What causes cellulite in skinny people. Can skinny girls get cellulite?

Cellulite is a change in fatty tissue, which leads to the formation of uneven skin. In violation of intracellular nutrition, accumulation and stagnation of harmful substances, excess fluid occurs. Edema is formed, collagen fibers harden. Fat cells turn into nodules, which leads to the appearance of bumps and skin irregularities, the so-called “orange peel” effect.

It is generally accepted that only overweight women suffer from such a problem, but this is not so. Often there is cellulite in thin girls who are not prone to fullness. About 80% of the beautiful half of the population find the appearance of skin laxity and "orange peel" in the thighs, abdomen, buttocks. This may be caused by some reasons unrelated to being overweight.

Causes of cellulite

The main reasons for the formation of "orange peel":

  • sedentary, sedentary lifestyle;
  • malnutrition;
  • wearing tight clothing and high-heeled shoes;
  • smoking, drinking alcohol;
  • dehydration of the body;
  • hormonal imbalance, pregnancy, menopause;
  • stress;
  • sharp fluctuations in weight;
  • age-related changes;
  • dysfunction of the ovaries, pancreas, thyroid gland;
  • taking hormonal medications;
  • hereditary factor.

Excessive consumption of flour, chocolate, carbonated drinks, semi-finished products, fried, salty foods leads to weight gain and disruption of metabolic processes in the body. Salt delays the excretion of fluid, promotes the formation of edema. Semi-finished products are made on the basis of harmful saturated fats, which turn into toxins and form cholesterol plaques. Alcohol and smoking accelerate the aging process of the skin, it becomes flabby and dry.

Cellulite in thin women can be caused by hormonal imbalance. A low level of estrogen leads to a deterioration in the condition of the skin, an imbalance in the reproductive system. The endocrinologist determines the level of hormones and prescribes the appropriate treatment.

Fashionable tight jeans and other tight clothes contribute to the squeezing of blood vessels, impaired blood supply. High heels also slow down the natural process of blood circulation, lead to the appearance of varicose veins, cellulite.

  • solid;
  • lethargic;
  • hydropic;
  • mixed.

With a solid form of pathology, compacted tubercles are noticeable in any position of the body. The skin is fused with the fatty layer, usually accompanied by the appearance of striae (stretch marks). Most often, cellulite of the solid stage occurs in adolescents or young girls who lead a sports lifestyle during puberty.

The sluggish form is characterized by a decrease in the tone of muscle tissues; when moving, they shake. Spider veins are formed, capillaries are visible. It affects women who lead a sedentary lifestyle, over the age of 40 years. Flaccid cellulite in thin girls occurs with a sharp loss of body weight.

With edematous form, the skin becomes thin, transparent. When pressed, a fingerprint remains for a few seconds. It usually affects the hips, while feeling heaviness, pain in the legs. There are also mixed types of cellulite - a combination of different forms on different parts of the body.

Methods for the treatment of cellulite

Is it possible to get rid of the "orange peel", how to treat cellulite in thin girls? Therapeutic and cosmetic procedures give the best results if started as early as possible. You need to select methods based on the reasons that caused cellulite.

In case of eating disorders, you should reconsider your diet. Harmful foods should be replaced with fresh fruits and vegetables, sweets, fatty, fried foods should be excluded. It is important to eat regularly, fasting leads to the accumulation of fat reserves. For the normal functioning of the body, it is necessary to drink 2 liters of clean, non-carbonated water daily. Bad habits contribute to the deterioration of the skin condition, quitting smoking and alcohol will help improve its condition.

In case of hormonal disorders, chronic diseases, you should consult with your doctor and take a preventive course of treatment in a timely manner. Stressful situations also lead to cellulite, so it is important to monitor the state of the nervous system.

If the work is associated with a long sitting position at the computer, you should periodically do a little warm-up so that blood circulation is not disturbed, it is useful to massage the thighs and buttocks before going to bed. The habit of cross-legging also leads to squeezing of blood vessels.

Useful cosmetic procedures that can be performed in beauty salons or at home:

  • wraps;
  • masks and scrubs using chocolate, honey, essential oils;
  • lymphatic drainage, vacuum massages;
  • mesotherapy;
  • thalassotherapy.

