How to make soap with your own hands. How to make your own moisturizing soap and scrub

Homemade soap making is gaining more and more popularity these days. And this is understandable, because making soap with your own hands is an unusually interesting and profitable process that quickly draws you in and turns into a favorite hobby. After all, this is a soap that contains natural essential oils, it may also contain natural additives - honey, oats, dried flower petals, chocolate, spices and much more. Homemade handmade soap is also enriched with all kinds of base oils that have shock rejuvenating and caring effects.

Each oil has a different effect: relaxes or invigorates, has an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect, and much more. As a scrub, you can use components such as poppy seeds, coffee, clay (blue, white, pink, green), ground nuts, etc. The main thing is not to shift the ingredients, as the soap can crumble a lot and lather badly. To give colors, food or cosmetic dyes are used, and the presence of chemicals in such a soap is minimized.

There are three types of homemade soap: from baby soap, from a soap base and soap from scratch. Beginners, as a rule, start with baby soap - this is the easiest and most affordable way for everyone. Soap base is the best material for making designer soap, you can make soap in different colors and shapes. The most complex and expensive technology is soap from scratch. Here we do not use a ready-made soap base, but cook it ourselves from alkali and oils or fats. Well, to make everything more clear, let's dwell specifically on each type of soap:

The simplest type of soap making at home is soap making from baby soap. If you decide to make soap at home, but are afraid, so to speak, to spoil everything, then for a start you can try to take the first steps using baby soap. Why should you start with baby soap? Because it does not contain any chemical additives. This soap is intended for delicate children's skin, because such skin is susceptible to perfumes and alkaline environment. Therefore, you can safely add your ingredients (oils, decoctions, flowers), and you will get soap with the desired aroma, color and shape. Also, baby soap contains moisturizing glycerin, lanolin, vegetable oils, which have a beneficial effect on the skin without irritating it. When choosing baby soap, pay attention to the composition - there should be no chemical additives, flavors and perfumes.

To make soap at home from baby soap, you will need the following utensils and tools:

Fine grater (the smaller, the faster the soap chips will melt);

Sturdy pan for a water bath (iron and heat-resistant);

A glass or porcelain (heat-resistant) plate of a smaller diameter than a saucepan;

Filling molds (soft disposable jars, silicone baking molds, children's sand molds);

A plate for melting solid butter;

Knife for cutting prepared soap and spoons.

So: we rub our soap on a grater. If the recipe contains solid oils, melt them in a water bath first, then add soap chips, decoctions of herbs (milk, water) and wait. The melting process takes about 15-20 minutes. Do not forget to watch that the soap does not boil. And as soon as the chips melt, the mass will become viscous and without lumps, you can safely add base oils (1 tablespoon per 100 grams). Then remove from the water bath and add essential oils, dyes and other necessary components. It is better to do this at the end of the procedure, since such substances are volatile. Stir the resulting mass and pour into molds. Wait for complete solidification, remove from the molds and dry for a day.

For 100 grams of baby soap, you can add approximately:

1 tablespoon base oils;

100 grams of any of the liquids (milk, decoctions, etc.);

6-7 drops of essential oils;

4-5 drops of dye;

50 grams of other additives (honey, coffee, oatmeal, chocolate, sugar, etc.).

Making soap from soap base.

Soap base- this is a ready-made soap, without color, odor, neutral in properties. As a rule, the soap base is already balanced in terms of pH and content of fatty nourishing oils. The composition of the soap base of any kind and any manufacturer (Russia, England, China and others) consists of natural ingredients without the addition of chemicals, as well as odorless or slightly pronounced.

The main components of the base for soap are special surfactants, or surfactants, which are combined with oils and glycerin. It is thanks to surfactants that soap is able to remove dirt so well, in turn, glycerin softens the skin and makes it smooth, and oils, penetrating into the epidermis, help restore the skin and improve its appearance. Surfactants help extend the shelf life of soaps and improve skin cleansing. If you are afraid of the effect of "chemistry" on your skin, then you can always soften its effect with the help of fatty base oils and active additives. Thus, getting a useful product that will help not only cleanse the skin, but also moisturize, soften, enrich with vitamins and much more.

The English base is considered one of the best, because the quality of the finished soap from this base, as a rule, pleases. This base melts and sets quickly, and the resulting soap does not dry out the skin. The English base practically does not smell, which means that it is easy to aromatize, it retains the smells of essential oils. It does not give a lush foam, like the Belgian and German bases, because it has little surfactant. However, the detergent properties of soap do not depend on the amount of foam.

There are several types of soap base: solid, creamy and liquid. In turn, the solid base is transparent (purified), white (with the addition of titanium dioxide) and organic (based on natural ingredients, has a slight yellowish tint).

Transparent soap base- such a foundation, as a rule, contains a sufficient amount of glycerin in its composition, which makes it soft and moisturizing. Transparency achieves depth and saturation of color, which is more difficult to achieve using other types of soap bases. No pronounced odor.

White soap base- differs from transparent only in the content of one element - titanium dioxide. This is white food coloring E171. The white soap base is completely opaque and has shades from milky white to beige. White base is easy to make yourself, just add titanium dioxide to a hot transparent soap base and mix thoroughly. For uniform distribution of titanium dioxide in soap, it is better to pre-dissolve it in glycerin and only then add it to a transparent soap base.

Organic soap base- this product is a cross between a soap made from scratch and a glycerin base. It is considered the most natural, brewed from tropical oils, glycerin and a minimum amount of surfactants. But it has a peculiar smell and a yellowish color (since bleaching and odor-suppressing components are not added to it). Not transparent. But at the same time, it is perfect even for sensitive skin. Organic soap base is rightfully considered the safest, most useful, high-quality.

