Fruit peeling: benefits, features of the procedure, contraindications. Peeling with fruit acids or tasty "fruit peeling"

Chemical peeling is the most popular procedure in beauty salons and clinics around the world.

This popularity is well-deserved, because chemical peels can solve a variety of problems: both the problems of young, acne-prone skin, and the problems of mature skin with signs of aging.

However, if you need to solve a specific problem, for example, or when there are pronounced age-related changes, then of course it will be more effective to take a course of peels, 6-10 procedures every 7-14 days.

And at the age of 45-60 years superficial peels are usually used in a short course of 3-4 treatments as a preparation for medium peels.

But if at the age of 20-30 you have smooth healthy skin without problems and signs of aging, you don’t need peeling at all.

Preparation for peeling

Preparation for peeling, first of all, is to exclude prolonged exposure to the sun and a visit to the solarium for 2 weeks before the procedure.

If possible, pre-peeling preparation can be carried out within 2 weeks before peeling. It consists in using a wash gel, lotion or cream with acids in home care, which can be purchased from a beautician.

Pre-peel preparation levels the stratum corneum, prepares the skin for the procedure and improves the peeling effect. However, this preparation can be replaced by 1-2 peels with a low concentration of mandelic or glycolic acid.

Recovery period

After peeling, it is necessary to use sunscreen with SPF 30, even if the weather is cloudy, and also do not plan trips to the sea and a visit to the solarium for at least the next 2-3 weeks.

The main contraindications for peeling

  1. Period of exacerbation of herpes and other viral diseases
  2. The presence of multiple inflamed elements
  3. Violation of the integrity of the skin in the peeling area (wounds, abrasions)
  4. Allergic skin diseases (eczema, atopic dermatitis)
  5. Pregnancy and lactation
  6. Severe somatic diseases
  7. Individual intolerance to peeling components

Chemical peel at home

Can you do a chemical peel at home? Yes, of course you can. And now peelings with fruit acids are sold for independent home use.

However, you need to understand that according to the law, the concentration of fruit acids in peels for independent home use cannot exceed 10%. Usually it is 5-7%.

Cosmetologists also work with peelings, in which the concentration of fruit acids is 30-50-70% And the higher the concentration of the drug, the higher the effectiveness of chemical peeling.

Therefore, of course, it is naive to expect the same effect from a home peel with 5% glycolic acid as from a salon procedure with 50% glycolic acid.

Cost and season of peels

Peelings are an affordable procedure. In Kyiv, today the cost of surface peeling is on average 20-30 euros. But these figures may slightly fluctuate in one direction or another depending on the class of the salon and cosmetics, as well as the peeling zone - peeling covers only the face, or the face and neck, or the face, neck and decollete.

Traditionally, the peeling season is the period from October to March, when there is no active sun. And summer peels - for example, almond, can be done all year round.

However, it is best to start peeling in the fall to celebrate the New Year with new skin - even younger and more beautiful.

I have already talked about chemical peels and although this is an important and necessary procedure, not all women go to the salon to do it. The reasons are different, I will not voice them, but if you are interested in this procedure, then I want to please you, you can do face peeling at home.

Yes, home peeling will not give the same effect as a salon procedure, but the main purpose - cleansing the stratum corneum - will perform. After all, keratinized cells prevent our face from looking fresh, and creams, masks to fully nourish and moisturize the skin.

Types of home peeling

With age, skin regeneration decreases, and in order to start it, a peeling procedure is used, but it is important to choose it correctly.

Home peels, like salon peels, are different:

  • mechanical - for this type of peeling, scrubs and gommages are used. You can use both store-bought products and home-cooked ones.
  • chemical - acids are used for this type of peeling. They do procedures with both ready-made preparations and improvised means.
  • hardware - these are special devices for cleaning the face at home, such as a vacuum cleaner, an ultrasonic peeling device, and others.

