How to apply hot depilatory wax. We make waxing comfortable at home

You can easily prepare wax for a home depilation session by purchasing the necessary ingredients at a cosmetics store. Classic recipes involve the use of beeswax with the addition of additional components. All the equipment you need to melt the material can be easily found in every home. Next, all that remains is to prepare the composition and perform the procedure.

What ingredients are used

The easiest way to purchase the ingredients needed for waxing is at a cosmetics store. Based on the specifics of the recipe according to which the material for the home procedure is made, you will need the following main components:

  • beeswax,
  • carnauba wax,
  • rosin,
  • paraffin.

Many formulations also add essential oils of lavender and other pleasant-smelling herbs to make the material more aromatic. To make the wax more plastic, paraffin or glycerin is used. Without these components, the material will be difficult to distribute over the surface due to insufficient elasticity.

When purchasing products in cosmetic stores, try to choose natural materials, without additives or dyes.

Depilatory wax is easy to prepare at home


To make your own composition used for waxing, first of all you will need the main ingredient - beeswax. It can be purchased in the form of briquettes with a dense structure.

The color of the material can vary from white to brown, but the most popular is the yellow or brown product.

  • The shade depends on the type of plants from which the bees collected pollen. This wax has a bright aroma with notes of honey. The product melts easily under temperature conditions in the range from 60 to 70 o C. It contains:
  • esters,
  • fatty acid,
  • vitamins,


When applying wax to the area to be depilated, a thermal effect occurs on the skin and hair. This allows you to steam the surface and open the pores along with the follicles for easy extraction of vegetation. Since the material comes into contact not only with the surface of the area, but also penetrates into the opened bulbs, it is necessary that its composition be completely natural, without impurities and preservatives.

Cosmetic beeswax comes in the form of ingots of various sizes.

When purchasing beeswax, pay attention to the following features that are characteristic of a quality product:

  1. The wax ingot must have a dense and hard structure.
  2. The form of the material without additives has a slight depression. Too much concavity in the ingot indicates the presence of unnatural additives.
  3. A real product will break if you hit it sharply with a hammer, while a fake product will simply break at the point of impact.
  4. When cut, the inner surface of the ingot should have a matte tint.
  5. The edge of a natural product separates in the form of a spiral if you run a knife along it, while counterfeit material will simply crumble.
  6. When kneaded with your fingers, high-quality wax becomes plastic and does not leave greasy marks.
  7. During heating, the product does not change its original color.

The inner surface of the beeswax should be matte when cut.

Palm wax

Often, when preparing material for wax depilation, carnauba or palm wax is used, which is added to beeswax. This substance is obtained from the leaves of the palm tree Copernicia cerifera. The tree grows mainly in Brazil. The wax has the appearance of yellowish odorless flakes. Most of the composition is represented by:

  • special broadcasts,
  • resins,
  • acids,
  • phytosterols.

Its melting point is about 80 o C.

Palm wax is considered hypoallergenic, so it can be used in case of allergies to bee products and has a softening effect on the skin.

Palm wax has a hypoallergenic composition


Another ingredient added to the wax mixture is rosin (colophon resin). This substance was first obtained from pine resin in Colophon, a Greek city. This is a glassy material with a fragile structure, characterized by a glassy luster of a reddish or yellow tint.

Rosin contains a significant percentage of resin acid, as well as fatty acids. To make depilatory material, it is better to use amber-yellow pine rosin, the softening point of which is from 68 o C. It is made from coniferous wood. When used for cosmetic purposes, rosin helps to strengthen the adhesion between the wax and the surface of the area.

Only pine rosin is a completely ecological and natural material, so it is best suited for making wax.

To prepare wax, you need pine rosin, which has an environmentally friendly composition.


Some recipes use paraffin to prepare depilatory wax. This is a white solid mixture obtained from petroleum products. The material is practically odorless and tasteless, has a greasy feel, and dissolves in mineral oils. Its melting point is approximately 50 o C.

For preparation, choose only white paraffin - brown or yellow shades indicate poor quality cleaning of the material. It has moisturizing and softening properties and has a beneficial effect on the surface being treated. And also this cosmetic product helps to increase the plasticity of the resulting wax composition.

Cosmetic paraffin is added to wax to give the material plasticity.

Cooking recipes

There are several recipes for making wax for DIY depilation. In the classic version, they should not include honey or sugar, since in this case we are talking about sugaring. The most popular recipe contains the following ingredients:

  • carnauba wax in the amount of 360 g,
  • beeswax - 130 g,
  • glycerin in the amount of 7 ml,
  • lavender essential oil - a few drops.

Glycerin is used to give wax plastic properties.

Two types of wax in appropriate quantities are mixed in a container and melted in a water bath or using a microwave. When the mixture reaches a homogeneous state, it should be cooled slightly and supplemented with the required amount of glycerin. If desired, essential oils are added to the mixture to add a pleasant aroma. For storage purposes, the material is placed in the refrigerator, warming up before use. Before using wax, be sure to test to determine whether its temperature is comfortable by placing a small amount of the mixture on your wrist.

The readiness of the wax is indicated by the homogeneity of the composition without small particles

To make a material using rosin, you will need ingredients in the following proportions:

  • rosin in the amount of 200 grams,
  • beeswax - 100 grams,
  • paraffin - 50 grams.

