My common-law spouse is cheating, I'm pregnant, what should I do? Cheated on his pregnant wife: did he do the right thing? Banal physiological need

Pregnancy is a special and exciting period associated with the anticipation of the beginning of a new stage in life and family relationships. There are many hopes and expectations, anxieties and doubts associated with it. And during these months, when a pregnant woman carries herself like a fairy, feeling the beauty of the world around her, she may be faced with terrible news - her husband is cheating on her. How is this even possible? Let's figure out why husbands cheat on their pregnant wives, what could push them to take such a vile step?


At first glance, this reason is doubtful. How can you be jealous of a pregnant woman? Which normal man wants one that can be seen with the naked eye from tens of meters away that it is not free?

But this feeling of jealousy does not arise in relation to other men, but towards the child. A woman receives a lot of attention, she becomes the center of her family. Everyone is interested in her well-being, the sex of the child, his behavior in her belly, whether the parents have come up with a name. And the husband seems to become just an annex to this child.

Women in such a situation usually do not share their husband’s feelings. They don’t feel like they’re an incubator at all; they appreciate the attention they get from their family and friends.

It’s paradoxical, but even the most desired and planned pregnancy can cause such conflicting feelings in a man.

How to notice and prevent

Take a break from your inner world. During pregnancy, many women seem to become encapsulated: their gaze is directed inward, activity decreases, and the need for new experiences disappears. It’s as if the eternal movement of the planets stops around them and time stands still. If this sounds like you, then remind yourself to have a heart-to-heart talk with your husband. Find out what worries, bothers or irritates him.

And during get-togethers with relatives, talk not only about your excellent condition, be sure to discuss other topics that are interesting to everyone, so that your husband does not feel out of place.


Men by nature prefer to control everything. But their wife’s pregnancy is beyond their control. This is a woman’s area of ​​control and responsibility. And they are afraid of harming her. And somewhere he heard that sex during pregnancy is harmful and dangerous.

Or he is basically worried about his wife and unborn child. According to statistics, approximately 20% of pregnancies end in early miscarriage or die. There are pathologies and long term, but they are less common. So my husband is worried and nervous.

And then he looks outside for something that he doesn’t find at home. Calm sex without fears and worries.

How to notice and prevent

If you notice that your husband constantly makes excuses not to have sex with you, talk to him. Evaluate the flimsy nature of the reasons for refusal. If not medical reasons for abstinence, then go together to your gynecologist, let him tell your husband how safe it really is for you to have sex and what positions are acceptable during this period.

If he still can’t overcome his fears, you will be helped by oral sex. Even if this is not the best replacement for the usual caresses, it can become your salvation for some time.

He's no longer needed

While the wife is focused on her feelings, sensations and experiences related to pregnancy, her husband may feel that she needs him more. She turns to him when she needs to do something physically hard work, for example, putting a box of books on a closet. Or now he only feels like a guarantor financial well-being family, all they need from him is money.

And he understands that when the baby is born, expenses will increase, and the young mother will have absolutely no time left for him. Such prospects make him even sadder.

And his wife now often changes her mood, she wakes him up at night because she suddenly wanted herring and a fur coat, scandals have become more frequent.

And although the woman understands the vulnerability of her position during this period, she still behaves as if she is trying to get rid of her husband.

And what is the way out? Find solace in the arms of a sweet girl, unencumbered by problems. Let him have the illusion that she needs him.

How to notice and prevent

You can notice changes in your husband's behavior. He will become more aloof and will avoid showing affection and signs of attention. He will immediately interrupt your stories about something with the question: “How much do you need?” He already expects in advance that the story will end with a request for money.

Therefore, in this situation, it is important to talk with your husband, take an interest in his affairs and plans at work. Pay attention to him. Discuss how you will spend time with your baby, walk with the whole family in the park, or slide down the slides on a cheesecake or ice skate in winter. Explain that your life will not end with the birth of your child. Of course, at first your schedule will adjust to the needs of the new person, but over time your life will return to normal.

Control yourself. If you want to say something offensive, it is better to remain silent. Think about it, is it your hormones and emotions talking to you or do you really need to say it? If necessary, speak calmly, without insults, assault or humiliation.

Changes in the wife's body

Today in glossy magazines you can find photographs of pregnant celebrities even in underwear. And they are so gentle and spiritual. The skin glows amazingly, the figure has not changed, except that a cute tummy has appeared.

