Porcelain skin: the secrets of Japanese beauties. How to make porcelain skin

Porcelain skin color is an indicator of careful appearance care. If earlier self-tanning and solariums were especially popular, today dramatic changes have taken place in the beauty industry. Many are interested in - what kind of porcelain skin is this? Impeccable, even color without transitions and flaws, distinguished by a special smoothness and velvety. Everyone can become the owner, you just need to use the natural secrets of beauty.

What is porcelain skin

A few years ago, bronze coating was the standard of beauty. Today, the favorite of all beauty trends is the face of natural, light shades. What color is porcelain? This is a snow-white, perfectly smooth dermis, without spots, pigmentation, and rosacea. Back in the 19th century, it was the pride of aristocrats, who carefully protected their faces from the touch of sunlight. Depending on the color type - winter, spring, summer, autumn, it can be with a warm peach tint, or contrasting blue.

To achieve this result, facial care must be very thorough. It affects the whole lifestyle in general, applying a mask or cream is not enough. A huge plus of snow-white skin is its natural, natural appearance. And limiting exposure to ultraviolet rays allows you to solve another problem - age-related changes. The face will look younger, fresher, so this is the only way to avoid beauty injections, while maintaining the smoothness and elasticity of the epidermis.

How to make porcelain skin

Japanese women have made porcelain skin a real trend. No wonder, thanks to a whole care system, they stop the aging process. You can keep freshness and youth without resorting to miraculous expensive creams and operations, it is enough to follow the basic recommendations.

Important advice from the editor

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos of famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are indicated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, the experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by funds from the company Mulsan Сosmetic. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store mulsan.ru. If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

  1. There is a special diet for porcelain skin, pumpkin, carrots, spinach are contraindicated, seafood is allowed in small quantities, as well as red fish, nuts and dried fruits, vegetable oils, the basis of the diet consists of cereals and lean meats, fresh herbs, vegetables, sweet and sour fruits, berries;
  2. Proper nutrition excludes the intake of carbonated drinks, alcohol, canned food, semi-finished products, coffee is allowed in small quantities, the dermis, like litmus paper, will tell everything about its owner;
  3. Water is the main element of the detox program, it quickly removes all toxins and oxidants, maintains firmness and elasticity;
  4. For any rashes that are regular, it is necessary to undergo a complete medical examination, the condition of the epidermis is often affected by malfunctions of the digestive, endocrine, and reproductive systems;
  5. A porcelain-white shade can only be obtained by carefully protecting the covers from the sun's rays all year round, even in summer it is recommended to stay on the beach until ten in the afternoon and after five in the evening, while choosing a protective cream with the appropriate SPF factor according to the season.

With the help of cosmetics, you can achieve an instant effect:

  • first you need to work with defects, remove dark circles, inflammation, appearing venous stars with a concealer;
  • then, with the help of a sponge, a make-up base is applied with a thin layer, it evens out the structure, hides wide pores, wrinkles;
  • the foundation is selected half a tone lighter, this will achieve the desired freshness, its color is duplicated by a light matte powder that fixes the coating;
  • on the cheekbones with a voluminous brush, distribute blush, peach or with a pink tint - depends on the color type of appearance;
  • when applying makeup, it is convenient to use a sponge or brush, the main rule is the minimum amount of each product, this will achieve a more natural result.

Homemade mask recipes for porcelain complexion

And how to make porcelain skin at home? Thanks to affordable recipes, it is easy to become the owner of a luxurious natural shade. Do-it-yourself masks will also help to cope with age-related changes, giving freshness and elasticity.

Whitening mask

A magic mask for porcelain skin will remove dead skin particles, improve oxygen respiration, and restore an even, smooth structure. An effective remedy for whitening pigmentation, helps to remove puffiness, the face is rested, shines with youth.



  • Art. spoon of white clay;
  • Art. a spoonful of sour cream;
  • a teaspoon of aloe vera.

Mix kaolin well with sour cream, squeeze the juice of the plant through a press. Before applying, steam the epidermis with a compress, only after distributing the composition. Enjoy the action for twenty minutes, then complete in the usual way. It is enough to repeat the whitening mask twice a week to maintain ideal skin condition.