Today we are talking about chemical peeling and at home it is more correct and safer to do only superficial ones. Deep peels are a medical procedure, you can’t do it at home, but it’s better to entrust medium peels, even if they are done with gentle means, to professional cosmetologists so as not to harm your skin.

Facial peeling at home

There are certainly pros and cons of home peeling.

  1. The downside is that there will be no obvious rejuvenation effect; home peeling will not achieve skin smoothing and scar removal. Therefore, if you expect such a result from the procedure, then it is better to contact the salon.
  2. The advantage is that if you use natural products, they are less aggressive, carefully remove the stratum corneum, provide the skin with vitamins and other useful substances.

Regular home treatments will positively affect the condition of your skin:

  • pores are cleansed of impurities
  • skin renewal begins
  • blood circulation will improve
  • creams, masks will work more effectively

Facial peeling at home will give a positive result for acne-prone skin, reduce pigmentation, slow down skin aging, improve complexion, make skin healthier and fresher.

How to do a chemical peel at home

Although a home chemical peel is a more gentle procedure than a salon one, it is important to know all the nuances so that our skin would benefit from this procedure.

I'll start with contraindications, and home peeling has them. You can not do the procedure in the following cases:

  • with acne in the acute stage
  • if the skin is irritated
  • with an allergic reaction to something
  • with a skin disease that requires specialist intervention
  • if there are unhealed wounds on the skin

The expected effect will be if peeling is done in a course of 10-12 procedures. It is important to observe the time interval between each procedure and it depends on the type of skin:

  • for oily, problematic skin, you can do it 2 times a week
  • with normal skin - once every 7 days
  • with dry and sensitive - once every 10 days

Cosmetologists warn that it is really necessary to observe the frequency and the principle “the more often the better” does not work, as various kinds of problems may arise. Let's decide that "beauty requires sacrifice" is not our case.

Pay attention to other important points:

  1. Means are applied only to cleansed skin, it is also recommended to steam it before the procedure, especially if it is oily skin. This will open the pores and the cleansing effect will be better.
  2. An important point that should not be ignored is an allergy test, which is usually done in the crook of the elbow. It is believed that if after 4 hours the reaction does not appear, then the peeling components are suitable for you.
  3. If you're not sure how your skin will react to a peel, then plan to do it on a day when you don't have to go anywhere or in the evening. Cosmetologists recommend doing the peeling procedure in the evening. At this time, the body is relaxed, body temperature and blood pressure decrease, and biological processes associated with skin renewal are activated.
  4. When applying peeling, avoid the area around the eyes, for such a procedure, the skin in this place is too delicate.
  5. Watch your feelings during the procedure - slight redness and tingling is considered normal.
  6. Peeling is washed off with water, it can be simple, or it can be slightly alkaline, adding 1 tsp to 1 liter of water. soda.
  7. If the face is very reddened, an unpleasant itch appears, then do not wait for the time allotted for the procedure, be sure to remove the peeling by washing it off with water.
  8. We finish the procedure with a moisturizer.

Facial care after peeling

After peeling, proper facial care is needed, even if these are gentle components.

  • On this day, do nothing else with the skin, it is even advised to refuse evening care if you did the procedure during the day.
  • Do not forget that by removing the stratum corneum, we make the skin susceptible to UV rays. Renewing, the skin begins to actively defend itself from the environment and the first thing that happens is the intensive production of melanin. Therefore, it is important to use sunscreen during this period to eliminate pigmentation. Use creams both during the peeling course and for 2 weeks after it.
  • You can not irritate the skin with additional factors, for example, you must abandon the solarium.
  • Although it is recommended to do peelings during the autumn-winter period, but in severe frosts, especially if you often have to be outdoors, you should not do such procedures either.
  • If after the procedure the skin is irritated, then try not to use decorative cosmetics until it recovers.

Recipes for chemical peeling of the face at home

Now many different products are commercially available for chemical home peeling, and I will not dwell on them. They have detailed instructions, before doing the procedure, carefully read it.

