How to play "hunter and prey" with a man: ways to win his attention. Signs of a serious relationship or is it a game

Flirting is a game level of relationships between people, in which a woman tries to please a man. A man also shows signs of attention, and such ping-pong allows people to express sympathy for each other and establish relationships.

There is little competent information about flirting, and even less good recommendations that would help you understand where to go in further studying this issue. Therefore, we have tried to collect here all the cream of the crop on this topic and present it to you in an interesting and accessible way. So, meet the top 12 hot tips for flirting!

1. Play like children

Psychologist Eric Berne wrote best about the gaming level of interaction in the book “People Who Play Games, Games People Play.” According to his theory, it is possible and necessary to play from the position of a child. Precisely the Child, not the Adult or Parent. Through play, a child learns about the world, trains to interact, explores the boundaries and limits of what is permitted. The game also satisfies basic needs - exploration, study, interest, contact.

2. Identify sensory hunger

The desire to like, attract attention and flirt is based on sensory (sensual hunger). Each of us needs a certain amount of attention, glances, “strokes.” And an important criterion for using flirting is the level of this hunger and everyone’s personal appetite. Feeling the need for “stroking”, tenderness, affection, a person becomes more social and sexual, which gives a further impetus to the realization of the “basic instinct”. Therefore, sensual hunger helps you play and flirt with more confidence and variability.

3. Study the features and rules of the game

Like any game interaction, flirting assumes that the players know the map of the area and the rules. Each specific situation has its own context, but the unwritten rules are simple: knowing the end goal, pleasure, excitement, caution, choosing the right partner for flirting and ensuring your own safety in case something goes wrong.

4. Use subtle energies

According to metaphysics, the world works on the principle of resonance. The emotional and energetic state you are in is of great importance for the beginning of flirting, as, in principle, for the beginning of everything in our lives. It is better to play with positive vibrations and a good mood. According to the boomerang principle, what you send out into the world comes back to you.

5. Pump up the lower chakra

The best flirts are women who are good with sexuality, and this is an indicator of the development of the lower Svadhisthana chakra (sexual, gender chakra). She is responsible for sexual energy and attractiveness, magnetism, energy level, sociability, positivism, as well as sex and money. Thanks to the energy of this chakra, a person seeks pleasure and exhibits sexual and sensual activity.

6. Study body markers

Here, the important and basic thing to start with is your own and your partner’s body language. This is written well and in detail in the book “Sign Language” by the Australian writer Allan Pease. In addition to exploring how your partner's system works, ask someone to act as a mirror for you. This is a storehouse of information about what arsenal you use to attract, how rich and varied, bright and expressive it is. And even better if you are filmed while you are flirting. This way, you will have the opportunity to evaluate your strengths and weaknesses and adjust your flirting technique.

7. Practice speaking silently

A delightful technique that develops “bodily” speech. It doesn’t matter who you are training with - a friend, a friend or in a company, one thing is important, to remain silent and with the help of facial expressions, gestures and eye expressions, convey a certain message to another. This could be a message of interest, an attempt to support, to say “I love you” without words, or, conversely, a way to designate your boundaries and territory. The main thing in this technique is to hone your skill of speaking with your body while maintaining complete vocal silence.

8. Once you light the fire, retreat

A man who has caught your hook turns on his hunting instinct and you need to play the “victim” position in time. When you feel that your spell has worked, take two steps back and let him take the initiative. Like in a dance, take two steps towards, and then follow him and his rhythm. If you miss the moment, your partner will feel like a mouse in a mousetrap and may run away, afraid of the pressure or simply losing interest.

9. Choose your territory

An important condition for successful flirting is the territory in which you play. It should provide freedom of maneuver, but at the same time ensure your safety in case something goes wrong. It is better not to flirt on male territory when your freedom and ability to leave are limited by his will and desire.