Melt all ingredients using homemade methods in the form of a water bath or microwave. You can also add aromatic oils to the mixture. When the material acquires a thick consistency without small particles, it is ready for use. Be sure to cool it before use to a comfortable temperature of 40 o C. For home use, use the composition no higher than 45 o C to avoid burns, especially in sensitive areas.

Adding lavender oil to the composition will give the wax a pleasant aroma.

Depilation material, which includes palm wax as an ingredient, is prepared according to the following recipe:

  • palm wax in the amount of 360 grams,
  • beeswax - 130 grams,
  • glycerin - 7 ml.

Beeswax and palm wax are heated until they acquire a homogeneous consistency and are completely melted. After this, the appropriate amount of glycerin is added to the composition, as well as aromatic essential oil in the amount of 2-3 drops. After cooling the mixture, begin the procedure.

When preparing wax, it is very important to obtain a mixture of the required consistency that will properly grip the hair along the entire length. If the composition is too soft, the hair will not be removed. As you gain experience in preparing the product at home, its quality will improve. So don't be discouraged if you don't get the mixture perfect the first time.

The wax should have a thick plastic consistency for easy application to the skin.

Video: how to melt depilatory wax

Methods for melting wax

Since wax should be melted and not boiled for preparation, at home they use traditional methods or purchase a special apparatus. Whichever option you choose, try to take safety precautions when working with this material.

Self-melting of the product is carried out in the following ways:

  • in a water bath,
  • in the microwave,
  • in a wax melter.

Using a water bath

To melt the wax, it is better to use the standard option - a water bath. This is an easy way to reheat and control the melting point.

When using this method, you will need the following tools:

  • capacity,
  • pot,
  • cosmetic spatula,
  • special thermometer.

It is better to choose a pan as large as possible to prevent wax vapors from reaching the fire and risking a fire.

For a water bath, you will need a saucepan or other large container, as well as a smaller bowl of wax.

Having prepared the materials, begin the process of melting the wax, following the following steps:

  1. Pre-cut hard wax in the form of briquettes into small pieces.
  2. Grate the cut material using a regular grater and place it in the bowl.
  3. Take a large saucepan, fill it with water and place a container with grated product in it. It is necessary that the water level is below the level of the inner bowl.
  4. Using high heat, heat the water. Make sure that moisture does not penetrate into the melting composition, otherwise this will lead to a deterioration in the quality of subsequent depilation.
  5. After the water boils, reduce the heat to minimum. Wait another 10 minutes.
  6. Turn off the heat when the mixture reaches a homogeneous consistency.

Before melting, beeswax must be grated

During preparation, carefully monitor the condition of the wax and do not allow it to boil. Before using the mixture, cool it to a comfortable temperature, checking the degree of cooling using a special thermometer. For hot depilation, a material of about 55 o C is usually used, for warm depilation - about 45 o C. Of course, when using the composition yourself, it is better not to take risks and apply wax at a warm temperature, having first tested it on your elbow or wrist.

In order for the mass to heat up evenly, it is necessary to mix the composition, starting with a spatula from the central part of the container to the edges. This can be done both during melting and after heating the material.

When preparing wax, it is better to use an electric stove, especially if the composition involves the addition of paraffin, which turns into a gaseous state when heated.

To melt wax in a water bath, it is better to use a large saucepan

Video: principle of a water bath using a saucepan

Using a microwave

If you use a microwave to melt wax, you will need fewer tools than when using a water bath, namely:

  • container resistant to elevated temperatures;
  • cosmetic spatula;
  • thermometer.

A special thermometer allows you to check the heating comfort of the resulting composition

The procedure that must be followed to prepare the material in a microwave oven is as follows:

  1. To quickly and uniformly melt hard wax, first cut it into small pieces, which should then be grated.
  2. After preparation, place the material in a container and put it in the microwave.
  3. Set the melting time depending on the volume and parameters of the microwave. So, at a level of 650 W, the composition melts in about 60 seconds, and in the case of an oven power of 850 W - about 45 seconds. If the power value reaches 1 thousand W, then it will take only 30 seconds to heat the mixture.
  4. Check the temperature of the mixture using a thermometer. If necessary, leave the wax in the microwave for another 15 seconds.

Remember that as the wax heats up, the temperature of the bowl in which it is located also increases, so remove the container very carefully.

After heating the composition in the oven, stir its contents until smooth using a special spatula. After cooling the mixture to the desired temperature and measuring it with a thermometer, be sure to make sure that the wax is not too hot by placing a small piece of the material on your wrist.

The time it takes to melt wax in a microwave oven depends on its power.

Using a wax melter

If you plan to regularly carry out the procedure of melting wax at home for depilation purposes, then you can purchase a wax melter. This is a special apparatus that allows you to melt the material, bringing it to the required temperature. The advantage of the device is that it is equipped with temperature sensors that display the degree of heating of the material.

For this method of melting material you will need the following tools:

  • wax melter,
  • spatula for cosmetic purposes.

The easiest way to stir the wax is with a special cosmetic spatula.

It is very easy to prepare wax in this way; you just need to buy a device. When using it, follow the following sequence of actions:

  1. Place the pre-grated solid material in the container of a wax melter.
  2. Set the heating mode and melt the wax for about 30 minutes at a temperature of about 60 o C.
  3. When the wax reaches a thick consistency without small particles, turn off the device.
  4. While heating, stir the mixture constantly using a spatula.
  5. Cool the material to a comfortable temperature and apply to the area.

