What should a 3 month old baby look like? Psychomotor development of a three-month-old baby

Physical development.

Weight gain in the third month of life should be 700 - 800 g. Height increases by an average of 2.5 cm. According to average head volume in boys at three months is approximately 40.9 cm, and volume chest- 41.5 cm. While in girls these figures are somewhat smaller: the volume of the head and chest of a three-month-old girl is 40 cm. At this time, the strengthening of the child's musculoskeletal system continues. Improves the central nervous system. The bones of the baby are very fragile and prone to external influences. Parents should be extremely careful in handling the baby so as not to harm him. For example, tight swaddling or improper seating of the child can lead to bone deformity. By the end of the third month, physiological increased tone child's muscles. The child is capable of some conscious movements, his arms, legs, neck and torso become more mobile. Reaches for toys, unclenches fingers. The baby can grab the rattle and pull it towards him. In the hands of the parents in an upright position, the baby holds his head well. He freely turns his head in all directions. The kid examines his hands, follows their movement, brings them to his face.

Psycho-emotional development.

A child at the age of three months responds well to sound: he can determine where he is coming from, turns to him. The kid listens to his mother when she talks to him. The baby can already smile, recognizes the voice of his mother, can express his emotions, desires and discontent with sounds. The child tries to raise his head when he lies on his back. If you put him on his tummy, he begins to rise on his elbows. The child develops grasping movements of the handles. He watches the movement of the mobile over the bed, tries to reach for it and grab it. The kid looks at the toys. His attention is drawn large patterns. The child observes the object that interests him while lying on his back, on his stomach, on his side, being in the arms of his parents.

A healthy baby can rest his feet on the surface, if you support him under the armpits. At the same time, his legs are bent in hip joint. The baby changes positions during sleep. The child can follow the eyes of moving parents, pets. The baby listens to the sounds. The baby smiles when he sees his mother's face. At three months he can walk. Can imitate the voice of parents or music with sounds. The kid wants to be given all the attention. To do this, he whimpers, smiles, screams, coos, etc. He can show his dissatisfaction if they stopped communicating with him, took away a toy, something worries him. The baby flinches when he hears a sharp sound. Listens to sounds. He can briefly focus on the toy. Looks into the faces of relatives. The child is trying to communicate with adults cooing, screaming. He can walk on his own. At three months, the baby can drink water from a spoon. He rejoices when he is bathed.


By the third month, the baby has already formed a sleep and wakefulness regimen. The child should sleep 16 - 17 hours a day. IN daytime the baby sleeps about 4 times for 1.5 - 2 hours. It should be fed 6-7 times a day. Between feedings should pass 3 - 3.5 hours. The child needs to be given vitamin D. The pediatrician will prescribe how and how much to give the child.


You need to walk a lot with a child, up to 6 hours a day. Baby really needs Fresh air. Walk in any weather. Only when the frost is below "-10", pediatricians do not recommend walking with the baby. Accustom your child gently to the sun. Sun rays contribute to the strengthening of the body, since under their influence the skin of the child independently produces vitamin D. Thus, there is a natural prevention of the body from rickets, anemia, immunity increases. IN last resort, the baby can be taken out in a stroller to the loggia. Just be sure to make sure that there is no draft and direct sunlight does not fall on the child.


It is very difficult to keep track of how much milk the baby eats when he is just on breastfeeding. But it is known that a baby eats 800 - 850 g per day. That is, a child eats 120 - 140 g at a time. You can calculate required amount milk differently: Divide the baby's weight by six. The result is the amount of milk that the baby needs to eat. It is better to breastfeed your baby. Mom should not forget to express the rest of the milk after feeding and eat right. If you have to supplement your baby or transfer him to artificial feeding, use adapted milk mixtures. Instructions for using the substitute breast milk and the age of the child from which you can feed him are written on the package. In addition to breast milk substitutes, the child can be given such dairy products, like biolact, narine, acidophilus milk, matsoni, kefir, which can be found in the dairy kitchen. Purchased kefir, for a child of this age, is not suitable, as there are too many microbes. In any case, before giving your child any food, ALWAYS consult a pediatrician! From 3 months, you can give your baby a drop of fruit puree (it is preferable to start with apple or pear) and juice, but only no more than 2 times a day and always after feeding. The amount of juice should not exceed 25 g. Enter the juice from a few drops and carefully monitor the reaction of the child. Fruit puree can be given 2 times a day after feeding 3 teaspoons. It is better to start complementary foods with applesauce.

Caring for a 3 month old baby.