I want to talk about folk remedies that also do their job well and are available to literally every woman, as they are much cheaper.

But if you are still doubtful about folk recipes and prefer only ready-made products, I suggest watching a video with a review of some preparations by a cosmetologist.

The information below is for those who are interested in home cosmetology.

Fruit peeling for the face

AHA is an abbreviation for cosmetic preparations, which indicates the presence of fruit acids in them and in translation means alpha hydroxy acids. Cosmetics with acids appeared not so long ago, in the early 90s. Despite the fact that women have been using berries and fruits to preserve youthful skin since ancient times, the discovery of fruit acids has become quite a significant event of the last century in the field of cosmetology. Scientists have studied the effect of these acids on the skin and cosmetics based on them have gained great popularity.

The attractiveness of fruit acids is that, while removing dead cells, they do not damage living and efficient ones. For professional preparations, they are obtained synthetically from berries, fruits and other natural products. We will do fruit peeling on our own, but first you need to understand which acid works in order to choose the one that your skin needs.

  1. The favorite acid of cosmetologists is malic acid, many fruits and berries serve as its sources, especially a lot of it in apples and tomatoes. So, your favorite strawberry masks are a real chemical peel, though more gentle, as it has a lower% acid than in professional products. Malic acid, without injuring even sensitive skin, effectively removes dead skin cells, after its application, the blood circulation of the skin of the face improves, respectively, the regeneration process is faster.
  2. Lactic acid - its sources are kefir, yogurt, yogurt, apples, tomatoes. It improves the functioning of the sebaceous glands, is able to cleanse the skin well, while moisturizing and rejuvenating it. Lactic acid relieves irritation, removes peeling on the skin.
  3. Citric acid - it contains citrus fruits, as well as pineapples and kiwi. It cleanses well, whitens the skin, removes black spots and blackheads, relieves inflammation, improves the functioning of the sebaceous and sweat glands.
  4. Glycolic acid - for its manufacture use sugar cane and unripe green grapes. It has a good exfoliating effect, fights pigmentation, refreshes the skin, removes fine wrinkles.
  5. Tartaric acid - its sources are wine, grapes and oranges. Tartaric acid, removing dead cells, stimulates the production of elastin and collagen. Brightens the skin, smoothes it, has a tightening effect.

Elena Malysheva in the video suggests using pure fruit acids.

You can combine different products, for example, combine glycolic, lactic and citric acid, so that they complement and enhance their effect.
An example of such a peel:

2 tsp cane sugar mixed with 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice, add 2 tbsp. l. natural yogurt.

Apply a thick layer on the face for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

Another peeling with yogurt that exfoliates well and at the same time softens the skin:

4 tsp grapefruit juice mixed with 4 tsp. natural yogurt and thicken the mass of 3 tsp. rice flour.

Rice flour must be made from ordinary white uncooked rice, ground in a coffee grinder. Apply a peeling mask with a brush in a thin layer, when it dries a little, apply another layer, and then a third. Keep on face for 15-20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Coffee grounds also serve as a good addition to fruit peeling:

4 tsp combine orange pulp with 1 tsp. flower honey and add 2 tsp. coffee grounds.

Pay attention to honey, it is flower that is suitable for peeling, but linden is better for nourishing masks. If you are allergic to honey, replace it with apple juice or sour cream. Keep peeling on face for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Milk peeling with salt and soda:

1 st. l. stir sour cream with soda and salt, with sea or ordinary table salt (1 tsp each).

Keep on face for 10 minutes, then rinse with water at room temperature.

Another delicious peel:

mix 2 tbsp. l. kiwi and banana puree - apply on face and hold for 15 - 20 minutes, rinse with water.

Banana has a tonic property, nourishes the skin well.

