How to make a piñata with your own hands: a few simple ways. Do-it-yourself piñata: a universal master class

How to make a child's birthday bright and unforgettable and how to captivate the children's team, turning the energy raging in it into a peaceful channel so that children of any age do not get bored? I think these questions concern many parents on the eve of the children's holiday.

One way to do this is with the piñata, a traditional Mexican pastry.

Piñata is a large hollow toy filled with sweets and small souvenirs. To get the contents of the piñata, they hang it up and break it with a special bat, blindfolded beforehand.

To make a piñata with your own hands, we need:

  • big balloon,
  • paste,
  • newspaper (or I use drafts and clean sheets of plain paper snow maiden),
  • corrugated paper of the desired color,
  • PVA glue,
  • rope (I use thin satin ribbon)
  • scissors,
  • awl.

Step 1: Prepare the paste.

We will need: 1 cup of flour, 0.5 cups of water, 1 teaspoon of salt.

Step 2: Make the base of the piñata.

We tear paper or newspaper into strips. We inflate the balloon of the required size.

We glue the paper on the ball with a paste. For the first layers we use drafts or a newspaper. The number of layers depends on the required strength. The older the child, the stronger the Piñata.

If you use a newspaper, then 5-6 layers, if drafts, then 3-4 layers of paper are enough.

After gluing each layer, you need to let the paper dry.

When pasting the last layer, you need to use white paper.

So that drafts or a newspaper do not shine through corrugated paper, especially if the main color of the piñata is light.

Let the base dry well. It may take several days. We take out the ball. We pierce with an awl and pull it out.

Step 3: Stitch the piñata with ribbon, leaving long ends.

We fix it well from the inside using adhesive tape.

If necessary, glue the necessary elements. I want to note that sometimes additional elements, eyes, nose, mouth, etc., are more convenient to stick on a finished Piñata.

Step 4: Cut the crepe paper into strips. And then fringe.

Step 5: Glue the crepe paper to the base.

For gluing corrugated paper, I usually use PVA glue, but you can also use glue stick. Who will be more comfortable. We begin to peck Piñata from the bottom with a fringe down. A little effort and Piñata is ready.

Step 6: Fill the piñata with various sweets and small surprises.

You can cut multi-colored paper, corrugated paper scraps are also great. The filling hole can be cut in advance, or you can have a ready-made piñata. I usually mask the hole with different elements.

We glue the muzzle.

To break a Piñata, you can take a stick, a bat, a thin tube, a rolling pin for dough, and so on. It can be decorated with ribbons or hung with a fringe.

Our piñata is ready!

Not only children like this kind of entertainment, but adults too.

The most pleasant thing is that you can fully express your imagination, here are some of my works:

Get creative and make your kids happy!

Piñata is a Mexican toy that was originally used only at children's parties. The child was blindfolded, given a small stick in his hand and offered to knock down a papier-mâché ball suspended from the ceiling, filled with sweets, nuts and small toys.

Recently, such an unusual Mexican toy has been willingly used at Russian holidays, not only for children, but also for adults. You can make it yourself, and the same sweets or nuts are most often used as a surprise filling. True, you can put anything inside the ball - be it notes with wishes, money, or even condoms, if we are talking about using it at an adult party.

How to make your own star-shaped piñata

Before describing how to make such an accessory for the holidays, it should be noted that it will take you from 3 to 4 hours.

However, the process itself is not difficult and even a child can do it. A star-shaped piñata will be a great surprise for both children's and adults' parties. To make it you will need:

The process of making a piñata should begin with the preparation of the base..

Inflate the balloon as much as possible, because the size of the product depends on this. At the end of it, it is necessary to tie the rope as tightly as possible so that the air does not escape from the ball during operation. Failure to comply with this condition may cause your holiday accessory to crack or lose its shape on the first or second layer, and you will have to start making it again. The next step is pasting products with strips of newspapers. You can tear them with your hands or carefully cut them with scissors - it's up to you.

