“It was by the sea. Holiday romance, or the little sin of an exemplary wife

WomanHit is opening a new literary section for all reading lovers. The first will be a story by our author Natalia Fedina. However, anyone can publish in it!

WomanHit is opening a new section for reading enthusiasts. Photo: Fotolia/PhotoXPress.ru.

The heat was such that it seemed like just another minute and I would completely melt into the litter. And if Korableva needs a tennis partner, she will have to scrape me off the lounger with a nail file. I imagined this sight, but before I had time to laugh, He appeared on the beach.
A dream, not a man. Tall, tanned, narrow-hipped, a kind of macho man of the Slavic variety. “A macho with a sanatorium towel over his shoulder,” I thought sarcastically. I'm generally snide. And he is the most handsome guy on the entire coast.
It seemed so not only to me. The girls' eyes immediately lit up. Korableva even meowed, and Masha let out a heavy sigh:
- Girls, he’s resting! He's mo-oh!
- No it's mine! — Korableva was indignant. - I saw him first!
- Talk to me again!..
Masha angrily elbowed Korablev. It was clear that now the girls would grab each other's hair. Very stupid - because of a guy whom they are seeing for the first time in their lives, and who has not yet given them the slightest advance. I just shook my head but didn't say anything. For what? I always know everything in advance and always remain silent, which is why they value me. I’m sitting there, I don’t have any glare, I smell nice. Of course, they appreciate me not only for this. Also because I’m not blonde, not Miss Beach, and that all my swimsuits on sale are from last season’s catalog. But it’s not a shame to appear in my company: I’m not a freak, and my legs are 105 cm from the hips - Korableva measured it with a tape measure, and then cried for a long time in the toilet. It seems to her that if she had such legs, she would now be jumping around the court in her villa in Los Angeles, and Brad Pitt was begging to take him as a sparring partner... And I... I, in her opinion, am a “backward element”: men I'm much less interested in them than the opportunity to swim in the sun for an extra hour. We have enough guys in Surgut (trust the director of the nightclub!), but there are problems with the sun in our native north.
We met Masha and Korableva here, on the beach a week ago, as soon as I had time to arrive. It was like this: not caring about lunch, I threw my bag in the room and ran to the long-awaited sea. I swam until I was stupefied and lay down on the hotel lounger. Bliss. No, how good it is... I was just taking the cream out of my bag when an impressively sized shadow fell on me. I had to look up. A doll in a pink swimsuit was hanging over me with a size three bust. Barbie produced by the third Ryazan plastic toy factory.
- You! This is our place! Well, get out! - she commanded.
I took off my glasses and looked around - maybe I don’t understand something? But no, lunch time was not over yet, people were filling their stomachs, and most of the sun loungers were empty. I returned my glasses to their place and again spread out on the sunbed.
- Who did I tell! - the doll did not let up.
I hate it when they shout. But I was too lazy to react. Maybe if you don't notice it, it will melt? In such a heat...
But Barbie, having received no rebuff, completely lost her belt. She grabbed my bag, threw it to the side and aimed at my flip-flops.
“What a bitch,” I thought angrily. I waited until she brought her bust closer to me again, and pressed the tube of cream. A generous stream of Ambre Solera shot into her face. The doll cackled, and her companion, a sleek, short-haired brunette, laughed low, almost in a deep voice:
- Serves you right, chicken! What, Ryzhik, are you refusing to leave? Then you'll have to get acquainted!
They did a smart thing, these two, that they picked me up, otherwise they would have quickly killed each other. Chance riskily brought these two hurricanes together at one table in the sanatorium canteen - a pedicurist from Ryazan and a businesswoman from the capital. Very different in everything except temperament, they were interested in one thing in the all-Union health resort - men. With the only difference - at the end of the vacation, Barbie-Korableva dreamed of getting married, but business Masha did not: she had something to lose in case of divorce. I served as a referee between them. I also interested them as a successful decoration: the suit suited it. What about blonde, brunette and redhead? Beautiful.

