How to weave a mandala from threads. DIY thread mandala: a sacred symbol of divine energy

Mandala - in the Buddhist or Hindu religion, a symbolic image of the universe. It consists of several successively inscribed circles and squares, decorated with images of various divine elements. It is considered a powerful amulet that attracts the energy of love and prosperity, as well as enhancing vitality. A handmade mandala is especially effective; it is worn as an ornament or placed in a prominent place in the house.

Despite the seeming complexity, the manufacture of an ancient talisman is available to everyone, you just need to follow a certain sequence and act slowly, fully concentrating on needlework. But first, it is desirable to learn a little more about the sacred symbol.

Why is a mandala created?

The gradual birth of the most complex drawing is akin to meditation, according to the followers of Buddhism. Images and colors of the geometric matrix alternate in a certain sequence, which helps to fall into a trance and go beyond ordinary consciousness. Thus, superpowers are developed, which are highly valued in Eastern spiritual practices.

The word "mandala" in Sanskrit means circle. This is not only a definition of the shape of the picture, but also a reminder of samsara - the wheel of life, into which everyone born on earth falls. In addition, the circles are associated with the celestial sphere, and the squares represent the earth with all its inhabitants. The description of the chain of rebirths and the structure of the world - everything is embedded in the patterns, figures or scenes that fill the sacred composition.

The image is usually divided into 4 parts, according to the cardinal points, time of day and the main elements. In the Tibetan tradition, it is customary to fix each direction with a T-shaped exit gate leading simultaneously to the microcosm and the macrocosm. The center of the composition symbolizes the Absolute, from which everything is born and where it returns after death.

Any mandala, regardless of its complexity, has a concentric structure. It creates a tunnel that allows consciousness to expand during long contemplation of images. In Hinduism and Buddhism, such symbols are called "frozen prayer."

Sandy masterpieces of Tibet

The inhabitants of a high-mountainous country, where religion and culture are closely intertwined, attach special importance to the mandala. In a ritual known as the "Kalachakra initiation", specially trained Tibetan monks create unique in size and complexity compositions of colored sand, which are considered sacred and bring prosperity to the entire planet.

Before starting the creative process, the masters read prayers and bless all the tools and materials. Then, a table specially designed for the ceremony is marked with chalk for the future image. The rough drawing has a general character, and the monks immediately apply small details with sand. Loose "paints" they serve through long metal tubes to get a narrow, directional stream.

The ceremony lasts about a week. Its conclusion seems shocking to a Westerner, but logical to those who are familiar with the philosophy of Zen Buddhism firsthand. Having admired the creation of human hands, they destroy it, sweeping it off the table with ritual whisks. Destruction says that there is nothing permanent in the world, and as soon as a certain process is completed, the laws of destruction come into force, preparing the ground for new achievements.

The sand is carefully collected in a bowl, which is then carried to the river or the sea, accompanied by chants and prayers, and poured into the water. This is how the inhabitants of Tibet share the beneficial energy concentrated in their mandala with the world, making it a little cleaner and brighter.

Sacred patterns in the traditions of different nations

Despite the fact that the sacred geometric matrix is ​​considered an invention of the East, similar symbols existed among many peoples. For example, among the ancient Celts, the mandala served as a channel for communication with ancestors, spirits and gods. She was asked to fulfill a cherished desire, provide protection or protect from malicious intent.

The Navajo Indians, like the Tibetans, created planar compositions of sand, including images of gods, people, sacred animals, and cosmic symbols. It was believed that by standing in the center of the picture, you can be healed and receive the protection of higher powers. Patterns were applied not only with tinted sand, but also with crushed coal, plant pollen, flower petals and pieces of bark.

In Rus', for a long time there was an amulet "God's Eye", which consisted of colored filament squares braiding a cruciform base. It was hung over a crib or opposite the front door to protect itself from an unkind look. A very similar "Eye" can be found among the Uchioli Indian tribe, which now lives in Mexico.

Modern amulets

If in the East sacred symbolism is used for meditation and self-examination, practical people of the West pay more attention to its protective functions. They want to improve their health and emotional background, relieve stress, improve relationships with loved ones or find love. It is believed that a properly made mandala helps in all of these areas.

Psychologists often resort to symbolic ornaments to determine the state of mind of patients. There is even a special term - mandalotherapy, when the session participants are offered to relax and draw sacred circles by inspiration, gradually introducing into a trance. At the same time, a person reveals to the psychologist internal problems that he might otherwise not have dared to voice and, through awareness, gets rid of them.

In addition to drawings and sand, there are also sacred compositions from plants, shells or other natural materials, embroidery, appliqués, and so on. But most often practiced weaving mandalas with their own hands from natural threads. This is one of the oldest techniques for creating amulets, which has not yet lost its relevance.

