Quick spoilage: how to take revenge on an ex-girlfriend? The guy took revenge on the girl for treason: is there a future in their relationship? How to get revenge on a girl who betrayed.

Unfortunately, not all representatives of the beautiful half of humanity are faithful to their husbands or boyfriends.

However, it must be remembered that if “husband” is a definite concept, then “boyfriend”, who is also a lover, friend, boyfriend, cohabitant, is extensible. One can imagine a situation where a man considers himself a woman's boyfriend, but she does not consider him his own.

A man may believe that he has the right to take revenge, although a woman, for her part, does not believe that she is obliged to remain faithful. Therefore, it is necessary that the lady at least assumes the appropriate obligations, agrees that the couple is not in an open relationship.

However, in the situation with a legal marriage, everything is more clear. But it does not follow from this that in a formalized couple, a man has the right to retribution.

The principle of reasonable revenge: limit the possible damage

Nobody canceled the criminal, and administrative, code. And when engaging in revenge, one should try not to cause serious damage to the partner.

In no case is violence, which, however, constitutes a criminal article, unacceptable. But it is advisable to choose other means, realizing what kind of injury they can cause to the spouse. It is advisable to remember about moderation and that you should not create long-term problems for both yourself and your partner.

The nature of revenge depends on whether the husband wants:

  • the wife knew that he was aware of her betrayal and was trying to punish her;
  • the wife thought that he did not suspect anything, and her troubles had an origin unrelated to him.

In some situations, a man seeks revenge, without showing off, not wanting to publicly sort things out, but, on the contrary, maintaining a calm look and internally enjoying the misfortunes of the traitor. This significantly limits the choice of means, since a man needs his wife not to even suspect that the trouble comes from him.

On the contrary, if a man wants "authorship" to be revealed, he does not need to be cunning.

How to get revenge on your wife for cheating

A rather insidious, but dubious way to take revenge on your wife will be the dissolution of negative information about her. Having composed a rumor that the spouse is not distinguished by high morality, and imperceptibly letting him go to his acquaintances, the husband, most likely, will not achieve anything, harming himself no less than her.

In addition, not everyone knows how to spread gossip secretly, and it is possible that it will be revealed to the public that it was the husband who discredited the wife.

An extremely detrimental step would be to post information about your wife on a local leisure site. For such actions, you can go to jail. A more sophisticated solution would be to create a false account of the spouse in one of the social networks.

It can be:

  • in contact with;
  • classmates;
  • facebook (for advanced).

In this case, it is better to do without:

  • nudes;
  • offers of leisure for money;
  • laying out the phone in the public domain for any purpose.

If you have imagination and taste, you can gracefully, but harmlessly play a trick on a traitor without harming either her or yourself too much:

  1. A very effective solution would be to overload her phone with calls. or sms. There are programs that allow you to send multiple messages or make multiple calls to a specific number. This option is relatively harmless and at the same time can cause serious irritation in the object of attack.
  2. You can also fill the wife's mailbox with messages with huge attachments. If her email's receiving capacity is limited, she won't be able to receive emails from other senders until she clears the inbox. And it will take her a lot of time to delete her husband's messages.
  3. Another option is to paralyze her ICQ or other similar agent. A bunch of incoming messages disables such a program.
  4. You can run a virus on a computer or laptop of a life partner. He is able to create the following on her device:
  • delete all mp3 files, depriving her of music;
  • do the same with video files of a variety of types;
  • overwrite images, which is worse than deleting them, since overwritten images cannot be restored by software;
  • change the content of text documents by replacing words with swear words, while recreating the initial text is impossible.

But the admissibility of these measures depends on how significant the damaged files are for the wife. Whether it's a few albums of favorite artists or the most important documents.

Many of the above methods seem childish, but do not underestimate the level of infantilism of modern people.

In addition, it is precisely the dependence of a person on mobile communications, the Internet and other technological innovations that makes revenge of a harmless (though not always) character relatively easy. It is enough just to understand computers and their programs somewhat better than your other half.

A nice option is to cheat on your wife with her friend. After a stormy night, you can confess to your mistress that she is much better than your wife, who is not particularly good for anything. Of course, the results of this revelation can be unpredictable.

Another destructive but relatively harmless way is to damage or destroy a few things that are related to your relationship with your wife or simply belong to her. Eg:

  • burn or tear to shreds joint pictures, including wedding or honeymoon pictures;
  • beat several items from a valuable service for the wife;
  • make her favorite outfit unusable (this option, however, is more likely to come to the mind of a woman).

