How to identify the signs of labor beginning: the last hours before meeting your baby.

The most common questions that expectant mothers ask themselves and their friends who have already given birth: “How will I know that labor has begun? Will I miss the start of labor? Are there any signs that labor is about to begin? Of course, it is difficult to predict the date of birth absolutely accurately, but there are still some signs by which you can determine that a baby may be born soon.

Usually, childbirth does not happen suddenly, our body cannot change overnight - it does not happen that an hour ago nothing foreshadowed the onset of labor, and suddenly it began suddenly. Childbirth is always preceded by some changes in the body. What should the expectant mother pay attention to?

There are so-called harbingers of childbirth- external tangible changes in the body that indicate preparation for the onset of labor. The reason for their appearance is a sharp increase in the amount of estrogen before childbirth. The activity of these hormones affects both the well-being and behavior of a woman. For some, precursors appear 2 weeks before the upcoming birth, and for others, only a few hours before it. For some, the precursors of labor are intensely expressed, for others they go unnoticed. There are several harbingers of labor, but in order to understand that labor will soon begin, one or two of them are enough.

False contractions

False contractions may appear after. False contractions are more intense than Braxton Hicks contractions, which a woman could already feel starting from. False contractions, like Braxton-Hicks contractions, are trained before the upcoming birth; they are irregular and painless, the intervals between them do not decrease. Real labor contractions, on the contrary, are regular, their strength gradually increases, they become longer and more painful, and the intervals between them are reduced. Then we can say that labor has begun for real. In the meantime, while false contractions are occurring, there is no need to go to the maternity hospital - you can safely survive them at home.

Abdominal prolapse

Approximately two to three weeks before birth, the baby, in preparation for birth, presses the presenting part (usually the head) against the lower segment of the uterus and pulls it down. The uterus, which was previously in the abdominal cavity, moves to the pelvic region, the upper part of the uterus (fundus), descending, ceases to put pressure on the internal organs of the chest and abdominal cavity. As soon as the stomach drops, the expectant mother notices that it has become easier for her to breathe, although sitting and walking, on the contrary, becomes more difficult. Belching also disappears (after all, the uterus no longer puts pressure on the diaphragm and stomach). But, having descended, the uterus begins to put pressure on the bladder - naturally, urination becomes more frequent.

For some, uterine prolapse causes a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen and even mild pain in the inguinal ligaments. Some people sometimes feel as if electric shocks are running through their legs and lower back. All these sensations also arise due to the fact that the presenting part of the fetus moves down and is “inserted” into the entrance of the woman’s small pelvis, irritating its nerve endings.

During the second and subsequent births, the stomach drops later - right before birth. It happens that this harbinger of labor is not present at all.

Weight loss

Approximately two weeks before birth, weight may decrease, usually it decreases by 0.5-2 kg. This happens because excess fluid is removed from the body and decreases. If earlier during pregnancy, under the influence of the hormone progesterone, fluid accumulated in the body of a pregnant woman, now, before childbirth, the effect of progesterone decreases, but other female sex hormones - estrogens - begin to work intensively. They remove excess fluid from the body of the expectant mother. Very often, the expectant mother notices that at the end of pregnancy it has become easier for her to put on rings, gloves, and shoes - this means that the swelling in her hands and feet has decreased.

Changing the stool

In addition, hormones also relax the intestinal muscles, which can lead to stool upset. Sometimes women mistake this increase in bowel movements (up to 2-3 times a day) with dilution of stool for an intestinal infection. However, if there is no nausea, vomiting, change in the color or smell of feces, or any other symptoms of intoxication, there is no need to worry: this is one of the harbingers of the upcoming birth.

Decreased appetite

On the eve of childbirth, all desire to eat for two disappears, and sometimes you don’t feel like eating at all. All this also prepares the body for natural childbirth.

Change in emotional state

It has been noticed that many women experience mood changes a few days before giving birth. Usually the expectant mother feels tired, she wants to rest more, sleep, and apathy appears. This condition is quite understandable - you need to gather your strength to prepare for childbirth. Often, just before giving birth, a woman seeks privacy, looking for a secluded place in which she can hide and concentrate on herself and her experiences.

