How to strengthen the oval of the face at home. Necessary cosmetics

The first thing that comes to mind when it comes to a facelift is plastic surgery. However, not everyone wants and can expose themselves to radical influences. In this case, numerous minimally and non-invasive anti-aging techniques are a compromise option.

This is a whole layer of various procedures that allow you to improve the condition of the skin, get rid of sagging tissues and add clarity to the oval without surgery and the difficulties associated with it.

The main advantages of such techniques compared to surgery are relatively low cost, low trauma and fewer contraindications. At the same time, with their help, it is far from always possible to obtain such an impressive result as after the operation, and it does not last as long, usually up to 2-3 years, which partly levels out the cost benefit.

The main methods of non-surgical tightening

All non-surgical facelift procedures can be divided into several large groups:

Injection lifting and facial rejuvenation

Plasmolifting or PRP Therapy is an injection of the patient's own blood (or rather, plasma that has undergone special pre-treatment). The course is 4-5 sessions, the result is stored for about 1 year. Plasmolifting acts both locally, at the cellular level of the skin, triggering the synthesis of collagen fibers, and has a rejuvenating effect on the entire body as a whole - it stimulates the immune system, starts the processes of cell regeneration and renewal. Also, plasma, like a biological glue, attaches the skin of the face to the underlying structures, eliminating. After completing the course, the skin is smoothed, becomes more elastic, toned, small wrinkles disappear and deep wrinkles decrease.

If meso- and plasmolifting have a complex effect on the entire face, tightening and rejuvenating it, then contour plastic fillers And botulinum therapy designed to specifically address specific age-related problems.

  • Filler injections are designed to fill deep wrinkles, replenish the volume of missing tissues, and correct facial contours. Today, cosmetologists have at their disposal a wide range of preparations, mainly based on high-density hyaluronic acid, designed to correct certain age-related facial defects. The most popular brands:,.
  • Botulinum therapy uses preparations based on botulinum toxin type A, which blocks the nerve endings in the injection zone and prevents them from contracting facial muscles. As a result, the skin is smoothed and even deep mimic wrinkles are reduced or disappear completely. The most famous drugs:,.
  • See also the article ""

The effect of contouring and botulinum therapy lasts for about 8-12 months, depending on the activity of metabolic processes and other individual characteristics of the body.

Hardware tightening methods

The principle of operation of most methods hardware lifting the same - the subcutaneous tissue is heated by a directed effect, which stimulates the compaction of existing collagen fibers and the production of new collagen and elastin. As a result, wrinkles are smoothed out, pores are narrowed, the skin is tightened and becomes elastic. The main differences between such procedures are in what type of energy is used (laser, radio waves, etc.). Otherwise, they are very similar: they are carried out in courses of 3-5 sessions, and the duration of the result is about 2 years. Today the most popular are the following methods:

  • - laser energy is used;
  • ELOS-lifting - is based on the impact of two types of energy at once - laser and light;
  • - radio waves of low power and high frequency are used.

Another option - microcurrent therapy, - works a little differently. Skin cells in this case are stimulated by microcurrents and specially designed biological preparations containing strong antioxidants that activate the natural mechanisms of skin regeneration.

The standard course of such a non-surgical facelift consists of 4-5 procedures once a week. The main advantages of this method include the minimum number of contraindications and complete harmlessness to the body. Microcurrents activate metabolism, normalize the chemical composition of cells, increase tissue elasticity - for this reason they are often used as a restorative procedure after surgical interventions.

This is a minimally invasive technique in which thin threads are inserted under the skin. Then they are pulled up, moving behind them and fixing the soft tissues in the desired position. The procedure is quick and safe, but still quite serious, so it should not be performed by a beautician working with the “outer part” of the face, but by a plastic surgeon who is well acquainted with its internal structure. Depending on the general indications and personal preferences of the patient can be used:

  • Non-absorbable threads (, Aptos, etc.) made from biocompatible materials such as polypropylene.
  • - are considered somewhat less effective, but they are made from polylactic acid, which does not remain under the skin, but completely resolves after a few months. In addition to the tightening itself, they have a beneficial effect on the general condition and health of the skin (similar to mesotherapy, hence the prefix "meso" in the name)

The result obtained lasts for an average of 2-3 years, after which you can put additional threads or choose a different technique (threads already installed will not interfere with either cosmetic procedures or surgical lifting). Some of the non-absorbable threads can be “tightened up” in the future, but there is no consensus among experts on the advisability of such manipulation.