Threads for amulets should be only natural: woolen or cotton (mulina). "Iris" is also suitable, it looks very impressive and due to torsion it does not slip on the base.

Synthetic yarn, despite its aesthetic appearance, is not suitable for protective needlework, as it collects a static charge that does not have the best effect on the energy of the product. From a practical point of view, artificial threads begin to sag over time and break the shape of the circle.

Creating a "working" amulet

Even very beautiful products of craftswomen do not always give the desired effect. They do not have the magical power to grant wishes, harmonize space, or protect.

This means that some rules were not observed during the manufacture:

  1. During weaving, it is necessary to distract from everything extraneous and delve into yourself. It is undesirable to talk about trifles and domestic troubles, and even more so to quarrel or discuss someone. TV and other sources of information should be turned off.
  2. Thoughts must be positive. You need to wish for yourself or the person for whom the protective disk is being made, the realization of aspirations.
  3. Threads are wound on the base with smooth, unhurried movements. Due to this, a meditative state is achieved, which allows filling the product with high-quality energy. You can sing beautiful folk or lyrical songs.
  4. It is important to abandon the threads of dark or "dirty" shades that cause negative associations.
  5. It is undesirable to interrupt the creative process and postpone the end of the product for a long time. It is better to weave on a growing moon, then the result will be perfect.

Color is of fundamental importance when creating amulets. Gamma is selected depending on the function of the magic item. Some shades can "interfere" with each other, so their sacred symbolism must be known in advance.

Colour magical properties
RedCommunication with the family, increased vitality, attraction of passionate love, protection from aggression.
GreenHealing from diseases, creating inner harmony and balance, awakening a craving for learning, improving relations between spouses.
BlueRelieves stress, calms, strengthens family ties.
BlueDevelops intuition.
YellowFills with solar energy, gives cheerfulness and optimism.
PurpleSupports noble aspirations.
PurpleHelps women.
BrownResponsible for fertility and everything connected with it.
OrangeActivates leadership qualities, emphasizes external charm.
WhiteIt opens up new possibilities, clears thoughts, is associated with motherhood and protection.

If you want to calm down and find inner balance, you need to use white when weaving, as well as shades of green, blue and blue. Reds or oranges are best avoided. And, on the contrary, to activate life, more sunny, warm tones are required, slightly “diluted” with emerald and salad colors.

The simplest weaving for beginners

Creating thread amulets is a soothing and exciting needlework that is accessible to everyone. It is based on the braiding of a wooden base of 8 crossed sticks. It is important to move in a circle all the time and follow the chosen “step”. Sticks can be anything. For large items, bamboo skewers are chosen, or twigs of a tree similar in energy, and brooches or pendants are made from toothpicks.

Masters advise starting with weaving small amulets, since it is easier to see on them, and then correct the shortcomings.

Master class: "Weaving a mandala for beginners"

You will need:

  • bamboo skewers, 4 pieces;
  • woolen threads for knitting: all colors of the rainbow + white and purple.

We tie the first 2 skewers in the middle with a thread and fix its end. Next, we turn one of the sticks at a right angle and braid it crosswise, fixing it in this position.

Moving in a circle (preferably clockwise), we wrap each of the 4 wooden "beams" with a thread - we get a square. We continue weaving until we pick up the middle of a sufficient size. With a thread of a different color, we do the same with the second 2 skewers.

We combine both parts of the product, turning them at 90º. We tie a thread of a new shade, which was not yet in the product, to one of the previous ones and “bypass” all 8 “rays”. We make sure that the distance between them is the same. The product acquires an octagonal shape.

The next stage is weaving through 1 "beam". We draw the thread under the “uncovered” skewer and fasten it to the next one. Again, it turns out not an octagon, but a square. Then braid the next 4 skewers. You can take several different shades of thread, vary the width of the stripes, in a word, full scope for creativity.

According to this scheme, we continue to cover 4 "beams" in turn. Here's what happens in the end:

We complete the composition by moving to the octagon. The free edges of the amulet can be trimmed or decorated with feathers, tassels, beads, making it, for example, a "dream catcher".

"Celtic Knot"

Having mastered the weaving of mandalas with your own hands, you can move on to more complex and impressive variations. The “Celtic knot”, which is sometimes also called the Tibetan knot, is made according to a slightly different pattern and turns out not to be round, but square. Such compositions are created primarily for meditation, but can also serve as amulets.

They are also called "knots of happiness and infinity." Those who give lessons in such weaving are sure that it helps to organize their lives, highlight important points and give up everything unnecessary. Perhaps, after the manufacture of such beauty, the surrounding reality will magically change. In any case, the house will definitely become more comfortable and attractive.