Changing your child's behavior

The baby also becomes quiet in the last days before birth. His motor activity is decreasing, but according to ultrasound and other studies, he is completely healthy. It’s just that the child has already gained sufficient weight and height, and often he simply has no room to turn around in the uterus. In addition, the baby also gains strength before a long day of work.

Uncomfortable sensations

A few days before giving birth, many expectant mothers experience some discomfort in the lower abdomen and sacral area. Most often, they are similar to those that occur on the eve of or during menstruation - the stomach or lower back periodically pulls, sometimes it is a mild aching pain. They appear during the passage of the mucus plug or before. Such discomfort occurs due to stretching of the pelvic ligaments, increased blood flow to the uterus, or as a result of prolapse of the uterine fundus.

Removal of the mucus plug

This is one of the main and obvious harbingers of childbirth. During pregnancy, the glands in the cervix produce a secretion (it looks like a thick jelly and forms a so-called plug), which prevents various microorganisms from entering the uterine cavity. Before childbirth, under the influence of estrogen, the cervix softens, the cervical canal opens slightly and the plug can come out - the woman will see that clots of mucus with a jelly-like consistency remain on the underwear. Cork can be of different colors - white, transparent, yellowish-brown or pink-red. Often it is stained with blood - this is completely normal and may indicate that childbirth will occur within the next 24 hours. The mucus plug can come out immediately (at once) or come out in parts throughout the day. Usually, the removal of the plug does not in any way affect the well-being of the expectant mother, but sometimes at the moment of its release, stretching in the lower abdomen is felt (as before menstruation).

The mucus plug may come off two weeks before birth, or it may remain inside until the baby is born. If the plug comes out but there are no contractions, you shouldn’t go to the maternity hospital right away: just call the doctor and get a consultation. However, if the plug comes off earlier than two weeks before the expected due date, or there is a lot of bright red blood in it, you should immediately contact the maternity hospital.

Typically, the expectant mother has two or three signs of impending labor. But it happens that there are no warning signs at all. This does not mean that the body is not preparing for childbirth: it is quite possible that the woman simply does not notice the warning signs or they will appear immediately before childbirth.

What to do if any warning signs of labor appear? Usually you don’t need to do anything, because the precursors are completely natural, they simply indicate that the body is being rebuilt and preparing for the birth of a child. Therefore, you should not worry and go to the maternity hospital as soon as, for example, training contractions begin or the mucus plug comes away.


If I were you, I would call an ambulance, or go to the hospital myself.

01/05/2019 13:52:13, 201z

Hello. Tell me 33 weeks according to ultrasound, 36 according to menstruation.
The stomach becomes hard in the evening and tingles a little at the bottom. In the morning, sometimes I have an unpleasant feeling, like before my period (my stomach doesn’t hurt, but it’s tight and my back aches)... I run to the toilet very often.... How should I react to this?)

07/16/2016 06:43:34, Nadezhdatoz

Comment on the article "How to know that childbirth is coming soon? Harbingers: 9 symptoms of impending labor"

How does labor begin? Inspection on the chair. That is, after some time after the “examination,” contractions gradually begin, as during normal childbirth. if your water breaks according to Russian rules, you have How to understand that labor is coming soon? When did anyone start experiencing contractions?

How do you know when you're about to give birth? Harbingers: 9 symptoms of approaching labor. During my last pregnancy, I went every week - they did a CTG, a Doppler, they measured contractions (I always have training contractions, but they are completely different from labor contractions).

Harbingers. Girls, tell me what are the harbingers of labor and how long do they last. Harbingers: 9 symptoms of approaching labor. Are there any signs that How can I tell if I'm about to give birth? Harbingers: 9 symptoms of approaching labor.

How do you know when you're about to give birth? Precursors: 9 symptoms. Approximately two to three weeks before birth, the baby, in preparation for birth, presses the presenting part (usually the head) to the lower segment of the uterus and pulls it. Also, heartburn and belching disappear...

How do you know when you're about to give birth? Harbingers: 9 symptoms of approaching labor. Pregnancy and childbirth: conception, tests, ultrasound, toxicosis, childbirth, caesarean section, birth. Well, it’s coming soon! Just hang in there! Good luck with your birth, in advance, you never know when the baby will...

