Experimental activities in dow. Experimental - experimental activities in preschool educational institutions

Science owes the introduction of the term "experimentation" to J. Piaget: he analyzed the significance of this activity for children and proved that the merit of children's experimentation lies in the fact that it gives real ideas about the various aspects of the object being studied, about its relationships with other objects.

Children's experimentation- this is an active - transforming activity of children, significantly changing the objects under study (N.N. Poddyakov). “This is a truly childish activity that occurs at an early age and develops intensively throughout the entire preschool age without the help of an adult and even contrary to his prohibitions” (N.N. Poddyakov, 1981)

According to N. N. Poddyakov, "children's experimentation", as well as experimentation in general, develops a new side of mental activity - "the ability to operate with obscure knowledge."

A preschool child is a researcher in itself, showing a keen interest in research activities, in particular, in experimentation.

John Dewey considered research activity as a special kind of children's activity in the context of "doing something." He connected research activity with the instincts inherent in the child by nature.

Activity - a specific human form of relation to the world around, the content of which is its expedient change in the interests of people; condition for the existence of society. Activity includes the goal, means, result and the process itself. (Big Encyclopedic Dictionary, 2000)

Activity is a specific type of human activity aimed at creative transformation, improvement of reality and oneself.

According to Academician N.N. Poddyakov, "... in the activity of experimentation, the child acts as a kind of researcher, independently influencing the environment of his objects and phenomena in various ways in order to more fully cognize and master them."

The process of cognition is a creative process, and the task of the teacher is to support and develop in the child an interest in research, discoveries, to create the necessary conditions for this.

An experiment according to Efremova is a scientifically staged experiment, any attempt, an attempt to carry out something. somehow way.

Experiments are classified according to different principles.

By the nature of the objects used in the experiment: experiments: with plants; with animals; with objects of inanimate nature; the object of which is man.

At the place of the experiments: in the group room; Location on; in the forest, etc.

By the number of children: individual, group, collective. - Because of their conduct: random, planned, set in response to a child's question.

By the nature of inclusion in the pedagogical process: episodic (conducted from case to case), systematic.

By duration: short-term (5-15 minutes), long-term (over 15 minutes).

By the number of observations of the same object: single, multiple, or cyclic.

By place in the cycle: primary, repeated, final and final.

By the nature of mental operations: ascertaining (allowing you to see some one state of an object or one phenomenon without connection with other objects and phenomena), comparative (allowing you to see the dynamics of the process or note changes in the state of the object), generalizing (experiments in which general patterns are traced process studied earlier in separate stages).

By the nature of the cognitive activity of children: illustrative (children know everything, and the experiment only confirms familiar facts), search (children do not know in advance what the result will be), solving experimental problems.

According to the method of application in the audience: demonstration, frontal.

Each type of experimentation has its own methodology, its pros and cons.

In everyday life, children often experiment with various substances themselves, trying to learn something new. They take apart toys, watch objects falling into the water (sinking - not sinking), trying metal objects with their tongues in severe frost, etc. But the danger of such "amateur activity" lies in the fact that the preschooler is not yet familiar with the laws of mixing substances, elementary safety rules. The experiment, specially organized by the teacher, is safe for the child and at the same time acquaints him with the various properties of the surrounding objects, with the laws of the life of nature and the need to take them into account in his own life. Initially, children learn to experiment in specially organized activities under the guidance of a teacher, then the necessary materials and equipment for the experiment are brought into the developing object-spatial environment of the group for independent reproduction by the child, if it is safe for his health. In this regard, in a preschool educational organization, the experiment must meet the following conditions: the maximum simplicity of the design of devices and the rules for handling them, the reliability of the operation of devices and the unambiguity of the results obtained, showing only the essential aspects of a phenomenon or process, a clear visibility of the phenomenon under study, the possibility of the child participating in repeated showing the experiment.

What should the teacher remember when organizing the experimental activities of children?

Criticism is the enemy of creativity. It is necessary to avoid a negative assessment of children's ideas, the use of directive methods.

To show sincere interest in any activity of the child, to be able to see the work of thoughts behind his mistakes, the search for his own solution.

To educate the child's faith in his own strength, expressing an assessment that anticipates success.

To cultivate perseverance in completing the task, bringing the experiment to the end.

End the discussion on the problem being solved before the children show signs of losing interest.

Summarize the results of the experiment. The teacher can ask leading questions, but the children themselves must name the problem posed, remember all the proposed hypotheses, the course of testing each one, formulate the correct conclusion and evaluate their work.

When the experiment is over and conclusions have been drawn, one can ask the question: “How to determine whether we have drawn the right conclusion?” Children should be led to the idea that the results of an experiment are reliable if they do not change when the study is repeated.

It is known that the experience of experimental activity is acquired only in stages:

At the first level, the teacher himself poses the problem and outlines the main ways to solve it. Then he gives the children the opportunity to solve the problem on their own and make sure that their knowledge is clearly not enough to achieve the goal. An adult consciously emphasizes the contradictions that have arisen, stimulates attempts to find a way out of the existing situation, and takes part in building links of reasoning that are accessible to children. As new knowledge is accumulated, preschoolers become more independent in finding solutions.

At the second level, the teacher only poses problems, and the children look for the method of solving it on their own (collective search is possible). The teacher only provides minimal assistance in extreme cases. The transition from a lower level of experimental activity to a higher one is based on the principles of reducing the information communicated to children and giving them more and more independence.

Experimental activity provides more opportunities for the physical and social inclusion of the child in work with a group of peers than traditional teaching methods, allows self-fulfillment and self-assertion.

From the point of view of pedagogy, the process of experiment itself is primarily important. For its implementation, it is optimal to divide the children's team into small groups (3-4 people each).

Working in such a small team contributes to the maximum interest of each child in experimental activities, the development of independence, the ability to propose and formulate options for solving a problem, convincingly prove one's point of view and listen to the opinions of others, and manage one's emotional state. All this increases the child's self-esteem, develops his communicative and speech skills and thinking, activates creative, search activity in new non-standard situations.