A thing is not a person, but the value of the destroyed will only demonstrate to the partner how much the husband was hurt. In addition, you can throw out your anger on a thing, and it will no longer remain on a traitor. At the same time, not wanting the spouse to know about the vandal author, the husband must come up with a reliable legend about how the object was damaged.

A very good way to get revenge is to make the wife feel guilty. You can subtly let her know how much her spouse would upset her hypothetical betrayal. And how much he trusts her.

In general, there are a few principles to keep in mind:

  • the criminal code must be observed;
  • it is necessary to keep in mind the result: is the husband going to live with the punished wife and further, or wants to leave her, taking revenge;
  • it is better to do retribution in a cold mind, so first you should let off steam, at least on your wife's things. Maybe, having calmed down, the husband will change his mind about revenge;
  • aerobatics - to take revenge, remaining within the framework of morality, without doing anything material to the wife, to make her feel the pangs of conscience.

Video: Causes and consequences of adultery

The female sex, like the male, is replete with a variety of multifaceted characters, behavior, and morality. There are women who are reliable and loyal. There are those who are able to betray, out of stupidity, out of weakness, out of curiosity. Having learned about the betrayal, the man turns on the insult, thinks out how to punish the girl for treason. Seeks to cause reciprocal pain, similar to or stronger than the one from which he suffers.

Many factors influence how seriously you need to take female betrayal. This behavior is typical for a girl or an absurd accident. Do you want to save the relationship or were waiting for an excuse to leave. There will be punishment for this casual slap in the face in a fit of anger. Or the vengeful destruction of her entire life. As you ponder these questions, the need for vindictive punishment may disappear - when emotions calm down, reason comes to the fore.

In an effort to avenge betrayal, remember that it is impossible to do so and remain a real gentleman. Revenge on a girl is a negatively colored act that can successfully develop for someone who is obviously predisposed to meanness and unseemly deeds.

Indulging in such a “luxury” - revenge for treason, you will not create the image of the Ideal Man, but spoil your reputation significantly.

You can only go down to revenge, it is possible to rise with more positive feelings. To take revenge on a loved one is cruel, vile. To take revenge on the unloved is pointless. In addition, you might spoil the life of the former, but not one hundred percent, but you will definitely get a spot of a petty squabbler on your reputation. Vindictiveness does not fit well into the ideal image. A real man is generous. Strong - lets go free. Confident - knows his own worth. Such a picture is more attractive than the image of a weakling running after a woman, throwing clods of dirt into a woman's fragile back.

You will look reliable, stable, balanced - your behavior will make her regret the perfect act. The image of an insecure person who only makes attacks towards the weaker sex is not an attractive sight; no one will regret the loss of such a partner. Moreover, it is unlikely that at least one man will be able to punish a girl better than herself. Women's imagination is huge. In addition, every woman is suspicious by nature, needs to be fed from the outside. If you hit her self-esteem instead of support, it will be difficult for her to recover.

The betrayal of a woman can also carry constructive moments for you, even if the thought sounds paradoxical. For example, if you made serious plans for a life together, then it is better to learn about its inconstancy, unreliability now than after years lived together.

What are the methods of revenge?

Choose the path of revenge for yourself - remember: such an act can convince a woman that her step is the right one, because your behavior is petty and unworthy if you are able to take revenge.

To figure out how to punish for treason, it is important to know what you want to achieve in the end? The solution will help you choose a method.

Determine for yourself whether you want to leave after punishment or punish for treason and be together. Regardless of whether you decide to continue the relationship or are thinking of revenge and break up, cool down and reflect. Intend to be with her - emotions will damage the relationship. If you want revenge, it’s also better to do it with a cold head.

How to take revenge on a girl for cheating is most effective - to be happy without her, even better - in a new relationship immediately after your connection. If you forget her faster than the young lady forgets you, it will be the best way to take revenge. The chosen one will be discouraged. It will be questionable whether it was attractive to you before, if you were able to forget it so quickly, while maintaining a calm heart. Self-love will punish her more than they might want. Your own image will thus look less vindictive than in the options below.

Still - how to avenge treason, if you are determined. Ideas will go from the least insidious on the rise.