...Korableva took hold of the strings of her swimsuit, pulling her bust higher.
- Ryzhik, place your bets! Well, who will get the guy, me or her?
- Not one! - I laughed.
- Fool, don't croak! — Korableva was offended. “Oh, that red-polka dotted one was clearly aiming at him too...”
Mymra with polka dots was a serious rival. This dark-skinned girl had already stolen my bunnies’ gentlemen a couple of times, and Korableva was serious: they say, we don’t need someone else’s, but we won’t give a drop of ours! That only she, Korableva, had the right to all the beauties of the coast, the girl had no doubts. Well, okay, so be it, even if it’s Masha... But not someone else?
- This cutie will leave the beach with me - we bet? — Korableva was eager to fight.
- Are you arguing with me? - Masha said in a deep voice. - A hundred bucks!
- It's swept away! I went...
Playing with her hips, Korableva carried her curves towards the handsome man. Her hips were a bit wide, but her breasts—hold me three, hold me seven. And without any silicone. Having caught up with the object, our sultry blonde pulled the strap, and the bra fell into the sand like two blue petals. Korableva screamed and pretended to be confused. The handsome man froze and looked a little guiltily in our direction: it looked like he was truly embarrassed. Wow, what a modest person. I would have eaten it! But the pea-haired mymra buried herself in her Dontsova: she was weak to take off her swimming trunks as revenge.
- Ryzhik, how do you think her number will work? - Masha asked anxiously.
I shook my head:
- Works rough.
“That’s what I think,” Masha calmed down slightly.
The words didn’t reach us, but it was clear that Korableva was asking us to help her tie her shoelaces. It’s a complicated matter, and it’s obvious that you can’t handle it on your own. The handsome man's eyes sparkled, and I felt like I was floating. Who the hell is Brad Pitt? All of Hollywood is resting in full force!.. Strong hands tied the bow leisurely, with skill. Korableva moved her shoulders, her bust swayed... I closed my eyes so as not to see this disgrace, and when I opened it, Korableva was already cutting the sand with wide, angry steps in our direction.
“Impotent,” she announced angrily.
“Not everyone likes whores,” Masha feigned sympathy.
Korableva hissed, but did not dare to answer sharply - she was a little afraid of her tough friend. In her native Ryazan she had no acquaintances of this class. But holiday friendship is such a thing: almost like a holiday romance. For a while, erases all the edges...
Stopping at a food stall, the handsome man drank a soda and continued moving. In our direction with the girls, by the way.
Masha waited until the object of desire was close enough and jumped to her feet. She quickly shook herself off the sand and extended her palm to the guy.
- Hello, I'm Maria.
The brat's manicure was in perfect order. I vowed that starting today I would stop biting my nails and maybe even go to the beauty salon.
-...You just arrived today?
The handsome man thought about it - should he shake hands? kiss? He politely kissed Masha on the wrist.
- Very nice, Sergei. Yes today.
- My favorite name! Would you like me to be your guide? This sanatorium has a lot of attractions! Court, swimming pool, first aid station. Dining room! You can just get lost. You can't do it without a good guide!
- Yeah. So you won't take off your swimsuit? - Sergei laughed.
“No,” Masha flashed her porcelain teeth. - Not my style.
- What a pity. — Sergei pretended to leave.
Masha, sleek, self-confident Masha was confused and hesitantly took hold of her bra.
Oh, what men are doing to our sister!
And Mana obviously really liked this one.
Maybe because he was the first one who didn’t fall at her trained tanned feet?
- Wait, I was joking! - Sergei said reproachfully, and did not think of leaving.
Korableva laughed deafeningly, and Masha blushed.
Yes, that’s an oil painting (for tanning)!..
- Well, it's a draw! - Korableva whispered to me, but I shook my head:
- Wait a minute! Here's my hundred: I play too!
- You should have reported immediately! - Korableva was indignant, but Masha - angry and beautiful, who had already managed to plop down on the sunbed, gave the go-ahead: let it be. It seemed like she wanted me to fail too - if everyone failed, then everyone failed. Despite being 105 cm from toes to hip, she clearly didn’t consider me a rival. Korableva looked at me appraisingly and nodded in agreement: let it be!
It became a little offensive. I'm not that much of a crocodile! And the legs, again...
I extended my index finger (damn, the nail polish peeled off at the wrong time!) and, without rising from the couch, beckoned the handsome man to come to me. The girls looked at me as if I were sick, and Sergei took it and made a movement towards me. And at the same time he smiled... The girls rustled their busts nervously. I beckoned again. Sergei leaned over. His face was right in front of mine.
- You say you just arrived? Where are the things?
- At the hotel... I threw my bag and went straight to the beach.
“A rare coincidence of habits,” I laughed. “A week ago I did exactly the same thing.” Maybe let's go and see what things you've collected to seduce gullible resort girls?
- To the room? Just like that?..
- Yeah. Or did you leave your things with the receptionist?..
The handsome man laughed - radiantly and with white teeth, like in a toothpaste advertisement.
I stood up, took his arm, and we walked. To the hotel. Straight to his room.
But before that, I lazily grabbed the money from the sunbed. The girls remained sitting with their mouths open. Two hundred bucks for ten minutes isn't bad. It’s not fair, of course... They didn’t have a chance anyway!
I know better what kind of women my husband likes.