10. Adjust your distance

Probably each of you remembers the children's game hot and cold. This is exactly what we're talking about, only in relationships. The remarkable philosopher F. Nietzsche wrote that a man remains dependent on risk for his entire life. What a tool to add spice and intrigue to your game. The technique of approaching and moving away is a rather subtle thing, but if you master it, the man will retain interest in you for a long time and flirting will acquire new tones. People who have a harmoniously developed theme of personal boundaries regulate their distance well.

11. Consider polygamy

We will talk about a man's innate desire to possess many women and his interest in variety and new sensations. How does this relate to flirting? Directly, because only with an ever-changing, multifaceted woman does a man feel alive and intrigued. To do this, you need to get to know yourself, discover something new, go deep in your research, and then generously share with a man. You can win the competition only by working on yourself and constant changes.

12. Combine mind and body

The Greeks wrote about important combinations of forms of love that lead to specific results.

Eros is the soul plus the body. Unburdened by the mind, pleasant, sincere physical contact.

Strictly – mind plus soul. Not very bright, but reliable and serious, sincere friendship.

Ludus – mind plus body. Pleasant intellectual entertainment for equal partners, where there is no mental suffering and obligations, this is a love-game, where it is easy and fun. This is flirting.

Flirting, like any art, needs to be learned so that it is in moderation and you can get exactly what you want - an exciting acquaintance, attention, relationship, interest, or still easy and non-binding sex. We wish you to succeed in this matter and discover new facets and possibilities in yourself and your man.

What kind of bed games do men like?

Men, according to the weaker sex, will forever remain mysterious, despite the mass of literature that aims to bring men and women to mutual understanding.

Few female representatives understand men and what they really want. Let's start small - what kind of bed games do men like?

According to specialists, the first thing men want is a depraved and seductive priestess of love, in the image of which their wife or beloved girl sometimes appears before them. Naturally, she must give access to all parts of her body and have the necessary arsenal of “knowledge and skills.”

However, this should be allowed only occasionally, with the greatest caution and strictly dosed, since men are no less contradictory than women. On the one hand, they want you to allow them everything in sex, but on the other hand, he may consider you a woman of not the most difficult behavior.

Role-playing games preferred by men

Most people, although never are not recognized in this, they dream about rape. No, no, not about the real thing, of course, but about a role-playing game called “Rape.”

Sexual "maniac", whose role is played by your husband or lover, lies in wait for the unfortunate victim and brutally rapes her, tearing her clothes, leaving small bruises on the body... Exciting, isn't it? However, 85% of partners have never offered their lovers to play this way in their lives.

In childhood, almost everyone played “doctor.” Many men later keep playing this game, but now the slutty nurse examines her patient with much more intensity and a completely different meaning. If you are a little bored in bed, buy a short white robe and please yourself and your loved one.

Here's another one interesting game, which also appeals to women. "Conquering the heights":

However, such games greatly excite both partners:

  • a woman gets the attention she needs,
  • man - the status of a hero-lover and a skilled seducer.

Both partners are satisfied.

"First Date"- a game that is relevant both for those who have recently been together and for those who have been married for ten years.

The point is to pretend to be strangers, after the first date, dinner at a restaurant or a simple walk, take a taxi and continue the evening at a hotel or at the home of one of the partners. It will be interesting for both - perhaps everyone will learn something new about their loved one.

Wildlife and change of scenery

Of course, not everyone likes living nature as a place for sexual games, but such a change of scenery will dispel the routine of intimacy and provide thrills for a long time.

Any of yours initiative will be received with a bang by a man:

  1. lost tourist
  2. horny local resident
  3. forest maniac and his victim,
  4. primitive people.

It is precisely such conditions that awaken primitive instincts in a man, increase his self-confidence and give him strength.

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Sex shops and intimate goods

Don't deprive Pay attention to the various specialized stores - in them you can find a huge variety of interesting gizmos. Original games and transformations into cartoon characters, strict masters and slaves, devils and nuns - the choice is huge.

Know how to play with a man

To be his beloved

Be defenseless, weak

Cheerful and funny

And you will become him

Desired, sweet, glorious!

Advice from Scheherazade's mother.
Scheherazade was the daughter of the vizier of King Shahriyar, and her father, the vizier, was so smart that he married a very wise woman, who bore him two daughters: Scheherazade and Dunyazade.