Coat the base ball with PVA glue using a small brush and start pasting it with paper strips. Or make it easier - fill a shallow bath with glue and soak strips of newspapers directly in it. When glued, they should overlap with each other. Do not seal the latex product completely, leave a free space next to the knotted tip.. It will come in handy for filling the piñata with surprises. After the entire ball is pasted over with strips of old newspapers (here it is important to ensure that there is no free space left), do not rush to proceed to the second layer. You need wait until the first is completely dry. Typically, this takes at least two hours. The second and third layers are made in the same way. It is worth noting that two layers are enough for a childish piñata or a piñata filled with light surprises. It will not break while hanging from the ceiling, and will easily break even with a weak child's hand. If you plan to place heavier objects in the ball, then make the blank three or four layers.

After all layers have dried, cut off the tied tip of the balloon and scissor the edges with the remaining latex. After that, you can start filling the piñata with sweets, small toys and other pleasant little things. The most important manufacturing step is attaching the hook and hanger to the product. You can make them out of cardboard and wire.

Divide the metal material into two parts and make some kind of clothes hanger out of it. Attach a piece of cardboard to this design so that the sharp wire edges cannot damage the product itself. Carefully place a makeshift hanger with a cardboard lining inside the piñata. Seal the remaining hole with paper tape. Now you can make a star ball. As mentioned above, this can be done using any beautiful paper. Consider the option with corrugated color.

In order to make the beams, you will need homemade cardboard cones in the form of birthday hats, which are customary to wear on a birthday. There should be seven of them.

You can attach the rays to the star using double-sided tape. Cover them with crepe paper, which you will also use to decorate the piñata.

Using a regular thread, measure the volume of the product in different places. Mark it on paper and cut the desired number of strips. Make a lot of transverse cuts on them so that you get some kind of tinsel. Glue these strips over the entire ball so that no newspapers are visible. You can also do this with PVA glue.

Make sure that the glue, which tends to turn yellow after drying, does not protrude beyond the edges. This can give your piñata an unpresentable look.
That's all - the work is finished, but wouldn't it be a pity to break such magnificence ?!

How to make your own heart shaped piñata

This festive accessory can be made not only with the help of a balloon. It is worth noting that initially in Mexico they were made either in the form of animals or complex geometric shapes.

To celebrate Valentine's Day, a wedding or its anniversary, you can make such an accessory in the shape of a heart.

You will need:

  • medium size box;
  • paper tape;
  • thermal gun;
  • beautiful packaging, corrugated or plain colored paper;
  • satin or packing tape, which will come in handy in order to attach the piñata to the ceiling.

The first step in making a romantic accessory will be preparation of blanks, from which you will subsequently collect the heart. To do this, draw a heart on the box with a pencil or marker and cut it out with scissors. Then attach to another part of the box and cut out exactly the same figure.

Tip: to properly bend the sidewalls, wrap them around a can of a suitable diameter

In order to fasten the two halves of the heart to each other, you will need the sidewalls. They also need to be cut out of cardboard.
Remember that they should not completely cover the heart. To you be sure to leave a free area for filling the piñata with sweets.

You can glue the structure with hot glue or PVA. True, in the first case, the assembly should be carried out immediately, and in the second, the parts must be fastened with paper tape, and only then coated with PVA glue. The tape must not be removed until the adhesive is completely dry.. In the place where there are 2 "tops" of the heart, you need to attach a tape. This can also be done with hot glue or by punching small holes in the cardboard to which the tape will be attached. Fill the piñata with sweets, nuts, and other treats that don't need to be heavy, and seal the open area with paper tape. Shake the product gently several times, holding it by the tape. Thus, you will check its strength.
You can decorate a piñata with any beautiful corrugated paper red, orange or pink. Paste over its sides and main parts with circles or stripes cut out of it with transverse cuts, which are a kind of tinsel.
Place an image in the center of the heart. This may be a photo of the hero of the occasion, or a drawing of his favorite cartoon characters.

Such a piñata is quite easy to knock down with a stick. True, it is better to use it for adults, since the child may not have enough strength for this, which can cause a spoiled mood.

balloon piñata

It is worth noting that a festive product of this type does not have to be knocked down with sticks. In order to arrange a fun test with him, you can also use darts. Kids or adults can throw them at a ball filled with sweets from a certain distance. The advantage here is the ease of making such a piñata. After all, it is impossible to make it in the above two ways, since it is unlikely that it will be possible to break a box or papier-mâché product with a dart. For such a test you can make a piñata from a regular ball. In order for almost all guests to participate in the competition, several of them should be made. For this you will need:

  • Balloons;
  • plastic bottle with a wide mouth;
  • beautiful packing tape;
  • multi-colored markers;
  • colored paper;
  • PVA glue.

