How to clean an iron at home. How to clean your iron from carbon deposits and scale without much effort

The most effective methods for getting rid of soot and scale.

Each of us, more than once in our lives, has found ourselves in such a situation when the sole of the iron became unusable or began to tighten the laundry. In such situations, we can only make do with available means that can be found in every home. So, let's look at the Top 12 most effective methods that will help you clean your iron at home.

What do you need to know before cleaning?

You must understand that modern irons are made of different materials, that is, their soles have different coatings: Teflon, ceramic, aluminum, titanium and steel. Each type is more suitable for one method or another.

However, it is worth remembering that substances consisting of sharp, rough components can scratch the sole of the iron, after which it will be very difficult to return it to its former smoothness when gliding across the fabric.

Effective methods for cleaning the soleplate of an iron from carbon deposits

So, let's look at the main known methods for cleaning an iron at home and choose the ones that are most acceptable to us.

Cleaning the iron using:

  • vinegar
  • chemical pencil
  • hydrogen peroxide
  • hydroperite
  • paraffin candle
  • toothpaste

Cleaning with salt

This method is not suitable for everyone, since the salt still has a fairly rough structure that can damage the coating of the soles if they are made of ceramic or Teflon. This method is more applicable to materials that are more resistant to external influences. In any case, it is advisable to avoid large species.

There are two cleaning methods:

  1. Heat the appliance to its highest temperature. Pour the salt onto a clean sheet of paper or towel and rub it with the base, pressing lightly on top.
  2. Soak a cotton pad or gauze in water and dip it in salt. Rub the burnt parts with a preheated iron.

We use vinegar

You will need diluted 9% vinegar; it is advisable not to use a concentrated solution. Take a clean cloth, towel or gauze. Pour the vinegar solution generously over it and iron it with intense movements until the carbon deposits completely disappear. The device must be cold.

Cleaning the iron with baking soda

With soda, things are about the same as with salt. Their recommendations for use are the same, but soda may be more effective and gentler. follow the same steps as in the section using salt.

Iron cleaning pencil

A special chemical pencil designed for cleaning the soles of irons from carbon deposits has proven itself very well in almost all reviews.

This is one of the simplest methods of getting rid of carbon deposits, the main thing is that it is at hand at the right time. To apply it, simply apply a pencil to the hot sole. Wipe off any remaining residue thoroughly with a clean cloth.

The pencil easily copes with its task, however, there are some nuances in its use that are worth knowing about.

After use, such a pencil can leave an invisible layer on the surface of the coating, due to which a stain may appear on your clothes the next time you iron. Therefore, before ironing clothes, be sure to heat the iron well and iron the unnecessary fabric. There will definitely be no pencil marks left if you run the sole along the side of the ironing board, as if removing all the residue.

Trying hydrogen peroxide

Dampen a cloth with a regular solution of hydrogen peroxide, which is found in every home medicine cabinet, and gently wipe the burnt area.

This method is also effective, but there are caveats. Make sure that drops of peroxide do not fall through the openings into the electrical appliance, since the reservoir is intended exclusively for filling with water.

Testing hydroperite

This method requires special care and is suitable for use in open spaces due to the release of pungent odors. Be sure to wear a mask and protect your hands with gloves.

Crush or grind the contents of one package of hydroperite tablets in any way convenient for you. Heat the iron on medium heat. Pour the resulting powder onto a flat surface and walk over it with your sole, having previously unplugged the device.

This method will do an excellent job of removing not very old stains, and your assistant will be ready for use.

Cleaning with a paraffin candle

Grate a regular candle and place it on a flat surface. Sprinkle the resulting shavings with table salt on top and cover with a clean cloth. Heat the ironing machine well and iron the top of the fabric. The paraffin will begin to melt and react with the salt, and the moisture that appears on the surface of the cloth will cope with the burnt-on stains.

Toothpaste to the rescue

If you are on a business trip and you don’t have vinegar or soda with you, and the hotel iron turns out to be problematic, this method will come to your aid. It’s good that you always have toothpaste with you.

Apply toothpaste to the smooth surface of a cold iron, and only after that connect it to the network. We remove excess toothpaste by ironing the unnecessary fabric.

Use steam mode, this will help prevent parts of the paste from getting into the holes.