And when we return to real world, then we are faced with stretch marks on the skin, which sometimes look disgusting and ugly, a couple of dozen kilograms gained, swelling and apathy. Where does spirituality come from when you can’t get out of bed without a good reason?

And heartburn, constipation, nausea or something else accompanies the entire pregnancy for some. Would you want yourself?

There are so many young beauties in the world who wouldn’t mind sleeping with your husband. They are still thin and sonorous, their skin is elastic and delicate.

How to notice and prevent

Don’t flatter yourself with the hope that your husband won’t go anywhere. Take care of yourself. Especially if it is important for your husband to get aesthetic pleasure from looking at the naked female body. Don't let yourself overeat harmful products. Don't hide behind your child, he is not the one who demands that you eat pizza, chips and sausage.

Of course, there are situations when the kilograms gained are the result of changes in hormonal levels. In this case, you should definitely consult with an endocrinologist, and not console yourself with the hope that after giving birth they will go back to where they came from.

Force yourself to play sports if there is no prohibition from doctors. Now there are special programs in fitness clubs for expectant mothers. Remain attractive to your husband so that he doesn’t even think that someone is better than you.

My husband is basically cheating

There is a type of man who is constantly in search of new sensations and impressions. Such husbands regularly cheat on their wives, regardless of their condition.

As a rule, they do not have long-term affairs; they love and idolize their wife. After cheating, they shower her with compliments and gifts, test her deepest feeling guilt.

But after a while they meet another girl, which seems to fill their lives with meaning. And then these illusions are destroyed, usually this happens quite quickly. The man breaks off the relationship. But very soon he meets his muse and inspiration again. You can't change a man like that.

How to notice and prevent

Maybe you've caught your husband cheating on you before. And now you notice that he sometimes becomes secretive, talks on the phone in another room, hides the phone from you. Or you find more significant evidence.

People do not change. Therefore, you need to either leave such a person or come to terms with his addictions. You must make this choice once and never return to this issue and not torment yourself with doubts and suspicions.

Reasons for cheating are not related to pregnancy

It happens that the reason for a husband’s infidelity is completely unrelated to his wife’s pregnancy. Perhaps the stress associated with her condition was the catalyst or the last straw that overflowed the cup family well-being. There are many reasons why men cheat on their wives.

If family relationships between spouses are not going well, then it is better to postpone the birth of a child. The appearance of a new family member will not save it from collapse. And it will be difficult to keep your husband through pregnancy. Yes, from the point of view of the law, a woman can refuse to divorce her husband while the child is very small. But what will actually happen? The husband can leave and officially stay legal spouse. But he will live with someone else.

Perhaps in such a situation it is better not to persist and let your husband go, maintaining as smooth a relationship with him as possible. You won’t keep him by force and you definitely won’t return love using such methods.

How to notice and prevent

Try to make your life with your husband harmonious. Be patient and forgiving, try not to create scandals. In general, create a warm and cozy atmosphere at home.

Having visited any women's forum, you often come across messages on the topic: “I’m pregnant, my husband cheated.” Expectant mothers are desperately trying to figure out what to do if I'm pregnant and my husband is cheating? Not easy physical state pregnancy is aggravated by the experience of personal tragedy. It is difficult to understand the reasons for betrayal by the chosen one who is going to give her beloved a loved one. Nevertheless, many representatives of the stronger sex are able to find explanations for this.

It is not uncommon to hear that a husband cheated on his pregnant wife out of jealousy for his own future child. The man is used to being the only one. The appearance of a third family member begins to disturb him a little, a lack of attention arises, and obsessive feelings appear. bad thoughts. Friends begin to ask the sex of the future baby, name, plans. Jealous behavior usually accompanies the bearing of the first child; previously unfamiliar circumstances make the chosen one nervous. The main concern goes to the little one. Spouse is jealous expectant mother, resulting in a desire to change.

Feeling Useless

Cheating on a pregnant wife happens if future father feels a sense of uselessness. Absorbed in her worries, the expectant mother forgets to give attention to her lover. Rather, a list of requirements appears, necessary tasks, everyday problems. Romance and spiritual intimacy imperceptibly subside. Urgent issues become more important: moving furniture, hammering a nail, giving money. A feeling of uselessness creeps in.

It is important to understand that pregnant wives need twice as much care. Sometimes it's really hard to continue to pay as much attention to a relationship as before. Hormonal levels change, mood is spoiled various little things. It is necessary to understand the complexity of the situation. The support of her lover is important for the expectant mother.

