Durex blue. What is the best use for oral sex? Gel lubricants Durex Play

Durex condoms.

Have you heard of Durex Chinese condoms? They are 5 times cheaper than Russian ones. High quality and lower price, is it worth taking them?

This article will be labeled 18+.

All the same, the theme, then we have for the big boys.

You know, I thought that I was doing a review on Durex condoms, although I never used them myself. Nene sex was. And then start me here)

But Durex condoms passed me by. Or am I past them.

Although, I was delighted that Durex is of quite good quality, they say premium status condoms, so to speak, for elite gentlemen and for a special occasion.

And it all started with the fact that, of course, I saw Durex condoms on sale, but somehow the price didn’t make me particularly happy. 250 - 300 rubles in my city is the average price of a package of this pleasure.

Once again, passing by, I certainly squinted at this shop window, but I didn’t take it.

For some reason, I always stopped at Contexes. And other condoms like the Hussar ones scared me personally. Although, once I remember taking the Hussars, they turned out to be ribbed, which personally in my practice of sex is generally not acceptable.

We are talking about Chinese-made Durex condoms.

When I went to the Aliexpress site that we all love, I found that Durex condoms are pretty cheap. No, I certainly know that everything is cheaper in China.

But Durex condoms on Aliexpress are about 5 times cheaper. I looked at the reviews and the reviews are good. Condoms are often taken. I think oh well. I'll spend some money.

I will buy a couple of packs of these condoms at once.

No sooner said than done, I looked for those that are cheaper.

The photo showed a package for only 90 rubles.

So cheap? I thought. And I decided to take 2 packs at once.

What to trifle. And he thought that when they come, you need to take more. Immediately for 1000 rubles and then rejoice for a year that you do not need to buy Durex condoms in the store.

The package was sent pretty quickly. And not China Post. Since everything came in just 2 weeks.

When I got home, I opened the package. There, neatly folded, Durex condoms lay in loose.

Green and red color.

True, there was no cardboard box, they all lay, as it were, in loose. Additionally, in some kind of transparent packaging.

To be honest, it even seemed to me that the Chinese sent more Durex condoms than they should have.

Since in practice there were as many as 16 of them.

After looking at the packaging, I decided that the condoms are good.

The packaging is even, the inscriptions are all high quality. Apparently, you can really order Durex condoms for 90 rubles a pack.

durex condoms

At the back, the packaging is generally pretty, what a look, even the Chinese letters are written.

Just like people, I decided. You can use.

About 2 hours later I had a smart idea. Durex condoms require to be opened.

I thought maybe the condoms are bad.

And such a picture. You take the girl to the movies. then you go to a restaurant, then you go home, take a shower together, smoothly move to the bed and at the most crucial moment, you take out a condom, open it, and he (here my imagination could draw anything) and the girl starts to laugh or vice versa to cry and kicks you out of your own apartment in disgrace.

I decided that's exactly what I don't want.

Durex condoms have been unpacked.

durex condoms

The first thing I noticed. This is a color.

I'm used to the fact that condoms are some kind of light yellow color.

This one was bright yellow. As if he lay in the sun and expired. Well, you never know. Maybe in China this color is accepted.

I didn't take a picture then, sorry. But he really was folded wrong.

In addition, I definitely decided that the Chinese put a used condom in the package. At least that's what he looked like.

It was folded in half and chewed all over.

But the one in the photo is also not very rolled up, but more or less.

Although accuracy is not what.

I decided to unfold the Durex condom on camera, but it turned out to be rolled the wrong way, in the wrong direction.

Usually, the pipette from the condom is at the top, and the ring is in such a way that it is convenient to pull it on.

The Chinese did the opposite.

Pipochka on the left side, Durex condom was turned the wrong way.


I decided to unroll the condom to its full length. He was normal in size. 17 centimeters + still stretches pretty well.

The only negative is that the Durex condom is in terrible lubrication.

It is somehow very oily, and it is not applied evenly along the entire length. For example, at the head, it was quite greasy and thickly smeared. But closer to the base, there was no lubricant left at all, only dry rubber.

The smell from Durex condoms is just trash.

