✾ How to learn to feel energy: important subtleties. Basics of magic: how to feel energy

Incredible facts

As each of us probably knows, human sensory abilities have a wide range. Some people see very well, others not so much. Some have excellent hearing, while others are deaf. The same applies to energy sensitivity.

All things are made of vibrational energy. Some people are very aware of the energy that surrounds them, and they can easily tell when it is too much or too little. They easily sense “good” and “bad” vibrations.

Not all energy-sensitive people exhibit all of the following characteristics all the time, but if you notice even a few of them, you are likely to be quite sensitive to vibrational energy.

Strong human energy

1. You have deep empathy for other people.

Often a person with strong energy can be seen where someone is offended or upset. Energy-sensitive people are often the first “receivers” of information about someone else's problem. At the same time, the victim always wants to hold the hand of such a person, hug him and cry to him.

Energy-sensitive people are very sensitive to other people's emotions (and sometimes physical pain), so they easily understand and empathize with those who are suffering.

2. Emotional rollercoaster

Having a keen sense of vibrational energy often means that when a person experiences "high" energies around them, they are on an emotional high and vice versa. Have several options ready in case of an emotional downturn.

3. Addiction

Being sensitive to energy, such a person feels much more than other people. To escape the feeling of low vibrational energy, often such people may use alcohol or some other relaxant to reduce the strength of the negative energy sensations.

These people may also be prone to other types of addictions, such as food, gambling or shopping.

Man and his energy

People with strong energy often understand very well the motives of people’s behavior; in some cases, they immediately catch and feel when someone wants to say something, good or bad, it doesn’t matter.

This is a very useful trait, since no one can use such a person for their own purposes.

5. People with strong energy are often introverts

Not all sensitive people are introverts, but a lot of them are. The process of feeling the emotions and feelings of other people is very mentally exhausting, so energy-sensitive people often need rest and recovery after such “sessions.”

They can often feel exhausted after prolonged social interactions.

6. A person can see signs

People with strong energy are much more likely to understand the signs that the Universe sends them. They are more likely to find meaning in events and circumstances that most other people would consider random.

Human energy

As we can see, strong energy is a double-edged sword. Focusing on vibrational energy allows for a deeper understanding of the Universe, but on the other hand, it can also lead to some increased stimulation and cause a lot of problems if left unattended.

If you believe you have a strong energy and are energetically sensitive, there are a number of things you can do to help you use your gift correctly and not become so drained.

First of all, the first thing that can help you strengthen your vibrational “receivers” or better feel the vibration of the environment is meditation or yoga for mental and physical recovery. It is also a good idea to regularly declutter your home and workspace.

Be mindful of the people you surround yourself with and stay away from toxic individuals, events and circumstances, especially when you feel overwhelmed. It is very important to work on self-acceptance and learn to love yourself and your gifts.

If you came into this world as a person sensitive to the perception of energy, then you automatically have certain responsibilities. However, the constant flow of energy from the environment can overwhelm you and cause you pain.

But if you learn to manage your gift, amazing things will begin to happen. Reading energy from people and being able to empathize with others will be a huge advantage.

Energy-sensitive people have the power to push the world toward positive change, and they also have the ability to become the world's greatest leaders, healers, and teachers.

Now let's look at what types of energy people exist today.

Energy of the human body

1) People are energy mirrors

If energy is directed at such a person, no matter positive or negative, it will always return to the one who directs it. That is, a mirror person reflects energy.

These properties of energy inherent in certain people can and should be used, and with a high degree of efficiency, in order to protect themselves from negative energy, and, first of all, from its targeted flows.

People who are mirrors have a great sense of the people around them, so if they have to reflect negative energy while being near its carrier, they immediately understand who is in front of them and try not to enter into any contact with this person.

True, it is worth adding that the carrier of negative energy himself, on a subconscious level, tries not to encounter such “mirrors”, because receiving back his own negativity will not have the best effect on him, up to the development of various diseases or, at least, ailments.

And vice versa, for a carrier of positive energy, contact with mirror people is always pleasant, because the reflected positivity returns to its owner, charging him with another portion of positive emotions.