Purifying mask

To brighten, rejuvenate, it is useful to use natural cosmetics. The recipe will provide cleansing of the skin, give elasticity, helps to reduce the number of wrinkles. With regular use, it will not be difficult to quickly achieve the desired effect, it is easy to forget about rashes, dull color forever.


  • an aspirin tablet;
  • ascorutin tablet;
  • Art. a spoonful of yeast

Crush the tablets into powder, dilute the yeast with warm green tea in a separate bowl. Mix the ingredients, distribute the cosmetic gruel in a circular motion along the massage lines. Leave on for no more than eight/ten minutes. After the procedure, do not forget to apply a moisturizer, use a mask four / five times a month.

Moisturizing mask

To whiten the face, as well as restore elasticity, you should use homemade recipes. The amazing effect of active elements can be applied even to the eyelid area. And with the help of vegetable oils, it is easy to stop the aging process by saturating the cells with fatty acids.


  • a teaspoon of parsley juice;
  • cucumber;
  • Art. a spoonful of rice starch;
  • a teaspoon of coconut oil;
  • a teaspoon of wheat oil.

In a water bath, heat vegetable oils, remove from the stove, mix with starch, grated cucumber pulp. Add squeezed juice from parsley, then evenly distribute on peeled covers. It is recommended to keep the mask from twenty minutes to half an hour, remove the remnants with a damp sponge. Repeat three/four times a week in the afternoon.

Perfect skin care tips

Well-groomed snow-white skin looks amazing. But to get a lasting result, you need to follow the basic tips.

  1. Daily it is necessary to provide, depending on the type of epidermis, cleansing, toning, moisturizing, it is desirable that cosmetic products be from the same series;
  2. Peelings and scrubs should be used no more than twice a month; for sensitive dermis, it is worth choosing sparing gommages;
  3. It is important not to forget about nutrition, otherwise the passion for cleansing and whitening procedures will lead to the appearance of premature wrinkles, dryness and skin sensitivity;
  4. Expensive sorbing agents are equally replaced by clay, soda, aspirin, lotions - decoctions of plantain, chamomile, sage;
  5. Camellia oil is an excellent alternative to night cream, it has a pronounced whitening and nourishing effect, with a greasy type, the remnants should be blotted with a paper towel five minutes after application, for dry ones, wait until completely absorbed.


To get the perfect snow-white tone, you need to carefully monitor your diet, devote time to cosmetic procedures. The only contraindications for whitening masks are thin capillaries, with manifestations of rosacea. In this case, a flawless even color can be achieved thanks to skillfully applied makeup.



The trend for white porcelain skin has not lost its position in fashion for the second season. Models with accentuated pale skin flicker on the catwalk, and among celebrities there are more and more fans of not tanned skin, but porcelain complexion.

Dita Von Teese

Christina Hendricks

Diane Kruger

For many European women, light skin is quite natural, they do not have dark skin by nature. With the help of modern make-up - powder, foundation and shimmer - the whiteness of the skin is only emphasized and enhanced.

Some people like this trend in makeup, but some do not, but today I propose to remember that the history of porcelain skin has not several seasons, but several centuries.

The first mention of white powder has been known since ancient Greece. The Greeks, although they were naturally swarthy, considered the white skin of the face to be very beautiful and attractive. Then white powder was created on the basis of lead, which was extremely detrimental to the skin, however, this powder recipe existed until the 19th century.

Geishas actively used such powder in their makeup. A white face and neck have been and remain indispensable attributes of traditional geisha makeup. White skin in the view of the Japanese is an invariable sign of female beauty. However, the use of lead-based powder did not spare the skin, which caused it to age early.

The real heyday of the fashion for white porcelain skin fell on the 16th - 18th centuries. Queen Elizabeth I of England introduced a fashion for aristocratic pallor.

She herself had pale skin by nature, and in addition, she tried to emphasize the paleness of the skin with powder, as well as special eggshell masks that whitened the skin. Elizabeth, and after her many noble ladies, painted blue veins on their faces, which made the skin seem especially white and transparent. It was then that white skin began to be considered a sign of aristocracy, as opposed to the tanned or pink skin of the peasants.