Cream base Reminiscent of a soft grainy white cream, ideal for making soaps for sensitive skin. Designed for creating various peelings, scrubs, as well as for decorating solid soap. Does not require additional "cooking". Easy to use. To make a scrub, it is enough to add essential and base oils, as well as abrasive particles, to a soft soap base. The advantage of a mild soap base is that it interacts with oils much better than a hard soap base. Therefore, the content of oils that you add to your cosmetics will be higher in the final product.

Liquid soap base- suitable for creating shampoos, shower gels, bath foams and more. Finished product. Easy to use. Does not require remelting. Liquid base concentrates are pH neutral and therefore safe for the body. It accepts base oils well and is gentle on the skin. Easy to color and creates a pleasant light foam. With the help of various decoctions, oils and other useful ingredients, you will always have useful and natural cosmetics at home.

So, to make soap from the base, you need:

soap base, dishes for a water bath (or microwave), scales, molds, measuring spoons, base oils, essential oils, fillers.

The first step is to cut the soap base into small pieces. Next, melt it in a water bath (or in the microwave). The secret to good soap is that you only need to heat until the base is melted. The base should never be allowed to heat up to more than 60-65ºC. In no case should you bring the soap to a boil, the soap will dry out.

While the base is melting, you can add a little milk or cream to make a creamy mass. Instead of milk, you can add a drop of water or a decoction of herbs, but water can lead to exfoliation of the soap. And it is best to replace water and milk with sugar, this will allow the base to melt faster and better.

When the base is no longer exposed to heat, the rest of the ingredients must be added: these can be perfumes, aromatic essential oils, glycerin, dyes or natural products such as vanilla or honey, or other ingredients of your choice.

Now you need to pour the soap into a mold and sprinkle the surface of the soap with alcohol from a spray bottle, this will remove the bubbles on the surface. We leave the soap in the molds until completely solidified, you can put it in the refrigerator or a cool place. After about 2-3 days, the soap will dry completely and be ready to use.

In a purchased soap base, you can add 100 gr.:

3-7 drops of essential oils

no more than 1 teaspoon base oils

about 20 ml of decoction of herbs, milk, etc.

3-4 drops of fragrance

1-7 drops liquid dye

up to 1/3 teaspoon of pigment or mother of pearl

up to 3 tsp cosmetic clay, honey, ground herbs and more.

Making soap from scratch.

The so-called soap "from scratch" is obtained by a chemical reaction between alkali and fatty acids (the process of saponification takes place). Fatty acids can be vegetable oils, butters, waxes and animal fats. Depending on the consistency of soap you want to get, choose the type of alkali: for liquid - potassium hydroxide (KOH), solid - sodium hydroxide (NaOH), for creamy - a mixture of them.

Since this type of soap making involves working with alkali, it is necessary Necessarily take care of safety, therefore - remove all food products from the table where you will work, cover the surface with oilcloth. In addition, you will need a mask, goggles, rubber gloves, and vinegar. The latter will come in handy if the alkali suddenly gets on the skin - in this case, you should immediately drop vinegar on the affected area.

As with making soap from a ready-made base, when making soap from scratch, it is necessary to prepare all the equipment used in advance so as not to be distracted from the process later. I’ll make a reservation right away that all the utensils used will have to be sacrificed for your exciting hobby, since it will no longer be suitable for food products. And one more nuance - the utensils and tools used must be made of wood, heat-resistant glass, enameled (without damage and chips), stainless steel, plastic that can withstand high temperatures or special silicone. Cookware made from other materials may react with lye or simply melt, so be careful.

Necessary equipment for making soap from scratch:

Kitchen scales with an accuracy of 0.1 grams, if you plan to cook soap with a volume of more than 0.5 kg, then scales with an accuracy of 1 gram will do;

A container that meets our safety requirements - for mixing the components of the future soap;

A larger saucepan is for a water bath;

Large and preferably high heat-resistant capacity for the manufacture of an alkaline solution, since the reaction of alkali with water occurs very rapidly, up to boiling water;

A stick for stirring this solution (glass or porcelain);

A plastic strainer for straining the solution will not interfere, although simple gauze can also be used here;

Disposable utensils (such as a plastic cup) or a regular plastic container to weigh the lye;

Thermometers for oil and alkaline solution;

Mixer or immersion blender (manual);

PH meter or indicator strips for measuring the pH level;

Spoon for mixing soap mass (preferably made of wood);

Soap molds; thick cloth or towels for wrapping soap.

How to make soap from scratch - the general sequence of actions:

We make a recipe for our future soap (we select the necessary oils and calculate the weight of the components on a special “soap calculator”);

We weigh our oils (including waxes and fats, if prescribed by the recipe), and it is better to place solid and liquid oils in separate containers;

We weigh the required amount of water (or ice), which must be clean bottled;

Separately, we weigh oils for overfat and selected additives and fillers;

Solid oils and wax - set to melt in a water bath;

- we “we arm ourselves” with our protective equipment - we put on a respirator, an apron, goggles and gloves;

We weigh the alkali - carefully, trying not to spill it past the dishes;

We place the container for obtaining an alkaline solution with water (or ice) in the sink and turn on cold water (for faster cooling of the dishes when the chemical reaction begins);

Pour the alkali into the container in small portions, stirring, if you use ice, it will immediately begin to melt;

After the alkali is completely dissolved, pour the solution into the oil mixture through a strainer so that it does not accidentally contain undissolved crystals that can cause thermal skin burns and mix well.