The basis for the "Celtic knot" is also made of bamboo sticks, but laid in a lattice of 9 squares.

How to care for a talisman

If the mandala is not just a spectacular interior decoration, but a coastline and protector, it needs proper care. All measures are aimed at "recharging" the sacred instrument with positive natural energy so that it does not lose its strength.

A broken or dilapidated amulet is better not to be thrown into the trash, but to be burned.

But, as a rule, such products "live" for a very long time. Especially if you regularly perform the simplest and most accessible actions:

  • fumigation with aromatic herbs or oriental incense for cleansing;
  • placement on the window so that the product is saturated with sunlight and someone else's negative is gone;
  • admiration of the amulet.

The last point is very important. There is communication and feeding of the product at the energy level. Only you need to admire not with strangers, and in general it is undesirable to discuss the amulet with anyone other than the closest people - you should not draw attention to it.

The more love is invested in an amazing universal ornament, the more joy it will bring in return.


Mandala (Skt. मण्डल, “circle”, “disk”) is a geometric symbol that is interpreted as a model of the universe, a “map of the cosmos”. The typical shape is an outer circle, inscribed in a square, inscribed in an inner circle, which is often segmented or lotus-shaped. The outer circle is the Universe, the inner circle is the dimension of deities, bodhisattvas, buddhas. The square between them is oriented to the cardinal points.

Circular images, similar to mandalas, existed among all peoples.

The very shape of the circle is the main feature of many sacred centers and prehistoric places of worship and worship of the gods. The ancient peoples perceived the world as a sphere, believed in the cyclicity of what was happening, therefore, in the image of a circle (mandala), the past, present and future were reunited for them. The circle has no beginning, no end, no direction - like the firmament. But if spokes are put on a circle, then it will become a symbol of a wheel, which will immediately demonstrate a new quality - dynamics - the movement of the world, the course of history. Not only "mythical", but also quite real structures have the shape of a circle. From ancient Greek myths, we know that the temple of Apollo in the country of the Hyperboreans was round, the “royal city” of Plato on Atlantis consisted of a system of concentric circles of land and water. The cult building of Stonehenge, built in the 8th-5th century. BC. consists of several ring structures, the sacred temple of Arkaim, shaman drums, Chinese bronze mirrors, on the reverse side of which was placed a diagram of the Universe ... You can continue for a long time. Many temples in various religious traditions are built according to the mandala pattern.

The creation of a mandala, according to psychotherapists, leads to a meditative state that makes us especially receptive to the messages of our inner world.

Psychoanalyst Carl Gustav Jung considered the mandala an excellent tool for inner transformation on the path of self-realization. He studied the mandalas with keen interest and drew them himself. By the way, Jung drew attention to the fact that in difficult life periods, our unconscious often prompts us to draw something like a mandala or see such figures in a dream.

The numerous geometric shapes that are contained in the mandala represent aspects of the personality, structured more or less symmetrically. Once you find the resonance between them, reconcile them with each other, and you will see the way to the center of your own personality.

Mandalas are original pictures of the world, expressing the inner world of a person, as well as objects of Power that protect the house and owner.

Before coloring or drawing your own mandala, if you have a problem, you can voice it and ask the future mandala to be its solution. The colors and shapes of the mandala will "come" according to your mood.

The mandala, as a crystallization of an emotional-personal state, can symbolize various experiences, for example, “Concentric circles in the mandala or their various variants are associated ... with the womb, navel, orifice, birth ...” (Roheim, 1973). Also, such a structure of the emerging mandala can symbolize a “target”, pressure, threat, protective rituals.

Drawing a mandala, an analytical conversation on the mandala helps to realize the feelings that have arisen and the situations that caused these feelings. Accordingly, it becomes possible to change your attitude to the situation or change the situation itself.


Mandala is an object that projects the inner state of a person, his unconscious, "the reality of the inner world." Mandala weaving comes from Central and South America - they were woven by the Indians of the Huichol tribe. They called their creation "Ojo de Dio" - "Eyes of God", in the language of the tribe the word "Sikuli" was used, which translates as "the ability to see the invisible."

The Indians weaved mandalas, most often, in order to protect their home and family, and they always hung them in the open and most visible place in the house, and also used them for ritual and decorative purposes.

With the right work with the Mandala, a person is able to understand the deep dark corners of his soul, understand the true causes of his problems and the “keys” for solving them, understand what he really wants and expects from life.

Let us dwell more specifically on each method of weaving so that you can understand what you need.

Intuitive (meditative) way of weaving

Intuitive weaving: first, a little meditation, after which a person, without hesitation, begins to choose the initial colors for his work. At this moment, the Heart is responsible for choosing the color, the main thing is not to think, but plunge into this process with Love.