  • Punish with indifference. You report: you know everything, but the fact of betrayal leaves you indifferent. Face express the depth of what was said - indifferent, relaxed. You can say that you had a good time together and even avoided a serious relationship. That even before a woman did not attract you enough to think about a serious deep relationship, about moving to a new level. All the words that were said, a tribute to courtesy and the desire to do something nice, just. The situation can be aggravated by the words: your lady was the only one who agreed to the relationship, while several previous ones refused you. You were too lazy to spend so much time on courtship, with her, this can be avoided. In response, expect a violent outburst of negative emotions or another reaction dictated by the character of the lady.
  • A more painful way: tell her - you forgive betrayal, the nature of the relationship remains the same. You continue life as if everything remains as it was before. After a while, you demonstratively try to seduce her best friend. Important: the attempt is open and visible from afar. Such behavior will be a double whammy for her. This will remain in the memory for a long time, it is unlikely to be forgiven. After she will have to look for two new close people, the punishment is heavy.
  • A method that exposes the former lady of the heart in an unsightly light in front of others, and therefore the most tangible. Tell the girl how you recently visited a venereologist who gave you disappointing news - you are sick with an unpleasant and complex illness. Considering that you have only one girl in a close circle and exemplary behavior in a couple, you suggest that she also get checked - everyone is now at risk. Moreover, the doctor believes that the source of the disease is in her - exemplary guys do not bring the infection. The lie will not last long, but it will allow you to rejoice at your ingenuity, watching how the unfortunate woman suffers from the curious glances of acquaintances, their sympathetic questions. It will be especially painful to wait for the results of the tests. This method does not imply the continuation of relations - your image in this case is far from attractive. Do you need a beauty who wants to continue living with you after everything?

For some, the ways to punish go beyond moral punishment, things can go as far as fists. Men think that the most important thing in the process of revenge is to come up with an effective way to punish cheating. However, think deeply: the woman showed her little attractive appearance. By punishing her, will you get your appearance better? How will you be different, sinking to the level of a person with similar moral principles? Or admit to yourself: her campaign to the left is more a blow to male self-confidence, self-esteem than really a subject of revenge. Forgetting it, you will be much healthier mentally than taking revenge and remembering it. Let the lady bite her elbows, but otherwise you will have to regret your temper. The ricochet can be significant. Summing up, revenge is a delicate matter, everyone treats it individually, guided by character and preferences.


Revenge is considered the lot of women, but it’s not like that: sometimes men are able to come up with a plan from which the hair of the most notorious “snake” will stand on end. Of course, they need a good reason for this, and the fact that the guy was beaten by a girl fits just perfectly. The heroes of these stories are sure: they know how to take revenge on a girl for an insult. Think twice before humiliating guys
If she had just said "no", I would not have lifted a finger - I had no crazy love for her. But she began to ridicule my courtship attempts in front of colleagues. You run into one of these in the hallway, and they look at you as if they know the size of your dignity and do not approve. I wonder what she said to them? So, for two weeks this whole serpentarium could not understand why there was a wild stench near the place of my “beloved”, spreading to the whole office. As a result, they began to look askance at her, and when the truth was revealed, I did not arouse suspicion: inside the department of intrigues, they already had enough. What was it? A little raw egg in the upholstery of the chair. Not very masculine, I know, but I borrowed a trick from my ex's arsenal: after she left, I had to change the old upholstered front door.

I can't stand it when they try to make a fool out of me
When I got tired of buying her expensive gifts, I just took and deprived her of the bonus. Just because I can. No, well, what did she expect? Flirting to cash in on a sunken boss you don't intend to be with is a bad idea. She got off lightly though. And how I didn’t immediately see a bitch in her, I still don’t understand.

I remember myself and wonder how no one gave me an eye
No, well, wouldn't you ask your older brother or father to punish someone who put used condoms in his purse? Or started a rumor that seducing you is easy? Or in the form of the final control imperceptibly changed a couple of answers? Oh, and I was an idiot ... But at school it seemed funny, and no one could prove anything. It's amazing that I survived the 11th grade and no one took revenge on me. And now it’s somehow embarrassing, it’s good that the memories will be anonymous.

Good girls don't get revenge, remember that
Only a psycho will take revenge on an adequate girl who politely rejected him. But the bitch is not a sin to spoil. I remember that I had one passion that said: “Don’t come for me in your six, look at what cars they take away your girlfriends.” Now I pick up my wife from work from the same building, and while I smoke at my X6, I often see the same “fifa”. And she sees me. Look, and then go to the stop. Now, honestly, this is the best revenge!

And not even a bit of remorse does not torment
Crushed on a girl from the company. She has a boyfriend, but she was not averse to flirting, and, to be honest, without special principles and the situation, I would definitely take advantage of it. With a frank tackle, I was told “I’m not like that,” and I would have gone in search of new prey if I hadn’t accidentally found out that just a week before she had slept with our suddenly mutual acquaintance. It was decided to teach this saint a lesson: the guy agreed to re-seduction without any problems. And it worked! He immediately posted a photo with her on a couple of social networks with the caption “My baby is the best,” and I already conveyed the information to her boyfriend, whom I know quite well. The acquaintance almost didn’t get hit: initially he really didn’t know that she had a boyfriend, plus I explained that the hero, they say, was not to blame. But the heroine of the story now has a streak of loneliness and a corresponding reputation.