When forming the foundations of natural science and ecological concepts, experimentation can be considered as a method close to ideal. Knowledge obtained not from books, but obtained independently, is always conscious and more durable. Such classics of pedagogy as Y.A. Komensky, I.G. Pestalozzi, J.-J. Rousseau, K.D. Ushinsky and many others advocated the use of this teaching method.




Theme "Experimental activities of preschoolers"


Demyanova Olga Vyacheslavovna

educator of the Komsomol preschool educational institution "Topolek"

Master class for preschool teachers.

Subject. Experimental activities of preschoolers.

Target: to give the participants of the master class practical knowledge about the experimental activities of preschool children and the possibility of applying it in practice; -demonstrate some types of experimentation with water;
-create conditions for fruitful communication of master class participants in this area in order to develop their creative potential;
-dissemination of pedagogical experience.
Practical significance: this master class may be of interest to teachers working on the topic of experimentation and search activities of children. A teacher who uses experimentation in his work will find something new for himself, and the rest will understand how interesting and exciting this activity is.

To acquaint with the definition of the concept - children's experimentation.
To reveal the features of conducting children's experimentation.
Materials and equipment: cups, cardboard slightly larger than the mouth of the cup, shaving foam, sugar, food coloring, a syringe, pipettes, a volcano model, soda, vinegar, a paper model - “smile”.

Workshop participants: preschool teachers.

move master class.


"Tell me and I'll forget,

show me and I will remember

let me try and I'll understand."

(Chinese proverb)

“It is better to see once than hear a hundred times,” says folk wisdom. “It is better to test it once, try it, do it yourself,” say practicing teachers.

IN.: Today we will talk about children's experimentation. Let's remember what an experiment is. An experiment is a method of studying a certain phenomenon under controlled conditions, with active interaction with the object under study. The experiment serves to test the hypothesis, to establish causal relationships between phenomena.
According to a number of scientists, experimentation is one of the methods of cognitive development of preschoolers.
By definition, N.N. Poddyakova children's experimentation is a special form of search activity of preschoolers, in which children's own activity is manifested, aimed at obtaining new information and knowledge.
Children's experimentation is an activity, as a result of which the child, independently or under the guidance of an adult invisible to him, makes a discovery for himself.
In the process of experimentation, the educator should act for children not as a teacher, but as an equal partner, directing children's activities in the right direction. Knowledge that is not told by the educator, but obtained independently, is always conscious and more durable.

“The more a child sees, hears and experiences, the more he learns and assimilates, the more elements of reality he has in his experience, the more significant and productive, other things being equal, his creative activity will be,” wrote Lev Semenovich, a classic of Russian psychological science. Vygotsky.

The kid is a natural explorer of the world around him. The world opens up to the child through the experience of his personal sensations, actions, experiences.

Thanks to this, he learns the world into which he came. He studies everything as he can and with what he can - with his eyes, hands, tongue, nose. He rejoices in even the smallest discovery.

Preschool children are naturally inquisitive explorers of the world around them. At the older preschool age, they develop the needs of knowing this world, which are reflected in the form of search, research activities aimed at “discovering the new”, which develops productive forms of thinking. Experimentation is fundamentally different from any other activity in that the image of the goal that determines this activity has not yet been formed and is characterized by uncertainty and instability. In the course of the experiment, it is refined and clarified.

In the process of organizing children's experimentation, one must adhere to a certain structure:

* knowing what you want to know

* formulation of the research problem

* thinking over the methodology of the experiment

* listening to hypotheses, instructions and criticisms

* predicting results

* completing of the work

* compliance with safety rules

* Observation of results

* fixing results

* analysis of the received data

* verbal report of what he saw

* formulation of conclusions .

I choose the topic for experimentation taking into account the interests of the children and in accordance with the theme of the project or event.
Since the source of cognitive activity is the presence of a problem, I pay special attention to the creation of a problem field. For example, to determine what material a boat can be made of, children try which materials sink and which do not.
It is important that the child understands the personal meaning of the activity so that he can answer the question "Why am I doing this."

In the preparatory group, experiments should become the norm of life, they should be considered not as entertainment, but as a way to familiarize children with the world around them and the most effective way to develop thought processes. Experiments allow you to combine all types of activities and all aspects of education, develop observation and inquisitiveness of the mind, develop the desire to know the world, all cognitive abilities, the ability to invent, use non-standard solutions in difficult situations, and form a creative personality.
A few important tips:
1. It is better to conduct experiments in the morning, when the child is full of strength and energy;
2. It is important for us not only to teach, but also to interest the child, to arouse in him a desire to acquire knowledge and make new experiments himself.
3. Explain to the child that unknown substances should not be tasted, no matter how beautiful and appetizing they look;
4. Do not just show the child an interesting experience, but also explain in a language that is accessible to him why this happens;
5. Do not ignore the child's questions - look for answers to them in books, reference books, the Internet;
6. Where there is no danger, give the child more independence;
7. Invite the child to show the most liked experiences to friends;
8. And most importantly: rejoice in the success of the child, praise him and encourage the desire to learn. Only positive emotions can instill love for new knowledge.


1. Questions to the participants of the seminar

-What activities contribute to the environmental development of the child ? (playing, communicative, labor, cognitive research, productive, musical and artistic, reading). All activities contribute to the formation of the foundations of the ecological culture of the child.

- What tools help to solve this problem? Observations, excursions, thematic conversations, experimental activities, reading fiction, etc.

Preschool children are naturally inquisitive explorers of the world around them. At the older preschool age, they develop the needs of knowing this world, which are reflected in the form of search, research activities aimed at “discovering the new”, which develops productive forms of thinking.

Cognitive - research activities include various types of research available to preschoolers and allowing them to take an active research position.

-What types of research do you use in your work? ( Experiments and experiments, collecting and classification).

Today I want to show you some water experiments that can be used with children. The main content of these studies carried out by children involves the formation of ideas in them:

1. About materials.

2. About natural phenomena.

3. About patterns in nature.

Experiencewith cold and warm water.

Required inventory: 4 cups, tray, plastic board, food coloring.

Pour warm water into one glass, cold water into the other, tint the water in different colors. We cover the glass with warm water with a plastic plate, turn it over and put it on a glass of cold water. Carefully remove the card - the water does not mix. This is because warm tends to rise and cold tends to descend. If you swap the cups, the water will mix.

