglement. When it’s windy, it’s better to braid your hair or hide your hair under a hat. At night, also braid a loose braid.

Pros of bonding:

  • can be done at home;
  • The procedure is quick - up to 2 hours;
  • can be styled and curled without touching the glued area;
  • the extended strands are not combed out.


  • You can’t paint or go to the bathhouse;
  • allergic reactions are possible;
  • Frequent correction is required;
  • You can't do high hairstyles.

Many representatives of the fair sex choose hair in tresses. Pigtail hair extensions are especially relevant. After all, with its help you can become the owner of thick and long hair quickly and without harm to your native strands.

Useful videos

Hair extensions with tresses.

Training in hair extensions with tresses.

Not so long ago, the thought of getting luxurious, thick and long hair in just one day would have seemed unrealistic and even absurd. But the insatiable desire of beauties around the world to become even more beautiful yielded results. To date, scientists from different countries have developed many methods of hair extensions. Many of these technologies are named after the country in which they were invented. Among them are French capsule extensions.

All types can be divided into two large categories - hot and cold methods. The latter are considered safer due to the lack of thermal effects. Thus, French hair extensions are one of the cold methods.

Hair extensions using the French method

French hair extension technique

French hair extensions can only be used if your own hair reaches a length of 20 cm. The extension procedure consists of attaching a donor strand to the hair near the roots using a special glue. After drying, the adhesive composition forms a small capsule, which is invisible not only due to its small size, but also because a special dye is added to the solution, identical to the shade of the hair.

The duration of French hair extensions is approximately 3 hours. To achieve a sufficiently voluminous hairstyle, you will have to secure 150 - 200 donor strands. This method involves changing not only the length of the strand, but also the number of hairs in it. In this way, you can reduce the load on your own hair if it is not strong enough in structure.

However, one should not discount the fact that French hair extensions are made using an adhesive solution. Its chemical composition has been developed to minimize harmful effects. But it still cannot be called completely safe. When wearing donor strands for a long time, the adhesive substance contributes to the disruption of the structure and elasticity of your own hair.

Features of French hair extensions

French hair extensions are distinguished mainly by the ability to make the capsules more invisible by dyeing them the color of natural hair. This provides the opportunity to create high hairstyles that are not possible with many other extension methods.

But there are also limitations. So, you need to use hair care products with caution. It is best to use special balms and masks for hair extensions. They must be applied carefully, avoiding, if possible, places where donor strands are attached. When washing your hair, the shampoo must first be diluted with water. You need to dry your hair by carefully blotting it with a towel, and under no circumstances twist it. You can use a hair dryer, but do not bring it close to your hair. While you sleep, you should braid your hair without pulling it too tightly. This will help avoid tangling.

French hair extensions are made using a dye-sensitive composition. This allows you to dye your hair. At the same time, the capsules will also become colored. But it’s better not to do this yourself, but to go to a salon, since it is difficult to predict what shade the solution will take, given that it has already been colored during extensions.

When the hair has grown enough and the attachment points have become noticeable, it’s time to remove the extensions. This usually happens 2 - 3 months after the extension procedure. Removing donor strands at home is strictly not recommended, as this can lead to serious damage to the hair. This procedure should only be performed by a professional. To soften the adhesive composition, the master applies a special acetone solution to the places where the strands are attached. After the glue softens, the donor hair is removed.

process of carrying out the "gluing" procedure

glued strands

Pros and cons of French hair extensions

Hair extensions using French technology have a number of obvious advantages:

  • capsules are small and invisible;
  • there is an opportunity to do high hairstyles;
  • long service life;
  • It is possible to dye your hair.

The disadvantages include the following:

  • the chemical composition of the glue harms your own hair;
  • for care it is necessary to use special products;
  • You can't do a perm.

"before" and "after" photos

Contraindications for French hair extensions

French hair extensions involve chemical action on the hair. Therefore, it should not be done if you have scalp diseases or hypersensitivity. Also, this method of hair extensions is contraindicated for people undergoing chemotherapy, taking antibiotics or hormonal drugs, or suffering from severe hair loss. It is recommended to refrain from the procedure for those who have brittle or thin hair.

Prices for French hair extensions

The cost of French extensions depends on the length of the strands, and on their quality and quantity. On average, the price varies between 10,000 - 12,000 rubles. You can find better offers, but you should not forget that the quality in this case may seriously suffer, and then you will have a complex and expensive procedure for correcting poor work. Therefore, it is better to remember that the stingy pays twice and go straight to a good, proven salon.

