We make a Shrovetide doll with our own hands. A selection of master classes with step-by-step photos and videos

The beliefs of the Slavs rest on the belief that on such days, when winter and spring are fighting, the gates between the other and the obvious world open slightly, the borders become thinner. Therefore, in ancient times, Slavic clans used protective magic items, one of which is Shrovetide doll.

Seeing off a fierce winter, the Slavs celebrate in early spring. One of these holidays is Maslenitsa (Komoeditsa). Many people know this holiday - the mother-in-law invites her son-in-law to pancakes with her daughter, various street festivities unfold, such characters as the Komoyed Bear, Koza-Dereza and others participate in the festivities.

Winter for the Slavs is a real test, which they passed in ancient times with great difficulty. The symbol of winter at the end of its period is the image of the aged Morena, the Goddess of Winter and Death. She was always depicted as an old woman, whose straw figure was burned on a festive fire on a spring holiday. It is this figure that is called the Maslenitsa doll in some parts of Russia. We are talking about a straw effigy, which was made in human growth and mounted on a pole and then burned.

A small doll was prepared separately right on the day of Maslenitsa (or the day before it), which will serve as a talisman all year round. And the same old doll was burned on a ritual fire, or the day before the holiday they were rafted down the river. Such a figurine was made of straw, dressed in a dress with a magnificent chest, and then kept until the next spring, that is, from Maslenitsa to Maslenitsa.

In the old days they used to say: "The old is burned, the new is found."

The doll symbolized the arrival of solar heat, the end of severe frosts, early sowing and cultivation of the land, the awakening of all Nature. The name comes from the meaning - "oil pancakes", which were perceived by the Slavs as a symbol of the sun. While the Shrovetide doll was kept in the dwelling of each house, it had great power to drive away evil forces and other misfortunes. Many chronicles describe what great power such a doll possessed.

Tips on how to make a puppet amulet for Maslenitsa

The Shrovetide doll was made by winding, which is why it was called a winding doll. This means that the entire creative process did without the use of scissors or needles. The Slavs believed that when using a stabbing or cutting tool, the amulets were weakened, defective, with holes. Therefore, the emphasis was only on manual labor. But modern techniques deviate from this principle, so modern needlewomen use both scissors for making a sundress dress and a needle and thread.

Our ancient ancestors used the following materials to make small Maslenitsa:

  • bast, flax, bast or straw;
  • twig, wood chips, splinter;
  • red wool thread or thin red ribbon;
  • a piece of fabric for a headdress.

The branch went under a solid base, on which straw was wound and tied with a red thread. The head was decorated with a scarf. In the simplest version, rag sundresses with aprons, or shirts with ponies, were not made. An impromptu skirt was a straightened bundle of straw or bast.

The most optimal version of the size of a domestic doll is 25 cm. The option of a whole rag doll meant the use of bright shreds. In this case, the following colors are actively used in fabrics - green, red, white, blue, orange. Each color had its own meaning and was selected to the chrysalis with intent. So, for example, to attract health to family members, it was predominantly green, and the activation of the protective power was given by red.

Special points in application

Shrovetide is kept in the “red corner”, in the place that is considered holy in the house, and also at the entrance to the house. If it is not possible to choose such places, then you can put the doll in the living room so that it is open to everyone.

In some cases, such a charm could be hidden from prying eyes, depending on whether there was a need to protect the doll itself from malevolent people.

Before the son-in-law and daughter came to visit, the mother-in-law put such a doll on the window. This served as an inviting signal to adult children that it was time to come to the meal to the mother-in-law, who would treat them to pancakes.

When the bride and groom appeared in the house, there was such a tradition when they were met at the engagement with the Shrovetide doll. It was considered an auspicious event for future newlyweds.

There is one more feature of using the Maslenitsa doll - literally they took out all their annoyance, resentment and anger on it during the year. They could come up and beat her, imagining that she was an offender. Or poke her with pins. Everything was burned along with the vented insults.

Maslenitsa as a puppet amulet by the ancient ancestors of the Slavs was revered on a par with such dolls as Uspechnitsa, Zhelannitsa, Travnitsa-Kubyshka and even Bereginya. And all because it has similar functions - not only to eliminate unwanted "programs" or influences, but also to attract positive solar energies.