Every morning, wipe the child's eyes from the outer edge to the inner edge with a cotton swab dipped in clean water. Then wipe the whole face with another cotton swab dipped in clean water. In a baby at this age, the lacrimal glands are already functioning. Cotton flagella should be used to clean the child's nose and ears. Nails should be cut regularly, but not short, rounded on the hands and straight on the feet. Bathe the baby every day without soap before feeding. The water temperature is 36 - 37 degrees. Soap is used no more than 1-2 times a week. The child can no longer be swaddled. Toys should be clean and easy to clean. Should not be given to a child small items and toys with sharp edges.

Editor: Lyudmila Potapova, pediatrician, graduated from the Pediatric Faculty of the SarGMU, clinical residency in infectious diseases.

Opinion of pediatrician Koval Anastasia "3 months of life"

Three months of life is the first milestone, the achievement of which all mothers are waiting for. The child has grown a little, and is already capable of conscious contact with parents. He discerns human face, facial expressions and voice of an adult who addressed him, greets with a smile and cooing, knows how to grab rattles, tries to reach toys hanging above him, lies with pleasure on his stomach leaning on his forearms, some already know how to roll over on their own.


At this age, the main source of nutrition for the baby is mother's milk. Most children do not need to drink water. The feeding regimen is strictly individual and each mother-child pair has its own. Main characteristic normal nutrition is a good weight gain, not the time elapsed between feedings. On average, it can be from 1.5 to 3.5 hours. The rest of the milk does not need to be expressed, because its amount at breastfeeding tailored to the needs of the child. And excess can cause lactostasis and mastitis. If the monthly increase is insufficient, the need for supplementary feeding with the mixture should be decided together with the doctor.

Your pediatrician will also help you choose it, taking into account the characteristics of the baby.

Complementary foods are not introduced at this age. Normal increase 800 gr (plus or minus 200).


Morning little man starts with washing. Rubbing face and eyes clean water. The nose and ears are cleaned as they become dirty.

During the day, the child is washed with warm water and soap, always after he poops, and as needed, but without soap. Wet wipes It is better to use only in the absence of the possibility of using water. Despite all the conveniences, they still contain fragrances and other substances that are not always desirable for children's skin.

The day ends with an evening bath. It is better to bathe especially excitable children in the afternoon.

The temperature should be 37-37.5 degrees, as the most favorable for the comfortable well-being of the child. It should be borne in mind that, unlike adults, the baby still does not know how to adapt well to temperature changes. If you want to start hardening, then you should remember the principle of regularity and gradualness in accustoming to more cold water. After the main bath, the child is rinsed with water with a temperature of 0.5-1 degrees lower.


Walking plays a very important role in the development of the child. They help to enrich the blood with oxygen, are part of hardening and getting to know the outside world.

Their duration is on average from 2 to 4 hours a day. And in good weather up to 6-7 hours.

If it is impossible to go outside, you can take out the stroller for a while daytime sleep to the balcony. Dress your baby as you are, plus one extra layer of clothing. To find out if the child is cold, you should pay attention to the nose, if it is warm, then everything is in order. For a walk, you can use both strollers and slings or kangaroos. IN recent child provides not only contact with the mother, but also more full review for new experiences. Pay attention to the child's posture and the age of your portable device.

Additional lessons

At this age, the child is able to perceive poems and music for 3-5 minutes, he is interested in toys, you can stimulate the baby to reach for them, it is useful to get acquainted with various fabrics and textures, as well as sounds. If the child does not sleep on a walk, it is worth talking more about what is happening around.

At home, hardening procedures should be carried out ( air baths, wiping), choose a complex of massage and gymnastics that matches the skills of the baby. He is usually introduced in a room healthy child in the clinic. It is also possible to combine it with nursery rhymes. It also contributes well to the development and normalization muscle tone swimming.

The author of the article is Koval Anastasia Andreevna,
pediatrician, graduated from the Kirov State Medical Institute, mom with experience

Publication date: 20.09.2011
Date of update: 03/16/2012.
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Elena 23.06.2016 19:18
Interestingly, in one article there are two opposite recommendations, I didn’t understand if I need to pay extra or not?

Anastasia 10.06.2016 14:16
Articles true for 2012. I wish all mothers to be adequately modern and literate.