Mom taught her daughters how to behave with a man in order to turn his anger into mercy and be not just desired by him, but necessary.

When Scheherazade was 14 years old and she realized that she had become a girl, her mother called her into the chambers, where there were no prying ears, and told her these words:

“Allah is great and merciful and may He help you understand once and for all the 4 rules that a woman must follow if she wants to enjoy her wife’s happiness and well-being.

Rule One, my daughter: play by the rules that a man offers you. Otherwise, he will become angry and he will unleash his power on you. Remember, when a hard force, like a merciless knife, is approaching you, become softer than butter so that it does not cause you any harm. The hard cannot harm the soft. When a man offers you his game, offer him your game so that he believes that it is his game.

What do you remember, my girl?”

Accept the game that a man offers me and be soft enough in this game to start my own game with him.

“My good girl. Now remember Rule Two: Always encourage a man to continue the game. Remember, as long as the game continues, he will need you and will think that he loves you.

Tell me how you understood this rule?”

I understood, mom, that as long as I play with a man, he is interested in me, and he will love me.

“Truly Allah is above you, my daughter. Your wisdom makes me calm about your fate. Now the Third Rule that you need to remember: no matter how cruel and angry your man comes to you, shine on him so that he is under the rays of the sun in your my heart melted and I relaxed like a lion after a hearty meal.

Men seek resistance to feel stronger. Don’t let your man see the strength in you, otherwise his mind will become clouded and he will think that you are a man. And then there will be a fight. The sun in your heart and the gentleness of your soul will defeat your lion faster than all the armies he is ready to fight.

What did you understand, oh my wise girl?”

I realized that when a man comes to me, I need to love him with all my heart and accept his mood so that peace returns to his heart and his mind calms down.

“How smart you are, Scheherazade. May the mercy of Allah be with you,” said Scheherazade’s mother and continued, “Now the Fourth Rule, my girl: When your man gets ready to go about his business, let him go with such faith in yourself, as if you were letting him go into the next room. Never tremble that he will find something better than you. Remember: there are so few people in the world who know how to play with men that you can count them on one hand.

Women do not believe in themselves because they believe that men are only interested in the female body, which only ages and becomes covered with folds and wrinkles. And every young woman is capable of attracting her husband with her body.

Maybe Scheherazade, young, will be able to attract a man, but she won’t be able to keep him. For only the game of riddle holds men back. When you let a man go, confident and mysterious, then all day long, while he is busy, he asks himself the question, what else do I not know about her? Why is she so confident? I must understand and solve it!

So, how do you understand the Fourth Rule, Scheherazade?”
- I let my man go to do his business, believing in myself so much that I make him run to me and unravel my secret.
“Oh, now I’m sure, daughter, that nothing in the world can harm you. Allah will protect you!”

A little time passed and Scheherazade's mother died, and three years later dark times came.

King Shahriyar, having learned about his wife’s betrayal, brought a virgin to his chambers every night, satisfied his need for her, and killed her the next morning. This went on for three years and people fled the country, fearing for the lives of their daughters.
And one day the king ordered his vizier (Scheherazade’s father) to bring him, according to custom, a girl, and the vizier went out and began to look, but did not find a single girl suitable for marriage and went to his home, oppressed and depressed, fearing for himself evil from the king.
And Scheherazade exclaimed: “I conjure you by Allah, oh father, marry me to this king, and then I will either live or be a ransom for the daughters of Muslims and save them from the king.” “I conjure you by Allah,” exclaimed the vizier, “do not expose yourself to such danger!” But Scheherazade said: “This must inevitably happen!”

And then the father equipped Scheherazade and took her to King Shahryar.

Remembering what her mother taught, Scheherazade taught her younger sister and told her: “When I come to the king, I will send for you, and you, when you come and see that the king has satisfied his need for me, say: “Oh , sister, talk to us and tell us something to shorten the sleepless night,” and I will tell you something that, with the permission of Allah, will be our liberation.”

