Alexander Semin. Evelina Bledans' divorce from Semin: why her thinner husband left (photo) Evelina Bledans' husband Alexander Semin age

Professional Russian hockey player

Born in Krasnoyarsk. He studied at school 141 in Krasnoyarsk.

Since childhood, he was fond of ice hockey, studied hockey at a children's school, and played for the Traktor youth team (Chelyabinsk).

Season 2001/2002 was the beginning of his adult career - Alexander moved from the youth team to the main team, playing 46 matches for Traktor in the Major League.

In 2002 began playing for Lada (Tolyatti), scored 10 goals and made 7 assists.

In his debut season in the NHL 2003/2004, Semin scored 22 points (10 goals, 12 assists). After the end of the regular season, he spent the end of the season with the AHL club Portland Pirates.

During the NHL lockout he returned to Lada Tolyatti. There he started the season and the following 2005/2006 season.

Due to financial difficulties, the club was forced to release some players. But since Semin was still serving in the Russian army, he was unable to leave the club. Then his agent and lawyers filed a lawsuit, and Alexander Semin himself moved to Khimik (Mytishchi).

From 2006 to 2012. played for the Washington Capitals. In the 2006-2007 season he scored 73 points (38 goals, 35 assists), in the 2007-2008 season he scored 42 points (26 goals, 16 assists), in the 2008-2009 season he scored 79 points (34 goals, 45 assists) and in the 2009-2010 season he scored 84 points (40 goals, 44 assists), setting a new career high. On February 16, 2011, in the Anaheim-Washington match (6:7), Semin scored his 7th hat-trick in his NHL career.

After the season ends 2011-2012 Alexander's contract with the Capitals has expired. Washington did not sign a new contract with Semin.

July 26, 2012 signed a one-year contract with Carolina with a salary of $7 million.

During the NHL lockout (2012/13), he played four matches for the VHL club Sokol (Krasnoyarsk). Semin wanted to play them for free, but, according to the regulations, in the VHL the minimum salary of a player per month was 50 thousand rubles, which Alexander directed to the needs of the children’s team. Alexander explained the decision to play for Sokol with the desire to pay tribute to the club where he took his first steps in hockey, as well as to give his friends, relatives and other Krasnoyarsk fans the opportunity to personally attend matches with his participation.

After four matches for Sokol, in which Semin scored four points (2+2), he signed a contract with the KHL club Torpedo from Nizhny Novgorod.

In March 2013 The contract with Carolina was extended for 5 years, the amount of the agreement is 7 million US dollars per year.

In 2014, he was included in the Russian national team at the Olympics in Sochi.

On July 24, 2015, he signed a contract with the Montreal Canadiens for a period of 1 year and a total value of $1.1 million.

On December 7, Alexander was put up for the waiver draft, and on December 10, Montreal terminated the contract with the hockey player. During his time with the team, Semin took part in 15 matches, scored four points, scored one goal and made three assists.

In December 2015, Semin returned to Russia and signed a contract with the KHL club Metallurg (Magnitogorsk).

On April 19, he won the Gagarin Cup in the 2015-2016 season as part of Metallurg Magnitogorsk.

Evelina Bledans is one of the brightest and sexiest Russian actresses. She was married three times, but, in her own words, she found happiness only in her last marriage. Her husband, director and producer Alexander Semin, is almost 16 years younger than her. There is a lot of gossip around the couple; some spiteful critics consider Alexander a soft-bodied henpecked man who fell into the clutches of a fatal predator. Few people know that it was Alexander who showed firmness in making a fateful decision for the couple.

Who is Alexander Semin?

In the media space, Alexander Semin is often presented as a director and producer. However, Semin’s filmography is not very large - you can hear about the film “Nanolove” and about the work in the fantasy style “Manipulator”.

Alexander was born in 1982 in Moscow, into a family of defectologists. His parents worked in an orphanage, dealing with speech problems of children with Down syndrome.