At cold In this method, you will need an average of one hour of time, but the finished soap will need to “ripen” for about a month after production, in order to complete the process of saponification of the oils and acquire the qualities we need.

At hot method - soap has to be boiled for at least two to three hours. This method requires some preparation, but we can use the finished soap in about a day! I think that you need to try both options and choose the most optimal way for yourself - how to make soap from scratch.

Useful additives in the manufacture of soap.

Nourishing oils.

To make the soap even more beneficial and gentle on the skin, you can add nourishing oils to it. They are solid (butters) and liquid. The most common butters- cocoa butter, coconut, palm kernel, shea butter (karite), mango.

Among liquid oils are most often used olive, almond, walnut, grape seed, sea buckthorn, jojoba, etc. All vegetable oils contain a complex of vitamins and fatty acids useful for the skin, each has nutritional and protective properties and each is good in its own way, but pick up of these, the one that will be most beneficial for your skin, you can only individually.

The total amount of added oil should not exceed 3-5%. You should not overdo it, otherwise the soap may not lather well. Also, excess oil can appear on the surface of the finished soap and spoil its appearance. Coconut, palm and castor oils, among other useful properties, also improve foaming.

Soap fillers

You can add a variety of fillers to soap, depending on what additional properties you want to give it. To make soap more useful - moisturizing and caring for the skin, you can put honey, concentrated aloe vera gel, glycerin, vitamins in liquid form (for example, aevit or a complex of vitamins E, C and beta-carotene), plant extracts intended for cosmetics.

For additional cleansing, for example, oily or problematic skin, cosmetic clay is added - blue, white, black, pink, as well as fine sea salt. These components also saturate the skin with valuable minerals.

You can make a scrub soap by adding ground oatmeal, bran, spent coffee, grated cocoa, sugar, salt, specially processed apricot or peach pits, chopped natural mother-of-pearl, etc. Such a soap will be more gentle and delicate due to the foam than a regular scrub, cleanse and exfoliate the skin. Dry herbs and flowers also play the role of light peeling, and also decorate the finished soap.

To make soap more attractive and interesting, you can use coffee beans, citrus peels, whole dried flowers, oatmeal, coconut flakes, and the like. Poppy seeds, which also play the role of a scrub, look very nice in colored transparent soap.

Please note that only dry plants and spices can be put in the soap base - fresh herbs, flowers, zest will soon begin to deteriorate. And many dry flowers, such as lavender, heather, rose petals, lose their color in soap and turn just brown.

Sometimes larger inclusions are added to the soap, for example loofah- a natural washcloth of plant origin. It turns out a product "two in one" - both soap and washcloth - with which you can wash and do a light superficial body massage at the same time.

Ornaments and toys made of plastic or rubber are sometimes melted into the soap.

Essential oils.

Essential oils not only give the soap a pleasant smell, but also have a healing effect on the skin and the body as a whole. For example, tea tree oil is an excellent antiseptic and helps in the treatment of oily, acne-prone skin, chamomile is good for delicate children's and sensitive skin, lavender calms and relieves stress, and cheerful citrus scents improve mood. Essential oils are selected individually, depending on the needs of the skin, but first of all, you should like their smell. You have to be careful with essential oils, because due to their high concentration, they can cause irritation and even an allergic reaction. Essential oils have natural aromas because they are extracted from different parts of plants.

Fragrances and fragrances.

To add aroma to the soap, perfumes or food flavorings are used. Perfume is a complex mixture of organic substances. A perfume contains a variety of substances with individual odors, and the mixture of these odors provides the fragrance with an individual scent. The intensity of a soap odor is determined by the concentration of fragrance in the soap. The perfume composition has a multifaceted aroma that changes over time and combines floral, fruity, woody, fresh and other notes.

Food flavors chemical compounds that form the taste and aroma characteristic of a particular food product are called coordinated among themselves. Food flavoring is 30..50, and sometimes more than 100 individual components coordinated among themselves. These components can be both natural or identical to natural, and artificial aromatic substances. The areas of application of flavors are limited only by your imagination. When choosing a flavoring agent, one should not draw a conclusion on the initially “sharp” or “weak” impression of the aroma - these are “top notes” that may not appear at all in the finished product. A good result is the use of several aromatic additives in one product. This may be the combined use of different flavors in order to obtain a bouquet of flavors. On sale there are special flavors for cosmetics. Of course, they are not natural, but they are quite safe for the skin and give the soap aromas that cannot be achieved using essential oils.

In order for the process of making soap to be pleasant and positive, and the result to please, you should pay attention to some common soap makers mistakes:

The very first thing: when starting soap making, you need to clearly know what you want to get as a result. This rule should be followed by beginners. It is better to sit down and write down how you are going to add the ingredients, the sequence of actions. Because when the process has begun, sometimes you have to act quickly;

The soap base must not be overheated and brought to a boil. The factory soap base loses liquid when overheated, the transparent base becomes cloudy, unnecessary bubbles or foam appear. When the liquid evaporates at the base, the pH level changes and our soap becomes worse in quality;

For melting, be sure to take dishes with handles;

To make baby soap easier to grate, warm it up a little;

If the soap does not lather, feels greasy, or has oil droplets on it, then you have added too many base and essential oils;

Do not add too many abrasive components to the soap - it will turn out to be too harsh a scrub. If you put too few of them, they will all settle at the bottom of the form;

You do not need to add water to the soap base. Adding water is necessary when making soap from scratch or from baby soap. In a soap base, it will not bring any benefit.