Each time, unique creations are born, filled with the Love of the person who created the Mandala. Completed Mandalas fascinate with marvelous patterns, geometry, color combinations, overflow of shades!

For kids
Weaving Mandalas is a great activity: concentration of attention, development of motor skills, color therapy, development of creative abilities - and just a good mood!

For adults the process of weaving has a deeper meaning: there is an immersion in oneself, where the train of thought stops and all attention is directed to the creation of the Mandala. Just at such moments, amazing processes take place: insight, understanding and solution of the problem can come. The finished Mandala is often a reflection of the inner "I". So a person gets a chance to learn something new about himself. This happens precisely with intuitive weaving, when colors are chosen without thinking where the hand will lie.

There is another quite interesting kind of intuitive weaving, when colors are chosen with closed eyes. First, there is an immersion "into the depths" of the tormenting question, problem, and after immersion in meditation, a person, without opening his eyes, begins to choose colors, and then, opening his eyes, begins weaving. In the course of such intuitive weaving, the solution to the problem can come by itself, or with further work with your Mandala (here the chosen colors and geometric shapes will play the main role).

Weaving Mandala "On a wish"

Creating a Mandala, you weave your Desire, Intention and Thoughts into it, thread by thread, without letting go of this image. When you complete the Mandala, you need to hang it in the most prominent place and let go of the desire, forget about it for a while. You won't even notice how the intention itself will be embodied in Life!

Weaving Healing Mandalas and Chakra Mandalas

The process is aimed at activation and harmonization of energy centers, "self-healing". Promotes the opening of a blocked chakra, or its strengthening.

Weaving Mandala-Amulets

With your own hands, you can create a charm for yourself, your home, or for your family and friends.

The main levels that exist in the Mandala are:

The first level is the mandala of our body. If we look down on our structure of centers, the contours of the chakras will intersect with each other, and we will see a complex pattern of a mandala.

The second level - when we stand in a circle of women, we make up the middle mandala. And if you look from above, we will see her constantly changing pattern through the dance.

The third level is the mandala of the universe. We connect with the energy fields of the earth and sky and all directions of the cardinal points. In this process, we dissolve as one.


Mandala is not just a beautiful pattern and an interesting amulet that guards your home. With the help of a mandala, you can solve many issues in your life.

What is curious - you practically do not have to do anything! Working with a mandala is like magic: all the changes in your life happen as if by themselves! Since the mandala is directly connected with your subconscious, it will miraculously set up your life situation so that it becomes possible to find what you want in it.

You will need:

- Hang the mandala on the wall so that you can see it.

Decide for yourself what you want in life.

- Every time your thought touches your desire, look at the mandala. Try to smile at the same time, charge the mandala with positive energy!

What is it and why are they still weaving?

Mandalas are schematic drawings often used by the inhabitants of the East, in particular in Hinduism and Buddhism. With their help, people passed on information from generation to generation. Wisdom, knowledge, history, traditions - all this was encrypted with the help of alternating colors and weaving elements. The Indian mandala is a kind of Amulet, it helps not only to understand oneself, but also to find ways to solve important life problems. Weaving a mandala is similar to meditation - this activity calms, puts thoughts in order and helps to achieve inner harmony. Decorative mandalas fascinate with the play of colors and their unusualness. They are a reflection of the inner world of the creator at the time of their weaving. And it will depend on your inner state which colors you choose for your mandala.

The word "mandala" in translation means "circle", "disk". In spiritual traditions, a mandala is not just a circle or pattern. This is a whole model of the universe, which is harmony and reconciliation with the world.

Carl Gustav Jung was one of the first European scientists who studied mandalas very seriously. In his autobiography, Memories, Dreams, Reflections, Jung recounts how, in 1916, he drew his first mandala, and two years later he was drawing new mandalas in his notebook every day. He found that each drawing reflected his inner life at the moment, and began to use these drawings to record his "psychic transformation." Ultimately, Jung came to the conclusion that the mandala method is the way to our center, to the discovery of our unique individuality.

Mandalas have become so popular that all over the world mandalas are painted, weaved, built and so on.

Images of mandalas are already found in the earliest, primitive cultures. The circle symbolizes sacred territory, a place of power, so the mandala is able to protect against hostile forces. In addition, the mandala personifies the connection with the Absolute, with higher powers. Its center is the image of the Sun, the Heavenly Door. Many Hindu temples are built in the form of mandalas - they are a combination of circles and squares and symbolize the different levels of the cosmos. They include mandalas and images of the human personality, which will have to go the WAY FROM ITS OWN EGO TO THE ABSOLUTE, gradually moving from one level of the universe to another. Images of demons are reminiscent of base passions, those parts of the psyche that impede the path to enlightenment. In the esoteric plane, the mandala symbolizes integrity, the unity of spirit and matter, male and female principles, etc.

