What are the benefits of colloidal silver? Colloidal silver: instructions and description.

Colloidal Silver- These are small particles of silver ranging in size from 5 to 300 nanometers, suspended in water and forming a solution of colloidal silver. The fact of the antimicrobial effect of silver is confirmed by the centuries-old history of its use. At the moment, there are preparations of colloidal silver for both oral and topical use. Combining effectiveness in combating microorganisms and safety, they are widely used to combat infection.

Healing silver

For a long time, silver was considered the main natural antiseptic. But with the discovery of antibiotics and their widespread use in medicine, the situation has changed dramatically.

Each individual antibiotic is effective against 5-10 types of pathogenic bacteria. And until bacteria learned to show their resistance to them, antibiotics coped with a bang against a certain infection. It should also be noted that in the last century, the concentrated and high-quality forms of silver that are available to us today did not exist. For these reasons, the use of silver preparations has faded into the background.
However, now humanity is faced with certain problems when using antibiotics:

  • resistance of bacterial strains to antibiotics;
  • death of natural intestinal microflora and dysbacteriosis;
  • other side effects, the most common being allergic reactions.

For these reasons, scientists began to re-examine the valuable properties of silver, its wide spectrum of action and work on its effectiveness and safety.

Medicinal silver comes in the following types:

  • ionic (silver salts),
  • colloidal (fine silver),
  • cluster (nanosilver or biosilver).

These subtypes of silver differ in particle size, have different solubility in water and exhibit different bactericidal properties from each other.

The most pronounced practical results were achieved by developers and manufacturers of colloidal silver. Colloidal silver preparations have proven themselves to be an effective and safe means of fighting infection.

The benefits of silver

Colloidal silver has a wide spectrum of activity against bacteria, viruses and fungi. Silver has the ability to destroy specific enzymes that are involved in the oxygen metabolism of bacteria and viruses. Also, its antimicrobial activity is due to the catalytic effect of silver on proteins and membrane structures of microorganisms.

Silver ions have the amazing ability to be continuously generated and eliminated from the surface of nanoparticles as they bind to the biological substrate. In other words, silver nanoparticles are a kind of depot of silver ions. Based on this, impressive concentrations of silver ions are formed locally (near the surface of the particles), fatal to microorganisms, but safe for the human body. As a result, an effective, mild and prolonged effect of colloidal silver preparations is ensured.

I would also especially like to note the advantage of colloidal silver, such as synergism with the normal microflora of the human body.

Silver fully justifies its title as a noble metal and, unlike antibiotics, does not cause dysbacteriosis.

When taking silver, pathogenic microflora is selectively inhibited, which in turn leads to the development and reproduction of normal microflora of the human body.

Research on the effectiveness of colloidal silver

Research, carried out to determine the effectivenesscolloidal silver, showed that a solution of colloidal silver has bothbacteriostatic (stops the growth of bacteria) andbactericidal(kills bacteria) properties. He is active in relation togram-positive, so and gram-negative bacteria.

Antiviral properties have also been confirmed against viral DNA polymerase and reverse transcriptase, i.e. enzymes directly involved in the reproduction of viruses. A detailed description of the studies and confirmation of the results in vitro and in vivo are contained in the patent(United States Patent 7135195) , designed for this substance, unique in its beneficial activity.

Confirmation of a wide spectrum of antibacterial action of colloidal silver at a concentration of 10 ppm

Comparative studies examined the effects of various antibiotics (tetracycline, ofloxacin, penicillin G, cefaperazone and erythromycin) and colloidal silver on S. pyogenes, S. mutans, S. gordonii, S. pnuemoniae, S. faecalis, S. aureus, P. aeruginosa, E. coli, E. aerogenes, E. cloacae, S. typhimurium, S. arizona, S. boydii, K. Pneumoniae. A silver composition at a concentration of 10 ppm was tested and found to have both bacteriostatic and bactericidal properties against all organisms tested. The study found that colloidal silver has a similar or broader spectrum of activity than all of the above antibiotics.

Comparison with other forms of colloidal silver on the market confirmed the superiority of NSP's Aqua Sol Colloidal Silver.