I recently vacationed in one of the Crimean sanatoriums in the city of Saki. The sanatorium was excellent, the room was comfortable, and the treatment was simply excellent. One day, when I was waiting in line for a massage, I met a pretty black-haired woman, her name was Tatyana, like me.

Then we went to the beach together to sunbathe for an hour before lunch - there we got to talking and I jokingly said: “How often do I meet Tatyanas my age?” To which Tatyana answered: “And boys were often called Alexander or Vladimir in the 50s of the past century" That's when she told me one story from her life, which happened to her 30 years ago, back in those years when Crimea was Soviet.

Tatyana was very sick that year, it all started with the flu, then she had lingering pneumonia, she was in the hospital, she was tormented by bronchitis all winter, and by spring the trade union committee of their enterprise gave her a ticket to the Alushta sanatorium in Crimea. And so she travels by train to Simferopol, and then by bus to Alushta. Tatyana was traveling to Crimea for the first time, she was amazed by everything: beautiful houses in villages that were surrounded by front gardens with some trees and bushes unknown to her, rows of vineyards, smiling faces of people! True, it was the month of March, nothing was blooming yet, but it was a different nature, completely different from their forests in central Russia.

Then she saw the Crimea and its endless steppes with feather grass and vineyards stretching on such large fields that then she understood why the Crimea is rightfully considered the side of viticulture, where many different types of wines are produced. Finally, at lunchtime Tatyana arrives at the sanatorium, receives administration vouchers for accommodation and meals, brings his things into the room and goes to dine in the dining room. There she sits down temporarily at some table. When Tatyana looked around a little, she was surprised to find many men and few women in the dining room.

Light music is playing, the dining room is noisy, and next to her sits a group of men discussing something and laughing fervently. When they see her, they shyly fall silent and there is an expressive pause. Then the most lively of this company, a man of about 40 years old, approaches her, introduces himself as Vladimir and sits down opposite Tatyana.

Such unceremoniousness offended her a little, but then, when a stream of Odessa jokes fell on her, Tatyana forgave him for everything. She didn’t remember if she managed to eat anything, because she laughed like she hadn’t laughed for many years! Vladimir told her that they were all from Kramatorsk, he worked at the mine as a section foreman, and his friend, the one with mustache, Alexander is an engineer, works in the mine management, and the third of his shift is a miner, he is the youngest of them - Alexey.

Tatyana asked a question to Vladimir, who had been tormenting her from the moment she entered the dining room: “Where are there so many men here?” To which, he answered with a sad grin: “Because miners from Ukraine and Russia too are often treated in this sanatorium, this is the profile of the sanatorium - pulmonary diseases.” Then Tatyana was involved in sanatorium matters, an appointment with a doctor, a prescription for treatment, she remembers that already on the first day she took some procedures, massage, inhalations, although the doctor told her that the main thing for you is air and walking more!