How does labor begin? If such measures do not give the desired effect, then help will be provided in the hospital: firstly... I didn’t feel it. strong painful contractions began when I got to the prenatal ward. and before that, maybe I wouldn’t have understood if the doctor hadn’t...

Labor begins: harbingers of labor, options for the onset of labor. Print version. Planning for childbirth: is it possible? How do you know that childbirth is coming soon? Harbingers: 9 symptoms of approaching labor. Are there any signs that labor is about to begin?

What are the warning signs of childbirth? How to understand that childbirth is coming soon? When did anyone start experiencing contractions? Harbingers: 9 symptoms of approaching labor. Signs of the onset of labor: false contractions, prolapse of the abdomen and other changes in the body.

About the approach of childbirth - a stupid question. Signs: labor is coming soon. How to identify contractions. How does labor begin? 2-3 days before giving birth, the pregnant woman’s body weight decreases by 1-2 kg. How do you know that childbirth is coming?

How to understand that labor has begun? Harbingers: 9 symptoms of approaching labor. Signs of the onset of labor: false contractions, prolapse of the abdomen and You can:) I noticed three labors only after the onset of contractions with a frequency of 3-5 minutes:) But there is a plus in this...

Signs: labor is coming soon. How to identify contractions. Harbingers: 9 symptoms of approaching labor. How does labor begin? 2-3 days before giving birth, the pregnant woman’s body weight decreases by 1-2 kg. How do you know that childbirth is coming?

What are the warning signs of childbirth? How to understand that childbirth is coming soon? When did anyone start experiencing contractions? Because I didn’t have any training sessions, contractions just started. I remember exactly the first contraction, which seemed to surround my lower abdomen. Then it resembled contractions during menstruation.

The first question is: how do you understand that contractions have already begun, and not just some pain? It is clear that they must be repeated through the Second Question. One friend advised me to drink nosh-pu several weeks before giving birth, she said that the uterus is better prepared for childbirth...

Labor does not always begin with contractions; sometimes it begins with rupture of the membranes. Do they always have training contractions or not? and how to understand whether it is true or not? something I Contractions indicate that labor has begun. (In addition to contractions, the onset of labor may...

What are the warning signs of childbirth? How to understand that childbirth is coming soon? Harbingers: 9 symptoms of approaching labor. Signs of the onset of labor: false contractions, abdominal prolapse and Labor begins: harbingers of labor, options for the onset of labor. Print version.

How labor begins. Harbingers of approaching birth. What are the phases of childbirth? You never know what will happen along the way... Why don’t you do an enema and shave immediately after the onset of labor and How do you know that labor is coming soon? Harbingers: 9 symptoms of approaching labor.

Section: Childbirth (Who knows what?) Signs of impending birth. How do you know when you're about to give birth? Harbingers: 9 symptoms of approaching labor. If earlier during pregnancy, under the influence of the hormone progesterone, fluid in the pregnant woman’s body...

Pregnancy and childbirth: conception, tests, ultrasound, toxicosis, childbirth, caesarean section, birth. How do you know when you're about to give birth? How do you know when you're about to give birth? Precursors: 9 symptoms. 5. How quickly does labor occur with premature rupture of membranes?

How does labor begin? 2-3 days before giving birth, the pregnant woman’s body weight decreases by 1-2 kg. How do you know that childbirth is coming? So, you started having regular contractions or your amniotic fluid began to break, in other words, labor began. What to do?

How do you know when you're about to give birth? Harbingers: 9 symptoms of approaching labor. Precursors: 9 symptoms. The baby also becomes quiet in the last days before birth. What kind of dreams do you have about pregnancy? Oddly enough, in the first place are dreams related to fish.

Time does not stand still, just like our lives. Changes are inevitable, and some of them can indicate the beginning of a new stage. Five visible signs will help you understand that your life will soon change.

Every person faces change with caution. But there are times when our inner premonition deceives us, and what seems like a collapse to us becomes a new stage on the path to a happy life. The Universe indicates impending changes through five signs.

First sign: you are ready for change

The unnecessary is eliminated, abruptly and sometimes even painfully. You feel irritated, offended, angry. Plans collapse before they can be realized. There are countless options: happy relationships become a thing of the past, you are suddenly fired from your job, friends disappear into time, the bank refuses a loan, your car breaks down. At first glance, this looks like bad luck. But in fact, fate is leading you off the wrong course. Everything you are saying goodbye to was unnecessary in your life. A new breath of happiness awaits you ahead.