Cellulite treatment is a lengthy process that requires adherence to a diet, regular physical activity, and cosmetic procedures. The results obtained must be constantly maintained in order to maintain a beautiful toned figure.

Cellulite is a change in the subcutaneous fat, in which there is a stagnation of fluid and thickening of fat cells. In this case, the subcutaneous fat becomes looser and more voluminous and appears as visible tubercles through the skin.

There is a problem in 90% of women around the world, the main reason for this is the structural features of the female body. In addition, changes in the subcutaneous fat layer are affected by the female hormone estrogen, the concentration of which especially increases during menstruation and pregnancy, as well as an unhealthy lifestyle. In this case, cellulite becomes even clearer.

Cellulite in thin people

Many girls believe that cellulite is a problem of overweight people, but this is not so. Very often, orange peel occurs in very slender ladies, there are several reasons for this:

  • Hormonal disruptions. In this case, there is a malfunction of the thyroid gland, ovaries, the level of female sex hormones changes, which disrupts fluid exchange in the tissues.
  • Wrong diet. Many of us are accustomed to not eating all day due to work, to filling up at night. Such nutrition does not lead to anything good, because there are violations in the work of the whole organism. Cellulite is just one of the manifestations of the consequences of malnutrition.
  • Passive lifestyle. Many women suffering from cellulite work in the office. If a woman sits all day and does not visit the gym after work, she will have cellulite with a probability of 90%, in this case only good heredity can save, which is rare.
  • Smoking and drinking alcohol. The presence of bad habits, such as smoking, negatively affects the condition of the whole body and skin, including. Alcohol and nicotine cause vasospasm, provoking oxygen starvation of tissues and worsening the outflow of fluid. With constant smoking and alcoholism, the skin becomes flabby and sagging in no time.
  • Heredity. Often the cause of orange peel in thin people is heredity, in this case, the subcutaneous fat may have a special structure and shine through the skin.


A thin person can cure cellulite in several ways. First you need to reconsider your lifestyle and give up bad habits, or at least reduce them to a minimum. If there is no desire to completely abandon alcohol forever, then it is worth limiting its use, at least on holidays, to one glass of red wine. It is better to give up smoking completely, since it not only provokes vasospasm and the appearance of bumps on the skin, but also the skin and makes it flabby.

If a slender woman wants to get rid of cellulite, she needs to adjust her daily routine. To do this, you need to wake up and go to bed at the same time, and eat 5 times a day at regular intervals, in small portions. You should not lead a nocturnal lifestyle, lack of sleep and a poor regimen negatively affect the skin.

How to get rid of cellulite

The most effective method of getting rid of cellulite is regular exercise. Training will help not only remove the orange peel, but also make the body beautiful and fit, add volume and remove excess, where necessary.

It is important to note that tight clothing can affect fluid exchange in the subcutaneous fat layer. This does not mean that wearing your favorite skinny jeans is now forbidden, but it is worth refreshing your wardrobe and adding comfortable and loose items to it.

To get rid of orange peel faster, you need to regularly care for the body. Various types of massage, wraps, scrubs and creams will help get rid of the problem. Going to the sauna also has a positive effect on the skin and improves blood flow in problem areas.


A cellulite massage session can be carried out both at home and in specially equipped beauty centers and clinics. Of course, the effectiveness of home massage is much lower, since the intensity of the impact is weak. At home, it will be possible to get rid of cellulite only in the initial stages of the disease, if cellulite is already running, it is better to get rid of it with the help of hardware massage from a beautician.

There are several types of massage for cellulite:

  • Manual, or manual. Such a massage can be done independently at home. To do this, you need to massage the skin using essential oils or massage cream. The movements should be quite intense, you need to knead, stroke and pinch the skin. Also, manual massage can be performed by a professional, usually a specialist owns special equipment, so this procedure will be more effective.
  • Dry rub. This type of massage involves the use of a massage glove or nozzle, with which it is necessary to rub problem areas with little effort. This procedure is useful before wrapping, as it improves the absorption of the components of the composition.
  • Vacuum massage. This procedure can be carried out at home on your own, if you purchase special silicone jars. Banks should be placed on the problem area, so that 1.5 cm of skin got inside, and massage the body with them for several minutes. Vacuum massage is also carried out in beauty salons using special equipment. Hardware massage allows you to reduce and increase the suction load, thus more effectively breaking up fluid and fat stagnation.
  • Hydromassage. Massage with water can be done at home using an ordinary shower. It is only necessary to direct a jet of water to problem areas, changing the temperature of the water, creating a contrast. Professional hydromassage is carried out according to a special technique, in addition, strong water pressure can be used, this effect cannot be achieved at home.