Experience"Erupting Volcano"

Required inventory: plasticine volcano model, soda (2 tablespoons),
vinegar 1/3 cup, red paint, a drop of liquid detergent to make the volcano foam better.

Pour soda into the hole of the "volcano", add a drop of detergent and a drop of red paint, then fill it all with vinegar.

Experience "Rain Clouds"

Required inventory: a glass of water, shaving foam, food coloring, pipette.

With the help of this experiment, we will schematically explain to the children how it rains. First, water accumulates in the clouds, and then spills onto the ground. Pour 2/3 of water into a glass. Squeeze the foam directly over the water. Drop the colored water onto the foam with a pipette. Now we observe how the colored water will pass through the cloud and continue its journey to the bottom of the glass.

To summarize the material of our master class, I suggest that you compose a syncwine. Sincwine comes from the French. the word five. This is a poem consisting of 5 lines, it has no rhyme, but it has a meaning. It teaches you to use concepts meaningfully and define your attitude to the problem under consideration in five lines. Everything we talked about must be presented in 5 lines.

Sinkwine scheme

1 line - noun - ONE keyword that defines the topic and content of the syncwine;

2 line - two adjectives - a description of the topic in TWO words characterizing this concept;

Line 3 - three verbs - a description of the action within the framework of this topic in THREE words;

Line 4 - a form of FOUR words - a short sentence that reveals the essence of the topic. Philosophical or emotional attitude of the author towards it;

Line 5 - ONE word - a synonym for the first. Usually a noun through which a person expresses his feelings, associations. Related concept.

clean, transparent,

It's pouring. Flowing. Noisy.

Accompanies us throughout life

During the research work, all the senses are involved: the child listens, peers, touches, sniffs, tries. His active vocabulary is enriched, the regulatory and planning functions of speech are improved. Mastering tool actions develops the child's hand.

Experience shows that elementary experimentation is already available to children of early, younger age. They are happy to examine clay and sand, learning their properties; splashing in the water, revealing its secrets; send boats to sail, catch the breeze, try to make foam; They turn snow into water and water into ice.

In the middle and older preschool years, the experiments become more complicated.

For the development of the cognitive competence of preschoolers in elementary research activities, it is necessary to use more effective methods and techniques of cognitive activity of children.

1. Was the information of the master class useful to you (invite the participants to raise “smiles” - a paper model).
2. If you have an interest in children's experimentation, you can use the information received.

Thank you for your attention and participation in the master class.

The process of education and upbringing in kindergarten is aimed at revealing in the personality of the child those qualities that will be necessary for him to achieve any goals in the future. To develop the inquisitiveness of the mind, to acquaint with the properties of objects by direct observation of phenomena and processes, to form the ability to plan and analyze practical work - these are the tasks of the modern education system. The child is capable of independent search for knowledge, if the teacher has prepared the appropriate conditions for this.

Experimental activities in the preschool educational institution: tasks, techniques, types

The modern system of education in kindergarten is moving away from the method of transferring knowledge to children by the information method (direct transfer from the teacher to the pupil). According to the Federal State Educational Standard, the pedagogical task is to create optimal conditions under which each child could discover and improve his abilities in discovering the features and properties of objects in the surrounding reality. Research qualities are observed in children 1–2 years old. Experimenting with objects occurs with the help of elementary actions: smearing paint on a sheet, tasting, testing for strength (bite, throw), make a sound (clap your palm, hit a hard surface). With the development of fine motor skills and coordination of movements, experimental studies become richer, but spontaneity in experimentation remains until the age of 5–6 years. Average preschoolers are capable of longer observations, they actively replenish their vocabulary and strive to use the acquired skills in independent activities. Pupils of the senior and preparatory groups conduct experiments and experiments according to an independently thought-out plan, record and evaluate the information received. Consequently, throughout the entire period of education in kindergarten, pupils improve the ability to solve problem situations by practical methods, both in joint activities with the teacher, and independently in various regime moments.

Pupils of younger groups experiment together with the teacher

The purpose of experimental and experimental activities in the preschool educational institution is the formation and expansion of children's ideas about objects of living and inanimate nature through practical independent knowledge. The teacher works in this direction during GCD classes, on walks, thematic leisure activities, and motivates them to experiment in independent activities. For experimental research, a subject-spatial environment is organized: a research corner, an experimentation center or a mini-laboratory are created. Children's experimentation is in many ways similar to scientific experimentation; children experience positive emotions from feeling the importance of the work done, getting visible results, new information.

Children's experimentation is similar to scientific experimentation, and the results of experimental activities are of great value to children.

Tasks of experimental activities in the preschool educational institution - table

Educational tasks
  • Formation of ideas about objects: their properties and qualities.
  • Formation of the ability to determine the relationship between objects and phenomena.
  • Formation of the ability to draw conclusions, discoveries.
Development tasks
  • Development of mental abilities: comparison, comparison, systematization, generalization, analysis.
  • Development of fine motor skills and coordination of movements.
  • Development of visual, auditory, sensory perception.
  • Development of attention and memory.
  • Development of speech abilities.
Educational tasks
  • Creating a positive motivation for self-experimentation.
  • Creating a friendly atmosphere in the group during research.
  • The development of the ability to work in a team, a sense of mutual assistance.
  • Education of perseverance and accuracy.

During the experiments, children acquire research skills, draw conclusions and conclusions based on the experiments.

Methods and techniques of experimental activities in preschool educational institutions

Among the techniques and methods for organizing experimental activities, we highlight the ones that are relevant for use in a preschool educational institution:

  • Problem-search method. The educator creates a problem situation in which the children have to determine the issue that needs to be resolved, put forward hypotheses on how to solve the problem, conduct experimental activities and take stock. The problem-search method is the leading one for the modern system of education, in which, through a lively discussion with the teacher, children are motivated to actively experiment and strive to get results.

    In line with the problem-search method, most classes in kindergarten are built

  • object observation. The perception of objects and processes organized indoors or on the territory of the kindergarten develops the visual and auditory abilities of children. Explorations carried out during walks immerse children in the world of nature with all the variety of visual images, colors, sounds and smells. Observation is one of the active practices of experimental research activities among preschoolers.