To fill an ordinary balloon with small surprises, use a plastic bottle with a wide mouth.
Cut off its bottom and pull the ball over the neck. You will get a fairly wide hole that will serve to fill the ball. Once the piñata is filled, tie a pretty ribbon around the ball and start decorating it. This can be done in several ways, for example, by depicting the faces of funny animals on holiday accessories. Ears, mustaches, eyes and ponytails for them can be cut out of paper and glued to PVA.
If the animal version is not suitable, since you will be making a piñata for an adult party, put various interesting inscriptions on it. It can be comic phrases, congratulations or wishes.

You need to make it so that she will remember it for a long time. One bouquet of flowers is not enough! Every bachelorette party requires accessories. from our article - which ones! At the following address, you will read about how to organize a mafia-style party and see interesting themed photos from such an event.

You can arrange a holiday using a piñata for absolutely any occasion. Whether it's a birthday, New Year's or even a wedding. Save a contest like this for when the event gets a little boring. And if this, fortunately, did not happen, offer to break it to the heroes of the occasion at the very end of the evening. Well, in conclusion, the easiest way to make a piñata awaits you - let's watch a video and learn how to make such an important accessory for any birthday yourself:

I share an idea that the kids liked at a recent holiday. Quite by accident I saw and bought a ready-made set of light plastic toys for the holiday, which someone very caring thought of putting in one bag.

After exploding a surprise ball or breaking a piñata, the kids try to find some interesting little things on the floor among the colorful tinsel. If you come across a small candy, chewing gum or eraser - a huge success. They rejoice at such a find, sometimes even more than with souvenirs at parting. Well, that's how kids are.

I always tried to put something interesting, but it took a lot of time to buy small things in an online store. I chose the easiest way - the purchase of several packages of paper cuts.

By the way, along with the standard paper confetti, I began to throw a few packs of themed confetti. They are more expensive, but you can buy Minions, and Cars, and Angry Birds, and confetti for princesses. These are quite dense and high-quality cardboard circles-squares, which children also collect as souvenirs, calling them "chips". I don’t know how they are going to play with them, but they definitely collect them. In one pack, as a rule, three types of confetti.

We dilute thematic packages with the usual light paper cuts, otherwise the piñata will be heavy, and all interest will be lost. Beautiful pictures need to be found among the tinsel - that's the whole point.

Toys for piñata "Dudelki-Shumelki"

Now I'm talking about my cool find. One package contains 100 small plastic toys from which you can make various sounds. These are 20 whistles, 20 pipes, 20 rattles, 20 flutes, 20 rattles.

The size of the flute, for example, is 12 cm. Not so small. All toys together are very light (total weight is about 400 g). Great filler for piñata. Even if there are a lot of children at the holiday, there will be enough gifts for everyone. And if you manage to find a few pieces - generally happiness!

Where to buy a piñata

You can break it with any stick, but there are elegant pipes for sale for this purpose. When choosing a toy, carefully look at the size. The kids love the big piñatas, and they don't differ much in price. They are not sold immediately with a filler, so purchase a sufficient number of small toys, sweets and confetti.

The choice of a gift, especially for a child, traditionally raises a lot of doubts. However, there is one non-trivial version of the present, which will certainly impress not only the baby, but also the adult. This is a piñata, whose homeland is distant sultry Mexico. An amazing large toy with a cavity inside is not only a wonderful gift in which you can hide sweets, confetti or toys. A bright piñata, decorated with ribbons or corrugated paper, is also a wonderful holiday decor. Moreover, making it at home is quite simple.

Necessary tools and materials

Piñata is made by hand from the most common materials. Nothing rare and expensive is required for such crafts for a birthday or other holiday.