Do you want to grow your hair using an absolutely safe method? Afro hair extensions in Moscow (French hair extensions with tresses) are ideal for this purpose.

Allows you to give your hair the desired volume and length without the risk of damaging your natural curls. This technology is one of the most gentle, since absolutely no auxiliary tools or materials are needed for extensions - resin, glue, forceps. All you need are the skilled hands of a craftsman and high-quality donor strands. costs for afro extensions are relatively low, and the result looks very natural. The ArtHair salon employs highly qualified specialists who have extensive experience in hair extensions. Indisputable proof of our professionalism is our grateful clients.

Extension technology

French hair extensions(afro extensions, tress hair extensions or sewing on tresses) is one of the safest ways to artificially lengthen curls. It appeared on the hottest continent of our planet. African girls have naturally coarse and curly hair, it grows slowly, and after straightening (which, alas, only lasts until the next wash), it deteriorates and loses its shine. But black beauties still managed to come up with their own way to make their hair straight, long and thick. They began to braid braids around their heads using the “French braiding” technique (hence the second name for the technology - French extensions), and attached tufts of artificial hair to them. Today it looks different, because hairdressers have naturally perfected the invention of the enterprising peoples of Africa. The master braids thin braids all over the client's head. Using a special needle and thread, he sews ready-made hair tresses onto them, fastened on both sides with a strip of fabric. At the same time, the master tries to place the tresses as close to the hair roots as possible. The extensions completely cover the braids, so they are invisible to others. Wide tresses are attached at the back of the head, narrower ones at the temples. French hair extensions are performed for a length of 20 cm. It takes 2-3 hours to braid the braids and sew the tress to them.

Correction of hair extensions

It is recommended to make corrections every 2-3 months. The hair grows, as a result the braids fall down, and the places where tresses and natural curls are attached become noticeable. Focus on your hair growth, but as soon as you feel that the weave has weakened, rush to the hairdresser. To remove false strands, afro extensions, unlike many other techniques, do not use special tools or solutions. The master unwinds the braids and weaves them higher, and then re-sews the donor strands. The tresses do not deteriorate during use and can be used an infinite number of times.

Pros of Afro hair extensions

  1. Safety. Hair is not exposed to chemicals, thermal devices, adhesives, all kinds of tongs and clamps;
  2. Versatility. Afro extensions are suitable for any hair color and type;
  3. Aesthetics. False strands are not combed out;
  4. Saving money. The tresses sewn during the first extension can be reused;
  5. Save time. The procedure itself takes less time compared to many other, more complex extension methods;
  6. Environmental friendliness. In his work, the master uses only environmentally friendly materials;
  7. Easy to care for. You can use any masks and balms, dye, curl, tint your hair extensions, visit the sauna, solarium, without fear that the tresses will slip off;
  8. Easy to correct. You can remove false curls yourself, but it is better, of course, to contact a specialist;
  9. Hypoallergenic. Hair extensions with braids are suitable even for those girls who suffer from allergies and cannot, say, hair extensions using capsule technology.

Cons of Afro Hair Extensions

  1. You will have to give up high hairstyles, as the weaves will be noticeable;
  2. It is difficult to comb the hair in the places where the tress is attached; you need to do it very carefully;
  3. The faster your hair grows, the more often you will have to make corrections;
  4. French hair extension technology is not suitable for short haircuts.

Contraindications. Afro extensions cannot be used for excessive hair loss, vegetative-vascular dystonia, scalp diseases, cancer, or while taking potent medications.

Photos of our work - before and after extensions

Cost - price of extension

The price depends on the chosen length (from 30 to 100 cm), as well as the number of required strands (from 50 to 300 or more). Everything is selected individually depending on the desired image.

Afro hair extensions in Moscow(French tress extensions) is a simple procedure that is gentle on the hair, but only real professionals can achieve good results. The ArtHair salon employs competent craftsmen who will select for you strands that perfectly match the color and structure of your natural curls, and in a matter of hours will make you a long-haired beauty with a guarantee of impeccable quality of the work performed.

Do you dream of long hair, but are you afraid that extensions will damage it? Then you should choose the most gentle technology - French hair extensions or Afro extensions.

Despite the fact that the hairdressing market allows you to change the length and volume of hair using a variety of cutting-edge hair extensions, each of them is more or less harmful to the hair, so not every girl decides to get extensions. And only one technology, which was invented by African-American women, compares favorably with others in that it does not injure the hair.