Gorgeous Cate Blanchett as Elizabeth I in The Golden Age

Porcelain leather became a real trend in France in the 18th century. At that time, powder became not only a way to give the skin a pale tint, but also to hide skin defects, such as pockmarks, for example. Mandatory elements of makeup in France in the 18th century were: white porcelain skin, bright blush on the cheeks, bright lips, black thin eyebrows and, of course, flies. The flies were made of velvet or taffeta and glued to the face, neck or chest. With the help of flies, women could send messages to their fans. The front sight in this or that place of the face carried a certain meaning.

Franz Winterhalter "Adelina Patti"

Thomas Gainsborough "Portrait of a Woman"

E. Deveria "Elegant lady"

Michel Mercier as Angelica in Angelica and the King. The film clearly demonstrates the fashion of France in the 18th century.

In Russia, where women of fashion tried to follow and imitate European fashion, the fashion for flies, however, did not take root. But the fashion for porcelain skin lingered until the 19th century. Perhaps because in snowy and frosty Russia it was not so difficult for fashionistas to avoid the sun's rays. Therefore, whether or not, but white skin was also considered a sign of aristocracy, and in the description of many beauties of that time, we will find mention of white skin. Remember, in Leo Tolstoy's novel "Anna Karenina" the author more than once mentions when describing Anna her white face framed by black curls or white full shoulders and arms.

Tatyana Samoilova as Anna Karenina

Tatyana Drubich as Anna Karenina

Another surge of interest in white skin occurred in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century, in the era of decadence. Expressive dark eyes outlined by dark eyeliner, bright lips and very white skin are in fashion. In the course was not only cosmetics, but other means. For example, vinegar was believed to whiten the skin.

Makeup in the style of the 20s

Now the trend for white porcelain skin is back, and we can be glad that we do not have to resort to such tricks as the fashionistas of bygone centuries had to. Cosmetics these days allow any girl to turn into a porcelain doll, one has only to want. So if you like this trend, proven for centuries and generations of fashionistas, feel free to experiment with your makeup. You will look feminine and modern.

Among girls, there are approximately the same number of fans and opponents of tanning. In recent years, much has been said about the fact that sunbathing is harmful; that this leads to early aging of the skin of the face. In fact, girls with the so-called porcelain skin tone look much younger than their years. For this reason alone, porcelain skin, like that of Japanese women, is gradually regaining its status as a beauty standard. How to make porcelain skin is our article.

What does porcelain skin look like?

Porcelain complexion is characterized by dullness, a complete lack of tanning. We are not talking about unhealthy pallor. On the contrary, the main indicator of this type of skin is radiance, brilliance, sophisticated beauty. For many women, the only way to achieve the effect of porcelain skin is the use of decorative cosmetics. But to acquire a natural shade of whiteness, it is enough to regularly carry out a number of simple procedures at home.

Whitening the skin of the face with folk remedies at home

Many women began to prefer freshly prepared masks and creams based on folk recipes to expensive cosmetics. This is correct, since no one can guarantee the presence of components that are safe for the skin in the composition of ready-made creams. But, nevertheless, using folk methods, you should carefully approach the choice of ingredients, taking into account possible allergic reactions.

In order to even out the relief of the epidermis, whitening, a rice-based mask is effective. It's easy to prepare. Rice grains must be ground in a coffee grinder. It is enough to take about 100 grams of raw materials. In the resulting rice mixture, add two tbsp. tablespoons of warmed milk, a little vegetable oil. For maximum effect, it is recommended to make a rice mask every other day. The compress is kept for about 10 minutes. Wash off with warm water. After gently blotting your face with a towel, it is important to moisturize the skin after the procedure. For this purpose, an ordinary children's or your usual cream is suitable.

Another recipe based on one of the most affordable products that almost every housewife has in the refrigerator is whitening with kefir and lemon juice. In 250 ml of kefir, add fresh squeezed lemon juice and a pinch of soda. Let the mixture steep for about two to three minutes.

Take gauze or a thin cloth, moisten it in a consistency, apply on the face for 10 minutes. For convenience, you can pre-make holes for the eyes and nose on a special “mask”. Instead of lemon juice, it is effective to periodically add fresh parsley juice. The frequency of procedures is twice a week.
We suggest trying face whitening with a mixture of vegetables. The presented recipe will help not only achieve the effect of porcelain skin, but also improve the shade of the skin, eliminate freckles, age spots.