The mandala is also an aid in meditation, the purpose of which is to overcome disunity and achieve unity with God, as well as integrity with all conscious aspects of oneself.

Indian MANDALA Ojo de Dios

Ojo de Dios (read as “ojo de dios”), or the Eye of God, were given to us by the Huichol Indian tribe, who lived in the Sierra Madre mountains in Mexico. The Huichols deeply respected nature. The weaving of the ojo de dios mandala starts from the center - the square "eye". The four corners of the amulet symbolize the 4 natural elements: earth, fire, air and water.

Ojo de Dios is the most famous of their symbols. The Indians believe that the "eye" pattern can heal and protect. Ojo de Dios is hung on the wall and used in rituals and prayers. The colors used in weaving the amulet also have their own meanings.

The weaving of any mandala is a mystical process, the weaving itself brings incredible joy and energizes the mandala itself and the one who creates it. Often you don’t even know how the mandala will turn out at the very end, it kind of weaves itself and gradually reveals itself in the process.

In general, Ojo de Dios amulets are destined to bring good luck.

Treat yourself or make a wonderful gift for your loved ones!

If you know that you are more than just a body, if you feel your connection with the Universe and the divine principle, if you are looking for answers to innermost questions, the mandala will help you discover a new facet of yourself.

This is a MASTER CLASS for those who want to:

Find out what is happening in the depths of the subconscious?

What drives us at every moment of our lives?

What makes us make certain decisions?

And how to change life for the better?

Who wants to plunge into the world of creativity and beauty

Get practical proof of your talent

Get an effective tool to manage your energy, mood, mind and creative energy.

By creating a mandala in different shapes and colors, you express your inner "I" and achieve harmony. You change with her. At the moment of creating a mandala, time disappears, and you are immersed in an unusually beautiful world of colors and sensations.

To create a mandala, it is not at all necessary to be able to draw or do something with your hands. The secret is to just start doing it. And then everything will work out.

How can a mandala help you?

Creating a personal mandala is a powerful resource tool that you will learn to use in the future for any of your goals.

You will create an individual symbol that will reflect who you are at the moment. The circle of the mandala invites the conflicting parts of our inner reality to emerge and come into interaction with each other. Therefore, while drawing mandalas, the existing conflict is resolved, and tension is relieved.

In the process of creating Mandalas, you achieve

Increase self-esteem;

Harmonization of the work of the left and right hemispheres

Strengthening the nervous system, improving mental health;

Increasing stress resistance and adaptation

Development of creativity and intuition

Internal Resource Disclosure

Each session follows the following structure:

1. Meditation exercises (10 minutes)

2. Creating (weaving) your own mandala

The combination of deep relaxation and special music will unleash your creativity and give you the opportunity to rise from the depths of your subconscious to those symbols that correspond to your current mood and the problem you want to solve. Having expressed your state when weaving a mandala using materials of various colors, you can not only feel, but also see what worries you and prevents you from living harmoniously.

Expected effect

Weaving a mandala will help you step into the world of harmony and inspiration, calmness and self-confidence.

The technique of weaving mandalas is simple, even 7-8-year-old children can learn it! However, it is worth noting that the weaving process itself is something more than ordinary needlework! This is deep work with your subconscious.

The colors of the threads from which mandalas are created play one of the most important roles in weaving. Each color and its shades have their own specific meanings, and in the diagnostic Mandalas, their combinations and combinations can tell more deeply about the presence of a problem and ways to solve it. If this is a Mandala of Desire, then the color of the threads and the pattern itself are selected carefully, depending on the color image of the finished shape of your goal.

Not everyone knows how to draw their self-portraits in their classical sense. But the Mandala woven by you personally is nothing but your self-portrait! So a lot can be said about it. After all, if you have already started weaving, it means that you are ready to get answers to your questions, as well as to live new, previously unknown states that the Universe has prepared for you!

Sign up for the MASTER CLASS "Mandala - the key to yourself", or "Magic mandalas from threads" (here, in a group or in a personal message).

A hand-made mandala will become your personal amulet, help you solve emotional problems, strengthen your memory, expand your worldview and significantly improve your health. You can meditate on ready-made images, but once you start practicing weaving and drawing them yourself, you will see how effective it is.

Meaning of the mandala

Mandala (emphasis on the first syllable) is equivalent to a sphere, space, totality. In ancient Indian literature, you can find a lot of meanings. For Buddhists, it is also dishes for offering during rituals, as well as a symbol of the universe, in the esoteric direction - the pure land of the Buddhas. The mandala is nothing but a mystical diagram, consisting of a circle inscribed in a square, which is again enclosed in a circle. Each geometric figure has its own meaning. For example, the outer circle symbolizes the universe, and the inner circle symbolizes the dimension in which enlightened beings live and where everyone else can go.