As for the mirror man himself, after he quickly realized that in front of him was a carrier of positive energy, in the future he would only be happy to communicate with such a person and will maintain warm relations with him.

2) People are energy leeches

There are a lot of people with such energy, and each of us encounters and communicates with them almost every day. These could be work colleagues, relatives or good friends.

In essence, energy leeches are the same thing as energy vampires. That is, these are people who have problems replenishing their energy reserves, and the easiest way for them to do this is to stick to another person, taking away their energy, and with it their vitality.

Such people are persistent and aggressive, they radiate negativity, and they have their own method of pumping energy out of those around them, which is quite simple. They create a conflict situation, start a quarrel or argument, and sometimes they can even humiliate a person when other methods do not help.

After the incident, their well-being significantly improves, they become more energetic, and they feel a surge of strength because they have drunk enough energy from the person to fuel themselves. A donor person who has been exposed to an energy leech, on the contrary, feels empty, depressed, and sometimes he may even experience physical ailments.

In order for a leech to feel good, there must always be donors around it, and they themselves strive to keep in their field of vision those people whose energy field they can attach to.

The influence of energy on humans

3) People are energy walls

A person - an energy wall - is a person with very strong energy. You can often hear about such people that they are impenetrable. All troubles, if any appear on their path in life, fly away from them literally like from a concrete wall.

However, there is also a negative side to interacting with such people. Negative energy directed at them naturally bounces off and does not always return to the person who sent it. If there are other people near the “wall” at the moment, then the negativity can go to them.

4) People are energy sticks

From the very moment you meet them, these people begin to pour out a huge amount of negative energy on their interlocutor. Moreover, without waiting for the question, they immediately lay out all the negativity that they have accumulated.

How to learn to feel the energy of the body? You can learn this on your own. Moreover, there is nothing complicated about it. Here is a fairly simple exercise that allows you to feel the energy with your hands at home.

Before you begin the exercise, you need to bring your mind into a calm state, as they say, to abandon problems and worries. If you are distracted by extraneous thoughts during the exercise, this may prevent you from achieving the desired result.

Initial position

Sit down, take a comfortable position, make sure that you are comfortable and not thirsty or hungry. You can sit at a table or in a soft chair, on a sofa.

Place your hands on your elbows, raise your forearms up, palms approximately at face level or slightly lower, bring your palms together. It is most convenient to perform the exercise at a table - you can place your elbows on the tabletop. If you are sitting in a chair or on a sofa, place your elbows on your hips. First, practice taking this “starting position” correctly. If you don’t understand a word, for example “forearms,” look it up in the dictionary.

Learning to feel the energy of the body

When you are sure that you are doing everything correctly, sit in the starting position, rest your hands on your elbows, and clasp your palms together. Focus your attention on your closed palms. Feel how warm they are, how pleasant it is at the point of contact. Keep them like this for a while. Now slowly spread your palms a short distance - 15-20 centimeters. Then, with each exhalation, gradually bring them together, moving 2–3 cm. As you inhale, do not move your arms. With each new exhalation, move a little further. Focus your attention on the sensations between your hands. If you are careful, you will feel a slight resistance at some distance between your palms, as if there is something elastic there. As the distance decreases, the “elasticity” will increase. Moreover, sensations will arise in both palms at the same time.

You may not feel anything at first - it’s not scary. Hold your palms together for a moment, then spread them apart and try again. Take your time, repeat the exercise several times. You will definitely feel the biofield, it’s simple. In general, the exercise is very simple, but incredibly useful for developing sensitivity to the bioenergy of the body.

Let's diversify the exercise

After you have managed to feel the “elasticity” between your palms being brought together several times, the exercise can be changed. Now move one palm: for example, move your right palm to the side, and leave your left in its original position. And for each exhalation, bring the right one closer to the motionless left one. Feel how the feeling of elasticity and warmth grows between your palms again. Swap your hands and let your right one remain motionless.

Experiment. Move your palms along different parts of the body: above your head, along your torso, legs. Notice the sensations in your hands and in those areas of the body over which your palms are located. Thanks to this exercise, you can not only feel the energy, but also learn to “read” the energy field of the entire body.

At the end of the exercise, lightly clap your hands - this will remove the concentrated field above your palms.

