History of the electric light bulb for children. How to choose a good table lamp for a schoolchild What light is best for a schoolchild

Hello, dear readers! As the conversation continues, topics gradually emerge, clinging to each other, for a closer look at the details.

An organizational component that meets all orthopedic requirements, when “everything is at hand” is undoubtedly important. Ensuring not only comfort, but also a healthy future for our children is the main task of parents when planning a home school corner. And today lighting sources came into my field of vision. We will talk about how to choose a table lamp for a schoolchild.

Lesson plan:

The simpler the design, the better!

How do we usually select interior items? That's right, first of all, in terms of beauty. This applies to any household item and table lamps as well. After all, the human gaze always first clings to appearance.

Here he is, standing all so shiny and bright! We can already see our new firefly on the desktop, in our thoughts it fits perfectly into the interior. It would seem that the choice has been made. But no! Almost before the checkout, we suddenly begin to ask questions to the sellers and think about what we would like from our purchase: this and that.

When starting our search, in order to narrow down the circle of potential purchases, we go in the direction where lamps with flexible tripods stand and patiently wait for their owners.

Why? These easy-to-use gutta-percha acrobats, once and for all screwed to the school table, with a light touch of the hand change their location in no time, either boldly looking straight into your eyes, or timidly lowering their luminous gaze down. Glowing assistants on a clothespin can also come under your gaze: they are quite mobile.

Please note that the length of the flexible neck of the purchased lamp must be at least 30 cm, and when selecting a light source for working with a computer, you must proceed from the fact that its height should ensure its location above the monitor.

Spotlights on the stadium. On the school table modestly and comfortably!

A table lamp is not a lighting device that requires a powerful lighting effect. It will be correct if the number of light units in a light bulb does not exceed 100 Watts. However, everything is individual: for some people even 60W is enough, for others such lighting will not be enough.

In any case, when choosing the power of an artificial light source, we are guided by children’s feelings and the size of the working surface. The larger the table, the more watts will be required.

Whatever light bulb you choose for a table lamp, you need to remember that with each increase in its power, the emitted thermal effect also increases, causing fatigue in the child. Another consequence of the powerful impact is overheating of lampshades and lampshades.

Energy-saving fluorescent lamps can save parents' wallets, but they usually produce an unnatural bluish light and are made with mercury, so such sources are not the best option for a children's accessory. Your eyes will quickly get tired of the flickering effect of a table lamp with daylight.

Experts recommend opting for conventional incandescent lamps. Matte sources provide a more even, calm light. LED lamps have earned good reviews: they are a little expensive, but they last much longer and consume much less, justifying their price.

A little tip: a table lamp with adjustable power is the perfect solution!

The information on the base about the emission spectrum is not provided by the manufacturers as an autograph. Thus, the abbreviation LBH means that the light bulb will emit cold white light. LDs are sources of daytime radiation. From a light bulb marked LTB you can get white, but already matte light; it is their radiation that is more similar to natural, therefore such LTB carriers are the best option.

Pay attention to the outerwear of the lamp

What your future assistant in the fight against darkness is wearing is no less important than all other characteristics. A trapezoidal or cone-shaped lampshade is exactly what is optimal for lighting a school desk. Both in choosing the color scheme of school furniture and when choosing the color of the shade of a table lamp, preference should be given to pastel colors.

Have you ever wondered what lampshades are made of? Of course, the choice here is not very large: it can be glass, fabric, metal or plastic. I think that a practical parent for a school light source is unlikely to agree to a fabric dust collector, although they distribute their light quite well. Other materials also have their own characteristics.

Where should the new glowing tenant settle?

After spending a certain amount of time in the store, carefully poking around among the many table fireflies, you finally, happy and satisfied, go home with your purchase and place it on the school table. Are you doing it correctly, screwing the glowing friend on the left? Or maybe it should be on the right?

Where the lighting fixture should be depends on which hand the child has as a working hand. For a classic right-hander, a table lamp will take root in the left corner. Unique left-handers place artificial light on the right side. There is only one option that suits both: mounting the lamp in the middle of the desktop.