Before dinner, she decided to visit the library to get something to read for the night. There she met Vladimir’s friend, the same Alexander whom she liked back in the dining room. A conversation ensued, they suddenly discovered that they were both interested in Dumas’s novels, loved the impressionists, adore Vysotsky, and from dances: waltz and tango! It was then that Alexander invited her to dance at the club in the evening.

How worried she was when she got dressed for the dance, she took out her favorite blue chiffon dress, high-heeled shoes, styled her hair and went to the club.
And there, jazz music was thundering with all its might, and they were dancing a fast dance very similar to the Charleston or the twist. Tatyana quickly discovered the whole company that was already waiting for her, miner's jokes from Vladimir were used again, who performed them with special skill and they all laughed merrily at them.

They couldn’t do without Crimean wine, which they drank with pleasure at the buffet, accompanied by Vladimir’s inexhaustible toasts! All together they went to the dance hall, where she danced the most with Alexander, who really easily danced the waltz and tango, and they danced to fast melodies the whole company.

Sasha was such an excellent partner, it seemed to her that she had known him for a long time, his conversations, his gestures, his inexhaustible humor were so close to her. Then his friends often said that they had not seen such a beautiful couple at dances like them, to which they smiled shyly.

This was probably the case, because falling in love makes a person beautiful, and that they were in love was clear from their relationship. From the very first day, they treated each other so kindly and carefully, so Tatyana understood that Alexander was also in love! The four of them walked a lot and often, laughing that the doctors prescribed such walks for them as treatment. They were now all sitting at the table together and Tatyana laughed every day at the simple jokes and anecdotes of the miners
But more often she walked alone with Sasha, because Volodya soon found himself a woman from a neighboring boarding house and often disappeared for whole days. They wandered along the alleys planted with coniferous trees and shrubs, so it seemed that spring had already come, although it was quite cool. But the sun warmed up just like spring, then they established a special relationship when they lived the day like a year!

They talked a lot about everything, about poetry, about music, about love, but often they fell silent and simply looked into each other’s eyes. The guys laughed at them, joked that they lived as if in a dream - they didn’t notice anyone nearby! This is probably how it was, any touches, gestures, kisses caused trembling in their hearts.

How wonderful it all was, they received so much joy from each other that it was enough for the whole company. Volodya often said: “Looking at you makes you want to live!” They all went on excursions, visited the Vorontsov Palace in Alupka, visited the Jur-Dzhur waterfall, but Tatyana did not remember these excursions well, she only remembered the trip to Sevastopol. I remember it because they spent the night with Sasha in the same room and spent the first night of love...

They were connected only by platonic love for so long that there was no fiery passion in their sexual relationship, perhaps because they were embarrassed by each other. This was their first experience of sexual life with a partner other than their spouses.

Their love was calm and tender, of course there were hot kisses and loving whispers, but Tatyana always seemed to be stealing this love from someone else! Already in the sanatorium, when they began to be alone more often, because Vladimir almost settled in the boarding house with their friend, they got used to each other and their love became brighter and happier, but they clearly knew that their love would not continue.

Tatyana’s daughter was growing up and her husband was waiting for her at home, and Alexander had two children and a wife, so it was a feeling without hope! Destroying families was not part of their plans, and they were so far from each other in terms of their activities and place of residence.

This darkened their relationship, but the vacation continued and as its end approached, they longed for separation! It was hard to leave and it’s good that Alexander left with his company first. Tatyana then wandered for a long evening along the alleys of her and Sasha and thought about how strangely fate had developed, which gave her such a happy meeting...