How to clean steam vents

Every modern electrical ironing device has a steam function. It often happens that these holes become clogged with scale particles. This problem can be easily dealt with using vinegar or citric acid. Just soak a cotton pad with these products and wipe the outside of the holes. To penetrate hard-to-reach areas, it is better to use ear sticks.

How to get rid of scale

Unfortunately, the quality of running water in the modern world leaves much to be desired, and many manufacturers of electrical appliances for ironing do not recommend the use of distilled or filtered water. All this leads to the formation of scale inside the tank. Therefore, there is a need for their periodic cleaning.

2 tablespoons of citric acid diluted in a glass of water will help get rid of scale for a long time. To do this, you need to pour this solution into a water container and heat the iron. Carry out this operation several times until the dark liquid that comes out during ironing completely disappears.

It is necessary to carry out this procedure approximately once every six months for prevention.

Modern electric ironing devices are becoming more and more sophisticated, but at the same time they are demanding in terms of operating conditions and maintenance. An incorrectly selected ironing mode can lead not only to damage to clothing, but also to fabric sticking to the surface, and using plain tap water leads to the formation of scale. All this requires the owner to take measures to clean the ironing equipment that is indispensable in the house.

The best iron cleaning products

You can clean the iron using special store-bought products, here they are:

  • a special pencil based on ammonia. This product can be purchased at any hardware store, and it costs a penny. All you need to do is heat the electric device, rub its sole with a pencil, and then run it several times over a piece of unnecessary fabric, on the surface of which all the dirt will remain along with the remnants of the product;
  • What else is used to clean an iron? Silit will help remove rust and scale. After heating the device, you should turn it upside down and carefully drop a few drops of the product into each steam outlet. After a few minutes, rust will begin to appear on the surface, which should be removed with a dry cloth. And then it is recommended to fill the tank with water, select the steaming mode and punch holes well with a jet by pressing the corresponding button several times. Drain off excess water, wipe the device dry and begin ironing.

How to clean an iron from carbon deposits

There are many ways to clean your iron at home, here are some of them:

  1. Soda combined with dishwashing detergent. These two components must be mixed in a 2:1 ratio to obtain a paste. The sole of the iron should be covered with this slurry using a sponge. Leaving the device for 5–10 minutes, then vigorously rub the surface with a damp cloth.
  2. You can also clean your iron from carbon deposits using laundry soap. It is enough to warm up the device well and wipe its sole with a piece of the product. Wait until the iron cools down and wash off any residue with water.
  3. It can also help to clean your ironing equipment. regular vinegar. Armed with some rough, unnecessary cloth, you should soak it in vinegar and thoroughly wipe the contaminated surface. Since vinegar evaporates quickly, you will have to wet the cloth several times. After all the dirt and plaque remains on the fabric, the iron should be returned to its original appearance by ironing first the wet and then dry fabric.

How to clean iron from fabric

Fabric remains are the most common contamination that occurs when using the device in everyday life. If you do not take cleaning measures immediately, you can later damage your clothes when ironing, which will be contaminated by the fabric elements remaining on the sole.

We must immediately warn you that you cannot use strong abrasives such as sandpaper, blades or metal sponges, as they can easily scratch the sole. This can lead to further damage to your clothes when ironed with such a ridged and scratched iron. It is better to clean the iron at home like this:

  1. Heat the device, moisten an unnecessary rough cloth with ammonia and, as in the case of vinegar, rub the entire contaminated surface well. In the same way, we remove tissue residues and other plaque using hydrogen peroxide.
  2. Hydroperite tablets will help clean the iron from the fabric. After heating the electric device, you should rub its sole with a couple of tablets, and as soon as the dirt begins to come off from the surface, remove the remains with an old dry rag.
  3. The surface of the iron will shine clean again if you treat it with toothpaste, then turn on the device and iron the unnecessary fabric with a well-heated soleplate. To prevent the paste from clogging into the steam holes, you can pour water into the compartment and turn on the steam ironing mode.

Cleaning the iron inside

Like any electrical or other device operated with water, the iron tank sooner or later becomes covered with rust. The culprit may be failure to follow the instructions and use of plain water instead of distilled water. However, there is no need to panic or get upset. There are a couple of ways to solve this problem, here they are:

  • You can clean the inside of the iron at home using anti-scale agent or citric acid. To obtain a solution that needs consistency, you need to dissolve 0.5 teaspoon of the product in a glass of water, pour it into the compartment of the heated device and leave for 20–30 minutes. Then clean the holes by pressing the “steam” button several times. If the tank is not completely cleaned, you can repeat the procedure;
  • the same method, but instead of acid or anti-scale agent, use a mixture of water and vinegar.

