How to entertain children in their free time. What to do with your child at home: entertaining games for children How to entertain your child at home

After the daily hustle and bustle and a long stay in a stuffy and noisy metropolis, it’s so nice to get out into nature with friends or family. The hustle and bustle of getting ready, preparing snacks and food, thinking through the menu and having a fun road trip - all this gives the feeling that the holiday is approaching.

And finally, a fire is lit, an impromptu table is laid out in the clearing and the mind-blowing aroma of charcoal-roasted meat begins to waft.

But often after tasting snacks and treats, the company begins to feel sad. And boredom is the first enemy of positive emotions and good rest. Therefore, we turn on our imagination and come up with entertainment for a picnic. And calm and active games, adapted to outdoor conditions, will help with this.

Outdoor fun: Hiking lasso

This game is perfect for playing outside. You will need bottles of different heights.

You can take both plastic and tin containers.

Take a variety of bottled drinks with you to the picnic. So use them for outdoor entertainment.

You will have to take rings with you, which will be used to throw on improvised pins.

If there are small children in the family, there will be no problems with such props at all. But you can make rings yourself from wood or stiff wire.

If the idea to organize a game came already at a picnic, then such rings can be easily made from ordinary willow twigs.

Place all the bottles in the clearing or place them in one box. Let them be of different heights, it will even be more interesting to compete.

Determine how many steps you will throw the rings from, or better yet, make a limiting line. Throw the rings one by one and don't forget to count the points.

You can complicate the task by placing the bottles at different heights and assigning them different numbers of points.

Outdoor entertainment: park bowling

If the picnic is taking place in a park and there are paved paths nearby, you can organize a real bowling alley. To do this, take plastic bottles of the same volume and fill them halfway with water.

These will be the pins, which we place at one end of the path.

We will knock down improvised pins with an ordinary soccer ball, which will always be found in a cheerful company.

Of course, you will have to lift the pins yourself, but this will add a special flavor to the game.

Or you can simply place a person on duty near the pins, who will act as a “lift.”

Children's quiet games: twister on the grass

The favorite outdoor activity, Twister, can be easily played outdoors. If it seems like you'll have to struggle with preparation, think about the reward being fun.

Moreover, children play this game with pleasure even without the participation of adults. But parents do not refuse to take part in it.

So, to make a field for Twister on the grass, you will need aerosol paints in cans, as well as a cardboard sheet with a circle cut out in it with a diameter of 20-25 cm.

We apply paint in the form of multi-colored circles directly onto the grass.

Let us remind you that in the classic version there are four rows of 6 circles. The colors used are red, yellow, blue and green, meaning each row is drawn in one color.

But you can complicate or diversify the task for the players by drawing a whole field of multi-colored circles. Moreover, let the colors not be in one row, but scattered.

The presenter will need a roulette wheel, which determines the actions of the players. There is a store version of Twister at home, take the tape measure with you.

But its production is not particularly difficult.

On a square white sheet we draw a circle, which we divide into four sectors. Each sector corresponds to a participant's leg or arm.

Now we divide each sector into four more parts, and paint it with a certain color or simply sign it.

All that remains is to fix the arrow in the center, which can be cut out of cardboard or made from wire.

All the props are ready - you can start the game. At the command of the presenter, who turns the arrow of an improvised dial, the participants move their legs and arms to the circle of the desired color.

It is prohibited to occupy cells on which an opponent is standing. The one who could not maintain balance leaves the game.

The result is the most intricate poses and, of course, a lot of positivity.

Quiet games for children: tic-tac-toe on the grass

A game familiar to everyone from childhood takes on completely new shapes in the fresh air. No, we won’t draw leaves or familiar figures. Let's create a real “theater of stones.”

You need to find 9 medium-sized stones, they will act as cells. We lay them out on the grass in standard three rows. But instead of “crosses” and “toes”, you can use any natural material.