When adding various components to soap, it should be noted that:

Sugar, chocolate, honey melt soap well. For usefulness, honey can be added to the base - but not very much. Chocolate per 100 grams of base - 1 cube. Gives an intense brown color and a little odor. Freezes a little longer. Honey and sugar are very relevant when melting shavings from baby soap.

Powdered vanilla and cinnamon - do not give the expected smell in the soap. Vanilla gives the soap a yellowish tint over time. This also applies to soap "from scratch"

Rose petals in handmade soap can take on a very unexpected green color - it is better to decorate with soap roses.

Hibiscus flowers (hibiscus) are also useless to add to the soap mass - they do not color at all, but they themselves become gray.

Adding salt to soap also has its own characteristics. If you cook soap "from scratch", salt is added at the stage of a light trace, when after mixing the alkali and oils, the mass thickens a little. When added to hot soapy mass from baby soap, it separates it into water and soap flakes. Salt thickens soap base very quickly. After solidification, the salt may appear as crystals on the surface of the soap. Salt soap almost does not stain with food coloring.

Crystalline menthol is diluted with alcohol, preferably with alcohol. In a soap base, it also diverges well.

All dry additives in the soap base settle at the bottom of the mold. This applies to scrubbing agents, powder dyes.

Zelenka in soap does not give such a bright emerald color. She is blooming.

A lot of coffee powder in soap or dry herbs will feel like a hard washcloth on the skin. And this is not always pleasant.

Coffee-liquid does not give a coffee smell.

It is not necessary to color soap with potassium permanganate! At best, it will just dry, at worst - you can't keep track, unstirred manganese crystals will get into the soap and then onto your skin. There may be a burn.

Organic supplements (petals, seeds and fibers) should be put dry. If you add poorly dried additives (fresh petals, herbs or orange circles), they will mold inside the soap.

When making soap with loofah, it does not need to be soaked. Soap base in combination with water and porous loofah will give a lot of foam and excess liquid in the soap.

The usual strong aroma of purchased soap is achieved by fragrances, not natural essential oils. Essential oils don't smell much.

Do not use essential oils and fragrances, fragrances, smells at the same time. There must be one thing.

When dry mint is added to the soap, the soap will have an unpleasant odor.

Red wine, raspberry and beetroot juices turn the soap grey.

Dry dyes must first be dissolved in a base oil or liquid, otherwise they may remain grains.

Soap making at home is a very exciting and creative process. So choose which method you like best and experiment.

Good luck and creative success))

Homemade soap making is another "handmade" hobby that has become so popular in recent years. This is not surprising, because now everything natural is in fashion, including organic cosmetics, which do not contain substances harmful to the skin. But making handmade soap can be not only a useful hobby, but also a way to create a unique souvenir product for yourself and your loved ones.

How to make soap at home

Making homemade soap from scratch is not so easy, because in this case you will have to deal with lye and you will need to strictly follow the instructions, while observing safety measures. But if you still decide on it, then make it absolutely free of thickeners, preservatives and foaming agents, which are part of everyone's favorite soap base.

There are two ways to make soap from scratch - cold and hot. The cold method is good for soap with swirls (blurry swirls and patterns) and does not involve heating the components, but in both cases the alkali reacts with fatty acids and water.

What you need to make soap from scratch in a cold way:

  • kitchen scales;
  • dishes made of wood, glass or enamel;
  • measuring cup for determining the amount of oils;
  • a large container, such as a saucepan;
  • stirring stick;
  • thermometer;
  • mixer;
  • means for measuring alkaline solution;
  • soap molds - you can choose a regular food container or homemade wooden molds;
  • sodium hydroxide (alkali) for solid soap and potassium hydroxide for liquid substance;
  • vegetable or animal fats - it is better to purchase vegetable oils;
  • solid butter-butters;
  • liquid - water, decoction of herbs, etc.;
  • essential oils;
  • aromatic fragrances.

Using a soap calculator (available on the Internet), create a soap recipe that will determine the weight of all components.

Melt solid butters and waxes in a water bath, after cutting into pieces. Weigh vegetable and solid oils and place in different containers.

Wear protective gear. Weigh the sodium hydroxide and dissolve it little by little in any liquid while stirring with a glass rod. Attention! Alkali should be put into water, and not vice versa, otherwise the container may burst or explode from overheating.

After that, measure the temperature of each of the compositions, it should be approximately the same and pour the lye into the oils.

Blend the mixture with an immersion blender or mixer until thick.

Pour the soap into molds, after adding dyes, flavors or essential oils, wrap the container in a thick towel and put it in a dark place for several hours.

Then cut the resulting soap into pieces and leave it to "ripen" in a well-ventilated place.

For multi-colored soap, one or more dyes are added to the base, due to which unusual swirls are obtained - swirls.

Sodium hydroxide is a dangerous and caustic chemical that, on contact, can cause, so be sure to take precautions when working with alkali.

  1. Keep the lye out of the reach of children and animals, close the lid tightly.
  2. Wear safety goggles and a work coat when making soap. Contact with the eyes of crystals of a substance or its caustic vapors in high concentrations leads to sad consequences, up to blindness.
  3. Use rubber gloves until all work is completed.
  4. If alkali comes into contact with skin, wash immediately with water.
  5. All traces of sodium hydroxide must be carefully removed. It is desirable that the process takes place away from food products.

What is homemade soap made from?

Making soap from scratch for beginners often seems like something out of the ordinary. And not all experienced soap makers are ready to experiment with alkali. Yet the most popular base is considered:

  • Baby soap without a pronounced aroma is ideal for the first experience. It is cheap, it already contains all the necessary components - lanolin, glycerin,.
  • The soap base is very easy to use, even children can handle it. It has a different composition and manufacturers. Available in two types - white and transparent. The most famous are domestic (from 200 rubles per 1 kg) and English bases (from 400 rubles per 1 kg). It is cut into pieces, melted in a water bath or in a microwave oven.