It is important to note that all types of hardware massage should be carried out by qualified specialists. If the procedure is performed by an untrained person, it can cause irreparable harm to health.


Wraps and scrubs allow you to quickly part with cellulite. You can do them at home or in specialized clinics. At home, you can use effective and skin-friendly folk recipes, as well as purchase a special remedy at a pharmacy. In all cases, wrappings must be carried out on clean and heated skin with a massage mitt, so the effect will appear faster.


After applying the composition, it is necessary to wrap the body with cling film to create the effect of a sauna, so the fat cells will soften faster and leave the body, the lymph flow in the tissues will normalize and cellulite will disappear. For the remedy to work faster, it is recommended to wear warm clothes or lie under a blanket.

Folk recipes for scrubs and wraps:

  • With clay. It is necessary to mix healing clay with mineral water, a little apple cider vinegar, grated potatoes. Apply the finished composition to the skin under the film for 25-30 minutes, 3 times a week.
  • Honey and mustard. You need to take 2 tbsp. mustard powder, add a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and salt, a little water and 3 tbsp. natural honey. The mass should have a consistency like thick sour cream, but it should not spread over the skin. You should not keep such a composition on the skin for longer than 30 minutes, and after the procedure it is better to keep the body warm in order to prolong the effect.
  • Coffee scrub. Coffee scrub is the most popular remedy for cellulite. If you drink coffee, you need to collect the coffee grounds every time and put them in a jar. After 7-10, a sufficient amount will accumulate for the procedure. Before wrapping, you need to warm up the coffee, add a teaspoon of natural olive oil and honey to it. Such a scrub should be rubbed into the skin with massage movements for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.


Cellulite treatment

There are several modern methods that can not only get rid of cellulite in the shortest possible time, but also rejuvenate and tighten the skin in problem areas. Radiofrequency lifting is one of the most popular aesthetic medicine means that can remove even very pronounced cellulite on the abdomen and thighs.

Ultrasonic cavitation is another effective method to get rid of orange peel. Ultrasound penetrates the subcutaneous fat and breaks down fat cells into small particles, thus getting rid of cellulite becomes much easier.

The most important thing is that the new methods are completely safe for the body, and they only affect the subcutaneous fat, without affecting the internal organs. Therefore, the session has practically no contraindications and side effects, but you should not go for the procedure if there is irritation on the skin. The disadvantage of this procedure is the relatively high cost.


Physical exercise plays an important role in the fight against cellulite, even in slender girls, since a passive lifestyle provokes stagnant processes in body tissues and the appearance of cellulite. Get rid of the orange peel by doing gymnastics regularly will be much faster.

You can train effectively at home without special devices, and visiting the gym will help make your figure fit and athletic.

Effective exercises for home workouts:

  • Run. The most useful and effective workout for weight loss is running. You can run at home on a treadmill or on the street, for example in a forest, in a park or at a sports stadium. The most important thing in such classes is the duration, it is better to run at a slow pace, but not less than 20 minutes. Running will help improve tissue nutrition throughout the body and get rid of cellulite.
  • Squats. Regular squats are very effective for orange peel on the thighs and buttocks. The “chair” exercise is also very useful, to perform it, you need to squat so that the hips are parallel to the floor and stay in this position for as long as possible, then rest for a minute and repeat a few more times.
  • Birch. Birch exercise will help strengthen the muscles of the abdomen, buttocks and thighs and get rid of the orange peel.
  • Bike walks. If you have a bike, you can ride it on the street every day. Such exercises will get rid of cellulite on the hips, buttocks and calves.
  • Ladder. Climbing the stairs several floors daily, you can get rid of cellulite at the initial stage. You can also train at home if you use a sturdy highchair or a wooden box instead of a step.

Exercises for classes in the gym are best selected with a qualified trainer. He will help you choose the most effective simulators that will help you remove cellulite quickly, and at the same time reduce the risk of injury.