These can be cones, acorns, sticks, and even flower buds.

As a last resort, take smaller stones, but you will have to figure out how to put distinctive images on them.

The preparatory stage is completed. We invite friends and children to play an ancient game that helps develop memory and thinking.

Quiet games for children 5 years old

When the kids are running around, you can invite them to play fun, quiet games.

Preparing for such competitions captivates the kids so much that they forget about pampering and completely surrender to the process.

Building a monster

Invite the kids to build a real monster. Definitely, for such construction you will need available materials.

But in the field, let the monster be unusual. Therefore, any sticks, twigs, newspapers, buckets, toys, stones, flowers can be used as building materials.

You can build one big monster or individual monsters.

To make sure your little one isn't so bored, turn on some upbeat music. By the way, it is with the help of music that construction time can be limited.

And at the end of the competition, let each creator present his work, giving his monster a name and telling what unusual abilities it has.

Where else, if not at a picnic, can you make a lot of noise? Therefore, the idea of ​​organizing a noise orchestra will appeal to children. Moreover, the orchestra will not be simple, but from improvised materials.

You can, of course, take musical toys from home such as a drum, tambourine, whistle, or musical hammer.

But it will be much more interesting if creative ideas are used.

Pots with lids, glass bottles filled with different volumes of water, whistles made from blades of grass, sticks and branches - everything can sound.

All that remains is to choose a conductor, put butterflies on the orchestra members for credibility, and you can turn on your favorite song, which the children must play on their instruments.

Watermelon construction set

Was there watermelon as a treat at the picnic? Collect all the peels. They can be used to hold an interesting competition.

We give the children watermelon rinds - these will be parts of the construction set. We use regular toothpicks as connecting elements.

Each kid receives a task that he must build.

It can be any animal, car or monster. It is not forbidden to use improvised materials in creating compositions.

When all the crafts are ready, be sure to organize an exhibition. And give sweet prizes to inventive builders.

Calm games for girls and boys of school age

Getting schoolchildren interested in building monsters or singing songs is problematic.

They like noisy competitions in the air. But here too there is a way out. It is easy to entertain schoolchildren by conducting various quests. It’s so interesting to look for treasures or solve intricate riddles.

You can organize a general game or team competition if there are many children in the company.

Parents will have to thoroughly prepare for such entertainment, but it is worth it. Both boys and girls love to look for treasures. Even adults and teenagers are happy to join the children.

We draw the road to the treasured treasure on a map - a regular A3 sheet.

At each point indicated on the graphic image, a small surprise should await the participants - they must complete a certain task, and there will also be instructions for the further direction of movement.

Hints should force children to complete the next task. For example, find a boulder in a clearing and take 15 steps to the southeast from it.

What is a boulder? Where is the very southeast? This is where adult tips and props may be needed.

If you already indicate the cardinal directions, then provide the children with a compass.

Choose the difficulty of the task depending on the age and interests of the children. And at the end of the path a treasure awaits them. It can be buried or hidden under a bush in a box.

For a picnic, a prize in the form of camping souvenirs or sweets intended for all guests would be appropriate.

Everyone will like the game without exception. After all, children are waiting for rewards. But to get the coveted prize, you will have to become a real tracker for a while.

You need to look not for the gifts themselves, but for the numbers by which the prize draw will take place. The numbers of the prizes being played can be written on Kinder surprise boxes, balls, and chestnuts.

The main thing is to hide them in different places: under bushes, in the grass, in a hollow.

Make extra supplies so that there are enough prizes for all the children.

Keep in mind that some people can find five numbers, while others can find none. To do this, prepare consolation prizes.

At the beginning of the competition, children receive pre-prepared lists, which indicate what they must find. Such lists need to be prepared in advance.

And you can specify anything you want in them:

starting with the letter M;

You can complicate the task by writing riddles or drawing puzzles instead of specific objects. Children will first need to figure out what needs to be found, and only then go on a search.