Bad feeling

The spouse's ailments sometimes take away sexual desire. The first trimester is especially difficult. Concerned about toxicosis, irritability, weakness. Back pain, swelling, and work difficulties add to the worries. Therefore, intimacy has to be postponed. Some men have a hard time coming to terms with uncomfortable position beloved. The emotional as well as physical state forces one to avoid intimacy. Consequently - loving husband changed during pregnancy.

Fear of harming the fetus

Some couples are truly contraindicated from having sex. However, such a refusal is not always justified. Some people simply want to play it safe, so they postpone intimacy “until better times.” Most often, fears of harming the fetus are unfounded. The baby is protected by the dense muscular wall of the uterus, surrounded by the amniotic sac. It is important to consult a gynecologist and find out the risks individually.

Contraindications for intimate intimacy for pregnant women:

  • genital infections in one of the spouses;
  • threat of miscarriage;
  • low-fixed placenta;
  • expecting two or more babies;
  • recurrent miscarriage (previous miscarriages).

The first trimester forces you to reduce the number of sexual acts. However, after the fourth, a favorable period begins. In the absence of contraindications, regular sex is encouraged. The period of the second trimester is often considered by women to be the most exciting period sexually. Partners become closer together, spiritual relationships become more high level, preparing future parents for the next stage.

Intimate intimacy allows lovers to feel emotional release, endorphins are produced, and the fetus feels the mother’s happiness. Sex is especially recommended at the end of the term. Therefore, cheating on a husband during pregnancy causes much more harm than physical contact itself.

Sometimes caring fathers themselves suggest holding off, for fear of harming the baby. However, they continue to want bodily pleasure, regardless of the position of the chosen one. Therefore there arises unpleasant problem like cheating on your pregnant wife.

Unattractiveness of the chosen one

It happens that men are not excited by the newfound forms of their chosen one. Future mother hard to perceive as a sexual object. A rounded belly is physically repulsive, and desire disappears.

You should continue to try to look attractive: makeup, beautiful lingerie, seductive clothes. However, the question appearance It is more often a concern for women. Cheating during pregnancy is usually triggered by a deeper reason.


Especially unpleasant situation– the chosen one considers it indecent to harass his pregnant wife. Many people believe current situation beloved woman by some mysterious gift from above. There is a feeling of a miracle happening, as if the beloved is a sacred vessel. Some husbands seem to be afraid of disturbing the sacred manifestation of a miracle. Fearing to violate the purity of the spouse, thoughts come to fulfill “dirty fantasies” on the side. The husband cheats, which is a much more immoral act.

The presence of a “third wheel”

Enjoy intimacy the feeling of the presence of a “third wheel” interferes. In the womb of his beloved wife he grows and develops alive little man, able to feel, understand. Husbands find the baby's kicks particularly difficult. The movements of the cub discourage the desire. Awareness of the presence of a baby destroys passion. Thoughts prevent the spouse from concentrating and are distracting.

The married couple will have to endure the presence of the baby for several years. The baby will cry and disturb the parents. Older children may burst into the room suddenly. The intimate atmosphere is disrupted after the birth of a little one, so the stage of pregnancy should prepare. It is worth reconsidering the usual way of life and making some changes.

Role reversal

Another reason for the chosen one’s confusion is the change in family functions. More precisely, adding the role of dad. Now, in addition to marital duties, he will have to fulfill fatherly responsibilities. The spouse also accepts new obligations: previously sexy partner becomes a mother. Confusion ensues. Partners need to accept the circumstances that have arisen. When becoming parents, it is important to remain lovers. Otherwise, having taken over exclusively the role of a mother, the functions of a mistress will have to be performed by someone else.


In addition to women, males can also succumb to stress. It is difficult to accept a change in the family microclimate and a great responsibility. Future fathers are beginning to make dramatic changes. Lack of readiness to accept the role of dad provokes severe stress. The situation can even change hormonal background future father. Some representatives of the stronger sex need special support during the period of bearing a baby. The partner seems to take over the nervousness of his beloved.

Succumbing to a depressing mood, the chosen one wants to find peace. Of course, one cannot justify the actions of a cheater as a result of stress. However, this state in itself is inadequate; internal anxiety appears. Psychological discomfort partly explains the transgression of a loved one.

Banal physiological need

Abstinence disrupts the intimate harmony of a couple. Male representatives sex life needs to be done regularly. It is possible to continue to love, to understand the peculiarity of the chosen one’s position, but to want another woman solely for the purpose of satisfaction.

Long-term abstinence tends to break psycho-emotional state male representatives, call various diseases, pathologies. The body constantly needs to receive emotional release. Therefore, many consider betrayal a necessity, a normal need of the body.