Preparation of the mask: squeeze the juice from the parsley root, add carrot and cucumber juices to it. Mix everything thoroughly, beat lightly. As in the previous recipe, soak the pre-prepared gauze in the composition and gently apply a compress. Wash off with warm water after 10-15 minutes.
It is known that the key to a beautiful, well-groomed appearance is regular self-care, systematic beauty procedures, nutrition, and a healthy lifestyle.

Additional grooming measures to achieve porcelain skin

In order for the skin of the face to have a natural and healthy whiteness, exposure to masks is not enough. We must not forget to regularly cleanse the skin of the face and neck with scrubs of different composition. Scrubs are also available ready-made at any beauty store, but you can make your own at home. We offer two effective recipes.

  • Prepare a mixture of crushed apricot seeds, kefir, sea buckthorn oil. Massage the face and neck with light, circular motions. Rinse with warm water and apply your usual moisturizer.
  • Mix an equal amount of edible salt (preferably coarse) and soda, a few drops of lemon, tomato juice. Massage into pre-cleansed skin, rinse with cool water.

Preparation of antiseptic and disinfectants at home

In the arsenal of every woman should be disinfecting tinctures that will be useful to fight or prevent inflammation. During cleaning of the skin, the pores are open and infection often occurs. We offer several simple recipes for antiseptic lotions.

  1. Herbal lotion: to prepare the tincture, you will need to collect dry herbs of chamomile, sage, mint, calendula. Mix the raw materials and pour vodka (you will need at least 100 g). After four to five days, the tincture will be ready. It should be strained before use. It is important to keep the lotion in a dark place. The finished product can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than two weeks.
  2. Cucumber lotion is the most common and very effective. Take a medium-sized cucumber, wash it, do not remove the peel. Cut into circles and pour 100 g of vodka. After 7-10 days, the infusion will be ready.
  3. Lotion for sensitive skin. It is prepared without vodka. Take 50 g of fresh lemon juice, pour in slightly warmed honey and mint decoction. Shake the mixture thoroughly, leave for two hours. After this time, the lotion is ready for use.

Regular use of the recipes we offer will make your face healthy, smooth and porcelain. For the beauty of the face, it is important to take vitamins twice a year. For the skin, significant elements are C, D, E and A. The listed vitamins are also found in products. Proper, balanced nutrition, rich in vital trace elements, will make you even younger and more beautiful.

To become beautiful requires a minimum of time, but a maximum of desire. As we can see, there are no difficulties in achieving the effect of porcelain skin. Take care of yourself and achieve your goals!


Japanese women spend a lot of time every day caring for their skin, they have a special ritual that includes cleansing, toning, moisturizing and nourishing. skin. However beauty skin depends not only on the care of her, but on the state of health. Therefore, they try to eat rationally, exercise and fully relax.

If you eat wrong, eating a lot of fatty, spicy and sweet foods, then your skin will never be the same. Therefore, first of all, change your eating style, accustom yourself to drinking green tea instead of black tea, replacing sugar with honey. Drink more clean water, which helps cleanse the body and speed up metabolism.

The skin will never become porcelain if you do not cover it from the sun. Forget sunburn. Visits to the solarium should now be stopped, because the sun is an enemy for the bright skin. Japanese women always walk down the street with an umbrella from the sun, and put on long gloves on their hands so that the burning rays do not touch skin.

Cleanse your skin daily with alcohol-free cosmetics, never wash your face with soap and hot water, because this only makes the skin rougher and redder.

To prepare a rice mask with an exfoliating effect, grind a few tablespoons of rice with a coffee grinder. Use the resulting product every time after taking a bath or shower, applying to damp skin with gentle circular motions, including the neck and face. Then simply rinse with cool water and pat dry your skin.

When buying decorative cosmetics, try to pick up powder and foundation in a light tone with a pink tint.


Smoking spoils the complexion, so if you have this addiction, gather all your will into a fist and give it up.

Helpful advice

In the beauty salon, you can do retinoic peeling, it perfectly renews and brightens the skin. After the procedure, the skin becomes smooth, bright and tender.

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Every woman can be proud of her radiant skin. But not everyone can boast of natural beauty, since the skin still needs daily care, nutrition and protection. Many girls want to see on their face aristocratic pallor, perfect tone and the so-called transparency of the face. Matte and not tanned skin called porcelain. There are several ways and secrets that will help you achieve the desired result.