Confirmation of the selective inactivity of colloidal silver in relation to beneficial microflora, which performs a protective function in the human body.

Research by VIRDIS BioPharma has shown that, despite the breadth of its antibacterial spectrum, colloidal silver made using Aqua Sol technology does not destroy beneficial human microflora. Testing was carried out on probiotic bacteriaLactobacillus acidophilus And Bifidobacterium longum, as well as 2 probiotic preparations: Lactisyn , which consists of a mixture of bacteriaLactobacillus lactis, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Streptocuccus lactis And Streptococcus thermophilus, and Kyo-Dophilus , which includesLactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium bifidum And Bifidobacterium longum.

The test results are presented in the table:

BacteriaColloidal silver solution, 10 ppmColloidal silver solution, 22 ppm
Lactobacillus acidophilusNINI
Bifidobacterium longumNINI
*NI – no suppression occurred
Thus, it has been proven that colloidal silver does not have a detrimental effect on beneficial human microflora.

Colloidal Silver NSP

Colloidal silver Forte from Nature's Sunshine Products (NSP) is a product containing highly dispersed nano-sized silver particles suspended in demineralized and deionized water. This dietary supplement is produced using a unique patented technologyAqua Sol. The production process uses silver electrodes with a voltage of about 10 kV (kilovolts). It was experimentally revealed that it is under the influence of this voltage that the maximum amount (over 97%) is formed in the solution.colloidal silver and is virtually absentfree ionic silver . Thanks to the ultra-small particle size (from 5-15 nanometers in diameter), maximum bioavailability of this form of silver is achieved and, as a result, its effectiveness and safety.

It should also be noted that the colloidal silver solution from the NSP company is manufactured according to the GMP quality standard.

Applications of colloidal silver

NSP company presents to you 2 products containing silver, made using innovative Aqua Sol technology with a concentration of 20 ppm:

  • Colloidal Silver NSP(for external and internal use),
  • Colloidal silver gel(for external use).

– a universal remedy for all members of your family from the youngest to the older generation. Contains silver in the form of microscopic particles in a colloidal solution, which ensures maximum bioavailability of the active substance. 5 mg of gel contains 100 mcg of silver. It has a powerful antimicrobial effect, reduces inflammation and swelling, and reduces the risk of scar formation.


  • Cleanses and moisturizes skin
  • Non-toxic
  • Alcohol free
  • Safe for children

The use of ointment with silver is relevant for such situations and diseases as:

  • Open wounds, cuts, scratches, abrasions, including on mucous membranes
  • Suppuration
  • Bedsore Care
  • Acne (blackheads)
  • Burns
  • Eczema
  • Skin irritations
  • For insect bites
  • For cleaning and disinfecting the skin, including the skin of the hands.

Webinar on the benefits and use of colloidal silver

Harm of silver

Silver belongs to the group of biogenic elements, that is, it is a permanent component of the tissues of the human body. As for toxicity, the toxicity of a substance depends on many parameters, primarily on the type, composition, concentration, and dose. After all, for example, even sugar and salt have lethal dosages.
Of the silver preparations, the most toxic is ionic silver, in particular silver nitrate. In acute poisoning with a concentrated solution of silver nitrate, the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines is affected.

Long-term and uncontrolled use of drugs containing silver can cause chronic intoxication (argyrosis). Argyrosis is an irreversible condition manifested by discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes in a grayish-bluish color. True, it is worth noting that argyrosis is a rare phenomenon in medical statistics. In all registered cases, there was unjustifiably long-term use of silver in large quantities (self-medication) or the use of homemade preparations (silver was obtained by leaching from silver wire).

To avoid negative consequences from the oral use of silver-based preparations, it is necessary to follow the dosage and duration of administration specified by the manufacturer.

Side effects of silver

Side effects may occur in case of individual intolerance to silver preparations. Also, when starting to use silver-based drugs, a temporary deterioration in well-being may occur, or local skin reactions may appear.

Such phenomena are caused by intoxication of the body with decay products formed as a result of the mass death of pathogenic microorganisms. To avoid these side effects, you need to drink plenty of water and additionally take some kind of detoxifier, for example,.