Main Ingredients:

  1. Base oils are natural vegetable fats that provide beneficial properties to the finished product. For example, castor oil is suitable for softening and nourishing. Grape seed oil has a good effect on, and olive oil restores the upper layer of the epidermis and heals wounds.
  2. Essential oils serve as natural fragrances. Before using this component, it is necessary to study its therapeutic effect, as well as to test for allergic reactions.
  3. Food flavorings and cosmetic fragrances give the product a pleasant smell.
  4. Coloring pigments or food colorings (they tend to migrate, that is, stain adjacent layers).

Additional Ingredients:

  • sequins and mother-of-pearl;
  • natural fillers - ground coffee beans, honey, milk, clay, etc.;
  • herbs and dried flowers for decoration;
  • water-soluble paper with various pictures.

And also you will need forms - special, for making soap there are plastic and silicone. In the absence of them, it is quite possible to use forms for baking, ice, or even ordinary jars and containers.

Homemade soap recipes

Regardless of the characteristics of the recipe, prepare your workplace and tools in advance:

  • a capacious pan for melting in a water bath or microwave;
  • a grater if you are cooking with baby soap;
  • kitchen scales to accurately measure the amount of base;
  • measuring cups;
  • spoons, wooden sticks;
  • pipettes for pouring small parts;
  • knife and napkins to remove sagging;
  • molds for soap, baking or ice.

Scrub soap from "Children's" - a simple master class

We take 4 pieces of soap without a strong aroma and rub it with a fine grater.

As forms, you can use everything that is in the house - containers, plastic cups, baking dishes and sand games. It is better to pre-lubricate them with oil.

Pour one tablespoon of base oil (sunflower, olive, peach, etc.) into a saucepan, put on fire and gradually add soap shavings. The process may take 10 to 30 minutes.

After dissolving the soap base, we introduce all kinds of components - dyes, aroma oils, cosmetic fragrances and dried flowers. In this case, we got a coffee-cinnamon soap with grains. The base can be laid out in several layers, after sprinkling with alcohol. After hardening, the soap is removed from the mold, while you need to lightly press on the edges and it will “pop out”.

Glitter base soap - master class

To make soap with a light scrub effect, we need:

  • transparent soap base;
  • food coloring - blue and pink;
  • base oil, for example, calendula;
  • geranium oil as a flavor;
  • ground grains for an exfoliating effect;
  • multi-colored sequins;
  • glass sticks for stirring;
  • Silicone forms.

We cut the base into small pieces for faster melting. We put the measuring cup in the microwave and make sure that the base does not boil.

Stir the base and pour half into another glass.

Add 1/4 base oil, 4 drops of essential oil, a couple of drops of dye, scrub particles and glitter.

Pour the base into the molds, sprinkle with alcohol to remove bubbles. As soon as our soap hardens a little, put it in the refrigerator for 10-15 minutes.

Soap making kits

In order to purchase all the necessary components for handmade soap, it is not necessary to sit for hours in online stores or run around the city looking for the right ingredients. For beginner soap makers, ready-made kits, which include all the components, are quite suitable. It will allow you to create and help avoid mistakes in the future.

It is included in the kit?

  • at least one type of base, sometimes 2 or 3 different types, differing in color and degree of transparency;
  • food coloring or pigments - 2 pieces;
  • flavors or fragrances - 2 pieces;
  • one silicone or plastic mold;
  • detailed instructions.

This kit is basic, some kits add more shapes, flavors and dyes, as well as sparkles, glitters and water-soluble pictures, bubble remover.

Secrets of soap making

Like any other hobby, soap making has its own secrets and nuances. The result of your work directly depends on compliance with certain rules, so you should not neglect them.

  1. When melting baby soap, do not stir vigorously, this will lead to air saturation, the appearance of many bubbles and loss of softness.
  2. When heating in the microwave, make sure that the soap base does not boil, this will significantly impair the quality of the finished product. The rest of the base should melt already when stirring.
  3. For 100 grams of base, you can add: half a teaspoon, 1 spoon of glycerin, 1-6 drops of food coloring, one third of a teaspoon of dry pigment or mother of pearl, 1 spoon of herbal decoction, 3-5 drops of flavoring or fragrance.
  4. Essential oils should not be mixed with food flavorings.
  5. Air bubbles are easily removed by spraying them with alcohol from a spray bottle. It is also used for gluing individual layers.
  6. To cool the soap faster, you can put it in the freezer for 10-15 minutes.
  7. You can put ground coffee or grains, sugar or other abrasive particles in the soap that perform the function. Do not add salt, it will not bring any scrubbing effect.
  8. The clay usually settles in the soap in a single layer. A more suitable option is to use the base for swirls, it hardens longer.
  9. Fresh fruits or vegetables, insufficiently dried flowers and herbs will quickly deteriorate and the soap will have an unpleasant smell.
  10. Soap tends to dry out, so it should be stored for no more than 6 months in a dark place.

How to make soap: video

Making soap at home is not only very exciting, but also useful, you get a 100% natural, ecological and high-quality product. Homemade handmade soap is a great gift for any occasion for family and friends.

It will be curious that at the beginning of the 20th century it was common to make this remedy at home, using, as a rule, animal fats. Medicinal plants, herbs and dried flowers were used as additives. In the modern world, alkalis, oils and all kinds of decor are used as additions. Despite the popularity of this type of hand-made, many are interested in the question - “How to cook soap at home and what is needed for this?”.

