Ideal figure sizes. Proportional female figure: how to calculate your ideal parameters

In pursuit of a beautiful appearance, most women put their figure first. To do this, the beautiful half of humanity sacrifices a lot to look like beauties from the covers of fashion magazines: they use diets, go in for sports, and so on. But are these efforts worth the reward in the eyes of men?

Opinion of men: the female figure should be symmetrical

And what figure do they consider the most attractive when looking at photos of famous beauties? Today, scientists from around the world can answer this question, who have repeatedly conducted sociological surveys regarding the most attractive female appearance.

What a “beautiful female figure through the eyes of men” she is - you will learn from our article!

It turns out that a beautiful female figure through the eyes of men is not at all the notorious sizes 90-60-90, as many women believe. But there is still some truth to this.

As many different people as there are many opinions about the ideal appearance. Previously, at different times, plump or very thin girls were in fashion. Now the main ideal of a female figure can be called symmetrical proportions, and the size of the chest, waist and hips are not so important.

There are lovers, both thin and full women:

  1. Too skinny should have rounded proportions to draw attention to their figure. It is better if the chest and hips are about the same size, and the waist is smaller. This figure is perfect for girls of short stature. Men like this type of appearance due to the fact that you can feel like a gentleman by protecting and caring for her.
  2. Curvy ladies also attract the attention of men. They are more often chosen for serious relationships. According to psychologists, this type of appearance is more like men of low social status or those who have a mother of the same shape. But it is worth noting that fullness should be moderate - sagging belly and sides do not paint anyone. If you look through the eyes of a man, then a full female figure can be called beautiful if the waist is about 70 percent from the hips, and the chest is of the same volume.
  3. The most perfect appearance women have an athletic build. Tightened belly and hips, medium-sized breasts and slightly pumped up muscles of the arms and legs make the owner of the fair sex the most desirable in the eyes of a man. But here you need not to overdo it with pumping up muscles, since too noticeable biceps make the figure less feminine, which is extremely disliked by men.

The hourglass figure is the ideal body according to men

Although everyone has different tastes, most men agree in one opinion - a masculine figure with large shoulders and narrow hips is not very attractive. The most ideal figure is considered to be the hourglass. In this type of women, the waist is much smaller than the hips and chest.

This choice is connected with the fact that on a subconscious level, it is inherent in men to choose a healthy and prolific couple for themselves. And the narrow waist and wide hips just evoke the idea of ​​a woman's readiness for procreation.

Interesting fact! Scientists have found that women with a guitar-like figure have a large amount of estrogen, which contributes to the conception and bearing of children. It is this sex hormone that shapes the female body, making the hips wider than the waist.

Therefore, a beautiful female figure, when viewed through the eyes of most men, should be in the shape of an hourglass, indicating that a woman can bear and give birth to a healthy child.

Figure "90-60-90" - the perfect body for womanizer

Not so long ago, the proportions of 90-60-90 were considered the standard of beauty. It was to these parameters that most beauties aspired. But, as it turned out, such volumes most often attract men who are not ready for a long relationship. If we talk about a partner for procreation, then The main criterion that men distinguish is a thin waist and wide hips.

And centimeters are not the main thing here. But a man who has only fashionable attributes of attractiveness in the first place is looking for the most ideal, most beautiful, most slender. Such a partner will always cheat, looking for a more fashionable and glamorous beauty on the side.

Rectangular figure - the ideal body for male leaders

But a beautiful female figure through the eyes of male leaders is rectangular, without roundness and appetizing curves. Such a woman demonstrates a strong character and the ability to stand up for herself, so for her only a strong man with leadership qualities can be the best couple.

But "mama's sons" with a weak character, who are ready to live "under the heel", are also drawn to women with a "rectangle" figure, because they want to be under someone's protection.

Note! In women with a rectangular figure, the male hormones androgens predominate, which direct fat deposits to the waist area, removing them from the hips. Such gomons increase stress resistance and endurance, which makes the female character "steel".

What should be the female breast

Often in fashion magazines and on television, you can see models with large breasts. Many ladies try to enlarge their breasts in every possible way, believing that men like this type more. But it is worth knowing that beauties of model appearance are more to the liking of teenagers or men of age.

And such ladies attract them only because of the opportunity to assert themselves, to show others their importance.

Not everyone considers a female figure with large breasts beautiful. In the eyes of most men, the most acceptable size is the second or third. And for busty ladies, they show rather simple curiosity, but they don’t want to marry such women.