There is a way to deceive the body - to replace sexual release with sports. Big exercise stress tires, a tired person simply lacks the strength to have sex. Moreover, playing sports regulates hormones, relieves stress, and helps you relax.

What should a deceived wife do?

Stay calm and try to avoid depression. Giving in negative emotions, you risk harming the fetus. Calmly think through the plan further actions. It is necessary to find out how critical the situation is. Ask your spouse whether he intends to continue the third-party relationship or whether he considers it a fleeting weakness.

If you are considering ending your marriage, think twice. If the chosen one sincerely repents and understands the mistake, perhaps it is better to forgive. The pain will soon subside, but the unborn baby needs full-fledged family. Sometimes spouses need to overcome difficult periods, but then the family bond will become stronger.

There are situations when an unfaithful person completely intends to leave his wife in a situation. The main thing is to maintain your dignity. You can't beg or beg to stay. Give your spouse the right to choose. If he decides to leave, let him go. Perhaps soon the spouse will realize the mistake and return to ask for forgiveness. If not, remember - soon you will have a little man who will love you forever.


Exists great amount different explanations, why do they cheat on pregnant wives. The likelihood of betrayal mainly depends on the level of awareness, maturity, and responsibility of the spouse. Any betrayal is betrayal family values. The main reasons for going “to the left” are provoked by personal spiritual immaturity and infantilism. This means that the main reason for betrayal is not pregnancy at all. It is quite possible to maintain all fidelity life together, and the inconvenience caused by waiting for a child is not difficult to endure.

If the relationship between a man and a woman becomes cracked, and they do not repair it, cheating may begin. Sometimes betrayal happens during pregnancy and there may be several reasons for this.

He is jealous. His wife loved him, spoiled him in bed, gave him almost 100% attention, and suddenly something changed - pregnancy occurred. During this period, many women do not think at all about male infidelity. The condition of the unborn child is important to them. If a man is strong, patient and independent, he can survive lack of attention. If he is weak and addicted by nature, he will find another woman who will satisfy and amuse his ego during this period.

How to prevent. Continue to pay attention to him as before - before pregnancy. It may be difficult to concentrate on your husband when all your thoughts are on your child. But you don’t want to face male infidelity. If a man is not approved and praised, then, willy-nilly, he will want to complete the missing puzzle somewhere on the side.

They brush him off. Why does a husband cheat on his pregnant wife? Often the reason lies in female hormones. During pregnancy, a woman’s psyche receives a powerful hormonal shock. Not only tastes change temporarily, but the entire body as a whole changes. Literally everything can be repulsive, for example, the smell of a man.

How to prevent. Try to express love, if not physical, then at least with verbal affection. Talk openly with your husband and tell him that this or that is unpleasant for you. Perhaps he will think more about personal hygiene or stop buying products that you suddenly suddenly hate.

He's tired of hysterics. Pregnancy makes some women calm, while others become real furies. During such a period, you are sure that you are right in everything and your hysterics are completely justified. For example, your loved one took up men's affairs- went to a barbecue with friends and doesn’t answer the phone, and you begin to suspect him of. Moreover, because of hormones, your feelings become aggravated and you are sure that he no longer loves you. A couple of times the husband will tolerate this, hug and prove his love. But endless hysterics will drive anyone crazy, and then the husband will begin to cheat on his pregnant wife.

How to prevent. Talk to your gynecologist about your appointment sedatives. Natural medicines such as Sedasen and Motherwort Forte are completely harmless, but will quickly bring you to an adequate state. You will save not only your nerves, but also your husband’s nerves. Pamper him with a delicious dinner or freshly brewed coffee. Perhaps now you will begin to protest: “But it’s he who has to please me, the pregnant woman.” Believe me, he is already doing what he can - he works for you, provides for you. It’s no less difficult for him than it is for you. No man would like a secondary role in the family. Therefore, do not be a capricious girl, but wise woman. This is what you want to show yourself more love and affection.

He was limited in sex. Some women during pregnancy are so worried about themselves and the child that they completely refuse sex. That’s why the husband cheats on his pregnant wife – he can’t live without physical intimacy, but he’s embarrassed to tell you.

How to prevent. If you're in your 2nd trimester, sex won't be a problem. On the contrary, it will relieve you of depression and bring you closer to the man you love. In the 1st and 3rd trimesters, if the doctor has forbidden you to make love, give your husband oral sex more often, and bring in the romance yourself. Then you definitely won’t encounter male infidelity. But don’t turn into a nymphomaniac just to keep him from taking a careless step. Moderation is good in everything.