That's all about cleaning ironing equipment at home. In order for the iron to last as long as possible and always delight you with the shine and cleanliness of the soles, you must follow the operating rules, observe the temperature conditions for different types of fabrics and do not neglect ironing through gauze. And then you will not be in danger of holes on your favorite blouse and rusty spots that are clearly visible on light-colored things. Good luck!

Every housewife uses an iron almost every day, because it is necessary to put clothes in order not only for herself, but also for the whole family. The soleplate of the iron gets dirty quickly. Ironing exposes fabrics of different structures. If the temperature regime is not observed, carbon deposits regularly appear on the sole. Especially when you have to iron a large amount of clothes after washing. To clean the soleplate of the iron, use both special and improvised products.

Synthetic fabrics require a special ironing regime; often it is after their processing that black soot appears on the sole. The use of high temperature entails melting of the fibers. The smell characteristic of fabric burning may appear when the fabric is severely damaged. In some cases, it does not appear, but over time, the remaining fibers on the sole burn and turn black.

If black spots appear near the hole from which steam is released, it is necessary to take care of the compartment containing water. Such contamination indicates the formation of scale, which darkens under the influence of high temperatures. If, when ironing white linen, yellow spots remain on the material or lime is released when steam is released, then you need to replace regular tap water with filtered or distilled water.

Types of surfaces

Before you clean a dirty iron soleplate at home, you need to find out what material it is made of. Each coating requires an individual approach. If you choose the wrong product, you will not only not clean the surface, but also risk ruining it. Most often, the sole of irons is made of the following materials: Teflon, aluminum, ceramics, stainless steel.


For a Teflon-coated iron at home, gentle methods are used. The surface is easily damaged by mechanical stress.


The surface of this material cannot be rubbed with metal brushes or products containing abrasive particles. A gentle touch is recommended.


Stainless steel

It is particularly durable. Any means are allowed for cleansing.

Folk remedies

It is recommended to clean the surface yourself at home using the following available means: salt, paraffin candle, hydrogen peroxide, vinegar, soda or nail polish remover. They are economical, easy to use, and all of the above components can easily be found in almost any home.


Table salt is suitable for cleaning almost any surface of the sole. The procedure for cleaning the sole with salt is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. Sprinkle finely ground salt onto a clean sheet of paper.
  2. Plug in the device, heat the soleplate and walk over a sheet of salt.
  3. By adding a little paraffin, you will soften the mechanical impact on the surface.

Salt has the ability to absorb pollution of any strength. Important, the method is not suitable for irons with Teflon soles.

Paraffin candle

The method is effective against carbon deposits that have recently formed. If the material is heavily burnt or has old contamination, paraffin is useless.

As an alternative to paraffin, laundry soap is used, which is used to rub the hot surface. After the surface has cooled, wipe it thoroughly with a dry cotton cloth.

Hydrogen peroxide

Thoroughly soak a cotton cloth or cotton pad with the product. Treat the sole until carbon deposits are completely removed. The hydrogen peroxide solution does not harm the surface of any material, as well as the plastic elements of the device. When the surface is heated, no unpleasant odor appears.


The product is present in any kitchen, easy to use, and cleans effectively. Thoroughly soak a cotton pad or clean cotton cloth with table vinegar. The surface is processed in a heated form. Apply the substance as it evaporates.

Complete the procedure by ironing an old rag made from natural fabrics, observing the temperature regime.


This method does not require heating the device. The product is safe for use on any surface. To process, prepare a solution of baking soda and water. Before the procedure, dissolve the substance in water in a ratio of 1 to 2 to obtain a thick mass. Rub the resulting paste into the dirty surface. Leave the product to act for 10 minutes. The soda is removed with a clean damp cloth and wiped dry.

Nail polish remover

The product is used with caution. If there is a high content of acetone in the liquid, there is a risk of damage to the plastic elements of the iron. The product is effective when polyethylene sticks. After the procedure, rinse the sole thoroughly with water.