On thin and fragile girls, large breasts look more vulgar than beautiful. Therefore, you should not disfigure your body with silicone, as this can lead to poor health, and the desired result cannot be achieved.

Waist and hips: what are the ideal parameters for men

Men, when looking at a woman, immediately pay attention to the hips and waist. This zone, according to most representatives of the stronger sex, is the most attractive.

But what is it that really grabs their attention? Scientists have found that on an intuitive level, men evaluate their potential partner in this way - is it worth getting to know her, is she already busy with another contender for her hand and heart, is she healthy, and so on.

And you can find out exactly by the waist, hips and their ratio:

  • thin waist shows a man that a woman is not pregnant, which means she is not busy;
  • taut, rounded hips talk about the good health of the female and the ability to give birth to healthy offspring;
  • difference between waist and hips will show the character of a woman and her ability to bear and feed a child.

No matter how full a lady is, the optimal index between the waist and hips should not exceed 0.7. That is, the waist should be only 70% of the hips. Such parameters will attract attention regardless of the fullness, height and body weight of a woman (within reason, of course).

Interesting fact! Men don't need to walk around with a tape measure to see an attractive waist-to-hip ratio. It is enough for them to look at a woman for 10 seconds, and intuition itself will tell them the correct parameters of the female body, under which they can safely make a further decision on procreation.

Long legs - the standard of female beauty

An indisputable fact is the increased interest of almost all men in long-legged ladies. Regardless of height and weight, a woman's legs must be long..

Such a whim can be explained by the fact that short legs indicate childhood, that is, the woman is still unprepared for procreation. And during puberty, women's legs begin to lengthen, and this intuitively allows men to understand that the girl is ready for childbearing.

So long legs and a symmetrical figure of a woman are not at all a whim of a pampered and capricious man, but a quite practical choice in implementing the plan for the production of offspring.

What size should a woman wear according to men?

If women think that they need to lose weight to the 40th clothing size (or XXS by international standards), then this is a deep delusion. Numerous studies have shown that men prefer to see their chosen ones in the 46th clothing size rather than in the smallest.

For example, the British TV presenter and actress Kelly Brook has a rather impressive bust, and it is difficult to call her thin, but her figure has become an ideal for most men.

For comparison, in order to understand how beautiful a thin woman is considered, you can look at the table of the ratio of positive votes received to the parameters of the figures of different celebrities.

As you can see, too small size of women's clothing is not popular with the representatives of the stronger sex and is gaining very few votes of sympathy.

But men are also treated with disdain for very full girls, and they will not be delighted if their chosen one suddenly begins to gain extra pounds. A particularly large amount of disapproval was heard against girls who rapidly gained three or more clothing sizes.

Men reacted relatively calmly when their partner gained 1-2 sizes. And the opinion was divided almost in half if their chosen one recovered by 2-3 sizes.

So a beautiful female figure through the eyes of men is definitely not an anorexic model and not a shapeless puff, but a figured woman with rounded proportional shapes and a thin waist.

A survey by German sociologists of men regarding the ideal female figure showed very interesting results. It turns out that the male ideal varies depending on the social status in the country.

In wartime or in the event of a financial crisis, the eyes of men are turned to magnificent forms, and in peacetime - to thin ladies. So do not worry too much about the extra 2-3 kg of weight gain, the main thing is that the figure is toned and the body is healthy. To do this, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle, give preference to natural products and play sports.

A beautiful female figure through the eyes of men in this useful video:

Women's beauty through the eyes of men in different countries of the world:

Mother nature rewarded women with completely different figures. In today's world, you can meet slender, plump, thin, round-shouldered, tall and short girls. And what is the result? Do you think that the ideal figure for a girl is the parameters 90-60-90 in combination with long legs? This is a profound delusion!

Each man has his own ideal, someone loves chubby, someone vice versa - thin, someone likes tall, and someone short individuals. As they say, "There are no comrades for the taste and color"! This proverb is just right here. But be that as it may, there are certain parameters of the female body that bring it closer to a certain ideal.

So what kind of figure should a girl have so that all the men around her admire her? Let's join you and look into this very important issue.

Female attractiveness is a very difficult question, therefore it is impossible to unequivocally state that the parameters of beauty should be the same. Because one man likes a woman, and another will be absolutely indifferent to her. But, despite this, there is still a type of female figure that almost all men like.