Alternatively, the light source can move from the surface of the table to a nearby shelf or cabinet, if its design allows it to provide adequate illumination of the working surface. Why not? The main thing is that while the child is at his workplace, the table lamp should not be the only source of lighting in the entire room.

Perhaps Elena Malysheva and her team of doctors can add their two cents to our conversation today. Let's watch the video!

These are the rules for lighting devices that apply for a school desk. Of course, the best table lamp for your young schoolchild is the one that meets all the requirements we have listed and was chosen by the child himself. You still have time, hurry up and shop. At the same time, tell us how difficult it is to find the lamp of your dreams.

Good luck with your preparation for school!

Always yours, Evgenia Klimkovich.

Objectives of the game lesson for preschoolers:

  • , rules for safe behavior with household electrical appliances;
  • , imagination and speech; develop the ability to classify household appliances;
  • support children’s desire to follow the game plot, help the game character, show intelligence, resourcefulness, and goodwill.

Game equipment:

  • didactic box “Identify by touch!”;
  • cards with a schematic image of a toy;
  • pictures for the game “The Story of a Light Bulb” (sun, fire, torch, candle, kerosene lamp, modern light bulb);
  • sets of counting sticks.

Progress of the game session

Educator (B). Guys, listen... Is someone crying?

Fits into a closed box. The teacher looks into the box.

Guess what I saw in this box:

The sun was shining brightly,

But when it left,

We immediately felt sad

Very gloomy and dark.

Only I don’t get discouraged -

And quickly turn on the light.

The sun lives in a vase,

The vase shines with wonderful light!

This is it, magical

The sun is electric!

Who will help us answer,

What kind of vase is shining for us?

Children. This is a lamp! (Children find a model of a light bulb in the box).

IN. Light bulb, why are you here? Why are you crying? Guys, what do you think could have happened to this light bulb? (She got lost, she was forgotten, she was left alone, etc.)

Let's ask her herself.

Bulb. Oh, I’m unhappy... Everyone forgot about me, abandoned me, left me... I lived in a house with a large and friendly family: a girl Anya, a boy Vanya, their mother and father, grandparents. But they really offended me...

The girl Anya went to kindergarten and was a terrible coward.

IN. Children, why do you think the light bulb could be offended by the girl Anya? (The girl Anya was afraid of the dark and did not turn off the light in the room even during the day).

Guys, are any of you afraid of the dark? What could be scary in the dark? (You can fall, hit yourself, get hurt; you can be scared of an unfamiliar object, etc.)

Let's try to imagine ourselves in this girl's place.

Let's play game "Dark Room".

Target: develop the ability to recognize familiar objects in a darkened room; stimulate the development of visual and tactile perception, develop the ability to correlate a schematic image with an object.

Game actions: recognize an object by touch and name it.

IN. Sometimes there is an accident at a power plant, a power line breaks. People in houses have to do something in the dark. For example, find a candle, matches. Have you ever tried turning off the lights in the whole house in the evening? How did you feel? What does a person do in this case?

Children. It immediately becomes dark, uncomfortable and even a little scary. You have to walk with your arm stretched out in front of you so as not to bump into the furniture, as if you were going blind! Even when your eyes get used to the darkness, you cannot find your favorite toy, read, draw, you stumble where you would never have stumbled during the day... You want to turn on the light as soon as possible.

IN. Imagine that you are in a dark room. This box for your hands is a large dark room. There are various items there.

Each of you receives a card with one of the items on it. You need to find by touch the same object in this “dark room”.

IN. Guys, I see that you are not afraid of the dark at all! Well done. What can we advise a girl so that Light Bulb doesn’t get offended? (Turn on the light only when necessary).

Bulb. Well, guys, is it convenient to play, read, work without light? You understand what an electric lamp is for! (It is needed in order to provide light wherever a person is - at home, on the street, in transport and other places).

Ancient people lived in caves and did without electric light. How did they illuminate their home? (Kostroma). Do you know my ancestors - how did people illuminate their homes at different times?