These are quite traumatic and painful, but at the same time very effective procedures that can be used to enhance the regeneration processes in the skin, improve its color, smoothness and elasticity, and also eliminate many external defects (hyperkeratosis, hyperpigmentation, etc.).

  • During deep chemical peel phenol-based acidic compounds are applied to the face, which destroy the upper layers of the skin up to the middle of the reticular layer of the dermis. The procedure is carried out only in a clinical setting, under general anesthesia - as a full-fledged operation (for more details, see)
  • Deep laser resurfacing(SmartXide DOT, Fraxel devices) combines two processes: applying thermal microtraumas to the skin, which trigger internal recovery mechanisms in it, and vaporization (evaporation) of old cells. Modern fractional ablative lasers perform both of these actions at the same time, which allows you to achieve a more pronounced lifting effect in fewer sessions than with previous generation lasers.

The recovery period after deep peels is quite long (rehabilitation takes up to 2 weeks). The effect lasts for about 1 year. If we compare both procedures, then laser resurfacing has one important advantage - the ability to “on the go” adjust the power and depth of exposure. This allows you to select the optimal parameters for each zone, even very sensitive ones (eyelids, lips, neck), which cannot be achieved with chemical peeling. In addition, the cooling system makes it less painful, allowing the use of local anesthesia.

With the help of manual exposure, it is also possible to achieve a certain lifting effect, although there are very different opinions among experts regarding its severity and duration. The most demanded procedure from this group is sculptural facial massage(plasticizing massage, facial massage by Joel Siocco and other author's techniques).

The principle of its action is based on deep power study of mimic and non-mimic muscles of the face with simultaneous activation of lymphatic drainage. The masseur, as it were, "sculpts" the contours of the face, correcting problem areas. As a result, the oval becomes clearer, the manifestations of age-related changes decrease, muscle tension is relieved, and skin color improves.

The standard course is 10-12 sessions, which are held every 2-3 days. Further, supporting procedures are needed 2-3 times a month, which is a relative disadvantage of this method of non-surgical facelift. The obvious advantages of sculptural massage are painlessness, complete safety, no rehabilitation period, risk of complications, skin irritations. An obvious disadvantage is the results that are significantly less pronounced compared to other procedures described above.

How to choose the best non-surgical facelift technique?

In order to smooth out, and possibly completely eliminate the signs of aging, it is necessary to determine the causes of their appearance. This kind of diagnosis is one of the main tasks of a specialist cosmetologist or plastic surgeon. It is he who should be entrusted with the choice of a specific method of rejuvenation or their combination. In the case of a face, the question is usually how “deeply” age-related changes are localized:

  • If they affect mainly the skin - ie. we are talking about small wrinkles, a change in relief, a decrease in turgor - preference is given to methods that affect the dermal layer (restoration, compaction, strengthening of the elastin-collagen skeleton, polishing of existing defects). For this, peelings, thermolifting, plasma therapy, mesolifting are used.
  • In case of problems with the subcutaneous structures of the face (deep wrinkles, pronounced nasolacrimal grooves, cheeks, bags under the eyes, loss of clarity of the face oval, double chin), methods that affect the muscular frame and hypodermis are chosen. These include thread lift, botulinum therapy, contouring, microcurrents, sculptural massage.
  • In many cases, the changes affect both the skin and the internal structures, then to obtain a pronounced effect, a well-thought-out combination of several anti-aging techniques at once is necessary.