When it comes to the ideal figure, the numbers “90-60-90” immediately pop up in our heads. But we assure you, these parameters are not at all necessary in order to have a beautiful and attractive figure. The whole secret is that ideality lies in the harmony of the figure and proportions, that's all.

The big mistake is that many focus on certain parts of the body. For example, a man says: I'm attracted to girls with big boobs”, But this does not mean that he is delighted with a 100 kg individual with a huge bust. Or here's another: I like long legged girls”, but not the fact that he will meet with a volleyball or basketball player.

So, there are several main types of female figure. Each of which has its own parameters that deserve the attention of many men. However, there are also negative aspects that need to be taken into account. Let's try to figure out what the ideal figure looks like, and what type you are.

What attracts men to a female figure the most?

There are several parameters in our appearance with you, which the opposite sex pays attention to in the first place. On a subconscious level, men immediately evaluate attractiveness, but not every one of them can fully explain the results of this assessment. So what kind of figure attracts men?

For many years, scientists have tried to understand this issue.

Today, according to men, these are the parameters that an ideal woman should have:

  • Slim waist and wide rounded hips.
    Thanks to these parameters, men understand that the girl is already ready for procreation, but also does not yet have her own babies. What does it mean? For most men, this woman will be of increased interest in terms of procreation.
  • A remarkable bust against the background of a thin waist and graceful arms.
    Today, the topic of lush breasts creates a lot of controversial issues around itself. But the only thing that can be clearly said is that the expressive bust is a subconscious stimulant, because it “speaks” of readiness to feed children. However, there are some contradictions, because the bust begins to form from the age of 12-14, and sometimes even teenagers already have quite attractive forms. If we talk about numbers, then chest size 3-4 (with a thin waist) attracts the opposite sex in overwhelming numbers. And those who like 2-3 bust sizes with a thin waist are called “Man-Father” in psychology. Well, whoever likes a very expressive chest, more than 4 sizes, is called "Man-son."
  • Long legs.
    But it does not specifically refer to the legs themselves. Ideal, for the subconscious of men, are legs that are longer than half of the girl's entire height. Therefore, in men, a stop signal is triggered at the sight of a short girl with short legs. Why is that? This is connected, again, with the subconscious, because such parameters are more similar to children's, which is why men think that this person is not yet old enough for childbearing.

Summing up the above, we can conclude about the ideal dimensions of a female figure: a medium-sized bust, a thin waist, wide and slightly rounded hips, legs that are longer than ½ of the girl’s entire height.

However, not every woman has such parameters, and besides, there are world-famous persons who are recognized as beauties, but they do not have these proportions.

Body types and proportions of the ideal figure

According to studies that have taken place over the years, three types of female physique can be distinguished:

  • Hypersthenic.
    This type is characterized by a strong physique. Due to the fact that women of this type have a slow metabolism, they are prone to being overweight. Hypersthenic girls have lush breasts and hips with a thin waist. It is this figure that men have liked for many years (unless, of course, there is excess weight).
  • Normosthenic.
    Women of this physique have a pronounced waist, noticeable hips and breasts.
  • Asthenic.
    These are, as a rule, tall girls with a narrowed chest. The chest size of the asthenic type is small, the hips are narrow, and the arms and legs are slightly elongated. The fat layer is practically absent. Many years ago, this particular figure was ideal.

Want to find out what type you are? Then you just need to measure the circumference of your wrist. If this indicator is from 14 to 16 cm, then you belong to the asthenic type. Normostenics are characterized by a circumference from 16 to 18.5 cm. Well, in hypersthenics it is over 18.5 cm.

In addition to parameters, there are also body proportions that play an important role when choosing a woman for a man.

Let's talk about leg length. In hypersthenics, the normal length of the legs is half the height, add 14-35 mm. For individuals belonging to the normosthenic type, this figure is equal to half the height, add 35-55 mm. Are you an asthenic type? Then, to calculate the ideal leg length, add 55-90 mm to half your height.

If you measure your legs at home, then you need to do this while standing, from the floor to the protrusion of the hip bone.

As for the waist, it should be 14% smaller than the circumference of the hips. For example, if your hip circumference is 120 cm, then your waist should be approximately 103 cm.

An important criterion for an ideal figure is the proportionality of the hips and height. These criteria are determined by physiology and meet aesthetic requirements. The ideal figure for a girl of 14-16 years old is the circumference of the hips - 51-52% of the total height. Up to 30 years, this figure should be 53-54% with an asthenic type, 55-55.5% with an average constitution and 56-56.5 with a strong body structure. After 30 years, these figures increase slightly by 3% each. Well, for those who are over 45 years old, these figures increase by another 2%.