Moreover, the place to search for suitable items is not limited.

Spend a little time planning fun entertainment and your guests will be incredibly grateful.

After all, a picnic is not only barbecue and snacks, but, above all, communication and fun.

Video: fun games in nature


I am 28 years old. We have been married for almost 10 years, we have five children, and we are still waiting for Lala. I am a housewife. We live well, we have achieved a lot together, I helped my husband. I don’t smoke, I don’t drink alcohol at all, I’m homemade... I asked her relatively recently why they hate me so much, what did I do wrong? And she’s just silent! She lowered her eyes and remained silent. And so she said reproachfully, you give birth too much, your son can’t escape you.



Good morning!
Girls, when your husband gets together with friends
Is it acceptable
In your relationship, that after such a get-together, your husband stays with friends
And not drag yourself home?
I’m not a supporter of any kind of gatherings at all, I practically don’t go anywhere myself... no, not because I’m some kind of sweetheart, I have a very stressful job and I prefer to spend my weekends at home in the comfort of my home rather than visiting...
My husband got bored with this kind of life and got enough of the house. We don’t have children yet..
Well, I started asking to see my friends, my refusal provokes a global quarrel..
He shouts that I don't understand him
I scream that he doesn’t understand me.
In the end, he leaves safely for a visit
I'm spending the evening in bed
He doesn't go home at night because he knows
What a scandal could happen
I wait for him at night and know what to yell
I won’t, it’s important to me
That a person spends the night at home
And not visiting
Such situations happen
But extremely
Me from a state of comfort and calm
Tell me how your husband is doing
Meeting with friends? And how do you feel about it?



I’m really feeling down... Yesterday I came from the dentist with a beautiful tooth, for which I paid half my salary. And as luck would have it, money is always needed at once, and there is little of it. Winter is coming, we have 6 today. The youngest needs a winter suit. I'm running out of all my cosmetics. Toner, mascara, and even your favorite Mexx scent! I completely forgot about autumn boots. I'll buy it in the spring. I got back from vacation in September, and for October they gave me such a ridiculous advance that it wouldn’t even have been enough for me to pay half a tooth. I asked the accounting department for more, they said that they would transfer it on Monday. Okay, my husband supported me financially.
We agreed with him that I spend my salary on children and my wants, I even saved a little, and now I’m breaking even!
I decided how to save money. That's about perfume. We sell fragrances on tap; I bought them during my poor youth, but they are so strange that they all smell the same. They also sell mini versions in beautiful little jars. They cost much less, but they are also several times smaller. So I have a stupid question: has anyone used these scents? And this is exactly perfume or eau de toilette. And if the latter, then how long will this meager amount last? Salary November 2.


Just Marina

I'm bored at work, so I'm creating a topic based on requests from workers
slides are welcome to everyone (within the forum) and by everyone))))
We have a 2-room Khrushchev house (not everyone lives in the capitals and uses renovation))), I work from 10 to 20 (from Tuesday to Saturday inclusive), you can hear everything in the next room, I know this very well, because I spent my childhood there (it happens), my husband has a normal schedule - weekdays, from 8 to 18.
Previously, the child studied on Saturday, we had the morning for this, now on Saturday the child is at home
Sunday is left, but sending your daughter to her grandmother is almost impossible, it’s very difficult, getting ready takes 3-4 hours, it takes all your strength and desire (((
I'm waiting for original advice from the almighty where and when??? do not forget about the age of 46 years and the considerable dimensions of both
P.S. the summer season was closed (my husband still remembers))


Entertaining a child is a full-time job. If you're looking after someone else's child and don't know what they're interested in, this guide will give you some activity options to help you both have a good time.