Expert opinion

Journalists of the site asked the leading cosmetologists of Moscow to comment on the effectiveness of the use of certain options for a non-surgical facelift, and also turned to plastic surgeons for a professional opinion:

plastic and maxillofacial surgeon, PhD:

The question is much simpler than it might seem. In order not to make a mistake with the choice of technique, not to go to the operation earlier than required, but also not to spend longer than expected in the offices of cosmetologists, you need to deal with only three things:

  • The state of soft tissues, the degree of their ptosis. If age-related changes have not gone too far, we can talk about non-surgical solutions. If we are talking about pronounced folds and rather large excesses of skin - do not waste time and money on cosmetology, do not engage in self-deception. By itself, excess skin will not disappear, it can only be removed with a scalpel, and only a plastic surgeon will help you here.
  • Age. Until the age of 40 (most often), cosmetic procedures work quite well. After 40, their effect becomes less noticeable, and after 50, if you need a real effect, and not just care, you should seriously think about the operation.
  • The desire of the patient. Only you determine who to go to and what you need. Not all women want to look 10-20 years younger, it is important for many to just look well-groomed and fresh enough for their age. This problem can be solved without surgery. Dull skin color, its flabbiness, fine wrinkles, age spots, etc. - cosmetologists cope with all these problems perfectly. But if you are not satisfied with the swollen contours of the face, overhanging eyelids, cheeks, bags under the eyes, a double chin or wrinkles on the neck - contact only the surgeon.
If you need a very small lift, pay attention to vector lifting with various threads or contouring. By repeating these procedures 1-2 times a year, you can postpone the operation for several years. You yourself will be able to understand when the effect you get ceases to suit you and the time comes to think about more radical methods.

leading cosmetologist of the Beauty Line clinic:

“Non-surgical techniques, of course, will not replace plastic surgery, but they are a good means of prevention and can delay a visit to the surgeon for a long time. It is advisable for women to resort to sparing braces (hardware cosmetology) from the age of 25. Almost each of the techniques listed in the article can help with certain subtle age-related changes. Our specialists use some of these procedures individually, but most often - as part of a comprehensive program.

So, after a surgical facelift, congestion may occur, which are well treated with the help of microcurrents. Contouring with fillers allows you to correct minor age-related changes, but in this case, plasma fillers (analogues of hyaluronic acid fillers that are produced from the patient's own blood) have proven themselves better.

Botulinum toxin A preparations, of course, give good results and it is impossible to replace them with analogues. RF-lifting also gives a good effect both for the prevention of aging and during maintenance therapy after plastic surgery. But phenol peeling is not used in our clinic because of its trauma.

A significant advantage of non-surgical facelift procedures is that they can be recommended to patients at a fairly young age, with mild age-related changes. For example, a gentle alternative to blepharoplasty can be plasma, laser or RF lifting, as well as mesothreads - what exactly to choose will depend on the "heaviness" of the skin, the depth of wrinkles, the age of the patient and the presence of certain contraindications.

plastic surgeon at the Estet Clinic:

“I want to note right away that, of course, none of the minimally invasive techniques is able to compete in terms of effectiveness with surgical operations. However, it often happens that the patient’s health does not allow such a step to be taken, or the specific situation does not yet require surgical intervention. In these cases, minimally invasive cosmetology comes to our aid.

Thread lifting, laser face lifting, RF-lifting techniques may well delay the need for surgery and serve as a kind of temporary replacement for surgical facelift techniques. Botulinum therapy and fillers can get rid of wrinkles. Plasmolifting improves skin turgor and its general condition. Peelings are also responsible for turgor, color and quality of the skin. These procedures are effective in their field of action, but they are not a direct alternative to plastic surgery.

Almost all the procedures described in the article are carried out at Estet Clinic, however, each of them has both indications and contraindications. In particular, for patients who come to us for a total facelift, I recommend plasmolifting before and after surgery, this allows you to shorten the rehabilitation period. But to carry out any hardware anti-aging procedures before surgery is not worth it.

cosmetologist at Frau Clinic, Ph.D.:

“Currently, there are a large number of effective methods of non-surgical facial rejuvenation, but it is important to understand the difference between the capabilities of a plastic surgeon and a cosmetologist. The surgeon creates the contour of the face, the cosmetologist improves the quality of the skin. And aging is manifested both in the omission of the skin and muscles, and in the decrease in skin tone, and in the deterioration of its quality. In total, there are about 5 types of aging, depending on their manifestations, and a rejuvenation program is being developed, including using non-surgical techniques.