If we talk about weight, then there is a table that you can find on the Internet yourself.

Create yourself

What nature has given us cannot be changed, as in principle, the length of the legs and arms (unless, of course, resorting to surgical intervention). But you can work on the forms and even pump up your chest today is not a problem. How long do you think it will take to achieve the perfect figure at home? No, not as much as you might think.

However, in order for classes at home to be as effective as possible, it is necessary to adjust your diet, bringing it as close as possible to the “correct” one. If you have problems with excess weight, then you should contact a qualified dietitian. Ideally, for every kilogram of weight should be about 50 kcal.

So, in order to achieve forms that are as close as possible to ideal, at home you need to choose a program of physical exercises. If you have perseverance, then you can achieve the perfect figure by doing just 14 minutes a day.

So, we offer you a set of exercises that you can do at home:

  1. 45 seconds of intense walking alternate with 45 seconds of running, with knees high. Duration - 6 minutes.
  2. We put the feet in parallel, 14 cm wide. We take dumbbells weighing from 1 to 3 kg in our hands and press them to the shoulders. Then we squat, and raise our hands up. Duration - 2 minutes.
  3. We do push-ups 3 sets of 14 times, so that it takes you 2 minutes (with small breaks).
  4. We do lunges with each leg so that the thigh is parallel to the floor. Duration - 1 minute.
  5. We swing the press -3 sets of 14 times in intensive mode to invest in 1 minute.
  6. We sit on a chair and perform turns from side to side, while the back should be straight. This will help make your waist look slimmer. Duration - 1 minute.
  7. We make bends. Lie down on your stomach and raise your legs, arms and upper body at the same time. Duration - 1 minute.

We sincerely wish all women to have perfect figures!

Even without being obsessed with their appearance, both men and women would not mind getting an ideal figure. But it is the beautiful part of humanity that is most often concerned with how to bring the body to the parameters of the models. However, we are mistaken, believing that the ideal girl should easily fit into any women's clothing presented on the catwalks. In matters of beauty, proportionality is much more important than outright thinness. If you understand that your figure is far from perfect and want to fix it, then you first need to understand what parameters you want to achieve. The tables of proportionality of the female figure will help in their determination.

Ideal figure

The question of whose body is beautiful, and whose body is not very, is very controversial. The main thing is that a person likes his own reflection in the mirror! But among the ladies there are especially meticulous ones who just need to have a perfect figure in order to sleep peacefully.

The basis of many sciences was the rule of the "golden section", derived by ancient mathematicians: In a proportionally built person, most parts of the body have such proportions of the "golden section": the smaller part is related to the larger one, as the larger one is to their total size.

For example, the elbow bend divides the arm in the "golden section" in the same way as the knee divides the leg. Everyone knows the square and circle of Leonardo da Vinci: the silhouette of a proportionally folded person, standing legs apart, arms to the sides, can be inscribed in a square; without changing the position of the center of gravity, the silhouette of a person, together with a square, can be inscribed in a circle.

So, a proportional figure is one in which all parts of the body are proportional to each other:
- the circumference of the hand clenched into a fist is equal to the length of the foot;
- neck circumference is half the waist circumference;
- the circumference of the wrist is two times less than the circumference of the neck;
- the length of the foot is equal to the length of the forearm;
Shoulder width is equal to 1/4 of the body length.

If you turn to the first table, you can not only determine the proportional ratio of the wrist and lower leg, but also determine the type of your physique. From this table, you can understand how perfect your calves are. For example, with a height of 1.7 m and a wrist circumference of 16 cm, a calf circumference of 32.5 cm would be ideal.

Quite often you can hear how someone writes off the flaws of the figure and their own laziness on the type of figure: “I'm not fat. I have a big bone! In fact, the girth of the wrist is a fairly accurate measurement zone for determining wide-bonedness - after all, there is very little fat on the wrist and almost one bone is measured.

If we have established what type your figure belongs to (thin-boned, normal bone, wide-boned), then we can proceed to the formula for determining the ideal weight:

Body weight \u003d height (in centimeters) / 1000 * k, where k is the weight-height coefficient (g / cm).

    • The recommended weight-height coefficient (g/cm) is determined from the table:

Calculation of ideal body weight

The most popular Quetelet index:

For example, if your weight is 60 kg, your height is 1.70 m, then the Quetelet index is 20.76.