Rubber mixed with some kind of Chinese flavors. Gives a fetid effect. God forbid to put this miracle of Chinese contraception on yourself. The smell from the causal place will be such that it won’t be possible to wash it off, while I was filming a video review, I splattered the entire chair on which I shot, all my hands and the camera.

It's good that the camera does not transmit odors.

This is the case when smells are not needed.

I did not check them for holes and pour water. I think everything is clear.

No wonder there are so many jokes about Chinese condoms, it turned out to be for a reason.

Chinese-made Durex condoms are not worth buying.

It's such a thing that it may turn out to be full of holes, although I think the Chinese generally don't care about the demographic situation in our country.

The smell is such that you won’t wash it off the first time, God forbid that it smells like that from there, after wearing it. The girl will definitely kick you out of the house. In addition, this is a delicate matter, here you can pick up some kind of Chinese filth. It's better not to risk it.

Use better Russian Durex Condoms, they are definitely of good quality.

I even think I will buy a large pack of Russian Durex).

Go to Aliexpress and choose other good types of goods for yourself.

Durex is a world-famous company specializing in the production of various products for the intimate sphere of life. A wide range of products is represented by barrier contraceptives, various accessories, lubricating gels, etc.

Durex lubricant is popular among both the male and female population. It has been proven that relations between spouses and the atmosphere in the family depend on the quality of sexual relations. There are frequent cases when natural lubrication is not enough during sex, which leads not only to discomfort, but also to pain, and even cracks and abrasions of the mucous membranes.

To prevent this from happening, many couples take care of their comfort in advance and, just in case, purchase Durex gel products approved by sexologists and having no contraindications for use. Means do not cause allergies, have received a good reputation, and reviews about them - only with a positive connotation.

The manufacturer distinguished himself by producing a whole series of products for massage and lubrication of intimate places during lovemaking. Products reduce friction and make sexual sensations even more enjoyable. In the catalog of online stores that distribute products of the Durex lubricant company, all types of descriptions of each of them can be found under the photo.

Additional effects: exciting, warming or cooling can make the experience unforgettable. Different in composition, consistency and smell, gels can change your idea of ​​​​sex and teach you to experiment with your regular partner. Caressing the erogenous zones on the partner's body, lubricating your hands with a small amount of exciting gel, you will give him amazing pleasure.

Product range

You may be surprised by the palette of intimate gels so much that it becomes difficult to give preference in choosing any one product. The base of the gel can be water, oil and silicone. Oil gels are not used simultaneously with condoms, unlike water and silicone ones.

When choosing the right product, you can pay attention to additional properties, cost and packaging. When there is no exact definition in the choice yet, priorities have not been developed, it is more convenient to buy massage gel in packaging of 50 g. The tip of the tube is equipped with a dispenser, and the gel comes out exactly as much when pressed as it is necessary during intercourse, it does not spread and does not squish.

Durex massage gel 2 in 1 – its distinguishing feature is a double action. This means that the thick suspension can be used both for massage and as a lubricant. The gel is water-based, which is why it can be called a universal remedy and can be used with vibrators and condoms. Unlike oil gels, the aqueous suspension does not interact in any way with latex and other materials for the manufacture of accessories for intimate use. The product is easily washed off and does not leave marks on linen and clothes. The gel does not roll and does not stick to the surface of the body.

As a lubricant, the gel is hypoallergenic and preserves the natural environment of the vagina. The consistency is thick, unlike lubricants without a massage function. The tool is easily distributed over the surfaces of the body and has a good sliding effect. For application to lubricate intimate places or massage parts of the body, just open the cap and lightly press the bottle.

It is a pity that not all couples use devices in their intimate relationships, because such a gel as Durex play , not only provides easy glide, but also comfort. Both partners get a range of new sensations, novelty and brightness instead of routine and similarity. The advantage of this gel is the absence of foreign odors and dyes in the composition. Not everyone likes the kitchen scent in bed, and even the colors. It is noted that this type of gel contains special components that enhance the sensation of touch.

Whatever gel you choose, it will bring new sensations into your intimate life. To find exactly what is right for you, you need to experiment. There is usually no one-size-fits-all solution.

