How to organize and what special to cook for a romantic dinner at home. Evening for two: how to arrange an unforgettable romantic dinner

Usually on the first date we bring the girl to the mausoleum. But sometimes, for the sake of thrills, you can invite her to a regular dinner at a restaurant.

The girl should be first. In everything

She is the first to get into a car or tram, the first to enter a restaurant and the first to voice the order. She is the first to greedily pounce on a basket of bread. And if for some reason they brought you a dish earlier than her, wait until the waiter puts a plate of food in front of the girl.

Don't order a salad!

According to a survey conducted this summer by the Daily Mail newspaper, one in five women believes that a man who ordered only a salad is a weakling. Meat is still considered the most manly food. (Although we think the most manly food is insects! Brrr...) Before you order meat, make sure your companion is not a vegetarian. It is unlikely that she will want to deal with the killer.

"Do you want some salad?" - "Because I'm not a rabbit, no thanks."

slow down

Men eat faster than women, as it happened in nature. This is not the case, try to eat slowly. I mean, not like slow motion, just slower. After all, you didn't come here to eat, but to hear about how the pretty girl across from you hated skiing in high school gym class. Well, and other equally incredibly interesting stories from her biography.

Ask questions

“Tell me, did your skis have manual or automatic bindings?” These and other questions will let the girl understand that she is no less interesting to you than the steak that is languidly spread out in front of you on a plate. And be sure to ask questions. For example, if a companion asks: "Don't you think that there is nothing cuter in the world than long-haired guinea pigs?" - answer: “No. And you?"

Maximum two drinks. Maximum

One serving of alcohol is enough to melt the ice (especially if it is mulled wine), two servings are enough to giggle stupidly together. The third is useful if you want to fight other bar patrons over bread baskets and frankly tell the girl what you really think about her skis. Seriously, few people are able to maintain their sanity after the third helping of alcohol. We do not advise you to check on the first date whether you belong to this select minority.

Pay the bill

Even if you're chairing the Feminism is the Way to Progress society, forget about it for one night. Paying a bill by a man is still the basic point of courting a girl. And the more inconspicuous and graceful you pay, the higher you will become in the eyes of your companion. This is no time to sit over the bill with a calculator in your hand and exclaim: “Can you imagine, they take money for bread!”


Dug in tyrnet:

1. Shrimps and oysters

These seafood are not only delicious. They contain a lot of protein, which, as already mentioned, gives strength. There is also a lot of zinc in shrimp and oysters - it is involved in the synthesis of the male hormone - testosterone.

2. Red caviar and black caviar

Caviar is a very useful delicacy. It contains protein, a lot of useful amino acids, minerals, vitamins A, C and D, as well as zinc. All these substances contribute to the production of germ cells. In addition, caviar is well absorbed by the body and does not burden the stomach.

3. Avocado

The avocado has a reputation as a libido-boosting fruit, largely because of its name. The word "avocado" comes from the language of the ancient Aztecs and means "testicular tree" - its shape resembles the anatomy of the male genital organs. Avocado fruits contain vitamins A, D, E and PP, fatty acids and natural hormones. All these substances contribute to the increase of potency, especially in men.

5. Chocolate

Dark chocolate is the best stimulant for women. Thanks to the content of caffeine and theobromine, it awakens erotic feelings in women and promotes the production of female hormones. Also, the smell of chocolate causes the production of endorphins - the hormone of joy. In general, dark chocolate is very useful, it causes a surge of strength and vigor, and improves blood circulation, due to the substances contained in cocoa beans.

6. Onion and garlic

Surprisingly, but despite their unpleasant smell, these products have a very beneficial effect on libido. They contain vitamins. C, B, B, E, PP, essential oils, iron, iodine and copper. But most importantly - garlic and onions are rich in zinc. It is vitamins and zinc that contribute to the production of male germ cells. You can check this by armed with mints and mouth fresheners.

7. Spices

Prepare dinner by seasoning it with a pinch of cardamom, red pepper or curry. Spices contain a whole group of vitamins, for example, vitamin C and E, vitamins of group B (B2, B6). Spices invigorate and improve blood circulation, stimulating blood flow to the desired organs.