Svetlana, 38 years old
“In my homeland, I was always a respected person with a good job and a serious profession. I worked for several years without days off or weekends - so irreplaceable! They didn’t let me go at all - I got by with a couple of days to pay for vacation in the winter. That summer, in spite of her boss, she planned to make a protest escape for 20 days to Georgia “without a phone” with a university friend (suffering from airplane phobia). It didn't work out! We managed to get only 10 days, and this is a completely different time frame. Georgia no longer worked out - a few days on a train back and forth would have eaten up almost the entire vacation. All that remained was a banal “last minute tour” somewhere to Turkey on the Antalya coast. The friend flatly refused: firstly, it was too snobbish and uninteresting, and secondly - “Fly? What are you talking about! No one else's vacation coincided with mine. I decided to fly alone - as long as I had a reason to turn off my phone.
The hotel was not so hot, but far from the main infrastructure and not very large, and therefore pleased with the silence. The first couple of days I enjoyed the opportunity to “not communicate”, ignoring all attempts by my compatriots to greet me - for everyone I was a foreigner: both for ours and for yours. A small mistake like a “thank you,” said automatically when I received a glass of cold beer at a bar, provided me with a magnificent, laughing “girlfriend” from Moscow - extremely uninteresting, but insanely annoying. On the third day, when, hiding from my new girlfriend, I tried to bury my head in the sand on the beach, I saw HIM. From the back. The body, distinguished by some incredibly aesthetic proportions, flew into the sea. Brushing it off as an obsession, she said to herself: either he’s ugly, or he’s married and three people are crying on the benches. Both assumptions were wrong.
He had just arrived from Istanbul for a short two days with a friend in an attempt to disconnect from the hard work of everyday life - he was launching a new project. In the evening, at dinner, a guide pestered me and asked me where I wanted to go and what to see. Overheated in the sun, in a mini-sundress, shaggy and without makeup, I obviously didn’t feel like a beauty, but I answered dismissively and arrogantly. HE was sitting a couple of tables away, stunningly handsome and cool, but with the disgusting manners of the “navel of the earth.” I thought, apparently: “Russian!” Natasha! But incredible! Let's come in large numbers." I caught his eye on me: “Fuck you, Turk!” What are you all like!”
After another half hour, his friend and my “girlfriend” suddenly decide to meet. Both speak only their native languages, so they turn to us for help with translation. I didn’t know then that that disgustingly arrogant but handsome Turk, damn it, would be the translator on the other side. We met at the same table. Internally she “spit.” Him too. They started to translate - both of them had sour expressions. Another half hour passed: those for whom we were translating had sour expressions—we forgot about them and began to chat animatedly. We stopped in the morning, when it was light, without having spoken enough. We spent about two days without sleep: we went somewhere, watched something - we couldn’t leave. Nothing criminal.

It is believed that an affair at a resort is the most unreliable type of relationship. After all, on vacation, all men - even deeply married ones with bad characters - miraculously turn into lonely, gallant gentlemen. The terrible truth is revealed only after returning home. Does it happen that you meet true love, your future husband and father of your children, at a resort? It turns out that such cases are not uncommon!

I met my husband in Sochi, I was 17 years old. After finishing school, my parents sent me and my sister to the sea alone for the first time. Moreover, my husband and I met in groups: I was with my sister and friends, and he was also with his brother and friends. At first we just walked together for 10 days, went on excursions, then went to our own cities. And then we met in Moscow, it turned out that we entered the same university. So things started to happen and we got married in our fifth year. We'll have a baby soon.

Anything can happen in life. I always believed in this and was in no hurry to get married. One day, my friend and I went to celebrate my 35th birthday in Egypt, and there in a hotel I met my future husband. After talking for 14 days of vacation, both he and I already understood for sure that this is the same true love that happens once in a lifetime. There was only one problem - he is from Germany, I am from Russia.

At first we went to our own countries, but when he flew to Moscow and proposed to me while walking along Red Square, I realized that I was ready to give up everything here, especially my career, and got married.

By the way, this was my most correct decision in life, since I am incredibly happy now.

We met 10 years ago in Gelendzhik, it was my first trip to the sea, and he had already been there several times. Therefore, he was my personal guide, showing the most beautiful places. Then we corresponded for a long time, and even wrote letters more often than called. I received 3-4 letters a day from him, the letters were with poems about love, I still keep all the poems. And now it’s been 9 years since we got married, our super-electric daughter is 6 years old, and we are planning to have another son. It was a wonderful romance at the resort.