Things to remember and some interesting activities to try


    Before you start the game, be sure to set the rules. If you are playing outside, agree with your children to limit themselves to a certain area (backyard, park, etc.) and not go beyond it. The place for games should be located as far as possible from the streets. If you stay in the house, make sure that all play is completely safe and that the child does not go outside or play in off-limits rooms (such as the parents' bedroom). If you are supervising a child under 4 years old, stay close to him or her during playtime or out of sight.

    Ask your child to show you a parody of someone. This is a good activity for when you need to make dinner, change another baby's diaper, or put him to bed. Most kids love skits! And under no circumstances show that you are bored, even if you are. But usually children do well. Before leaving your child alone, ask him not to leave a certain area (for example, a toy corner or a child's bedroom) so that he does not go off on adventures and do something bad.

    Play Freeze! Take on the role of a DJ, turn on the music and turn it off after a while. While the music is playing, everyone should dance, and as soon as it dies down, stop. You don't have to dance, you can just have active fun.

    Play Statues. Choose one person to play the role of “It”. Everyone else must move (dance, jump, or just walk around the room), and when “It” says “Statues!” - freeze in place without changing your position (if someone’s hand is raised up, it should remain there, if someone was running, he should still freeze in a running pose). “It” walks from one person to another and tries to make everyone laugh. Whoever laughs first takes on the role of “It” in the next game!

    Play Sardines. Sardines are the opposite of hide and seek. “It” must hide in a large place where all the playing children can fit, and the rest count to a certain number. At the end of the count, everyone goes to look for “It”. When someone finds him, he hides with him. The last person to find the entire hidden party becomes "It" in the next game. Believe me, it will be fun!

    • If among the children there is a child under 4 years old, let him always stay with you. If you or the child are playing the role of “It,” hide together. If you are looking, look together with your child.
  1. Play Snail. Find a piece of chalk on the street and draw a snail (divide its shell into squares, you don’t need to draw the head). Give everyone in the game different colored chalk. The first player must take a stick or small stone and throw it at one of the squares on the snail shell. After this, the player must walk through all the squares, starting from the snail's head and to the middle of its shell, but jump over the square that the stick/stone landed on. If a player completes all the squares without losing their balance or stepping on a line, they must write the first letter of their name in any of the squares. The next player must jump over not only the square on which he threw the stick/stone, but also the square with the letter. Every time one of the players walks along the snail without stepping on a square with a stick, dividing lines or a square with an opponent’s letter, he must also place his letter. Players are allowed to step on squares with their own letter, but not with someone else's! The game continues until all the squares are filled. The one with the most letters on the snail wins.

    • Where to play: Outdoors on the road (or somewhere else where the chalk will later be washed away by rain, but not on covered areas or porches).
    • To make the game easier, change the rules from "Don't lose your balance, don't step on your opponents' letter squares or lines" to "Don't lose your balance and don't step on your opponents' letter squares."
  2. Create a menu for a restaurant, food court or ice cream shop. Draw it on the computer or on paper by hand. Print fake money and give the same amount to each child. During the game, ask the children what they would like to “eat/drink”, how much, etc. The role of the seller is transitional!

    Play Daddy/Mommy. Place a pillow or chair in the center of the room. Send one child there and ask them to close their eyes. Everyone else should go to the center and say together “Don’t wake up Daddy (or Mommy if the main player chosen is a girl)!”, and then walk around the main player in a circle as quietly as possible. When "Daddy/Mommy" hears someone making noise, he/she says, "Bring it, bring it, bring it!" and counts out loud to 5. At this time, all the other children run to their pillows and pretend to be asleep. When “Daddy/Mommy” counts to 5, he/she opens his/her eyes. If someone did not have time to reach the pillow or “fall asleep,” “Daddy/Mommy” calls his name and this person becomes “Daddy/Mommy” in the next game.

    Play Spaceship. Climb under the table and pretend it's your spaceship. Then go out and imagine that you have arrived on the planet Dance and that everyone on it becomes professional dancers. Dance and return to the ship. The next planet could be Jump (everyone is jumping!), Laughter (everyone should laugh continuously), etc. Give each child a chance to choose the next planet. Have fun!