Alina AH 04.06.2015 18:51
Irina, everyone has their own opinion on this matter !!! I now agree with the opinion that it is better to feed a child up to six months only with his own milk or mixtures, and then only introduce complementary foods. Suppose my mother also started giving us porridge early, so my sister grew up with gastritis. So, at first I fed my baby with milk, and then the milk was gone, I transferred it to the Nanny mixture and began to introduce complementary foods only closer to 6 months, we develop and grow normally, the main thing is there are no problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Irina 28.04.2015 22:27
Everything you write about feeding and drinking at 3 months is all nonsense. I started cooking milk porridge for my baby at 2.5 months and everything is fine. But how it was before, when my mother could not breastfeed, they also cooked porridge and everything was fine, now doctors can’t feed porridge early, you have to feed with mixtures. So this is how the mixture is all bullshit, because of them there can be problems

Baeva M 24.04.2015 12:17
We also fed the baby on demand. I think that feeding on a schedule is just absurd. The kid does not eat enough, is naughty. But this only applies to breastfeeding. As for children who are bottle-fed, they simply need a schedule. It really takes three hours to get there. I have a little sister who feeds her nephew Nanny formula. The baby is quite enough, he is quite full from feeding to feeding.

In pediatrics, there are criteria for the norms of the physical and mental development of children infancy. Sane parents should know them in order to compare the achievements of their baby with the generally accepted ones. This is important because it will help identify developmental delay in initial stage when timely Taken measures can completely remedy the situation. Regulations are clearly defined for each age group: from the first to the twelfth month. Next, we will talk about what a child should be able to do at 3 months of life, some tips will be given that will help the baby develop harmoniously.

Development by 3 months

An infant is born with functionally immature vital systems. The nervous system is no exception. Development of higher nervous activity It is associated with the impeccable functioning of the sense organs, which are carriers of information about the surrounding world. A new information makes you adapt and develop. How should analyzers function in a three-month-old baby?

visual system

Correct functional development visual analyzer is very important. Sometimes the eyes are called the structure of the brain, brought to the surface. Vision provides eighty percent of the information about the surrounding world and thus actively stimulates the development nervous system. What should be able to do three month old baby:

  • fix the object binocularly (with both eyes);
  • monitor the movement of adults in the room;
  • observe the movement of a large bright toy;
  • examine your pens.

Pens are the beginning of self-awareness. The child admires them with pleasure, fingering, clenching his fist.

Actively help the baby. In your arsenal there should be green, red, blue toys of bright juicy shades. They must be large enough. Show your child pictures, books with large drawings. The baby's room should be well exposed to sunlight. Color and light stimulation contribute to the full maturation of photoreceptors (rods and cones) of the retina eyeball. Carry your baby in your arms in an upright position more often, walk. So the picture of the perception of the surrounding reality will be similar to that felt by an adult, standing on his feet. This is more informative than the supine position.

auditory analyzer

The child begins to hear while still in the womb. At three months, the baby:

  • reacts negatively to loud sounds, expressing it by crying;
  • turns his head towards the sound stimulus. True, a regularity was noted, which consists in the fact that boys show a reaction more sluggishly and slowly compared to girls. The same is observed with motor development. As a rule, little boys lag behind their peers: later they begin to roll over, sit, crawl, walk. Scientists attribute this to the stimulating effect of female sex hormones - estrogens on brain structures;
  • positively tuned to quiet gentle music. You can turn on pleasant melodies for the baby, but you should not abuse it, as this can disrupt the normal sleep and wakefulness regimen;
  • loves the voice of mom and dad, reacts emotionally to them.

tactile feeling

The baby constantly feels his body, items of clothing, bed dress. The development of touch contributes to the growth of cells of the cerebral cortex. Keep items handy different materials(wood, metal, leather, plastic, cotton) that differ in texture (rough, smooth). The baby should touch hard and soft, warm and cold things. Use cubes, balls, cone-shaped, cylindrical, pyramidal toys. Tactile cognition volumetric figures improves spatial perception of the world. Do not forget that three-month-old babies, like all children under 3 years old, actively use, in addition to the fingertips, the tongue as an organ of touch. Often you will observe how the child sucks a diaper or a tie from a cap. Watch to small parts did not enter the throat.

Taste and smell

The kid has a great taste. He responds positively to sweet and winces at bitter and sour. Taste buds are located not only on the tongue, as in an adult, but also on the mucous membrane of the cheeks and lips.

The child has a well developed sense of smell. He smells milk and easily identifies mom even without eye contact. Unpleasant odors force him to step back.

Don't forget about hygiene aspects. Eyes, ears, nose, skin care should be carried out properly.