It is no secret that before sexual intercourse there is usually a release of fluid that facilitates sexual contact. It is called lubrication, and its amount largely determines whether partners enjoy physical intimacy or not. Due to certain reasons (diseases, stress, menopause), the genitals are not moistened enough, and this leads to burning, pain, cracks. All this, of course, significantly worsens intimate relationships. Today, there are many tools to solve this problem. In order not to experience discomfort, partners are encouraged to use artificial lubricants, or lubricants. Many companies produce such products, and each person can choose the most suitable option for himself.

What is the lubricant for?

This product is used for the following purposes:

  1. Sets up partners for sexual contact, enhances and accelerates the process of arousal.
  2. Prevents the appearance of microtraumas in case of insufficient release of natural lubrication, and also heals existing cracks.
  3. Enhances sensations during sex, contributes to the satisfaction of both women and men.

There are several types of lubricants that differ from each other in the functions that they perform.

Types of lubricants

The main types of lubricants include the following:

  1. Arousal lubricants containing aromatic additives. These funds consist of special substances that increase sexual activity and at the same time allow partners to be liberated.
  2. Healing lubricants help prevent the occurrence of cracks inside the genital organs and reduce pain from already formed microtraumas.
  3. Lubricants with a cooling effect can make sexual intercourse longer, and also significantly delay the process of ejaculation.
  4. Lubricants designed specifically for anal sex help minimize discomfort during such intimate contact.
  5. Warming lubricants increase blood circulation in the genital area and exacerbate sensations.

Today, many companies are engaged in the production of products such as lubricants. You can buy these products at any pharmacy. One of the most popular varieties are Durex lubricants. Feedback on these lubricants and their properties is the topic of this article.

About the manufacturer

The products of this company are quite affordable today. You can buy it at any pharmacy or even a supermarket. Firm "Durex" was established in the capital of Great Britain in 1915, and not so long ago it turned eighty years old. In the early years of its existence, the company was engaged in the production of contraceptives, which went on sale as early as 1929. But the company gained the greatest fame precisely when it began to produce products intended for use during sexual intercourse. At the beginning of the 21st century, Durex lubricants appeared on sale, and the reviews about them are mostly positive, which indicates the reliability and safety of the goods. And this is not at all surprising. After all, all products of this brand are pre-tested and only then offered to consumers. It is designed for a wide range of people. Anyone can choose for himself what he likes and what helps to cope with his difficulties. However, you should still be careful, and before using any tool, carefully read the instructions. After all, every product has certain contraindications. For example, about the Durex intimate lubricant, the reviews of some doctors indicate that the components included in its composition can cause the development of fungal diseases.

Why are these lubricants so popular?

It is known that the lubricants produced by this company have positive properties, and the products of other manufacturers are clearly inferior to them. Durex gel lubricant in customer reviews deserves high praise, first of all, because it can make sexual intercourse longer, and sensitivity much more pronounced.

Lubricants can be used during foreplay, in which case they greatly enhance arousal.

What are the components of a lubricant?

Lubricants are made from various materials. There are three types of products: based on oil, silicone and water. The first two types of lubricants are considered not very reliable, as they can damage condoms. Speaking about a product such as Durex intimate lubricant (reviews and composition), it is necessary to mention that it is undeniably popular due to the fact that it is made on the basis of purified water. This allows partners to use this product with a condom and not be afraid that the contraceptive may be damaged. In addition to water, this brand of intimate lubricants includes glycerol, sodium hydroxide, aromatic additives. They also contain a special component that enhances blood circulation in the genital area, accelerates arousal and exacerbates sensations during sexual intercourse.

Varieties of Lubricants from Durex

There are several types of products that are manufactured by this company. All varieties can be divided into three categories:

  1. Durex Play.
  2. Durex Play stimulating Massage.
  3. Durex Play O (to enhance sensations during orgasm).

Each type of this product has its own qualities and is created in order to achieve a certain effect. Characteristics of Durex intimate lubricant gels, customer reviews about them will be discussed in the following sections.

Lubricants based on purified water without additives

This type of product includes Play Feel.