8. Strawberry

Appetizing in appearance, fragrant and wonderful in taste berry. The simple contemplation of strawberries already causes a feeling of joy. The berry is rich in antioxidants and vitamin C. Strawberries also contain the most pleasant substances for our body - endorphins. The so-called “hormones of joy” improve mood and sharpen feelings. And strawberries in combination with champagne, which is considered the elixir of love, is a “bomb” at all.

What to cook for the first date at home?

Not all women are ready to make a date on their territory, especially at the first stages of a relationship. Despite the fact that houses and walls help, home dates are more difficult, because you need to surprise a man not only with the ability to communicate and appearance, but also with a delicious dinner prepared with your own hands.

The first home date is the very moment in a relationship when the fair sex for the first time does not worry about her appearance, because there is another more important question: how to feed the guest? After all, everyone knows that the way to a man's heart lies through delicious food. Maybe not completely, but it is. When relationships are not yet established, feelings are just being formed, beautiful bed linen is still of great importance, the time has not yet come for joint purchases, it is very difficult to guess what exactly a man will like, and it is somehow inconvenient to ask, impeccable food means a successful date. It's hard to please, but it's not impossible.

There are a lot of recipes, but certain products must be used, because dinner should be romantic. In order for the dinner to be "lick your fingers", you need to use: fresh vegetables, fish or meat and fruits.

Whichever salad you choose, you can fill it only with olive oil or other low-fat dressing. Mayonnaise, even homemade, at least for this evening, say: no! Meals should be light, of course, if you do not want the man to leave immediately after dinner.

For the main course, you can bake meat or fish in the oven in foil with a lot of onions and carrots, additionally preparing a sauce for it. A meat or fish dish, if possible, will melt in your mouth and the man's gratitude will have no boundaries. Dinner for a date must be light, so you should not cook a side dish, a salad for meat or fish will be enough. Plus, there will be dessert. They can surprise even if a man is not a fan of sweets, although such representatives of the stronger sex are rare!

An unusual dessert can be prepared from fresh berries, having previously stewed them, chocolate, cream and a small amount of alcohol. The last ingredient is optional. This dessert is best served with wine or champagne. In addition to dessert, it is worth putting fruit slices of banana, lemon, orange, kiwi and apple on the table. It will perfectly complement the taste palette of any dish.

By the way, the choice of alcohol is best left to the men's shoulders, but this issue is best discussed in advance, but it, like dinner, in principle, should not be heavy. For example, one bottle of champagne is enough for a woman and a man on a romantic date.

Of course, nothing sets you up for a romantic mood like a date. Organizing something unusual is not so difficult, it just takes a little imagination. In order for the evening to be remembered, it is not at all necessary to go to an expensive restaurant; a date at home is also a great option. It's even better, because no one will disturb you for sure, you can really enjoy each other's company and relax a little.

The idea of ​​spending an evening at home in a pleasant date will appeal to both married couples who have been living together for a long time, and those who are just starting to build their relationship. In both cases, everything goes according to approximately the same scenario. The difference is only in the effect produced. So, such a date will allow spouses to remember the old days, when life has not yet eaten all the romance. For young couples, a date at home will provide an opportunity to get to know each other better, take their romance to a new level.

Preparation is the key to success

Dinner in a cozy environment is a great idea, but sometimes it can be very difficult to bring it to life. How, for example, to organize houses in such a way as not to spoil the first impression, but, on the contrary, encourage a person to continue communication? It's actually very exciting. After all, not even the interlocutor himself can cause rejection in a person, but, for example, his apartment. Therefore, it is worth preparing for the first date with special care. You should not immediately reveal all the cards, showing all the rooms and every thing. However, you need to be prepared for the fact that she or he will want a tour of the house.

To avoid inconvenience, spend in your home getting rid of all the strange, distracting details. Another important point: do not be too assertive. Referring to the general rules of behavior on a first date, behave with restraint. No need to immediately rush to the embrasure. Also, if there is no desire to continue the evening until the morning, just say so.

Meeting with an ex

With the first date, everything seems to be clear. But there is another no less stressful situation for the fairer sex - a date with the former at home. Wanting to renew a romantic relationship, it is important not only to make the evening go well. It is also necessary to show your partner a willingness to go further, back. Something unexpected works best in this case. Not just, but, perhaps, some kind of themed evening, which can be supplemented with watching a good movie. To do this, you just need to find the right movie. Choosing a film, you should be guided not only by your preferences. It is unlikely that the former will appreciate the fact that he was forced to watch a hateful melodrama.