In 2004, Semin graduated from the directing department of the Moscow University of Culture and Arts.. After that, he worked in the event industry in advertising, making videos for small and medium-sized companies.

As a creative director at the agencies Deluxe Interactive Moscow and SPN Ogilvy, he achieved some success. His works won prizes at international marketing and advertising competitions.

Today he is an independent consultant and creative director of his own agency of ideas and meanings, “What if Semin?” At some point, he realized that most of all he wanted to invent, generate ideas.

As he himself admits, just a few years ago “to paint such a picture would have been a blatant challenge to the industry and clients.” “Our business today surprises many. We really only sell ideas and only meanings.”

Love story

The history of the relationship shows that Evelina initially occupied a leading position: she was the first to take the phone number, the first to call, repeatedly declared her love and proposed in different squares in different cities around the world. However, Alexander’s further life together and actions show that the main one in their couple is still the man.

Beautiful Evelina met her future husband on the set of the film “The Manipulator”, where she played the role of an oligarch's wife. Alexander was initially the producer of the project, but at some point he took up the director’s mouthpiece. When Bledans appeared on the set, Semin approached her to discuss the role.

She was struck by Alexander’s exquisite perfume, as well as some inexplicable energy. That’s when she asked the coveted number from the man she liked. The actress went on tour, and their romance initially consisted of long SMS messages.

They agreed to meet after Bledans returned, but Alexander could not wait for the date and rushed to meet Evelina at the airport. Instead of words of greeting, there was a long kiss.

From that moment on, the lovers began to meet. At first secretly, because Evelina at that time was married to businessman Dmitry. At that time, the couple practically no longer lived together, Dmitry moved to Israel with his adult son, and the divorce took place peacefully and painlessly.

Interesting notes:

Evelina moved to Alexander's 30-meter one-room apartment, and numerous dresses, costume jewelry, cosmetics, and jewelry moved with her. Until this moment, Alexander considered himself a completely accomplished young man - an apartment in Moscow, a successful career. But the appearance of Bledans in his life forced him to reconsider the situation. In three years, Alexander made a creative and career breakthrough, and the family moved to a luxurious country house.

When fear turns to happiness

All fans of the actress know that in 2011 the Bledans-Semin couple had a child with Down syndrome. The sunny boy Sema has become a symbol of all children with this diagnosis. This genetic disease can be detected during pregnancy, and in these cases, doctors suggest getting rid of the fetus. However, Alexander, having learned about this, insisted that Evelina give birth.

He told the doctors: “Even if you scare us now that the child has begun to grow wings, claws, a beak and that he is generally a dragon, that means there will be a dragon. We will give birth to a dragon and we will be happy.”

When making this decision, Alexander was well aware of the difficulties that could await him. Since childhood, he had seen children with Down syndrome and vacationed with children with mental disabilities in the same pioneer camps near Moscow. One of his main fears was the fear of having an unhealthy child. And now fate throws him such a challenge.

Evelina and Alexander not only overcame their fear, but also learned to be happy parents, live, enjoy every minute, every little achievement of your Sema. Agency "What if Semin?" launched the Media Sema project. This video portal publishes classes on the development of children with Down syndrome. Alexander and Evelina pay a lot of attention to this problem. Evelina and Alexander consider it their great merit to save the lives of “special” children. They communicate with families in which parents, inspired by the example of the star couple, did not terminate their pregnancies and are safely raising their special babies.

Alexander turned out to be a very good father and the real core of the family. He is the main breadwinner, support and wall, despite his youth and lack of a bright “star” status. “The Lord is cool, talented and ironic,” says Alexander, “you just need to notice it and turn it to your advantage.”

In the fall of 2017, Evelina and Alexander divorced, but they often spend time together and parted on a friendly note.