Unconditioned reflexes

A baby is born with a number of unconditioned reflexes (automatisms). Some of them remain for life - swallowing reflex, blinking when touching the cornea of ​​​​the eye, vomiting reflex on hit foreign body to the root of the tongue. And some of them - passing (transient) - they must disappear, each in its own time. And if this does not happen, then a delay in the development of the nervous system can be suspected. By the third month, the following reflex actions should disappear:

  • the child should not stretch out his lips if they are lightly hit with a finger;
  • the baby will not turn his head towards the irritant if you touch the area close to the corner of the mouth;
  • when pressing on the palmar surface of the hand, the baby will not open its mouth, as it did in the first two months of life;
  • when a newborn is placed on a hard surface, he rests on his legs and begins to take involuntary steps if he is directed, now you will not observe such a feature;
  • the baby will turn his head to the side if he is placed on his stomach - a natural defense against suffocation. Three month old baby can already hold his head, so he no longer needs such a reflex act;
  • in the supine position in the limbs there will be no tension in the extensor muscles, and in the position on the stomach - in the flexor muscles, as it was at birth. Now the physiological hypertonicity of the muscles goes away, the arms and legs relax. This is a necessary process, it helps the child learn to control his movements.

A new reflex appears if the baby is placed freely in the air with its back up, its head will occupy a vertical position, and its back will bend in an arc.

The reflex activity of the child changes due to the increased influence of the cerebral cortex.

neuropsychic development

The mental development of a child at 3 months will be marked by a pronounced revitalization complex. The kid gets used to his parents, feels his security and affection for mom and dad. On nice words And affectionate appeals starts to react:

  • smiles at the sight of adults and when they try to start a conversation;
  • reacts emotionally to their new successes;
  • begins to coo (coo) - sounds come from the back of the oral cavity.

This is the first stage of speech development in children, which ends by the age of four, when the words become one hundred percent clear. A baby's verbal skills at 3 months may be more advanced. Some babies already know how to babble - to pronounce individual vowels and consonants with different intonations. But don't be discouraged if it hasn't happened yet. It is too early to say that there is a delay in speech development (SRR).

You can help three month old baby master the second signal system fully. Chat with him more often. Sing children's songs, tell educational rhymes, nursery rhymes, jokes with duplication of words and syllables. Copy the sounds of the baby, and he will repeat after you. Thus, we develop the baby and strengthen the social connection with him, which is of great importance in the formation of higher nervous activity. What a child can do at 3 months depends directly on you.

motor functions

The movements of the baby become less chaotic, acquiring regularity and control. What can a child do at 3 months:

The Importance of Sleep

Proper development of the sense organs favors the optimal development of the nervous system. But no less important side of the issue is the optimization of sleep patterns. Insufficient sleep causes the child to be lethargic, tearful, contributes to a delay neuropsychic development. Breastfed babies are more likely to wake up at night, as milk is evacuated from the stomach faster than artificial formula. It will be nice if the baby's crib is next to yours, so that if you wake up, you can quickly put him to sleep.

Some believe that babies sleep longer on their stomachs and are less likely to wake up at night. This position is appropriate if the baby often spits up. However, such a dream requires constant monitoring of the child. No objects should interfere with the airways.

Form the rhythm of daytime sleep. Sleeping your baby at regular intervals will be convenient both for him and for you. This will help plan your activities while the baby is sleeping.

If the baby has passing reflexes, there is a suspicion that the sense organs are not working properly, and psychomotor functions are not developing, this will alert the supervising pediatrician. Most likely, he will appoint additional methods examinations, consultation of a neurologist and other necessary related specialists. But do not worry if the child has not yet mastered only some skills. Maybe it's his idiosyncrasy. Follow all the recommendations and prescriptions of the doctor, perform all the procedures and do massages. This will help the baby quickly catch up with their peers.

A creature that has recently appeared in the family from a small squeaking lump gradually begins to turn into a baby with a meaningful look. It is too early to talk about some kind of upbringing during the period of 3 months - this is the stage of reflex perception of the world. The main job of parents in this phase is to provide sufficient care for the newborn and accustom to the regimen.

Physiological development: nutrition, sleep, reflexes

The baby is already more active in movements and begins to show increased interest in the world around him. Visual concentration on objects now lasts about 8 seconds. A 3-month-old baby carefully observes objects moving in front of him and distinguishes them, highlighting new objects. Indeed, novelty given age so far it does not cause interest, but anxiety, sometimes provoking fear.

A child of 3 months requires active development and complete care based on physiological characteristics.

Development. During the same period, there is color perception, but at the level of conditioned reflex connections. Spatial sensations (in particular, depths) are not yet familiar to an infant of this age. Based on these perceptions, cognitive development controlled by adults. The more diverse the habitat, the more useful it is for psychological development baby.

Hygiene and nutrition. Baby care up to 3 months includes daily procedures, providing cleanliness of the body, nasal passages, auricles. Special attention is given to the diet, because not only health depends on it, but also mental development baby.