    Observation is one of the active practices of experimental research activities of preschoolers

  • Experiences and experiments. Along with play, experimentation is considered a leading activity. Putting elementary experiments on objects (dropping them on the floor, trying to break them, extracting sound, etc.), the kids acquire information about their properties. Preschoolers are happy to participate in experiments on familiar substances, deepening their knowledge: they experiment with water in a liquid and solid state, with sand, stones, clay, and plants. It is necessary to start conducting experiments with children of the younger group, encouraging the period of senior preschool age to desire independent experimentation. This method of research activity develops observation, activity, independence in children, contributes to the formation of a friendly atmosphere and team cohesion.

    Experience in establishing the dependence of plants on environmental factors

Types of children's experimentation - table

By the nature of the cognitive activity of children
  • illustrative (children know the result, and experience confirms familiar facts);
  • search (the result is unknown, it must be obtained empirically);
  • solving cognitive problems.
By place in the educational cycle
  • primary;
  • repeated;
  • final;
  • final.
By the nature of mental operations
  • ascertaining (observation of the features of an object or phenomenon without connection with other objects or phenomena);
  • comparative (it is possible to see a change in the properties or qualities of an object during a process);
  • generalizing (it is possible to determine the regularity of any process considered in the form of separate stages in previous experiments).
By way of application
  • demo;
  • frontal.

In experimental activities, the development of mental and practical abilities of children is carried out. If in the process of research the task was to obtain new information by improving practical skills, then the experimental activity in this case is of a cognitive nature. The formation of new skills of experimentation and learning to work with various tools is carried out within the framework of research experimental activities.

In experimental activities, both cognitive and research abilities of children develop.

Types of experimentation activities

Individualization of tasks of an experimental orientation

The organization of children's experimentation is carried out within the framework of a personal approach to training and education. The implementation of this approach is possible during the GCD class, when children are given tasks of various levels of complexity to conduct the experiment. For example, in the lesson “Sinking - not sinking”, the teacher of children gives the task to the first subgroup to conduct an experiment to determine the buoyancy of cubes of the same size from different materials (wood, plastic, glass, metal, polystyrene, stone), and the second subgroup - to determine the buoyancy of objects of different weights and forms, but consisting of metal (cube, bowl, boat). The first task involves conclusions about the buoyancy of lighter materials, the second task involves a complex conclusion about the ability of objects to float, depending on their overall density and volume.

Multi-level tasks are given during walks to conduct experiments with water, sand, air. The children are also divided into subgroups, conduct experiments, after which a joint discussion is held.

The independent activity of pupils is initiated by the teacher in order to improve the skills of conducting experiments, taking into account the personal interests of children. In various activity centers, games-experiments, the study of models and layouts, the observation of the vital activity of plants, and the actual experiments with substances can be organized.

The possibility of practical work in subgroups is allowed to carry out a personal approach in experimental activities

Motivating start

Children of preschool age have a strong desire for observations, direct contact with the objects being studied, setting up experiments and experiments. They are especially attracted to classes in mini-laboratories, where you can use special tools and unusual materials for research.

It is important for the teacher to organize a lesson on experimental activities so that in the first place the pupils have the desire to acquire new information. It often happens that the practical side causes such vivid positive emotions in children that the joy of the discovery itself is lost in them, which is what every experience and experiment strives for. Therefore, it is recommended to devote the beginning of classes to activating attention and increasing motivation to solve any problem situation, to find an answer to the question posed. For these purposes, visual material is used (posters, cards and postcards, illustrations of books, encyclopedias), outdoor and didactic games, thematic gymnastics and exercises are arranged, discussions are held in which children are given the opportunity to give examples from personal experience, fairy tale characters are involved.

Options for motivating beginnings - table

Topic of the lesson, age group Motivating start option
"Melting snow", the first junior group Inclusion in the game situation.
The group receives a letter from the Snow Queen, she invites the guys to her kingdom. With the help of a magical portal, children enter the world of eternal ice and snow, where they have to complete the tasks of a fairy-tale hostess and take part in an experiment to study the properties of snow.
"House for the hedgehog", the second junior group Creating a surprise moment.
The fairy-tale character Hedgehog comes to the group, he snorts and says nothing, but looks very excited. He brought the guys a letter from the forest dwellers, which tells about the Hedgehog's attempts to make a house for himself: it was hard in the box, uncomfortable on the cones, he fell into the moss. The forest dwellers ask the children to help the Hedgehog in creating a comfortable house.
"Properties of water", middle group Studying the poster "The water cycle in nature." Conducting an informative conversation about the forms of water in nature.
Conducting a mobile game "Rain and Sun".
"We'll bury the garbage in the ground", senior group View a presentation on soil pollution and its possible consequences.
Conducting a discussion about what garbage can be buried in the ground, and what requires other methods of processing.
"Growing salt crystals", preparatory group Studying illustrations about the methods of extracting salt.
Riddles about salt and sugar.

Attracting visual material activates the attention of pupils and arouses interest in the search for new information.

Examples of the organization of experimental activities in preschool educational institutions

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the options for experimental activities of preschoolers in the classroom in kindergarten.

Experimental activity on a walk - video

https://youtube.com/watch?v=4awlGoQsXko Video can’t be loaded: Experimental activity on a walk.MPG (https://youtube.com/watch?v=4awlGoQsXko)

Experiences in the younger group - video

https://youtube.com/watch?v=IsvJEpzi-2w Video can’t be loaded: Experiences in the younger group Gnomes 1 (https://youtube.com/watch?v=IsvJEpzi-2w)

Experimental activity in the second junior group "Safe fireworks" - video

Experimental activities in the middle group "Properties of sand" - video

https://youtube.com/watch?v=PcvhM4eqcuY Video can’t be loaded: Video lesson of experimental activities in the middle group, MBDOU No. 31, Nizhnekamsk, RT (https://youtube.com/watch?v=PcvhM4eqcuY)

OOD for children of the senior group "Properties of air" - video

https://youtube.com/watch?v=mZPkbPTMf3E Video can’t be loaded: OOD for children of the senior group “Air properties” (https://youtube.com/watch?v=mZPkbPTMf3E)

Experimental activities in the preparatory group "Winter Water" - video

Experimental lesson in kindergarten

The lesson of an experimental orientation in kindergarten is built taking into account the age characteristics of children in the time frame according to the norms of SANPiN:

  • junior group - 15 minutes;
  • middle group - 20 minutes;
  • senior group - 25 minutes;
  • preparatory group - 30 minutes.