The most effective today, I consider hardware procedures (laser fractional photothermolysis, laser thermolifting), RF lifting, as well as contouring and thread lifting. But it should be honestly noted that with severe ptosis and a large amount of subcutaneous fat, all types of hardware lifting are ineffective, since they affect the deep layers of the skin without affecting its surface. Also, the so-called 3D face modeling is very popular and effective, in which a set of measures is used: contour plastic, thread lifting, botulinum therapy.

In general, we have a fairly large selection of minimally invasive facelift methods in our arsenal, but for the best result, an integrated approach is always required. A single method, no matter how good, cannot solve ALL problems.”

In recent decades, procedures for the correction of facial contours have gained wide popularity. A gradual change in it in many people begins at about 25-30 years of age, and at 40 years old, to a greater or lesser extent, is observed in almost everyone, which is associated with a decrease in skin elasticity, muscle tone and ligaments of the face and neck. This is manifested by (sagging) tissues, a decrease in the clarity of the line of the lower jaw and chin, lowering of the corners of the lips, and the formation of "bags" under the eyes. Outwardly, these changes are perceived as age-related.

Methods for correcting the oval of the face and double chin without surgery

Various plastic surgeries are able to eliminate the signs of aging for a long time. But some people have contraindications to surgery, others are afraid of possible failures or complications. In addition, most women do not turn to plastic surgeons due to the high cost of treatment.

Currently, in cosmetology, there are many methods of tissue tightening, with the help of which non-surgical correction of the face oval is carried out, which can significantly slow down the processes of early or natural aging. The main methods are:

  1. peeling;
  2. injection techniques.

Chemical and physical peeling

It is carried out with chemical preparations in order to remove the surface layers of the skin, which helps to improve blood circulation, accelerate the processes of cell regeneration, increase the synthesis of elastin fibers, and the production of hyaluronic acid in tissues. All this leads to an increase in tone and a moderate lifting of the skin.

With mild and moderate skin ptosis, superficial and. For these purposes, (lactic, glycolic, azelaic, phytic, trichloroacetic), retinoids, a combination of lactic acid with salicylic and resorcinol are also used. Deep peeling is carried out using modern fractional ablative lasers or applying phenol derivatives to the skin. But this method is very traumatic and is sometimes indicated after the age of 60 years.

Injection techniques

These include mainly:

  1. Mesolifting, which is one of the varieties of mesotherapeutic procedures.
  2. PRP therapy.

All of them are carried out by intradermal or subcutaneous injection of one or a complex of certain drugs that promote lifting and increase skin tone.


The purpose of mesolifting, unlike mesotherapy, is to restore the elasticity and tone of the skin and tighten it, so that the contours become clear and the oval is restored. For these purposes, it is mainly used, the content of which in tissues becomes less and less with age. It can be used as monotherapy, but more often as one of the components of cocktails. They also include trace elements, vitamin and amino acid complexes that increase the effectiveness of hyaluronic acid. In total, up to 7 procedures are carried out - 1 procedure 1-2 times a week.

Facial oval correction with hyaluronic acid helps to improve blood supply and nutrition of the skin, its moisture, stimulates the function of fibroblasts, in which collagen and elastin proteins are synthesized. The result of these processes is an increase in the degree of tissue lifting.

Cosmetologists have a large arsenal of products based on hyaluronic acid - these are fillers. Correction of the face oval is characterized by greater efficiency and, especially, the duration of the preservation of the results obtained. Gels "Juvederm", "Restylane" and "Surgiderm" are especially popular.

Compared to pure hyaluronic acid, they have a higher density. The most "strong" fillers are considered to be various types of preparations of the trademark "". To improve the oval, it is necessary to carry out only 1 - 2 procedures with an interval of 1-2 weeks. The duration of the preservation of the effect depends on the area of ​​the face and the concentration of the gel and is 6-10 months.

Correction with Juvederm is carried out with preparations labeled 18, 24, 30 (a larger number means a higher gel density) and HV (increased viscosity). A later generation of this brand is Juvederm Ultra 2, 3, 4 and Ultra Plus.

Such a wide range allows you to choose the most suitable remedy, depending on the severity of age-related changes and the condition of the skin. Gels of the "Ultra" line are especially popular.

PRP Therapy

The procedure does not belong to the field of plastic surgery, however, it should not be performed by a cosmetologist, but by a plastic surgeon. It is a minimally invasive method of subcutaneous injection of thin threads, which are then pulled together with the tissues and fixed in the desired position. In addition, the threads stimulate the production of collagen and elastin.