Contraindications to the use of colloidal silver

Contraindications to colloidal silver include the following factors:

  • individual intolerance to components,
  • pregnancy,
  • lactation.

Where to buy colloidal silver

Due to the widespread popularity of colloidal silver, quite a lot of companies have begun to appear that produce and sell it. Before purchasing, I recommend that you thoroughly study the history of the company, place of production, and obtaining quality certificates for products. It is important that food additives have at least quality certificates from Rospotrebnadzor. Obtaining a GMP quality certificate indicates a high level of production and product quality control. Obtaining this certificate is a source of pride for many pharmaceutical companies.

I recommend buying NSP colloidal silver, which is made using Aqua Sol technology, on the official website of the company's distributor. This guarantees you the purchase of a real, high-quality product.

Colloidal silver solution is actively used in medicine to treat many diseases and prevent their development. The product is based on the use of a solution that contains silver ions dissolved in specially purified water.

Silver water is present in a solution of colloidal silver, which every consumer can buy if desired. But before you purchase and start using the product, read the instructions, reviews, and consult your doctor.

Colloidal silver contains silver ions, which have a disinfecting effect and destroy pathogenic microorganisms. These properties were discovered in ancient times, so before the invention of antibiotics, people actively used silver objects to achieve an antibacterial effect and purify water. It was only in the 20th century that scientists officially recognized that preparations based on silver ions could be used in medicine and everyday life to combat infectious diseases and prevent their development.

Accumulating to the required concentration, silver begins to destroy bacterial agents by binding to the DNA of the pathogenic microbe. It has been proven that a solution of colloidal silver stimulates the body's mast cells, namely, they play a protective role and do not allow microbes and viruses to provoke the development of an infectious-inflammatory process. Thus, with the correct use of silver ions, it is possible to build a powerful immune defense and block harmful substances entering the body from the outside.

Colloidal silver is considered a natural antibiotic. Unlike classical antibacterial drugs, it does not have a negative effect on the intestinal microflora, does not suppress the immune system and improves human well-being. The use of silver ions in accordance with official instructions creates conditions in which pathogenic microorganisms do not survive and stop multiplying. It is worth noting that the drug can be used not only in medicine, but also for everyday life and industrial purposes: the substance is often used to purify water in tanks and disinfect surrounding objects and equipment.


Despite the natural composition and many years of experience in the use of silver ions, preparations based on them must be used in accordance with the instructions. Consult your doctor or knowledgeable specialist regarding this matter. Do not violate the recommended dosage even if there is no positive effect.

You can find out about the rules for using the product from your doctor or in the instructions for use. The main purpose of colloidal silver solution is to obtain an antibacterial effect. The remedy cannot replace the main therapeutic treatment. Despite its high effectiveness, the drug must be combined with other means and methods. Colloidal silver is used in complex therapy for external and internal infectious and inflammatory processes, as well as for the purpose of disinfecting certain objects and surrounding surfaces.

Features of application

Colloidal silver is used internally and externally. If you have never used this product before, be sure to read the instructions and consult with a specialist before starting treatment. The drug has certain contraindications and should be used only in a certain dosage. Colloidal silver is taken orally in small portions (the dosage is selected individually): 1 teaspoon 2-3 times a day. For acute infectious diseases, the dose of the drug may be increased. Sometimes experts recommend placing the required amount of solution under the tongue and slowly dissolving the drug, and then drinking a glass of water.

External use of colloidal silver is considered the safest:

  • If inflammatory processes occur in the throat, the solution is applied to the back wall of the pharynx and soft tissues of the oral cavity, and then washed off. In this way, it is possible to destroy pathogenic microorganisms that are found in large numbers on the mucous membrane during laryngitis, stomatitis, caries, and sore throat.
  • For bronchopulmonary pathologies, colloidal silver is used for inhalation: 5-7 drops of the product are diluted with a small amount of water and inhaled (through a nebulizer). This procedure allows you to disinfect the respiratory tract, destroy infectious agents and reduce the risk of complications of most ENT diseases.
  • In case of skin injuries, the development of fungal diseases, dermatoses, or to prevent secondary infections, it is recommended to irrigate the surface of damaged tissues with a silver solution.
  • For proctological, urological, and gynecological pathologies, experts recommend using tampons soaked in the product. Women are also douched. To do this, 2-3 teaspoons of the drug are diluted in a glass of warm water and the mucous membrane is irrigated with the resulting solution.