IN. Guys, let's tell the light bulb its story!

Word game "The Story of a Light Bulb"

Target: consolidate children's ideas about the history of the appearance of the electric light bulb; stimulate the development of coherent speech.

Game actions: select cards in accordance with the appearance of an object in people’s lives, make a chain and talk about the object.

Material: pictures for the game “The Story of a Light Bulb.”

Educator. How was human housing illuminated before the advent of electric light? Remember the stories you wrote about the history of the light bulb with your parents.

Sample stories from children:

The child displays the “sun” picture first: “Before man learned to use fire, the only source of light for him was the sun. But when night came, people were threatened by wild animals that could see well in the dark and could attack a person. If night found people in the forest, they could get lost and not find their way home.”

The second picture is a “bonfire”: “When a person learned to make fire and preserve it, the fire became both light and warmth for a person in the cave. It burned in the cave, providing both light and warmth, and served as protection from predators.”

The third picture is a “spray”: “Then people illuminated their homes with splinters. This is the most ordinary sliver, only pointed at the end. Usually the torch was made from birch: this tree burns better than others. One end of the torch was fixed, and the other was lit. There is little light from the torch, it burns quickly and smokes heavily, it had to be changed often, to ensure that there is no fire.”

Picture “candle”: “People learned to make candles from beeswax that burned longer than a torch. Inside the candle there is a wick made of thread. This very convenient invention is used and today they are often used as New Year's gifts.

Why do you think a candle is inconvenient?

Children. You can burn yourself with it, it can cause a fire, it smokes, and gives off little light.

Picture “kerosene lamp”: “Gradually people learned to extract various minerals: coal and oil. Then kerosene lamps appeared, in which the flame can be made stronger or smaller at the owner’s request. It was economical and convenient. Behind the glass flask the flame became safe.”

Was the kerosene lamp comfortable? Why?

Children. The kerosene lamp did not illuminate the room well; kerosene had to be constantly poured into it. If someone accidentally knocked over a lamp, the kerosene would spill and a fire would break out.

Picture “light bulb”: “When man learned about electricity, he invented the light bulb. It still illuminates our apartments and streets. Now there are many different beautiful lamps in our homes - which ones do you know? (Chandeliers, sconces, table lamps, floor lamps).

Bulb. Thank you guys, I'm so glad to hear from you! It turns out you know a lot about me...

IN. Why are you sad again?

Bulb. Many people know about electricity, about my history, but... they don’t feel sorry for me, they don’t know how to use it correctly. For example, the boy Vanya had a lot of battery-powered toys. But he broke them all...

IN. Why could the light bulb be offended by the boy Vanya? (When his parents didn’t see him, Vanya unscrewed all the light bulbs from his toys). Guys, why can't you do this? (The toy gets damaged, the light bulb can get damaged, break, this action is dangerous for children, etc.).

Where else can we find a light bulb?

Game “Where does the Light Bulb live?”

Target: consolidate children’s ideas about electrical appliances, stimulate the development of coherent speech.

Game actions: select pictures depicting objects that have a light bulb, indicate its place on the object using a small symbol, and explain its purpose.

Material: pictures depicting various objects; red cardboard circle.

IN. Find in the pictures only those objects that may contain a light bulb. Mark this picture with a red circle. Explain why this object needs a light bulb.

Pictures: refrigerator, table, TV, bookshelf, vacuum cleaner, fur coat, telephone, vase, stove, book, iron, carpet, battery-powered toys, flashlight, computer, audio recorder, radio, player, alarm device, mixer, etc.

IN. A light bulb is a necessary element of any electrical appliance.

Bulb. The mother in this family works all day at work, but what else does she have to do at home? (Washes, cooks, cleans, sews, etc.)

IN. Why could Lampochka be offended by Anya and Vanya’s mother? (Included simultaneously electrical appliances)

Bulb. Guys, do you think it is always necessary to use an electrical appliance in everyday life? Can mechanical devices be used? Why?

IN. Dear Light Bulb, we are now going to play the game “Find Matching Objects” with the guys, in which you can also participate!