He himself is afraid of hurting you. This is serious psychological problem, which can push a man to cheat on his pregnant wife. Some representatives of the stronger sex find it really difficult to approach their woman who is expecting a child. After this, an incredible feeling of guilt arises, but they can’t help themselves.

How to prevent. To relieve the man of guilt, tell him that you yourself fear for the health of the child. If the problem is really only fear, get by with mutual caresses, talk more tender words each other, and then the flame of love will not go out.

If the husband has already cheated on his pregnant wife

What could be worse than hearing about betrayal? If you can read this article, it means that you have already recovered from the shock and are ready to take action to return to yourself, your beloved.

  1. Do not look for someone to blame in yourself or your child. And especially do not try to terminate the pregnancy. If a person did it, then so be it. Let him go home and think about how to improve your life after a man’s betrayal and give birth to a healthy baby.
  1. Men rarely leave their pregnant wives and cheat on them. However, if this happens, decide for yourself whether you are ready to forgive the unfaithful person. If you love him so much that you want to give him a second chance, discuss this issue. But before that, give yourself a week to cool down and think through the conversation. If you do not forgive betrayals, then before breaking up, make sure that betrayal really happened, and that it was not your “good” friends who told you about your husband.
  1. If a husband cheated on his pregnant wife and leaves, do everything possible and impossible to silently kick him out the door. Don't show your pain and weakness. This behavior, if it doesn’t bring him back, will at least preserve your self-esteem.
  1. Believe in the best, even if it is very difficult. First, you can file for alimony. Secondly, an unmarried mother with a small baby is no less charming, and there will always be a man who is alien to male infidelity. With this you can have a great family.

What do psychologists say?

Your appearance. A husband can cheat on his pregnant wife if she has given up on her appearance. Try not to forget about yourself and remember that men are visual people. Getting up in the morning, neatly styling your hair, putting on a tight sexy suit (even for pregnant women) and tinting your eyelashes is something that won’t take more than 20 minutes. But a man will be pleased to see a flower with him, and not a shaggy weed.

His behavior. Some men are naturally apathetic and phlegmatic. Others are very active and sociable. If your husband, who belongs to the second type, suddenly suddenly becomes silent and thoughtful, walks like this for days on end and does not want to talk, find out the reason. Sometimes open conversation - The best way prevent male infidelity.

Communication between families. Get to know married couples who are also expecting a child. This can be done in courses for young parents. Then your man will understand that he is not the only one and will be able to discuss all the issues that concern him.

Rapprochement. Don't distance yourself from your husband during pregnancy. Try to cook dinners together, go for walks, go out free time to the theaters. All this brings you closer and makes you feel necessary friend to a friend.

Remember that a man does not cheat on his pregnant wife just like that. There is always a significant reason here. Discuss any issues with your husband, talk about your family and future child, and try to satisfy each other as before.

Sometimes during pregnancy there are serious challenges in a woman’s life. In particular, divorce or betrayal of the husband. How to survive a divorce during pregnancy and believe that sooner or later life will get better? Should you forgive your husband who cheated on you during pregnancy? How to start trusting people again? You will learn about this and much more from our article.

How to survive divorce during pregnancy

Let's start with the fact that now you need, first of all, to take care of the health of your unborn child. Therefore, do not be nervous, calm down and try to avoid stress as much as possible. Yes, of course, in any case you will be very hurt and offended, but you must always remember that you are responsible not only for yourself, but also for the baby.

You can do everything to ensure that he develops correctly and is born healthy. It is known that stress has a negative effect on us, let alone a fragile child’s body. Therefore, remember about the child and try to bear the divorce calmly.

No matter how you are overwhelmed by emotions right now, divorce should not completely unsettle you and you should think about your future with your child - in particular, about alimony. It’s good if you discussed this topic with your husband before the divorce.

If you and your spouse still have normal relationship, then most likely there will be no problems with alimony. Is it worth officially confirming the husband’s consent to help the child? It is advisable to do this, because we never know even the closest people 100%, and under the influence of life circumstances they can behave differently.

There are many cases where women trusted their spouses, agreed with them to pay alimony, but they did not send anything in the first month and generally behaved as if they were extorting money from them. If your husband does not want to pay alimony, go to court - after that the spouse will be obliged to help the child.