To make a piñata, you need to prepare a paste, a balloon that can be inflated to a large size, newspapers or old sheets of paper. You will also need to create a piñata:

  • PVA glue or other variety;
  • twine or a narrow satin ribbon for fastening;
  • corrugated paper of a suitable shade;
  • awl;
  • scissors.

Since the base for the piñata is often made from papier-mâché, a utility knife may be needed. They will cut a cavity in the ball for the "stuffing" of the gift.

On a note! It should be borne in mind that each master class on creating a piñata for a birthday or other celebration is individual. That is why for each craft a list of necessary materials is compiled new.

As for filling the piñata, you can fantasize here. Often the craft is filled with sweets, tinsel, confetti, sweets, small souvenirs, toys.

DIY piñata master class

There are many ways to make a piñata. However, the very process of creating a product always captivates and turns into a real holiday.

Master class on making a round piñata

A birthday or other celebration will become more unusual and fun if you decorate it with a piñata. By the way, making such a toy with your own hands is quite simple. To make a simple round, but very funny and beautiful piñata, you should prepare the following materials and tools:

  • electrical tape or tape;
  • latex balloon 36 inches;
  • hand pump for it;
  • a couple of wooden skewers;
  • PVA glue or water with flour to create a paste;
  • newspapers;
  • scissors;
  • threads;
  • colored paper;
  • sweets and confetti to fill the piñata.

The principle of creating a round piñata is quite simple. If you use the master class with a photo suggested below, then there will be no problems at all.

  1. First you need to inflate the balloon with a pump. The resulting ball must be tied with threads.
  2. Now you need to create a frame for the piñata. To do this, you should use PVA glue or make a paste based on flour and water. Newspapers are cut into small strips. The optimal width is 5 cm. Each newspaper blank is dipped into glue (paste) and glued onto a balloon. In total, you need to glue 3 layers of strips to make a papier-mâché piñata frame. But before applying a new layer, be sure to wait for the previous row to dry.
  3. When the entire frame of the piñata is dry, the tail of the ball should be cut. This will allow you to deflate the balloon and easily remove it from the outside.
  4. Next, you need to fill the piñata with small toys, colorful paper pieces, sweets. Then a mount should be formed so that the finished product can be hung. To do this, an X-shaped retainer is formed from skewers and electrical tape. In the center of the element you need to glue a thread or a thin satin ribbon. The resulting ball holder must be inserted into the cavity of the piñata. The hole must be sealed with newspaper strips, and the thread is pulled out.
  5. Then you will need to cut out many small triangles from colored paper.
  6. Now you should glue the paper triangles to the papier-mâché base for the piñata. Glue them from the middle. For ease, it is recommended to use a glue gun.
  7. The finished piñata should be hung up. It will become an original decoration of any holiday: weddings, birthdays, parties.

Master class on making piñata with cones

The piñata, complemented by cones, looks unusually beautiful and original. Such a bright gift-decoration is a real extravaganza of colors and presents. The attractiveness of this decor also lies in the fact that it is not difficult to make it with your own hands.

For this craft you need:

  • 7-8 sheets of thick enough cardboard;
  • thin crepe paper;
  • PVA glue;
  • water;
  • scotch;
  • flour;
  • scissors;
  • thick rope;
  • stationery knife;
  • balloon;
  • leg-split;
  • newspapers.

Based on the master step, you can get to work. A do-it-yourself piñata is made in a few steps.