To prepare the composition yourself, purchase a canned wax melter, which has a special container for melting the material.

A jar wax melter is suitable for making wax at home

Having prepared the mixture and cooled it to a comfortable temperature, which can be determined using the indicator on the wax melter, proceed to applying the material. The convenience of using the device lies in the fact that you can constantly maintain the required temperature of the composition while you apply the product to areas of the skin. In the case of a water bath or microwave, to treat adjacent areas, the wax will have to be heated again, since the cooled composition is unsuitable for depilation.

Precautionary measures

Since wax turns into a gas when heated, extreme care must be taken when melting it, especially when using a stove or microwave. Please note the following safety precautions:

  • Monitor the heating temperature and do not allow the wax to boil;
  • to heat the material in a water bath, use an electric stove;
  • follow the safety instructions when using the wax melter;
  • Before applying wax, perform a temperature test on a small area, such as your elbow.

For safety reasons, the use of a special wax melter is more justified, since in this case the material will not boil or come into contact with an open fire. The presence of temperature indicators allows you to fully control the process and avoid the possibility of getting burned.

Before using prepared wax, be sure to test its temperature on a small area of ​​skin.

Representatives of the fair sex have always been puzzled by the problem of unwanted hair. Perhaps the most effective way to make your skin smooth and get rid of hair for centuries remains epilation.

Ancient methods of hair removal: recipes from ancient beauties

Incredibly, already in ancient times in Egypt, Greece and Rome, women extensively used different methods of hair removal.

Ancient Egypt. Ancient Egyptian literature mentions that the pharaohs required that concubines and slaves always be well-groomed and smooth. The Egyptians were the first to brew a product for wax hair removal; its consistency was thick, and the composition included beeswax and honey, the juice of herbs and fruits. The viscous, sticky mixture was applied to the body and removed using cotton cloth with sharp movements. Queens Cleopatra and Nefertiti themselves used this wax mask for depilation.

Ancient Greece. The presence of hair in women's private parts was despised. However, ancient Greek women were less creative; they plucked and burned out their hair. Aristophanes joked about this topic in the comedy “Lysistrata” that women use a lit lamp for these purposes.

Ancient Rome. Local beauties were not inferior to the Greek women in their desire for smooth skin, but still did not come up with more gentle methods than plucking unwanted hairs. To do this, women went to the bathhouse and thoroughly steamed their skin, which became less sensitive to pain. Hair removal was carried out by wrapping the hair on a thick thread and pulling it out.

Kievan Rus. Historical treatises say that in Rus', Princess Olga removed unwanted hair on the skin by mixing it with hot wax and resin.

Ottoman Empire. Oriental beauties from the Sultan's harems, perhaps, surpassed everyone else in the matter of getting rid of unwanted hair. Jean Thévenot in his book “Journey to the Levant” writes that the appearance of hair in intimate places was a great sin; Turkish women watched this closely and hurried to the bathhouse as soon as hair appeared. In those distant times, they used a hair removal product called ada, which is still actively used by Turkish women. Cook a sticky paste of sugar with the addition of lemon juice. Getting the right consistency is quite difficult. Readiness is tested by dropping the mixture into cold water; if the drops solidify, the sugar paste is ready. Ada is kneaded with fingers, then applied to the skin and torn off along with the adhered hairs.

Interesting! The ada recipe is the basis of a popular product today - sugaring. In fact, glamorous sugaring is the same Turkish hell. Everything new is well forgotten old!

Types of wax for hair removal at home

Waxing or “waxing” is the most famous way to remove unwanted hair at home. Industrial hair removal wax, depending on the type, consists of resin, wax or petroleum products with the addition of special softening components.

Today there are three types of wax on sale:

    Hot (hard) – this wax is suitable for repeated use. Similar to the bath effect, it perfectly steams the skin, which makes it possible to reduce pain and more effectively carry out hair removal in delicate areas. Hard wax is used to remove hair in the armpits, legs, bikini area, and face. When using hot wax, be extremely careful as it can burn your skin.

    Warm (soft) is a mixture of resins and special softeners. Soft wax is sold in jars and cassettes. It is quite effective, like hot wax, but much safer. Warm wax can be used on all parts of the body.

    Cold is the most comfortable type of wax to use, as it is completely ready for use and is sold in strips. However, it is inferior in effectiveness to the previous two and causes more pain.

A wide range of hair removal waxes allows you to remove hair of any hardness from all areas of the body, from armpits to deep bikini.

5 benefits of waxing:

    accessibility, you can prepare wax yourself and do home hair removal;

    effectiveness, systematic use slows down hair growth, reduces its number and makes it softer and thinner;

    long-lasting results, lasting from 2 to 4 weeks;

    additional cosmetic effect in the form of cleansing the skin of dead cells and peeling;

    Can be used in different parts of the body without causing irritation.

Rrecipeshomemade wax

For those who are concerned about resins and petroleum products in store-bought wax, and who take care of their health on their own, we offer homemade wax recipes for hair removal.

The recipes contain exclusively natural ingredients, without the addition of chemical dyes and fragrances, due to which the skin is quickly restored in a natural way. Below are all kinds of wax recipes for hair removal at home.

Important! Regardless of which wax recipe you use for hair removal, you should definitely do a test for individual tolerance to the components of the product. To do this, apply a little wax to an area of ​​the body and wait for a reaction for about half an hour.