You will need

  • scrub, face mask (rice and milk), moisturizer, smoothing foundation, translucent powder.


To achieve natural whiteness, that is, what defines porcelain skin, you need to turn to whitening masks and exfoliating products. First, get rid of peeling (if any) on the skin, remove dead cells with a scrub or any other exfoliating agent.

Now you can put on skin face mask with whitening effect. Many people use face masks to even out and improve their faces. A whitening and tone-leveling agent can also be prepared in. For example, rice. Grind half a cup of rice in a coffee grinder, mix 2 tbsp. rice flour with warm to a creamy consistency, then apply a few drops of vegetable oil on your face, wait until it is absorbed, and only then apply a rice mask to your face and neck. After 10 minutes, gently remove it with a damp cloth, and you can moisturizer.

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In no case do not squeeze out small pimples yourself, and also do not try to get rid of acne manually. This will only lead to the appearance of new defects on the skin. In addition, over time, this can form scars that will be very difficult to get rid of in the future.

Helpful advice

Try to visit a beautician once a month. It will help maintain your skin in the right condition, rid it of impurities, give tone and tell you how to get rid of many problems that arise with the skin of the face. In addition, do not abuse fatty and spicy foods and do not eat a lot of chocolate. All this is very detrimental to your face, provokes acne and other skin diseases.

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Often women dream of fair skin, not suspecting that its whitening is not such a harmless procedure. The most affordable means are whitening creams. To improve your appearance without harming the skin, they should be used strictly for their intended purpose.

You will need

  • - whitening cream;
  • - bio-yogurt;
  • - lemon;
  • - almonds.


Before bleaching skin consult a specialist, especially in case of problematic pigmentation, which can manifest itself in the form of spots, melasma, freckles, etc. Your doctor will help you identify these problems as Sometimes these manifestations can be symptoms of serious diseases. Otherwise, you are just wasting your time and money on whitening products.

When buying a whitening cream, carefully study its composition. If you find hydroquine, kojic acid or arbutin in the list of its components, then refuse to purchase it. Kojic acid and arbutin are harmful substances that easily cause an allergic reaction. skin. Hydroquine is a highly toxic bleaching agent. It is banned in many countries, but in Russia it is still a component of some cosmetics.

Buy creams that contain almonds, milk, vitamin C, yarrow, lemon, cucumber, and parsley extracts. They perfectly whiten and nourish the skin without harming it.

Do not forget that almost all whitening creams belong to the category of active medical and cosmetic preparations and are based on the removal of the upper layers of the skin. After applying this cream, the skin becomes very sensitive. Give her maximum protection, first of all, from excessive sunlight. This is especially important in early and summer. In the cold season, the skin also needs special care.

Follow the advice of cosmetologists to eliminate the possibility of the formation of new age spots. Do not use whitening creams in the morning and before going outside. During the day, do not forget about protective equipment. Perform whitening procedures in the evening, approximately 2 hours before bedtime. Do not use whitening cream for more than three weeks in a row.

Use an effective cream recipe that you can make yourself at. Combine 1 cup plain organic yogurt, 2 tablespoons lemon juice, and 4 finely ground almonds. Apply the resulting cream in an even layer on the face for 15-20 minutes. It perfectly cleanses and whitens the skin.

Tip 5: Industrial piercing: how not to become a victim of beauty

The ideals of beauty are constantly changing, and even yesterday, fashionable things cease to be so. Industrial piercing has become popular. It is made by fans of a certain musical style.

No matter how trite it may sound, life does not stand still: new devices, musical styles, fashion trends appear. Lots of people try new things. Therefore, an experimental genre of music called . It combines sounds of a different nature (noises, ringing, etc.) and electronics. The theme of the songs is about the apocalypse. Industrial piercing is done by fans of this genre. They called them rivetheads.

What is industrial piercing?

Industrial piercing - two puncturesthrough which the jewelry passes. Moreover, it can be very different, it all depends on the wishes of the person. Punctures can be done not only in. The procedure itself has its own characteristics. After its completion, the holes in the ears heal for a very long time. Sometimes it takes up to six months. Moreover, hydrogen peroxide cannot be saved here, as it slows down the healing process.