    Organize creative activities. Let each child go outside and choose the leaf he likes best (this game is best played in the fall). Take colored pencils and paper and place the leaves under the paper. Using the tip of a pencil, lightly draw over them until the texture appears on the paper. Cut out the beautiful painted leaves and admire them!

    Make sure the games are age appropriate for all children. Younger children should not be bored while older children are playing, and vice versa. Try to select games and activities that take into account the interests and capabilities of each child.

  • If the weather is good and the environment outside is calm, let your child run outside. The main thing is to remember what you need behind it constantly supervise and, of course, pre-coordinate such walks with your parents.
  • Try to enjoy playing with your child yourself. The more fun you have, the more fun he has!
  • Do what your child wants to do and try to keep him entertained, but also encourage your child to pick up after himself. If your child wants to do something that you don't approve of or that their parents wouldn't approve of, distract your child with another fun activity.
  • A kind word combined with a toy is more effective than just a kind word.
  • Put your child to bed on time.
  • If you're babysitting your baby in the evening, the sneaky little one might try to delay bedtime with statements like "I'm thirsty," "I need to go to the bathroom," or "Tell me a story." Dress your child in pajamas and make sure that before going to bed he does all the necessary procedures (brush his teeth, take a shower, etc.). Don't send your child to bed too early, as he may become upset with you and complain to his parents.
  • If your child starts to get bored, tickle him lightly. Most children enjoy tickling, but if you see that your baby is clearly unhappy, stop immediately.
  • If you have a large group of children, play war with socks. Take a sock each, hide from each other and try to attack each other with your socks. It's great fun, but parents won't be happy about the mess in the house, so be sure to tidy up when you're done.
  • Reading can also be a fun activity. Ask your child what his favorite books are - you will probably find them on the bookshelf. Lie down next to her and have a reading session. You can also bring your own books to diversify your child's literary knowledge. Take those books that you liked as a child, or just go to the library and pick up a few interesting collections.
  • Give your child freedom of action - let him do what he wants, even if it is a game based on Star Wars. And you should definitely join him!
  • Any good nanny knows that children need to read a story before bed. If you are babysitting your child in the evening, take a book with you and choose a few good stories.
  • If your baby tries to fight you, it means he loves you and is just having fun. But if he is angry with you, then he obviously wants to hurt you.
  • When talking to a short child, sit down so that your eyes are at the same level and he does not have to look up at you, otherwise his thoughts may take the direction of “You are older than me and I am afraid of you.”


  • If your child is afraid to do something, doesn't want to play a certain game or eat a certain food, don't force him to do it. Obviously, he has his own reasons for refusing.
  • Never call children's medications "candy," otherwise your child may eat too much of it.
  • Never do not leave your child unattended.
  • Do not let children play with permanent markers; they can be toxic.
  • If you play war with socks, make sure there are no fragile things nearby that could fall and break. This definitely won’t make the child’s parents happy.
  • Ask parents which method of raising a child they prefer and which method is best for you to use. Some parents have specific discipline systems (for example, changing the length of time outside or revoking privileges).
  • Children may swallow small objects (toy parts, etc.), so be careful and supervise them closely.
  • If the child's parents return home in a condition that prevents them from caring for the child, do not leave them alone with the child. Call your parents and ask them to come and help. Never do not agree to the offer of the child’s parents to give you a ride home if it seems to you that they are not completely sober.
  • Never use physical punishment on children. It’s better not to punish them at all, but if the child starts to act up during games, just take a break for 5-10 minutes. No longer, otherwise he will be upset or offended by you.