Dream. By adjusting the process of nutrition, it will be easier to establish sleep and wakefulness patterns. In this age category the baby no longer falls asleep immediately after eating, but continues to explore the world. Therefore, it is desirable to develop clear rituals for the sequence of actions.

These associations will begin to be reflexively absorbed by the subconscious of the baby, which in the future will provide parents with a calm, measured life.

How to take care of a 3 month old baby?

Baby care at 3 months includes hygiene procedures that allow you to keep the baby clean and healthy, and therefore calm. Reflex perception of the newborn hygiene features will automatically play a role in the development of certain habits in the future.

All procedures included in hygiene are performed at the same hours or are associated with other actions. For example, bathing is carried out before a 10-hour feeding (evening), and this will gradually become a signal for subsequent sleep.

In addition to bathing, the baby should be washed regularly, and this is done after each bowel movement. At the same time, caring for the boy is somewhat different - at this age, when washing the genitals, nothing else should be done to avoid infection of the foreskin.

In girls, washing is done carefully and is considered mandatory. hygiene procedure. Each specific part of the body needs to be given specific attention.

How to care for a three month old baby:

  • after water procedures(bathing and washing) take care of the baby's skin, protecting it from irritation. For this, baby powder is usually used, but with sufficiently dry skin, it is better to take a special oil;
  • in the event of diaper rash on the skin, 2 times a day, apply Traumeel C ointment, applying it in a thin layer;
  • while bathing, the ears are washed. In this case, only the shells are cleaned, and the auditory canal is not affected;
  • healthy eyes do not need special rinsing, but nitrous must be dealt with immediately using the Okuloheel preparation;

Spout. In newborns, the nasal cavity is equipped with a good self-cleaning system that allows you to remove dirt and mucus with the help of sneezing. If the nose is clogged, and the mucus prevents the baby from breathing, it is removed carefully cotton swab while bathing, moistening with a physiological liquid of the Euphorbium compositum C type.

Nails. The nails are periodically trimmed, and this procedure is carried out while the baby is sleeping and relaxed. In this case, you should not use nail scissors, but tweezers.

A well-groomed baby is both mentally calm and physically healthier, so he is more actively involved in various games.

Games and gymnastics

The baby at the 3rd month of life is quite mobile and In a similar way starts to feel the world. The most developed movement of the hands with which the baby reaches for objects, touches the mother or simply actively swings them in the air.

Ability tactile perception will help to make general strengthening gymnastics a part of raising a child both spiritually and physically. Such actions, turned into a kind of game that gives the baby pleasure, the subconscious will reflexively perceive how natural way studying the world.

Therefore, caring for a 3-month-old baby must include play activities of strengthening gymnastics, the purpose of which is to teach the baby to feel his body.

The fourth month is a kind of Rubicon in the life of a baby. A three-month-old child has overcome the first stage of adaptation of the body to the outside world. What the baby can do at this point is the result of his work and the work of his parents. At three months development baby is coming in all areas (from physiology to the psyche).

At this stage great importance has timely and competent assistance in development from adults - these are massage and educational games, communication with the child and accustoming him to the daily routine, walks and changing feeding rules. To do everything right, parents must be mentally and informationally prepared for a new round in the life of their baby.

At 3 months, the baby begins to actively explore the world around him, memorize shapes, colors and sounds. It is desirable that parents during this period also make their efforts to comprehensive development child

There are many video tips on this topic, by watching which you can learn a lot of useful things for yourself (both in the field of child psychology and in the field of his physical development). It is better to watch material prepared by experts. For example, Dr. Evgeny Komarovsky tells in an accessible way what you should pay attention to.

Fundamentals of the physical development of the baby

The physical development of a child at 3 months has always been given great attention especially by parents. This is partly due to the fact that they can easily determine the size of their 3-month-old baby, and thus assess his normal physical state. The examination of a baby up to a year, which is carried out in a polyclinic at the place of residence, includes:

  • general inspection;
  • auscultation (the doctor listens to the work of the heart and respiratory organs);
  • measurement of the volume of the chest and head;
  • measurements of height and weight.

A child at 3 months should weigh approximately 5 to 7 kg and have average height 62 cm (this applies to both girls and boys).

All these parameters are influenced by the genetic characteristics of the parents, the fertility of pregnancy, its course and the period of its resolution ( ahead of time, on time or the mother carried the baby), as well as the conditions in which the baby grew up (nutrition - natural or artificial feeding, introduction early complementary foods and quality of care).

