What to do at home after the birth. What a man needs to know and do after discharge from the maternity hospital

The first days after the birth of a child are very difficult. The kid finds himself in a new unfamiliar world, where not only a loving mother awaits him, but also an incredible amount of previously unfamiliar microbes and viruses. Already in the first minutes of his life, the newborn has to learn to breathe and eat. The correct one will help the baby adapt to new conditions.

Rodes: newborn careimmediately after birth

So, let's talk about how it is provided caring for a newborn in a maternity hospital after childbirth. The first few hours of a child's life are spent in the delivery room. Immediately after the baby is born, the doctor cuts his umbilical cord, and the umbilical cord is clamped with a special bracket. Midwife clears the airways baby and put drops in his eyes to prevent gonococcal infection.

If the newborn can breathe on his own, during the first 30 minutes after birth, he is applied to the mother's breast. On the first day, very valuable and useful for the baby is released from the mother's breast. colostrum. Unfortunately, it is very small, so you can not waste a single drop.

Important! The more often you put the baby to your breast, the faster you will have real breast milk.

The first day:newborn care in the hospital

On the first day after childbirth, the following procedures are carried out:

  • washing the head of a newborn with running water using baby soap;
  • treatment of skin folds with a 2% solution of iodine or salicylic alcohol;
  • removal of original lubrication and amniotic fluid residues with oil.

Ppostpartum care for newborns must be performed by a qualified nurse.

Pfirst days of a newborn's life: nursing home

After the newborn is transferred to the children's department of the maternity hospital, he falls under the round-the-clock supervision of medical personnel. Every day the child is examined by a specialized pediatrician, assessing the condition of the skin and mucous membranes of the infant, its motor activity, muscle tone and the degree of development of unconditioned reflexes.

An integral part of the pediatric examination is treatment of the umbilical cord in an infant. Processing is carried out in two stages. At the first stage, the umbilical cord residue is treated with an individual cotton swab dipped in a 95% alcohol solution, and then a 5% potassium permanganate solution is used.

Attention! In case of suppuration or poor mummification (drying) of the umbilical wound, it must be treated with a 5% solution of potassium permanganate with each swaddle.

ABOUTbasic principles of postpartum care for a healthy newborn

Daily care of the baby in the maternity hospital includes such mandatory procedures as:

  • treatment of the skin and mucous membranes of the baby;
  • washing the child;
  • diaper change.

Skin and mucous membrane care

The skin of a newborn is different from that of an adult. It is very thin and hypersensitive, therefore it cannot fully perform protective and thermoregulatory functions. That is why the baby quickly overheats and freezes, and its skin requires delicate care.

Daily Care for a baby in a maternity hospital it is impossible to imagine without such procedures, How:

  • washing;
  • eye care;
  • cleaning the ears and nasal passages;
  • processing of natural folds.

All of these procedures are carried out in the morning, after the baby sleeps. Washing the newborn is carried out using a sterile cotton swab, which is moistened with warm water. Wipe the face of the baby with a cotton swab, after which the remaining moisture is removed with a clean diaper. Separate cotton swabs are used to wash the eyes.

Important! To avoid infection of the conjunctiva, it is necessary to wipe the child's eyes from the outer corner to the inner.

Newborn ears cleaned with hand-rolled cotton pads or special swabs with a wide cotton ball. Since the ear canals of a newborn are too short and the tympanic membrane is located very close to the outer edge of the auricle, the use of ordinary cotton buds to care for the baby's ears is unacceptable.

To remove contaminants in the baby's nasal passages, it is best to use cotton flagella, which you can twist yourself. If dry crusts appear in the baby's nose, they can be removed with a twisted flagellum and baby oil.

Treatment natural folds completes the baby's morning toilet. It is carried out with the help of baby cream or powder. If on the baby's head appeared milk crusts, you can remove them with the help of special cosmetics. However, in most cases, they disappear on their own in the first year of a baby's life.

Washing up a child

Washing the child is carried out after each bowel movement with ordinary running water.

Attention! The optimal temperature for washing and bathing a newborn is +34 +37ºС.