Effective peeling for aging skin:

mix 1 tsp. ground oatmeal and 1 tsp. fine sea salt, add cucumber juice. You should get a mixture similar in consistency to sour cream.

Apply to the skin with light massage movements and leave for 10 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Acid fruit acids are well suited for oily skin:

1 st. l. juice of sour fruits or berries (apple, cranberry), add 1 tbsp. l. ground seeds, 1 tsp. lemon juice.

Apply the mixture on steamed skin with a thin layer for 10-15 minutes, rinse with cool water.

For peeling with malic acid, you can use not only apple juice, but also apple cider vinegar, it is better if it is homemade.

Take 1 tbsp. l. apple cider vinegar, add 1 tsp. fine salt and 1 tbsp. l. honey - mix well.

Apply to face for 10 minutes, rinse with cool water.

How to make a whitening lemon peel, see the video.

This is a small proportion of recipes for homemade chemical peels with fruit acids, having a list of products and knowing their effect, you can independently create combinations that are beneficial for the skin.

An important point: all ingredients for fruit peels are made immediately before application to the skin and used immediately. Cooking utensils must be glass or enameled.

Chemical peeling with pharmaceutical products

There are pharmaceutical preparations that are actively used in home cosmetology. Such peels can be more aggressive than fruit peels, so be sure to do an allergy test.

  • Salicylic acid is widely used in cosmetology. This acid exfoliates well, dries the skin, helps with acne, relieves inflammation.

As salicylic acid in home cosmetology, ordinary, non-effervescent aspirin is used.
Basic peeling with aspirin:

Finely grind 2-3 tablets, add a little water to make a gruel, let it brew for 2-3 minutes.

Keep on face for 10 minutes, rinse with water.

Cosmetic oils can be added to the base base, for example, wheat germ oil, avocado, castor oil. If there is no cosmetic oil, you can replace it with olive oil.

If we strengthen the basic base with 5-6 drops of lemon juice, we will get an effective remedy for pigmentation. But this mixture should be applied locally to problem areas for no more than 5 minutes.

  • Bodyaga is a natural remedy used not only for bruises, it has proven itself in home cosmetology as an exfoliating and rejuvenating agent.

1 st. l. Pour bodyagi powder with 3% hydrogen peroxide to get a mass similar in consistency to sour cream.

Keep on face for 15 minutes. During this time, the mixture will dry out, it must be very carefully removed with a cotton pad dipped in hydrogen peroxide, then rinsed with cool water.

  • Calcium chloride - this medical preparation has long been used in cosmetology, peeling with it is called Hollywood. How to make peeling with calcium chloride, see the video.

Facial peeling at home is an effective and simple procedure. By following all the recommendations, you will do good to your skin, it will always be clean and radiant.

Beauty to you, youth and health.
Elena Kasatova. See you by the fireplace.

Every woman tries to stay young and beautiful. To help her in this can for the face at home. The cell lives for 28 days, then it dies. If you do not remove it from the surface in time, it will clog the pores. As a result, the skin will not be able to receive the required amount of vitamins, nutrients, and will begin to look worse. The aging process is intensifying. It helps to avoid this situation, which can be done even at home.

Features of fruit peeling

Fruit refers to the category of chemical peels (listed by link), carried out using fruit acids. Helps to cleanse the face, rejuvenate it, refresh and brighten it. The oiliness of the skin is reduced. Fruit peels affect only the upper layer of the epidermis. Therefore, it is gentle and does not harm the dermis. Fruit acid acts only on already dead cells, without affecting healthy ones.

Component Selection

Each fruit that can be used for peeling contains certain acids. And each of them is reflected in the skin in its own way. When choosing components for peeling, you need to be guided by what effect you want to get in the end. Glycolic acid is more suitable for deep cleansing, lactic acid is more suitable for moisturizing the epidermis, and citric acid increases skin elasticity and starts the process of collagen production.

Decide what you want as a result. Based on this, select the right fruits. But it has already been noted that you will achieve the best effect if you mix several acids.