Photo: Evelina Bledans and Alexander Semin

Shocking news recently appeared on the Internet - Evelina Bledans divorced Semin: why did her thinner husband leave, leaving his wife and child disabled? Evelina Bledans and Alexander Semin are a couple of creative personalities united by love.

They are truly talented people who have achieved incredible success in life. Despite all the difficulties we had to endure, we continued to support each other. But recently it became known that they divorced... a year ago! But they admitted this only recently.

Fans did not even imagine that such a situation could happen. Currently, director Semin already has a new lover, with whom he has been dating for a long time, and they have not lived with Bledans for more than a year.

The most important question was the fact of why the actress had been posting joint photographs with her son and Alexander Semin on social networks for a whole year. All publications were signed as family ones and there was no reason to even think about separation. These were, of course, not feigned emotions, since the relationship between Bledans and Semin remained friendly. They spend time together very often and raise their son.

Last news

In September 2018, it became reliably known that Evelina Bledans and Alexander Semin had officially broken up. This information was carefully hidden for a whole year. Many fans thought that there was true love between them, they always supported each other, but it turned out to be completely different. Many people learned that Evelina Bledans had divorced Alexander Semin in mid-September, after Andrei Malakhov’s program aired.

Photo: Evelina Bledans in Malakhov’s program “Let Them Talk”

Release of the TV show “Andrey Malakhov. Live" allowed all fans to find out the truth. Evelina attended the program as the main character and talked about her breakup with director Semin. The family idyll that formed in their relationship was incredibly sincere. Semin and Bledans raised a “sunny” child and did it with special love.

Their family relationships were never hidden, as joint photos regularly appeared on social networks. Even after they broke up, Evelina continued to post photos of them relaxing or having fun together. As it turned out, it was a real fiction.

Family photo: Evelina Bledans and Alexander Semin with their son

The relationship between the couple began in 2010. For Bledans, this was already her third marriage, but she believed that this was the last stage in her life, since the person the actress met was very close to her heart. After some time, they had a son with Down syndrome. The parents did not want to give up the baby under any circumstances; on the contrary, they decided to raise him themselves. And they managed to achieve their goal, since the boy today does not look like a patient in his behavior and actions.

It was Malakhov’s broadcast that became the starting point in explaining the whole situation. Today, the actress is not going to hide information about her personal life. For her, her main goal is to raise a child whom she wants to help become a full-fledged member of society. Live, everyone learned that Evelina Bledans divorced Alexander Semin a long time ago.

Alexander Semin himself did not give any comments on this matter. It is reliably known that he has already acquired a new passion. From personal photographs, it can be noted that the director managed to get rid of several tens of kilograms. He looks slimmer and attractive. Together with Bledans, they meet very often and the actress always posted all their photos together online, thus trying to maintain the relationship. Bledans and Semin are two adults who independently were able to find a compromise in their relationship.

The main reasons for separation

In the live broadcast of Andrei Malakhov's TV show, all questions regarding the life and relationship of Evelina Bledans and Alexander Semin were discussed, about why the thinner husband left. The actress spoke about almost everything that happened in the life of the creative family over the past few years. Their relationship was gradually and steadily moving towards divorce. Evelina understood that nothing could be done, since Alexander is a very professional director and producer, around whom young girls are constantly working. The age difference also had a big impact.

Photo: Evelina Bledans and thinner Alexander Semin

In the news today, the main reason is the fact that Alexander got rid of excess weight, became slim and handsome. Now there are many fans around him who want to achieve success in cinema. His new passion is several years younger than the director and he likes it. Evelina understands that it will no longer be possible to return her husband and has long come to terms with the presented circumstances.

Despite all the difficulties in family life, Evelina and Alexander continue to maintain trusting and friendly relations. They are raising a child together and spend time together very often. All this together allowed Bledans to maintain the story of their life together on social networks. Fans did not suspect that the couple had not been together for almost a year, since joint photos appeared on the Internet almost constantly.