The sticker on which matches are lit has the ability to clean carbon deposits from the soleplate of the iron. Using little effort commensurate with the strength of the dirt, wipe off the carbon deposits. Wipe the surface with a damp cloth or cotton pad until completely clean.

Professional products

The special preparation is available in pencil form. Effective against light or heavy dirt. You can buy a pencil at almost any household chemical store. Read the instructions for use carefully before use. Typically, the main activities are as follows:

  1. Plug in the electrical appliance.
  2. Disconnect the iron from the electrical outlet.
  3. While the surface is still hot, run a pencil along the sole of the device.
  4. The dirt will roll off the sole along with the product. Do not keep the device in a vertical position for long periods of time.
  5. To remove pencil residue from the soleplate, plug in the iron and iron with steam using an old, clean, natural cloth.

Use the pencil very carefully, as if the product flows into the holes, various types of damage may occur in the sole. Do not choose a product that contains abrasives. The most effective pencil is one that contains ammonia.

It is easier to prevent pollution than to remove it. It is important to follow ironing rules for all types of fabrics. It is recommended to iron clothes according to the following temperature standards:

  • flax – 200-230 ºС;
  • cotton – 160-185 ºС;
  • wool – 140-160 ºС;
  • silk – 110-130 ºС;
  • viscose – 80-120 ºС;
  • guipure – 50-80 ºС.

Iron on an ironing board; if you don’t have one, place a blanket or towel on any flat surface.

Prevention and compliance with basic ironing rules can reduce the frequency of sole cleaning. The basic rules are as follows:

  1. Adjust the temperature according to the type of fabric. If the item has fabrics of different materials, then carefully monitor the set mode. Study the labels on the products; they indicate the recommended temperature.
  2. Fill the tank with water only with purified water, which will prevent scale formation. Distilled water is ideal.
  3. After each use of the device, thoroughly wipe the soleplate.

These methods will not only prevent the appearance of stains and damage to products, but will also reduce the likelihood of the iron quickly going out of use.

How to clean an iron at home

Cleaning your iron from carbon deposits at home is a simple matter. The main thing is to choose a product that is suitable for the material from which the sole of the iron is made. There are some nuances to this matter:

  • For appliances with ceramic coating. To avoid damaging the surface, you can use a special cleaning pencil or chalk.
  • For metal surfaces. It is best to resort to baking soda or toothpaste.
  • For Teflon. You can care for an iron with a Teflon or ceramic sole using vinegar, hydrogen peroxide or soap.

Now let's take a closer look at these cleaning methods.

6 folk recipes

To clean your iron from carbon deposits, it is not at all necessary to resort to expensive substances; you can get by with budget components:

Image Instructions

Method 1. Vinegar

Wondering how to clean the soleplate of a Teflon-coated iron? Use regular table vinegar:

  • Dilute a couple of tablespoons of vinegar in a glass of water.
  • Soak a clean cloth in the resulting solution.
  • Heat the iron (but not to maximum temperature).
  • Wipe the base of the device with a damp cloth. Be careful not to burn your fingers.

During the cleaning process, heated vinegar will release an unpleasant odor. To work without unnecessary discomfort, put on a gauze bandage and open a window indoors.

Method 2. Lemon juice and ammonia

Simply by adding a few drops of ammonia to lemon juice, you will get an effective remedy that will not only rid the sole of soot, but also remove any remaining tissue stuck to the surface.

In addition, alcohol will also disinfect the surface and prevent the formation of fungus on it.

Method 3. Soap

This option is perfect if you are looking for how to clean a Teflon-coated iron from fresh carbon deposits.

Simply rub the sole with a bar of soap, and then remove any remaining carbon deposits with a damp cloth.

Method 4. Nail polish remover

It's very easy to use. Soak a cotton pad in the liquid and wipe the dirty areas with it.

Then all you have to do is treat the surface with a clean, damp cloth.

Method 5. Hydrogen peroxide

To clean the surface of the iron, you will not need the liquid itself, but hydroperite tablets, which contain hydrogen peroxide.

Rub the work surface with them (no need to crush the tablet), and then walk over it with a damp sponge.

Method 6. Toothpaste

Cleaning the soleplate of the iron with toothpaste follows the following procedure:

  • warm up the device a little;
  • apply the paste to the sole;
  • rub it with a medium-hard brush;
  • wash the surface.