Of course, when circumstances literally force you to change your usual life, your patience becomes overflowing. There are no options anymore - the whole world is urging you to action. Leaving your comfort zone is the first sign of a new and happy path.

Second sign: you feel empty inside yourself

You walked towards your goal for a long time, literally chewed your way to it, but suddenly it became mediocrity. Having lost guidelines, it is common for a person to get lost in such a huge world of possibilities. At the moment when desires fall silent and you don’t want to do anything, the signs of the Universe become more understandable.

If you feel emptiness inside yourself, know that a new stage in your life is beginning. This drastic change has been sent to you from Above. When you lose interest in everything, your mind clears up. You become able to clearly hear the true call of your heart, which unites your mind, soul and body into a single whole. There comes a rethinking of one's own purpose.

Third sign: lack of time

The third stage of spiritual development begins when it seems to you that time is slipping through your fingers. During this period, you tend to believe that life contains more negative aspects than positive ones. The experiences of past years, unsuccessful relationships, pain, losses and grievances affect you. Unfavorable emotions block the flow of positive energy, preventing you from enjoying the moment.

The feeling that you can’t keep up with life pushes you to rethink your own path, thereby saving you from the “vanity complex.” At this stage, you learn to appreciate every minute you live, leaving behind negative emotions. Thanks to this, your life begins to adjust to a positive rhythm.

Fourth sign: you are overwhelmed with emotions

Every person at least once in his life has experienced a whole range of different emotions simultaneously. You get the feeling that something significant will soon burst into your life that will entail changes. You don't know what exactly the changes are related to, you just know that their appearance is close. You are filled with conflicting feelings.

There is no point in making grandiose plans, all you have to do is go with the flow and be patient. Whatever awaits you, it is already predetermined from Above. You should trust your own instincts and pay attention to the prompts of the Universe, which is trying to help you.

Fifth sign: a series of sudden coincidences

Unexpected coincidences are a clear sign that you are following the right path. Higher powers are subtly hinting to you that big changes are coming. Signs will appear to you frequently throughout the day. Your Guardian Angel can send you a sign using numbers.

You should not ignore sudden coincidences - they are heralds of colossal shifts and help you gain confidence that your thoughts, desires and opportunities are directed in the same direction.

Don't be afraid of change. Any changes in your life are necessary for happiness. We are all children of the Universe, and it supports us throughout our journey. It is enough to simply live according to the laws of the Universe. Be happy, joy, success,and don't forget to press the buttons and

13.07.2017 04:20

Energy exhaustion can occur in anyone. This condition is quite dangerous for health and psyche. ...

The moment that everyone had been waiting for for 9 months: joyful, but exciting, and often frightening.

In a few hours the baby will be born.

How to understand that labor will begin soon? How will the birth go? What will your meeting be like? Will everything be okay with the newborn?

The health of the expectant mother and child largely depends on the progress of labor and its proper management. If a woman is at home, then recognizing the approaching birth and getting to the clinic on time is an extremely important task.

There is a well-known formula for the start date of the last menstruation.

You need to subtract 3 months from the date of your period and add 7 days to the result.

However, only a small number of babies are born exactly on the calculated day. The average length of a normal pregnancy is 38-40 weeks.

Regardless of whether a woman is seen in a regular district antenatal clinic or has a contract for childbirth with a medical center and a specific obstetric team, she will be assigned 1-2 additional appointments in the last month of pregnancy. This will allow you to identify early signs of labor beginning and, if necessary, leave the woman in the hospital.

Signs of impending labor in primiparous and multiparous women

Often, expectant mothers often ask the question, how can they understand that labor has begun in first-time mothers?

There are a number of typical signs of impending labor. But the order of their appearance is individual for each case.

And even for the same woman, the first and subsequent births can begin and proceed differently. The second (and subsequent births) are usually faster than the first. In this case, you need to be especially attentive to the appearance of any sign of the onset of labor.

This is the most “insidious” of signs. It can appear several days, or even a week before the onset of labor, and its first appearance greatly alarms the expectant mother.