In order not to provoke the appearance of cellulite in a thin woman, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle. Proper nutrition, regular exercise and quitting smoking will help to avoid the appearance of ugly bumps on the body.

According to statistics, cellulite in thin girls and women is as common as in full ones. Manifestations of "orange peel" are observed on the abdomen, thighs and buttocks - there is a difference only in the degree of skin damage and the progression of the pathology. The main factor in the development of cellulite is the presence of adipose tissue, which begins to gradually deform, loosen and form dimples and tubercles. For this reason, many representatives of the beautiful half of humanity are sounding the alarm - and such actions are absolutely correct, since this cosmetic defect needs to be corrected. Consider the features of cellulite on the pope and legs in slender girls, how to treat it.


The presence of "orange peel" in thin people is not always the result of a serious pathology. This condition is a natural physiological process in a woman's body, since the main condition for the appearance of cellulite on the thighs and buttocks is the presence of subcutaneous fatty tissue in problem areas.

Expert opinion!

Doctors are not surprised to be skinny with cellulite, since this is a purely female problem. The secret lies in the genetic predisposition - the amount of fiber even in the most slender girl is 2 times more than in men, and in structure it is more loose. Fat women have more fat, so cellulite appears faster and progresses faster, but both "figures" equally need treatment.

The causes of cellulite in thin women are as follows:

  • Hormonal imbalance is one of the common factors that provoke the appearance of "orange" in slender women. Hormones regulate metabolism and fat metabolism, when their concentration changes, cellulite can occur long before problems with being overweight appear;
  • Eating disorders - this factor usually provokes obesity, but can also cause cellulite in thin people. An excess of fats, extra calories and the presence of harmful products disrupts the structure of the subcutaneous tissue, making it more loose and flabby. The result is cellulite even on a small fat layer;
  • Sedentary lifestyle - lack of physical activity reduces muscle tone, makes the skin more saggy. Stretch marks gradually form, congestion occurs in the vessels of the legs, and on slender legs you can see the presence of an “orange peel”;
  • Frequent stress - the nervous system has a great influence on the regulation of appetite and fat metabolism. If experiences are "jammed", this gradually leads to a redistribution of the density of subcutaneous tissue, cellulite becomes noticeable in thin women;
  • Insufficient water intake - liquid is the basis of many anti-cellulite products, and its presence in the body is physiologically necessary for natural metabolic processes. With a lack of water, the fiber “shrinks”, acquiring the characteristic “orange” shape observed in thin girls;
  • Ecological features - the presence of toxins in the environment leads to the deposition of toxins in the body, and most of them accumulate in adipose tissue. Gradually, its structure changes, deforms and takes on the appearance of cellulite even on thin hips;
  • Bad habits - smoking and excess alcohol come to the fore. In both cases, there is a violation of lipid metabolism and damage to the subcutaneous tissue. Cellulite in thin people can be observed with a two-year experience of drinking alcohol or nicotine.

On a note!

The listed reasons can cause cellulite not only in thin women, but also in overweight women, since all factors trigger pathological changes in adipose tissue, which all the fair sex has.

Where does cellulite most often appear in thin women?

Having figured out why thin people have cellulite, consider the features of the symptoms in slender women. The place of appearance of the "orange peel" has no major differences from the classic cases - cellulite is usually observed on the back and outer surface of the thighs, buttocks and abdomen. At the initial stages of the pathology, a woman begins to feel a slight discomfort, concentrated in the hips. On the legs and buttocks, even from minor injuries, bruises appear that heal longer than usual. Gradually, vertical stretch marks appear, white in color with an uneven contour. As a result, pits and tuberosities are formed on the hips, buttocks, stretch marks periodically cross the affected areas, nodules form - at this stage, conservative treatment is already required.

To study all these symptoms, you should look at the photo of cellulite in thin people - in the problem areas of the hips and buttocks, all the signs described are noted.


Consider how to get rid of cellulite for a thin girl. The therapy program includes a diet, exercise therapy, anti-cellulite massage and a number of home treatments.