Possible adverse reactions

The use of colloidal silver is considered relatively safe for human health. This product has a natural composition and goes well with the internal environment of the body. Despite this, colloidal silver solution should be used only for its intended purpose and according to the rules indicated in the official instructions. Otherwise, the following complications may occur.

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One of the most universal antibacterial drugs with a wide spectrum of action. It has been proven that it is effective against hundreds of pathogens of infectious diseases, while known antibiotics are active only against 5-10 types of bacteria. Silver destroys not only pathogens, but also the toxins they produce.

"Silver Max" created on the basis of colloidal silver, which is a powerful natural antiseptic and has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects. Colloidal silver in this product at a concentration of 10 ppm effectively affects pathogenic bacteria, is quickly eliminated from the body, and does not lead to skin pigmentation. The colloidal solution production technology allows silver particles to completely dissolve in water and guarantees high quality of the product.

  • Product "Silver Max" reduces the risk of infectious diseases.
  • Has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Gives positive results for infectious respiratory diseases, as well as for diseases of the oral cavity.
  • Effective for skin diseases, trophic ulcers and burns.
  • It has a positive effect on gastrointestinal diseases (peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, dysentery) and food poisoning.

"Silver Max" significantly reduces the risk of infectious diseases and gives positive results when:

  • infectious respiratory diseases;
  • skin diseases (dermatomycosis, furunculosis, eczema of various localizations);
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (peptic ulcer of the stomach and 12 intestines, dysentery), food poisoning;
  • trophic ulcers and burns.
  • purified silver in a concentration of ...... 10 μg/ml
  • purified water.

Action of active components

Colloidal silver It acts on more than 350 types of harmful microorganisms, including staphylococci and Helicobacter pylori, which causes stomach ulcers, but does not have a toxic effect on the body. Has a strong bactericidal effect. Penetrating into an infected cell, silver ions block the supply of nutrients to the virus, dooming the diseased cell to death. At the same time, silver does not harm healthy cells, that is, while killing pathogenic bacteria, it remains safe for the body’s own beneficial flora.

The anti-inflammatory properties of silver appear when it comes into contact with affected tissues. When silver gets into a purulent wound, it binds with tissue proteins and creates a protective layer, enveloping the nerve endings and preventing irritation. Under the influence of silver, the wound quickly clears of necrotic masses, which prevents the development of various pathologies and accelerates the tissue healing process. Colloidal rib is effective for gastrointestinal ailments, food poisoning, some skin rashes (psoriasis, allergic dermatitis), and inflammation of the joints.

Silver - one of the most important microelements necessary for the normal functioning of the human body. The brain, endocrine glands, liver, kidneys, and bones especially need it. Silver actively participates in the body's metabolic processes, the synthesis of many important enzymes and vitamins, and also regulates energy metabolism, helps increase the number of lymphocytes, red blood cells and hemoglobin.

Does not contain

Artificial ingredients, preservatives or additives. Non-toxic and does not cause addiction or side effects.

Application of Silver-Max (Colloidal Silver)

Four ways:

  1. 1. Half a teaspoon under the tongue. In case of illness, the dose is increased and a person can use it 4-6 times a day.
  2. 2. When used with a spray bottle, it can be sprayed into the eyes, mouth, ears, etc.
  3. 3. In the presence of external damaged surfaces, it can be used in the form of lotions, compresses, and wraps.
  4. 4. Swallowing orally:

For adults 1/2 teaspoon per day 30 minutes before meals. In case of illness, the dose is increased to 4-6 times a day.

For children can be used from the first days of life!

  • 13-14 years old - 1/2 teaspoon per day;
  • 8-12 years - 1/3 teaspoon per day;
  • 4-7 years - 1/4 teaspoon per day;
  • 1-3 years - 1/5 teaspoon per day;

*In case of illness, the dose is increased 2-3 times a day.

Duration of admission: 10 days.