And so the vizier, Scheherazade’s father, brought her to the king, and the king, seeing him, was delighted and asked: “Have you delivered what I need?” And the vizier said: “Yes!” And Shahriyar wanted to take Scheherazade, but she cried; and then he asked her: “What’s the matter with you?”

Scheherazade said: “O king, I have a little sister, and I want to say goodbye to her.” And the king then sent for Dunyazada, and she came to her sister, hugged her and sat down on the floor near the bed.

And then Shahryar took possession of Scheherazade, and then they began to talk; and the younger sister said to Scheherazade: “I conjure you by Allah, sister, tell us something to shorten the sleepless hours of the night.”

So Scheherazade fulfilled the First Rule that her mother taught her.

“With love and desire, if the impeccable king allows me,” Scheherazade answered, becoming so polite and soft that the king, who was suffering from insomnia, upon hearing these words, was glad that he would listen to the story, and allowed it.

So Scheherazade fulfilled the Second Rule that her mother taught her.

And Scheherazade began to tell the king a fairy tale, which you can find in the tales of “1000 and One Nights.” And while she was telling, she loved Shahriyar with all her heart, accepting his mood, so that peace would return to the king’s heart and his mind would calm down.

So Scheherazade fulfilled the Third Rule that her mother taught her.

Scheherazade told tales until morning overtook her and she stopped talking. And her sister exclaimed: “Oh sister, how beautiful, good, and pleasant and sweet your story is!”

But Scheherazade, remembering the Fourth Rule, which she received from her mother, said: “What does it matter what I will tell you about next night, if I live and the king spares me!” And the king then thought to himself: “I swear to Allah, I will not kill her until I hear the end of her story!”

Then the king went to administer court, and judged, and appointed, and so it was until the evening. And the vizier anxiously waited for the king to order the beheading of his daughter, but he never did, because Shahriyar retired to his chambers to enjoy the continuation of Scheherazade’s story.

As you know, Scheherazade told the king fairy tales for three years and during this time gave birth to three male children from the king. And when, after 1000 and one night, she finished telling him the last story, she rose to her feet and, kissing the ground, said: “Oh, king of time, one in centuries and centuries, I am your slave, and now a thousand nights and one night how I convey to you stories about former people and the teachings of the ancients. Do I have the right before your majesty so that I can wish a wish from you?”

And the king said to her: “Wish it, you will receive it, oh Scheherazade.” And then she called the nannies and eunuchs and said to them: “Bring my children.” And they hastily brought them, and they had three sons, one of whom walked, another crawled, and the third suckled.

And when they were brought, Scheherazade took them and placed them before the king and, kissing the ground, said: “Oh, king of time, these are your sons, and I wish from you that you free me from killing for the sake of these children. If you kill me, these children will be left without a mother and will not find a woman who will raise them well!”

And then the king began to cry, and pressed the children to his chest, and said: “Oh, Scheherazade, I swear by Allah, I had mercy on you before these children appeared, because I saw that you are chaste, pure, noble and God-fearing. May Allah bless you, your father, your mother, your root and your branch. I call Allah to witness that I have freed you from everything that could harm you.”

And Scheherazade kissed the king’s hands and feet, and rejoiced with great joy, and exclaimed: “May Allah prolong your life and increase your dignity and greatness.”

And joy spread in the king's palace, and it rushed through the city, and it was a night that is not counted among the nights of life, and its color was whiter than the face of the day. And the next morning the king was joyful and full of goodness, and he sent for all the soldiers, and when they appeared, he awarded his vizier, Scheherazade’s father, with precious and magnificent clothes and said to him: “May Allah protect you for marrying me to yours.” noble daughter, who was the reason that I repented of killing other people's daughters. I saw that she was noble, pure, chaste and immaculate, and Allah gave me three sons from her. May Allah be praised for this great deed.”