You can also do succinic acid peeling at home, more on that.

Indications and contraindications

  • in the presence of traces of acne;
  • in the presence of problems of the epidermis resulting from hormonal failure;
  • if there is a need to improve the elasticity of the skin and increase its smoothness;
  • in the presence of mimic wrinkles;
  • for problematic and oily skin to cleanse it.

The procedure also has some contraindications. Among them:

  • the presence of rashes on the face, including in the form of boils;
  • with a tendency of the epidermis to the appearance of scars;
  • possible allergy to the constituent ingredients of peeling;
  • epidermis with hypersensitivity;
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding.

On the video indications for fruit peeling for the face:

In all these situations, it is better to postpone the use of peeling, so as not to harm the condition of the skin and health in general.


To find out if you are allergic to the ingredients in the formula, apply the formula on your forearm. Wait a couple of minutes and rinse. Examine the skin area every other day. If signs of allergy appear, it is recommended to lower the concentration of acids or choose other peeling components.

The following recipes can be used as fruit peeling:

  1. papaya fruit. This fruit is exotic. Therefore, in some cities it is rare to find it on store shelves. However, it is still recommended to find papaya fruits, because they contain acids that effectively affect the skin. You will need 100 g of papaya, which should be mixed with 200 g of pineapples. They must first be cleaned and finely chopped. After mixing the ingredients, add 2 tablespoons of honey to them. Apply the resulting mixture on your face in a thin layer. If this is your first time doing this peeling, then you need to wash it off after 3 minutes. With each subsequent procedure, increase the time gradually. It can be kept for a maximum of 5 minutes. Everything is washed off with cool water.

    papaya fruit for peeling

  2. A pineapple. It is much easier to find it in stores than the product from the previous recipe. You will need 200 g of pineapple. Grind it and mix with honey, which will require 2 tablespoons. To achieve a greater viscosity of the mass, a small amount of oatmeal should be added. The resulting composition is more gentle than the previous one. Can be left on the face for up to 10 minutes.

    Pineapple for peeling

  3. fruit combination. You will need one banana, kiwi and pineapple in the amount of 200 g. Peel the kiwi, finely chop it and combine with the banana pulp. Add pineapple to the resulting composition. Mix everything and apply the mixture on your face. You can keep it for no more than 15 minutes, then everything is washed off with cool water.
  4. Oils and lemon. You will need rosehip oil and regular olive oil. Mix them in equal proportions and add a small amount of lemon juice. Stir again and let the mixture warm up. Do not leave the mass unattended, it should not turn out hot. Make it slightly warm, that's enough. Apply the resulting mixture on your face using a cotton swab. After 7 minutes, wash everything off with water.
  5. orange and coffee. Take the pulp of an orange, add coffee grounds to it. Mix everything and add a little liquid honey to the resulting mixture. Apply the composition to the skin with light massaging movements. After 5 minutes from the moment of application, the composition is removed from the skin with cool water.
  6. The following recipe is identical to the previous one, only the orange is replaced with apricot. Coffee grounds are mixed with honey and apricot pulp. Its fruits are rich in malic acid, which starts the process of metabolism in cells.
  7. Strawberry. Especially suitable for those with dry skin. You will need 4 tablespoons of strawberry pulp to mix with the egg. Coffee grounds are added to the resulting composition. The mixture should be applied to the skin with light and gentle massage movements. After 10 minutes, the composition is removed from the skin.
  8. Grape. Several large grapes should be pitted. Enough 5 pieces. Mash them in a small bowl. If you have combination or dry skin, then add a couple of drops of olive oil to the mixture. The resulting composition is applied to the skin along the massage lines. Grapes are rich in tartaric acid, which whitens the skin and removes dead cells.