Recipe No. 1 “Hot wax at home.” To prepare it you will need:

    beeswax - 100 grams;

    colophon resin - 200 grams;

    paraffin - 50 grams.

Mix all the ingredients and place in a steam bath or heat in the microwave. Cool the mixture to 40°C before use. The mixture is used as hot wax.

Recipe No. 2 “Warm wax at home.” It is prepared using natural waxes:

    beeswax - 130 grams;

    palm wax - 360 grams;

    glycerin - 7 ml;

    essential oil (tea tree) – 2-3 drops.

The waxes are mixed and heated in a steam bath or in the microwave until they melt. Then glycerin and tea tree oil are added. After cooling, the mixture is used as warm wax.

The following three recipes do not include wax and they are related to sugaring, that is, they are prepared on the basis of sugar or honey, as ancient Egyptian and Turkish beauties did. However, such pastes are often called wax for home use.

Recipe No. 3 “Sugaring paste or oriental recipe (ada).” To prepare ada you will need the following ingredients:

    sugar - 500 grams;

    water - 4 tbsp. spoons;

    lemon juice - 3 tbsp. spoons.

How to prepare homemade sugaring for hair removal? Combine all ingredients in a saucepan and stir thoroughly. Cook over low heat for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally. When the mixture becomes foamy and takes on a bronze color, carefully pour it into a storage container.

Recipe No. 4 “Honey sugaring”. After hair removal with honey sugaring, the skin becomes velvety, elastic and healthy. To prepare honey sugaring, prepare:

    bee honey - 375 grams;

    sugar - 250 grams;

    lemon juice - 2 tbsp. spoons.

Mix the ingredients in a saucepan. Cook in a water bath, stirring for 5-7 minutes to prevent lumps from forming. The resulting honey-sugar mixture must be left to cool until completely cooled.

Important! Honey sugaring is not recommended for people with severe varicose veins, diabetes, or an allergic reaction to honey.

Recipe No. 5 “Caramel paste for warm or cold hair removal.” To prepare caramel sugaring at home you will need:

    cane sugar - 250 grams;

    lemon (freshly squeezed juice) - 2 pcs.

The ingredients are mixed well and simmered over low heat for 7 minutes until a thick caramel forms. Caramel sugaring should be viscous and viscous, but not sticky.

Recipe No. 6 “Indian zardchube paste.” In India, girls have been doing hair removal with zardchube, also known as turmeric, since ancient times. Proportions are selected individually, for example:

    turmeric (zardchube, turmeric, haldi) – 100 grams;

    wheat flour – 50 grams;

    soy milk - 2-3 tbsp. spoons.

Turmeric is mixed with wheat flour and soy milk. The mass is evenly distributed over areas of the body and left for 5–15 minutes to dry. Afterwards it is removed along with the hair, rinsing with water. After hair removal, yellow spots may appear on the skin, which can be easily wiped off with a swab dipped in milk. In addition to removing unwanted hair, turmeric acts like a scrub, and its beneficial properties help get rid of problem skin and significantly slow down hair growth.

All products prepared according to these recipes can be used for a long time by storing them in a cool place.

An increasing number of women and men who want to get rid of excess hair are coming to the decision that waxing is one of the most suitable options. This is explained by the numerous advantages of this method over some others:

  • long lasting effect;
  • the ability to remove dead skin along with hairs;
  • skin-beneficial components (essential oils, plant extracts) have been added to the wax;
  • easy to find at a low price;
  • Waxing can be done in a salon or at home;
  • Over time, hairs become thinner and less noticeable due to regular damage to the follicles.

This is quite enough to decide on wax depilation. But before you go to the store to purchase working material, it is useful to become more familiar with the types of wax, and only then decide which one is best for hair removal in a particular case.

Types of wax

Types of wax differ fundamentally from each other in several ways:

  • working temperature;
  • appointment;
  • by use relative to skin types;
  • by composition.

All types have their pros and cons, and this must also be kept in mind so that the planned event brings the expected result.

Differences in operating temperature

According to the temperature at which one or another type of wax should be worked, there is a division into hot, warm and cold options.

Coldwax. Presented in the form of wax strips or tubes, no special heating equipment is needed. You just need to rub the strips in your hands or place them on the radiator for a few seconds; the tube can be warmed in a jar of warm water on the radiator. After this, apply the product to the skin along the hair growth, and pull everything off with a sharp jerk in the opposite direction.

The advantages of cold waxing: fast, convenient in the absence of conditions for other types of depilation, cheap, does not require much experience, it is impossible to get injured (get burned, etc.).

Disadvantages – it hurts, the effect is less than from the warm or cold method (hairs may remain).

Cold depilation is good for removing hair on the body (arms, legs, back) and facial area (above the lip, for, on the chin or cheeks).

Warmwaxing. For a warm method of getting rid of vegetation at home, it is better to buy), but you can also buy it in a jar. They are convenient to heat in a wax melter, microwave or steam. The finished wax should have a consistency similar to viscous honey. The product is applied to the area with a spatula or wooden spatula (if wax is purchased in a jar), a paper or fabric strip is placed on top and everything is abruptly torn off.

Pros: if you do not overheat, it is impossible to get burned, less painful than with the cold method, a safe universal option.