In the life of our ancestors, the key moments were periods associated with the length of daylight hours. The days of the solstice and equinox meant not just a change of seasons, but had both a deep sacred meaning and an important practical, everyday meaning. And there were always next to the person and.

The summer solstice was celebrated as the time of the greatest activity of the power of the ancient light gods, the heyday of the well-being of human life and the surrounding world, rituals were performed with the participation of and. From the day of the autumn equinox, the nights became longer, the dark gods awakened and gained strength. People at that time were doing housework, needlework, and their helpers were dolls,.

On the day of the winter solstice, when the length of the day began to increase, they did, instructing him to change his life for the better. Well, the most joyful time is the onset of spring, the peak of which was celebrated during the spring equinox. The symbol of this period was and remains the Maslenitsa doll, which we will talk about today.

Wait, what about the dolls, and? - asks Veselina, - these are real spring dolls, aren't they?

So they have not gone anywhere, each of them has its own purpose and they do not interfere with each other at all, but on the contrary, they do one thing. The Shrovetide doll, you will see, also has its own task, for which it is made.

Shrovetide doll - history and meaning

During the winter months, all sorts of troubles could happen - darkness and cold never promised anything good to a person. Any critical situation in the winter was aggravated and could significantly spoil life, and in some cases even deprive it. In addition, at this time, evil forces and all evil spirits feel at ease and constantly try to profit from people with something. Therefore, seeing off winter has always been celebrated everywhere with cheerful multi-day holidays.

The most important rite of this period was the burning of a ritual doll, which personified the final victory of the Sun over the cold. Now this doll is known as Shrovetide, in the era of the ancient Slavs it was called differently, most likely it was a name consonant with the gods Semarglu or Yarila. The modern name appeared due to the fact that during the holiday the main treat was pancakes (a symbol of the sun), which were fried in oil.

The ritual doll Shrovetide, intended for burning in a ritual fire, was made in human height from bundles of straw or hay, which were attached to a crosspiece of two branches. The doll was dressed in old women's clothes, decorated with colorful patches and ribbons.

The Shrovetide amulet doll appeared, probably much later, in the process of trying to preserve ancient traditions during their destruction and perversion of other beliefs by adherents. This is a small rag doll, which was made at the same time, but kept for a whole year, entrusting it with the role of a talisman of the home, family and general well-being. Well, it won’t be worse from one more amulet “for everything”, you just need to remember that the true purpose of the doll is to participate in the rite of seeing off winter. I leave the conclusions to our guests on their own.

Shrovetide doll - how to make

Despite the ambiguity of its essence and name, the Maslenitsa doll has been made in Russian villages for many centuries, during which it involuntarily acquired its own meaning and earned its place in the total number of Russian rag dolls. The Shrovetide doll looks different in different regions, but I chose an option that is not only widespread, but also reflects the original essence with its design.

Maslenitsa doll, the basis of the doll is a Haircut on a cross.

So, the Shrovetide doll basically has a crosspiece of two sticks, on which bunches of bast are superimposed. Outwardly, at this stage, the doll has an appearance and is no different from it. After that, since we are making a charm, we make a protective cross on the chest from threads and begin to dress the doll. If you need to add volume to the head, use a rag that can be placed inside the fold of the main bundle of fibers, or a linen linter that can be wrapped around the outside of the head.

Maslenitsa doll, clothes comply with the norms accepted in the region.

We close the formed head with a white flap, the ends of which we lower in front and behind, tying with a thread at the level of the neck and waist. Next, we put on a skirt or sundress, on top of which we put an apron and fasten it with a belt. On the head we put a warrior and a head scarf. While working with the doll, conspiracies for peace, prosperity and health are used in a form accessible to the author. The Shrovetide amulet doll is kept for a year next to other similar dolls until the next spring equinox, during the celebration of which it was burned. Here is such a story.

Well, in the city of dolls, dolls can live for a long time, - I said, seeing that Veselina had already got puffed up, gathering strength to defend Shrovetide.

Could you tell me about this next time at the very beginning? - she answered in a voice still breaking with excitement, - otherwise, dolls, you know, are not very pleasant to hear about the fact that they are going to be burned ...

Okay, sorry - I really somehow didn’t think about it - I’ll tell you in all cases right in advance that all our dolls will live in our city for as long as they want. But we still need to know about what happens to them in the world of people.