What you will need

  • Toys (appropriate for the child's developmental level)
  • Books
  • Socks (optional)
  • First aid kit with everything you need for first aid (just in case)
  • Coloring pages (optional, but suitable for children of any age)
  • Cartoons or films appropriate to the child’s developmental level (optional)
  • Spare clothes (just in case)

But it’s true that only children can be so happy about Santa Claus, gifts and so anxiously anticipate the New Year’s miracle! And then, just as sincerely, wait for the Christmas, Epiphany, Maslenitsa magic, as if its arrival this winter is an absolute inevitability. And it is precisely without any moral right to betray this sincere faith that we, adults, having already become parents, remembering all our childhood dreams, joys, surprises, are in a hurry to give real New Year's magic to our children! Buy a gift, set off fireworks, invite the same Grandfather and granddaughter... But it’s worth adding something else to this grandiose winter entertainment cocktail!

Some seasoning, some zest: a little pranks, fairy tales and fun! As always, your good old Dikmi took care of this! Catch a whole dozen new games for toddlers and older children for the winter season! I am sure that with such preparation you will become cooler than Santa Claus for the children of your family and friends!


Children from birth to 3 years old are considered toddlers. However, such a contingent of guests requires increased attention and... several not at all difficult (but terribly exciting and, moreover, educational) games.

Game 1. Snowflake Trap

Props: a pack of cotton ear swabs and several non-pourable mugs (according to the number of small guests).

Rules This game is very simple. In 5 minutes, you need to “place” as many snowflake sticks as possible in the mug through the eye of the non-pouring machine.

True, before you invite kids to play such a game, you must definitely interest them. For example, tell a fairy tale about how the scary and evil Snow Queen sent her servants (snowflakes) to your city so that they would turn the hearts of all the children into pieces of ice. But we can save the city and good children from the Queen’s witchcraft. We must catch all the snowflakes and put them in prison. Well, or something like that. The main thing is that kids must be motivated to act and certainly be confident that they are doing a good, good, useful thing.

Game 2. Magic Hat

Also a game for quick wits and development of fine motor skills.

Props: for each little participant - a colander, bright cocktail straws and a Christmas tree rain on a wire base.

Rules Also very simple and age appropriate. And again, they have a fairy tale-prehistory. For example, the Evil Witch stole the New Year (Christmas, Maslenitsa, Love Day - follow the calendar). And only the Good Wizard can return it. But we must help him and create a marvelous, magical invisibility hat filled with the warmth of sincere hearts. Only thanks to such a gift will the Wizard be able to defeat the insidious Witch and return the holiday to the children.

In order to make a hat, you need to insert straws and rain into the holes of the colander so that you get an arc (a kind of hat feather). Whoever is the first child to decorate his magic hat will receive a prize.


Psychologists consider the age from 3 to 7 years to be the period of real childhood. For such a contingent of young guests you will have to be more inventive. The main thing to remember is that the key to successful entertainment is active and simple games that do not require unnecessary conversations. Children 3-7 years old, as a rule, are very shy and unsure of themselves (especially if there is a group of boys and girls who did not know each other until that day). Therefore, all your intellectual games are obviously doomed to failure. I advise you to put them aside until better times and start creating a multi-colored seething fountain of children's emotions!

Game 3. The Princess and the Pea

For this game, you will have to collect all the existing pillows, small pillows and even pincushions around the house (without needles, of course!) and tell a fairy tale about a very sensitive princess who passed the “fertility” test for her mother-in-law, feeling even through seven feather beds and mattresses a small hard pea .

Rules- are elementary. You need to mark the starting line in the room (at the end of the room opposite the mountain of pillows). Next - compare the number of small guests and existing props. If there are a lot of children, but not enough pillows, invite everyone to play in turns, in several stages, with a mandatory super final at the very end for the winners of the “qualifying rounds.” Let the “mountain” be created in pairs (or triplets). The task of each participant is to run to a pile of pillows, take one, go back, put it down and run for the next one, which must be placed on top of the previous one (pyramid). To complete the task - 1 minute. Whoever turns out to be the fastest and creates the highest mountain wins and advances to the next round.