Each color used in the scheme is associated with one of the wisdoms and a deity.

Together, each element is an aspect of spiritual awakening. For any mandala, whether it be woven from threads or depicted in the sand, there is a pronounced central part and four directions. The square corresponds to the cardinal points. From every corner there is a kind of "gate" to the universe. In addition, the square is divided into five parts, taking into account the central one. The center, as a rule, is painted blue, the southern part of the square is yellow, the northern part is green, the eastern part is white and the western part is red.

A mandala for a specific purpose can be created from colored powders on any flat surface. After contemplating it for 1-3 minutes, the powders are mixed, erasing the created pattern. This symbolizes the trust of the universe - you give the right to higher powers to form circumstances for you in the best possible way.

Mandalas decorate the ceilings, floors and walls of temples, draw on any flat surface, cut out of metal, stones or wood. You can draw it on paper or fabric. Even for those who do not practice Buddhism, meditation on a set of geometric shapes will help restore inner harmony, become a source of energy, clarify consciousness, deal with their own emotions, and even strengthen memory and the ability to concentrate. Weaving develops motor skills of the hands. The easiest option is to use basic mandalas and paint them yourself in different colors, choosing them intuitively.

When starting to work with a mandala, always remember two main images - a circle, symbolizing cosmic infinity, and a square, a symbol of the earth. Mystics believe that the amulet will guide you and fill you with energy. However, the external form is not the main thing, although it is strictly structured. The power of the mandala is in the center, from which comes the energy that takes on that very form.

The scheme for creating a talisman

The mandala is based on four wooden sticks. You can use small toothpicks for mandalas or larger skewers and knitting needles. It is better to weave a charm from woolen threads. They are easier for beginners to work with.. Mark the middle on each needle. After that, take two of them and tie them tightly in the center with threads. Turn one stick at a 90 degree angle. Secure again with thread, wrapping around the place where they cross. The base is ready. After that, you can start weaving the pattern.

Start creating small charms, it is easier to combine colors and correct mistakes in them.

With a thread of the same color, stretch from one edge of the mandala to the other, following the pattern. Fix the thread by wrapping it around the stick. When moving to another color, tie a knot on one of the sticks and continue to weave the "lines" of the mandala until the transition to the next color. To create complex geometric patterns, you will need another base, that is, two sticks fixed in a similar way.

Before creating your first mandala, practice weaving it. All techniques are quite simple, your task is not just to create a drawing, but to listen to your heart and select colors intuitively.

They need to be connected and continue to weave the mandala already on four sticks. As for the drawings, you can use ready-made diagrams that include the main elements - a circle, a square - or create your own diagram, depending on the purpose of creation. The second option is considered even more preferable by some experts, since you are creating a unique thing with a specific energy program that it will carry out.

Color solution for health protection and promotion

If you are working on a talisman against witchcraft and any negative programs, use yellow and orange threads. It will not only repel energy attacks, but also cleanse you of the evil eye and damage. Golden yellow - this color combination will help you quickly cleanse yourself of negativity, provide a constant flow of vital energy, neutralize depression and strengthen your will. In addition, it will put the digestive system in order, cleanse the skin and heal emotional wounds. The yellow-orange mandala will be very useful for nervous exhaustion.

To develop intuition, communication skills, to recognize the true attitude of certain people towards you, weave from blue and blue threads. The blue mandala is also a powerful amulet against black magic. She effectively copes with such negative programs as the evil eye and damage, and bestows peace. Blue zones are responsible for clarity of thought. The blue-blue mandala will purify the blood, support the work of the thyroid gland, free from fears and obsessions.

Before weaving or drawing a mandala, meditate for a minute or two in a calm environment. After that, determine the main color that will dominate the mandala drawing.

If you want to protect yourself from financial scams and generally improve your financial situation, choose threads of all shades of green for the mandala. The green mandala will make you emotionally stronger, strengthen the cardiovascular and nervous systems, help you always clearly see goals and follow them, reaching new heights in your chosen profession. Constant work with the green mandala will help to achieve well-being and emotional stability. A mandala made of green and blue threads will help reduce the level of aggressiveness and make a person more restrained.

A mandala dominated by red will protect you from unkind people and various accidents.

The red amulet will strengthen willpower, make you fearless and prudent, but by no means reckless. Regular use of a bright red mandala helps to expand consciousness, develop clairvoyant abilities, and helps with blood diseases and depressive states.