To prevent scratches on the iron as a result of such cleaning, use toothpaste without abrasive additives.

Iron pencil

You can also clean the iron using a special pencil (price - from about 75 rubles), which is sold in stores with household chemicals. It's very easy to use.

  • Turn on the device and wait until it warms up.
  • Start running the pencil along the sole until it starts to melt. Do not press the pencil too hard, otherwise it will break and small pieces will fall into the holes on the surface of the device.
  • Remove any remaining dirt with an unnecessary cotton cloth.

This option is good for the question of how to clean a Teflon iron or how to restore the metal or ceramic surface of the device.

How to prevent carbon deposits

To ensure that the problem of carbon deposits no longer bothers you, I recommend following simple but important tips.

The cleaning method depends on the material from which the ironing surface is made.

Heating devices are made from the following materials:

  • ceramics;
  • metal ceramics;
  • Teflon;
  • stainless steel;
  • aluminum

Special and folk remedies for cleaning the iron

New generation irons made of Teflon, ceramic and silicon require almost no cleaning. If rare “accidents” occur, carbon deposits can be easily eliminated using universal household products that are available in all hardware stores.

Specialized products contain ammonia. Therefore, processing of the heating device should be done in a ventilated area.

It replaces regular laundry soap well. To clean the iron, you must first heat it, apply a soapy solution to the hot ceramic, and easily remove dirt with a soft cloth.

There are many other alternative ways to clean these household appliances. The only thing that all Teflon iron cleaning products have in common is the absence of abrasive particles.

That is, the device should be cleaned only with liquid, homogeneous solutions, without any crumbs, using a soft cloth. The most important thing is not to scratch the delicate surface.

How to clean a Teflon-coated iron using traditional methods:

  1. Hydrogen peroxide. To do this, take a cotton pad generously moistened with peroxide and carefully clean the sole. In this case, the device does not need to be heated.
  2. Hydroperite. Heat the iron to a temperature of 100-120 degrees, and then wipe the dirty area with a tablet. This procedure must be done with warm gloves and in a well-ventilated area, as harmful ammonia vapors are released.
  3. Citric acid. Cleaning your iron with citric acid couldn't be easier! To do this, take a soft flannel cloth and soak it in lemon zest. Then simply iron it with a heated iron. It is necessary, in turn, to place a rag under the “rescue cloth” so as not to stain the ironing board. The steam function should not be turned on in this case.
  4. A slice of lemon. This method is similar to the previous one, only here natural citrus is used instead of lemon juice. The iron should be heated and then carefully rub the lemon on the soleplate.
  5. Vinegar and ammonia. To do this, mix these two ingredients in equal parts, and then moisten a cotton cloth in them. Wipe the contaminated surface with this cloth. In this case, all windows must be open.
  6. Baking soda. Soft particles easily dissolve in water, so even Teflon can be cleaned with a soda solution.

Ceramics can be cleaned with a wooden spatula. To do this, heat the device and then scrape it with a spatula. Wipe off any remaining carbon deposits with a cloth.

Iron cleaning pencil

You can clean the iron from burnt marks using a special pencil, which is sold in hardware stores and departments with household chemicals.

Technology for cleaning an iron using a pencil:

  1. Place the iron on a flat surface with the ironing surface facing up. In this case, care should be taken to ensure that there are no foreign objects nearby.
  2. Turn on the device and heat it to approximately 120-130 degrees. This is approximately 4-6 position.
  3. After this, take a pencil and run it along the ironing side. The substance of the pencil will begin to melt upon contact with a hot surface.
  4. Next, you should take a clean cotton cloth and wipe off the separated carbon deposits.
  5. To clean an iron with holes, press the “Steam” button and wipe the steam holes.

An iron cleaning pencil is a modern and quick way to get rid of burnt marks.

Cleaning your iron from carbon deposits at home

Stainless steel and aluminum irons are less popular among consumers. After all, they are not as technologically advanced as Teflon irons, and besides, they are more often subject to carbon deposits.

The methods for cleaning such devices are similar to the previous options, but they have one significant difference.

Cleaning the iron with citric acid is not permitted with aluminum soleplates!

This is because the acid quickly reacts with the metal, causing it to corrode. After this, dark, rough spots may appear, which will damage the clothes when ironed.