If two lonely people met at a resort and found a common language, a romance may begin, and this romance may result in good family relationships, I am an example of this. I can’t say that I went to the resort specifically to look for a husband, but by that time I did not have any serious relationships, and therefore did not refuse male attention.

Plus, I went alone, and I was bored, my future husband noticed that I went to the hotel for all breakfasts, lunches and dinners alone. And on the fourth day of vacation he invited me to sit at their table, in their company.

We turned out to be very interesting people, and by the end of the vacation we went everywhere together and even got separated from his friends. But the vacation ended, we parted ways, and began to correspond on social networks. Then on New Year’s we met again at the same resort, and then we realized that we wanted to live together. I lived in St. Petersburg, he lived in Moscow, so we argued for a long time about who would move to whom, since it was difficult to live in two cities. He ended up moving in with me. We've been married for a year now.

And I believe in omens; before my vacation, I was at a wedding and caught the bride’s bouquet. Then I went to Crimea, met a wonderful guy there and fell madly in love with him. She moved to Crimea and got married, and now we have a wonderful son. Believe in omens.

My whole family is connected with holiday romances. My parents met at a resort and then got married. And I met my husband at the same resort, moved in with him, we lived together for two years, and then got married at the same resort a month ago.

I am from Ukraine, my husband is from East Asia, we met in Turkey when we worked there. While we were there (about 6 months), spending all the time together, I understood that this person would stay with me for the rest of my life. It really was love at first sight, and mutual.

No one really believed in the continuation of our relationship, everyone understood that we loved each other, but we are adults with an established lifestyle, from different countries, where we have family, friends, work...

But! We realized how bad we felt without each other, and literally 3 weeks after we returned home, my husband came to me, found a job, and found his compatriots here. And now we are happy together, to the envy of all those who said it was impossible!

In general, I want to say that if this is really love, then no questions will arise in terms of moving, friends, work, and the like. If you want to be with this person, you will always find ways to achieve it.

Of course, a spark ran between us, and all that, but no one even thought about continuing, although both had the desire. He was 25, I was 24, both adults, with an established lifestyle. After the vacation, we talked on the phone every day for three months, learned more and more about each other, and then I took another two weeks of vacation and went to see him in Moscow, I’m from Siberia. This is where carrot love happened, he took me to meet my parents, and I realized that I couldn’t live without him... Then he made an offer that I couldn’t refuse. And that’s it... I quit my job, packed my things and on December 31st brought him a New Year’s gift.

And my husband and I actually had a funny thing: we went on tourist packages to Paris, and at the hotel we got the reservation mixed up, it so happened that both he and I were applying for the same room, and there was a small scandal. And then, when they finally gave us numbers, we ran into him again in the hall, laughed, talked, and went on a boat ride on the Seine together.

And as it turned out, in Moscow we lived in the same house, in neighboring entrances. Of course, after the vacation we continued communicating, then got married.

We are soon going to Paris again to celebrate our third wedding anniversary.

At sea I met a wonderful young man. But he is a northerner - it’s 8 thousand kilometers from me. He called and invited me to try to live. How can I try it? Drop everything and run into the unknown? Then he posed the question bluntly: are you coming or not? I decided to take a risk. Our marriage is 7 years old.

Holiday romances rarely end in marriage. Our heroine seems to have everything going for it, but her lover changed his mind at the last moment.

Going to Capri, she wanted only one thing - to have a good rest alone. A whirlwind romance began and ended unexpectedly. The heroine of this story asked us not to disclose her real name in the article. “Call me, for example, Alice. And him... Let it be Mario. He doesn't care though. He will never read this article. My friend doesn’t speak Russian, and I don’t know Italian...”

Like in heaven

Alice’s journey began with tempting lines in the guidebook: “Even Emperor Octavian Augustus appreciated the Capri silence and detachment from the world. For these advantages, he nicknamed Capri a paradise of idleness. Now the island is a favorite vacation spot of the European elite.” This is exactly what Alice began to appreciate by the age of thirty - relaxation away from the places where most of her fellow countrymen spend their holidays.