Use for diseases


Taking Colloidal Silver orally can stop asthma attacks. Reception 2 tsp. solution every 3-4 hours during the day for a month, then you can reduce the intake to 1 tsp. in the morning and in the evening. Silver has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, which explains the effectiveness of silver solution in the treatment of asthma, which is caused by inflammation of the bronchi.

Burns and cuts

Spray the silver solution directly onto the wound, irrigate it and leave it open for 5-20 minutes. Repeat the procedure 1-3 times a day depending on the severity of the lesion. Burns and wounds heal very quickly in this case.

Ulcerative and other open lesions of the oral cavity

Take approximately 1 tsp. silver solution and hold it over the affected area of ​​the mouth for about 5 minutes. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times a day. You will soon notice an improvement.

Herpetic fever.

Soak a cotton swab with a silver solution and apply it to your lips. Hold the tampon for 5-20 minutes. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times a day. It is more effective at the first sign of fever, as it will not reach the blister stage and disappears in 1-3 days.

Diabetic neuropathy

As a result of poor circulation in diabetics, cuts and scrapes heal more slowly. But when taking Silver, healing time is reduced, and pain in the limbs is also reduced. The solution should be taken both internally (1-2 tsp per day) and externally, applying it from a spray bottle to the affected surfaces 2-3 times a day.

Diaper rash and other rashes

For diaper rash, apply a silver solution from a spray bottle to each area of ​​the skin, leaving them wet. For other irritations and rashes, apply the solution to the affected surface and leave wet for at least 5 minutes. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times a day. Improvement can be expected within 24 hours. It's good to add Emu Fat.


1 tsp take silver solution 2-3 times a day. Keep it in your mouth (rinse if possible) for 3-5 minutes before swallowing. If you take colloidal silver at the very beginning of flu symptoms, a noticeable improvement is observed after 1-3 days. If the disease is advanced, recovery occurs more slowly.

Ear pain

Most ear infections are caused by the bacteria Streptococcus pneumonia and Haemopbilus influenzae. It turned out that the new silver solution kills both of these types of bacteria. Place 5-7 drops in the ear. Lie for at least 10 minutes in this position, more is possible. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times a day. Improvement is noticeable within 4-24 hours.

Food poisoning

A new silver solution kills 6 types of bacteria that commonly cause food poisoning. It is recommended to drink about 30 ml of silver solution in the initial stages of poisoning. Positive results are observed within 10 minutes, and at the latest within 3 hours.

Fungal foot infections

An honored specialist, an orthopedic doctor specializing in foot diseases, used a silver solution to treat a patient who suffered from mycotic nail infections. During a 4-month course of treatment, the results exceeded all expectations and after that, he began to treat other patients with this solution.
Application: File the shiny surface of the nail (to increase porosity), then apply the solution to the infected nail using a spray bottle or a cotton swab. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times a day.

Joint inflammation

Silver is a strong anti-inflammatory agent and is used for painful swelling of joints and muscle tissue. 1 tsp. per day for joint pain.


Apply the solution from a spray bottle to the back of the throat and gargle 3-4 times a day, using at least 1 tsp. solution. Improvement usually occurs within 2-3 days. If laryngitis is accompanied by a sore throat, see the section "Sore throat".


Take 1 tsp. solution 4 times a day relieves mastitis in 2 days.

Sinus (sinus) infection

Irrigate the nasal cavity 3 times a day in each nostril with half to a whole teaspoon of solution at a time. Improvement can be observed after 24 hours, and complete recovery after 2-3 days.


Silver solution has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Gargle with 1-2 tsp. solution for 4-5 minutes and swallow. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times a day. It is advisable to spray or instill the solution into the nose. Noticeable improvement is observed after 12-48 hours.

Candidal stomatitis (thrush)

Apply a few drops of the solution to each side of the mouth 4 times a day. After 2 days, the child’s stomatitis goes away.


Laboratory tests have shown that the new silver solution kills 2 types of bacteria that are involved in the development of caries. Rinse your mouth with 1-2 tsp. solution, moving the solution from side to side for 4-5 minutes. Then swallow.