And then he awarded honorary clothes to all the viziers, emirs and nobles of the reign and ordered to decorate the city for thirty days, without forcing any of the inhabitants to spend any money - on the contrary, all expenses and expenses were made from the king's treasury. And the city was decorated with magnificent decorations, the like of which had never been seen before, and the drums beat, and the flutes whistled, and all the players began to play, and the king endowed them with gifts and gifts, and distributed alms to the poor and poor, and embraced all the subjects and inhabitants of the kingdom with his generosity.

And he lived with his courtiers in happiness, joy, and pleasure, and prosperity, until the Destroyer of pleasures and the Separator of gatherings came to them...

Girls love to arrange checks and tests on the men they date. While you are talking to her lightheartedly, she is analyzing and playing with you. How to successfully resist women's games?

Women's trials from fairy tales

The groom, in fairy tale times, was always tested. A person who fulfilled the conditions could claim the maiden's hand. The potential groom was usually sent to certain death. He was given difficult and almost impossible tasks. The groom needs to get a “firebird”, pick “golden apples”, catch a “deer with golden horns”, defeat a dragon, bathe in boiling water or build a palace.

Now everything is different. The harsh king does not send you to distant lands, to the thirtieth kingdom, to the thirtieth state. But the relationship did not become more peaceful. Girls arrange other tests for men.

How to pass all women's tests and games? The fairy tale will soon be told, but the deed will not be done soon!

Women's games with men

1. Female flirting

The girl reaches out to you and sends various signals that can be mistaken for sympathy. You get the impression that you have mutual sympathy. But when you meet your activity, the girl “retreats.”

Reasons for women's game: A woman does this to make sure that a man really likes her. The fair sex does not want to initiate acquaintance or start a relationship. It's against her rules!

What should a man do: Show her your affection. Make it clear that you perceive her as a potential girlfriend. Take a step towards her. Sometimes girls continue to play and ignore the steps of approaching. In this case, it should be shown that she is not the only woman in this world. But you shouldn't try to seduce another girl. Sometimes a glance in the direction of any pretty girl is enough. It works. (see How to make a girl jealous)

2. Women's game of hide and seek

What is the point of this women's game? The girl takes a wait-and-see attitude. You call her, invite her on a date, write an SMS. She is not active, is constantly busy with something and is in a hurry to get somewhere. She wants to meet, but she can't yet.

Reason for women's game: The girl wants to show by this that not everything is so simple. She is not an easy prey and will not give it to you so easily.

What should a man do: Wait a couple of days and call again. Call her for a walk and make an appointment. If you can’t come to an agreement with her, it’s worth breaking up with this representative of the fair sex. Don't call her anymore.

3. The girl plays capricious Malvina

The girl is capricious. She doesn't want to see you. She is sulking for some reason. She was upset or angry about something.

Reason for women's game: The man didn't notice her new blouse or hairstyle. He had not given her gifts for a long time or rarely called her.

What should a man do: Don't strain the relationship by finding out the reason. Give her time to cool down and calm down. Later you will be able to find out the reason for her upset. Hug, reassure and apologize. It will be easier. But don't buy her gifts, this is a bad practice! You need to give gifts to cheerful girls, not capricious ones. Otherwise, she will constantly be mischievous, knowing that she will receive a gift for it.

4. Women’s game “go there, I don’t know where, bring that, I don’t know what”

The girl suddenly becomes helpless. She asks to carry out her instructions and affairs. She keeps you busy.

Reason for women's game: Sometimes the reason for this behavior is a lack of male attention. She wants a man to take care of her. But this may be an attempt to sit on the neck. A woman wants to test the strength of the stronger sex.

What should a man do: Make sure she really needs help. Otherwise, they carefully agreed on the lack of free time. This way we can defend our “independence” and not allow ourselves to be controlled.

5. A girl plays snow queen

The girl is willing to date you, but is not ready to get closer. She can kiss and hug you, but then she says: “but, but, no, no!” It fixes the relationship in a certain position.

Reason for women's game: A woman wants a full-fledged candy-chocolate period. According to The Daily Mail, it takes 3-4 weeks from the first date to sex. This period may be longer, or it may be shorter. (see From first date to first sex in a month)

What should a man do: High-quality and regular care reduces the period. Eventually, you will have time to break her resistance using the fairytale method. Remember the expression from the fairy tale: “Fed, watered and put to bed.”