Cons: you have to get used to heating it correctly (no more and no less than the required temperature) if you don’t have a wax melter. Overheating will cause burns, and insufficiently heated wax will not remove hair efficiently.

Warm waxing is suitable for any area of ​​the body, including the intimate area (but a deep bikini will be more painful) and the face (chin, mustache, eyebrow correction).

Hot waxing. Not the best option for working at home. Here you either need good experience, or for the sake of safety it is better to seek professional help from a cosmetologist. Wax for the hot method is sold in plates, granules, briquettes or disks and requires heating to 55 C. To do this, you will need a wax melter (a more convenient option), a water bath or a microwave.

The wax is applied to the skin with a spatula and left on the body until it hardens. Tear-off strips are not required, because when cooled, the wax does not stretch or tear and is easily removed without auxiliary means.

Pros: the most painless type of waxing (under the influence of temperature, the pores expand and hairs come out much more easily), removes even coarse hair well, ideal for the intimate area.

Cons: dangerous for use at home (you can get burned), not suitable for eyebrow correction, mustache removal and chin hair removal.

Note: to correct eyebrows and get rid of facial hair in general, you can use special hot types to treat this area (despite the name, their operating temperature is lower and they are safe to work on this area).

Differences in purpose

Each area of ​​the body has its own sensitivity, and therefore the wax for treating different areas also needs to be selected appropriately:

  • universal option, or hot wax for working on the body, face (special) and bikini area;
  • for arms and legs, chest and back, warm wax is better, but for coarse hair it is more advisable to use hot wax, although many prefer cold;
  • for the face, cassette or jar warm wax is used, but you can also use wax strips or hot wax, special for working on the face area (for, above the lip and on the chin);
  • for bikinis, it is best to use hot wax, because with warm and cold waxing, the pain is much stronger, and they may not be able to cope with coarse hairs.

Differences by skin type

Each skin type may react differently to the stress it receives from waxing. To reduce the likelihood of irritation, allergies and other unpleasant consequences, waxes have been created for dry, normal and sensitive types. Each brand offers its own warrants with different additives that care for the skin.

Differences in composition

Wax may contain tree resins, essential oils (aromatic and base), and extracts of medicinal plants. All this is needed for additional skin nutrition, care and hydration after the procedure.

Popular brands

The brands that are in greatest demand are those that provide maximum effect and minimum consequences. Equally important here is ease of use, variety in terms of skin types and other important points. However, even the most popular waxes, which have earned the approval of customers and are in great demand, have their advantages and disadvantages, which it is better to know about before the purchase is made. Next, only a few brands from their entire variety will be presented, and which wax is better to purchase - everyone decides depending on their preferences:

  1. Veet. A good wax that can be used at home. Simultaneously with hair removal, it cares for the skin thanks to essential oils and herbal additives in the composition. The effect lasts up to 4 weeks. You can purchase wax in a jar or in form. There are special options for different skin types. It is also convenient because it washes off well with ordinary warm water. Disadvantage - requires hair length of about 5 mm.
  2. Depilflax. Presented in the form of warm wax in jars or cartridges, as well as hot wax for treating bikinis. Can be for any skin type and vegetation of varying hardness. Adheses very well to the skin and tightly covers the hairs. Heats up quickly and hardens slowly (there is time for application even if you have no experience). Using a warm option is acceptable for the face.
  3. Depile. Wax for all skin types, economical to use. It sticks well, reliably envelops the hairs, and does not require application in a thick layer.
  4. Byly.Wax with gold, making the skin look great, softening and moisturizing. There are options for working on different parts of the body and on the face (around the eyebrows, lips, chin). Also sold in rollers and wax strips. It grips and pulls out even short hair well.
  5. Floresan. Contains tree resin, oils and other natural ingredients. You can find options for different areas of the body and for the face (around the lips and eyebrows, on the chin and cheeks). Removes hair of any hardness, suitable for use in the salon and at home. It is enough to apply a thin layer. There are waxes of this brand specifically for deep bikinis.
  6. Kapous. Perhaps the best cassette wax. Suitable for all body parts except bikini. Cartridges of different bodies for different skin types each. Doesn't cause irritation, easy to use, not expensive. The downside is that the layer applied is too thin, which requires repeated application to one area.

Byly depilatory wax even for short hair

You can choose any wax, but the best ones are not without common disadvantages:

  • pain when torn from the skin;
  • individual hairs may remain;
  • hair growth up to 4-5 mm is required;
  • possible irritation or allergies;
  • get dirty when removed from the skin;
  • Hot wax, as the most painless option, is not suitable for particularly sensitive facial skin.

Any purchased product, including wax, is still a certain risk and relies on the quality promised by the manufacturer, which does not always meet expectations. In such cases, nothing prevents you from preparing depilatory wax yourself at home.

Wax recipes for making your own

In order not to waste money and time searching and purchasing a suitable product, you can make depilatory wax at home and use it to your delight. Any recipe presented below is not so difficult to perform, and which one is better can only be known by comparison.

Recipe1. You will need 350 g of honey (natural), the juice of half a lemon and 100 ml of settled water. Cook everything together until liquid consistency with stirring (not too intense, but constant). Then add the same amount of water and cook until thick (you should strive to make a viscous syrup). Let cool. The recipe is more similar to the homemade version with sugar, but it can also be used as wax.