If, on the contrary, there are many pillows and few children, the game is played in one stage until the absolute winner is determined.

Game 4. Breakfast of a hungry snowman

Well, there are such voracious snowlings! There is more than enough snow around them, but they still ask for more! You need to feed them snowballs (or scoops of vanilla ice cream, it’s even more interesting for kids).

Props: However, you won’t be able to play this game without any preparation. You will have to make a stand drawing in advance with the image of a snowman with a huge hole-like belly. And - stock up on tennis balls (if you don’t have any, regular balls of knitting thread will do).

There is another interesting option. You can invite the children to draw a snowman themselves (preparing everything they need - whatman paper, paints, brushes, etc.).

Rules: They are also completely uncomplicated. You need to hit the ball-ball from a certain distance directly into the belly-hole. The number of well-aimed hits is equal to the number of scoring points. The winner, naturally, is the one who collects the maximum number.

Game 5. Magic candies

Game for children 3-4 years old. Its essence is to make caramel sticks out of flexible bright rain on a wire base over a certain period of time (for example, 10 minutes) and attach them to a thread (using a clothespin). You can complete the task for each child yourself, or you can create teams of 2-3 people or use the help of adults (after all, the rain needs to be cut off, and this, especially if a group of active children gathers, is not entirely safe).

Of course, it is important to spice up the action with a beautiful fairy tale and reward all participants with magical real victory candies that can make cherished wishes come true.

Game 6. Ice racing

Haven't you gotten around to removing the pillows from your room yet after The Princess and the Pea? Great! This soft prop will be useful in the next entertainment, and it will also be useful if one of the little penguins decides to accidentally fall into the cold (and hard, if you remember that in the real world this is the floor) waters of the ocean.

Rules: Place pillows around the room in a chaotic manner, spaced at a wide child's pace from each other. At the command “start!” children must hold hands and, jumping in such a chain from “ice floe” to “ice floe”, reach the last pillow. An important condition is not to break your hands. The little penguin that breaks away from the “flock” returns to the start and becomes the tail of the chain. Of course, special sweet prizes will simply be shown to the cheerful heroes who safely crossed the ocean and reached solid land as “anti-stress therapy”!

The prehistory to this game can be a story about how penguins lived in Antarctica. They lived happily, sang, danced (can be illustrated by the popular cartoon “Happy Feet”). But suddenly, for no apparent reason, the melting of the ice began (the movement of continents, etc., depending on the age of the little listeners). Part of the shore broke away from the mainland and quickly floated into the open ocean. And there are little penguins on it! They urgently need to get to the shore, to mom and dad! But this can only be done by everyone together!


Children from 7 to 14 years old are traditionally considered teenagers (adolescents). They are the computer generation, which is difficult to surprise with anything. Skepticism and confidence that they know, know and can do everything - this is their main life stereotype. Therefore, you can go two ways, inventing entertainment for them on the go. The first is to crush them with authority and shocking information that is closed and available only in their “teenage stratum” (brotherhood, society), thus receiving respect and respect as a bonus. And then, naturally, the desire to participate in even the most ridiculous and naive competitions. The second is to do nothing. Just provide a computer, a library, the Internet and the opportunity to do what is close to your heart. Of course, the last three entertainments from my top ten are dedicated to the first scenario!

Game 7. Table football (hockey)

Even skeptical teenagers easily “buy” into the excitement of sports. Invite them to play table football by quickly constructing a goal out of cardboard shoe boxes and handing them a ball - a crumpled notebook sheet. Well, then it’s a matter of time and emotions! The more fun it is, the more people who want to take part in the fun will appear!

Game 8. Floor volleyball

Another gambling, almost sports, game. Americans call it “foot volleyball,” and this name is where the whole fun lies. True, you will need some simple props: a package of balloons and a clothesline. Secure the rope at a height of 20 cm from the floor so that it divides the room approximately in half. Then, invite the children to demonstrate “how crabs walk.” The crab walk is already funny in itself!