Game "Find matching objects"

Target: consolidate children’s ideas about how to operate various electrical devices, stimulate the development of mental logical operations and coherent speech.

Game actions: The “Good” team names the positive aspects of using a particular household appliance. The “Bad” team finds negative aspects in using the same device.

Material: pictures depicting a variety of household appliances and similar household items.

IN. Choose from a set of pictures pairs of objects that match each other in action. For example, an electric mixer, a mechanical mixer, a whisk.

Vacuum cleaner - beater, broom;

Refrigerator – pantry, cellar;

An electric kettle is an ordinary kettle;

Washing machine - washboard and basin with water;

Dishwasher - kitchen sink;

Toaster – frying pan – grill for fire, etc.

IN. Now do you understand how important the light bulb is in our lives? Without her, the whole world would become dark and gloomy. In order for our world to be illuminated by electricity, we must treat it carefully, economically, be attentive, turn off lights and electrical appliances on time so as not to waste electricity.

Bulb. The dad in this family does not like to fix household electrical appliances. There are a lot of them in the pantry.

IN. Guys, can we help him “fix” all the devices?

Game "Put it out of sticks"»

Target: Exercise children in independently searching for ways to compose figures based on preliminary consideration of the solution.

Game actions: draw up the outline of an object from counting sticks in accordance with the proposed silhouette, make assumptions about the transformation of the figure.

Material: sets of counting sticks.

Progress of the game

IN. Look at the picture - what does it look like? (This is a lamp). The father of these children cannot repair this lamp. Help him correctly arrange the elements from the counting sticks. (Do it together).

Now each of you can choose the lamp you like.

Shows silhouettes of different types of lamps:

Name them.

Children. Floor lamp, sconce, chandelier, table lamp, lantern, etc.

IN. Each of you chose one of these silhouettes. First decide what geometric shapes it consists of? then make the same lamp yourself using counting sticks.

Bulb. Well done boys! What different and beautiful lamps you have created! Among them there are also new - economical light bulbs. But Anya and Vanya’s grandparents do not replace old incandescent light bulbs with new energy-saving ones.

IN. Guys, why do you think? Remember how in our project we explored the differences between a regular incandescent lamp and an energy-saving lamp. Let's try to convince the kids' grandparents of the need to replace old light bulbs.

Game "Finish the sentence"

Target: consolidate children's ideas about ways to save electricity; stimulate the development of logical thinking and coherent speech.

Game actions: come up with a variety of answers to the question asked, finish the sentence started by the teacher.

Material: envelope, cards with questions, unfinished sentences.

Progress of the game

IN. I have an envelope from my grandparents with questions.

The new energy-saving light bulb is better because... (Lights longer than a conventional incandescent lamp, saves energy, has less negative impact on nature, etc.)

Mom and Dad replaced the old light bulbs with energy-saving ones because……..

When leaving the room you need to turn off the light because...

Electricity must be conserved because...

You can’t turn on many electrical appliances at the same time, because...

If you don't turn off the lights day and night, then...

If the light bulbs in the whole house suddenly went out, then...

The lights on the street stopped shining, so... etc.

Bulb. You guys are great!

Educator. Guys, we can pass on to this family our reminders on how to handle electrical appliances, how to save electricity, which you made together with your parents: “When leaving, turn off the lights!”, “Save electricity!”, “Make the right choice!”, “Do not illuminate empty rooms!”, “Don’t turn on many electrical appliances at the same time!” and etc.

1 slide: "Journey into the past light bulbs" (senior preschool age)

2 slide: Target: Introduce children with electrical history light bulbs; evoke a positive emotional attitude, interest in the past of this item.

Move: The teacher begins a conversation with questions: "Guys, you love travel? Would you like to go somewhere interesting today? journey?" In order to find out where we are going, you need to guess puzzles:

3 slide:

1. House is a glass bubble,

And a light lives in it.

During the day he sleeps, but when he wakes up,

It will light up with a bright flame.

2. Miracles on the ceiling -

The sun hung on a string.

3. She hangs idle during the day,

And at night it lights up the house.