Well, that’s enough for me, ”Veselina said in a cheerful voice and, tugging Shrovetide by the bast hand for joy, went to the exit, where she surprisingly distinctly said goodbye, after which this couple slowly left.

That's all I have for today, although something tells me that over time this article will be significantly supplemented with information on the history and meaning of the Maslenitsa doll. But it will be unknown when, and now I wish you more good days, fulfillment of desires and success in business. Thank you for your attention so far.

What is a Maslenitsa doll? Many will say that this is an effigy that is burned at the end of the festive week, seeing off the winter. But no! A small ritual doll Home Maslenitsa, made by hand during the holiday, is an old tradition for maintaining peace and harmony in the house. The Land of the Soviets offers you a selection of master classes for making such dolls.

Doll Home Maslenitsa

Home Maslenitsa or “daughter of Maslenitsa”, as it is often called, does not look like a scarecrow at all. This little doll, about 20 cm tall, is decorated with bright fabrics and colored ribbons, her braid is braided and arranged in a prominent place in the house. Her task is simple - to please the household and keep peace in the family. Such a talisman will live exactly one year, until the next holiday. If there are children in the family, several dolls are made - for each child, and one more for the house.

Photo Maslenitsa - doll

It is better to take natural materials for crafts - twigs, bast, straw, rags, natural fabrics and woolen or cotton threads. If you are not going to use your creation as a talisman, you can use quite modern padding polyester and glue. Making a doll is very simple, you can do it with your children. But if you decide to follow the ancient customs exactly, remember: the hostess of the house must make the daughter of Maslenitsa herself or with the help of children, but without the participation of men. After all, the task of men is to make a large life-sized effigy that will stand on the street for a week and burn on the last day of the holiday.

Master class: Shrovetide doll

Home Maslenitsa usually does not have a face, and somehow it is considered a bad omen to portray it - if the doll's face accidentally turns out to be similar to one of the family members, this person may get sick. But if you don’t believe in omens, feel free to draw a face with felt-tip pens, or you can embroider it.

Maslenitsa: domestic doll

During the year, Home Maslenitsa should keep peace in your home. If trouble, a quarrel or resentment happens in the family, you can complain to the doll and tie a bright colored ribbon on it. A year later, the amulet is burned along with a large effigy. It is believed that when all the tied ribbons burn, all misfortunes will go with them.

DIY rag doll Shrovetide: a master class with step by step photos

Rag dolls were usually made for Shrove Tuesday for children. For a whole year, a child could play with such a doll, and then independently throw it into the fire on Forgiveness Sunday. It was believed that this would save the baby from all the diseases of the past year.

We invite you to study the master class of the Novosibirsk craftswoman Zoya Pinigina and create a rag doll Maslenitsa with your own hands.

You will need:

  • 1 piece of white cloth for the head 20x20 cm
  • 2 pieces of white fabric for hands 10x12 cm
  • 2 patches of colored fabric with floral ornaments for a skirt 20x20 cm
  • 1 triangular piece of red fabric for a scarf with a long side of 22 cm
  • a lump of cotton wool, rags or synthetic winterizer for the head
  • a ball of red thread, preferably wool

Preparation method:

  1. Prepare everything you need for the doll. The edge of the fabric does not need to be hemmed, just fray it a little by pulling out a few threads.
  2. Place a piece of cotton wool or rags in the middle of the flap from which you will make the head.
  3. Form the doll's head and secure it tightly with string. Remove all folds of fabric to the back of your head so that your Shrovetide's face is smooth and even.
  4. Fold the hand pieces into a corner and twist.
  5. Thread your hands to the already finished head so that they are pointing up.
  6. Tighten the thread and tie it into a knot after every two turns.
  7. Fold the flaps for the skirt in half diagonally and place as shown in the picture to wrap the Shrovetide skirt in the sun.
  8. Bend the bottom flap of the skirt to the center.
  9. Fold the top flap of the skirt down and around the doll from left to right.
  10. Now fold the remaining edge of the lower flap again towards the center.
  11. And also bend the second edge of the upper flap down, but already behind the back of the doll. Wrap the skirt with threads and fasten well.
  12. Put on a scarf for Shrovetide, tying it in front with one knot.

Your rag doll is ready.