Impact results

The effect of fruit peeling will be double. After all, in addition to acid, which has a beneficial effect on the skin, alcohol, which is also found in fruit formulations, has a positive effect on the condition of the epidermis. Peeling helps to remove dead cells, as a result you will get smooth, clean skin.

An important advantage of this type of peeling is that it can be used even by owners of dry skin, which is characterized by increased sensitivity. Acids help provoke increased moisture inflows to the epidermis. Therefore, the skin becomes hydrated and more elastic.

It is also important that acids perfectly cleanse pores, removing impurities and sweat from the sebaceous glands, normalizing their work. Therefore, it is useful to use peeling as a prophylaxis for the appearance of acne. If you already have blackheads, fruit peeling will help you get rid of them quickly. It also helps to get rid of acne marks and age spots due to its whitening effect.

If peeling is used regularly, the skin will become noticeably more elastic, fresh and young, and the number of mimic wrinkles will decrease, they will become less noticeable.

Peeling with retinoic acid is described.

On the video result from fruit peeling for the face:

Skin care after the procedure

Fruit peeling is a gentle procedure, but the skin needs special care after it. Although the effect of acids is quite gentle, they can cause destruction of the surface layer of the dermis. Often, after peeling, you can observe a slight redness on the face, which is quite normal.

After the procedure, it is recommended to protect your face from direct sunlight. If you visit a solarium, then for a few days you will have to refuse it. It is also recommended not to use decorative cosmetics for several days, not to paint, if possible. The skin needs to breathe a little and get enough vitamins and nutrients.

You may also be interested in hardware biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid, described by.

Dermal cells live for 28 days, and then die off: gradually keratinized particles accumulate on the surface of the skin, clogging pores, preventing the penetration of beneficial substances, accumulating toxins in themselves. Young skin is able to completely renew itself, but after 20 years, a woman begins to notice the need for peeling - exfoliating old cells and cleansing the upper layers of the epidermis. Beauty salons offer many procedures of this kind: after a visit to the master, the skin looks young and fresh. Of the entire range of such services, it is easiest to repeat the fruit peeling for the face at home, and today we will tell you how to do it.

The principle of operation of fruit peeling

Face cleaning diluted with a special composition of fruit acids belongs to the group of superficial chemical peels. Procedure perfectly fulfills its purpose:

  • Removes hardened particles.
  • It removes the remnants of acne, cosmetics and substances that have settled on the skin from the environment.
  • Helps improve oxygen metabolism.
  • Eliminates oily sheen, blackheads.
  • Smoothes out micro-wrinkles.

All this going on easy and gentle, because a product with properly selected fruit acids (they are called AHA-acids) completely harmless and does not leave marks on the face in the form of redness. Based on the client's skin condition master chooses as an active substance, one or more acids, each of which has set of unique characteristics:

  • Dairy
    Moisturizes, gently whitens, evens out complexion. Increases elasticity, with regular use visibly reduces mild wrinkles. It happens both natural, contained in kefir, yogurt, apples, grapes, and synthetic.
  • Glycolic
    The source is green grapes and sugarcane. The substance, penetrating deep into the cells of the dermis, quickly eliminates age spots, which is so important for the face area.
  • Wine
    The whitening effect is insignificant, but the acid obtained from oranges, grapes and wine perfectly moisturizes the face.
  • Lemon
    As part of fruit peeling, citric acid plays the role of a natural antiseptic, as it disinfects the skin well.
  • Apple
    Ideal for recovery after stressful effects. No wonder our mothers also loved to pamper their faces with circles of tomato or apple, rich in this acid.

Effectiveness of fruit peeling directly depends on the concentration of the active substance, but the first time such a product is applied to the face, it should be minimal. Gradually, as the skin becomes accustomed, acidity percentage can be increased.

Making fruit peeling at home, you can enrich its composition chicken protein, ground oatmeal, semolina. The presence of small coarse particles enhance the exfoliation effect. Here it is important not to overdo it with the force of the movements of the fingers - dry skin requires careful handling, and oily - more intense. If you want to take advantage of a more gentle skin cleansing method, we advise you to familiarize yourself with the recipes for exfoliating masks by clicking on.