Well done! You guessed all the riddles correctly. The answer is the same - electric bulb.

Now we'll go to the past of the light bulb.

4 slide: Look carefully at the objects. What do these items have in common? (they light up and give light).

5 slide: Do you think electric power has always existed? bulb? What do you think the ancient man used to illuminate his cave? He lit a fire in the cave, and the fire made it brighter.

6 slide: A long time ago, people invented torches. Do you know what a torch is? Usually it is a stick with tarred tow wound at the end. They not only walked the streets with torches, but also mounted them on the walls to illuminate the rooms.

7 slide: Then people came up with the torch. It's just a sliver of wood with a pointed end. Usually the torch was made from birch; it burns better. One end of the torch was fixed in a stand, and the other was lit.

8 slide: Then people noticed that if a piece of string was dipped in oil and set on fire, it would burn well and for a long time. This is how buttered ones appeared lamps.

Slide 9: Years have passed, and the man came up with a more convenient object for lighting - a candle. Candles were made from beeswax and lamb fat. Inside the candle there is a wick made of thread.

10 slide: People tried to come up with more convenient lighting for their homes and learned to make kerosene from oil and came up with kerosene lamps.

11 slide: History lamps lasted for several decades. Man was looking for new ways to conveniently illuminate his home. At different times, various discoveries were made that brought closer lamp to modern, a familiar look to everyone. When electricity appeared, then they came up with electric light bulb.

12 slide: A game "Build a path out of past to present» (name the items in the correct order)

Slide 13: Thank you for your attention!

Publications on the topic:

Photo report for the scenario "Travel in a Time Machine" - entertainment according to traffic rules for children of senior preschool age.

Summary of a lesson on cognitive and speech development with children of the senior group “Journey into the past of a light bulb” Goal: formation of a holistic picture of the world, broadening the horizons of children - expanding knowledge about electrical appliances, getting to know the history of electrical appliances.

ECD for children of senior preschool age “Journey to a doll country” Goal: to improve children's knowledge about personal safety rules. Objectives: Continue to teach how to analyze dangerous situations and understand.

GCD for senior preschool age “Journey into the past of hours” TARGET. To instill in children an interest in the work of a watchmaker, to bring them to an understanding: man is a transformer of objects and mechanisms. DICTIONARY.

Outline of educational activities for children of senior preschool age “Journey to the past of paper” SAMPLE OUTLINE OF EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES WITHIN THE FRAMEWORK OF THE PROJECT THEMED WEEK: “BOOKS” Topic: “Journey into the past of paper.”

Holiday "Autumn Journey" for children of senior preschool age Objectives: Continue to expand children's knowledge about the surrounding reality; Develop a desire to speak in front of parents.

Target: introduce children to light sources (beam, candle, lamp); develop elementary historical concepts, operations, analysis and synthesis; establish rules for safe handling of electrical equipment; learn how to use energy sparingly.

Material: torch, candle, kerosene and table lamps, task cards, pictograms, costume elements, drawing material.

Progress of the lesson

Educator (V.). Guys, Beregosh sent us this mysterious box (shows). I asked them to figure it out themselves. And if problems arise, contact him.

What do you think could be going on here? (Listens to the children’s suggestions and invites them to open the box. The children take out a torch, a candle, a kerosene lamp and a table lamp on the table.)

What are these mysterious objects? What connects them? (All of them served at different times to illuminate the home). Let's watch them burn. (Lights one by one.)

Let's analyze why all these light sources are good.

Possible answers


  • Burns brighter than a torch, longer
  • Smokes, wax drips

Kerosene lamp

  • Covered with glass lampshade, more secure
  • Requires kerosene, produces an unpleasant odor

Electric lamp

  • The safest, brightly illuminates all corners of the room
  • Requires electricity, cannot be used outdoors

These lighting fixtures were used before when there was no electricity. At first, people used wood chips, splinters, and torches to illuminate their homes, and then they came up with a candle. The light was made from stearin, wax, paraffin, a material that burned slowly to illuminate rooms. Candles have been one of the sources of light for many centuries. At the beginning of the 20th century, with the advent of kerosene, kerosene lamps began to be used. Now, where can you find all these devices? (In a museum, candles - in a church, at a New Year's party, birthday cake, etc.).