Personal life

Evelina Bledans divorced Semin, but this was not her first husband. Evelina Bledans' first husband was Yuri Stytskovsky. She met him while studying at a theater university. The couple immediately got married, but their relationship did not last long. After only 7 months, they filed for divorce with the registry office. The first love of almost every person was not crowned with success. According to Bledans, it was her mistake, which she immediately forgot about. In the future, her main task was to achieve success in her career.

Photo Archive: Evelina Bledans and Yuri Stytskovsky

In 1993, a new young man appeared in Evelina’s life. The Israeli businessman immediately offered to sign the actress. They met in the incredibly beautiful city of Odessa. At that time, Bledans was not as famous as she is now and worked in one of the Odessa theaters. Afterwards, the couple had a child, who was named Nikolai.

The relationship between the businessman and the actress developed in an extremely successful way. They complemented each other and never interfered with career development. Thus, life together seemed quite successful.

After some time, the career began to gradually develop, and Evelina offered to move to Moscow. She easily passed the casting for the musical “Metro” and became part of the theater troupe. Happy family life continued for a long time. For 18 years they were one of the most beautiful couples. In 2010, Evelina’s second marriage broke up. The reasons for such a drastic change in life plans are unknown, but many assume that they were Alexander Semin, whom the actress met on the set.

The second husband went to live in Israel with their common son. It was a rather serious blow, which the actress barely endured. Nikolai independently decided that he wanted to live with his father. For a long time he did not communicate with his mother, and only when he turned 21 did he come to see her in Moscow. At that time she was already in her third marriage. At that moment he met his mother's new family.

Evelina Bledans did not grieve for long and in 2010 she married Alexander Semin. The young guy was much younger than the actress and worked as a director and producer. Their meeting took place on the set of the film “The Manipulator”.

But it was not only age that was an obstacle; Alexander’s appearance left much to be desired. It was full, a lot of fans, Evelina’s fans spoke out against the wedding. The sincerity of the relationship overcame all negative statements. Semin subsequently actually lost almost 22 kilograms. The couple looked simply incredibly beautiful.

On the air of Malakhov’s program, which appeared on screens in September 2018, it became known that Evelina Bledans divorced Semin, but why her thinner husband left and whether he had a lover could not be found out.

The relationship ended a long time ago, but the information was kept secret. Thus, thanks to the efforts of Andrei Malakhov, fans managed to find out the truth.

After a few years of marriage, they had a child, who was named Semyon. Evelina Bledans refused any filming, as she decided to devote her life only to her child. In her interviews, she has repeatedly talked about desires that she would like to realize. Bledans dreams of living on the shore of a warm sea with her beloved man and son, growing flowers, traveling and enjoying life. Her dreams are very similar to the desires of many girls.

Sunny child

Of course, such desires and abandonment of a career did not appear just like that. Evelina Bledans' child was born with Down syndrome. But his parents did not abandon him; on the contrary, they decided with all their might to make him a full-fledged member of society. The couple also takes an active part in various social projects aimed at supporting children suffering from Down syndrome.

Evelina Bledans with her son

After the birth of their first child, Evelina and Alexander dreamed of having a second son. They were not afraid that the next child might also have Down syndrome. The actress herself dreamed of a daughter. But the news that Evelina Bledans divorced Semin destroyed fans’ expectations. Most likely this was the last marriage for the actress, since she lost trust in men. The relationship between this couple, which has become public domain, is being discussed very seriously online today. Many are interested in the fate of the child Bledans.

Another scandal appeared on social networks. Alexander Semin was accused of beating Alena Volkova. The girl with the beatings tells in the video how she was beaten by Evelina Bledans’ husband. According to the young lady, she worked as a nanny and looked after Semyon while her parents were not at home. One working day, Alexander Semin attacked Alena and began beating her.

According to Evelina, they did not hire any nanny, and this was all a planned action against her husband. Also, Semin’s relatives and friends gave him only positive characteristics. Since it didn’t reach the court or the police, it was most likely not true. This is how the personal lives of Semin and Bledans developed. They very often found themselves in situations related to their black reputation, but all the information remained unconfirmed.