Recipe2. Melt 400 g of carnauba wax + 170 g of regular beeswax together and remove from the stove. After 1 minute, add glycerin (7 mm) and a couple of drops of essential oil (any). Use when the product has cooled to the appropriate temperature.

Recipe3. Melt 100 g of beeswax + 50 g of paraffin + 200 g of rosin in a water bath, then remove and allow to harden. Use as hot wax.

It is not a fact that the entire portion of prepared wax will be required for processing. Leftovers can be stored in the refrigerator and reheated before the next procedure.

How to use

Wax prepared at home should be used in the same way as store-bought wax. But before that, it is no less necessary to prepare the skin for the procedure:

  • grow hairs to 4-5 mm;
  • do peeling 2-3 days before;
  • Before the procedure, clean, disinfect and dry the skin;
  • apply and grind talc.
  1. heat the wax;
  2. apply in the direction of hair growth;
  3. cover the layer with a strip and smooth it thoroughly (this is not necessary for hot waxing);
  4. Once the wax has hardened, pull it off with a sharp, confident tug against the growth.

After depilation, soothe the skin with lotion or any product to inhibit hair growth. For 24 hours after this, you should not sweat (go to the bathhouse, sauna, play sports), use perfume, and do not sunbathe for 2 days. After 3 days, peel again to prevent ingrowth. These were the rules for holding, arms, back or chest, where it is not possible to immediately capture a wide area without assistance. However, there are places where you need to work a little differently.

For example, a deep bikini cannot always be processed by everyone on their own due to the insufficient accessibility of this zone. In this case, only a professional cosmetologist will help.

The armpits should not be treated all over, but taking into account the multidirectional growth of hair in this place. Wax applications should be small and applied separately.

The facial area (for example, when correcting eyebrows) also requires careful attention to depilation, so as not to get irritation in the most visible place:

  • special hot wax must be applied in small parts with a spatula or spatula (if the product is granular, just take a few granules);
  • After heating, also apply warm wax in small sections to the desired area along the hair growth (for example, if eyebrow correction is being done, application goes towards the temples, but is torn off in the opposite direction, etc.);
  • Cold wax for hair removal (narrow strips) is heated in the palms and applied to the area above the lip, chin or around the eyebrows.

If there are single hairs left, they can be easily removed with tweezers.

It is more advisable to do any depilation before going to bed, when there is no longer a need to go out somewhere and show yourself to people, because after the procedure, temporary redness of the skin is possible. This is normal, does not require any action (except for normal care) and goes away on its own by morning.

Whatever type of depilation is chosen, and whatever means it is carried out (store-bought or at home), to obtain the desired effect, it is important not only to choose the right wax, but also to follow the rules for working with it.

Women take care of their beauty all year round, but the summer season especially requires a responsible attitude towards their appearance. This is due to increased temperature and greater exposure of the body. For this, the urgent question is that it should not be noticeable.

How to get rid of hair?

Today there are many in many different places. Depilation can be done in beauty salons, but it is no less effective at home.

For this, a traditional razor, creams, etc. are used. Of course, there are ways to get rid of hair forever, but the cost of such means is quite high.

You can purchase ready-made strips at retail outlets, but often women prefer to use a depilatory wax recipe.

Conventional wax strips are pressed tightly onto the area of ​​the body to be depilated along the hair growth, and then sharply torn off against their growth. The strip is a durable piece of paper with wax applied to it.

A prerequisite for depilation in this way is a hair length of about 5 millimeters, but no more. If the branch hair is much larger, it is better to have a small trim to avoid unnecessary pain. The result will be a result that will last from two to five weeks.

It is also beneficial that a layer of dead epidermal cells is removed along with the hair. Thus, the skin, at first glance, is very delicate and quite smooth to the touch. This is such an ancient method of hair removal that there is evidence that Cleopatra herself used it.

Interestingly, different areas require different periods of time to depilate. Near the eyebrows and lips, hair grows back within four weeks, and on the legs and bikini area - about six weeks.

Of course, this is done if no other methods were used before depilation. To prevent hair from growing back even longer, it is recommended to use products that help slow down hair growth.

Application of ready-made wax

For this procedure, you need to purchase a set consisting of a special jar or cassette wax, a spatula for applying it, a wax melter, tapes and napkins or oil to remove residues. The purchased product must have instructions for your reference. There are several types of wax that are used for different areas of the skin.

Hot wax. You need to be extra careful in this situation, as overheated wax leaves burns on the skin. Despite this, it is recommended for use in the delicate bikini area. Hot wax does not irritate the skin, and the removal process itself is not very painful, because the high temperature expands the pores.

Special wax must be heated to a temperature of about 48 degrees and immediately applied to the skin. When it cools down, it must be sharply torn off from the skin in the direction of hair growth. The procedure is repeated until the hair is completely removed from a certain area.

Warm wax. A safer method because the wax has a lower temperature. You can heat it in a water bath and apply it to the skin with a spatula. Special strips are applied on top, which are later torn off parallel to the skin.

Cold wax. The simplest method, but, unfortunately, not so effective. So, the finished wax is already applied to the strips, which you just need to rub until warm, stick them out and apply to the skin. After complete hair removal, the skin is wiped with special cosmetic wipes.

Some believe that home procedures are much more difficult to carry out, and it is better to pay more but get results faster. But in such situations, it is not the environment that is welcome, but the depilation skills. In most cases, home procedures are resorted to by those who are embarrassed to expose intimate parts of the body to specialists.