  1. First you need to make a body for the piñata. It is necessary to inflate the balloon, tie it with a thread, stick a strip of adhesive tape on the tail so that there are no protruding fragments.
  2. Now you need to make a mixture based on water and flour. Ratio 1:1. The paste will be thick.
  3. The newspaper should be cut into strips and soaked in the resulting composition of flour and water. They must be glued to the ball.
  4. The ball should be hung up and continue creating papier-mâché. The first layer must dry. Then you need to glue the second layer of newspapers, and then the third. The workpiece must be left to dry completely.
  5. Now you need to make cones out of cardboard.
  6. On cardboard, draw templates for cones. They are cut out of cardboard, folded, fixed at the joints with tape.
  7. A hole must be made on the papier-mâché blank. Air must be released from the balloon.
  8. The circle must be carefully cut with scissors. Its diameter should be slightly smaller than the cardboard cone itself. You need to get the deflated balloon.
  9. Now with a clerical knife you should create a hole on the opposite side. The rope is tied with a double knot and pulled into the hole.
  10. The piñata is filled with sweets. The hole is closed and additionally fixed with adhesive tape.
  11. Cardboard cones are fixed to the body of the piñata with glue. To add strength, you can also fix them with tape.
  12. As many cones are fixed as necessary according to the plan.
  13. Here's what happens.
  14. Next, you need to make a decor for the piñata from crepe paper. It is cut into strips, on which a fringe is made with scissors. A thin layer of glue is applied to the upper contour of the workpiece.
  15. The resulting decor wraps around the base of the piñata body. The fringe should point down. Next, another layer of paper decor is fixed.
  16. It is necessary to continue decorating the frame of the piñata.
  17. Now you should decorate the cones with fringed paper strips. But for this it is recommended to use blanks with a fringe of shorter length.
  18. That's all! The original volumetric colored piñata with cones is ready!

Master class on creating a minion piñata

An original and funny piñata will turn out, made in the form of a minion. If you decide to make a round "hero", you can use an ordinary balloon. To get an oblong body, you need to take two balls.

  1. So, first you need to inflate 2 balloons and fasten them together. To do this, they are simply wrapped on top with paper, which is fixed with strips of adhesive tape.
  2. Now you need to cut the newspapers into small pieces and paste them over the resulting structure. The first layer of cuts is fixed on the water. The other two rows are superimposed on the paste.
  3. Next, you need to cut a window in the papier-mâché design with a clerical knife. Balls are drawn through it. The filling for the piñata is also laid here. As a filling, you can use sweets, small souvenirs, confetti, various surprises.
  4. Then the piñata needs to be painted yellow. You can paste over the body of the craft with yellow corrugated paper. If desired, a fringe is made on it. The window should be sealed with the image of the minion's eye. The picture is printed on the printer.
  5. It remains only to draw or glue other fragments on the piñata: glasses, hands, mouth, legs, overalls. You can use the templates below.

  6. It remains only to attach a thread or ribbon to attach the piñata, made in the form of a minion. That's all! Unusual craft completed.

Video: how to make a piñata at home

In Mexico, piñatas are made for children for any occasion. These are quite large toys, inside of which they put sweets, confetti, sparkles, in general, the attributes of the holiday. Such fun could be of different shapes, but mostly created in the form of animals or geometric shapes. Initially, they were made from papier-mâché or colored paper. How to make a piñata with your own hands, now we will talk.

These toys came from Mexico, then the children of Latin America began to play with them, and this was several centuries ago. However, even now a wonderful game is arranged for children mainly on the occasion of a birthday or a new year.

A game

The piñata is hung at the level of the child’s head and given a stick or a bat, he hits the toy, and when it breaks, sweets, sparkles, in general, all the contents fly out of it. This leads the children to an indescribable delight. This scenario was originally, but you can easily come up with your own. The main thing is that the children are interested. It is not necessary to break the pinata, you can make it so that it simply opens, then the child will be able to play with it after the holiday.

Making a piñata

The simplest do-it-yourself piñata is being made, its master class will now be described in detail for a better understanding of all processes. The creation of this wonderful toy does not require large investments of money, and maybe everything you need can be found at home. So, we need:

  • balloon,
  • PVA glue,
  • flour,
  • paper tape,
  • colored paper.

Preparing to make the piñata

First you need to tear or cut the newspaper into pieces. A form will be created from them.

Now let's prepare the glue. You can make it from flour by diluting one part of it in two parts of water, after which everything must be thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mass. Or use the usual PVA from a tube. You also need a separate small bowl of water.

How to make a piñata

Inflate the balloon to the required size and tie. Now it needs to be pasted over with scraps of newspapers. The first layer of paper will be attached to the ball with water, so that at the end of the whole process it can be easily pulled out from the inside. To do this, we lower the scraps of newspapers into the water and glue them over. The ring of the inflation balloon must not be sealed, because when everything is ready, we will remove it from the toy. When the entire surface becomes covered with the first layer, the next one is applied, but with the help of PVA glue or the one that was made from flour. Now, instead of water, scraps of newspapers are dipped in glue, and the whole procedure is exactly repeated. It is necessary to make 3-4 layers - so the toy will be strong, but at the same time, upon impact, it will be able to break in order to give away all its contents. After each applied layer, the piñata must dry completely, and only after that the next sheet of paper is applied.