Soap making devices

To make soap at home, you will need the following tools:

  1. pots or bowls of different sizes;
  2. food scales;
  3. beaker;
  4. mixing spoons;
  5. soap molds;
  6. whipping mixer;
  7. paper towels or napkins;
  8. apron.

Making soap at home is very interesting because you control all the processes yourself. One of the most popular cooking methods is the cold mixing technique.

What ingredients are suitable for different skin types

It's no secret that it is important to choose this hygiene product individually. The recipe for making soap at home with your own hands can be thought up depending on personal preferences, the main thing is that the components are combined.

Useful tips for selecting components:

  1. For normal skin type, it is recommended to add milk instead of water. The base oil can be lavender, geranium, jasmine and chamomile. Even as an additive, you can include oatmeal, poppy seeds, strawberries, orange and eucalyptus oils;
  2. Include clay supplements, celandine, horsetail if you have problem skin. From essential oils, choose juniper, fir, sandalwood or tea tree oil;
  3. For oily skin, it is recommended to add camphor alcohol. It will help you narrow your pores. Calendula, chamomile and propolis tincture will add antibacterial qualities to your soap. Crushed herbs and fruit pits in homemade soap will give a scrubbing effect. Homemade handmade soap will definitely not cause any harm to the skin;
  4. For dry skin, it is not recommended to rinse your face with soap more than ten times a month, as the product can dry the skin. Choose castor oil as the base oil, it will soften the face. Lavender and jasmine are also ideal for dry skin types.

Soap making recipes

Based on "baby" soap

For this recipe, you can even use a soap base (colorless and always of plant origin).


  1. soap "baby" - 230 g;
  2. liquid (water) - 170 g;
  3. cosmetic oil - 50 g;
  4. essential oil - 7-12 drops.

Cooking method:

Grate the main ingredient. Place 2 containers on the stove, arranging a steam bath.

Soap shavings pour a glass of water and begin to melt until completely homogeneous.

Adding honey will help reduce the melting time of soap on fire. Cool the semi-finished product a little and pour in the oil base. Beat thoroughly with a mixer. Drop aroma oils into a homogeneous mass, and the decor you have selected. Divide the product into containers. Refrigerate until firm.

Soap based

If you don’t know how to make soap quickly at home, then use this recipe. For those who don't like to wait a long time, this is the perfect way to make soap. As a result, the product is natural, the color is original, and the individual smell will be exactly the way you want. Soap-based hygiene product can be used immediately after the cooking phase is completed, which has a great advantage over other manufacturing methods.

To prepare you need to take:

  1. a piece of soap base - 375 g;
  2. essential oil - 12 drops;
  3. soap decor.

Cooking method:

Steam white soap shavings. Cool and, stirring, pour in the essential components and selected additives. We distribute the mass into molds and leave to cool in the cold. Your homemade hygiene product according to an exclusive recipe is ready, it will be a delicate beige color. You can even out the transparency with titanium dioxide, or you can buy a specialized white base. A variety of impurities will give the product the desired shade, texture and aroma.

bulk soap

Such a homemade hygiene product can be of various shapes and textures. The volume is obtained by using special plastic molds or by connecting containers to each other.


  1. colorless soap base - 250 g;
  2. "blue (liquid)"- 3-4 drops;
  3. apricot oil - 0.5 tbsp. spoons;
  4. ginger or grapefruit oil - 5 drops each.

Cooking method:

In order to make soap, you need to prepare molds that, when combined, form a volume. Pour the soap semi-finished product into the prepared molds and let it cool. Soap will harden more slowly, as it is placed in closed molds.

pepper balls

For those who like to soak in the bathroom after a hard day's work, it is worth preparing such balls. They make the water less hard and your skin becomes soft and silky.


  1. baking soda - 460 g;
  2. lemon - 315 g;
  3. corn starch - 275 g;
  4. essential oil - 3.8 ml;
  5. liquid of choice - 10 g;
  6. red pepper - 8g.

Cooking method:

Pass soda, starch and lemon through a sieve. While stirring, pour in the essential components. Sprinkle the mixture with water until the mass sticks together. Divide the resulting volume into equal parts, in one of which add hot pepper. Divide the composition tightly into molds. You don't need to cook anything. Leave blanks for a day in the cold. After completely cooling, leave the pepper balls to dry for 3.5 hours. As a decoration, you can add buds and flower petals.

Liquid soap

For production, you need to take the remnants of past experiments, remnants of any soap from the store, or potassium hydroxide.

Your product will have more emollient properties if you add 10 ml of alcohol and glycerin to the main composition.

Melt the rest, previously crushed in a combine, in a steam bath and add liquid. Starting to beat the resulting mass, gradually add the essential oil.

Today, many people are starting to make soap on their own, the process of home soap making is becoming more and more popular. This is not surprising, because with just a little effort and imagination, you can create real soap masterpieces, as well as be sure of the quality and naturalness of the product. How to make soap at home?

There are a number of reasons why you should try soap making at home.

  1. Handmade soap is a clean ecological and natural product. You will come up with its own composition, thanks to which the product can be adapted to any need (for dry / oily skin, exfoliating, with a whitening effect, etc.).
  2. Unlike "brothers" stuffed with chemicals, homemade soap not only does not dry out the skin of the hands, but has caring and moisturizing properties.
  3. The price is also a pretty weighty argument in favor of self-made soap. You can significantly save your finances, plus rationally use small “smells”, which are usually thrown out as unnecessary.
  4. And of course, homemade soap making It's a very exciting creative process. By connecting all your imagination, you can create soap in the form of various funny figurines, animals, decorative elements - in general, feel like a real master.