Note: If, while doing an exercise to develop sensitivity to body energy, you feel painful muscle tension in your hands, close your palms (to collapse the field), then lower your hands down. Let them relax a little. Rest. You can shake your hands lightly.

If you are sitting on the sofa or in a chair and your elbows are pressing on your legs, it is better to move to the table or take a break. Before the break, do not forget to collapse the field - bring your palms together.

Human bioenergy is nothing more than a biofield located in the huge energy-information field of the Universe. The human bioenergy field actively interacts with the environment. All processes occurring in the body occur with its participation. Working with bioenergy underlies the development of hidden abilities (for example, healing). However, it is difficult to work with something that cannot be felt. The question quite rightly arises: how to learn to sense human bioenergy? And really, how? After all, energy is immaterial.
Each of us has the appropriate knowledge and skills from birth. However, the technology that is developing by leaps and bounds has contributed to the fact that, for example, the ability to communicate by telepathy - to transmit one’s thoughts at a distance - has sunk into oblivion as unnecessary. To reveal everything that is inherent in us by Mother Nature, you just need a little training, time, diligence and desire.
So, how to learn to feel human bioenergy? First, learn to feel your own ethereal shell. When training your perception, imagine a certain energy ball that you allegedly hold with your palms. There should be a similar elasticity when you move your hand over another person's body. After training, you will clearly feel the composition and structure of the field being studied. You will be able to diagnose possible holes in the energy shell of a particular person. Such phenomena may be a consequence of the evil eye. By giving energy with your hands, you can smooth out such holes. And having mastered the ability of your hands to take energy, you will learn the basics of healing. You can use your hands as a piston to suck out another person's inflammation. However, before you relieve someone else’s pain, take care of your own energetic protection. While influencing the effect, medications and pills cannot remove the true cause of pain, which quite often lies in psychological aspects. Medicines cannot affect the negative energy in the field, and it continues its destructive influence. This is akin to unwinding a ball of disease, but from the wrong end. Realizing the absurdity of traditional treatment of diseases, more and more people are turning their attention to bioenergetic effects. At the same time, they are interested in the answer to the question: how to learn to feel human bioenergy? Choosing the right end in an unwinding tangle of diseases is the key to a speedy cure. And the art of exchanging bioenergy will be of great help to you.

At our Kedr school, the first three courses in the full version of the program are devoted to the development of extrasensory abilities and the ability to manage energies. You can do extrasensory perception on your own using Elina Boltenko’s textbook “Textbook on Extrasensory Sensitivity”, Ves Publishing House.

Any person can feel energy to one degree or another. The practices below are aimed at developing this feeling.

First stage
Posture for training: sitting on a chair or reclining.
Important: a person must be concentrated on learning - not smoke, be sober and moderately well-fed - it is under such conditions that the consciousness is most adapted to perception and, accordingly, to learning.

At first, it is easiest to give yourself the opportunity to feel the energy in your palms; for this you need to warm up your hands, while the learner concentrates on a specific context, which is very important in the future. Methods of warming up the hands from simple rubbing of the palms to complete kneading of the hand.
After your hands are warmed up, you need to squeeze them and listen to the sensations, feel the pulsation of blood in your palms, and then slowly move them apart. Then mix it again and do the same thing several times.
After the student can feel the pulsation of blood without warming up his hands, he should move on to the next phase.

Feeling of energy
Warm up your hands. Squeeze them and slowly separate them, a tingling sensation occurs in your hands (in most men) or a chill with tingling (in most women) if the described sensation does not occur after 3 times, you can use the strengthening. To do this, you need to pour your energy into the hands of another from the outside of the palms.
(If you don’t feel it, you can clean the channels)
Next, after the student can easily switch to feeling in the palms, we move on.

Feel the rubber band
Feel the energy in your palms, then slowly squeeze your hands and unclench them a little faster, as if playing an accordion. Method of sculpting dough, clay.
We learn to sculpt a ball of energy (the first experience of working with a thought form).

Place the ball inside yourself and never throw it away after use.

Channel cleaning
Make a ball and, by force of will, lift it along the hand (some people find it helpful to control and feed the ball with the other hand) from the hand to the elbow, from the elbow to the shoulder, roll the ball along the collarbone to the other shoulder, then to the elbow and the ball into the hand.
Proceed only clockwise.