You also need to pay special attention to the choice of jewelry. It must be made of bioplastic or titanium. Such materials do not harm the body, but, on the contrary, accelerate the tightening process. True, bioplast and titanium are not suitable for everyone. If, after a long period, the piercings still cause discomfort, it is better to remove the jewelry and forget about the idea of ​​getting yourself a piercing.

Why do people get industrial piercings?

Some people just fall in love with a certain culture. For them, it becomes the meaning of life to follow invented traditions. Adherents of industrial not only get the appropriate piercings, they also wear certain things, do unusual hairstyles (shocking, one might say). That is, fans of this style follow the rules.

There are also, according to which people do industrial piercing. This includes imitation of idols, imposed ideals, fashion trends, etc. After watching TV, watching beautiful photo shoots of models, people decide on a complex and painful procedure. You shouldn't imitate someone.

If the desire to get yourself a piercing is very strong, you can turn to a good master. Do not forget about safety rules. For example, the decoration should be longer than the distance between the punctures. Otherwise, there is a risk of various damages and injuries. Also, those who may develop keloid scars should give up the idea of ​​getting themselves pierced. It is important not to become a victim of beauty, because health is much more expensive.

Tip 6: Postcrossing Postcards: Worldwide Exchange

The development of new technologies and methods of communication has left the exchange of paper letters and greeting cards in the past. Those who have not forgotten how pleasant it is to receive a "real" letter will certainly be interested in a popular project in a number of countries - postcrossing.

Postcrossing as a project that unites millions of people from different countries was founded in 2005. Its essence is the exchange of postcards between the participants. The official website of this interesting movement is www.postcrossing.com. By registering on it and waiting for confirmation of receipt of the first postcard you sent, you can expect dozens of beautiful cards from various countries. At the same time, of course, do not forget to send interesting postcards telling about your city, its sights, famous people and the country in general. Each message is accompanied by several lines of wishes, a story about yourself or an interesting fact. At the end of the message, the wish Happy postcrossing, which is usually familiar to all fans of this movement!

The official site of the project is in English, but there is nothing complicated in registering. The postcards themselves are also better to sign in -, after all, this is the language of international communication. When the system gives out a list of a variety of addresses, it is advisable not to immediately rush to the post office, sending a primitive monotonous text, albeit on a beautiful card, to everyone. It is better to “get acquainted” with your addressee by studying his profile. Often they write wishes there, what images they would like to receive, a story about their hobbies and passions. Based on this information, you can please a person not only by the very fact of receiving a new copy for your collection, but also by a text written personally for him. Often this is how friendly relations are established, albeit only by correspondence. To do this, people write their contact details on a postcard, most often an email address.

Text or a well-known quote in your own language is also acceptable in a postcard, but it is better to include a translation of the message below. After all, it is interesting to receive inscriptions in Japanese or another unfamiliar language, knowing the translation of what was written.

For many, postcrossing is an opportunity for a virtual journey. Letters from countries that people sometimes don't even know exist broaden their horizons. Some begin to study the history of countries, individual cities or the biographies of great people because of a single postcard depicting some historical object. Others love to get an image of nature, which sometimes works wonders. A famous waterfall, volcano, lake or mountain will be of great interest to travelers who can change the route of the planned vacation if they are eager to see the natural wonder depicted on the card with their own eyes.

The possibility of direct exchange between users on the site allows a person to receive news from a country that he always dreamed of visiting or that left him impressed in the past.

Choosing postcards to send is a whole story. Large greeting cards are not for postcrossing. The people participating in the project exchange exactly one-sided postcards. Traditional options are usually presented in the mail, although new and interesting collections appear due to the scale and popularity of the project. There are also online stores or small shops where you can buy unique postcards. The most popular for sharing are images of landmarks, ancient buildings, famous monuments, etc. Someone indicates in the profile that they want to get an image of kittens, hedgehogs or foxes from different parts of the world. Others are interested in famous historical figures. Still others are interested in national holidays. Sometimes you can even get a postcard from the collection of the past and even the century before last. Anything is possible in postcrossing.

Do you want to make a natural make-up, even out the tone of the face, hide skin imperfections? You need to choose the right shade of foundation, concealer and powder. And for this you need to correctly determine the color of your skin. And this is where the difficulties begin. How to determine your skin color?

How to determine skin color: basic types

There are as many skin types as there are face types. In Europe, there are two main types of skin: yellowish and reddish.