In the cat and mouse game, the girl's role is the mouse.

Stills from “Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf”

It is impossible to imagine that an article with such a title could have appeared in a women's magazine thirty years ago. From the “Useful Tips” section in such magazines one could learn how to get rid of moths, make a face mask from cucumbers and starch a linen tablecloth. Magazines published recipes for salads and appetizers for the holiday table, but did not provide recipes on how to diversify your sex life.

Of course, intimate relationships between a man and a woman are an area of ​​their personal life that is closed to outsiders, but if they freeze at one point, this does not bring joy to either party. Today this topic is discussed more freely and uninhibitedly, and many couples do not hesitate to use erotic games from time to time in order to rekindle cooled passion.

Why are erotic games needed?

Erotic games are not only about the expression of sexual emotions. With their help, you can diversify your intimate relationships, awaken your former passion and interest, and they also help you understand the needs of your body and make your most immodest dreams and fantasies come true. They give you the opportunity to find out what your partner really expects from intimacy, and will add “zest” (or even “spice” - for those who like more intense sensations) to sexual relationships.

Some games can be quite sophisticated and require the presence of certain props. For others, nothing is required other than the desire to please your partner. So, what games can be recommended for those who have decided to diversify their sex life?

Games that do not require dressing up or special surroundings

1. Blind kiss

This game is quite simple, but that doesn't mean it's boring to play. One of the participants is blindfolded. He holds his hands behind his back - according to the rules of the game, he is not allowed to use them. The second player takes any position and freezes without moving. He “orders” those areas of the body where he would like to be kissed. The first participant kisses his partner at random. The game continues until the blindfolded player completes the “order”. After this, the partners change roles. The game can go on for quite a long time - the first player can deliberately miss, and the second can specifically name hard-to-reach areas of the body.

2. Beach

Another fairly simple and uncomplicated game for two, which nevertheless can bring a lot of fun to both parties. A wide beach towel is spread on the carpet or bed. One player rubs the partner's body with massage cream or lotion, trying not to miss anything. Such a gentle and at the same time sensual massage will make the skin more receptive to further caresses. You can rub each other at the same time, not forgetting to exchange affectionate words and kisses.

3. Guess what I'm thinking about

One of the players makes a sexual wish (kiss my lips, stroke my breasts, etc.). The second participant looks into the partner’s eyes and tries to guess what he is thinking about. Both players are not allowed to say a word. The guesser can begin an action and observe the partner’s reaction. The one who makes a wish is allowed to give hints with a look, smile or movements. The role change occurs after the first player's wish is fulfilled.

This game for two is a great way to fulfill those erotic desires that both participants are embarrassed to tell their partner out loud. They can also figure out each other's sexual preferences and give each other maximum pleasure.

4. Magic deck of cards

For this game you need to take the most ordinary playing deck with an arbitrary, but always even number of cards. Participants divide the deck into 2 parts: black and red. The main thing is that the number of cards of “black” and “red” suits is equal. The girl takes the red half of the deck, the young man takes the black half. Next, each card is assigned an erotic desire. Desires can be written down on a separate sheet of paper or directly on the card. For example: Ace of Hearts - French kiss, King of Hearts - striptease, Queen of Hearts - foot massage, etc. Give freedom to your sexual desires and do not limit yourself to familiar caresses, because immodest fantasies will make the game much more interesting.

The cards must be shuffled and placed face down. Players take turns taking cards. If a girl takes out a card of a black suit, she fulfills her partner’s wish, which he made for this card. The young man, accordingly, fulfills the girl’s wish if he gets a “red” card. If one of the players draws a card of “their” suit, then the right to move passes to the other participant.

This is how a magical deck of cards will help you forget about conventions and unleash your most immodest erotic fantasies.

5. Time bomb

Very often, couples reduce love foreplay to a minimum, trying to move on to the “main thing” as soon as possible, and do not think that in this case a very important emotional component of the sexual relationship is lost. This game helps focus on foreplay and kissing and teaches players to take their time and enjoy the love game.