However, if this did not turn out to be the true beginning of labor, and heaviness in the lower back appears and then disappears again for a day or two, the woman gets used to these sensations and may not pay attention to them when labor actually begins. Time will be lost, and this is dangerous if the path to the maternity hospital is long or there are traffic jams.

  • Removal of the mucus plug.

The release of the mucus plug is the most reliable and “physiologically correct” sign of the onset of labor. The softening and dilating of the cervix no longer reliably holds this protective mucous clot, and the plug comes out.

The process depends on certain features of the woman’s anatomy and physiology. The release of the mucus plug can be soft and unhurried, accompanied by the urge to go to the toilet for several hours. Or it can be swift, like the popping of a champagne cork.

It is most dangerous if the plug does not come out in a single clot, but mucous discharge of varying degrees of thickness simply appears; it may have a brown color or bloody streaks. In these clots, a woman may not recognize the passage of the plug and may not go to the maternity hospital in time.

After the plug comes out, labor can develop quite rapidly, so the appearance of any mucous discharge in the last weeks of pregnancy should be a reason to consult a doctor.

  • Discharge of amniotic fluid.

Usually, the discharge of water begins after the mucus plug comes out, but it can also precede it. This happens if one of the walls of the cervix is ​​somewhat weaker and softer than the other (due to scar changes or anatomical features).

In this case, the thick plug is still securely held by the muscular wall of the vagina, but the weakened area already provides a gap for the discharge of amniotic fluid. During the process, amniotic fluid carries along the mucus plug, washing it away.

The rupture of amniotic fluid is definitely a reason for an immediate visit to the maternity hospital!

  • Regular contractions.

The signal for the onset of contractions is the release of amniotic fluid, a sharp change in the tone of the uterus. But there may be other mechanisms. One of them is biochemical, the signal for the onset of labor and contractions is given by the baby’s mature lungs. That is, tangible contractions can begin even before the mucous plug and amniotic fluid drain, and only then contraction of the pelvic muscles will lead to the release of mucus. It's important to remember this!

Many women consider contractions that appear before the plug and water to be “training” and do not pay attention to this symptom until it is too late. A distinctive feature of the onset of labor is the precise frequency of contractions.

Regular contractions help move the baby's head into the birth canal.

If the tightness of the vaginal walls remains and the mucus plug has not come away, you may need help with its mechanical removal, and sometimes a puncture of the amniotic sac (amniotomy). A woman must be under the supervision of specialists by this time!

  • Increased peristalsis, vomiting.

An increased urge to go to the toilet may accompany approaching contractions or the release of a plug. But they can also be called as an independent symptom of the onset of labor. Dilatation of the uterus may be accompanied by vomiting.

Diarrhea may appear a little earlier. The reason is a change in hormone levels in response to the onset of labor and their effect on smooth muscles. In anticipation of pushing, the body is freed from excess, so that the baby’s path into the world is easier and more comfortable.

  • Change in child's activity.

In the last month of pregnancy, it is already difficult for the baby to move in the womb; many expectant mothers note that movements with a large amplitude disappear. The child “tosses and turns” but does not “fight”. But closer to childbirth, its activity increases again.

The sensitivity of the fetus to hormonal changes and the tone of the uterus is affected. Changes in the baby's behavior can be noticed 1-2 days before the onset of labor; he becomes especially active before the onset of contractions.

How to behave when you realize that labor is about to begin?

Many women prefer to wait for the onset of labor in a hospital; they go to the maternity hospital 5-7 days before the planned birth.

Others want to stay home until the very last moment. What to do if you notice symptoms of labor?

Is it worth going to the maternity hospital with the first signs of labor or is there time to wait? If your water breaks, it is advisable to end up in the hospital as quickly as possible. If labor is a harbinger of labor, but the mucus plug and water have not yet broken, some women (especially multiparous women) stay at home, waiting for the period between contractions to decrease.

This can only be done if the journey to the maternity hospital takes less than 30 minutes and you are not faced with traffic jams. When the interval between contractions reaches 10-15 minutes, you should go to the maternity hospital in any case.

If you have a birth contract with a specific obstetrician or team, you should contact your doctor at the first signs of labor. The doctor will help you navigate the symptoms, tell you when it is best to go to the maternity hospital, and order the preparation of the room for you.