Yellowish skin is called skin with a slightly beige, golden or yellowish-nutty hue. Most Russian women have beige-yellow skin.

Only 15% of our girls have reddish skin color. Such skin appears pink, freckled, or pale.

The easiest way to classify tanned skin. The yellow skin turns a distinct brown-yellow color in summer, often with an olive tint. Reddish skin turns red after the beach, and in a rested state it acquires a copper tint.

If a girl is prone to rosacea - the formation of red streaks on her face, then her skin can be mistakenly attributed to the reddish type. Sensitive skin that develops intense redness around the cheeks and nose is also not necessarily a reddish type. In this case, you need to look at the forehead or chin - there are no redness in these areas, and the color is determined unambiguously.

It is difficult to determine the color of the skin and girls with a pale face. If you have a transparent-light complexion, and bluish vessels are visible in the eye area, then you should take a closer look at the skin of the shoulders, armpits, neck and décolleté. In these places, the skin is more pigmented.

Yellowish skin color

Yellowish skin comes in a variety of shades, from light to dark.
Light yellow skin appears translucent or ivory. Very dark tone has an olive tint.

Between these polar tones, many natural shades are hidden: light beige, sandy, golden, rich hazel and others.

Similar names have shades of tonal products designed for such skin.

Reddish skin color

The main skin color is yellow. The skin tans slowly, the tan is well kept.

Makeup base should be very light and yellowish. If there is no redness, then the foundation can be applied in a thin layer and powdered a little with transparent powder.

porcelain color

The lightest skin tones are suitable for the lightest shades of foundation.

Ivory shade

Such dark skin will never seem pale. The face has a uniform olive tint and belongs to the yellowish type.

Here you need a rich beige tonal base and powder of the corresponding color.

Problem skin

In the photo you see a girl with a beige type of face and sensitive skin with redness.

In this case, you need a liquid tone of a warm beige-golden hue. If you need a thicker layer of makeup, a compact foundation will come in handy.

How to choose a shade of foundation?

How to choose a foundation for skin color? Do a little test. Take a little foundation on your finger and draw a line from the cheek to the chin. If the line seems invisible and merges with the skin, then you have chosen the right foundation. When in doubt, apply three strips of different shades and compare the result.

If there is redness on the face, apply a strip from the lower jaw to the neck. In the neck area in women with a yellowish skin type, redness is usually absent. If you have very pale, porcelain skin, do a strip around your neck as well.

Try to test in natural light. If artificial lights are turned on in the room, try to let the light fall on the face from both sides.

Don't try to change your complexion with foundation. Concealer helps to hide small redness and blue circles under the eyes. To make the tone of the face darker or lighter than natural, you can use dark or light powder. And bronzers, highlighters and blush give brightness and relief to the face. The foundation should be as close to your natural skin tone as possible. The task of the foundation is to create the perfect canvas for makeup.

A cold pinkish base is not for everyone. If your skin has a reddish tint on both your face and neck, then a foundation with a slightly pinkish tint is right for you.

If the skin on the face has redness, but on the neck it looks beige, then you need a warm beige foundation. Couperose and rosation can be perfectly masked with a yellow base, thanks to which the skin will acquire a fresh and neutral tone.

At the same time, certain shades of the yellow base complement the skin of almost all shades. It is more difficult to make a mistake with a yellow base than with a reddish foundation.

Often pink foundations, especially on yellowish skin, will age the face.

However, for pale skin, a foundation with lilac and pink pigments can give a fresh and healthy look.

A base with peach or apricot pigments softens the yellowish tone of olive skin.

The base with amber pigments gives tanned skin a special gloss.

How to choose a shade of concealer?

The concealer perfectly hides skin imperfections, masks skin areas that have slightly changed their color compared to the main tone. Concealer is applied only to the problem area. Decided to mask the bruises under the eyes? Apply the remedy strictly on the bruise itself, but not on the entire eyelid.

For beige and ivory skin, a yellow concealer is suitable. This color is versatile, it perfectly masks dark circles under the eyes, acne and brown age spots.

For bronzed and ebony skins, the choice of concealer shade depends on the saturation of the skin tone. For light to medium skin tones, a golden-orange concealer suits. Darker, swarthy skin needs a dark brown concealer.

The coloring properties of the concealer can be tested by applying it to a vein on the inside of the wrist.