To prevent overwork, various forms of activity are used: gaming (didactic games), physical (physical education, outdoor games), entertainment (singing), cognitive (studying visual material, conducting a conversation).

Practical work is preceded by a repetition of safety rules and pronunciation of the sequence of actions during the experiment. At the end of the experiment, each pupil puts his workplace in order, helps the teacher to put away the tools.

The stage of reflection at the end of the lesson is obligatory: the guys report the results of the experiment, share their emotions from the discovery process.

Card file of experiments and experiments - table

Area of ​​experimentation Topic of the lesson Purpose of experimentation materials
Objects of inanimate nature "Properties" Introduction to the properties of sand Dry sand jars, water bottle, spatulas, plexiglass, magnet
"Water purification" Learn how to filter water Glass with dirty water, empty glass, cotton filters for water purification
"Fabrics" Formation of ideas about the properties of various types of tissue Water containers, scissors, fabric samples
"Metals" Formation of ideas about the properties of metals Spirit lamp, matches, scissors, metal samples (demonstration experience, conducted by a teacher)
"The Magnetic Property of the Earth" Acquaintance with the magnetic properties of the Earth Magnet, glass, needles, globe model, magnetized safety pin, water, vegetable oil
"Rainbow" To introduce the mechanism of the decay of light into a color spectrum Faceted glass (detail from a crystal chandelier)
"How to get a paperclip?" Expansion of ideas about the properties of a magnet and its application by a person Water bottle, paper clips, magnet
"Polar Lights" Expanding the concept of the Earth's magnetic forces Magnet, metal filings, two sheets of paper, a cocktail tube, a balloon, small pieces of paper
"Space in a glass" Finding out the factors that influence the shape of the planets A glass of water, oil, alcohol, pipette
Wildlife objects "Roots are stretching" Establishing a connection between the modification of plant parts and the influence of external factors Plants in pots with pallets simulating various external influences
"Property to evaporate liquid" Establishing the dependence of the amount of evaporated liquid on the size of the leaves of the plant Three indoor plants: with small leaves (Ficus retuza), with medium leaves (Ficus Benjamin), cactus
"Light and Growth" Establishing the relationship between lighting and plant growth Houseplants, sheet of paper, pencils
"Reserve Plants" Acquaintance with the property of some plants to accumulate moisture Water container, food coloring, wooden blocks, sponges
"How a flower drinks water" Formation of ideas about the movement of water from the root of the plant along the stem to the leaves and flower Glasses of water, food coloring, white carnations
"Heat and Cold" Establishing the influence of temperature regime on plant growth Twigs with unblown buds, cups of water
"Plants breathe" Establishing the plant's need for air Indoor plants, plastic straws, petroleum jelly, magnifying glass
"Live Slice" Establishing the ability of a plant to feed and grow at the expense of the root Root crops (carrots, radishes, radishes, turnips, beets)
Human body "Ear and nasopharynx" Establishing a connection between the ear and the nasopharynx Model of the structure of the ear and nasopharynx
"Smell and Breathe" Determining the need for a breath to detect odor A thick cloth bag with various aromatic materials: soap, orange peel, scented candle, perfume bottle.
"Perception of cold and heat" Determine the location on the human body of points that perceive heat and cold Containers with hot and cold water
"Eyes" Introduction to the structure of the eye human eye model
"Pupil" To study the effect of light on the pupil Mirror
"Snore" Learn about the causes of snoring Wax paper, scissors, ruler

By experience, the guys will learn how to get metal objects from a container of water without getting their hands wet.

Summary of experimental activities in the second group of early age "Vodichka, some water ..." - table

  • to introduce children to water and its properties through experimental activities: liquid, pouring;
  • bring the kids to different ways to solve a problem situation and find the best way to solve it;
  • activate verbs (flowing, pouring), adjectives (liquid, transparent) in speech.
Equipment Toy "Luntik", a transparent glass of water, scoops from the sand set, rags. A glass of cold water, a container with hot water (the teacher takes it out only during the experiment, without access for children).
Lesson progress The children, together with the teacher, go to the reception room. At this moment, a loud sound is heard in the group. When the teachers and children return to the group, they see a puddle of water on the table and next to Luntik.
Educator: Guys, what happened in the group? Who came to visit us? Do you know him?
Children: Luntik!
Educator: Hello, Luntik. Guys, let's say hello to Luntik.
Children: Hello, Luntik.
Educator: Guys, it seems that Luntik is upset about something. He said that he was in such a hurry to get to know you, he did not notice a glass of water on the table and accidentally knocked it over. What happened to the water that was in the glass?
Children: Spilled.
Educator: You need to remove the water from the table. Let's help Luntik?
Children: Yes.
Educator: Luntik just whispered to me that water needs to be collected in a glass in the same way as we collect toys. Do you think you can put water in a glass? We collect toys in place with handles, so we will collect water!
Come out (Calls a few kids), help us collect water. Children run errands.
Educator: Did you manage to collect water in a glass?
Children: No!
Educator: Or maybe we will collect water with scoops. Collecting sand! Calls a few more kids to complete the errand.
Educator: Guys, the water does not return to the glass. How else can you collect water from the table?
Children: Rags.
Teacher: Let's try. Children who have not yet participated in the experiment come out.
Educator: Look, Luntik, the guys and I wiped everything. The rags helped us with this. Do you know why we could not collect water with our hands and a scoop? Because water is liquid. When we spill something liquid, we get a puddle. And rags just help to collect a puddle. What other liquids do you know?
Children's answers.
Educator: There is still liquid milk, tea, cocoa, soup. What does our nanny do when something suddenly spills?
Children: Wipes with a cloth.
Educator: Luntik thanks you guys for your help and says that now he remembers exactly what will help him collect the liquid if he suddenly spills it.
Luntik says goodbye to the kids.