In case of severe contamination during washing, you can use baby soap. The skin of newborns is very delicate, so pediatricians do not recommend using soap more than 1-2 times a day. At the end of the procedure, the baby's skin must be gently wiped with a diaper, and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe intimate organs should be sprinkled with special talc or lubricated with baby cream.

Diaper change

Change diapers as they become dirty, but at least once every 4 hours, and also after each bowel movement of the newborn. Since the umbilical residue has not yet fallen off, the diaper must be worn in such a way as to ensure sufficient air circulation in the navel area.

Each child requires attention, care, and most importantly, care for a newborn at home after the maternity hospital is needed. Therefore, life in the family will certainly change. Love is the basis of happiness and successful overcoming of any tasks in everyday life.

Baby care after childbirth

The most important task of any mother is to establish breastfeeding. Many children do not take mother's milk, which is very bad for further development. Therefore, postpartum care includes breastfeeding. Express milk for the baby only in cases where it is necessary for urgent business to leave for a few hours.

Remember that caring for a baby after giving birth at home is not an easy task, because the baby is very weak and defenseless.

Gently put the baby to the chest, hold the head correctly. Pay special attention to how the baby captures the nipple, this is very important for further development. On the first day after birth, caring for a newborn will seem chaotic and incomprehensible, but over time, the inexperience of any mother will disappear.

The most important thing after childbirth is proper feeding. There are 3 important points that every mother should adhere to. In order for the baby to begin to get used to milk, it is worth accustoming it to it correctly.

  1. Proper attachment of the baby to the breast and grasping the nipple is a separate chapter in caring for the baby. The state of women's health depends on this: for example, whether cracks in the nipples will form or not.
  2. It is necessary to change the mammary glands during feeding, preferably in turn. This action is important to do in the first days after the hospital. For example, the first feeding with the right breast, the second - with the left.
  3. Each mother is obliged to monitor her breasts, and when going outside, wrap her with a shawl or a warm towel so as not to catch a cold. Bras should be with a good seal, not tightening, properly fixing the chest.
  4. It is important to monitor your diet, because all harmful products affect milk. You should eat more vegetables and fruits, as well as refrain from taking strong coffee, any tea and sweet packaged juices.

Caring for a newborn after the maternity hospital includes several main components: hygiene, feeding and sleeping, walking with the baby. Differences in the care of newborn babies of different sexes are only in hygiene features.

Newborn care in the first days at home

How to care for a newborn baby after the birth? Every baby should be clean, as hygiene is a very necessary thing. Therefore, the most important care issue includes bathing, which should be done daily.

Bathing. It is worth remembering that it is not necessary to use soap, only occasionally - once a week. It is necessary to purchase a special bath for the baby in advance so that from the first day there is a place where to bathe the baby.

Cloth. It is also important to think about what clothes the baby should have. Usually every baby is swaddled - so make sure all sheets are clean and fresh. In the first days after birth, the baby will not control himself, which can harm his own health. In this case, there is a way out - swaddle the baby well to restrain all movements. Caring for a newborn at home after the maternity hospital is a very important stage that is important for every baby and his mother.

Navel. Until the umbilical opening has healed, it is recommended to pour only boiled water, and also use liquid, adding manganese to it. The newborn will be naughty during the first days of the house while bathing, as it takes time for the baby to get used to the water - it will take a little more than a week. It is necessary to ensure that after the bath the child does not have allergic reactions, so that this does not happen - add herbs to the water.

How to sterilize baby care oil? The baby's skin is very delicate and sensitive, every touch and pressure on it immediately affects. That is why, vegetable oil is often used to care for the health of a newborn. This method is considered the most effective, and most importantly - safe:

  1. It is necessary to buy olive or vegetable oil in the store, preferably the first pressing.
  2. Prepare a jar with a tight lid for liquid in the amount of 0.5 liters.
  3. Pour 250-300 grams of vegetable oil into a jar, then put everything in a container with warm water, do not cover with a lid.
  4. Stir with a spoon to heat the oil evenly.
  5. The fully sterilized oil is applied as intended, acting as a lubricant for the baby's skin where needed. For example, folds, places where there is an allergy, or "milk" crusts.

The first days after childbirth will seem very stressful and difficult for any mother, but be that as it may, this is an experience that needs to be gained. It is enough to be patient a little, and after some time the baby will no longer require such careful scrupulous care and special attention, because a new chapter of a small life will begin - the knowledge of the world.