This is a type of unflavored lube that is great for first time intercourse as it helps to reduce discomfort. The tool also has an undeniable advantage, which is that it does not provoke the development of allergies in most people. Soothing Massage is a lubricant that does not adversely affect contraceptives. Thanks to its healing properties, the gel protects the mucous membranes of the genital organs from microcracks. It is also used as a massage agent. In most cases, consumers like Durex gel lubricant. Reviews and the composition of the product testify to its beneficial properties. And, unlike other brands of lubricants, Durex does not leave stains on clothes and bedding.

Means that accelerate excitation

Lubricants of this type include Play Heat and Play Sensual Massage. The first type of gel has a warming effect and, therefore, increases the excitement of partners. The tool does not contain impurities, such as sugar, so it can be used for different types of sexual contact. The second type of stimulating lubricant is a product with the addition of various aromatic substances (for example, oils). This gel can be used for massage procedures before sexual intercourse. It is able to reduce discomfort during sex, as well as increase blood flow to the genitals.

For anal intercourse

This property of the gel helps to delay the process of ejaculation and make sexual intercourse longer. Lubricant of the second type has a strawberry flavor. It is characterized by nutritional properties, well moisturizes the mucous membrane of the genitals.

About these two Durex lubricants, the reviews are mostly positive. These funds are considered quite harmless and reliable.

What is the best use for oral sex?

For this type of sexual intercourse, it is advised to use Very cherry and Play Pina Colada gels. The first remedy has a cherry flavor.

It can be used for any type of sexual intercourse. The lubricant is based on purified water, and it has a beneficial effect on the mucous membrane of the female genitalia. Play Pina Colada has a distinct tropical scent. This is a reliable tool that perfectly protects both partners from microcracks and discomfort.

Positive properties of Durex brand products

High quality products, safety and reliability, affordable price - the main advantages of the products of this company. Quite well characterized intimate gel lubricant "Durex" in the reviews. And the composition, and properties, and the effect that it allows to achieve, like most buyers. Lubricant has the following advantages:


However, reviews about Durex lubricants are not always positive. Some consumers point to negative product characteristics, for example:

High-quality lubrication can significantly improve the quality of intimate life. However, this tool should be used with caution. No one can guarantee the absence of individual intolerance or other unpleasant phenomena after applying the lubricant.

Undoubtedly, barrier contraceptives are the market leader in contraception in the Russian Federation, significantly ahead of other methods. The main advantage of condoms is availability and safety. The reliability of condoms ranges from 2 to 15 Perl units, depending on the conditions of use. One of the leaders in the condom market in Russia is Durex.

About company

Durex is a subsidiary of Reckitt Benckise Corporation, which produces, in addition to contraception, chemicals, household goods, and medicines. The Durex company is registered in the UK, and the factories are located in most of the world: China, Spain, Germany, Belarus, India.

Durex actively conducts research in sexual relations, conducts statistics and surveys to identify needs and create new products. Durex is the only brand that leads a social life in the Russian Federation, the company diversifies communication in social networks (stickers), conducts surveys, tests.

The company's main site with the .com directive links to regional sites for different countries. The site lacks detailed information about the composition of the lubricant, wall thickness and other points.

History in Russia. 2016 - Durex expelled

On June 16, 2016, videos and news about the ban on most types of Durex condoms in the Russian Federation appeared on all television screens in the country. The problem was the lack of documents for products that comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation. Durex condoms had to leave the country, but soon they returned again.

"The ban on the sale of lubricants and gels did not apply."

Facts about Durex

  • The first to release a lubricated condom
  • The first launched the check of condoms with electronics
  • The company was founded in 1915
  • Have the largest advertising campaign
  • The first to create an anatomically shaped condom

Apart from these facts, it is worth mentioning that the company is a leader and innovator in the barrier contraception market.

Types of Durex condoms

At the moment, Durex boasts a huge number of types of condoms for each consumer.

It should be noted that the number of types of condoms before leaving the Russian market in 2016 was somewhat higher than what we have now. Another important fact is the variety of condoms supplied not only to the world market, but also to the CIS countries and former Soviet republics. For example, the types of Durex products on the official websites of Ukraine and the Russian Federation are different.