Dude, I don't know why this wonderful idea came into your head - how to get revenge on a girl for cheating, but I must say that there is no more hopeless undertaking in the world. If a girl has committed treason, then you are definitely deep on her side - so you can take revenge as much as you want, but the result will be about the same as if you took it into your head to take revenge on the concrete wall of your house because you were not warm enough in winter.

But what to do if the girl cheated, and you want to take revenge on her for treason. There are indeed options:

The girl who committed treason can repent

In this case, you really have a small chance to get satisfaction and take revenge on the girl for cheating. But do not try to be seduced by her arrival and think that she has some feelings for you.

Figushki! Most likely, she considers you a complete cretin, who steals everything that he is told. Don't be an idiot, don't listen to her, whatever she says. Finally, remember the mythological sailors who died when they heard the sweet-voiced sirens. Dude, just trust me, the best way is to just push her down the stairs, close the door tight, and have a beer with your friends.

In the end, the harm that alcohol will bring will be minimal compared to what your nervous system can expect if you continue your relationship with such a girl.

A girl who has committed adultery can have a “free” girlfriend

Having mixed up with your girlfriend's girlfriend, you will kill two birds with one stone. Firstly, revenge on a girl for cheating will be very sweet, and secondly, you may find a new stable relationship. Of course, there are fanatically devoted girlfriends who will never agree to this. But fortunately, they are in the minority. Especially if the girl has not had a relationship for a long time, and she strives for them.

So if you have long seen an appetizing girlfriend surrounded by your ex - go ahead, you have a real chance to avenge the betrayal.

In this case, the loss of your ex-girlfriend will be much greater than yours - she lost both her lover and girlfriend at once, and you essentially did not lose anything. There was one, now there is another. Who knows, maybe this one will be much better than the previous one.

Just get yourself a new girl

If life has taught you nothing and the betrayal of an ex-girlfriend does not stop you from continuing your search for simple human sex ... that is, excuse me, happiness - the flag is in your hands. In this world, there are a huge number of lonely young ladies who, for various reasons, do not have a family.

However, you should be careful here, since girls who are currently free from relationships have several dangerous subspecies:

  • "Freaky Accountant" In her life, until now, there was only work. Reports, seminars, trainings, inspections, audits, etc. As a result, in her life, among the men, there is only a cat eternally abundantly watered with tears, who, moreover, was deprived of his cat dignity, so as not to dare to wander around at night and look in the direction of other women, even if only cats. Dude, think about it, would you like to be in the position of this cat? Become a vest for tears, lose friends, and possibly eggs in order to prevent possible betrayals.
  • "Ovulyashka". She only thinks about how to urgently get married and quickly give birth to a child. And then another. The personality of a man is not very interesting to her, she is only interested in the satisfaction of her matrimonial ambitions. At best, she will bore you very quickly. Therefore, it is most likely not possible to take revenge on your ex-girlfriend for treason in this way.
  • "Single Mother" She has only one thought in her head - how to put her children on someone's neck. You can try as much as you want to be in this relationship in the first place, but for her, her children will always come first. So this is not the best way to take revenge on a girl for cheating.
  • "Athlete". If a girl is seriously involved in sports, especially martial arts, this is really a “risk group” for you. Firstly, most likely, she leads the most healthy lifestyle, which will also be projected onto you. There's nothing wrong with that, but maybe you're just not ready for it. Besides. perhaps she will sometimes want to resolve the conflict by force. And something tells me that this decision will not be in your favor. Think about it, do you want to constantly follow the line, and in case of disobedience, go to work with a neat “blanche”?

Another way to take revenge on a girl for treason is to dramatically increase your well-being

The method is complicated, but beautiful. I'm not talking about how to steal a million. Start a new business project, learn a couple of foreign languages, get a prestigious job, buy a new spacious apartment, a car. All the most beautiful girls will be at your feet. Including the one you decided to avenge for treason. Only after all, some time has already passed since “that very” day. Everything is already forgotten, erased. You definitely don't need her anymore. And you will surely choose for yourself one that will have a husband and family in the first place, and not fans and love victories.


No matter how insulting it is, no matter how burdensome thoughts of betrayal are, the desire for revenge, if it has already arisen, should be at least stronger than all insults. Therefore, in the circle of mutual acquaintances, you should not show that you are at least somewhat interested in this topic. In case someone touches her, you can yawn and say that you never considered this relationship as something serious. Believe me, the speed with which this information will be conveyed to her will be much faster than the speed of light. What's next? And then - see point 1, everything is very detailed there. By the way, it is indifference that can become the most serious punishment for a girl for treason. It is even possible that your coldness will hurt her so much that she will say a lot of unpleasant and offensive words to you or scratch her face - it all depends on her temperament.