Children establish a way to clean up spilled water from the surface of the table

Fixing the results of the experimental activities of pupils of the preschool educational institution

Fixing the results of practical research or observation is a mandatory stage of experimental activity. It is necessary to accustom children to fixation gradually, since this type of work is considered difficult for preschoolers. And this stage is necessary in order for the results of experimentation to be imprinted in the memory of pupils (visual, sensory, auditory, motor, olfactory).

Ways to fix the results of children's experimentation:

  1. Graphic. The simplest way to fix the results visually with the help of ready-made forms: cards, pictures, graphic diagrams, photographs, three-dimensional images, audio recordings. This method can be used in experimenting with children aged 3–4 years, offering them to choose from several ready-made forms the one that represents the results of practical work in the current lesson. With pupils of the middle group, simple graphic diagrams or mnemonic cards are used.
  2. mental. To fix the results of experimental activities, the speech skills of children are used: the child talks about the results of practical research. The mental method is used in work with children of the middle group: pupils form the ability to independently pronounce the results of the experiment, compare them with the results of similar experiments conducted earlier. Senior preschoolers during mental fixation improve the ability to generalize and systematize knowledge about objects.
  3. Practical. It consists in fixing the results of experimentation on paper - by sketching or writing down. In working with preschoolers, schematic sketching and sketching with conventional symbols are more often used. To this end, children keep diaries of observations, logs of experiments, fill out cards for experiments. Recording a story about the results of practical research in kindergarten is carried out by the teacher according to the words of the children, for example, to fix the report on the work done in the group journal, on the stand in the corner of knowledge.

Pupils draw the results of the experiment in observation sheets

Advice for parents

It is recommended to hold meetings with parents several times during the school year, which highlight the work of children in the framework of experimental activities. Parents are informed of the goals and objectives of children's experimentation, they must understand its significance for the development of the child's personality. Cognitive activity and the desire to conduct practical research should be encouraged at home.

Support for the experimental activities of children is carried out through the implementation of the following tasks:

  • encouraging the child's curiosity, initiative in experimentation;
  • showing interest in kindergarten activities;
  • motivate by example.

At consultations for parents, the teacher provides exemplary topics for joint experimental activities with children at home and on walks (for proactive parents - topics of short-term research projects): seasonal observations on the street, a description of the implementation of experiments in the bathroom, in the kitchen. The importance of recording the results of practical research should be pointed out: parents, together with their children, can keep diaries and journals, draw posters, make collages from photographs and lapbooks (fold-out books on the topic of the experiments carried out - “Three Forms of Water”, “Conditions for Plant Growth”, “ Ways to clean the soil", "Properties of air"). Experimenting in the family circle (with mom and dad, brothers and sisters, grandparents) is not only the acquisition of knowledge, but also positive emotions.

Conducting experiments at home creates a positive atmosphere in the family and is fixed in memory for a long time.

Monitoring and reporting on experimental activities in preschool educational institutions

To evaluate the results and effectiveness of the experimental activities of pupils, the teacher monitors according to the following criteria:

  • the ability to formulate a problem by pupils;
  • correct formulation of questions;
  • choice of research methods;
  • the ability to describe observations during experimental activities;
  • the presence of mental skills (analysis, comparison, generalization, systematization);
  • the degree of independence in the conduct of the experiment;
  • the ability to draw conclusions, conclusions, summing up;
  • the ability to record the results of experimentation.

A high level of experimental activity is evidenced by a stable motivation to conduct practical research, including in independent activity (on walks, in independent activity centers, at home). A child with a developed exploratory type of thinking takes the initiative in choosing materials and tools for conducting experiments, identifies problematic issues, tests his own assumptions empirically, strives to complete what he has begun in order to find out and fix the result of the experiment.

To identify the attitude of pupils to experimental activities and determine the level of mastery of practical skills, the educator conducts monitoring by filling out questionnaires for each pupil several times during the school year (in September, in the middle of the year, in May). Monitoring reveals the degree of independence at all stages of children's experimentation; for pupils with low indicators, the teacher selects correction methods.

Setting up an experimentation center

An important condition for the organization of experimental activities in kindergarten is the creation of a subject-cognitive environment. These can be corners for practical research in the group room, green areas on the windowsills for observing plants. It is possible to prepare a separate room for the functioning of a circle for cognitive research activities. Space should be allocated in the research corner or laboratory for demonstration of pupils' projects or for thematic exhibitions. To store educational literature, materials for experiments and instruments, racks are allocated, access to which will be open to all children. For the experiments, a place is thought out: a demonstration table, student desks and chairs. Safety rules for experiments should be clearly presented (for example, in the form of a poster).

Particular attention is currently being paid to the creation of water and sand centers in the group. Experimenting with these substances, children not only gain knowledge, but also improve fine motor skills, as well as restore the balance of their emotional state (classes with water and sand calm, eliminate the symptom of overwork, and relieve muscle tension).

Material equipment of the experimentation center:

  • natural materials: sand, stones, clay, soil, wood samples, leaves, grains;
  • instruments: magnets (including magnetic chips), magnifying lenses, rulers, spyglass, scales, microscope, thermometer, lamps;
  • vessels: glasses, bowls, jars, beakers, flasks;
  • medical materials: latex gloves, tweezers, disposable syringes without a needle, cotton pads, gauze and a bow;
  • substances: salt, sugar, potassium permanganate, food coloring, flour;
  • aprons, goggles, hats or scarves, gloves, armlets;
  • observation sheets and journals for recording the results of experimentation.

Life in all its manifestations is becoming ever more varied and complex; the further it goes, the more it requires from a person not stereotyped, habitual actions, but mobility of thinking, quick orientation, and a creative approach to solving large and small problems.

The state, the school, the preschool institution and the parents are faced with a task of extreme importance: to ensure that every child grows up not only as a conscious member of society, not only as a healthy and strong person, but also - by all means! - initiative, thinking, capable of a creative approach to any business. This is exactly what is indicated in the law of the Russian Federation “On Education”. An active life position can have a basis if a person thinks creatively, if he sees an opportunity for improvement.

The path of becoming a creative person is complex, difficult. But these great difficulties can also give great joys, moreover, joys of a higher human order - the joy of overcoming, the joy of discovery, the joy of creativity.