The official website divides condoms according to the following principle:

— For prolongation and intensity

— Adventure and entertainment

- Proximity and sensitivity

— Classic and comfort

We share the types of Durex according to the practical aspect:

  • Classic (Durex Classic, XXL)
  • Sensitive (Durex Elite, Invisible, Real Feel)
  • For oral sex (Fruity Mix)
  • For anal sex (Extra Safe)
  • Embossed (PleasureMax, Sensation)
  • Hypoallergenic (Avanti, Real Feel)
  • With anesthetic (Long Play, Dual Extase)
  • Assorted (Magic Box "intimacy and sensitivity", "adventure and entertainment")

Varieties Durex

- classical condoms. 195/56/0.07mm

- condoms with 500 pimples. 180/53/0.07mm

- with rings and pimples to stimulate both partners. 195/56/0.07mm

– hypersensitive

– thin condoms 195/56/0.065mm

– oversized 205/57/0.07mm

- thickened, for anal sex. 195/56/0.08mm

– classic condoms containing anesthetic, prolonging. 195/56/0/07mm

- "Double Orgasm" includes a dose of anesthetic and a relief texture

– ultra-thin condoms 180/52/0.04mm

– polyurethane condoms

– with heating grease

- with fruit flavors

with heating grease with pimples oversized
thin classical ribs + bumps
colored, with fruity aromas with anesthetic anesthetic + relief structure
ultra thin 0.04mm polyurethane

What are the best Durex condoms? Users note one of the most successful models of the following condom options: Real feel, Elite, Invisible. These condoms have the most positive reviews, are highly popular and in demand.

Condoms supplied to foreign markets have different distinct names but the same characteristics. Eg:

Pleasure mix – Pleasure Me

XXL = Comfort XL

Elite = Fetherlite Elite

And many other options.

Assorted Durex

Durex Magic Box. Adventure and entertainment» includes 18 condoms:

* 6 condoms Classic ,

* 4 Sensation condoms,

* 4 Fruity Mix condoms,

* 4 Pleasuremax condoms.

Durex Magic Box. Proximity and sensitivity" 18 condoms:

* 6 condoms Classic,

* 6 Elite condoms,

* 6 Durex Ultra Thin condoms (only included in the Magic Box set). Thin condoms, 20% thinner than the classics + easy to put on.

Instructions for use Durex

Click to enlarge click on the picture

Previously, the instruction was enclosed in a separate brochure with condoms. To date, the manufacturer has saved and printed the information on the inside of the pack.

  • Do not reuse
  • Put on an erect penis
  • After orgasm, while pulling out the penis, hold the condom with your fingers so that it does not fly off

Storage conditions

The expiration date and storage of Durex condoms is of great importance when indicating for use.

What is the expiration date for Durex condoms? The shelf life of condoms is 3-5 years, depending on the model (condoms with anesthetic are stored for 3 years).

The expiration date is indicated on the bottom of the pack and on each condom individually.

When storing condoms, the following rules must be observed:

  • Keep away from sunlight
  • Air temperature 0-30 degrees
  • Store in a chest of drawers, in a closet among non-cutting objects

Forbidden! Carries condoms in his pocket along with the keys, keep in the car all year round.

What are the dangers of expired Durex condoms?

Expired or improperly stored condoms are distinguished by the following negative, incompatible parameters:

  1. Dried grease
  2. Loss of elasticity
  3. The presence of an unpleasant odor

An interesting moment! Individual packaging will tell you about the condition of the condom. If the packaging is all crumpled, the elements of individual packaging are about to peel off, then this condom was stored incorrectly.

Where and how much are Durex condoms sold?

Today, you can buy condoms almost everywhere. There are pharmacies, shops and hypermarkets, online stores, sex shops, stalls and condom dispensers for your choice.

As for the price, you can make a small rating of places of sale. Thus, the cheapest condoms will cost in pharmacies and online stores. Slightly more expensive in sex shops and hypermarkets. The most expensive condoms are in ordinary stores.

  • The average cost for a small pack of condoms is 180-200 rubles.
  • For a large package of 12 pcs. the price will vary around 500-600 rubles.

Durex on AliExpress. Personal opinion

Since 2012, the Chinese online store has gained immense popularity and prevalence. The range of presented goods includes condoms of this brand. But when buying condoms on Ali, you should remember 3 important rules:

* There is no guarantee that the product is not a fake with all the ensuing negative consequences.