To create this cosmetic product, you will need the following ingredients:

Cooking methods

Before you know, we will consider all currently known methods for obtaining this cosmetic product.

How to make soap at home? Cooking technology

Photo: Soap making at home

The first step to take is to cut the base for the future soap into small pieces. Or you can grate it on a grater - so the product will melt faster to the desired consistency. Now you need to melt the soap base (this is done in a water bath). It needs to be stirred periodically. Add your chosen base oil to the soap at the rate of three teaspoons per 100 grams of base.

All the time until basis for soap will be on fire, periodically add a little cream or milk to it until a creamy mass forms. You can replace milk with water or herbal decoctions, but in this case the product may not be firm enough. It is better to use sugar instead of milk and water - so the base will melt better and faster.

When the soap is completely melted, remove the pan from the stove and add various additional ingredients: essential oils, glycerin (a teaspoon), flavors, dyes and any other components. In this process, be guided solely by your taste preferences.

Then pour the product into molds and sprinkle with alcohol on top, this will eliminate the appearance of bubbles on the surface. Leave the soap in the molds until completely solidified, you can also put it in a refrigerator or just a cool place. After about two or three days, it will completely harden and be ready for use.

Homemade soap recipes

We have prepared for you some simple and interesting homemade soap recipes and invite you to bring them to life.

Photo: Homemade soap recipes

To prepare it, you will need the following ingredients:

  • plastic cup (as a mold);
  • soap base - 100 milliliters;
  • glycerin - one teaspoon;
  • honey - one teaspoon;
  • half a teaspoon of chopped cinnamon, ginger and cloves.

Melt the soap base in a bain-marie (you can use the microwave as an alternative). Then pour glycerin into a glass of melted base, mix well. Add honey, as well as ginger, cloves and cinnamon to the sweep. Pour the resulting soapy liquid into a glass and place in the freezer for 60 minutes. When the product hardens, carefully remove it from the glass and enjoy the result.

Due to its components, the product has pronounced antibacterial properties, ideal for owners of problem skin, on which acne often appears.

Required Ingredients:

  • bar of baby soap - 100 grams;
  • water - 400 milliliters;
  • a tablespoon of camphor and ammonia;
  • half a tablespoon of citric acid;
  • glycerin - one tablespoon;
  • hydrogen peroxide - 100 milliliters.

Baby soap should be grated on a fine grater, and then poured into a saucepan, pour water on top. Leave to stand for 3-4 hours, so that the soap becomes slightly sour in water, then transfer to a water bath in which to bring to complete melting.

Then you need to add citric acid, as well as ammonia and camphor alcohol, mix all the ingredients very well and remove the pan from the stove. At the very end, pour in hydrogen peroxide in a thin stream, you can also add a few tablespoons of tea tree oil. Once again, mix the mixture very thoroughly and pour into molds. The soap will dry completely in about two days.

If you want to create such a soap composition, you need to stock up on the following ingredients:

  • baby soap - 100 grams;
  • water - 200-250 milliliters;
  • olive and sea buckthorn oil;
  • essential patchouli oil;
  • ground coffee.

Grate a bar of baby soap. Melt in a water bath. Remove from heat and add all the oils, mix thoroughly. Add ground coffee and stir well again. Pour the resulting product into molds and leave until completely solidified. For this soap, it is better to take coarse coffee. In general, for the preparation of scrub soap, you can take poppy seeds, ground grape seeds, oatmeal, and also use any cosmetic clay.

The manufacture of this cosmetic product differs from the previous options not only in its recipe, but also in its unusual appearance - the soap is very similar to marble.

For this option, you need to prepare:

  • one bar of baby soap;
  • milk in the amount of 150 milliliters;
  • one tablespoon of honey;
  • a tablespoon of olive and;
  • 3-4 drops of orange oil;
  • chocolate - 3-4 slices.

The soap is rubbed on a grater, placed in a water bath, milk and honey are added to it. Remember to mix the mixture thoroughly. When the mass melts, remove it from the fire, divide exactly into two parts. In the first part we add sea buckthorn and orange oil, and in the second - olive oil. Rub the chocolate on a fine grater. When the mixture has solidified, it is poured into molds, alternating orange and chocolate layers. At the end, mix the composition several times and leave to harden.

It will require the following components:

  • a bar of baby soap;
  • water - 200-250 milliliters;
  • three tablespoons of coconut flakes, as well as vanilla and coconut oils.

As in previous cases, three soap on a grater, heated in a water bath, then pour water. Grind coconut flakes with a coffee grinder. Remove the melted soap from the stove, add shavings, vanilla and coconut oil to it. Thoroughly mix the resulting mixture and pour into molds. In this recipe, you can replace water with milk, then you will get a more delicate foam and a rich coconut smell.

Prepared from the following components:

  • baby soap - 100 grams;
  • water - 50 milliliters;
  • olive oil - two tablespoons;
  • ground coffee and coarse sea salt - two tablespoons each.

First, we rub a bar of baby soap, put it in a water bath. Then add olive oil and pour boiled water in a thin stream. Do not stop stirring the mass during the entire preparation. Wait until the mixture is homogeneous, then remove from heat and add coffee and salt. Again, mix everything and pour into molds, leave to harden for 2-3 days.

This soap helps fight cellulite, you need to apply it several times a week. But do not forget that sea salt, which is part of the product, can greatly dry out the skin. Therefore, after applying the soap, it is recommended to use a moisturizing body milk or caring lotion.