Caring for a newborn in the first days at home after the maternity hospital video:

Girl care

How to care for a newborn girl after the hospital? The main thing, when the newborn is already at home after the hospital, is not to panic. Hygiene of the newborn includes four main operations: processing the umbilical cord, washing, washing and lubricating.

Treatment of the umbilical cord with a solution of hydrogen peroxide twice a day promotes its rapid healing. The procedure is performed until the navel is completely tightened.

Washing features. The genitals of the baby are vulnerable and tender. A structural feature of her external genital system is the proximity of the anus and vagina, which can lead to dirty water entering the intimate area. It is strictly forbidden to wash the child in a basin, only under a stream of warm running water. Slightly opening the labia, it is necessary to wash from front to back. Baby soap does not need to be used daily, three times a week is enough.

After water procedures, the baby's skin is dried and lubricated. The skin of a newborn baby is very sensitive and prone to irritation. Inguinal folds, folds under the knees, under the armpits and on the neck must be treated daily with baby cream and powder.

Boy care

How to care for a newborn boy after the hospital? Particular attention in the issue of caring for a child after the hospital should be given to perineal hygiene. A more gentle way is the traditional washing with warm water. First of all, slightly opening the head, wash the penis. Then wash the rest of the area. The direction of movement does not matter.

After washing, the baby's skin is blotted with a towel, rubbing and giving to the genitals is prohibited.

Wet wipes and hygienic discs can be used to remove secretions. The folds of the child's skin between the legs and testicles should always be clean. In case of diaper rash, it is impossible to treat the baby's skin with alcohol-containing solutions. Cleaning procedures are desirable to be performed after each diaper change.

How to take care of a baby at night?

Night care is greatly facilitated if the child is in close proximity to the mother. Breastfeeding is optimal for both mother and baby. In the first months of life, the baby really needs close tactile contact, he should spend as much time as possible in his mother's arms.

At first, taking care of a child after discharge is not easy for a mother. Fear of making a mistake can lead to a nervous breakdown.

How to properly care for a child after birth, while maintaining the joy of motherhood? In fact, a newborn does not need so much. The most important thing in caring for a child after birth is to follow the systematic hygiene procedures and try to give the baby a feeling of maternal warmth and security.

How to care for twin newborns?

Many families are wondering how to care for twins. Questions include not only the correct compilation of the daily character, but also the purchase of cribs, strollers. All newborn twins require a lot of care, but in any case, the task can be handled with a responsible approach. The financial costs will not necessarily be significant.

More recently, the baby kicked you from the inside, and now you hold him in your arms, joyfully accepting congratulations on being discharged from the hospital. ahead - first week at home with baby , one of the most exciting for parents and important in the life of the baby.

The baby has a new stage - now all its systems and organs must completely function outside the mother's body. A newborn baby needs to learn to breathe, eat and adapt to external sound and light stimuli on their own.

Parents have to help the baby in this difficult matter and provide proper care . How to care for a newborn, let's find out together.

We wake up, we wash

After the baby woke up in the morning, it must be washed. With the help of a loving mother, cotton pads and warm boiled water, this will be very easy to do.

At first wash our eyes . To do this, take a cotton pad, moisten it in boiled water and wipe the baby's eyes from the outer edge to the inner. For each eye, be sure to take a new cotton pad. The eyes of a newborn baby often turn sour, why does this happen?

After birth, the baby's immune system only wakes up and the baby's eyes often watery. This is the body's defense system that will help protect the child's eyes from infection. In the first tears of the baby, in addition to water and salt, there is still mucus, so a crust sometimes forms on the eyes of the child. It is her that we need to carefully remove with a cotton swab, trying not to damage the delicate children's eye.

Then pay attention to baby nose . If the nose is visually clean and there are no extraneous sounds indicating congestion when the baby breathes, then you can simply wipe it from above and around with a cotton swab dipped in water. Sometimes crusts can appear in the nose of a newborn that will prevent the baby from breathing freely. In this case, a cotton pad or a special children's cotton swab with a limiter must be moistened with baby oil and gently wiped inside each nostril of the crumbs, without penetrating too deeply.