For the treatment of cellulite in thin people, a classic table with restriction of fats and carbohydrates is shown - such changes will prevent the appearance of "harmful" fat deposits under the skin. The basic rules are as follows:

  • Eat often, in small portions;
  • Limit animal fats in the diet, replace them with vegetable ones;
  • Give up mayonnaise, salt and an abundance of sweets;
  • To quench your thirst, use only water, you can drink green tea, mineral water without gas;
  • Use honey instead of sugar;
  • Drink plenty of fluids (at least 2 liters per day);
  • Give up bad habits;
  • The last meal is no later than 18:00.

An abundance of liquid is a very important component of the diet. Water is necessary for an accelerated metabolism, which is formed under the action of an anti-cellulite program.


The next component of the treatment of cellulite in thin people is physical education. Exercise will not harm the body, because it burns fat, which is relatively small in thin people (compared to full ones). But even a small reduction in the fiber that forms the "orange" will be a big plus in the treatment of cellulite.

The most effective types of anti-cellulite fitness are:

  • Cross-fit;
  • Squats;
  • Jogging or exercise bike, bicycle;
  • Raising straight legs, lying on your stomach.

To compile effective exercises against cellulite, it is recommended to contact a trainer.

Anticellulite massage

Massage procedures provide the development of soft tissues, improving blood flow to problem areas and relieve congestion. After a warm-up, the lymphatic vessels also expand, through which drainage improves. This contributes to the "washing out" of toxins and waste products, accelerating the metabolism in tissues affected by cellulite.

  • Manual - to eliminate the "orange peel" you will need the services of a massage therapist. This method perfectly “breaks” cellulite, smoothes and tightens the skin;
  • Hardware - at home, you can use special devices. Unlike the previous method, they make it possible to perform self-massage;
  • Honey - for warming up, a bee product is used, which sticks to the hands and provides "pinching off" the skin from cellulite fat, activating blood circulation and metabolism;
  • Cupping - for massage it is better to use latex, silicone or rubber caps (they can be painlessly driven over the body). A vacuum effect is created under the cans, which sucks the skin, activating lipolysis.

Cellulite wraps

Special wraps have proven themselves well, which will help to cope with cellulite and thin women. The essence of the procedures is to apply the product to the skin, followed by wrapping it with a cellophane film. Under the package, a thermal effect is created, excess liquid is removed, and with it, toxins and slags. According to the mechanism of action, there are:

  • Hot wraps - they use products with spices that provide a thermal effect. They should be used carefully so as not to cause a burn;
  • Cold - the composition contains algae, clay or other components that cool the skin. Such products eliminate cellulite and activate lymphatic drainage.

Wraps are best done in the evening, apply for 5-10 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Scrubs thin from "orange peel"

Scrubs are actively used to cleanse the skin. The procedure involves the use of special mixtures that are applied before the shower. The composition has an exfoliating effect, contains substances to eliminate cellulite. Thin people are recommended to do the procedures in the evening, before going to bed - and then spread an anti-cellulite moisturizer on the skin.

Baths and creams

To complete the review of the treatment of cellulite in thin women, you can baths with sea salt. According to patient reviews, they are used to cleanse and nourish the integumentary epithelium. Salt is an excellent scrub that increases the effectiveness of procedures. Experts do not advise washing off the salt from the skin, but immediately apply an anti-cellulite cream.

Disease prevention

If the treatment of cellulite was successful, you should focus on prevention. This program is indicated not only for women who have undergone productive therapy, but also for healthy people to prevent cellulite.

Prevention rules:

  • Lead an active lifestyle - here it is important to observe physical activity. Moderate exercise will keep your skin and muscles in good shape, and your body slim and attractive;
  • Adjust your diet - visit a nutritionist and create an anti-cellulite program diet for yourself. Reducing the intake of fats and carbohydrates will reduce the likelihood of cellulite;
  • Eliminate junk food - ask your doctor for a table with prohibited foods and remove them from the daily menu;
  • Exercise regularly - therapeutic exercises will burn harmful fat, prevent the occurrence of cellulite on the abdomen, legs and buttocks;
  • Give up bad habits - if you decide to lead a healthy lifestyle, you need to reduce alcohol consumption to a minimum, quit smoking;
  • Sleep 8 hours a day - healthy sleep provides our body with the strength to resist many diseases. Cellulite will never manifest itself if you supplement the program with sound sleep after good workouts.

To carry out full prevention, it is necessary to strictly follow all the rules. Incomplete adherence to the program or the implementation of recommendations from time to time will not give the desired results in the fight against cellulite.