What is the best way to go to the maternity hospital? Having your own car and having a husband behind the wheel is undoubtedly more comfortable. But the ambulance will allow you to travel without traffic jams and delays at traffic lights.

If necessary, a team of doctors will provide assistance on the way. In addition, the excitement of the future father can threaten traffic safety, so an ambulance is preferable. Relatives can accompany the woman in labor in the ambulance or follow behind.

It is important to recognize the onset of labor and be in the hospital on time. The successful course of childbirth, the health of the newborn and his mother depend on this. Not all signs clearly indicate the imminent birth of a child. Therefore, at the end of pregnancy, a woman should especially carefully note all changes in her body and the behavior of the unborn baby, and report all symptoms to the doctor.

And there is just so much cuteness in her: why now?! How to understand that your period will begin soon, so that there are as few such surprises in our calendar as possible?! We’ll talk about the most striking and reliable signs of an imminent onset.

How to understand that your period is about to start

More often, harbingers for each woman and girl are an individual concept and require a conscious approach. By listening to yourself and your body’s reactions, you can easily determine not only an approximate time period, but also a specific day and even hour. Changes in the mammary glands, processes occurring in the uterine cavity and in the ovaries will not go unnoticed if we understand what to expect and what will be the first bell. Usually the beginning of the inevitable process falls during the period of the last (MC), but sometimes its entire second half is affected.

Harbingers of menstruation

It is quite simple to understand that your period will soon come, knowing some of the characteristics of your own body, and the intensification of certain symptoms will help you determine the time intervals.

  • Swelling of the mammary glands - their increase in size, engorgement, painful manifestations. Possible minor ones, which are often noticeable in the form of already curdled secretion.
  • Nagging pain in the lower abdomen - the preparation of the uterus for the rejection of its inner layer (endometrium) - is often accompanied by pain, expressed to a greater or lesser extent depending on the individual characteristics of the body. Pain may be associated with hormonal disorders, and therefore require observation and consultation with a gynecologist.
  • Skin rashes are an optional but common symptom associated with hormonal changes.
  • Lower back pain is a manifestation of changes in the uterus.
  • Bowel movement is a normal reaction of the body, in which metabolism is not impaired. During the period before menstruation, the body gets rid of everything unnecessary, including the smooth muscles of the intestines. In some cases, pain before menstruation is associated precisely with intestinal congestion, and the discomfort disappears with bowel movement.

There are also subjective harbingers of menstruation. These include an increase in appetite, some experience swelling of the legs, face, many complain of a state close to depression, and a general violation of moral stability or

Concept of premenstrual syndrome

Men deny it, women claim that they experience its effects on themselves. Controversial in its existence, PMS helps many representatives of the fair sex find the answer to the question: “How to understand that your period will begin soon?” Scientists who study this issue not only confirm its existence, but also divide it into several types. Signs that your period is about to start:

What happens to the ovaries before menstruation

Before menstruation, the ovaries undergo characteristic changes associated with MC. In the body of a healthy woman they are unchanged and occur according to a certain scenario. Approximately in the middle of the cycle (days 13-16), a mature egg leaves the ovary, first forming a protrusion, which during ultrasound diagnostics looks like a functional cyst.

When the wall of the ovary bursts and the egg comes out of it, many women feel pain in the right or left. At the site where the egg is released, progesterone produces the pregnancy hormone, which stimulates the thickening of the endometrium and makes it ready for the attachment of a fertilized egg. If fertilization does not occur, the corpus luteum is destroyed and insufficient hormone is produced, which leads to endometrial rejection and menstruation occurs.

Painful sensations in the ovarian area during menstruation are considered pathological and require consultation.

Painful periods

Women for whom menstruation is not only monthly changes in the body, but also constant pain, need to consult an obstetrician-gynecologist. An important step will be not only the disappearance of pain, but also the determination of their causes. The most common method of normalizing the entire MC is the prescription of hormonal contraceptives. For those who want to get rid of the main symptoms, the ideal option would be to use oral antispasmodics (“No-spa”) or topical use of rectal suppositories with papaverine.

Asymptomatic premenstrual period

For women whose premenstrual period does not have any clinical symptoms, and there are no signs that menstruation will begin soon, the only way out is to keep a calendar of critical days and monthly monitoring of the duration of the menstrual cycle. Thus, the onset of menstruation will be expected and will not bring any inconvenience.