Any activity proceeds more efficiently and gives high-quality results, if at the same time the person has strong motives, bright, deep, causing a desire to act actively, with full dedication of strength, to overcome life's difficulties, adverse conditions, circumstances, to persistently move towards the intended goal.

One such activity is experimentation. In the works of many domestic teachers N.N. Poddiakova (1995), A.P. Usovoi, E.L. Panko states that "children's experimentation claims to be the leading activity in the period of preschool development", and highlight the main feature of this cognitive activity: the child learns the object in the course of practical activities with it, the practical actions carried out by the child perform a cognitive, orienting-exploratory function, creating conditions , which reveal the content of this object.

Experimental - experimental activity allows you to combine all types of activities and all aspects of education, develops observation and inquisitiveness of the mind, develops the desire to know the world, all cognitive abilities, the ability to invent, use non-standard solutions in difficult situations, create a creative personality

A Chinese proverb says: “Tell me and I will forget; show me and I will remember; let me try and I will understand.” Everything is assimilated firmly and for a long time when the child hears, sees and does it himself. This is the basis for the active introduction of children's experimental activities into the practice of our preschool educational institution. In the process of organizing experimental activities, it was supposed to solve the following tasks:

  • creation of conditions for the formation of the main holistic worldview of a child of senior preschool age by means of a physical experiment.
  • development of observation, the ability to compare, analyze, generalize, the development of the cognitive interest of children in the process of experimentation, the establishment of a causal relationship, the ability to draw conclusions.
  • development of attention, visual, auditory sensitivity.
  • creation of prerequisites for the formation of practical and mental actions.

We have divided experimental activities into the following areas:

  • wildlife: characteristic features of the seasons of different natural and climatic zones, the diversity of living organisms and their adaptability to the environment.
  • inanimate nature: air, soil, water, magnets, sound, light.
  • man: the functioning of the organism, the man-made world, materials and their properties.

We developed a model for teaching children the organization of experimentation.

Model of teaching children the organization of experimentation

Stages of learning Research skills

Activity motivation

- creation of a developing environment;

problem situations;

Sustained interest
- intrigue and surprises Planning, choice of means, implementation and formulation of the conclusions of the experiment with the support of the teacher
The teacher poses a problem and begins to solve it, the children independently carry out the solution of the problem. - suggestive questions;

Respectful attitude to any statements of the child, his actions;

- providing freedom of choice, action and movement in space Independent planning, implementation of the experiment; formation of the goal and the simplest hypotheses with the help of a teacher; graphic recording of results
The teacher poses a problem, the children independently find its solution and carry out the experiment - problematic issues;

Replenishment of the corner with new materials and objects;

- techniques of interpersonal communication and cooperation Independent organization of research activities by children; fixing the results, formulating conclusions and reflection
- the work of the educator to indicate goals;

The admission of inaccuracies in the actions of the educator;

The formulation of the problem, the search for a method and the development of the solution itself are carried out independently - production of cards with a symbolic image of the theme of the experiment;
- development together with children of conditional graphic symbols

The structure of children's experimentation:

Statement of the problem to be solved;

Goal setting (what needs to be done to solve the problem);

Putting forward hypotheses (search for possible solutions);

Hypothesis testing (data collection, implementation in actions);

Analysis of the result (confirmed - not confirmed);

Formulation of conclusions.

We developed a long-term planning of classes on the topic: “Experimental and experimental activities of preschoolers”, which includes:

  • experimental activity organized by the teacher;
  • cognitive lesson with elements of experimentation;
  • demonstration experiments implemented by the teacher together with the children
  • long-term observations-experiments.

Long-term planning is designed for all ages of the preschool period, classes are implemented both within the framework of the educational “Program of Education and Training in Kindergarten”, and in the joint activities of the educator and children, game and project activities.

To implement the entire scope of work, teachers of the preschool educational institution created a subject-developing environment that provides the opportunity to conduct experiments, observations, experiments by all pupils of the groups. In order to develop the cognitive activity of children and maintain interest in experimental activities, in addition to the traditional corners of nature in groups, we at the preschool educational institution, by the joint efforts of teachers, have equipped and are constantly equipping a children's environmental laboratory, where various materials for research are presented:

  • assistant devices: magnifiers, scales, hourglasses, compass, magnets;
  • a variety of vessels made of various materials (plastic, glass, metal, ceramics);
  • natural material: pebbles, clay, sand, shells, cones, feathers, moss, leaves, etc.;
  • recycled material: wire, pieces of leather, fur, fabrics, plastics, corks, etc.;
  • technical materials: nuts, paper clips, bolts, carnations, etc.;
  • different types of paper: plain, cardboard, emery, copying, etc.;
  • dyes: food and non-food (gouache, watercolors, etc.);
  • medical materials: pipettes, flasks, wooden sticks, syringes (without needles), measuring spoons, rubber bulbs, etc.;
  • other materials: mirrors, balloons, butter, flour, salt, sugar, colored and transparent glasses, sieve, etc.

When equipping the experiment corner, the following requirements were taken into account:

  • safety for the life and health of children;
  • adequacy;
  • location availability

The material for conducting experiments in the experimentation corner changes in accordance with the work plan.

Parents rendered great help in equipping the ecological laboratory. Based on the results of the survey, this work interested them, which made it possible to bring our positions closer in the development of children.

To support interest in experimentation, some problem situations are formulated on behalf of a fairy-tale hero. So, in our laboratory lives the Wise Dwarf, on whose behalf tasks are offered - notes. For example, one day the children found an envelope with bean and pea seeds and a note: “Explain what appears at the beginning: a root or a stalk?” The children decided that a transparent container and water were needed for the experiment and explained why. Then some pupils simply filled the seeds with water. And the rest used cotton swabs and put the seeds between them. As a result, the children made a conclusion about the technology of seed germination (the seeds rotted in water, disappeared in dry swabs, and sprouted only in wet ones), and also that the root appears first, and then the stem. The duration of this experiment was 12 days.

Often problematic situations arise from the daily life of children. Denis, having come to the group in the morning, said that he had an aquarium with fish, but no feeder. The children immediately determined that the feeder should float on the water.