It doesn't matter if it's a surprise or a planned event. It doesn't matter who will be the organizer. Although, it still depends on something. If women always pay attention to details, try to create the perfect atmosphere, choose the right music and lighting, then men are much less likely to do this. They will think more about what to cook, what to wear, and what, in fact, to talk about.

clear plan

In fact, any evening with a loved one is an event that requires special attention, otherwise it is very easy to make a mistake. It would seem, what could be better than a home environment? However, it is actually not as simple as it seems to be. To minimize all the risks of failure, it is important to know exactly what is fraught with a date at home. The preparation of such an evening should be based on a clear plan. Do not take on everything at once, something can easily pop out of your head. And no wonder, because there is so much to do.

We think over the menu

It’s worth starting accomplishments with a shopping list, and for this you need to first think over the menu. It is good if it contains a lot of so-called aphrodisiac products, namely: seafood, mushrooms, almonds, avocados, strawberries, bananas, honey, celery and others.

With their help, you can cook a huge number of dishes. The main thing is not to forget that dinner should not be too heavy. The meal should bring a feeling of satiety, not abdominal pain and discomfort. It can be accompanied by absolutely any drink, to taste. True, strong alcohol, as well as cocktails consisting of several degree drinks, are not suitable for a romantic date. They can quickly turn your head, then you can no longer count on the continuation of the evening.


In addition to food and drinks, it is worth thinking about the surroundings. It can be cute candles, garlands, aromatic oils, balls or flowers. A date at home does not mean that creating the right atmosphere will not work, you just need to take into account some points. These are, of course, colors. For the most suitable shades that encourage active brain activity, exciting desires.

It is red, orange or bright yellow. However, an abundance of bright colors can lead not to excitement, but to the emergence of aggression. Therefore, it always needs to be balanced by something, for example, white. But it is better to refuse the use of black, as it usually causes negative emotions. In addition to tablecloths, matching napkins and dish sets, it sometimes makes sense to think about buying new bedding. It will come in handy sooner or later anyway.


It is worth thinking about Many girls and women for some reason forget about this point, especially if they are not the organizers of the date. It is very wrong to think that a date at home with a girl is a meaningless event for a guy. Men, as a rule, are picky about their own appearance no less than the fair sex.

They can choose the color of a tie for a shirt for a long time, especially if the girl is really nice to them. It is simply unforgivable for women to come on a date in jeans. The dress must be perfect, as well as what is underneath. Beautiful underwear and fishnet stockings are an indispensable attribute of the image. After all, you can never say for sure how it will end.


Arranging a date at home is not so difficult. You just need to follow a clear plan, step by step thinking through everything to the smallest detail. Of course, everyone wants something unusual, but here in the foreground is not the originality of ideas, but the approach to their implementation.

It is not at all necessary to arrange something intricate, simple romance is enough. The desire to please a loved one is quite feasible, you just need a little imagination. Taking the initiative, you need to be a little bolder. Then everything will work out and will go even better than a banal evening in a restaurant.

You definitely need to arrange a romantic dinner for two. If you have never arranged such surprises for your soul mate, then now is the time to think about it by preparing a romantic menu.

The most important thing in a romantic meal, oddly enough, is not the food, but the entourage. That is, of course, you can spend half a day preparing a wonderful dish or a whole parade of goodies, but you can’t do without some kind of theatrical performance. Otherwise, all the work will go down the drain. A romantic dinner can be made themed: arrange it, for example, in an oriental, Mexican or Indian style. To do this, decorate the room in the appropriate style, do not forget about candles and flowers, and prepare bright, but not heavy meals. Oriental dishes are replete with spices and spices, which, as you know, are strong aphrodisiacs and will be quite out of place this evening. It is believed that the more attention is paid to external effects, whether it is an organza marquee over a table or candle trails throughout the house, the simpler dishes should be. And vice versa, a romantic surprise dinner in the garage among car tires must be served on the highest level: on fine china, and the dishes must be exquisite or exotic. Contrasts are always great.