Making a Shrovetide doll from bast, a master class with step by step photos

Homemade Maslenitsa made of bast is no longer a toy for a child. It is usually larger than a rag doll and necessarily has a wooden base, most often made of birch. She was placed in the house so that the hostess could tie her memo ribbons on her. Such a doll was placed either in the red corner or in the kitchen. This amulet is changed in the same way as all others like it - exactly one year later.

You will need:

  • birch stick 35-40 cm long
  • a skein of bast (you can buy it at a flower or hardware store, brushes are made from bast for whitewashing trees)
  • rags or cotton wool for the head
  • piece of white cloth
  • colored patches for clothes
  • red or white thread

Preparation method:

Goat Doll and Cow Doll for Maslenitsa, master classes on video

Very often, Homemade Maslenitsa is made in the form of a goat or a cow. The long tradition is easily explained, because the well-being of our ancestors depended on these animals. To learn how to make these dolls, watch the video tutorial.

Try to make such dolls once, and we are sure you will definitely like it. The Maslenitsa doll, created with your own hands during the holiday, will make your every meeting of spring unique.

Home doll Shrovetide. Master class with photo

Bagrova Elena Viktorovna, primary school teacher, class teacher of the 4th grade, GPA teacher, MBOU "Secondary School No. 1", Kashira, Moscow Region
Purpose of material: I bring to your attention a master class on making a rag doll Maslenitsa. The material will be useful to teachers when conducting extracurricular activities aimed at expanding and consolidating knowledge about the traditional holidays of the Russian people; creative people; children 10 - 12 years old.
Target: acquaintance with the art of making a Russian Maslenitsa doll;
development of children's interest in folk culture and traditions through the manufacture of dolls
- develop artistic taste, promote the disclosure of the creative potential of each child;
- learn how to make a Russian rag doll based on traditional technology;
- develop an eye and the ability to work with scraps of fabric;
- to develop the desire for independent creativity;
- to form work skills in the manufacture of dolls;
- to cultivate accuracy, perseverance and interest in achieving the goal;

Traditionally for the manufacture of stuffed animals Shrovetide plant materials were used: wood, straw, bast. Straw was considered a symbol of fertility and abundance. Its use in many ritual dolls meant the glorification and attraction of the fruitful forces of nature. In the old days, it was customary in the villages to make Maslenitsa together, by the whole world, using, in addition to wood and straw, also old unnecessary things that they wanted to get rid of.

Didali Maslenitsa on Monday, preparing for the week-long carnival fun. In some regions (Tula, Vladimir, Tver) they also made small home Maslenitsa. Home Maslenitsa Unlike effigies of Maslenitsa, which was burned on Forgiveness Sunday, they tried to make it attractive, dressed it in beautiful outfits, put it in a place of honor. Home Maslenitsa was considered a guardian of the home. As a rule, it was kept until the next spring, when a new doll was made and the old one was burned. Sometimes only the base of the doll was burned, and beautiful outfits were used again.

Home Maslenitsa- is a small, 20 - 25 cm high, straw, bast or rag doll with a white face. Home Maslenitsa symbolized strong prosperity and healthy offspring of a young family. She was considered a strong amulet of the home, fulfilling the precepts of the owners of the house. They kept this doll in a red corner or at the entrance to a dwelling. On one of the days of the festive Maslenitsa week, when young people came to their mother-in-law for pancakes, this doll was put up in windows or yards. Traditionally, Home Maslenitsa met the bride and groom.

To make the doll we need:
- white flap 15 cm * 15 cm - 1 pc.
- colored flap 10 cm * 10 cm - 4 pcs.
- colored flap 15 cm * 20 cm - 1 pc.
- colored flap 5 cm * 10 cm - 1 pc.
- a triangular flap for a scarf;
- cotton wool or rags:
- threads;

The guys got down to business:

Work process:
1. Take a white square for the head, put a piece of rags or cotton wool in the center.

2. The head is tied with a thread, we must try to keep the wrinkles on the face as small as possible.

3. Next, handles are made: the corner of the fabric is bent, the edges are folded inward, folded in half and tied with a red thread.

4. From two squares and rags, a chest is made, which is tied to the body of the pupa (separately).

5. A bag is folded from a large piece of cloth. The torso of the pupa is inserted into the bag-dress and tightly tied with a thread.

6. Next, the apron is tied in an eversion way (the belt is crossed at the back and tied in front over the apron).

7. A scarf is put on the head, which is tied at the back.

Here are some wonderful dolls - Maslenitsa turned out for the guys!