* The dimensions of the condoms are significantly smaller than our 195/56mm.

* Reviews about the seller and about the specific product will greatly facilitate your search.

Identify fake Durex

Since the price of condoms of this brand is quite high, it is profitable to fake Durex! Counterfeit condoms differ significantly in quality, thickness, and other parameters. There is nothing in common between original and fake Durex condoms. Moreover, we strongly do not recommend using a counterfeit product.

How to identify a fake?

  1. Low price
  2. Presence of typos and spelling errors
  3. On the fake there is no information about the distributor in the Russian Federation, a fictitious site is indicated.
  4. Missing information about ISO, GOCT and CE$.

What lubricant to use with Durex condoms?

With all condoms, it is allowed to use a special water-based and silicone-based lubricant. The use of vegetable oils and other elements not intended for use as a lubricant destroys the condom.

Contex or Durex?

Which is better of the two most common brands? A separate article is dedicated to this topic, but here we will note the main advantages of Durex over Contexes:

  • More lubricant
  • Larger standard size
  • Softer latex

Condoms are made from latex or polyurethane.

Differ in natural sensations, the price is about 500 rubles. for 2 pcs. It's hard to find them on the open market.

Latex - made of latex, from conscientious manufacturers, their quality is not inferior to polyurethane. Sold everywhere. The cost depends on the brand.

Also, condoms are different:

  • by the presence of additional stimulating inclusions (, balls, rings, ribs, dots, pimples);
  • by size (standard and enlarged size);
  • wall thickness (ultra-thin and increased density).

The Durex brand stands out in terms of the width of the assortment, which offers different types of condoms.

Who makes Durex condoms?

Durex condoms are the brainchild of a well-known British company Reckitt Benckiser, which, in addition to sex products, produces hygiene products, household chemicals and medicines (Strepsils, Nurofen, Gaviscon, Veet, Clearasil, Dettol, Dr.School, etc.).

Factories are located in China, Belarus, India, Europe.

Interesting! The first lubricated condoms were made by Durex. They have been making condoms for over 90 years.

The Durex line is constantly replenished and updated thanks to the efforts of experts who work in close cooperation with clinics and sexologists.

During this time, the brand has replenished its range with other products for sex lovers:

  • gel lubricants;
  • stimulating toys (vibrating massagers).

Durex brand products meet high international standards. For the production of condoms, high-tech equipment and high-quality raw materials are used. Durex condoms have been medically tested to be hypoallergenic.

At the factory, the strength of each batch is checked electronically. Up to two million such tests are performed per month! If at least one sample fails the test, the entire batch is subject to rejection (up to 432,000 condoms).

Interesting! Durex was the first to test its products with electronics.

Only after that "tumblers" get on the shelves of retail outlets.

To help strawberry lovers, there is an official website where you can learn about new products, find detailed information on each product, and get interesting ideas for bright sex.

Characteristics of condoms

Sizes of Durex condoms (depending on the model differ):

  • width 52-56 mm;
  • length 195-220 mm;
  • wall thickness 0.04-0.07 mm.

Detailed information about the dimensions of the product is on the back of the package.

In order for the elastic bands not to leave discomfort after use, it is important to choose them according to size - then they will not tear or come off.

All condoms are made of hypoallergenic latex, equipped with additional lubrication. The special Easy One shape makes it easy to put on.

On the inside of the box, the rules for using condoms are printed. Instruction:

What are the smallest Durex condoms?

The smallest are Durex Sensation, which are 18 cm long and 53 mm wide. Durex Invisible has a minimum width of 52mm.

What are the largest Durex condoms?

The largest are Durex 2XL with increased dimensions (width 57 mm, length 22 cm). Only polyurethane condoms (58 mm) are larger.