What do these four items have in common? (They serve to illuminate some space.) How are they different? (A candle, a torch, a kerosene lamp are lit with a match, and an electric light bulb is lit with a special button; they all have a different appearance.)

Many scientists back in the 19th century tried to use electrical energy for lighting. American inventor Thomas Edison invented the lamp, which paved the way for the widespread use of electric light. It was a glass flask without air with a red-hot thread of charred bamboo fiber inside.

The streets of cities have long been illuminated by lanterns. But they did not work on electricity, but on special oil, kerosene, and gas.

Currently, there are many lighting devices. In apartments, incandescent lamps are most often used. In factories, offices, and corridors, fluorescent tubes shine. Huge chandeliers (shows paintings) illuminate large rooms - theaters, palaces.

Now let's play game "Fourth wheel".

(Children generalize: these are electrical appliances, lighting fixtures, lamps, but this item does not belong to this group.)

Who do we call for help if our switches, sockets, and electrical appliances fail?

IN. Children, let's remember the rules for safe handling of electrical equipment. (Pronounce in text form and select the appropriate pictogram.)






You also need to remember that a lot of money is spent on generating electrical energy, so you need to treat its expenditure in a businesslike manner.

Let's write Beregosh a letter in which we will give him recommendations on how to save electricity:

  • “When leaving the room, turn off the light!”
  • “If you used an electrical appliance, turn it off (take the plug out of the socket).”

Let's advise Beregosh to buy energy-saving light bulbs (shows), they use electricity economically and last a long time. (Children draw pictures for Beregosh, after looking at which he also learns something new about electricity, light bulbs, light, using gouache, felt-tip pens, watercolors, pencils.)

For school-age children, the workplace must be properly organized. Schoolchildren spend a lot of time doing homework, and the child’s comfort and health directly depend on its proper organization. A desk lamp is considered an indispensable attribute, thanks to which you can provide comfortable and safe lighting, because the educational process largely depends on it. The editors of the YaNashla website invite you to familiarize yourself with the rating of the best table lamps for schoolchildren in 2020.

Table lamps differ from each other in many ways. They have a different appearance, differ in the specifics of operation, installation method, the nature of the lamp being installed and other indicators.

As for table lamps, they can either be attached to the edge of the table or be equipped with their own leg.

Those table lamps that have their own base and are simply installed on the table have a weighty base. Thanks to it, the device becomes stable and can function in any position. Among other things, manufacturers also now offer options for table lamps with the ability to adjust the light intensity. It is these lamps that help schoolchildren easily cope with homework of any complexity in a comfortable environment.

Today, the following types of table lamps are considered the most common:

  1. Classic is the most common. Available in a variety of colors and suitable for consumers regardless of their age.
  2. Clothespin lamp – stands out for its bright design and the presence of a built-in clock. Ideal for schoolchildren and allows them to concentrate on their studies and keep track of time without distractions.
  3. With a bending frame - it ensures proper lighting, and the frame allows you to install it in any position.
  4. With an original design - it has an unusual shape, colors and is a wonderful addition to the interior.

There are also many different lamps that differ in their appearance. Table lamps in the shape of an animal or favorite character are very popular among primary school students.

How to choose the right one

A desk lamp for a schoolchild is an important element in arranging a workplace. To prevent your child's eyes from getting tired and their vision from deteriorating, it is necessary to choose the right lighting. In this case, too bright light will negatively affect vision; experts advise giving preference to soft, diffused white light.

When purchasing a table lamp, it is important that it is completely safe for the child. The ideal option is a device with a fuse against ignition and overheating. This lamp can also be used as a night light. The safest table lamps are those made of tempered glass or heat-resistant plastic.

When choosing a table lamp, you should also pay attention to its power. It is best to give preference to lamps whose power does not exceed 100 W.