It can be formulated in another way: the mass of a thin-boned woman should be 315–335 g per centimeter of height; with a normal bone width - 340-360 grams; broad-boned - 365–385 g.

Those. if you have a normal-boned physique and a height of 170 cm, then ideally you should weigh: 0.340 (0.360) * 170 \u003d 58 (61) kg, in other words 60 kg +/- 1 kg.

An index in the range of 19–25 is considered normal. An index of about 19 is ideal weight, more than 25 is already obese (unless you are a powerlifter girl).

This formula has a fair degree of accuracy for average people, but is not suitable for athletes as it does not give an accurate ratio of fat to muscle in the body. It happens that thin-looking girls have decent fat folds and almost undeveloped muscles.

Other indicators of the ideal figure:

    • Chest circumference, calculated depending on height, age and body type:

    • Waist circumference, calculated depending on height:

    • Hip circumference, calculated depending on height, age and body type:

Back in the 15th century, the legendary Italian artist Leonardo da Vinci repeatedly proved that a person is proportional. Banal volumes ideal for everyone are not zombie numbers 90-60-90, which is what all girls strive for. If we talk about the ideal on the part of men, then they don’t talk about exemplary outlines of body parts at all, they don’t have something specific or universal. An attractive and appetizing figure can easily be possessed by a plump young lady or a miniature girl of short stature.

Now any girl can become more attractive. Just using effective diets and exercises for the buttocks. By changing your lifestyle, many men will not take their eyes off you.

The ideal figure of a girl photo

Normosthenic type of girl- This is a mesomorph that has proportionality. They can easily gain excess weight, but after a set of exercises, the gained fats quickly disappear.

Asthenic type- an ectomorph that has thin bones. The girl has long and thin limbs. There are practically no fat deposits. Although by nature such girls have weak muscles, she is mobile and energetic. This type is often shown to us with a height of 165 to 175 centimeters and a weight of 50 kilograms. A fast metabolism in the body blocks the storage of fat, so it is difficult to gain weight.

Hypersthenic type- endormorph. Girls with this figure have a wide bone. Often they look massive, they have a lush chest and hips, shoulders stand out from other outlines.

Everyone has their own proportions of the ideal figure in their heads.

Interestingly, to determine the type of figure in a girl, the wrist is measured. For example: if up to 160, then this is an ectomorph young lady, if from 160 to 185, then the girl is a mesomorph, but more than 185 is an endomorph.

Leg length and height of the girl.

Long-legged girls can be short, or vice versa, legs are short, but the growth is large. Traditional classification:

  • up to 150 cm - the young lady has a short stature;
  • from 151 to 156 - below average;
  • from 157 to 167 - average height;
  • from 168 to 175 - high growth;
  • above 176 - very high growth.

As for the limbs, but if 1/2 of the height is less than the length of the limbs, then this is a short-legged girl.

The ideal weight for a woman is a table based on height and age

There is no such girl on Earth who would be 100% satisfied with her weight, often they always have extra 3-4 kilograms. Many researchers have long deduced the correct formula for ideal weight. It is necessary to consider the total mass, which will not harm health.

How to calculate the correct weight:

  1. A common method: Weight = height - 110 cm. This result is an effective lady from 40 to 50 years old. For young ladies from 20 to 30, it is required to subtract 10%;
  2. This seemingly complex form was invented by scientists from America. You need to subtract 150 from your height and then multiply by 0.75, what happened you need to add 50;

Ratios, bust, hips and waist.

After a long study, the best scientists have come to a consensus that excess weight around the waist brings unpleasant discomfort and women are exposed to dangerous diseases. In cases of a large layer of fat on the abdomen, it is serious to get diabetes.

Well, now the interesting thing is that for men the most attractive part of the body is the chest, although if you interview the current generation, then the lush buttocks. Proportions:

  • the ideal proportions are from 60 to 63 cm at the waist, and the hips should exceed 25-30 cm. For the asthenic type of girls;
  • for normosthenic structures, then the waist is from 69 to 75 cm, and the hips are 25-30 more. The chest should be in girth 1/2 larger than height up to 5 cm;
  • the hypersthenic type of the figure considers the chest to be ideal with a ratio of 1/2 more than 10 cm in height. Waist from 70 to 75.

The ideal female figure according to men

And now the most curious thing is that men themselves like it. According to the latest sociological surveys, men prefer a physique that looks like an hourglass. This type of figure subconsciously enables the girl to have healthy offspring. Men choose it instinctively. If there is no hourglass shape, then a strong one chooses young ladies with long legs.