To improve the effectiveness of the procedure, you should definitely prepare your skin - clean it and degrease it. It would be good to take a hot shower, wipe your skin dry and use powder to eliminate moisture 100%. If a person's sensitivity threshold is too low, it is recommended to take a pain reliever.

Recipe No. 1. You will need 100 grams of wax, half as much paraffin and twice as much rosin. All ingredients are mixed and melted in a water bath. The resulting mass is cooled and used as hot wax.

Depilation wax, recipe No. 2. You need to take carnauba, beeswax and essential oil in the proportion of 360 grams: 130 grams: 2 drops. The first and second wax are melted together followed by the addition of glycerin and lavender oil. The cooled mass is used like warm wax.

The remaining wax can be stored in a cool place, such as the refrigerator. Whatever recipe for homemade wax for depilation is used, it is important that the body tolerates it well. To determine such a diagnosis, you need to apply a little product in the forearm area for half an hour.

The recipe for depilatory wax at home also involves preparing a sugar solution. You will need to take sugar and honey in equal proportions, as well as one spoon of lemon juice. You can add some essential oil for a pleasant smell. Sugar and honey are boiled to form a caramel mass. It is better not to stir the product with a metal spoon, since it does not stick so much to a wooden one. This method is also called.

Benefits of wax

A DIY depilatory wax recipe has a number of advantages:

  • suitable for all skin and hair types;
  • after several procedures, the hair becomes thin, and then its quantity decreases altogether;
  • does not lead to irritation and allergies;
  • rids the skin of dead cells;
  • quite inexpensive and accessible procedure;
  • no special knowledge or skills are required to carry out at home.

To get rid of excess hair, you can use different methods, the main thing is to decide what is the best and high-quality product. Take care of your health and always be in a great mood!

Video about depilation at home

Waxing (waxing) is the removal of unwanted hair using wax and is considered one of the types of bioepilation. The method is one of the most popular in our time, both by women and men. The result lasts longer than after using a razor or depilatory cream, but less lasting than, for example, after laser hair removal.

  • 1. Features of waxes
  • 2. Waxing
  • 2.1. Waxing areas
  • 2.2. Advantages
  • 2.3. Flaws
  • 2.4. Contraindications
  • 3. Waxing at home
  • 3.1. Choosing wax for home use
  • 3.2. Useful tips
  • 3.3. After the procedure
  • 4. Answers to your questions

The method is used both in the salon and at home. It is considered a painful procedure, but regular use leads to a decrease in sensitivity, which means it becomes less painful.

Features of waxes

If you do waxing in a salon, a specialist will determine which wax is right for you based on your skin type, sensitivity, hair structure, etc., but if you do it at home, here’s a reminder for you.

Cold wax

It is dense in structure, differs in manufacturer, as well as in composition. You can buy it in ready-made strips or in a jar in the form of a paste or gel that does not require heating before use. Mainly used at home. If the wax for hair removal is in strips, before use, you need to hold it in your palms for several minutes to warm it up to body temperature, remove the top layer from the strip, then apply it tightly to the intended area, and with a sharp movement tear off the strip, and so on until there is no hair at all.

Cold wax from a jar is applied in a thin layer to the intended area using a wooden or plastic spatula, in the direction of hair growth, a fabric strip is placed on top, which must be pressed tightly to the skin. With one sharp movement, the strip is torn off against the hair growth; while tearing it off, pull the skin just below the strip, this will reduce the pain. We repeat the same steps further until there are no hairs left. It is not always possible to apply wax properly, since it is difficult to regulate the layer of composition and apply it evenly.

It is important to choose good quality wax. There are also advantages: cold wax for depilation practically does not cause irritation, and is suitable for any skin type, including sensitive ones.

Before the procedure, you can take painkillers in tablets or a special ointment, which in turn reduces pain to a minimum.

Warm wax

Low temperature wax heats up to 40-45 degrees. Used in salons, can also be used at home. It can be purchased in cartridges with a roller at the top, which in turn during the process evenly distributes the wax to the intended area of ​​skin. Designed for large surfaces of unwanted vegetation on the body (arms, back, legs). It is not recommended to use warm wax on sensitive areas (face, armpits, intimate area).

The wax cartridge is heated in the wax melter for about 20 minutes, it should take on a liquid state. Then the cartridge is removed from the wax melter and applied with a roller to the intended area of ​​skin along the hair growth, a paper strip is placed on top and pressed tightly against the skin. With one sharp movement, the strip is removed against the hair growth, and so on until the last hair. Periodically, the composition must be heated in a wax melter so that it does not cool down. After the manipulation, cosmetics must be applied to soothe and moisturize the skin.

Hot wax

The most used type of wax for depilation, it is mainly used in the salon, since if it is not heated correctly, you can get burned. The hot wax procedure is practically painless, unlike cold and warm wax. Hot wax hair removal is used on all parts of the body, including intimate areas.

Hot wax is heated to a temperature of 50-60 degrees for up to 40 minutes, and becomes liquid, after which it is applied to the intended area of ​​skin, after waiting a few seconds, the wax is removed with fingers or specially prepared strips, with one sharp movement against hair growth. Due to its temperature, the composition heats the skin, the pores expand, thereby making depilation faster and less sensitive.