You should also pay attention to the shape of the lampshade. For schoolchildren, the trapezoid is considered the most optimal. It is this shape that provides comfortable lighting for the eyes. As for the shade of the device, experts recommend that schoolchildren purchase models of calm, muted shades.

It is not recommended to purchase lamps whose shade is made of metal, since during operation it becomes very hot and can burn a child. The best option is considered to be models made of high-quality plastic.

If we summarize all the information listed above, we can conclude that the best table lamp will be the one that is made of high-quality material, is completely safe for health and is liked by its owner.

The best table lamps for schoolchildren

All parents whose children go to school are interested in the question of what table lamp to buy so that the child can do homework comfortably and it does not have a negative effect on his vision. After all, proper and safe lighting of the workplace is an important aspect that creates a cozy atmosphere and does not damage vision. For 2020, the following models were recognized as the best table lamps for schoolchildren.

Compact, convenient, lightweight and flexible, the lamp will be an excellent option for a student of any age. It is easy to connect and manage. You can control the table lamp either with or without the application, since all the main buttons are located on the body.

The lamp is equipped with two lamps that allow you to use the device in different ways. If necessary, the rear light can be turned off. The manufacturer guarantees high quality assembly and up to 10 thousand bends without loss of reliability and quality.

The lamp is as safe as possible for the eyes. This effect is achieved thanks to soft light. The main advantage of the device is the “vision saving mode”. The lamp is also equipped with LED panels built into the leg, which can be used as a night light.

Average cost: 3690 rubles.



  • aesthetic appearance;
  • high build quality;
  • safety for vision;
  • presence of LED panels.


  • not detected.

Xiaomi Yeelight Prime

An ergonomic table lamp with a built-in battery will be an excellent option for any student. It features an original design, the ability to adjust the brightness level and color temperature. Manufacturers claim the lamp as an office and school option. In its production, metal-plastic is used, which is highly durable. You can control the table lamp via your smartphone.

During work, it does not dazzle, but rather evenly illuminates the space, helping to concentrate on work or doing homework. Brightness is adjusted using a touch sensor.

Average cost: 4300 rubles.

Xiaomi Yeelight Prime


  • does not distort colors;
  • Helps you concentrate without straining your vision;
  • has touch control;
  • Adjustable brightness and color temperature.


  • relatively high cost.

An excellent lamp that stands out for its high-quality assembly, convenient controls and wide adjustment of the glow temperature and brightness.

The table lamp is equipped with a touch control system. The manufacturer characterizes this model as universal, suitable for offices and school assignments for children.

The lamp is installed using a special stand, which is equipped with a touch control panel.

Average cost: 2290 rubles.


  • reasonable cost;
  • quality and functionality;
  • versatility;
  • ease of control;
  • Availability of glow and brightness adjustment.


  • quite impressive size.

Lucia Smart Qi L900

The table lamp is made in a modern style and provides high-quality and bright illumination of the surrounding space. Manufacturers specifically created it for both home and office use. Due to the fact that it is equipped with many functions, the lamp is ideal for schoolchildren of various ages. Each individual child will be able to independently choose the optimal mode for themselves, which will preserve their vision and will not have a negative effect on the eyes. The model is equipped with smooth brightness control, wireless charging function and a 60-minute timer.

Average cost: 4750 rubles.

Lucia Smart Qi L900


  • energy dependence;
  • availability of wireless charging;
  • several operating modes;
  • sustainability.


  • high price;
  • made of plastic.


An elegant table lamp will bring comfort and sophistication to any interior. The model is produced by one of the most reputable Italian companies. The appearance of the lamp is attractive and original. Made from high quality material, which makes it durable and reliable. During production, only proven, safe and durable materials are used to ensure the reliability of the device.

The table lamp has excellent performance characteristics, illuminates the area well and is gentle on vision. An organizer is built into the base of the lamp, which helps schoolchildren in organizing the educational process. The position of the light source can be adjusted thanks to the flexible leg.

Average cost: 4530 rubles.



  • elegance;
  • safety;
  • reliability;
  • quality;
  • practicality;
  • sustainability.