Good holiday to you! Let the Shrovetide doll protect your home until next spring!

Presentation on the topic: Home doll Maslenitsa

Summary: What is a carnival doll. Shrovetide doll photo. Pictures of Shrovetide dolls. How to make a Shrovetide doll with your own hands. Master class doll Maslenitsa. Shrovetide doll home.

One of the indispensable attributes of Maslenitsa is the Homemade Doll Maslenitsa. Just please don't confuse it with the Scarecrow of Shrovetide, which is burned at the stake on the last day of Shrovetide week. The Shrovetide doll is a home amulet, which is made by hand from scraps of fabric, straw, birch bark. Made in a good mood and with good intentions, the Shrovetide doll will bring family well-being, prosperity and health to your home. There are many ways to make a Maslenitsa doll with your own hands. Here we will give examples of the simplest and most accessible, including for children, master classes on creating a Maslenitsa doll with your own hands. It will be especially interesting to make Shrovetide with your own hands for girls, because. then such a doll can be used in games. Please note that the Maslenitsa doll does not have a face. Such dolls are especially valuable for children's games, because. the child can endow the toy with any emotions according to the game plan.

1. Doll Maslenitsa. DIY Shrovetide doll

In order to make a Shrovetide doll you will need:

White fabric - 1 square 20x20 cm for the body, 2 squares 10x10 cm for the handles;
- bright, colored fabric - 2 squares 20x20 cm for a skirt;
- red fabric - a versatile triangle, whose largest side is 12 cm for a scarf;
- a piece of synthetic winterizer or cotton wool to form the head;
- red threads.

We draw your attention to the fact that for the manufacture of Shrovetide dolls it is recommended to use red threads or yarn.

1, To make the head and torso of Shrovetide, we form a ball from cotton wool or synthetic winterizer (paralon) and put it inside a square (20 * 20 cm) of white fabric. Rewind with red thread.

2. We continue to make the Maslenitsa doll with our own hands. Now we need to attach the handles. From two squares of white fabric 10 * 10 cm, we make such twists (see the Shrovetide photo below).

3. We put our hands between the folds on the skirt of the Maslenitsa doll and rewind it with a thread. At the ends, also wrap the handles with red thread.

4. Now we will make a skirt for our Shrovetide doll. To do this, fold two squares of colored fabric diagonally, you will get two triangles. Lay them on top of each other at a right angle as shown in the photo of the Shrovetide doll. Now you need to twist the skirt and rewind it with a thread.

5. It remains only to tie a red handkerchief on our head with our own hands. Look what a glorious Shrovetide doll we got as a result!

2. Doll Maslenitsa master class. Doll Maslenitsa home

Previously, Maslenitsa was celebrated in Rus' at the beginning of spring, on March 1. Maslenitsa is a national holiday of meeting Spring and seeing off Winter. With the advent of spring, it was customary to make such mischievous and bright stonefly dolls. This doll is a charm of youth, health, prosperity and happiness. With the introduction of Christianity, Maslenitsa began to be celebrated in the last week before Lent, so now Maslenitsa falls on different days every year. But even today Maslenitsa is a holiday in honor of Spring and the Sun. Therefore, in the form of such a doll, it would be appropriate to make a Shrovetide doll at home with your own hands.

So, to make a Maslenitsa doll, you will need:

1. White (or beige) piece of fabric 35x12 cm (body and head)
2. Two colored pieces of fabric (different colors) 35x15 cm (dress)
3. A patch of colored fabric 12x16 cm (hands)
4. One-color piece of fabric for an apron 9x7 cm. This can be lace, fabric for embroidery, etc.
5. Various ribbons, braid, red strong threads, synthetic winterizer, any bright knitting threads for hair.

1. We form the head and body of the Maslenitsa doll with our own hands.

2. We make hands Maslenitsa.

3. We connect the hands with the body. We rewind the Shrovetide doll in the chest area with threads.

4. We put on skirts for Shrovetide.

5. We tie an apron to the Shrovetide doll with our own hands.

6. We make hair Shrovetide.

7. We braid the doll Maslenitsa home. Do not forget to weave bright satin ribbons into the braid.

That's all! Do-it-yourself Maslenitsa doll is ready!

Material prepared: Anna Ponomarenko

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