And front hair extensions- this is one of the first extension technologies that appeared with the light hand of representatives of the Negroid race. Girls, naturally endowed with coarse, slowly growing hair, have always dreamed of pleasing themselves and conquering others with long locks. So they came up with a fairly simple way to achieve their cherished goal. Of course, afro hair extensions these days are not as popular a procedure as they used to be, so the prices for them are relatively low. Hairdressers have slightly improved this technique, and, according to girls who prefer it, the final result has become much better and more natural.

Afro extension or French hair extension technology: history, description, features

As mentioned above, this method of extension was invented by representatives of the Negroid race. Coarse and curly hair grew slowly, and if the girls managed to grow it to the desired length, it was extremely difficult to straighten it, and besides, the result of herculean efforts only lasted until the next wash. For a long time, my hair could not stand such “bullying” and began to deteriorate. To get closer to their dream - to have long and straight (!) hair, the girls began to experiment and as a result figured out how to get the curls of their dreams. To do this, they began to braid a thin braid around the head using the “French braiding” technique, which, by the way, is where the second name for this type of extension came from. Artificial strands were sewn onto the braided braid, and this was done with a special needle and thread. For extensions, ready-made strands were used - tresses. They are a thin strand of hair, which is fastened on both sides with fabric. The width of the strand can be different and depends on the place where it will be sewn. Narrow tresses are chosen for the temporal zone, and wide ones for the back of the head.

Depending on what the client wants to achieve – length or volume – different amounts of tress are sewn on. Each strand has its own braid and extensions occur in rows. The larger the volume of hair required, the more artificial strands will be sewn during the procedure. The places where the tresses are attached are invisible, as they will be covered with the client’s own hair, and all unevenness and differences in the structure of natural and artificial hair will be smoothed out during the cutting process. Since braids still cannot be called completely invisible, the recommended length of the client’s hair for such a procedure should not be less than 20 centimeters. Hair extensions using French technology can be dyed, curled, tinted, i.e. Do everything with them the same as with natural hair. Having resorted to this type of extension, girls can safely use balms and masks and not be afraid that the tresses will slip off. You also don’t have to be afraid of visiting the sauna, swimming pool and solarium.

Correction of hair extensions

As natural hair grows, the braid braided during the extension process falls down and the joints of the tress can become noticeable. As soon as you feel that the weaving has weakened, it’s time to go to the master. Unlike other types of extensions, in order to remove an artificial strand, you do not need to resort to special tools or chemicals. The master will just unravel the braid and braid it again, but higher. Then the same strands that were used during the first procedure are re-sewn. The tresses can be used an infinite number of times, since they are not combed out at all and do not deteriorate from use. Correction will have to be done after 2-3 months, focusing on your hair growth.

Pros and cons of afro hair extensions


  1. Environmentally friendly - no chemicals are used in the extension process;
  2. Safety – heating devices are not used;
  3. Time saving – this extension takes less time compared to other types;
  4. Saving money - tresses can be used countless times; during correction, you no longer need to pay for the material;
  5. Fast correction;
  6. The strands are not combed out;
  7. Extended strands are not afraid of exposure to chemicals, as well as high temperatures.


  1. Limited choice of hairstyles - you can’t put your hair in a ponytail when wearing afro extensions, as braided pigtails will be noticeable, and you’ll also have to forget about high hairstyles;
  2. Difficulty combing hair in places where tresses are attached. Having extended your hair using French technology, you will have to carefully comb your curls, avoiding the root zone;
  3. Afro extensions are not suitable for girls with short hair;
  4. The faster your own hair grows, the more often you will have to resort to correction.


This type of extension has no contraindications and is suitable for young ladies with any hair type. The only thing is that French technology should be used with caution by owners of hair prone to hair loss or girls with alopecia.

One of the eternal desires of a woman is to have luxurious long curls. Technology allows you to quickly and easily acquire the desired volume, lengthen your hair or hide damaged hair. Today, there are several methods for lengthening curls, one of the most popular is French hair extensions.

This technology is a “cold” capsule technique. This is the only technology in which trichologists took part in the development. The building gel used in this technology is used for gluing bone tissue in surgery, which proves its safety. The gel itself is transparent, it is not noticeable on the strands, so this type of extension can be done by both blondes and brunettes. The composition creates a protective microcapsule, so French gel hair extensions can be used on both fragile and thin strands.

After the lengthening procedure, you can use all types of hair care, visit solariums and saunas. This type of extension is not afraid of curling irons, hot hair dryers and flat irons.

Correction must be carried out every 3-4 months. A contraindication for extensions is severe hair loss.

The hair stylists of the Rusalochka studio will carry out high-quality French extension technology, and you will become the owner of luxurious hair of the desired length for six months.