Why does the same dress look different on you and your friend, even if the weight and height are the same? It turns out that you just have different types of female figures. The specific type of figure will depend on the characteristics of the development / structure of various tissues of the body (muscle, fat, bone), which is largely determined by genetics, although it can be adjusted through exercise and diet.

All women are beautiful and individual. Each body has its pros and cons. Therefore, in order to train more efficiently, choose the right outfits and look more attractive, you need to know your body type. How to define it? Today we will find out.

The figure is the original physique that was given by your parents (“inheritance”, so to speak), because it is more determined by genetics than lifestyle. Exercise and proper nutrition can only maintain a figure, while metabolism, fat distribution and muscle structure are extremely difficult to change without aggressive measures.

There are no ideal body types, but you can get closer to the ideal using various methods - sports and, again, proper nutrition. Although the right choice of clothes also plays an important role.

On a note! Ideas about the ideal female figure are constantly changing. So, in prehistoric times, very large women were considered attractive. In ancient times, the standard of beauty was a slender and graceful woman with long legs and small breasts.

Medieval beauty is, first of all, a mother. And therefore, the ideal figure of that time provided for the presence of a rounded belly, not very pronounced waist and hips - in a word, nothing feminine. This went on for a long time, but in the twentieth century, the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ideal figure changed dramatically. Women with a flat stomach and long slender legs began to be considered beautiful. Then, in fact, the stereotype “90/60/90” appeared. But in reality, it is not so much individual parameters that are important, but their proportion.

For this reason, they began to classify the typical features of female figures. This classification is based precisely on the proportional ratio of shoulders, waist and hips. To be honest, it is not the only one (read more about other classifications below), but we will still start with the classics. According to tradition, female figures are compared either with vegetables / fruits, or with geometric figures, or with the letters of the Latin alphabet.

Why is 90/60/90 the standard for the perfect figure?

How to determine your body type?

According to the features mentioned above, there are 5 main types of female figures:

  • "apple";
  • "hourglass";
  • "triangle";
  • "rectangle";
  • inverted triangle.

If you want to know which type you belong to, you must prepare a centimeter tape and take only 3 measurements.

  1. Hips. Determine the volume of the hips at their widest part, making sure that the centimeter tape is parallel to the floor.
  2. Waist. Determine its volume by the narrowest part (slightly above the navel), while the stomach can neither protrude nor retract.
  3. Breast. Determine the volume over a regular non-push-up bra, focusing on the most protruding point. Keep the tape parallel to the floor.

After that, you can start evaluating your results.

  1. If the volume of the hips and chest is approximately the same, and the waist is 20-30 cm smaller, then you have an hourglass figure.
  2. If your legs are slender, and your stomach, waist and chest stand out the most, then you have an "apple" ("circle").
  3. If the volume of the hips and chest is approximately the same, and the waist does not really stand out against their background, then you are a real “rectangle”.
  4. If your shoulders look wider than your hips, and your chest is larger than your lower body, then you are the owner of a T-shaped figure (i.e., an “inverted triangle”).
  5. Finally, if the waist is visible, and the volume of the chest is less than the volume of the hips, then you are a “pear” (“triangle”).

Now let's get acquainted with the features of each of the types of female figures in more detail.

No. 1. "Hourglass" (other names: "guitar", "X figure", "eight")

The classic type of figure, the notorious "90/60/90" - this is just about him. Such women are distinguished by an equal volume of shoulders and hips, a clearly defined waist. In a word, the parameters are proportional. Excess fat, if it appears, is distributed over the hips and chest, although there are disadvantages here. So, "guitars" with extra weight can suffer from "ears" (this is also called "full hourglass"). However, in this case, the woman does not lose her thin waist.

On a note! The X-shaped figure was considered the ideal during Antiquity. And if you belong to the group of "eights", then we hasten to please: the main thing in your case is not to violate the harmonious proportions of the hips, waist and chest.

Wardrobe selection

The main task is to maintain the harmony of the bottom and top, emphasizing the curves. The X-shaped figure is good because almost any clothing is suitable for it., but in order to emphasize the curves of the body as profitably as possible, we recommend giving preference to:

  • fitted silhouettes;
  • belt at the waist as an additional accessory;
  • coats, blouses and raincoats with belts and A home;
  • high-waisted trousers/jeans;
  • dresses and sweaters with a round or V-neck;
  • pencil skirt.