You need to set an alarm or timer for 20 or 30 minutes. Partners caress each other until this period of time expires. Then you can gradually increase the playing time. A long foreplay will awaken “dormant” imagination and ingenuity, and sexual relationships will sparkle with new colors.

Dress-up games, or erotic role-playing games

So-called role-playing games also add variety to intimate relationships. Many couples refuse this kind of games, explaining their reluctance by the lack of acting abilities. But in fact, their refusal may hide embarrassment, fear of seeming funny or ridiculous, inability to liberate themselves, or fear that sexual fantasies will not be supported by their partner. Therefore, trust and willingness to play along with a friend are the main conditions for role-playing games for two.

You can start with ready-made role-playing game scenarios. In the future, when couples understand whether such games are suitable for them, they will either abandon them or be able to come up with their own erotic scenarios. Those who actively practice sexual role-playing games even enjoy the selection of “props,” mentally or out loud voicing their wildest dreams.

1. Teacher (or teacher) and inexperienced student (or student)

In the game, a couple acts out the seduction of a naive and inexperienced student (student) by an experienced teacher (teacher). To play, you will need appropriate clothing and some attributes of the learning environment, for example, a table, textbooks, a pointer, etc. You can start with innocent stroking and kisses and gradually increase the intensity of passions. You can play for several days in a row: the teacher gives the second player “homework”: for example, master a certain sex position and then strictly check its completion.

2. Nurse and patient

One of the most popular and widespread sexual role-playing games. The woman plays the role of a caring nurse, and the man plays the role of the patient. The nurse supposedly carries out the doctor’s orders - gives the patient a massage, gives him medicine (fruit, chocolate or even a glass of wine can act as medicine), etc. The patient is allowed to “be capricious”, demanding increased attention from a charming girl in a white coat: for example, he can ask to examine him not only with his hands, but also with his lips. To play the game you will need nurse clothes. You can sew red crosses on your underwear or draw them on your body with lipstick.

3. Maid and guest

Another popular plot in role-playing games for two. A pretty maid without complexes willingly fulfills all the desires and whims of a man. The maid's costume consists of a white apron and a dust broom. You can also play an alternative version of the game: a modest, touchy maid fulfills the guest’s demands at first timidly and reluctantly, but then she gets more and more into the taste and, no longer embarrassed, submits to the man.

4. Online store courier and customer

The man plays the role of the courier, the woman the customer. The piquancy of the scenario is that the woman allegedly ordered goods from a sex shop. She invites the courier to check the quality of the goods, and he, of course, readily agrees. Unlike previous scenarios, this game does not imply the obvious dominance of one of the partners. There is no need for special suits: casual clothes (a T-shirt and trousers for a man and a robe for a woman) are enough. Some couples may already have the necessary props - goods from an intimate store. But even such couples need to buy something new to add an element of novelty to the relationship.

5. Movie star and paparazzi

The plot of the game is as follows: a famous actress in an evening dress and sexy lingerie returns home after filming. A paparazzi photographer hides with a camera behind a curtain or behind a chair. The actress begins to undress and notices the camera flashes. A small scandal breaks out, but since the photographer is sweet and charming, the woman allows him to take a series of erotic photographs. Gradually the photo shoot moves into nude mode.

Role-playing game scenarios can be modified by changing the details of the plots, adjusting them to suit your tastes, desires and dreams. For example, in the game “Courier and Customer,” you can “mix up” the address and deliver the order to an unsuspecting housewife who has no idea how to use these “things.” An uninhibited courier will happily teach the girl all the intricacies of love.

There are no losers

The best thing about erotic games for two is that there can be no winners or losers. Such games are not a competition of erudition, intelligence, speed or skill. The main prize goes to both participants. It is important not to be shy in expressing sexual desires and emotions. There are no restrictions in such games, except those set by the partners themselves. You can do whatever brings pleasure to both parties, because that’s what erotic games are for.