In the process of searching for material for the manufacture of the feeder, an experiment was conducted on the “buoyancy” of the material. The following materials were chosen: iron, wood, paper, stone, polyethylene film, foam. The results of the experiment were recorded in the table: whether this material floats or does not float. Since the foam is difficult to process for children, it was decided to enlist the help of parents and make a feeder at home. A few days later there were 12 fish feeders in the group. All of them were donated to groups and teachers who have aquariums at home.

In the process of experimentation, children form not only intellectual impressions, but also develop the ability to work in a team and independently, defend their own point of view, prove it is right, determine the reasons for the failure of experimental activities, and draw elementary conclusions.

The integration of research work with other types of children's activities: observations while walking, reading, playing, allows you to create conditions for consolidating ideas about natural phenomena, the properties of materials, substances. For example, when introducing children to such a natural phenomenon as the wind, the causes of its occurrence, and the role in human life, the following methodological techniques were used:

  • observing the movement of clouds on a walk; experiment “What is the strength of the wind?”;
  • to consolidate ideas about the movement of warm and cold air, the game “Different wind” (cold, warm);
  • reading and discussion of an excerpt from the fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin “The Tale of Tsar Saltan ...”; solving environmental problems, for example: “Sveta and her mother walked down the street and admired the clouds. Suddenly Sveta screamed; “Mom, a dandelion has grown on the roof of this two-story house! Who planted it there? “Once scientists sailed to a small island to study animals, insects. They were very surprised that the insects almost did not fly, but crawled. It turned out that they almost did not need wings. Scientists have decided that the wind is to blame. Strong winds constantly blew on the island. Why did dragonflies and beetles on this island hardly fly, but crawl on the ground?” etc.

It is known that not a single upbringing or educational task can be successfully solved without fruitful contact with the family and complete mutual understanding between parents and the teacher. In individual conversations, consultations, at parent meetings, through various types of visual agitation, we convince parents of the need for daily attention to children's joys and sorrows, encouraging the child's desire to learn new things, independently find out the incomprehensible, delve into the essence of objects and phenomena.

Tips for parents "How to help a little researcher" were developed, a card file of elementary experiments and experiments that can be done at home. For example, “Colored ice floes” (ice can be seen not only in winter, but also at any other time of the year if water is frozen in the refrigerator).

At the parent meeting, games were proposed that use the results of experimentation, for example, “Secret Report” (write a letter with milk on white paper and hold it over steam or iron it; write it with lemon juice, developing it with a few drops of iodine).

A prerequisite for the effectiveness of work in the organization of experimental activities is diagnostics.

Our children grow up very quickly, but they will be able to live independently and fruitfully if we help develop their abilities and talents today. Let's awaken interest in ourselves, in the world around us.

At the end of the speech, I would like to note that in our work with preschool children, we are guided by wise advice: “Know how to open one thing to the child in the world around you, but open it in such a way that a piece of life sparkles in front of the children with all the colors of the rainbow. Always leave something unsaid so that the child wants to return to what he has learned again and again ”(V.A. Sukhomlinsky).

Only through action will a child be able to know the diversity of the world around him and determine his own place in it.


  1. “Experimental activity of children” L.N. Menshchikov.
  2. “Experimental-experimental activity” V.V. Moskalenko.
  3. “Environmental activities with children aged 6-7” T.M. Bondarenko.
  4. “Organization of experimental activity of preschoolers. Methodical recommendations” L.N. Prokhorov.
  5. “From Pedagogy of Everyday Life to Pedagogy of Development” Journal “Preschool Education”. No. 11/2004.
  6. “Natural scientific observations and experiments in kindergarten. Man” A.I. Ivanova.

Elena Nikitaeva

Children are inquisitive by nature. curious explorers discovering this world. It is very important to support and guide their interest in order to help develop core competencies. Experimental research activity it helps a lot to do this, because the knowledge gained in the process of such work, are much better deposited in long-term memory, and activity more motivated and emotionally colored. What the child "passed through his hands" is remembered more reliably. experimental Job arouses a child's interest in the study of the world around him, develops mental operations (analysis, synthesis, classification, generalization, stimulates cognitive activity and curiosity.

share mine experience in this area. To begin with, an experimentation corner was created, which included samples of sand, clay, minerals, salt, sugar, vegetable oil, soda, test tubes, magnifiers, scales, containers, a magnet, syringes, as well as natural material.

Very comfortably experimental activities distribute in accordance with the integrated thematic planning. For example, in the fall, when the theme begins "; elements (water, air, fire, earth-soil, minerals, we spend experiments with water:

1. Properties of water,

2. Water-solvent,

3. How water evaporates,

4. Experiences with surface tension film,

5. Growing crystals,

6. Water filtration

7. Rooting sprouts,

8. Different ways of watering plants (in the soil, in the pan,

9. Drowning - not sinking,

10. Water transfer with a straw,

11. Properties of fresh and salt water,

12. How do plants drink water,

13. Melting ice in different conditions

14. Comparison of the properties of ice and snow.

Experiments with air:

1. How can air be detected?

2. How does heated air move?

3. Wind - the movement of air (creation of wind by blowing air, with the help of a fan, thick sheets of cardboard).

4. How does the volume of air change during cooling.

5. How air is compressed. Elasticity.

6. Blowing bubbles with a straw into the water.

7. Measuring the volume of exhaled air

8. How can you lean on the air? (models of a parachute, glider, planning of lionfish, feathers).

9. How running air? Movement of air - observation of the movement of turntables, a flag, fluff, leaves.

Experiments with soil, minerals:

1. Soil composition

2. Comparison of the properties of sand and clay

3. Comparison of the properties of stones (color, mass, granularity, uniformity, gloss, porosity, brittleness, hardness).

4. Properties of the magnet.

5. Germination of seeds, rooting of sprouts, observation of plant growth in different conditions.

6. Comparison of the properties of wet and dry sand.

7. What kind of soil is better for passing water.

Usage experimental activities is the most effective way to develop thought processes, familiarize children with the world around them, develop observation and inquisitiveness of the mind, activate the desire to know the world. It is very important to analyze the result obtained with the children and draw a conclusion.

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