Clothes that are not suitable for this type of figure:

  • low-rise trousers/jeans;
  • baggy outfits that hide the silhouette;
  • blouses / dresses with low / high waist;
  • straight-cut outerwear.

Proper training

To maintain a figure, strength training should be interspersed with cardio training. You can resort to any kind of cardiovascular activity (two half-hour sessions per week are enough).

On a note! The most famous representatives of the G8 include Monica Bellucci, Marilyn Monroe, Jessica Simpson, Sophia Loren, Halle Berry, Scarlett Johansson, Kim Kardashian.

No. 2. "Rectangle" (other names: "square", "banana", "slender column", H-shaped figure)

In "rectangles", as noted earlier, the hips and chest are equal in volume, and the waist is either not expressed at all, or it is expressed, but weakly (for example, 70 cm with a chest volume of 94 cm). Obviously, this is a more athletic and athletic physique (compared to the same “eight”), in addition, it is possible to visually increase the insufficient waist bend. Emphasizing the features of the figure in this case is to maintain the harmony of the hips and shoulders, the visual narrowing of the waist. This can be achieved by creating additional volume elsewhere.

When a woman with such a figure gains weight, her silhouette becomes rectangular or O-shaped. Fat is deposited on the abdomen, forming a kind of "lifeline".

Wardrobe selection

Attention is focused on beautiful legs and waist, balance is maintained between the lower and upper parts of the body. Best for "rectangles" fit:

  • capris or classic straight trousers;
  • coat with a belt, fitted outerwear;
  • tops with thin straps;
  • jeans or tight-fitting trousers with a low / medium fit;
  • outerwear (including jackets) with a straight shoulder line;
  • A-line skirt;
  • dresses with zap A hom or without straps.

At the same time, owners of an H-shaped figure are advised to refuse:

  • oversized or baggy clothes;
  • pencil skirts;
  • outfits that open the stomach too much;
  • leggings;
  • dresses and outerwear of straight styles;
  • turtleneck;
  • tops, T-shirts with a neckline or sleeveless.

Proper training

To correct such a figure, cardio activity should be minimized, using mainly a stepper. The waist can be created with the help of exercises for the press and the use of a hula hoop. It is important that the workouts are intense, but short. Each muscle group should receive its load weekly.

On a note! Famous "rectangles" are: Mila Jovovich, Anna Kournikova, Nicole Kidman, Cameron Diaz, Keira Knightley.

No. 3. "Pear" (other names: "triangle", "spoon", "trapezoid", A-shaped figure)

It is rightfully considered the most feminine. It is characterized by rounded lush hips, slightly exceeding the shoulders in volume. In this case, the abdomen is usually flat, and the waist is quite thin.

Often pear women cannot boast of large breasts- they often have it flat, but a plastic surgeon, as you know, easily solves such problems. We also note that with such a figure, torturing yourself with diets does not make sense. The A-shaped figure is preserved both with excess and with model weight. Therefore, it is better to draw attention to beautiful hands, collarbones or neck, for which you just need to use the right clothes.

Wardrobe selection

The main goal is to balance the hips by focusing on the upper body. For this you can use:

  • A-line coat, fitted outerwear;
  • jeans/trousers that flare down;
  • any fitted outfits with false shoulders (jackets, blazers, etc.);
  • dark trousers/jeans with a straight cut;
  • tops, blouses and T-shirts (sleeveless, off the shoulder or wide neckline);
  • a pencil skirt or an A-line skirt.
  • long straight coats, baggy outfits;
  • skirts / trousers with numerous weighting elements (lace, pleats, ruffles);
  • turtlenecks, blouses and tops with a neckline;
  • fluffy skirts (including flared ones), trousers with decorative elements on the belt/pockets;
  • massive and bright belts on the hips;
  • tight-fitting trousers (especially light-colored ones).

Proper training

To adjust the lower part, you can perform squats (the pace should be moderate), lunges and leg extensions on the simulator. Moreover, to achieve better results, squats can be combined into long series (10-15 repetitions each).

On a note! Among celebrities, the owners of such a figure are: Christina Aguilera, Rihanna, Jennifer Lopez, Beyoncé.

No. 4. "Inverted Triangle" (other names: T-shaped figure, "carrot", Y-shaped figure)

Women with this type of figure have narrow hips and broad shoulders. Legs are often leaner and longer than others. Various stylistic techniques allow you to visually increase the hips, reduce the shoulders and emphasize the waist. The best option for this is a straight cut, maximum details on the hips and a minimum in the chest area.