But metal irons also have their advantages. For example, a fresh stain can be cleaned with a knife without fear of leaving scratches. This must be done immediately, before the device has cooled down and the stain has not become deeply embedded in the surface.

How you can clean your iron at home:

  1. Toothpaste. To do this, apply toothpaste or powder to the damaged surface, and then scrub it with a rough sponge.
  2. Salt. It is better to use table salt - it is finer. This must be done correctly: pour salt onto a clean sheet of paper in an even layer, and then run a hot iron over it. In this case, you need to make sure that the crystals do not fall into the steam holes.
  3. How to clean an iron from burnt fabric? To do this, take a piece of gauze or other rough cloth, soak it in acetone, and then wipe the surface.
  4. If there are pieces of plastic bag left on the iron, they can be easily removed using nail polish remover.
  5. You can clean the soleplate of your iron using a paraffin candle. It removes almost any plaque and is able to cope with various contaminants.

To do this, wrap the candle in a soft rag and set the iron to heat up. Then you should gently stroke the wrapped candle along the sole of the device until the paraffin begins to melt. This hot “lava” will remove carbon deposits.

To correctly perform this method, it is necessary to prepare the place where the process will take place in advance, and also lay out rags where the paraffin will drain. At the end of the manipulations, the sole should be wiped with a damp sponge.

Don't forget about the steam holes. To do this, you need to turn on the “Steam” button to remove any accumulated wax. If this is not done, greasy wax stains will begin to appear on your clothes.

Old carbon deposits can be removed with a hot bath. This method involves immersing the device in hot water with various mixtures. To do this, take a baking sheet and pour hot water 2 cm thick there with the addition of any cleaning agent: lemon juice, salt, soda, vinegar. If the deposit does not want to leave the surface, then the baking sheet with the device immersed in water is additionally heated.

To reduce scratches on the ironing sole, you need salt and paraffin. The last element should be grated and then mixed with salt in equal parts. This powder should be poured onto a clean paper sheet and then covered with a clean cloth. Iron the “pillow” with a heated iron. The result: scratches will be noticeably reduced!

How to clean the iron from scale inside

To prevent the formation of rust inside, only clean drinking water, ideally distilled, should be poured into the iron.

But, under no circumstances should you pour tap water into the tank! When heated, heavy salts very quickly form scale, which will come out in the form of brown flakes.

An iron in which scale has formed inside is very inconvenient to use. After all, ironing leaves red stains on clothes, which are sometimes difficult to wash off. Is it possible to clean the inside of the iron or should it be thrown away immediately?

First of all, it should be noted that modern ironing devices are equipped with a “self-cleaning” function. To do this, you need to pour water into the tank, and then do everything according to the instructions:

  1. Heat the iron at maximum power.
  2. After five minutes, turn off the iron completely, and then press the “clean” button.
  3. After these manipulations, steam should come out of the steam holes along with contaminants. In order not to stain the floor, it is necessary to prepare a basin for the iron in advance.
  4. To remove all the scale from the iron, you need to shake it thoroughly and finally wipe the soleplate with a cloth.

If old scale is firmly lodged inside and the cleaning function does not help, then you will have to take more radical measures using auxiliary substances.

How to clean an iron with a steamer:

  1. Pencil. As mentioned above, a special pencil perfectly removes stains on the sole. It is unlikely to clean steam holes, but it can dissolve scale very well. To do this, fill a full tank of water, heat the device, and then rub the sole with a pencil. Next, steam is released from the iron, while wiping the holes with a cloth. During this procedure, harmful fumes are released from the pencil. Therefore, these manipulations should be carried out in a ventilated area.
  2. Citric acid. To do this, take a store-bought packet of citric acid (25 g) and dissolve it in a glass of water. Pour the mixture into the iron reservoir and then heat it. Next, turn off the iron itself, and then holding it over the sink, turn on the “steam” button. All the oldest scale flakes will come out of the holes. After this, you should not forget to wash the tank itself, and also wipe the sole of the heating device.
  3. Sparkling water. Soda is poured into the tank and the iron is cleaned as in the previous version. Carbonated water contains many acids and alkalis that easily dissolve scale.

To avoid having to clean the iron from scale inside, you must follow these rules:

  • fill the tank only with distilled water;
  • leave the iron with the tip facing up after ironing;
  • After ironing, be sure to drain the water from the tank.