However, it is quite enough to sprinkle the floors in the apartment with rose petals, put a lot of candles, dim the lights and turn on pleasant music. It is, as they say, a classic. If you decide to go down this path, then pay special attention to the dishes that you will cook. A romantic dinner is likely to continue in bed, which means that your dishes should be literally crammed with aphrodisiacs. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to seafood dishes.

"Culinary Eden" offers you several seafood dishes to choose from. From the proposed recipes, make a romantic menu for your date at the table and do not forget about light wine. First, a few salads.

300 g seafood cocktail,
2 tomatoes
1 avocado
100 g natural yogurt,
2 tbsp olive oil,
5 tbsp balsamic vinegar,
7 pitted olives
greens - to taste.

Boil a sea cocktail, cool and put in a bowl. Peel the avocado, remove the pit, carefully remove the skin and cut into cubes. Blanch the tomatoes for 1 minute in boiling water, then dip in ice water, remove the skin and also cut into cubes. Combine yogurt, balsamic vinegar and olive oil and season the resulting sauce with a mixture of seafood, avocados and tomatoes. Pour the resulting mixture into glasses, garnish with olives, tomato slices and herbs.

150 g salted salmon,
150 g crab meat,
150 g hard cheese,
4 eggs,
1 fresh cucumber
½ onion
sauce - natural yogurt, mustard, lemon juice (or mayonnaise, if you prefer).

Divide the boiled eggs into whites and yolks, grate the whites on a coarse grater. Cut the cucumber into strips, squeeze out excess moisture. Cut the onion into small cubes, grate the cheese on a coarse grater. Cut the salmon and crab meat into thin strips. Mix yogurt with mustard and lemon juice, salt to taste. Put the salad in layers in transparent glasses, putting a spoonful of sauce on each layer: squirrels, cucumber, salmon, onion, crab meat, cheese. Decorate the top with mashed yolks and herbs to taste.


1 can of krill meat
2 carcasses of squid,
100 g crab meat,
1 can of red caviar,
½ onion
8 large shrimp for garnish
yogurt sauce (from the previous recipe) or mayonnaise.

Boil the squid in boiling salted water, lowering the carcass for 2-3 minutes, then wait for the water to boil and lower the next carcass. Cool and cut into strips. Cut the onion into small cubes and soak in a weak solution of vinegar for 10-15 minutes. Cut the crab meat into strips, also cut the proteins into strips. Mash the krill meat with a fork. Combine all ingredients and season with yogurt sauce. Put in a salad bowl, put boiled shrimp on top and put a spoonful of caviar in the bend of each shrimp.

Hot dishes for a romantic dinner should be light and at the same time satisfying. Spicy fish dishes in an unusual breading or with an incredible sauce - just what you need!


400 g cod fillet,
2 eggs,
2-4 tablespoons coconut flakes,
2-4 tablespoons breadcrumbs without additives,
2 eggs.

Dry the prepared fillet, salt, pepper, dip in a beaten egg and roll in a mixture of breadcrumbs and coconut flakes. Fry in hot oil on both sides. Garnish with fresh vegetable salad.

600 g red freshly frozen fish,
3 tbsp frying oils.
1 protein
½ stack mineral water,
¾ stack. flour,
salt, pepper - to taste.
2 tbsp liquid honey
100 g butter,
½ stack chopped walnuts,
1 orange.

Combine mineral water, flour, salt and pepper, mix well and add beaten egg white. Rinse the red fish fillet, remove the bones, cut into pieces 2 cm thick and dry. Dip fish pieces in batter and fry in vegetable oil. Place on paper towel to remove excess grease. For the sauce, melt the butter, mix with honey, add orange juice and boil the whole mass to a caramel-like mass. Add minced walnuts. Pour the hot sauce over the fish and serve.

2 salmon steaks about 2 cm thick,
1 tbsp olive oil,
1 onion
1 tsp mustard powder,
½ tsp dry garlic,
60 g breadcrumbs with spices,
2 tbsp mayonnaise,
salt, pepper - to taste.

Preheat oven to 180°C. Heat the oil in a frying pan and sauté the finely chopped onion and dried garlic. Add salt and pepper and place in a bowl. Add breadcrumbs, mustard powder and mayonnaise to the onion. Mix until you get a paste. Add more mayonnaise if necessary. Lay the salmon fillets on a greased baking sheet and brush each piece with the breading mixture, making sure the layer is at least 6 mm thick. Bake for 10 minutes. Serve with fresh vegetable salad.