She felt great in Capri. There were Russians in her expensive hotel, of course, but they did not engage in intrusive conversations. However, the vacationer herself only came to the hotel to spend the night. She took her guidebook with her to Capri and, following his advice, walked a lot, admiring the beauty of the island.

One fine day, Alice had a new idea, and the traveler went off the island. On the boat that took her to Sorrento, she met Mario... “If they had shown him to me earlier and said that we would have a connection, I would never have believed it. At first, and even at second glance, he is not the hero of my novel,” the girl shares. “I’ve always been attracted to tall, strong guys, but he’s short and lean.” I liked it when a man was laconic and stern. And Mario told me a couple of phrases and, making sure that I spoke good English, did not stop talking all day. And it didn’t annoy me!”

A new acquaintance offered to show her Sorrento. “He told me he knew the city very well, and I agreed.” Mario's guide turned out to be really great. He didn’t bore Alice with numbers and boring historical details, he simply took her to the most beautiful places in the city.

“Towards evening we found ourselves in a lemon grove. It was incredibly beautiful around, and there was a wonderful aroma in the air. I felt in seventh heaven... And when Mario hugged me and kissed me, I realized that I had been waiting for this for a long time. Moreover, I wanted a continuation.” The girl in love spent the remaining days of her vacation with Mario.

“I realized that this was a banal holiday romance, but it didn’t bother me,” recalls Alice. “What difference does it make how love began,” I thought. The main thing is that it doesn’t end with the vacation!” Our heroine had no doubt that the feelings that flared up in the lemon grove of Sorrento would not fade away with the summer, but would develop into a long-term relationship. When the time came to leave, Mario made his friend promise to come and visit him as soon as she could.

Tango and love

Three months later, Alice flew to Italy again. She now stayed with Mario in Sorrento and enjoyed his attention and care. Mario invited her to take a walk around the city. The first time he kissed Alice was in the lemon grove. In the evening they could not part...

Mario, a former dancer and now a guide, taught her to dance tango and gave her excursions. In the morning, while she was sleeping, he brought special cakes, made coffee, and, as soon as Alice opened her eyes, served her breakfast in bed. “Mario is also an amazing lover,” the girl admits. “He will soon be fifty years old, but those young guys I met before cannot compare with him.”

How can we understand this?

Alice liked her third Italian holiday even more. “We got closer, he acted like we were engaged.” Mario introduced his beloved to his friends and even introduced him to his sister and her husband. “I decided that everything was serious with us. There was no talk of marriage, but he wanted us to live together.”

Returning home, five minutes before the bride began preparations for moving to Italy. She quit her job and rented out a Moscow apartment, settling with a friend for a while before leaving... There, one evening, she was greeted by a call from Mario: “Sorry, my love! I cheated on you."

Alice did not immediately understand what had happened. And when I realized, thought, weighed all the pros and cons, dialed Mario’s number and said that she forgives him. The beloved’s answer was striking: “You don’t understand. I cheated on you. No need to come. I’m not waiting for you anymore.”

The girl lived with a friend for six months. She was not hired for her previous job, and it was not possible to find a new one right away. The search dragged on and I had to agree to a low salary. But all these serious problems against the backdrop of the collapse of the affair with the Italian seem like nonsense to her. She tries and fails to solve the riddle: “Everything was fine with us. Why did Mario behave so strangely?” She doesn't have the answer, but the psychologist does.

Alexandra Volokhova, psychologist:

“Sometimes, under the influence of circumstances, people decide to abandon relationships that previously seemed promising to them. This could be an illness, a meeting with an old love, a job offer in another country, and so on. Moreover, not all people are ready to tell the truth about this. Therefore, if the heroine wants to know what exactly made Mario change his mind, and is sure that this information will help her find peace in her soul, she should ask him about it. At the same time, it is important to warn Mario in advance that she is not going to return him, but only wants to clarify the situation for herself.”

Unfortunately, there is no guarantee that the man will give an answer. It’s good that Alice didn’t have time to sell the apartment, subconsciously leaving the bridge, which was very useful to her.