The listed methods are the most humane and do not affect your human dignity. Of course, you can resort to other, less worthy ways to take revenge on a girl for treason. For example, inform your inner circle that she has awarded you with some intractable venereal disease. On the other hand, what kind of a man are you after that?

In general, the conclusion is this: if a girl has cheated, let her go through the forest. And forget to even think about her, it's for your own good. To take revenge or not to take revenge is your business. But try to make sure that she no longer appears on your horizon.

Not all girls, just like guys, correspond to the ideal image. Each has its own moral principles and norms of behavior. One will be a faithful and reliable companion for the rest of her life, the other will not give up a fleeting romance on the side if it brings her satisfaction or benefit. There are situations when a woman does not approve of cheating with her mind and heart, but certain circumstances push her to take this step. People, like the relationship between them, are very multifaceted, so before you think about how best to take revenge on a girl for treason, you should understand all the nuances.

Revenge on a girl for cheating

First, you need to find out why this happened? If there is no evidence other than rumors, speculation or a neighbor's story, do not rush to conclusions. Perhaps the news of the betrayal of a loved one is nothing more than ordinary slander. The presence of irrefutable facts is also not a reason for committing rash acts. You need to make sure that what happened is really her fault. The reasons for female infidelity can be many:

  • severe intoxication, loss of control over oneself;
  • forced intimate relationship, accompanied by a threat to life;
  • revenge on the beloved for his infidelity;
  • lack of attention, loss of respect for a partner, fading of feelings.

In an effort to punish betrayal, it is important to remember that a real man will not allow the thought of cold-blooded revenge. Such behavior indicates a tendency to meanness and seriously damages the reputation. To harm a beloved girl - cruelly and lowly, unloved - is completely pointless. An insecure guy is able to stoop to unseemly, sometimes comical methods: to defame a liar on social networks by posting indecent photos, deliberately flirt with her friends, force her to return all the gifts, insult in public places. The list of "dirty things" is endless. This can be forgiven for an unintelligent boy, but for an adult, accomplished man, never.

Rational way of revenge

  1. Indifference. Report that everything is known about her act, while showing persistent indifference, even if the heart is torn to pieces. The culprit will expect a scene of jealousy, a violent showdown, but not cold indifference. The jealousy of the chosen one always raises women's self-esteem, but here the effect of the reaction will be exactly the opposite.
  2. Gap. The guy got the opportunity to find out the true face of his beloved before starting a family - isn't that a plus? Many will agree that if this happened after a few years of marriage, the outcome would be more deplorable. If the girl deliberately went "left", an immediate break is the ideal solution. You should not humiliate yourself, make a scandal, the quieter the parting is, the harder it will be for her.
  3. Self improvement. To make it easier to survive separation and wipe the nose of the unfaithful, it is best to take care of yourself - finally buy a subscription to the gym, find another, more profitable activity, update your wardrobe. If she appreciates money in men, you can become a successful businessman. If the appearance is to bring your body to perfection or even hire a stylist. The former will serve as a kind of incentive, and the result will not be long in coming: the traitor will bite her elbows, and the deceived one will enjoy success among the ladies.

There are probably no other adequate methods on how to take revenge on an ex-girlfriend for betrayal. When a man believes that it is necessary to sort things out with the help of swearing or using force, how does he differ from a traitor?

Is it possible to forgive female infidelity?

For many, this will seem strange, but there is nothing reprehensible in forgiving treason. There is no universal solution to the problem. Only endurance, a clear mind, a detailed analysis of the situation, why the girl ended up in the arms of another, will help to decide whether to forgive or quit. The beloved definitely deserves a second chance, if sex on the side was not her initiative, and she did not have the opportunity to avoid it. Deep regret and sincerity are strong extenuating circumstances.

The one who had a relationship on the side for a long time and met with the second young man consciously appears in a completely different light. In this case, few will be able to forgive. However, if the cause was a serious discord in the relationship, maybe this is not a betrayal at all? When both partners, despite everything, strive to maintain the union, it is strongly recommended to take a time out. A short pause will help rethink what happened, moderate anger, resentment, sort out your own feelings.

Provided that the guy did not punish the girl for treason in the most plausible way, it should be understood that they have no future and cannot be. It is better to silently withdraw from the race and find a worthy game than to regret what you have done later. Revenge is the worst possible conflict resolution option.