A clean baby's nose is an important condition for the baby to be able to suckle freely at the breast. After all, eating if breathing is difficult will be problematic for the crumbs.

During the morning exercise, do not forget examine the ears child. With visible accumulations of sulfur, they can be cleaned outside and around the auricle with a cotton swab dipped in warm boiled water. However, do not be zealous, usually excess sulfur is removed from the ear itself.

Washing and changing diapers

Every morning you need change baby's diaper And wash away baby. You need to wash it after each bowel movement and you can do this under ordinary running water.

To wash the baby, undress him to half, put him with his stomach on your arm, substituting the lower part of the body under the tap. If the contamination is not washed off simply with a stream of water, lather the dirty places of the crumbs with special baby soap and rinse thoroughly.

After washing, blot the baby's skin with a towel or diaper, hold the baby in an air bath for a while and, if necessary, spread with diaper cream.

If it is not possible to wash the crumbs, you can use special and remove all contaminants with them.

Most mothers use to care for their baby. Remember that the child should not be in the same diaper for more than four hours.

It is necessary to put a diaper on a newborn so that it does not cover the umbilical wound and it can heal faster. It will be great if the baby has the opportunity to lie down for a while without a diaper at all, so that his skin can breathe.

It is also important to ensure that the skin under the diaper does not form diaper rash . To prevent diaper rash, do not overheat the baby, and you can also use a special diaper cream.

Important nuance : the change of the aquatic environment to the air and the release of the baby's skin from the original lubricant can cause dry skin and redness in the crumbs. In the event of such symptoms, and after consulting a pediatrician, special oils or other children's cosmetics can be used.


Another question that is of great interest to the whole family of the baby: when can I start after discharge from the hospital?

The answer is given by Marina Skiba, neonatologist at the clinic "Dobrobut": “You can bathe the child immediately after discharge, but if the baby was vaccinated with BCG, then after it for 1-2 days it is better not to bathe the child so as not to wet the injection site. Water for bathing a child should be 37 degrees. If the baby's umbilical wound has not yet healed, in order to avoid infection, the bath can be filled with boiled water, bathing time is 3-5 minutes. If the crumbs do not have allergies and their skin is not overdried, decoctions of herbs can be added to the water.

After heal umbilical cord you can already bathe the baby in a regular bath in tap water , gradually increasing the bathing time from 5 to 20 minutes.

Be sure to support the child’s body in the water, gently wash the baby’s head, arms, legs and body, wash your face and don’t worry if water gets into your ears or eyes during bathing, there’s nothing to worry about.

Umbilical wound care

The process of caring for the umbilical wound causes particular excitement for a young mother, because now she requires careful and appropriate care.

As a rule, the wound is treated once a day: you can do this either in the morning or in the evening, after bathing, when all the crusts are soaked from the water and it will be easier to remove them.


The most important thing for the crumbs now is on demand. And it is important here not only the intake of essential nutrients into the body of the newborn, but also the psychological component of the process.

The kid is just adapting to this world, for him everything around is new, unusual and unfamiliar. This is a rather difficult condition in which the child needs help and support.

The stay of a newborn baby at the mother's breast is not only nutrition, but also reassurance, because the mother is the only familiar person for the baby in this world. And feeling her smell and heartbeat, familiar to the baby from the moment of being in the tummy, the newborn calms down and relaxes.

Feeding on demand helps a young mother to establish lactation and establish the necessary contact with the baby. And if the mother has breast milk, the baby does not need any nipples and bottles.

Mother- MariaMashasays:“In the first days after being discharged from the hospital, it was a completely new sensation. It was difficult for me to get used to the fact that my body is now not quite mine. It reacted to the child sometimes completely without my knowledge: the baby will cry - the milk stays by itself. Or I feed Masha from one breast, and milk is actively, right in front of my eyes, in the other. But Masha was calm next to my chest as never before. She was so happy to settle down on the handles and put her mouth up, which is just lovely. In general, the first weeks I very often carried the baby in my arms and fed on demand. Later, everything stabilized, we had a regimen, and Mashenka more often agreed to stay in the crib, and not on the handles.