Cellulite in thin women does not have pronounced clinical differences from the classic "orange peel" picture. The disease should not be ignored, complex treatment and full prevention are required.

In society, there is a common belief that cellulite chooses its victims exclusively among the ladies, as they say, "in the body." Actually, this is a delusion. Cellulite in thin people is not such a rare occurrence, and on thin legs it is just as unattractive as on the belly or thighs, overgrown with fat. It's just that in thin women it progresses more slowly and is less conspicuous - that's the whole difference.

Why do skinny people have cellulite? What caused this cosmetic defect, which causes so much trouble even for ladies who are far from the habit of overeating, and is it possible to put a reliable barrier on it? Let's try to figure it out!


Medicine does not consider female (we emphasize!) cellulite a disease in its classical sense, since it does not directly affect the immune system and does not pose a threat to health. But having heard its official name - lipodystrophy or liposclerosis, one cannot help but be wary. What's the matter?

The appearance of cellulite is caused by two main reasons, and it is by no means overweight!

The first reason is related to the physiology of the fair sex. Women's subcutaneous structures contain a small amount of collagen compared to men's, a protein that maintains skin elasticity and prevents stretching. Having endowed a woman with the ability to bear a child, mother nature specially took care of this to ensure the safe and comfortable stay of the baby in the mother's womb.

The second "culprit" of the appearance of cellulite is the female sex hormone - estrogen, which is responsible for the dislocation of fat cells. With excessive activity, it can provoke stagnation in tissue structures, resulting in edema, tuberosity and friability of the skin, even in thin girls.

Thanks to these two circumstances, almost all women have cellulite to one degree or another.

At the same time, there are many factors affecting the intensity of development of this atypical pathology. These include, in particular:

  • immobility;
  • lack of diet and promiscuity in food, in particular, addiction to high-calorie foods;
  • violation of carbohydrate balance and fat metabolism;
  • certain diseases, for example, blood circulation disorders, thyroid problems;
  • high toxicity of the body;
  • insufficient amount of fluid consumed;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • tobacco and alcohol addiction. Nicotine and alcohol, by binding oxygen, prevent its flow to fat cells;
  • changes in the hormonal background of various nature;
  • frequent stress and depression;
  • ill-conceived diets;
  • excessive tanning.

Wearing too tight clothes and high-heeled shoes is also considered a serious provocateur. They adversely affect blood flow and cause congestion in the thighs, buttocks, and lower extremities. The same effect is obtained from throwing legs over the leg - a favorite habit of many slender girls.

For your information: experts consider cellulite also a dermatological problem - it can also manifest itself with insufficient skin care.

Finally, there are natural factors that contribute to cellulite even in thin women: pregnancy and menopause.

Obviously, the vast majority of the reasons apply to all women, regardless of their degree of fatness; therefore, thin girls need to take the same countermeasures as solid ladies with large volumes.

How to deal with it

Naturally, it is much easier for a thin girl to get rid of cellulite than a full one, since being overweight creates additional problems and inconveniences.

Stage 1

The first thing to do is to determine with the help of an endocrinologist, dermatologist or therapist what was the main provoking factor specifically in her case? If the cause lies in a concomitant disease, it is necessary to start with its complex treatment. In most cases, you just need to change your habits and lifestyle. What needs to be done for this?

  1. Increase physical activity

Long gatherings on social networks or in front of the TV screen should be changed to swimming or at least a half-hour walk. In general, walking should become the norm. When sedentary work, it is necessary to take periodic breaks with performance, turns and other simple physical exercises.

  1. Balance nutrition

There is no need for any special diets. All you need to do is to reduce the consumption of sugar and salt, white bread (it is even better to replace it with rye bread), reduce the amount of coffee you drink (especially instant coffee), give up fast food, convenience foods, canned foods, carbonated drinks, even if it's just mineral water. In the diet, increase the proportion of vegetables and fruits, especially citrus fruits, eat more seafood, eggs, foods containing fiber. Even for thin girls, the main rule in the fight against cellulite should be the following: burn more calories than you get!

  1. Drink plenty of plain water

It not only promotes metabolism, but also removes toxins and toxic substances from the body, prevents the accumulation of fluid at the cellular level.