And then, without losing your positivity and smile from the warm-up, quickly begin the competition itself! Divide the guys into two teams and offer to throw a “ball” (balloon) onto the opponent’s field. But! Be sure to explain that only legs can be used in the game! Fun and laughter are guaranteed not only for children, but also for adult party guests!

Game 9. Fun dinner

And of course, fun with food! Well, what party would be complete without such a competition? The rules are traditional: children are divided into two teams. A plate with some kind of food is placed in front of each participant (funny - if it’s pizza or a cake with cream, more humane for young faces and your own carpet - fruit, cheese). The task of the participants of each team is to eat the entire contents of the plate as quickly as possible (with their hands behind their backs). The team whose members finish the competition first wins.

Game 10. Forfeits, cities, “Mafia”

At the very end of the party (and I recommend this to you, citing my own experience!) It is advisable to arrange some quiet fun. For example, invite the children to play forfeits, cities or the notorious “Mafia”, sitting down in a circle on the floor. Such games are useful for the mind and intelligence, exciting and, most importantly, calm! Thanks to them, adults will be able to enjoy a conversation after dinner, and children will gain new experience of real (not virtual!) communication with peers and expand their own knowledge base.

If the arsenal of possible fun for children is quickly exhausted, and the end of the holiday is still far away, you can use a couple of universal creative competitions. For example, invite the children (and this applies to children of any age, starting from 4-5 years old) to make a horse (relevant during the holiday season) from available materials: paper, corks, threads, etc.

Or, sing with them several traditional Russian carols, shchedrovkas, sowings and round dance Maslenitsa ritual songs. Adults will probably want to join in on the fun too! Well, the song is an excellent ending to a good family, truly warm holiday! A holiday warmed by the warmth and comfort of home and the warmth of sincere hearts!

Soap bubbles can be blown almost endlessly. At least until the solution runs out. To prevent this from happening soon, make a large supply: 3.5 liters of water, a glass of dishwashing liquid, a tablespoon of glycerin. The barrel of solution is ready!

22. Drawing without stains

If you pour a little shower gel mixed with dyes into a durable, hermetically sealed bag, your child will be able to draw futuristic pictures with their fingers without getting dirty!

23. DIY car wash

Kids can play for hours in the bathroom with a real car wash, which can be made from a five-liter plastic jerry can, scouring pads and moisture-resistant adhesive tape.

From the canister you need to cut out the body of the sink with entry and exit. Cut dish sponges into thin long sticks and glue them vertically to the ceiling of the sink. Use permanent markers to color the design. Place shaving foam in empty yogurt containers, take old toothbrushes and toy cars. The imagination will do the rest.

24. Science experiment with balloons

Show your child a chemical experiment in the kitchen. Pour a spoonful of baking soda into a balloon and pour vinegar into an empty plastic bottle. Place the ball onto the neck of the bottle and secure tightly. Gradually pour the baking soda from the balloon into the bottle. The neutralization reaction will release large amounts of carbon dioxide, which will inflate the balloon.

25. Frozen Dinosaur Egg

If your child loves dinosaurs, show him how ancient lizards hatched from eggs. Place a dinosaur figurine in a balloon and fill it with colored water, then put the balloon in the freezer. When the water freezes, call the young paleontologists. Remove the “shell” of the ball from the eggs and look at the dinosaur in the ice. You can remove the toy using a small hammer (you just need to do this with swimming goggles so that small pieces of ice do not damage your eyes).

26. Banana ice cream

You can make popsicles with just one ingredient. Take bananas (preferably slightly overripe), peel and cut into thin pieces. Place in the freezer. After a couple of hours, remove the frozen bananas and blend in a blender until the mixture resembles thick sour cream. The ice cream can be eaten immediately or put into molds and re-frozen. Older children can handle the cooking themselves!