How to choose a shade of powder?

It is better to choose a powder whose tone exactly matches the skin tone. So your skin will look healthy and juicy.

Translucent powder covers the face with a barely visible layer, but still it is not transparent. It looks most unnatural on olive and dark beige skin. Also, translucent powder is appropriate in those areas where there was too much concealer.

How to determine the color of the skin according to the Western system?

In the palette of decorative cosmetics, there are several levels of saturation of skin color:

  • fair - light, milky;
  • light - light, ivory;
  • medium - beige;
  • olive - golden hazel;
  • tan - bronze;
  • brown - brown;
  • black - black.

They match the shades of cosmetics

Dairy (fair)

People of this group have red or very blond hair, white skin. The skin may appear reddish or bluish because the blood vessels show through.

They are characterized by light blue and green eyes, often there are many freckles.

Eyebrows and eyelashes are light. If they are dark, you probably do not have the first phototype.

In the sun, the skin quickly turns red and burns, sometimes to blisters. It's almost impossible to burn.

People of Nordic origin have very light, porcelain skin. The lightest powder color suits them.

Light (Light)

Hair - light, shades of blond, light brown, light brown and sometimes dark.

Eyes - green, blue, light brown, sometimes dark brown (usually with dark hair).

The skin seems white, but if you look closely, you can see a yellowish or pinkish tint, freckles are possible.

The skin does not tan well, but if you try, you can achieve a golden tan. Brown tan is almost impossible. Burning with burns in the form of "bubbles" is possible.

Foundations with shades from ivory to beige are suitable. The second color of the cosmetics palette is used by people of purely European origin.

Medium light beige (light medium)

Hair - brown, all shades from light brown to chocolate. Possible red hair with brown eyes.

Eyes - dark gray, gray-green, green-brown, sometimes blue or brown. Very light eyes are not characteristic of this type.

Skin - beige, perhaps barely noticeable freckles.

You can tan to a light brown color. The tan goes on evenly, but at first there is a risk of burning. If the skin burns, it will turn red and peel off.

If a light beige tone suits you, then you are the result of “friendship of peoples” and your ancestors are from South and East, from East Asia, and maybe from the Caucasus or from Syria, Lebanon, Algeria, Morocco.

Medium (medium)

Intense beige color suits the descendants of the inhabitants of South America, Southern Europe, the Caucasus, Asia and the Middle East.

Medium dark (medium dark)

Hair is dark brown, black.

Eyes - brown, black, dark gray, dark green.

The skin is dark beige, light brown, golden. There are no freckles. There may be pigmented and white spots on the skin.

The skin tans quickly and to the color of milk chocolate. Burns rarely, with a long stay under the scorching sun. If it burns, it turns red. Peeling is very rare.

Brown foundation, "cinnamon color", coffee with milk, rich tan color suits some residents of India, South America, the Persian Gulf, Africa, the Pacific Islands.

Dark brown

Hair and eyes are dark. There are no freckles, age spots are possible.

The skin is light brown, bronze, medium brown. Tan reaches dark chocolate, it is almost impossible to burn.

Dark brown tonalka is suitable for residents of South Asia, Africa, South America.

Very dark. Black (very dark)

The eyes and hair are dark. Chocolate to black skin. Tans to black, never burns out.

A very dark color is very rarely presented in cosmetic brands. It suits the darkest inhabitants of Africa.

The first 2 tones are light skin (light), the next 2-3 are medium (medium), and the last 2-3 are dark (dark).

How will this information help you when choosing lipstick and eye shadow?

Light colors on light skin look very natural, they add brightness to medium skin, and they are lost on dark skin.

Medium colors on light skin look bright, good, on medium skin they look natural, on dark skin they look good.

Dark colors on light skin look bad (especially if they do not harmonize with the color of the eyes, hair and clothes), on the middle one they look good, they add brightness, on the dark one it looks natural.

Very light colors, almost white, on darker skin they lose color and look chalky, pure white.


How to choose a foundation for the tone of the face, you will be prompted by the names of the tones themselves.

Do you have a yellow skin type? Pay attention to the sand, olive, walnut, light beige and gold shades.

Do you have a red skin type? Your palette: apricot, copper or pink beige.

Do you have a noble porcelain appearance? Look for cosmetic products that have the words “light”, “transparent” in the name.