Subsequently, more accurate information appeared regarding Alena Volkova. She is a fraudster who has repeatedly held charity events on behalf of Evelina Bledans herself. She wanted to attract attention and make money with her beating video. But it didn’t come to the point of blackmail, since no one believed what the girl said on her social networks.

Evelina Bledans divorced Semin - the family broke up

Sister's illness

There were a lot of misfortunes in the life of Evelina Bledans. In 2016, it became known that the actress’s half-sister had a very serious illness, the treatment of which required a lot of money. All this was discussed in the TV show “We Talk and Show” on NTV. In fact, the situation was ambiguous. Evelina and Diana have not communicated with each other for a long time, since they are not related. Therefore, the actress did not know that her sister had cirrhosis of the liver. The circumstances were revealed live on television. Diana also has a daughter, so she tried her best to raise her and she did not have time or money for treatment.

Evelina Bledans with her sister Diana

In the TV show studio, Evelina said that she did not have the amount needed for the treatment of her half-sister. But remorse was visible in her eyes as she burst into tears. Despite all this, Bledans organized several charity evenings that helped raise money for treatment. But Diana refused a liver transplant operation, as she is trying to restore her health on her own.

Family problems haunt Evelina Bledans constantly. In Andrei Malakhov’s program, which was presented to viewers in September 2018, other aspects related to the relationship with Semin were discussed. The actress is a very scrupulous person, constantly trying to help not only her loved ones, but also those in need. It is not always possible to achieve success, but she never gives up trying to change the future.

Evelina Bledans now

Yes, Evelina Bledans divorced Semin, her thinner husband left her, but she did not give up.

The actress recently visited the TV show “Andrei Malakhov. Live". It was an episode dedicated to the family difficulties of Evelina Bledans, where she talked about her experiences, separation from Semin and other changes in life. Of course, after such conversations, many fans were shocked, since the presented couple was always pleasing to the eye and was one of the sincere ones.

According to the actress, she has not lived with her husband for about a year. The relationship became strained, so as adults they decided to separate. Despite such a serious step, the decision was not made public. Thus, Evelina continued to publish family photos on her social networks, since Semin very often comes to visit the child.

The divorce has not yet been formalized, as court cases regarding the division of property are ongoing. Evelina Bledans herself very sincerely shared her experiences on television. Many fans also decided to support her. After Andrei Malakhov’s broadcast, many articles appeared on this topic. Many blame Alexander Semin for everything, who acted unmanly.

Fans hope that the actress will be able to find someone close to her soul or at least restore her relationship with Semin. The most important thing is that she really sincerely believed that she could live with Alexander until the end of her days, but she made his decision to divorce without any scandals. Such an adult attitude is worthy of respect.

There is a lot of debate today about why Evelina Bledans divorced Semin and why her thinner husband left her. The main reason is that he has really gotten better lately, found himself a new girlfriend and continues to develop his career. Evelina does not work, but devotes most of her time to the child, especially since she is 9 years older than him. It was the combination of all the reasons that led to the breakdown of the marriage.

The famous hockey player, master of sports Alexander Valerievich Semin was born in Siberian Krasnoyarsk. He twice won the World Championship with the Russian hockey team, and was also one of the most successful attacking players of the overseas club Washington Capitals. Now he lives in Russia, plays for the Magnitogorsk club Metallurg.

Biography of Alexander Semin

Semin fell in love with hockey from early childhood. His first team was the Krasnoyarsk Sokol farm club. Already at the age of 17, the hockey player played for the basis of this team. Then Alexander Semin moved to Lada from Tolyatti. In his first season, he scored ten goals and made 7 accurate passes.

After 2 years, Semin earned the right to play for the Russian national team. At the 2003 World Championships, he made an excellent debut - the hockey player hit the opponent’s goal three times and made 2 accurate passes.