Same with legs
After everything has worked out with the channels of the arms and legs, we learn to transfer the ball from one hand to the other (this is necessary to cleanse the spine)
First, the described sequence of actions, then the same thing, but mentally.
After the goal of transferring has been achieved, we place the ball on the tailbone and slowly, by force of will, lift it along the spine/back (for some it is difficult to feel the spine, then lift it along the outside of the skin).

Beginning of manipulation
Learning to “lengthen” your finger. For this action are:
Warm up your hands, feel the elastic band of energy between your spread hands, wrap something that is springy around one of the fingers of your right hand, so that you get a beam. Tap the beam on the opposite hand. Checking to knock on someone else's hand.
Next, draw with a beam on your own and someone else’s hand.

Learning to roll a ball on the surface of the body
This exercise is most important because it gives control over the thought form. So, we create a ball, put it on the top of the head and let it roll between the eyebrows, then along the nose, lips, chin. After the ball has rolled off the chin, we let it go onto the neck and further down – all the way to the genitals.
Next, we create a ball again, place it on the crown of the head and lower it along the outside of the back along the spine (we do everything slowly).
Additions to this exercise: after everything has worked out, you can create not only a ball, but also other simple shapes. The main thing is not to forget to take the ball into yourself after performing each action!
This completes the basics of manipulation.

Safety rules when working with energy and thought forms
1. Never discharge energy into external space.
2. Do not start training if you are sick.
3. Don't practice your strength by jumping exercises.
4. When working with the spine, avoid negative thoughts.
5. Be patient!
6. If you start doing some exercise, it is strictly necessary to complete it!
7. Don't be afraid.

Many would like to learn to feel energy and develop extrasensory sensitivity. This ability is the first step to managing energy and energy flows in the body and developing the qualities of a healer. And simply, once you feel the energy, your worldview and attitude towards the world around you changes. You change it yourself.

The energy that will be discussed in the article cannot be measured today by any device operating on known physical principles. And for official science, since it cannot be measured or recorded in any other way, it does not exist. What kind of energy is this?

You've probably heard about bioenergy, chakras, aura and the like. More than once we have seen programs with people talking about their feelings from this or that person or event. We watched films in which heroes exchange energy blows, control energy flows, and fire energy rays from their hands. The TV show “Battle of Psychics” and the Harry Potter films are the first things that come to mind when talking about energy.

Generally speaking, everything in our world is energy. All living organisms and inanimate objects emit and receive energy. Some objects, for example, crystals, even have the ability to accumulate or accumulate energy. By the way, this ability can be developed in oneself, if necessary, “pulling out” the accumulated reserve.

The giving and receiving of energy in a person most often occurs unconsciously, i.e. we do not feel and therefore do not control these processes. During the day, each of us interacts with other people, carries out physical, mental and emotional activity. To a large extent, the processes occurring in this case are of an energetic nature. Emotions in this regard are the most pronounced process of receiving and transmitting energy.

There are quite a large number of exercises for developing sensitivity to energies. Having extensive experience in energy practices, I can say that without meeting certain requirements, performing any, even the most effective exercises. do not bring results. The person simply continues not to feel anything or goes into the world of fantasies and far-fetched sensations.

What are these requirements?

Important conditions for learning to feel energy

No matter how paradoxical it may sound, in order to feel energy you need to have a fairly high personal energy potential, to be energetically “charged”. filled. The fact is that subtle sensations, which include sensations of energy or energy flows, have a very weak effect on our nervous system. And in order to increase the sensitivity of nerve endings, you need to apply “additional tension” or energy to the system.

And one more important condition - there should be no doubt that you can develop extrasensory sensitivity. Psychological blocks at the conscious or subconscious level will block any signal from the nervous system, no matter how strong it is. This needs to be taken into account and, if possible, any negative attitudes regarding your capabilities should be worked through. How exactly to do this is a separate conversation, beyond the scope of this article. We touch on this topic in detail during dowsing training, when it comes to ways to increase the reliability of answers.

So, for the development of extrasensory sensitivity you need:

  • energy;
  • absence of negative psychological attitudes.

