How to wear a medical mask correctly, which side should you put on your face? How long can you wear a medical protective mask, how often should you change it: rules for using a medical mask. Respiratory masks (photo)

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Hello! In this article you will learn more about medical masks. About why they were invented, what they are, how they are designed, how to wear them correctly, with an explanation.

And so a medical mask is an attribute of personnel working in a hospital and not only. Medical masks protect employees working in difficult working conditions associated with infections and dust.

This item protects both the patient from opportunistic microorganisms and viruses, and the physician from the patient’s infections.

How does a mask protect against infection? It's simple. One of the ways of transmitting diseases is through airborne droplets. Everything that flies in the air - steam, fog, dust - can be infected. If you look under a microscope at the suspension that floats in the air, if the sanitary rules for the room are not followed, you can see microbes attached to microparticles. In this case, the mask acts as an additional filter. Microparticles come in different sizes, large and small, so the mask has a coarse filter for large particles and a soft filter for small particles.

In order for the filter in the mask to work correctly, it must first capture large particles, then small ones. Therefore, in the mask, the hard filter is located on the outside, and the soft filter is located near the respiratory organs of the mask wearer. Why should a mask trap large particles first? Because large particles occupy the area of ​​the solid filter and allow small particles to pass through, which settle in the fine particle filter.

How to wear a mask correctly. It is correct to wear a mask with the coarse filter facing away from you. In factory-made masks, the large particle filter is often colored.

What types of masks are there? Masks are of the artisanal type; homemade ones are made from

gauze, cotton wool, bandage and stitched with thread. Several layers of gauze are a filter for large particles, and a filter for small particles is cotton wool. The bandage is used for ties and the whole thing is stitched with threads along the contour.

Manufactured masks come in a variety of shapes and models. Among the masks made in a non-handicraft way, there are models: with ties, with elastic bands, with a colored or undyed coarse filter, and a fastener on the bridge of the nose.

It should be remembered that a disposable medical mask is worn for no longer than two hours, then it should be disposed of in a special container in a medical facility.

The article was prepared by Vasko Rostislav

Cool weather provokes the spread of viral infections that are transmitted by airborne droplets. But what can you do, will you really have to not leave the house for several weeks and not communicate with anyone? No, such extreme measures are not necessary, because you can protect your body by wearing a medical mask on your face. And despite the fact that such an accessory will attract attention, you will be able to protect yourself from viral and bacterial infections.

Is a medical mask effective?

This accessory can be worn by both healthy and sick people. The mask protects healthy people from viruses, and helps sick people prevent infection of others.

The accessory is mandatory for medical personnel and food industry workers.

Does the mask provide 100% protection? Alas, no, the possibility of infection still exists. The only difference is that thanks to the mask it is reduced several times. But why doesn't it give a 100% guarantee? The thing is that it does not fit too tightly to the skin, as a result, infected air enters the nasopharynx.

One of the disadvantages of a mask is that high humidity forms under it, and this promotes the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms and increases the chances of infection. Therefore, today there is no clear opinion about whether it is worth wearing a mask for the purpose of prevention or not.

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If you decide to protect yourself or prevent others from becoming infected, you need to learn how to wear the accessory correctly. You can find several types of medical masks on sale - medical, for procedures, and the most common, for general use. Medical masks are equipped with nose clips, so they need to be worn with the inside.

How to wear a medical mask correctly and which side? Inspect the accessory - if it has water-repellent impregnation, you need to place the mask with this side inward. If the sides of the mask are different colors, put the white layer on the inside and the colored layer on the outside.

The manufacturer may also provide instructions that come with the kit, be sure to read them.

When putting on the mask, make sure that it fits as tightly as possible to the skin. If there are wrinkles, straighten them out. Then you need to secure the loops behind your ears.

How long can you wear a mask?

Under no circumstances should you wear the same accessory for several days, as bacteria accumulate on its inner surface, and it also loses its properties.

The duration of wearing depends on the type of mask and its properties. If it is equipped with a paper filter (the most accessible and cheapest model), it should be thrown away after two hours. If it is treated with a bactericidal agent, the period increases to 4-5 hours.

Should I wash a medical mask or not?

Disposable masks cannot be washed and must be thrown away immediately. If we talk about reusable gauze masks, they can be washed. Use hot water and soap solution for washing. Let it dry, then iron the accessory with a hot iron; the high temperature will destroy all bacteria.

How to wear a medical mask correctly and when it needs to be changed - we told you about this in detail in our article. If you follow the rules of use, the accessory will increase your chances of staying healthy and not getting infected.

Nobody likes to be sick. But, unfortunately, it is difficult to hide from infectious and viral diseases, especially for a socially active person. Microbes easily migrate from a sick person to a healthy person through airborne droplets and instantly infect the body. You can protect yourself from viruses and bacteria by taking medications or, more simply, by using medical masks.

How to put on a medical mask

Having bought a protective mask at the pharmacy, the first question arises - which side should you put it on? The answer is simple - it doesn't matter. You can put on a medical mask on ANY side, and the rigid edge with a lock should be adjacent to the nose. Germs will accumulate equally on both blue and white surfaces. The standard mask has three layers and the main function is performed by the inner layer.

But manufacturers recommend wearing products with the colored side out. This is due to the emergence of colored headbands, which make it possible to emphasize the individuality of their user. So, which side to wear a medical mask is up to you.