After cleaning, you should not immediately start ironing your clothes. Let the cleaned device cool down, and after half an hour you can get to work.

How to iron clothes and avoid iron deposits

To prevent carbon deposits, you should learn the basic rules for ironing clothes. Each type of fabric has its own permissible temperature regime:

  • flax – 200-230 ºС;
  • cotton – 160-185 ºС;
  • wool – 140-160 ºС;
  • silk – 110-130 ºС;
  • viscose – 80-120 ºС;
  • guipure – 50-80 ºС.

Ironing must be done on a flat, stable surface. Usually an ironing board or a table covered with a blanket is used for this.

  1. The light should come from the left.
  2. The iron cord should not interfere with ironing.
  3. They stroke from right to left.
  4. Ironing begins from the wide part, moving towards the narrow one.
  5. The iron should be moved in the direction of the thread: along or across, but not obliquely! If you iron it diagonally, the item will stretch out and become shapeless. The exception is items cut on the bias (skirts, ponchos).
  6. When ironing clothes, there is no need to stretch the fabric. Clothes should lie on the ironing board in a natural position as they will be worn.
  7. Items made from dark-colored fabrics should only be ironed from the inside out.
  8. First of all, iron small elements: cuffs, sleeves, pockets, lace, embroidery, collars.
  9. Knitted items often lose their shape after washing. In order not to aggravate this by ironing, knitted clothes are ironed from the inside and in a damp state. The ironed product should be placed on a flat surface to dry.
  10. Do not iron things with stains. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to remove them after ironing.

How to iron different types of clothes correctly

  1. When ironing a dress, first process the top: corset, collar, sleeves, and only then the skirt.
  2. Bust darts are always ironed downward, and vertical darts on the skirt are ironed toward the middle.
  3. To prevent dart marks from being imprinted on the fabric, first iron the entire product as a whole, and then smooth out the remaining marks separately.
  4. First, the dress is ironed crosswise and then lengthwise, smoothing out wrinkles.
  1. A classic suit must be ironed through damp gauze so that the fabric does not shine.
  2. The jacket is ironed in the following sequence: sleeves, hems, collar, back, and only then the lining and sides.
  3. An alternative to ironing a jacket is to steam it over a bowl of boiling water. Under the influence of high temperature and steam, the product straightens naturally.
  4. Trousers should be processed so that there are clear arrows in front. To keep the arrows for a long time, the inside of the fabric should be rubbed with dry soap, and then ironed from the outside through gauze.
  5. Each pant leg is ironed separately: from bottom to top.

Silk blouses:

  1. Silk items should never be hung on a line after washing. They should be wrapped in a terry towel and then ironed slightly damp.
  2. Under no circumstances should you spray silk items when ironing, as drop marks may remain on them.
  3. It is better to iron silk items from the inside out through gauze.
  4. Light-colored fabrics are ironed on the front side.

Wool products:

  1. The wool is ironed only from the inside out through damp gauze.
  2. To ensure that there are no shiny marks left on the fabric, it must be moistened and ironed with a hot iron.
  3. You should iron the wool by moving the heating device from place to place. You should not make forward movements so as not to deform the clothes.
  4. Woolen sweaters do not need to be ironed. After washing, just hang them on hangers over the bathtub. During the drying process, the clothes will straighten themselves and take on their original shape.
  5. After ironing, woolen clothing should be laid out loosely to dry. If you put a damp product in a closet, it will wrinkle again.

Lace and synthetics:

  1. Synthetic clothing must be ironed at the temperature indicated on the label. Very often, carbon deposits appear on the iron after ironing synthetics.
  2. You should not leave the iron in one place for a long time to avoid melting the fabric.
  3. Before ironing lace, you need to understand what threads it is woven from. If it is cotton, then the openwork should be ironed from the inside out through wet gauze. Synthetic lace should be ironed at minimum temperature.
  4. Silk fine linen is not ironed at all. It is enough to wash it and hang it carefully on a rope.
  5. It is not recommended to iron the tie. Instead, it is lightly moistened and then wrapped around a jar of hot water.

Cleaning your iron from carbon deposits at home is an activity that does not require much effort. To do this, it is not at all necessary to purchase expensive products - just clean the iron from scale with citric acid or soda.