Now you know how to understand that your period is about to start. Don’t get sick, and let your critical days become just a physiological process for you, and nothing more.

Almost 9 months of waiting are behind us. Things are getting tough a period of worries and unrest. As early as 38 weeks, birth can occur any day. Women begin to listen more carefully to their bodies to notice changes that indicate that labor is approaching.

It's about harbingers of childbirth, those changes that the woman herself feels or is noticed by others - all those signs that help to understand that labor will soon begin.

How to understand that childbirth is coming and when to go to the maternity hospital?

Precursors should not cause you concern, they are considered the norm, not a pathology - it happens hormonal changes body. And it is not at all necessary that all the signs that make it clear that childbirth is imminent should appear.

For each woman, everything happens individually: for some, everything manifests itself clearly, for others, on the contrary, the signs that labor will soon begin are less pronounced.

Reorganization of the body of a pregnant woman in the later stages begins to occur somewhere 2 - 3 weeks before the birth itself: The stomach noticeably drops, the woman’s emotional state changes, the mucous plug begins to come off, amniotic fluid may leak a little, or an upset stomach may occur.

Stomach dropped

drooping belly considered one of the most accurate harbingers. Average in 2 weeks before giving birth during the first pregnancy The fundus of the uterus descends, the baby's head passes into the pelvis, which leads to the fact that the stomach is located lower.

It becomes easier for you to breathe, because the baby no longer puts pressure on the diaphragm, heartburn and shortness of breath disappear and your appetite improves. Along with the positive changes, some small unpleasant moments will appear: the urge to go to the toilet will become more frequent. Pain in the groin may also occur.

Change of mood

The closer your due date, the more difficult it will be for you to control mood.

Some people start complete apathy Besides, I want to lie down and just lie there, and not constantly think about how to understand that labor will begin soon, whether everything is ready for this day, how everything will happen. At such moments, you really need to give your body a chance to rest: sleep more, relax.

And many during this period become the opposite nervous and irritable. It seems that everything is wrong. Every little thing causes resentment and tears.

Believe me, this will all pass. After all, soon you will see your little one.

Discharge and training contractions

Before giving birth you will begin to notice discharge. They will look like a thick jelly mass, sometimes streaked with blood. It's moving away cork.

The appearance of a large number of bloody streaks in the discharge will help you understand that very soon, in the next day or two, labor will begin. Keep a close eye on the discharge, but don't panic.

It’s better for you to rest now, remember, and wait for regular contractions to begin.

It should be noted that often in later stages women may develop false training contractions - Braxton-Higgs spasms. They are very similar to real contractions in terms of pain intensity, but they are not regular, that is, they do not repeat after a certain time.

You may feel a couple of contractions during the day. Then everything calms down, and in the evening it repeats again. This is how the uterus prepares for the birth of a baby.

Amniotic fluid

And another bright harbinger of the approaching birth is considered leakage of amniotic fluida small amount of them throughout the day. Moreover, pay attention to the fact that if the laundry becomes wet in the middle of the day, then most likely it is water. Whereas the plug most often comes off in the morning, after sleep.

Don't worry, minor leakage not dangerous for the unborn child. This is just one of the harbingers of the approaching birth.

Sometimes expectant mothers cannot understand what is leaking out - urine or water? For this purpose we have on sale test indicator for leakage of amniotic fluid, with the help of which you can independently determine at home what is leaking from the vagina and avoid visiting the gynecologist again.


The site will also focus on one more sign that will help you understand that labor will begin soon - this is nesting instinct. Your desire to clean everything up and arrange it for your child is understandable.

Here we are talking about something a little different. Woman wants to be alone, hide from prying eyes, isolate yourself away from the outside world. This happens throughout the living world: all females move away from the hustle and bustle during the period of childbirth.

There is a lot of information about how to understand that labor will begin soon.

But we must remember that everything harbingers cannot accurately indicate that labor will begin tomorrow, or in two weeks. Just listen to your feelings and don't worry.

If you are really afraid that you will miss the onset of labor or will not have time to get to the maternity hospital, then it is better to go to the hospital in advance. Well, if you are confident in yourself, then stay at home as long as possible.