100 g cod fillet,
150 g strawberries
100 g leaf lettuce,
½ onion
2 tbsp lemon juice
2 tbsp olive oil,
1 tsp apple juice
mustard, red ground pepper, salt - to taste.

Wash the strawberries, peel and cut into slices. Sort the lettuce, wash, dry and tear into small pieces. Cut the onion into thin half rings. Pour the prepared fish with half the lemon juice, salt and pepper. Fry the fish pieces on both sides. Combine the remaining lemon juice with 1 tbsp. water, apple juice, mustard and olive oil, add salt and pepper, mix. Put the salad, strawberries and onions on a dish, pour over the sauce, put the fried fish on top.

250 large shrimp
2 tbsp olive oil,
1 fresh hot pepper without seeds
1 garlic clove
1 tsp chili powder,
1 tsp paprika,
¼ tsp cumin,
1 lime
4-5 tbsp mayonnaise,
salt, ground black pepper - to taste.

Mix raw shrimp with oil and ground pepper and fry them in hot vegetable oil on both sides. Mix 1 tbsp. olive oil, garlic, chili, paprika, cumin, lime juice and mayonnaise, salt and pepper. Serve cooked shrimp with fresh vegetable salad, crispy bread and spicy sauce.

In addition to hot dishes and salads, cold appetizers can also be served at the table.


300 g fatty smoked salmon or salmon fillet,
60 g butter,
1 tbsp vegetable oil,
1 tbsp lemon juice
4 tbsp fat cream,
a pinch of nutmeg,
freshly ground black pepper.

Grind the smoked fish fillets with a meat grinder or blender. Whip the butter and add it to the fish. Stir and add lemon juice, cream, nutmeg and pepper to the resulting mass. Mix thoroughly and place in a glass vase. Cool down in the refrigerator. Serve with hard bread or crackers.

Curd roll with seafood


200 g cottage cheese,
2 eggs,
100-150 g wholemeal flour,
3 tbsp rye bran,
spices and salt - to taste.
200 g shrimp and squid,
100 g corn
50-80 g brown rice,
2 eggs,
1 carrot
parsley and onion - to taste,
salt, spices.

Add eggs beaten with salt, flour, bran and spices to the cottage cheese, mix well and knead the uncooked dough. Boil rice until half cooked, add seafood, corn, greens and a raw egg, stir well, salt and pepper. Roll out the curd dough, lay out the filling and roll up. Brush the roll with the beaten egg and place in the hot oven for 40 minutes.

A romantic dinner is unthinkable without dessert. You can prepare delicate truffles or a low-calorie dessert. But after a fairly light seafood dinner, delicate chocolate fondants will come in handy. A cup of strong coffee and a piece of airy biscuit will complete your dinner for two.

250 g dark chocolate,
250 g butter,
40 g flour
50 g sugar
4 eggs,
4 yolks,
vanillin or cinnamon - to taste.

Melt butter and chocolate in a water bath. Combine whole eggs and yolks. Pour the melted chocolate into the egg mixture in a thin stream, stirring constantly (not vice versa!), mix and gradually add the flour. Add flavorings, mix and pour the resulting mixture into muffin molds. Put the molds in a hot oven for 7-8 minutes. Serve with ice cream and strong coffee.


2 kiwi,
100 g chocolate
300 ml heavy cream.
Cut the kiwi into pieces. Spread over two creamers. Melt the chocolate in a water bath. Whip cream, combine with chocolate and pour over kiwi. Garnish with nuts or berries.

Dessert "Twilight of the Gods"
200 g strong coffee
100 g ice cream,
2-3 tsp cognac or liquor.

Divide the ice cream between two glasses, pour not too hot coffee and add cognac. You can also use liquor.

Haven't made a choice? Then be sure to look into our recipes with photos and you will definitely find a lot of delicious things there. Try to choose something else to compose your romantic menu. And it does not have to be dinner - an unusual breakfast or lunch can also become something unforgettable. Romance to you and new gastronomic discoveries!

Larisa Shuftaykina