  1. To refuse from bad habits

Forget about smoking forever, and from alcoholic drinks, leave only a small amount of non-fortified red wine on the menu.

  1. Rethink your wardrobe

Slender girls like to dress in tight-fitting, emphasizing their figure. Alas, this habit will have to be abandoned, and high heels should be remembered only when visiting infrequent evening parties.

  1. If possible, do not use oral contraceptives: they abundantly replenish the supply of estrogens, and with them subcutaneous fat.

Stage 2

The second block of measures aimed at combating cellulite and neutralizing provoking factors includes cosmetic procedures that can be performed not only in specialized salons, but also at home (in the initial stages).

First of all, these include all kinds of anti-cellulite oils and creams. Darsonval has an excellent tonic effect, giving the skin elasticity and velvety, and a regular contrast shower promotes blood flow to the layers of fat. Wraps using , are effective. In some cases, it is worth resorting to more complex salon procedures:,.


Sooner or later, cellulite appears in almost all women, and it does not depend on how much the arrow deviated from the norm when weighing on an electronic scale. This should be taken calmly and not panicked. By adjusting your lifestyle and adhering to simple prevention, you can, if not get rid of it forever, then postpone the likelihood of its return for many years.

In girls with a thin physique, cellulite occurs less frequently than in full ones, but no one is immune from this cosmetic defect. The causes of cellulite in thin people include a sedentary lifestyle, strict diets, and much more. We will look at them in more detail below.

Causes of cellulite in thin girls

Perhaps some of those who are constantly fighting overweight will skeptically remark: "Can thin people have cellulite?" Indeed, why cellulite appears in thin people, many do not understand. However, the facts and numerous photos of stars with cellulite indicate otherwise.

The causes of "orange peel" in slender girls are slightly different compared to overweight women. There are factors that cause uneven deposition of fat on the body, and this provokes cellulite in thin girls. Let's list the main ones.

  1. Wrong diet. Even when girls eat little, but the diet consists of junk food, unattractive bumps will soon begin to appear on thin legs.
  2. Hormonal disorders. A sharp decline in the concentration of sex hormones is another reason for the appearance of cellulite in girls.
  3. Lifestyle with limited mobility. Hypodynamia makes the muscles sluggish and undeveloped, as a result of which the skin becomes covered with an orange peel.
  4. Wearing uncomfortable clothing and high heels. For example, tight jeans disrupt the outflow of lymph and venous blood.
  5. hereditary factors. Cellulite occurs in thin people due to genetic characteristics transmitted from parents.
  6. Smoking. A bad habit harms the lungs and explains the appearance of cellulite in thin girls. This is due to the narrowing of small vessels and capillaries due to nicotine.
  7. Lack of sleep and stress. Excessive loads on the nervous system disrupt the coherence of the work of organs and systems.

Now you know what causes cellulite in thin people, but we’ll figure out how to deal with it or prevent a defect.

How to prevent cellulite in thin people

In order to avoid cellulite in thin girls, it is important to control your diet. Fat cells arise when fats of animal origin are ingested, so it is better to replace them with vegetable ones. Also try to avoid chips, crackers and other beer snacks.

An important role is played by lifestyle and regular exercises from cellulite in thin people. Start the day with a workout, walk more often and sign up for a gym.

Give up smoking and regular alcohol consumption - this negatively affects the condition of the skin and provokes the development of cellulite.


Before starting cellulite treatment, slender girls need to check the level of sex hormones such as estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. If they show an excess, you need to start the fight against orange peel with the normalization of the situation.

Eliminate any processed foods from the menu, refuse fried, spicy and salty foods, do not buy mayonnaise, ketchups and sugary carbonated drinks. Instead of sweets, eat fruits, and be sure to add cereals, soups and fresh salads, natural lean fish and meat to your diet. You will not only begin to fight cellulite on thin legs, but also normalize bowel function.

In addition, it is recommended to use special procedures, including cupping massage with various oils. Olive, apricot, peach are well suited. Essential oils give a good effect: orange, lemon, grapefruit, rosemary.

All kinds of cellulite wraps for thin people are recommended, which can be done with clay, ground coffee, essential oils, honey and other ingredients. There are numerous salon procedures: thalassotherapy, mesotherapy and massages.