The 2003 World Championship was an important milestone for the young hockey player. He was noticed by Washington Capitals scouts. So the Russian player found himself overseas and immediately scored 22 points using the puck + pass system. He scored 10 goals and gave 12 assists.

The next season did not start due to the lockout. Alexander returned to his homeland and again began performing in the Tolyatinsk Lada, and a little later he moved to the Mytishchi Khimik.

In 2006, the player returned to the Washington Capitals team and played for the next 6 years. The further biography of the hockey player is like a fairy tale. In 2006-2007 he scores an incredible 73 points. And in 2009-2010. performs even better - scores 40 goals and gives 44 assists.

In 2008, the hockey player conquered a new peak. Together with the Russian team, he manages to win gold medals at the World Championships. In 2012, Alexander won his second world gold with the national team and moved to the Carolina Hurricanes. The club pays him 7 million. In the same year, during a short lockout, the hockey player played 4 matches for his native Krasnoyarsk Sokol. He plays for a symbolic 50 thousand rubles, which he immediately transfers to the Sokol farm club.

The 2014-2015 championship was a real failure for the hockey player. Even before its completion, Carolina managers decide to get rid of the out-of-shape player and buy out his contract. So Alexander became a free agent, but at the same time, Carolina agreed to pay him $2.3 million for 6 years.

In the summer of 2015, the celebrity signed a one-year contract with the Montreal Canadiens. But already in the winter of 2015, the club’s management broke it up ahead of schedule. Then Alexander decides to return to his homeland and begins to play for Metallurg from Magnitogorsk. In 2016, together with this club, he won the Gagarin Cup and gold at the Russian Championship.

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Personal life of Alexander Semin

In July 2014, Semin’s bachelor life came to an end. The hockey player married his girlfriend Alena. In the summer of 2015, the young couple had a son, Alexander.

Evelina Bledans is a very versatile personality who has found herself in show business. In this area, only the strongest, most purposeful and persistent survive. Therefore, all these qualities can be applied to Evelina, because she was able to go a long way, which she started with small things.

A fairly well-known TV presenter, actress, singer, she uses her talents to the maximum, while never lowering the bar. He understands that he constantly needs to improve, develop, and do something new and original every day. Only then will it be possible to hold the attention of the audience, win their respect and sympathy.

Height, weight, age. How old is Evelina Bledans

Looking at this charming, charismatic and pretty woman, it’s hard to believe that she is already 48 years old; it seems that she is much younger. But this is not surprising, because with a height of 174 centimeters, she weighs 54 kilograms, that is, she is slim and in good shape. Sometimes, even in their youth, not everyone manages to look as good as Evelina. She owes this not only to her good appearance, but also to constant work on herself. So answering the questions height, weight, age. How old is Evelina Bledans? You can answer that everything is fine with her appearance, age and parameters. But where did it all begin? How did Evelina Bledans get into show business in general, why did she choose this bright, but sometimes thankless profession? We will talk about this in detail in this article.

Biography of Evelina Bledans

The biography of Evelina Bledans begins in the late sixties, in the city of Yalta. Although according to her passport the woman is Russian, however, she has many nationalities in herself: Latvian, Ukrainian, Polish. The girl’s childhood years were spent in her hometown, where she visited the local Pioneer house, developed, and was interested in many things. In addition, the girl was a patriot, she loved to read poems about pioneers, talked about how important it was to love the Motherland, and so on.

In general, she was a typical Soviet child, of which there were many at that time. I must say that the girl dreamed of being an actress all her school years, so when she received her secondary education, she immediately went to St. Petersburg in order to enter a theater university. At the entrance exams, one of the commission members jokingly said that he was ready to take a girl just because of her last name, but in the end she was accepted, of course, for her tenacity and perseverance.