The purple mandala also has the ability to protect from all types of danger. Its second pronounced property is the disclosure of healing abilities. If it predominantly uses white color, then its owner will be able to quickly develop the ability to learn and assimilate large amounts of new information. This option is perfect for schoolchildren and students.

Mandala work for emotional healing

Since the mandala is a model of the universe, all the elements are present in it: water, earth, air, fire, ether. The image is balanced in every way, aesthetically pleasing and evokes spontaneous visual concentration. Mandala contemplation will teach you how to work with internal images that you previously unknowingly blocked in order to force out unwanted memories. This happens if a child experiences a certain traumatic situation in childhood. After the tragedy experienced, the subconscious, trying to defend itself, does not fully realize the images, sounds, or sensations of one's own body.

Contemplation of the mandala is a kind of meditation that allows you to hear the voice of the inner Self

As a result, a person grows up and considers it normal to remember faces, names, events poorly, and perceives the deterioration of visual acuity as an inevitable component of the modern lifestyle. Contemplation of the mandala will help solve both the first and second problems. For this purpose, you can use a standard image - print it out and fix it on a dense base, for example, on a sheet of cardboard. Choose a time for yourself for 10-15 minute classes. At this time, no one should disturb you. Sit in a comfortable position, place the picture at eye level, so that your spine remains straight and relaxed without having to lower or raise your head. Relax your neck.

Look at the image. Try to note what elements it consists of, what colors it is painted in. Fix your eyes on the center of the image. Gradually, you will learn to see the whole picture.

At the same time, gently record your own thoughts. Periodically, thoughts will take you away. This is a normal process. As soon as you have noted this, return again to contemplation. What exactly were you thinking about when you looked at the mandala? After that, take a pen and notebook and write down three words that you associate with the subject of reflection. They will reflect the essence of the problem that you need to solve in order to get rid of internal blocks and find harmony again.

Mandala is a powerful tool for revealing the potential hidden inside a person, revealing abilities, cleansing and protecting from negative programs. Like any other occult technique, working with a mandala requires regularity and a serious approach.

Mandalas are Indian amulets known since ancient times. With the help of mandalas, the Indians transmitted encrypted messages to each other, because each combination of colors and shades, patterns and weaves carry a certain semantic load, mean something.

Meaning of the mandala

The Indian mandala is becoming increasingly popular in Russia. This amulet is not just an original interior decoration. A properly woven mandala helps to find a way to yourself, answer many questions, with its help you can put your thoughts in order and comprehend inner harmony.

In addition, the mandala is very beautiful. Making mandalas with his own hands, each master uses threads of close, pleasant colors for him. Each combination is unique, it reflects the inner world of the author. Listen to yourself, your inner state, and pick up yarn for your unique mandala. Perhaps you will get a really energetically powerful mandala.

DIY mandala weaving

Step 1

Provide yourself with materials. You will need: wooden sticks (you can use Chinese sticks or any wooden slats), thread (preferably natural wool), scissors. If you are planning to weave a small mandala to begin with, toothpicks will be enough.

Step 2

Tie two sticks with threads in the middle and unfold them crosswise. You should get a neat, even cross.

Step 3

To securely fix the sticks, weave them with threads around, diagonally, circle by circle.

Step 4

When you feel that the cross is fixed in the desired position, continue weaving. Wind each stick sequentially with a thread, making a “loop”, as it were, and then stretch the thread to the next stick.

Step 5

Weaving a small square of threads of one or more colors, carefully secure the end of the thread by making a knot. Repeat all steps with another pair of sticks. You have two identical elements.

Step 6

Lay one cross on top of the other so that you get an eight-pointed star. Make sure that the star is even, so that the distance between its rays is the same. Fasten the beginning of the thread on the lower cross and continue to weave on all the sticks.

Step 7

Fasten both crosses with a rosette weave. This is a very simple weaving - you need to loop every third stick, and then skip two, but this technique should be repeated many times, while maintaining the rigidity of the weave and constantly monitoring the evenness of the location of the sticks.

Step 8

When both squares are securely fastened, and the “rosette” turns out to be beautiful and even, you can proceed to weaving with a square, that is, through one stick, first grabbing the lower sticks, and on the next circle, the upper ones. You will see how, after a few rows, two squares will begin to appear in you - the upper and lower. When you see fit, cut and secure the end of the thread.

Step 9

It's time to use your imagination and weave any pattern with any thread, alternating different colors and weaving methods. Be sure to leave approximately ¼ of the length of the wooden sticks in order to properly complete the weaving process.

Step 10

Most often, they complete the work by weaving a “belt”, this is a technique when each stick is wrapped with threads in turn, creating an even octagon. When there are very small tips of the sticks, alternately wrap each tip, first up and then down, continuing the pattern and moving on to the next wooden tip. In conclusion, do not forget to fasten the thread.