Now you know for sure. We hope that the information obtained from this article will be useful to you and help you create real soap masterpieces in your kitchen.

Beginning soap makers are advised to train on an ordinary children's soap without additives and fragrances. If you are confident in yourself, then purchase a professional soap base in specialized stores. They sell white, transparent and multi-colored bases with the addition of oils in packages of 250, 500 and 1,000 grams.

What to buy:

base oil

It can be anything: coconut, almond, olive, castor, grape and apricot seeds. Oil almost entirely consists of organic compounds: fatty acids, vitamins, waxes, microelements, which are extremely beneficial for the skin.

Add no more than ½ teaspoon of oil to 100 g of soap base. An overdose of essential oils can cause severe allergies, and soap will stop lathering.

There are many varieties of base oils, each of which has its own therapeutic effect and saturates homemade soap with skin-friendly properties.

base oil skin type Property
From apricot kernels Any Saturates the skin with vitamins: A, B, C, E, F. Moisturizes, softens, improves elasticity, normalizes the function of the sebaceous glands
From grape seeds Oily and mixed Regulates the function of sweat glands, restores the natural oiliness of the skin
castor dry and mixed Well removes age spots, whitens and nourishes the skin, fights fine wrinkles
Almond Any Saturates the skin with vitamins E and F, moisturizes, normalizes the function of the sebaceous glands, prevents expansion
coconut Any Protects the skin from UV rays, smoothes and makes it more tender
Eucalyptus Oily and mixed It is used for skin whitening, treatment of furunculosis and acne.
sage Oily and mixed Smoothes wrinkles, normalizes the sebaceous glands. Great product for acne and other skin problems
Palm Any It is an antioxidant and a natural source of vitamin E
Cocoa Any Accelerates the process of restoration of damaged skin cells, eliminating various cosmetic defects

What to buy:

One-color handmade soap can be obtained using food-grade water-soluble dyes.

  • Cocoa and coffee will make the soap chocolate.
  • An infusion of chamomile will give the soap a yellow tint.
  • Saffron and curry - bright yellow.
  • Spinach, dill and parsley - green.
  • Beetroot juice - red or pink.
  • Essential chamomile oil - blue.

Do not use red rose petals (gives a dirty gray color) or hibiscus tea (gives a dirty green color) to get red shades.

Natural dyes have low light fastness and quickly fade in the sun. Therefore, such soap must be stored in a dark place.

Layered multi-color soap uses liquid or dry pigment in standard and neon shades. Pigment dyes give a bright, rich color and make the soap slightly matte. Before adding to the soap base, the dry pigment must be rubbed with oil or glycerin.

Mother-of-pearl, a mineral dye in powder form, gives a beautiful shimmer and shine to homemade soap. It perfectly emphasizes the relief of the product. Mother-of-pearl is used in soaps with a transparent base and is applied to the surface of the product with a brush or fingertip.

Such a dye does not need to be pre-dissolved and is added dry to the molten base.

What to buy:


Various additives are used to give homemade soap additional properties: glycerin, cream, honey, herbal infusions, dried flowers.

For example, finely ground coffee, oatmeal, ground nut shells can be added to scrub soap during the preparation process. Some of these recipes are easy to make on your own. But, for example, bamboo powder or baobab fruit will have to be purchased.

What to buy:

What tools are needed

  1. Heat-resistant containers with a spout that can be heated in a microwave oven or in a water bath.
  2. Silicone 2D and 3D soap molds.
  3. Alcohol for lubricating the surface of the molds and for better bonding of the soap layers. Alcohol must be kept in a 30–150 ml spray bottle.
  4. Glass or wooden sticks for stirring the soap base.
  5. Thermometer for liquids.

What to buy:

How to make homemade soap

Step 1

Prepare all the necessary components in advance: dyes, oils, fillers, and so on. Cut the soap base into small cubes and melt it in a water bath. Make sure that the substrate temperature does not rise above 60 °C. Otherwise, bubbles will form in the soap, and its quality will deteriorate.

Step 2

When the soap base is completely melted, add any base oil you like, dye and one teaspoon of filler, such as ground, to it. In this case, coffee will act as a dye and give the product a deep chocolate shade.

Step 3

Pour the mass into the mold, after sprinkling it from the spray bottle with alcohol. If you are working with several layers, then when pouring a new one, do not forget to sprinkle the previous one with alcohol and slightly scratch its surface for better adhesion of the layers. The surface of the soap can be decorated with whole coffee beans.

Step 4

Place the mold in a cool place for 2 hours (never in the freezer!). Then remove the soap from the mold by immersing it in hot water for a few minutes, and lay it on paper to dry for 1-2 days. Finished soap should be stored in a breathable container. For example, in cling film.

Bonus: 4 homemade soap recipes

Homemade face soap

  • soap base white;
  • 2 tablespoons of lanolin oil;
  • 1 teaspoon of any aromatic oil;
  • 1 tablespoon crushed oatmeal;
  • 1 tablespoon ground almonds.

Chocolate and vanilla

  • soap base;
  • a few drops of vanilla essential oil;
  • 1 teaspoon of almond oil;
  • 1 teaspoon ground coffee;
  • a few drops of honey and ylang-ylang oil.

Strawberries with cream

  • opaque soap base;
  • ½ teaspoon olive oil;
  • ½ teaspoon strawberry seed oil;
  • red or pink dye;
  • 2 tablespoons of cream;
  • strawberry and cream flavors.

pink dream

  • white soap base;
  • 1 tablespoon pink clay;
  • 1 teaspoon apricot essential oil;
  • 5 drops of vanilla oil;