Urinary tract infection

A woman suffering from a urinary tract infection said that antibiotics seemed to clear up the infection, but soon after stopping them, the infection returned. She took 2 tsp. a new silver solution per day for 10 days, after which her attending physician stated the complete disappearance of the infection. Laboratory tests have shown that the new silver solution can kill 7 different types of bacteria that cause urinary tract infections.

Vaginal yeast infection (candidiasis, thrush)

Take 1 tsp orally. silver solution 3 times a day, and also use 4-6 tsp. silver solution for douching twice a day.

Water purification

In 1.5 minutes, a silver solution causes the death of 100% of the bacteria living in raw river water under natural conditions, plus additionally introduced bacteria. One bottle of silver solution is enough to treat 20 liters of water (preferably non-chlorinated).

General good health

Take 1 tsp. silver solution 1-2 times a day as a mineral supplement to strengthen the immune system. Silver is a powerful preventive agent, causing the death of dangerous pathogenic organisms before they threaten human health. Many people find that taking a new silver solution every day dramatically reduces their poor health.

Individual intolerance to product components, pregnancy, breastfeeding. It is recommended to consult a doctor before use.

Colloidal silver is a modern method for eliminating many health problems. The colloidal solution contains crushed silver particles. Together with pure liquid, Ag enters the human body and is better absorbed. The medicine has no taste and is almost colorless. They claim that it is completely non-toxic and healthy.

The production of colloidal silver solution involves the use of physical and chemical methods. The product produced using the physical method is significantly different. All preparations that contain this chemically formed product have a characteristic yellow and sometimes brown tint. But such a product is manufactured precisely by a physical method, and therefore has no color.

The substance becomes colorless because the particles have a similar size and the solution does not need additional stabilization. The use of this medicine provides greater effectiveness in the complex treatment of various diseases. This is confirmed by many scientific studies of this product.

The drug is produced in containers made of high-quality glass. This makes it possible to maintain the quality and properties of the solution for as long as possible and protect the liquid from ultraviolet radiation. This is a significant fact because a plastic bottle would not be able to ensure long-term preservation of the product. The solution is best stored in a dark, dry place.

Properties and uses of the medicine

It is believed that this is a worthy replacement for conventional antibiotics. Unlike standard medications, this drug in some cases gives a more effective result. If Ag is in a colloidal state in the body, then pathogenic elements do not survive in this environment. The substance is widely used not only in medicine. The drug does not irritate the eyes, so it is often used to purify water in swimming pools and on spaceships.

Colloidal silver can purify any environment from harmful elements, which is why it is often used to eliminate air pollutants. The use of silver salts is possible for severe skin lesions. The substance has a very low level of toxicity and is a good preservative. The product can be used even by children. The medicine affects the body, destroying various viruses, bacteria, fungi, and helps block the work of oxidative enzymes of microorganisms.

The use of the drug is possible even during the treatment of very complex diseases. Argentum will not help completely eliminate sexually transmitted diseases, but with a course of treatment, the progression of HIV can be significantly reduced. This solution is often used to combat staphylococci, streptococci, prostatic and abdominal infections. The use of the drug for treatment, not prophylaxis, should be under the supervision of a physician.

If the solution is taken in the indicated dosage and the duration of the course is not increased, then the therapy has no side effects. Unlike silver salts, the drug does not remain in the body and does not accumulate on the walls of organs. The substance does not affect other medications and does not reduce their effectiveness.

Indications for use

The drug is considered one of the best natural antibiotics. It has an antiseptic effect and heals the body. Instructions for use of the drug are standard. It indicates how many drops of the solution should be taken externally or internally for children and adults. Your doctor may change your drug dosage if needed.

The medication is taken orally for any diseases of the nose and throat (sore throat, sinusitis, tonsillitis, etc.). In addition, the medicine can be used for acute and chronic forms of bronchitis and pneumonia. The use of the solution has a positive effect in the treatment of diseases of the joints, cartilage and bones: arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatism. Treatment of prostatitis also often includes taking this drug. The use of the medicine internally has a beneficial effect on the treatment of boils and abscesses.