How to survive divorce while pregnant? Switch your attention from this problem to preparing for the appearance of a new person in your life. Buy the necessary things, read books, attend courses for expectant mothers. Your circle of friends will expand, new interests will appear - there will be no time to think about sad things!

Finally, we would like to advise you to try to forgive your spouse who started a divorce during your pregnancy, at such a crucial moment. As long as there is at least a drop of resentment and bitterness in your heart, it will be very difficult for you to meet your soul mate, as well as teach your baby to love the world and the people in it. Look at life positively and remember, there is a way out of any situation!

Cheating on husband during pregnancy

What to do if your husband cheated, and you are pregnant and cannot imagine your future outside of marriage? Is it worth saving at all? family union in this case? How to get your husband back, and is it necessary? Let's try to understand all these issues.

The first thing you need to remember when experiencing infidelity during pregnancy is that the child is not to blame for the fact that your relationship has cracked. It is fundamentally wrong to immediately run to the clinic and have an abortion immediately after you find out about the betrayal. Believe me, when passions subside and bad emotions are forgotten, you will immediately begin to reproach yourself for what you did. Find the strength to calm down and understand that besides marriage, you have other priorities in life - for example, giving birth and raising a baby.

This happens quite rarely, but it still happens sometimes - the husband himself can tell about the betrayal. What to do? Arrange a divorce during pregnancy? It is clear that you will not be able to accept all this calmly. However, there is also no need to be nervous and bring yourself to a semi-fainting state - it is important for you to take care of the child now. Sit down and talk to your husband. Find out what he plans to do next.

Is he planning to leave the family? Wants to stay with you and is ready to do anything to make you forget about this situation? The last case is the most the best option developments of events. If this is what happens, just try to give your spouse time to correct himself and think about his action.

Don’t start reading morals right away - it’s clear that if a person decides to confess everything to you, it means that he also thinks that he has committed something stupid. By the way, most often husbands do not leave their families after cheating during pregnancy, since such actions were committed under the influence of emotions, and the connections with other women were short-lived.

If your husband wants to leave the family, you should not humiliate yourself and ask him to stay. Do you know what limits a man the most? Giving him freedom! It’s enough to say: “Do as you see fit” - and after that the man will think 10 more times whether he should even leave such an understanding woman.

If you are faced with your husband’s infidelity during pregnancy, you need to think about the future of the child. If your marriage is officially registered, then you have the right to receive alimony. Then you need to file for divorce during pregnancy. But if you lived in civil marriage, you need to prepare for the unexpected - your loved one may refuse to help you and your child. In principle, here you need to consult a lawyer and find out how to recognize the paternity of a man through the court. Although, it is quite possible that the husband will turn out to be a decent person and will regularly pay alimony.

Be strong and accept right decisions!

How to treat your wife during pregnancy

Pregnancy is important stage not only for women, but also for men. It was during this period that an understanding of the concept of family is born between two lovers.

During this period, a woman develops an idea of ​​what kind of mother she will be, so give her compliments as often as possible, say that she good wife and will be an excellent mother. Don't give her any reason to worry;

Last months Pregnancies will be very stressful, your wife will be worried, because childbirth is coming soon, and she is “not ready for it.” Be careful, at this stage there is a very high probability nervous breakdown for your wife, because childbirth is not only physical stress for the body, but also mental;

More positive emotions give it to your wife! It's no secret that positive emotions are the key to a child's healthy psyche. The first months of pregnancy are very important in this regard. Try not to bring bad news and don’t worry your beloved over trifles;

“Everyone to the garden!” Take walks as often as possible, it will be good for your baby and your wife. During the walk, the body is saturated with oxygen, and your wife will feel very good.

Knowing the above concepts, you will easily navigate this period of your life, and it will remain as the brightest and warmest. But everything will not always be as smooth as you think...

Be careful! During pregnancy, a woman may have a depressed mood, which can only be corrected with affection and warmth;

Whims. “I want pickles and custard cakes” - this is normal phenomenon. But, oddly enough, when men encounter him, they begin to panic. No need to be nervous! Just try to always be aware of your wife’s wishes, otherwise, when you return from shopping, you find out that she wants bananas;

“Calm, just calm!” To keep your wife happy and your pregnancy to go well, do not ignore your baby. The more your wife sees that you are interested in the baby, that you already love and appreciate him, the less she will think that they are a burden.

In that difficult period It is necessary for your wife and you to seek support from each other. Share thoughts and wishes about the life of your baby. Agree in advance what methods you will use to educate him, what kindergarten and school he will go to. Look into the future and very soon you will see his little hands.