Table of average sizes of crumbs by the end of 3 months:

Normally, a child gains from 0.5 to 1 kg per month at this age. Deviations are possible, for example, children who are fed with mother's milk gain weight faster than artificial ones. If the parameters of a 3-month-old baby differ from those declared, this does not mean that something irreparable has happened. When a child is cheerful, active and healthy, pooping 6-8 times a day and urinating up to 12 times, but a little underweight or overweight - this is not a reason to panic.

Babies, whom the mother breastfeeds, rarely overeat, but mothers of children on artificial or mixed feeding You need to be attentive to the weight indicators of your crumbs. If it seems to you that the baby is plump or has excessive thinness, consult a pediatrician.

Parents should never ignore scheduled visit pediatrician, because it depends further development child. It is important to identify whether everything is normal now, whether the baby’s reactions correspond to his age

Reflexes of a newborn: what happens to them?

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Basic reflexes of a newborn:

  • Moro reflex;
  • Babkin's reflex;
  • search;
  • proboscis;
  • sucking;
  • crawl reflex.

Exactly reflex activity helps newborns survive and adapt to environment. But a 3-month-old baby no longer needs them. Therefore, normally, the main reflexes of a newborn at 3 months (with the exception of the sucking and crawling reflexes) begin to fade away, residual manifestations remain.

The presence of pronounced reflexes of a newborn may indicate a neurological pathology:

  • opening the mouth and turning the head in the direction of exposure while stroking the corner of his mouth (search);
  • extension of the lips with the proboscis when touched upper lip(proboscis);
  • moving the head forward and opening the mouth when pressing on the palm of the child (Babkina);
  • too pronounced Moro reflex.

The crawling reflex and the sucking reflex are clearly expressed at the age of 3-4 months. They are required for the growth and development of the baby.

At the 3rd month, babies often develop rickets, and parents should be very attentive to their baby. The first symptom is excessive sweating. The face of the crumbs is covered with droplets of sweat during feeding, but the head sweats especially strongly at night. The baby is worried about this, and he rubs his head against the mattress, because of which the hair on the back of the head falls out, a bald spot forms. Also, the baby becomes restless, shy, his urination becomes more frequent. All this may be due to a lack of vitamin D. At the first suspicion of rickets, an urgent consultation of a pediatrician is required, who will prescribe the necessary drugs and procedures, as well as correct the nutrition of the mother and child.

Skills that a baby masters by 3 months

  • flips from back to stomach;
  • "cobra" - the ability to raise the head and shoulders, leaning on the forearms.

A child at 3 months most often masters these skills, but far from all children do it well. Some people get over it by 4 or even 5 months. There are no strict standards here, the baby grows and develops, and does not pass the TRP. Therefore, if he is healthy, gains weight well, is active, has no neurological pathologies, but does not roll over and leans on his arms very well, you should pay more attention to training with him, developing games and massage.

The ability to raise and hold the head normally develops by the age of three months. It is necessary as a base for further rolling, crawling and walking.

Psychological characteristics of babies

Three months is a bright period of changes that affect the psyche of the baby, his emotional sphere:

  • The main "novelty" in behavior is the so-called recovery complex. It consists in the active smile of the baby, raising his motor activity and in the fact that he “talks” for a long time (gurgles and gurgles).
  • At this stage in the life of a crumb goes active development basic functions his psyche, sensory perception. For example, vision undergoes a significant change. The child is able to track moving objects and objects with his eyes, to examine them.
  • Object perception is formed. He is able to recognize a complex of properties of an object. To do this, he tries to use his sensory systems to the maximum (examine the object, touch, chew, shake, listen to the sound if it makes it).
  • The child's hearing is also actively improved. The child is able to distinguish between intonations, isolate individual sounds from the general noise, and adequately determine the source of sound vibrations. He recognizes the voices of significant adults very well, the reaction to his mother's voice is especially noticeable.
  • emotional sphere also progressing rapidly. A child at this age is able to be offended, surprised, upset. He sensitively feels the family atmosphere and the mood of adults.
  • Learn by doing as you do. That is, by the method of imprinting, adopting and “writing down on the subcortex” the ways of responding adults.

At 3 months, the baby begins to actively coo, as if talking. In fact, this is communication with parents - the child shares his emotions, shows affection or interest

Routine and nutrition

The three-month milestone is the time when it's time to take care of the baby, developing the basics of the daily routine from him and accustoming him to the main regime moments. By this time, the baby is still sleeping a lot, but already much less. A couple of decades ago, up to 18 hours a day was considered the norm, but modern children sleep much less. Toddlers can sleep from 12 ½ to 15 hours. The main time is at night. There is still up to 4 hours of sleep per day.