Evelina graduated from theater at the very beginning of the nineties, and as the best graduate. She interned at the American Theater Center, and this means a lot. Only those who really performed well in their studies were sent there. But then, when the internship was completed, a new question arose, what to do with the actress next. As a result, the girl, along with other graduates, was sent to Odessa, where a cabaret theater with the interesting name “Sweet Life” was organized. It didn’t cost the bright and talented Evelina anything to become his prima donna. She performed numbers with pleasure, sought to entertain the audience and give a good mood.

Next, she got into the extras of the “Mask Show”, where she was instantly noticed and singled out as the best actress, who, even playing a tiny role, did it perfectly. Although at first she was given small roles, but later she was able to take on more serious roles and show her talent to the public. Moreover, her most famous role was the role of a pretty nurse, whose father simply followed on her heels. Although there was an erotic subtext, Evelina managed to perform it comically and amusingly, so the image of a sexy nurse who makes men dance to her tune was firmly stuck to her.

But at the same time, her career in “Masks” was not too long, because already in the late nineties, the woman left the comedy group. The girl decided to go her own way, began auditioning for various beauty contests and castings, and eventually ended up in the musical “Metro.” There she was again able to show her best side, gain recognition and popularity. But it must be said that she continued to maintain relationships with her colleagues from the “Mask Show”, communicated with them regularly and even continued to star in some episodes.

I would like to note that Bledans began her film career when she was studying at the institute. True, these were not particularly memorable roles that brought nothing but experience. One of her most interesting and biggest roles was in a series called “Cursed Paradise,” where she played the owner of a brothel. The television series became popular, even after a while a sequel was released. Today, Evelina is in great demand on the screen, both as a presenter and as an actress and singer. She acts in comedies, hosts various entertainment programs and many other things that make her stand out from the crowd. So, there is no doubt that in the future viewers will hear more than once about this woman, for whom nothing, neither age nor any obstacles in life, can be a hindrance.

Personal life of Evelina Bledans

The personal life of Evelina Bledans is hidden under a veil of secrecy, if only because the woman does not like to talk about her too much. He claims that personal life is private, so as not to show or tell it to anyone. However, it is known that Evelina was married several times. She was in a relationship with her first husband for seven years, but the marriage lasted only two months. Maybe they were better off just together, not married. By the way, my husband’s name was Yuri Stytskovsky, and he hosted the humorous program “Pun.” The second husband’s name was Dmitry, he was a businessman, the actress lived with him for seven years, but the third husband, Alexander Alexandrovich Semin, is a director, and the actress lives with him to this day. From her second and third marriage, Evelina has a son.

Family of Evelina Bledans

Today, Evelina Bledans’ family consists of herself, her beloved husband and two sons. True, the eldest son lives in Israel, but this does not prevent Evelina from loving him and communicating with him. In addition, the second son was born with Down Syndrome, but already at six months, he starred in a diaper commercial. The actress wanted to show that with proper care and education, Down Syndrome is far from a death sentence.

On behalf of their second son, the parents write a blog for parents who had children with the same syndrome. The actress and her husband support these people, saying that you can always find a way out. For Bledans herself, family plays a huge role; she has repeatedly said that without loved ones, it doesn’t matter how rich or famous you are.

Children of Evelina Bledans

The children of Evelina Bledans are her two sons. One child of Evelina Bledans now lives in Israel with her father. He was born in his second marriage to businessman Dmitry, the boy’s name is Nikolai, he was born in 1994, and moved to Israel in 2012. There is almost no information about his move; it is difficult to say what the reason for his separation from his mother was. Evelina’s second son was born in her third marriage, the boy’s name is Semyon, born in 2012. He was born with Down Syndrome, but this did not make his parents turn away from him. After all, for the actress, her children are her pride; she will support and love them no matter what happens.