The first days after the hospital, what to do, how to properly care for the child and plan your schedule? These questions concern all young mothers and, first of all, those who have their first child. But inexperience is a problem.

On the first day at home after the maternity hospital, you can properly relax and entrust most of the household duties to your loved ones (if possible). And then begin to join in a new life.

As a rule, the main task in the first days after childbirth is to establish breastfeeding. There are a few simple rules, following which you can breastfeed your baby for a long time and without problems. First of all, this is pumping only if there is a good reason for it. For example, if it is necessary to leave the house for several hours, or there is a seal in the chest (lactostasis), which the child cannot “resolve” in any way. Secondly, correct attachment, you need to ensure that the child correctly grasps the nipple, otherwise cracks cannot be avoided. And thirdly, the alternate change of mammary glands for feeding. That is, for 1 feeding, provided that there is no shortage of milk, you need to give one breast, the next feeding the other.
Mom needs to learn how to properly care for her breasts. Be sure to wear a bra that does not tighten, but well supports the chest, this will help maintain the shape of the breast after breastfeeding is over.

Another important issue is the hygiene of the child. Babies need to be bathed every day from birth. And with soap only once a week. It is advisable to purchase a separate bath for the child in advance. Until the baby's umbilical wound has healed, you need to bathe him in boiled water, or in unboiled water, but with the addition of a small amount of manganese in order to disinfect it. It is undesirable to add herbs to water, in order to avoid allergic reactions.

As for home clothes, usually newborns are kept in diapers most of the time, especially during sleep. Since the child cannot yet control his movements, it can be difficult for him to fall asleep, diapers in this case are good helpers. But just swaddling tightly is harmful. And in short periods of wakefulness, the child should be dressed in vests and sliders. A cap at normal room temperature should be worn only after bathing.

You can wear disposable or reusable diapers under your clothes. The first ones are very convenient and safe for the skin of the child, if they are changed in a timely manner. And you can't do without them on the street. Reusable diapers are more often used by conservative parents.

Now for the new mother. We have already mentioned breast care. It is also worth talking about caring for the genitals, which have just endured heavy loads. If there are perineal tears, stitches were applied - it is not recommended to sit for 2-3 weeks. That is, even to feed the child will have to adapt lying down. No baths yet, only showers.

Within 3-6 weeks, women who have given birth will have postpartum vaginal discharge. But the bleeding every day should be less and less intense. After the disappearance of postpartum discharge, that is, approximately 2 months after childbirth, it is recommended to visit a gynecologist. He should examine the cervix, which could have suffered in childbirth, and also recommend a contraceptive if motherhood is not included in the immediate plans.

Nutrition also needs to be reviewed if a woman is breastfeeding. Now the priority is steamed vegetables and cereals, boiled lean meat. From coffee and tea, especially strong ones, it is better to abstain at first. You should not consume carbonated drinks, as well as foods and dishes that lead to bloating. Fruits and fruit juices should be introduced into your diet gradually. Preference should be given to green fruits, as they tend to cause less allergic reactions.

The first days of a baby at home after the birth can seem quite difficult, but it is a positive experience. Very soon you will remember with trepidation about these first days of your life with a baby.

First you need to get a birth certificate. It is issued in the registry office at the place of residence of one of the parents.

A birth certificate must be obtained within a month after the birth.

The following documents must be submitted to the registry office:

  • certificate of birth of a child issued in the maternity hospital;
  • mother's passport;
  • father's passport;
  • Marriage certificate.

If the parents are married, then one of them with the named documents can come to the registry office. If the parents are not officially married, then both parents must appear at the registry office in order to write an appropriate application. In this case, paternity will be recognized. If the father is not at the registry office, the child's patronymic and surname are recorded from the words of the mother, and a dash can be put in the column "father" at the request of the mother.

In the registry office, in addition to the birth certificate, parents receive two certificates necessary to receive a one-time and monthly allowance for a child.


The next important thing is the registration of the child. To do this, you must contact the housing office at the place of residence of the parent to whom the child will be registered.