A three-month-old baby is able to sleep most of the night. During this period, the “correct” attitude to the baby’s night sleep is formed, that is, the association of the night with sleep. He should already learn to fall asleep not with a bottle or under his chest, but on his own. The place of eating and the place of sleep must be spaced apart; you should not feed the baby in bed.

The total volume of breast milk that the baby eats increases to 800-900 ml / day, in one feeding the baby eats about 150 grams. In general, breastfed babies regulate their own milk supply. If the baby is artificial, he should eat the mixture in the amount recommended by the manufacturer, large children can eat a little more. Some parents start introducing complementary foods at 3 months. We do not recommend doing this, it is better to postpone complementary foods for up to six months, in the case of IV - up to 5 months.

In the third month of feeding, one oflactation crises.This must be taken into account: in no case should you reduce feeding, assuming that the milk is “running out”. During this period, the flow of milk stops, and the woman thinks that there is less milk. In addition, the child shows interest not only in food, but also in surrounding objects: he can take breaks in food, looking around. Therefore, some mothers think that milk “disappears” and supplement their children with formula, this should not be done.

Sometimes moms get confused lactation crisis at 3 months with the complete disappearance of milk, which normally should not be there yet. The best tactic is to continue feeding, adjusting to the baby's regimen.

"Developers" for the child

The 4th month of a child's life is the time when it's time to move on to active pursuits with him during periods of his wakefulness. The games that mom can offer should be aimed at developing:

  • hearing (sing songs and nursery rhymes to the baby, read fairy tales in faces, turn on children's songs);
  • speech skills (when talking with the baby, after saying a sentence, shut up, inviting him to insert his “phrase” in this way, over time the baby will understand, and will be happy to participate in such a “dialogue”);
  • tactile sensations (you can give the baby objects of different textures to feel them, for example, cereals, different fabrics, objects with an unusual surface, etc.);
  • stimulate brain activity in a reflex way (massage of the palms and feet, finger exercises, etc.).

toys for three month old baby you need to choose bright, colored and comfortable for grasping and biting. Very well suited different rattles with rings. Pediatrician Komarovsky will tell you about this in an accessible and detailed way in his programs, as well as a video on the development of the crumbs using the Leonardo method.

What can a 3 month old baby do? psychomotor development The baby at this age is rapidly moving forward. But if the baby does not have any skills, you should not sound the alarm in advance. Diagnose general development infants should pediatrician. Mom can conduct an independent study of the skills and reactions of the baby, but one cannot do without consulting and examining a pediatrician.

The biggest opening of the baby 3 months of life - own hands. The baby is already quite well developed eye-hand coordination. The baby no longer just bumps into his hands, but consciously looks for them and easily finds a use for them: he puts them in his mouth and tastes them.

Motor skills of a 3 month old baby

In the movements and position of the body of the crumbs, more and more stability and balance are observed. What should a baby do at 3 months?

  • Confidently holds his head in a position on his stomach. The baby is able to raise his head at an angle of 90 °, at 2 months of life, the baby could only raise it by 45 °. Holds the head for about a minute or more. In the prone position, the baby rises confidently on his forearms, his hips are firmly pressed to the surface, while his legs are straightened. At 3 months, the baby tends to vertical position head in any position, but it is best to do this in a prone position.
  • Development of crawling skills. The baby spends more and more time on his stomach. In this position, he can make the first crawling movements. Of course, they are far from crawling on all fours, but the baby is already able to gradually move around, pulling himself up on his hands. A child at three months should not be able to roll over from his back to his stomach. But by chance, he can roll over from his stomach to his side or back, roll by inertia. Therefore, at this age, babies should not be left unattended on an unprotected high surface.
  • The disappearance of the stepping reflex. In the first month of life, the baby had persistent stepping reflex, on the second - it began to fade, and on the third - completely disappears. It's normal physiological process. If the baby is taken under the armpits, placed vertically and placed on a hard surface, its legs will begin to bend, the reflex of stepping movements is no longer observed.
  • Reactions in the sitting position. At this age, the baby is not yet able to sit. This position should be short-term to see how the baby holds his head. It is necessary to seat the baby, carefully lifting the arms from a supine position. In this position, the baby's head can remain in line with the neck and spine for only about 30 seconds, then it tilts back or leans to the side. After that, you need to lay the baby on its back again. After a minute, lift the baby by the handles so that his body hangs slightly above the surface. The head in this position should remain in line with the neck and spine for several seconds.
  • Fixation of the gaze and the formation of a conditioned grasping reflex. If a toy is placed in front of the child at a distance of 30 cm, he will become animated, but there is already less randomness in the movements of the arms and legs. A baby at 3 months old should be able to focus on a toy. If you move it, the baby follows it. Also during this period, the baby for the first time can reach out with both handles for a toy. The palms remain half open. The baby cannot yet hold the rattle in his hands.