Hanging mount

Let's move on to the next step on how to make a piñata with your own hands. When the mold is completely dry, you can remove the balloon by untying it and letting the air out of it. Now you need to think about how the whole structure will be suspended. To do this, prepare a beautiful ribbon on which everything will hang, and tie a stick at the end. It needs to be pushed into this hole, and placed across it. This is a fairly reliable method of fastening. However, to be more sure that the piñata will not fall off ahead of time when struck, you need to cut a circle out of cardboard with a small hole into which to insert the ribbon and glue it to the body of the piñata. The extra seal will keep everything more secure.

The second option in hanging the piñata can be a wire hook. It is also inserted into the hole that was left of the ball, only the spacer is made of wire, and the ring comes out. And also everything must be carefully sealed so that the toy does not fall prematurely from impacts.

So, the piñata, the master class for creating which is described in detail here, is ready, now you need to fill it with sweet contents. To do this, we cut out a hole through which sweets and other attributes of the holiday will fall inside. It is better to do it at the bottom, so that when it hits, everything immediately spills out and nothing gets stuck inside. In general, you can cut it from any side. You will need a sharp knife, with which cuts are made on the body, and then one or more parts are turned away, through which sweets will get inside. After that, everything can be sealed with paper tape or strips of plain paper, smeared with glue.

To get a pinata, the photo of which is presented here, you need to decorate it by pasting it with colored paper. At the same time, various elements can be added, creating the image of a favorite cartoon character that the child likes. This will make the baby even more happy. Piñata Angry Birds can be an excellent option, it is not difficult to make it on the basis of a papier-mâché ball. One has only to cut a beak with a crest out of cardboard - and the hero of the world famous cartoon is ready.

Complex shapes of piñatas

Now let's look at how to make a piñata with your own hands, but in a more complex shape. There are quite realistic objects in the form of people, for example. The more complex the shape, the smaller the paper needs to be torn for papier-mâché. This will make the object more realistic, showing all protrusions, even the smallest ones, without wrinkles. In complex layouts, toilet paper is used because it is very thin and does not show wrinkles when it dries.

For complex piñatas, you must first make a shape, the most convenient and common material for this is plasticine. Firstly, it is oily, which makes the paper form come off easily after everything dries, and secondly, it is easy to work with.

How to pull out a complex shape from papier-mâché

When creating complex images, the technique is slightly different. When everything is covered with paper and dries, you need to somehow pull out the plasticine blank from the inside. To do this, the paper layout is cut into two parts so that everything can be removed from the inside. After removing the plasticine object, the paper form is glued back and at least one layer of papier-mâché is applied on top. This will keep things going much better. When the model is dry, you can start painting. Here's how to make a do-it-yourself piñata of a fairly complex shape.

Creating a perfectly flat surface on a piñata

However, if you need a flat surface, then papier-mâché is polished. For this, sandpaper is used. When everything is smoothed out well, they coat the surface with glue - it will give the paper form a finished look and remove the roughness left during grinding. When the glue dries, the toy is completely inspected, and if there are any flaws somewhere, they are pointwise eliminated.

Only when the form is completely satisfied with the master, it is painted. Any paint will work for this. If gouache or watercolor is taken, then to make the surface shine, they are mixed with glue, which, firstly, will protect the surface from moisture, and secondly, the paint will shimmer in the sun. Sometimes sequins are added to it, in general, the main thing is to improvise and try to do it.

After painting, some professionals varnish their products, but such piñatas are not broken, they are stored as an original element of the interior.

The article described how to make a piñata with your own hands. The master class described the whole process in detail - from beginning to end. We started with a simple enough shape to make a piñata for kids and give them indescribable pleasure, and then moved on to how to make a real work of art in any shape without relying on the image of a ball.

Despite the fact that the tradition of putting gifts in piñatas is very old, in our time it has gained a new breath.