Wardrobe selection

The main goal is to balance the top and bottom, while you should not forget about the waist either. The most suitable clothing for this:

  • trapeze coat;
  • A-line skirts with large pockets or pleats;
  • blouses, tops and dresses with square or U-shaped necklines;
  • large thigh straps;
  • low-rise jeans/trousers;
  • tops/dresses with a frill below the waist.

However, it is advisable to avoid:

  • long skirts and pencil skirts;
  • straight long coats;
  • straight dark trousers;
  • baggy outerwear;
  • blouses and tops with a wide boat neckline;
  • jackets and blouses with voluminous sleeves;
  • voluminous bright jumpers / sweaters;
  • off-the-shoulder outfits.

Note! Famous owners of the T-shaped figure are: Angelina Jolie, Katherine McPhee, Demi Moore.

No. 5. "Apple" (other names: O-figure, "oval", "circle", "rhombus")

When compared with other types of female figures, this one is the most disproportionate, but it was precisely such women that were sung on the canvases of Rubens. The most prominent part of the body of the "apples" is the middle, i.e., the stomach and waist. The thighs and legs are relatively thin, as is the sirloin. In the case of weight gain, fat accumulates in this prominent part. Type of female figure "apple"

Wardrobe selection

The main task is to “stretch” the figure, emphasize the legs, neckline, and define the waist. To do this, it is preferable to use:

  • plain outfits with vertical tucks;
  • A-line coat, A-shaped outerwear;
  • outfits with large elements below the hips;
  • V-neck tops/blouses;
  • dresses with A-line silhouettes;
  • jeans/trousers with large pockets and flares.

At the same time, they are definitely not suitable for "apples":

  • tight skirts and pencils;
  • baggy clothes;
  • skinny jeans/trousers or low-rise;
  • short tops, turtlenecks;
  • outfits with ruffles, bright prints or decorative details on the stomach/shoulders.

Body type "apple": make up a basic wardrobe

Proper training

Weight loss requires regular cardio activity - for example, on a stepper or a treadmill. The waist can be shaped with a hoop and exercises for the abdominal muscles.

On a note! The most famous "apples": Britney Spears, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Jessica Jones.

Video - Types of female figures

Metabolic typing of female forms

As already noted, the above classification is not the only one. Below is another one - by metabolic types. Let's get acquainted with it in more detail.

Table. Metabolic types of figures.

Name, photoShort description
The dominant gland in such women is the pituitary gland. Metabolism in this case is slow and sluggish, fat accumulates well, fluid is also retained well. Such ladies tend to be overweight since childhood. The type echoes the previously described "apple".
The dominant gland is the thyroid. The weight of such women is usually normal, often they even have a thin physique. This type has something in common with the "rectangle". Women look "boyish", have narrow shoulders, small breasts and sharp limbs.
The most feminine type. The activity of female hormones and ovaries is dominant. It is somewhat reminiscent of an "hourglass" and a "pear". Adipose tissue is distributed mainly on the buttocks and thighs.
The figure of such women is very similar to that of men - the shoulders are wide, the hips are narrow. Similar to the "inverted triangle". The predominant gland is the adrenal glands, which produce androgens.

How to determine the type of figure on the wrist?

This is really possible - according to the wrist, the body type is determined in medicine (especially in obstetrics). The size of the wrist indicates the thickness of the woman's bones in this part of the body. In this regard, the type of figure can be:

  • asthenic;
  • hypersthenic;
  • normosthenic.

The circumference of the wrist is an indicator also known as the Solovyov index. In the first case, it is less than 15, in the second - over 17, and in the third - from 15 to 17, respectively.

About new types of female figures

Few people know, but recently the female figure has changed so much that scientists had to supplement the usual classification with several new “vegetables”. This is, first of all, "nutmeg gourd". Something similar to an hourglass, but with a wider waist (over 25 cm - about 20-25 cm).

There is another figure "eggplant"- in fact, the same "pear", only the waist is not so pronounced. And finally "broccoli"- a type of figure resembling a "carrot", but with a more voluminous chest. By the way, thanks to plastic surgery, any “carrot” can quickly turn into “broccoli”.

Video - Choosing a dress depending on the type of figure

As a conclusion

As a result, we note that any female figure changes over time, far from being for the better. This is common knowledge. But Japanese scientists have found that age-related changes occur in a certain sequence. It looks like this.