If for some reason you decide to do hair removal with hot wax at home, you can purchase it in jars or cassettes. To avoid any unpleasant consequences during the procedure (for example, thermal burn), it is recommended to contact a qualified specialist, or before how to start hair removal, study the methodology of the procedure in as much detail as possible and gain practical skills.


Here we will talk about which areas can be waxed, what advantages, disadvantages and contraindications the procedure has.

Areas for waxing

  1. face (eyebrows, mustache, chin, etc.);
  2. intimate parts of the body (superficial bikini or deep bikini (Brazilian hair removal);
  3. other parts of the body (arms, armpits, stomach, back, buttocks, legs).


  • is considered bioepilation, i.e. without harm to your health;
  • suitable for both men and women;
  • during the procedure, the skin is cleansed not only of hair, but also of dead cells;
  • over time, hair grows thin and sparse;
  • Using wax for several years gives you the opportunity to get rid of unwanted hair forever, or at least do hair removal less often.
  • smoothness of the skin lasts on average from 2 to 4 weeks, possibly longer;
  • suitable for almost all hair structures and types;
  • the effect lasts longer than after shaving;
  • can be used at home;
  • When carried out correctly, it should not cause irritation.


  • the procedure is painful, but with each subsequent procedure it becomes more tolerable;
  • hair length required is 4-5 mm;
  • there may be irritation and redness on the skin for a short time;
  • Possible ingrown hairs.


  • individual intolerance;
  • various skin diseases;
  • viral infection or fungal;
  • damage to the skin, presence of wounds;
  • diabetes;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • large moles;
  • during pregnancy or breastfeeding (individually).

Waxing at home

People often ask how to apply wax, how to use wax and how to tear off a strip in the direction of hair growth or against it, in this instruction you will find answers to these questions:

  1. Before epilation, be sure to prepare the intended area on the body, scrub, clean and dry, then thoroughly wipe with an antiseptic solution;
  2. the next step is to apply talc or baby powder (this way you will injure your skin less);
  3. apply the composition with a wooden spatula along the hair growth, then apply a paper strip, pressing it tightly to the skin, remove the strip together with wax against the hair growth, in one sharp movement;
  4. repeat the procedure until all the wax along with the hair is removed from the surface of the skin;
  5. If there are single hairs left, don’t worry, they can be removed with tweezers.

Choosing wax for home use

  • Warm or cold wax is more suitable for home use, while hot wax, if used incorrectly, can burn your skin;
  • When choosing wax, pay attention to the characteristics of your hair, skin type, and area for hair removal.
  1. Before the procedure, be sure to read the instructions that are indicated on the packaging of the purchased wax.
  2. Before using wax, it is recommended to conduct a test to exclude the possibility of an allergic reaction by applying a small amount of the composition to your wrist, and wait a while; if there are no reactions, redness, or irritation, then this type of hair removal is suitable for you.
  3. It is recommended to do depilation in the first week, 2-3 days after the menstrual cycle, since during this period the skin is less sensitive.
  4. If you are too sensitive to pain and have a low pain threshold, then before the procedure you can use a special cream or take a painkiller pill.
  5. The hairs should be 4-5 mm, if less, they may not be captured, and if longer, the procedure becomes more painful.
  6. If you have any event ahead and you decide to have waxing, it is recommended to do it at least a few days in advance; it often happens that the skin after epilation has redness.
  7. Before planned hair removal, it is not recommended to stay in the sun or in solariums for about 2 days.
  8. If wax will be used on the face, the temperature should be lower than for other parts of the body.
  9. The consistency of the composition should be soft.

After the procedure

  • wax residues after depilation can be removed with vegetable or olive oil, moisten a cotton pad in it and wipe the skin with it;
  • after the procedure, it is recommended to use a post-depilation cosmetic to moisturize and soothe the skin;
  • It is advisable to wear clothes made from natural fabrics after the procedure to avoid irritation;
  • After the procedure, you may experience discomfort in the form of minor pain (tingling, thermal sensation), do not worry, this should not last long, most often the discomfort disappears within an hour;
  • after hair removal, you can use a hair growth retardant cream and apply it every 3 days, this will allow you to feel the smoothness of your skin for more time;
  • You cannot take water procedures in the area where depilation was performed. Because it may cause irritation;
  • do not use deodorants, perfumes, or alcohol-containing lotions on the depilated area;
  • Avoid direct sunlight for about several days, but if you were unable to avoid the sun, in this case it is recommended to use sunscreen;
  • to prevent ingrown hairs, use body scrubs 3 days after depilation; the permissible rate of scrub use is up to 2 times a day.

Answers to your questions

Can pregnant women have waxing?

It is impossible to answer this question in the affirmative, since everything is purely individual and it is better to consult your doctor with this question. The thing is that during pregnancy, waxing can provoke varicose veins, since during pregnancy the walls of blood vessels are looser and more susceptible to damage. And of course, anything related to pain is contraindicated for pregnant women. Therefore, it is better to refrain from waxing during pregnancy; the only reliable and safe way to get rid of excess hair for pregnant girls is shaving.

How long does it take for hair to not grow back after waxing?

The effect of wax hair removal lasts for two to four weeks, depending on how well the procedure is carried out and whether all conditions are met, you can read about this above.

How long should hair be for waxing?

The ideal hair length for waxing is 4-5 millimeters, anything less can remain on the surface of the skin. If the length exceeds 4-5 mm, then depilation may be painful.