If the parents are registered in different places, you will need:

  • father's passport;
  • mother's passport;
  • Marriage certificate;
  • mother's statement (template can be found in the housing office);
  • father's statement (template can be found in the Housing Office);
  • a copy of the mother's financial and personal account (issued in a single information and settlement center - EIRC);
  • a copy of the father's financial and personal account (issued at the EIRC);
  • extract from the house book of the father / mother;

If the parents are registered in one place, the papers will need a little less:

  • father's passport;
  • mother's passport;
  • Marriage certificate;
  • birth certificate of the child;
  • mother's statement
  • father's statement
  • a copy of the financial and personal account;
  • Form No. 6 (issued and completed on the spot).

Remember that minor children can only be registered with their parents - they cannot be registered with their grandmother or other relatives.

You have the right to register a child in your living space without the consent of other family members - co-owners in accordance with Art. 70 LCD RF.

Up to one month after birth, the newborn is prescribed based on the mother's application. After one month after birth, the newborn is registered on the basis of the mother's application and a certificate from the father's place of residence (copy of the personal account).

Medical policy

Compulsory medical insurance policy (CHI) for children is issued at the place of permanent residence at the points of issue of MHI policies; most often they are located at district clinics.

To obtain a medical policy for a newborn, you need:

  • birth certificate of the child;
  • passport of the parent, which is registered at the address territorially related to this point of issuance of CHI.

It should be borne in mind that a permanent policy is a plastic card, so its production takes some time. Parents will be notified when it will be ready and will be told how to find out. Before receiving a plastic policy, they give a temporary one - a paper one.

Cash benefits

Within 6 months after childbirth, you must apply for the required benefits:

  • A one-time allowance for women registered with medical institutions in the early stages of pregnancy (if you registered with the antenatal clinic before 12 weeks of pregnancy). Issued by the department of social protection of the population. To receive benefits, you need a certificate from the antenatal clinic and an application for the purpose of the allowance (the application can be written on the spot).
  • One-time allowance for the birth of a child. Issued at the place of work of the father or mother or in the department of social protection. To receive this benefit, you need a birth certificate from the registry office (which you received along with the birth certificate) and a birth certificate, an application for the grant of benefits and a certificate from the spouse's place of work that the benefit was not issued.
  • A monthly allowance for caring for a child up to one and a half years old is issued to employees (students) at the place of work or study. To calculate this benefit, a copy of the child's birth certificate and an application for parental leave and benefits are required.
  • Monthly child support is issued by the department of social protection if the income level is below the living wage. A birth certificate and application are required to apply for this benefit.

In addition to these benefits, regional authorities may assign other payments, which are issued, as a rule, in the departments of social protection of the population.

  • If this is not the first child in the family, then it is necessary to submit documents to the Pension Fund branch at the place of residence to obtain a certificate for maternity capital. This can be done at any time after the emergence of the right to receive maternity capital, that is, at any time after the birth of a child. The following documents (or their notarized copies) must be submitted along with the application:
  • a document proving the identity and place of residence (passport);
  • a document confirming belonging to the citizenship of the Russian Federation (the same passport);
  • a document confirming the birth (adoption) of children (birth certificate);
  • a statement that can be written on the spot.

Within a month from the date of receipt of the application with all the necessary documents, the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation makes a decision to issue a certificate or to refuse to issue it. For a certificate, a woman is invited to the branch of the Pension Fund.

Keep in mind that in order to receive all the documents, you may need not only the original documents, but also their copies, so at the very beginning of this documentary epic, it is better to make several copies of each document.

In the postpartum bustle, one should not forget about one's own health, so a visit to the obstetrician-gynecologist must be included in the to-do list. This visit cannot be considered formal in any way - you should visit a doctor not only in order to hand over an exchange card. After spontaneous childbirth, you can go to the antenatal clinic about a month after the birth. After a caesarean section, this must be done in the first week after discharge from the hospital. If you have any complaints, you should contact your doctor immediately. The doctor will evaluate how the recovery process goes, and if there are stitches, how they heal. You can consult a doctor about the possibility of resuming sexual activity, discuss contraceptive options, and maybe discuss the timing of planning the next pregnancy.

Babylonskaya Svetlana obstetrician-gynecologist,
cand. honey. Sciences, employee of the department
clinical pharmacology
MGMSU, Moscow
The article was provided by the magazine on pregnancy and childbirth "9 months" No. 12, 2008