Durex line

  • classic- classic condoms.
  • Extra Safe- thickened condoms, with increased strength.
  • 2XL- Oversized items.
  • Elite- ultra-thin condoms.
  • Real Feel- advanced condoms for natural sensations, with the effect of "skin to skin".
  • Invisible- the thinnest in the Durex line, for maximum sensitivity.
  • Pleasuremax- condoms with ribs and pimples for additional stimulation of partners.
  • Fruity Mix Fruit flavored condoms (banana, strawberry, orange or apple).
  • sensation- stimulating condoms with pimples.
  • long play- products, the inner surface of which is treated with an anesthetic benzocaine (to reduce sensitivity in men), which helps prevent premature ejaculation and prolong pleasure.
  • Dual Extase- condoms, inside of which there is an anesthetic, are stimulated from the outside with ribs and pimples.
  • magic box- Assorted condoms.

Back in 2015, the assortment was wider, including among them condoms made of polyurethane and with spermicidal lubricant. However, in 2016, due to bureaucratic delays, Durex disappeared from the shelves. Now they are gradually returning.

  • for anal sex: Classic, Extra Safe, Fruity Mix;
  • for oral sex: Real Feel, Invisible, Elite, Fruity Mix;
  • for long sex: Long Play, Dual Extase.

What are the best Durex condoms?

According to consumer reviews, Invisible, Real Feel and Elite are recognized as the best, which really differ in natural sensations.

Durex condom expiration date

Marking with information about the production date, batch number and expiration dates is applied to the cardboard and individual foil packaging.

Shelf life - 3 years.

On individual packaging

On the bottom of the box

After the expiration date, they cannot be used, because. the latex loses elasticity and the lubricant dries out. Because of this, at the most inopportune moment, the product may break, without fulfilling its protective functions. Therefore, before buying, you need to check the expiration date.

How much do Durex condoms cost and where to buy them

Durex products are available in pharmacies and stores, including on websites.

The average price for a package of three condoms is 200 rubles, for 12 pieces - 800-900 rubles.

The most expensive are Real Feel, Invisible and Dual Extase - for 3 pieces 220 rubles. and above, for 12 - from 1000 rubles.

Compare prices in the store

Recently, Durex products appeared on the Chinese marketplace Aliexpress, where the condoms of this brand are much cheaper. But here is a guarantee that no one will give you real original Durex.

The high quality claimed by the manufacturer Durex in this case is doubtful.

The difference between Chinese condoms is a smaller size compared to European ones, and strength is not for the better. Those who still decide to take a chance and buy gum on Aliexpress need to take a responsible approach to choosing a seller. To do this, you need to carefully study the reviews about the seller and the product.

How to spot a fake

Considering the high cost of Durex condoms, they are the most profitable for scammers.

Fake condoms differ significantly in quality:

  • low quality latex;
  • fragile;
  • low-quality lubricant;
  • bad smell;
  • are not checked by electronics;
  • discrepancy between the declared qualities and sensations.

To protect its products from counterfeiting, Durex periodically updates the packaging design.

The main sign of counterfeit is a low price: original products cannot cost 100 rubles.

In order to identify a fake, you need to carefully examine the packaging:

  • inscriptions and colors on individual packaging and boxes should not differ (name, expiration date);
  • on the original packaging there can be no typos and spelling errors, uneven font;
  • information about condoms and the manufacturer on the front and back sides, on the sides should be the same;
  • must have ISO, GOST and CE$ markings
  • availability of information about the official distributor in Russia (fake condoms do not have this information or the address of a fictitious site is indicated).

To avoid deception, you need to buy condoms in large pharmacies, where:

  • the supplier's documentation for products is checked;
  • compliance with the rules of storage is legally regulated and strictly enforced.

What kind of lubricant should Durex condoms be used with? And can it be used together with Contex?

Any rubber bands can be used with a water-based or silicone-based lubricant. Durex produces its own series of lubricants, depending on the type, they can additionally be used for massage and oral sex (with flavors).

Contex is also suitable, it is compatible with all types of condoms.

Which is better Contex or Durex? What is their difference?

  • It is noted that Durex has larger sizes (especially for 2XL condoms), while Contex is small.
  • Durex condoms are thinner, make sex as natural as possible, do not cause discomfort. Contex feels rougher.
  • Durex has better lubricant quality. The specific smell disappears quickly after opening the package.
  • But they complain about Contex that after them there is a smell of rubber for a long time.
  • The advantage of Durex competitors is a more affordable price.

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