Pros and contraindications

Any acid is a caustic substance, in which at the same time is its benefit and harm for cosmetology: amazing efficiency is combined with an increased risk of burns. Having tried fruit peeling, you will be satisfied immediately a few moments:

  • Acne marks disappear completely complexion becomes even, without red and black dots.
  • The tone of the face instantly increases, the skin is smooth, elastic, and most importantly - well hydrated.
  • Expression wrinkles are visibly reduced. Additionally, you can use anti-wrinkle creams, and you can check out the rating of the best of them by clicking on.
  • Pigment spots disappear, even strongly expressed. You can read about how else you can lighten age spots on your face.
  • Oily skin, difficult to clean at home due to the porous structure, completely cleaned.

This list tells only about the first results of fruit peeling: with constant use women note the acceleration of regeneration processes, making the face look younger. However, do not rush to try the miracle remedy on yourself as soon as possible, first see the list of contraindications:

  • Pustular inflammation.
  • Education scars on the skin.
  • Allergy to the components of the mixture.
  • Sensitive tender skin.
  • Pregnancy, lactation period.

Multifruit peeling performed immediately several acids, has a very strong effect even on the deep layers of the epidermis, so it is relevant for him another ban: the procedure is excluded with a fresh tan and immediately after epilation.

There is an opinion that fruit peeling dries and “pulls” the face a little, which means it is undesirable for dry skin. It's a delusion. In fact, the activation of cell renewal provides a better hydration of the skin.

Fruit peeling is good for its versatility: it is suitable for young girls and middle-aged ladies, equally effective for all types of facial skin.

Doing fruit peeling at home

Fruit peeling is not such a complicated procedure, it does not require special professional training. The main difficulties arise at the stage of selecting fruit acids and determining the time of their exposure. In the salon, the event looks like this:

  • Complete removal of make-up, washing the face with a special cleanser.
  • Neat composition distribution for face peeling.
  • When the time allotted for peeling is up, the mixture wash off with water removing residue with tonic.
  • The face is covered with a mask with a soothing action, and then a sunscreen.

Fruit peeling does not cause pain, although some ladies notice a slight tingling of the face, which is due to a special sensitivity to the components of the composition. The achieved effect lasts about six months, then a second visit to the master is recommended.

Peeling done at home, will not give such a long action - it will have to be repeated more often.

First of all, before performing cosmetic manipulations on your own, you need to do an allergy test to a mixture of acids - a simple precaution will help to avoid many problems. Therefore, do not spare 2 minutes, apply peeling on the forearm and evaluate the result. Further action algorithm next:

  • We clean the face with the help of the means you use daily - gel, milk, etc.
  • To enhance the productivity of fruit peeling at home, it is recommended to lightly steam out the skin over a container of hot water.
  • After wetting the face with a clean towel, apply the peeling mixture in a circular motion, avoiding the area around the eyes.
  • We are waiting A couple of minutes.
  • We wash off the peeling with warm boiled water, gently wipe the face, apply cream for sensitive skin.

Mixture for the conducted at home fruit peeling should be fresh, freshly prepared, otherwise there will be little benefit from it. The best thing do the procedure in the evening to avoid exposure to sunlight in the first hours. Per night the skin of the face will rest and in the morning you will smile in surprise at your reflection in the mirror.

The best recipes for peeling compositions

The first acquaintance with fruit peeling at home is often overshadowed by one circumstance: girls simply do not know how to mix properly for peeling and be afraid - suddenly the face turns red, a rash appears? You will not have such a problem, because we have selected the best folk recipes homemade fruit peels.