The most stable position for a baby at 3 months is on the stomach. In this position, the surrounding world is clearly visible, not only motor skills are developed, but also distant vision.

In the reactions of the baby, there is more and more emotional coloring. And if in the second month the "complex of revival" can be considered unconditioned reflex, then on the third baby can demonstrate joy and interest. A smile at this age is already conscious, social. Also at the sight loved one the baby actively moves his arms and legs, "talks", even laughs. It is important to support with crumbs emotional contact. It promotes healthy mental development infant.

How do the sense organs develop?

The baby learns the world with the help of five senses - sight, hearing, touch, smell, taste. What can a baby do at 3 months? How are his visual, auditory, gustatory, olfactory, tactile reactions manifested?

  • Vision. visual functions in infants of this age, they improve, light sensitivity and visual acuity increase, and visual images. The kid is already able not only to detect an object, but also to distinguish it, to recognize it among other objects. The color perception of the baby is also developing, but so far far from perfect. At this age, color recognition begins, the first of which are red and yellow. So far, the baby's vision is focused on the near space, but compared to the second month, the baby sees further and can recognize his mother's face at a distance of more than a meter.
  • Spatial perception of the world. A three-dimensional perception of space and volume of objects is formed: the baby sees the width and height of objects, and thanks to tactile sensations, he can perceive them in volume. As before, the face of a loved one attracts most attention baby, he's looking for eye contact with eyes, follows movements, turns his head in the direction of mother's movement.
  • Hearing. The baby already easily recognizes his mother not only by smell, image, but also by voice. A baby at 3 months old can accurately identify the voices of all loved ones. His auditory system has improved so much that he is able to isolate some sounds from the background of others, to guess the source of the sound. If you ring a bell over the baby's ear, he will immediately turn his head in the direction of the outgoing sound. Such observation is recommended for parents to check the hearing of the baby. You can also test your baby's reaction to quiet sounds. He may react to too loud noise by crying and grimacing. Of course, children cannot consciously listen to music at this age. It is believed that the baby can focus on music for only 20 seconds, then it will be just a background.
  • Touch. Tactile sensations the crumbs are well developed from birth, because in the first months hearing and vision are still far from perfect, nature replaces them with touch. The child immediately responds to touch. If you stroke the baby's cheek, he will close his eyes, he can reach out with his hand to the place where he felt the touch. In medicine, this reaction is called skin concentration. It will develop more and more with age, by 5 months the baby will respond to tickling. Pain in a three-month-old baby they increase. He now reacts faster to discomfort - wet diapers, heat, cold, awkward position body.
  • Smell and taste. At 3 months, the baby can express his perception of smell: unpleasant odors cause the baby to sneeze and grimaces of displeasure, pleasant ones - a smile, animation or, conversely, fading. By the end of 3 months, the sense of smell in infants increases. Also, the baby easily recognizes the various flavors of breast milk. If it is bitter, the baby will cringe, refuse the breast. There is an opinion that children who were breastfed are less picky about food at an older age. This is due to the fact that they have already tasted the tastes of many products through their mother's milk.

The development of the senses, as well as motor skills, in a boy and a girl at this age is the same. Only a difference in weight and height is possible: boys are usually larger.

Communication and speech development

How more communication and contact with the baby, the more talkative and smiling he is. At this age, the baby can adopt the intonations of adults. What speech skills of a child at 3 months can be observed?

  • The learned vowels (“e”, “s”, “a”, “y”) are joined by “and”.
  • He pronounces the consonants "g", "x", "k", "m" well.
  • New consonants appear: "v", "d", "t".
  • Vowels and consonants are combined into syllable chains.
  • A new chain of sounds appears, which are formed like this: “hey-ge”, “e-we”, “e-de” and others.
  • The laryngeal articulation "r" is similar to the sound when gargling.
  • The first stage of pre-speech development (cooking) is replaced by cooing, cooing, which precedes babbling.

The baby begins to respond to its own sounds. Most of all, the baby is pleased with the guttural “rrr”. There is also an emotional coloring of sounds. In different ways, the baby “speaks” when he is happy, crying or dissatisfied with something.

What can a child at 3 months? Important skills and reactions: holding the head in a prone position for 1 minute; formation of a conditioned grasping reflex and an attempt to reach for a toy and touch it; the first distinction of colors; social smile and laughter; syllable chains, guttural articulation of sounds.