Externally, the drug is usually used for diseases of the oral cavity. The silver solution is suitable for lotions, compresses, and is used to wash wounds with fungal infections of tissues and the formation of infected wounds. Treatment for skin herpes may include applying the solution topically. The medicine can be used alone or in combination with other drugs. For external use, the solution is not diluted.

Disadvantages of treatment

Any treatment may have its drawbacks. With prolonged use of the solution orally, side effects are possible. If the drug is used for a very long time or the indicated dosage is not followed, the treatment may negatively affect the functioning of the intestines and provoke dysbiosis.

With the systematic use of compresses with this substance, pigmentation may appear on the skin. Incorrect use of the drug will lead to dysfunction of the kidneys, liver and nervous system.

The gradual accumulation of silver in the body can lead to negative consequences. Often, patients who abuse medication may complain of fatigue, lethargy and heaviness throughout the body, prolonged depression and metabolic disorders. Sometimes the consequence of improper use of the drug can be a disease such as argyrosis.

This disease is quite dangerous for the body. It is easy to notice a patient with argyrosis: such people have excessive skin pigmentation. Moreover, the spots have a gray or light blue tint. The lesion also affects the mucous membrane. Argyrosis is often accompanied by nervous system disorders. Such pigmentation does not go away, and the skin color cannot be changed subsequently.

Treatment of the disease usually does not produce much results and is aimed mainly at prevention and prevention of progression of the disease. In order to correct skin defects, the patient may be offered cosmetic treatment. It involves whitening the skin using a laser. In case of severe poisoning, vision impairment may occur.

Water saturation apparatus

Since Ag cleanses the environment very well and eliminates most bacteria, its use at home is recommended. A colloidal silver ion generator was created for self-enrichment of water. The effectiveness and reliability of the device has been proven by various tests.

You can independently obtain a solution with ions of this metal using the Georgiy apparatus. The preparation of the solution is based on the use of the electrolytic method. Direct current is passed through electrodes immersed in water. You can independently regulate the concentration of silver ions in water. It will depend on the duration of operation of the device and the volume of liquid. The Colloidal Silver Ion Generator is very easy to use. When purchasing the device, you will receive instructions for use, which describe in detail the method of such water enrichment.

In everyday life, such a device is truly indispensable. It can be used for canning foods, juices and compotes. If you live in a polluted area, then your drinking water must be properly and well purified. The device can also be used before planting. In water that you have enriched yourself, you need to soak the seeds for several hours.

Enriched water can be used to water ordinary plants. This will help disinfect the soil and eliminate fungi. In water enriched with silver ions, cut plants last much longer. You can use purified water to wash dishes and food; it will completely kill all harmful microorganisms. This water is often used to disinfect underwear and bed linen.

A third of patients who come to ENT complain of diseases of the paranasal sinuses and nose. After all, even simple congestion and a runny nose can significantly complicate a person’s life. The respiratory organs have many functions - humidifying, warming and purifying incoming air. Also, thanks to the nose, you can smell different smells.

But when an infection or virus enters the nose, all these functions are disrupted. Children especially often suffer from rhinitis, since their immune system is not yet fully formed. When nasal congestion occurs and snot appears, patients are prescribed various sprays and drops. But which ones are really effective and how to use them?

Types of nasal drops

According to statistics, 90% of people suffer from respiratory diseases at least once a year. Therefore, there are many types of drugs used to treat runny nose. The most common are vasoconstrictors. They are used for any type of rhinitis, since they do not cure, but only temporarily remove the unpleasant symptoms of the disease.

Also, for a runny nose, moisturizers can be used to support the normal functioning of the mucous membrane.

Such drugs do not have a significant therapeutic effect, but they are much more effective than vasoconstrictor drops.

Even for a runny nose, hormonal medications are used to eliminate almost all symptoms, from swelling to purulent discharge. However, this group of medications also does not treat rhinitis.

The next group of nasal medications are medications containing natural ingredients. They soften and moisturize the nasal mucosa, but do not have a significant clinical effect. Other types of nasal products include the following drops:

There are also nasal drops based on antiseptics and antibiotics. They are used to destroy pathogens that interfere with the functioning of the respiratory organs. These types of medications include silver-based nasal drops. But what are these drugs, how are they effective and how to use them?