To become the owner of a healthy, young, glowing skin from within these days is not difficult at all. Certain cosmetic procedures are so effective and easy to carry out that they can be easily carried out not only in the salon, but also at home. The peeling with fruit acids is the most popular. Its distinctive features are a minimum of contraindications and side effects, the ability to eliminate fine wrinkles, improve the structure and color of the skin.

general information

Procedures of this kind involve the use of fruit acids, which are naturally found in berries and fruits, and they owe their official name to them. Such components are often referred to as AHA acids (alpha hydroxy acids). Their healing and rejuvenating properties have been known since ancient times, thanks to their widespread use in folk medicine. Hundreds of centuries ago in Rome, Greece, Egypt and even in Rus', juices and pomace were used to maintain youth through lotions, masks and even baths.

Depending on the type and intensity of modern preparations used, peeling with fruit acids can be either superficial or medium. At the same time, most experts still agree that such an intervention can be considered the most gentle and delicate, as well as very effective at the same time.

The main types of acids

There are several types of fruit acids, each of which has certain characteristics and purposes.

So, it is customary to allocate drugs based on:

Indications for carrying out

Fruit peeling has quite a lot of different indications, among which, first of all, it should be noted:

  • Pale, unhealthy complexion, gray skin tone.
  • Heterogeneous structure of the skin, tuberosity.
  • Reduced tone of the dermis, prevention of the appearance and development of ptosis.
  • The first, shallow mimic wrinkles.
  • Acne rash.

In cosmetology, fruit peels are mainly used for face and neck skin care. They are chosen by girls over the age of 25. Procedures involving superficial effects are good as a preventive measure, median methods are more relevant for the treatment of moderate problems.

Operating principle

At its core, any chemical peel (all fruit peels belong to this type) is a slight burn of the skin, through which the removal of the upper layer of the dermis, moisturizing and launching its protective functions (recovery, collagen production, normalization of blood circulation processes) is achieved.

Main stages

Peeling with fruit acids refers to procedures, the positive result of which is formed only after visiting several cosmetic sessions. Their exact number is determined by a specialist, but on average, the course of treatment and rejuvenation is about 8 - 10 peels with an interval of 7 to 14 days.

If you want to take such a course, it is recommended to visit a specialist in advance for a consultation. At this stage, the cosmetologist will tell you about contraindications and possible negative consequences of exposure, determine the type of facial skin and existing problems, the type of AHA acids needed and their allowable concentration. It would be useful to clarify with a specialist and the need for preliminary training. In most cases, face peeling is carried out after a week of application of creams with a low content of fruit acids.

Helpful advice! Do not take risks and visit a specialist in winter or late autumn, any even the safest procedures of this kind are recommended to be carried out at the lowest solar activity.

The session itself lasts approximately 30 minutes. During this time, the specialist manages to carry out a preliminary cleansing of the skin from external impurities and makeup, treat problem areas with the selected composition, withstand the required amount of time for therapeutic exposure, neutralize it, wash off the remnants of the drug and apply a soothing mask.

Rehabilitation is carried out at home and is very easy to carry out. So, the skin will need to be moisturized regularly. The easiest way to do this is with thermal water purchased at a pharmacy. Do not forget about oily ointments that promote skin regeneration and nutrition. Most often, Panthenol, Bepanthen and Solcoseryl are used for these purposes. We should not forget about protecting the skin from the sun's rays with the help of cosmetics with a high protection factor.

Side effects

Peeling based on AHA acids is tolerated quite easily by most patients. In the process of performing the manipulations, severe pain is not felt, a slight burning sensation is considered a rare reaction, which passes rather quickly and does not cause any inconvenience.

At the same time, one should not forget that side effects may well appear after the procedure. Thus, patient reviews indicate the frequent manifestation of redness of the skin, swelling, itching and burning, mild pain, a feeling of tightness and peeling. In some cases, more pronounced negative reactions (burns, allergies) can be observed, but this happens extremely rarely.

Photos before and after

Photo before and after №1

Photo before and after №2

Photo before and after №3