  • high price.


The LED lamp is an excellent source of light and is ideal for your child to do homework. The neat and compact device is equipped with two brightness modes, controlled by one button and, if necessary, folds down to the size of a small box. The lightweight and convenient device can be located in completely different places and can also be attached to the wall.

Average cost: 807 rubles.



  • practicality;
  • low cost;
  • simple controls;
  • presence of a built-in power indicator;
  • diodes that do not require replacement.


  • low power;
  • poor build quality.


A stylish and practical lamp is perfect for both a children's room and a study. The brightness of the light is adjusted using the touch dimmer with just one touch. The multifunctional lamp is equipped with a display that displays a clock, calendar, thermometer and alarm clock. The table lamp is also equipped with a flexible rubber arm, thanks to which the shade can be rotated in any direction.

This stylish lamp with incredible functionality is produced by a German company. It will fit perfectly into any interior and will be the pride of its owner.

Average cost: 2491 rubles.



  • multifunctionality;
  • aesthetic appearance;
  • high quality;
  • acceptable cost.


  • The working multifunctional part can distract the student from studying.


A table lamp from an Italian company is suitable for both a schoolchild and an office worker. The design is made in a modern style. The lamp is capable of illuminating a room of at least 0.6 square meters. meters. High-quality metal is used in the production of the lamp, and the division into three parts makes it possible to direct the light source to the desired area. The assembly of the device is of high quality and helps to fit perfectly into any interior.

Average cost: 1800 rubles.



  • attractive appearance;
  • high-quality assembly;
  • acceptable cost.


  • The matte case attracts dust and therefore requires careful care.


An office desk lamp will be an excellent option for a student of any age. It is distinguished by functionality and high quality, creating an atmosphere of comfortable and relaxed lighting. The power of the device is enough to create high-quality and sufficient lighting over an area of ​​about 3 square meters. meters. It is comfortable to work with such a table lamp even for a long time. The base and shade of the table lamp are made of metal, which makes it high quality and durable. Thanks to the hinged design, the user can easily independently adjust the angle of inclination and direct the light to the desired position.

Average cost: 2780 rubles.



  • attractive appearance;
  • high build quality;
  • simple and basic controls.


  • not detected.

Citilux Newton CL803011

A table lamp from a Danish company with a built-in switch will be an excellent gift for any schoolchild. The model is equipped with rectangular shades that effectively illuminate a room of about 2 square meters. meters.

The LED lamp is equipped with the ability to adjust the brightness and warmth of the light. It is also equipped with a night light that shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow, they can be adjusted with just a light touch. The device can be adjusted in all planes. It has a minimal pulsation coefficient, which helps maintain eye health. High-quality illumination of almost all areas of the desktop.

Average cost: 7490 rubles.

Citilux Newton CL803011


  • aesthetic design;
  • high quality;
  • safety;
  • simple controls.


  • high price.

Today, manufacturers are trying in every possible way to attract buyers by constantly improving models and releasing new ones that differ in design and functionality. Before purchasing a table lamp for your child, you should carefully weigh everything and give preference to the one that will be suitable in each individual case personally. Also, when choosing, you should pay attention to the manufacturer and the child’s preferences. Nowadays, table lamps from such manufacturers as Xiaomi, Camelion, Lucia, Era, Elektrostandard and others are very popular. Financial capabilities should also be taken into account. You can purchase a desk lamp for a schoolchild in all electronics stores or specialized retail outlets.

Table lamps not only help a child maintain his vision while doing homework, but also make the atmosphere in the house more comfortable, complement the interior, making it comfortable and aesthetically attractive. Also, many of them can also act as a night light, illuminating the room at night. Therefore, you should approach your choice responsibly. Before purchasing, you must decide on the location of its installation, as well as choose the most suitable shade. Our rating included only devices that are guaranteed to work stably, providing reliable, safe and high-quality lighting.

If you have experience choosing or using table lamps for schoolchildren presented in this rating, or you prefer to use completely different models, share with us your opinion about them in the comments.