Silver-based drops: their names and characteristics

The therapeutic effect of products containing tiny particles of silver is based on the fact that they have a powerful antimicrobial effect.

Such drugs destroy pathogenic microflora and suppress viral infections. Silver can precipitate proteins, forming a thin film on the affected mucous membranes, accelerating regeneration and preventing irritation.

  • Often prescribed nasal drops with silver ions for a runny nose are:
  • Collargol;

Argolife. Protargol is a drug consisting of proteins containing silver ions.

Due to the short shelf life (14 days), the product is made to order from powder in pharmacies that prepare medicines. The advantages of the drug are that it does not cause addiction or dysbiotic disorders. The drug is used in the treatment of complicated rhinitis of various etiologies - purulent runny nose, sinusitis, etc. Attention!

The active ingredients of Protargol can provoke allergies and cause intoxication, so the solution should be used only for medical purposes. Special attention. The medicine is allowed to be used at any age.

  • But black nasal drops for children and adults may differ in the concentration of active ingredients:
  • 1% solution – up to 1 year;
  • 2% solution – 3-5 years;

3% solution - for children over 5 years old and adults. Before using an aqueous solution of protargol, it is necessary to rinse the nasal cavity. Up to 5 drops can be instilled into each nasal passage at a time.

The procedure is carried out twice a day, morning and evening. The therapeutic effect will be noticeable within 2-4 days from the start of therapy. The duration of treatment is determined by the attending physician.

Protargol is not used during pregnancy, allergies to the active ingredients of the drug and during lactation.

With uncontrolled use of the drug, allergic manifestations often occur.

This condition is accompanied by rashes, tearing, itchy skin, dry mucous membranes, dizziness and fatigue.

Therefore, the dosage, time and duration of use should be determined by a doctor.

To prepare a two percent solution, 1 tablet of Sialor is dissolved in 10 ml of the solvent supplied with the drug. Medicine preparation process:

  • the solvent is poured into the bottle;
  • 200 mg of Sialor is added to the container;
  • Shake the bottle for about 10 minutes until the tablet is completely dissolved.

The resulting solution has a dark brown color and a characteristic odor. Before using it, you need to rinse your nose with saline solution or herbal decoction, this rule especially applies to children. The medicine is instilled three times a day, 1-3 drops into each nostril. Duration of therapy is from 5 to 7 days.

Due to the short shelf life (14 days), the product is made to order from powder in pharmacies that prepare medicines. The advantages of the drug are that it does not cause addiction or dysbiotic disorders. The drug is used in the treatment of complicated rhinitis of various etiologies - purulent runny nose, sinusitis, etc. According to doctors and most parents, Protargol and Sialor are the best nasal drops for children with silver.

Contraindications for the use of Sialor are the same as for the use of Protargol. Possible adverse reactions are burning and itching. It is worth remembering that silver accumulates in the body, and when it penetrates the intestines, it is quickly absorbed into the blood, settling on various organs and systems. With argyrosis, neurological disorders occur, digestion is disrupted and kidney damage occurs.

You can also use Collargol for a runny nose. The pure form of the medicine contains silver (70%) and albumin (30%), which connects metal molecules and maintains them in a state of activity.

The drug has a therapeutic effect similar to the therapeutic effect of Protargol and Sialor.

Before use, Collargol, as in other cases, is diluted with water.

A solution (1-2%) is instilled into the nose for adenoiditis, purulent rhinitis, and runny nose in children and adults. For such diseases, the drug will be especially effective, as it relieves inflammation and has a long-lasting antimicrobial effect.

Argolife, a silver-based solution, is also used to treat a runny nose. The product is available in a dark bottle with a volume of 10 ml, which contains a solution of colloidal silver (0.05%).

The disadvantage of the drug is its insignificant therapeutic effect, which is due to its low concentration. But on the other hand, this is a plus, allowing the drug to be used to treat infants without worrying about the development of side effects.

Silver-based preparations are quite effective. However, since their active substance can cause allergic reactions and accumulate in the body, solutions are used only for advanced forms of rhinitis, accompanied by purulent and green discharge.

In addition, before instilling silver-containing medications into the nose, especially when treating children, you should consult a doctor.