Olga Moiseeva for the Women's magazine "Charm"

Buddhists and Hindus have come up with many ways to depict a mandala for everyday life, but one of the most common is considered to be a mandala woven from threads. If at first it will be quite difficult to figure out what and where, then after several unsuccessful attempts, insight comes to you and weaving a mandala becomes a fairly simple and entertaining activity.

Such accessories are often used as amulets by teenagers from 10 to 17 years old, but there are also many lovers of this kind of needlework among adults. You can simply put a homemade mandala in your pocket or bag and carry it with you. They are very light, but at the same time durable, of course, if you use good threads and warp.

Tip: first decide exactly how you want your amulet to look. For example, you can draw a sketch on paper.

But not everyone knows how to weave such a talisman. A master class on weaving a mandala from threads with our own hands will help us with this.

Thread mandala: step by step MK with photos

First step

First, let's figure out what materials we need.

1) Woolen or cotton threads. Choose the color of the threads yourself, but choose wisely.

2) 2 sticks. You can use toothpicks if the size of the product is not important to you.

3) Scissors.

Second phase

Now that all the necessary items are collected, you can start weaving a mandala.

First we need to fasten the sticks together. To do this, we tie them with a knot in the middle and start wrapping them several times. Rewind as tightly as possible.

Move the sticks apart to make a cross.

Then, we rewind several times along one diagonal around the middle of the cross.

After several times in the other direction.

P.S. make sure that the sticks do not lose their position! They should form a cross (one stick is perpendicular to the other).

We wrap the same thread around each stick in turn. Using the method, going with a thread from above, then wrapping the stick, and again through the top, moving on to the next one.

Tie a knot on the wrong side and cut off the excess thread.

We take a new one and again tie a knot on the wrong side, we continue to weave, as if nothing had happened.

It is encouraged to use different colors. So we continue until the sticks run out.

As soon as the sticks run out, we tie a strong double knot on the very edge of one of them (on the inside), cut off the thread.

Your first simple thread mandala is ready!

We also offer you to view a master class on weaving a mandala with beads:

And the technique of a quick four-pointed mandala without full braiding:

And here is the simplest scheme:

Indian mandala

This type of weaving will already be more difficult, but if you are not afraid of difficulties in front of your cherished goal, then this mandala is for you.

We will need:

1) 4 sticks. Preferably not as small as toothpicks.

2) Threads. Several colors.

3) Scissors.

So, the Indian mandala is eight-rayed, which means that we need to weave two completely identical squares (of two sticks each) and connect them together.

We make a strong cross, as in the previous instructions, which you can find above.

Do not forget to wind on a different diagonal.

We wrap each stick of the cross in turn, winding the thread first up, and then returning it to ourselves and moving on to the next stick.

When you have decided that your square is ready, cut the thread with a small margin and tie a knot on any stick.

We take the next thread and tie it to any stick, then wrap it as if nothing had happened, holding the knots along the way. Wrap the previous knot with new thread.

P.S. Tighten the threads tightly, otherwise the mandala will turn out sagging.

You can give the square another color border, but don't overdo it.

Now the first square is ready, which means you can start making the second one. The second part of the mandala will be for the reverse side, which means you should not be too zealous with its color scheme. But make the same rhombus in the center as in the first part.

Now, with the help of the rays pattern, we connect two mandalas together. To do this, we tie a new thread to a double knot on any stick of the upper (first) square.

We impose one square on another so that the rays of the second are between the rays of the first.

The most interesting! We take the tied thread and lower it onto the third nearest neighboring beam, wrapping it around.

Now our task is to tie each subsequent stick in two! That is, now we are on the bottom stick, the next top (1), the next bottom (2) and the next top again! She is what we need. Hold the mandala firmly so that it does not come out crooked.

Braid the mandala in this way with two or three more colors.

Now take another thread and tie a knot on any stick, start winding all the sticks in sequence. This is called a belt.

Weave the belt with several threads.

We take a new thread and tie a knot on the stick of the upper square. Now we braid each stick through one, passing under the bottom one, that is, the next one will be the next top one.

We weave the same symmetrical square on the lower sticks.

Weave several layers with one type of weaving.

At the end, weave the belt in several colors to give the design a complete look.

Indian mandala is ready!

There is also a video:

How to make a clock based on an Indian mandala:

Quick Indian Mandala:


With the help of such magical accessories, many needlewomen try to get to know themselves and their inner world, or simply to please relatives and close friends. What to do with the resulting design now is up to you. It will look great anywhere and is not very conspicuous, but at the same time it performs its main function - attracting energy. What kind of energy is up to you to decide: if you think only about the bad, then only bad energy will be attracted, and there will only be more problems.