I assume that if you are reading this article, then there are problems with the amount of energy. Therefore, let’s discard all sorts of exotic methods of pumping. Let's consider only what can be used literally immediately with a guaranteed effect. What is very important is that absolutely no special skills or abilities are required to achieve the effect. Just a little persistence and regularity.

Important addition. I won't go into how this works. This will increase the size of the article excessively. Just try each method for 2-3-5 days and draw your own conclusion.

Ways to gain energy:

1. Get enough sleep

2. Adjust your daily routine. The minimum requirement is to go to bed before 11 pm.

3. Adjust your diet. The minimum requirement is to reduce your consumption of meat and other heavy foods to once a day.

4. Drink more just clean water. The norm is 30g per kg of weight. Those. If you weigh 70 kg, you need to drink at least 2 liters of water per day. Tea, juices, soups do not count.

5. Do morning exercises. 10-15 minutes are enough to noticeably warm up the joints and especially the spine.

6. Consciously relax before bed

7. Douse yourself with cold water every day. This exercise is useful to perform after morning exercises. You don't have to wet your head.

8. Visit the steam bath weekly.

9. Turn off the computer at least an hour before going to bed. The same applies to the use of smartphones

10. Make it a habit to take an evening walk, preferably when it gets dark.

11. Eliminate negative emotions - watching the news, relevant films, TV series and conversations, refuse to communicate with difficult or problematic people.

As you can see, even a child can perform these methods of gaining energy. They are simple, require virtually no time to complete, and fit well into any daily routine. Each of the methods leads to an increase and accumulation of energy in the body. Greater effect is achieved when using several recommendations simultaneously. The effect is noticeable within the first week and tends to accumulate.

We will not consider more complex methods of gaining energy. To perform them correctly and obtain results, you need special training and time to master.

I will not describe abstruse ways to train psychic abilities. My personal opinion is that developing abilities should be simple and, if possible, enjoyable and interesting. I will describe one of the ways in which you can quickly learn to feel energy.

We will use music to train sensitivity to energy. Music carries a very specific energy charge that is well perceived by any person. In addition, based on personal preferences, you can choose pieces of music that will be pleasant to practice with.

The essence of the method is that any piece of music has a certain energy characteristic or frequency. And our energy centers (chakras), entering into resonance with the energy of the work, begin to vibrate. At the level of sensations, this is perceived as vibration, itching, bloating, warmth, breeze and other effects in our energy centers. In other words, when music sounds, one of the chakras begins to “respond.”

In addition to sensitivity training, there is powerful stimulation and cleansing of energy centers. They begin to work more efficiently, the degree of openness of the chakras increases, and energy flows are intensively pumped through the body. All this increases our energy potential, we gently and environmentally learn to pass significant amounts of energy through ourselves, and extrasensory sensitivity develops.

Now a little about the features of the method:

1. You need to be rested

2. Give yourself at least an hour. There should be no rush. Lack of time causes pressure and psychological blocks.

3. You cannot listen to music on headphones. Music should be listened to with the whole body, i.e. the sound should be loud enough.

5. It is advisable to use instrumental music. Listen to street musicians, go to the Philharmonic, listen to the organ in a church, go to a big music festival.

Separately, I note that not every work is “reviewed.” Music may not have a pronounced energy, or we simply are not able to catch subtle vibrations. Therefore, the more varied the music you listen to, the better. The more works you can listen to at once, the more likely one of the energy centers will “respond.”

In addition to music, you can use paintings and photographs. It is best when natural views are depicted - mountains, rivers, lakes, sea, rain, wind. But it is more difficult to feel the energy of a painting or photograph than a piece of music. So start with good acoustic concerts. As sensitivity develops, other methods can be used.

Summarize. You can learn to feel energy and it is not difficult. Before you start training, you need to accumulate enough energy. This enhances the sensation. The easiest way to develop sensitivity is to listen to music. At the same time, at a certain moment our energy centers begin to “vibrate”. Which of the seven chakras “responses” depends on the piece of music and our sensitivity. In this way, music can be assessed on an energy scale - i.e. what kind of energy properties does the work have?

Try this simple method of developing energy sensitivity and share your results in the comments!