What you should pay attention to:

The mask should have a good fit and fit tightly to the nose, not slip or rub;

If you are prone to allergic reactions, avoid latex in the composition;

Check that the loops or ties of the product are fastened well and tightly without causing discomfort.

How to wear a medical mask correctly. Terms of use

Many people believe that face coverings do not protect against viruses and bacteria at all. This is wrong. The problem is that we don't know how to use them correctly. A medical mask is a barrier between the human mucosa and the source of infection. And its main task is to reduce the concentration of aerosol falling on the mucous membrane.

If we want to get the maximum effect, we must follow a number of rules on how to wear a flu mask correctly.

  1. The mask should fit tightly on the face, completely covering the nose, mouth and chin.
  2. When using a bandage, do not touch it with your hands. Upon contact, the infection spreads to the hands and can enter the body through the mucous membranes of the eyes or mouth.
  3. You can remove the mask only by the ear loops, without touching its fabric.
  4. Any time your hands come into contact with contaminated material, you should wash them thoroughly or use a disinfectant spray.
  5. Change masks every 2 hours. Used products should only be thrown into the trash. There is no need to store the bandage or put it in a bag or pocket. Subsequent use may harm your health. Don't forget that the medical mask is disposable.
  6. It is necessary to wear a bandage on the face only indoors, in transport or in direct contact with a sick person. On the street, the risk of disease is minimal and a mask is not needed.

By following these simple rules, you can protect yourself from various diseases. The method of using medical masks is absolutely safe and inexpensive for everyone. Use masks during periods of increased illness and in rooms where sick people are present. Remember that simple things sometimes save lives.

Nowadays, special protective equipment is increasingly used to protect oneself from germs, viruses, and to prevent infection with influenza and acute respiratory infections. Medical masks began to be in especially great demand after various reports of dangerous types of influenza, which provoke an exacerbation of chronic diseases, significantly undermine health, and are poorly treated. It is important to understand: a medical mask cannot guarantee that you will not become infected. It is necessary to take comprehensive preventive measures. In addition, it is imperative to wear a medical mask correctly, otherwise it will not only not give the desired effect, but may itself cause infection.

Be sure to remember important tips and simple recommendations. Wear and wear your mask correctly and take additional precautions to prevent infection.

Choosing a medical mask
There are different types of masks available in the market. You can choose the most suitable means of protection, or make a mask yourself. Remember that how correctly you use it will play a huge role in the effectiveness of the mask.

  • A simple gauze mask. Many people believe that making a medical mask with your own hands is a fairly simple task. Indeed, you can take gauze, fold it in three layers, fasten it, and attach special ties. However, such a mask may not adhere well to the face; the material will not be impregnated with a special bactericidal composition. True, the protection will become more effective when you thoroughly wash the mask, dry it, and then iron it on both sides. But it is very difficult to follow all precautionary rules and ensure sterility when working with such a mask. You will have to touch the fabric, wash it, think through every movement so as not to take the mask itself when it has already become almost sterile.
  • Medical mask. Of course, it is best to purchase a mask at a pharmacy. They sell disposable masks in convenient packaging. The material has already been treated with a special preparation, the mask is completely ready for use. It will not be difficult for you to remove it from the package by the strings and carefully put it on without touching the fabric.
  • Mask with carbon filter. If you decide to maximize your safety level, a mask with a carbon filter is ideal for you. It is a little denser than usual, more effective. An effective filter is placed between the layers of material, which traps germs. Of course, such an accessory is less convenient and has a high density, but it also protects against infections much better. This mask will come in handy in direct contact with sick people; you will need it if you need to go to a place where sick people gather during an epidemic. For example, a product with a carbon filter is indispensable when you need to visit a clinic.
Please note: medical masks come in all shapes, are made of materials with different densities, and have additional accessories. There are masks with small wires in the upper part, which allow for a tight fit to the face and no gaps in the nose area. They are more convenient to put on and wear, since they immediately take the required shape, leaving virtually no gaps.

You can purchase a mask made of denser material with a complex shape. It will be easier to breathe in it, it will provide comfortable conditions, but at the same time it will also fit well to the face along the contour. Such protective equipment costs a little more, but you should not skimp on them.

Wearing a medical mask correctly
Remember how to put on a medical mask correctly. Be sure to take precautions and keep it clean, otherwise the accessory will only harm you. If you get a mask dirty, handle it with dirty hands, and then put it on your face, you will create ideal conditions for germs to multiply. This must be avoided.

  1. Take a bag of medical mask. Tear it apart carefully. Make sure that the mask does not fall out of it.
  2. Carefully remove the mask, holding it only by the ties. You cannot touch the fabric itself.
  3. Straighten the mask, holding it by the elastic bands and ties. Hold it vertically, a short distance from your face. The colored side should be facing outwards and the white side facing you.
  4. Slowly bring the mask closer to your face and carefully place the ties behind your ears. Holding the elastic bands, straighten the mask so that it fits snugly to your face.
  5. It is advisable to wear one mask for a maximum of 2-4 hours. After use, it must be removed and thrown away. Such protective equipment cannot be reused. When you try to put on the mask again, it will already become a source of germs. If you accidentally touch the material while removing a used mask, be sure to wash your hands thoroughly.
Take additional measures. For example, if you go to places where the likelihood of infection is very high, you should wear not only a mask, but also goggles. Microbes enter the mucous membranes of both the nose and eyes. The main thing is to always use a medical mask correctly, do not touch it with your hands, so that it is a truly effective means of protection.