Son of Evelina Bledans - Nikolai

Evelina Bledans' son Nikolai was born in 1994, when the actress and TV presenter was married to Israeli businessman Dmitry. Their marriage lasted seven whole years, but the couple eventually broke up. As a result, today, for some reason, Nikolai lives with his father in Israel. It’s difficult to say how Bledans herself reacts to this, but she sees the heir whenever possible, tries to send him gifts and communicate.

However, Nikolai is already old enough to decide for himself who to live with and what to do. So, if he wants, he can see his mother and younger half-brother at any time.

Son of Evelina Bledans - Semyon

The son of Evelina Bledans, Semyon, was born in 2012, when the actress was already married for the third time. This child is a little unusual because he was born with Down Syndrome. You can often see queries on the Internet: Evelina Bledans with her son Semyon latest photos, or Evelina Bledans’ son was born with Down syndrome photo now. There was also a lot of information that the boy had undergone surgery, which was discussed in some recent news. Evelina devotes a lot of time to her son, writes a blog on his behalf, where she talks about how to make parents more calm and responsible towards their special children. By the way, Semyon already starred in a diaper commercial at the age of six months.

Evelina Bledans' ex-husband - Yuri Stytskovsky

Evelina Bledans' ex-husband Yuri Stytskovsky became the actress's first husband. True, it should be noted here that before they got married, they lived together for seven whole years. But the marriage itself lasted no more than two months. Perhaps this was just the case when they felt good just together, but not in marriage. Therefore, after such a short time they separated, deciding that married life was not for them. By the way, Yuri for a long time hosted the once famous comedy television program “Pun”. Maybe this is what brought the future spouses together, their love for humor and good mood. True, this did not happen for long.

Evelina Bledans' ex-husband - Dmitry (last name unknown)

Evelina Bledans' ex-husband Dmitry (surname unknown) became her second life partner. The marriage lasted seven whole years; a son, Nikolai, was born from this union. For some time, the couple were happy, but for unknown reasons they eventually separated. It is quite possible that the actress simply found someone else, or that her husband preferred another woman.

No one will say for sure, because Evelina always preferred to hide her personal life from journalists. The marriage produced their first child, Nikolai, who now lives in Israel. Nikolai was born in the mid-nineties, and is already old enough to decide with whom and where to live.

Evelina Bledans' husband - Alexander Semin

Evelina Bledans' husband Alexander Semin became Evelina Bledans' third life partner. He is much younger than his wife, but this does not prevent them from being together, loving each other, helping and supporting. Also raising their common son, who was born with Down Syndrome. Nowadays, parents not only raise a common child, but also write a blog on his behalf. They understand that they are not the only parents of a boy with a similar syndrome. Therefore, they want to do it in such a way that other parents feel supported and do not abandon their children.

Photo of Evelina Bledans before and after plastic surgery

Photos of Evelina Bledans before and after plastic surgery can be easily found on the Internet, in addition, the woman herself does not deny that she uses the services of plastic surgeons. She recently admitted that she had her breasts done. It can also be assumed that the actress regularly undergoes a facelift and removes some flaws. True, here the actress says that she does a facelift without surgery, only in a beauty salon. Be that as it may, we can only support Evelina that she is not afraid to go under the surgeon’s knife in order to become better for the sake of her family, herself and TV viewers. Many stars benefit from the wonders of surgery and Bledans is one of them.

Instagram and Wikipedia Evelina Bledans

There is a lot of information about Evelina Bledans on the Internet, so finding her is not so difficult. You just need to go to your personal page on Wikipedia (,_Evelina_Visvaldovna), and you can read facts from life, from her childhood to moments in her career that she wanted to tell. The information on Wikipedia is general in nature, that is, it is available to everyone who uses the Internet. But if fans wish, they can always use social media. For example, a personal page on Instagram ( will help you follow Evelina’s life, because on her page the actress posts photos and shares the latest news. On the page you can find family photos, what plans the actress has for the future and much more. Instagram and Wikipedia Evelina Bledans will always help you find out more about your idol than usual.