Thus, they not only mechanically fix the skin, but also contribute to the formation of a kind of framework that holds the tissues. For these purposes, as well as the threads “” and “”, which are made of biocompatible polypropylene and allow you to correct the contours of the face, even with significant “sagging” of the tissues, are used.

If the severity of ptosis is moderate, it is more preferable that they are made from polylactic acid. They got their name due to the fact that, in addition to the lifting effect, they also have a mesotherapeutic effect on the skin.

The mesothreads are strong, but very thin. They are completely biocompatible, do not cause allergic reactions, and gradually dissolve over several months under the influence of tissue enzymes. The effect of the correction lasts for about three years, after which it can be repeated with the help of an additional injection and / or tightening of the remaining threads that have not yet resolved.

Hardware methods

Of the hardware methods for correcting the oval of the face, the most effective are and (radio frequency). Microcurrents are used together with special biological preparations, which include the most active antioxidants, as a result of which all mechanisms of cell regeneration and collagen synthesis are activated in the skin. RF procedures are based on the ability of radio frequency waves to activate the function of specific cells - fibroblasts. They synthesize collagen and elastin proteins. The effect of this stimulation lasts for several months, during which the density of protein fibers occurs. When RF-lifting is combined with mesotherapeutic and biorevitalization procedures, the results of the correction remain on average for about 2 years.

With age, the oval of the face begins to lose its original shape. And by about 40-45 years, many women have the so-called "bulldog cheeks", which immediately give out age even with excellent skin condition. And of course, women are beginning to look for effective ways to tighten the oval of the face.

Why do cheeks sag

Before taking any action, you need to understand the origins of the problem. There are several reasons why ugly bulldog cheeks appear:

  • genetic predisposition - if your mother or grandmother has bulldog cheeks, then preventive measures should be taken without waiting for the age of 40;
  • the effect of gravity is one of the natural causes of wrinkles and bulldog cheeks, and only elastic skin and strong muscles can resist it;
  • overweight - creates additional heaviness, under the influence of which the skin is stretched and;
  • age-related changes - with age, the skin produces less collagen and elastin, which are responsible for the firmness and elasticity of the skin, it becomes lethargic and sags;
  • incorrect posture - also leads to sagging cheeks, the corners of the lips fall, deep wrinkles appear on the neck;
  • photoaging - under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, collagen fibers are actively destroyed, so the skin becomes sluggish and the cheeks droop;
  • bad habits - dehydrate the body, dry the skin, contribute to the accumulation of toxins; the skin loses its tone and vitality.

How to correct the oval of the face

In order to correct the oval of the face, you need to try to eliminate both external and internal factors that change its shape at the same time. Therefore, you will have to act actively in several directions:

  • eliminate the harmful effects of external factors;
  • provide facial skin with additional nutrition;
  • restore muscle tone with gymnastics;
  • if necessary, perform a course of salon procedures.

Fighting external factors

To do this, you will have to make some changes in your usual lifestyle. First of all, give up bad habits. If you can’t get rid of them for good, then try to significantly reduce the number of cigarettes smoked per day. In addition, you need to constantly monitor your posture. When you are standing or sitting, make sure that your chin does not drop below shoulder level. And do not go out into the open sun without sunscreen, not only in the summer, but on any bright day.

Additional skin nutrition

This can be done with the help of masks and creams. In their composition must be: high content of vitamins, amino acid complex, collagen and elastin. The cream should be used daily, preferably at night, because during sleep the skin is actively restored, and the cream helps it in this. Masks should be done at least 1-2 times a week. You can use store bought or homemade.

Gelatin mask

An excellent remedy for skin tightening at home is a gelatin mask. It perfectly smoothes the skin, eliminates fine wrinkles, stimulates the production of collagen and elastin. Avocado pulp contains fruit acids, valuable oils, many vitamins and microelements. This mask is suitable for all skin types and is especially beneficial for women over 40.


  • 1 teaspoon of gelatin;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of water;
  • 1 ripe avocado;
  • juice of half a lemon.


Pour gelatin with water, leave for 15-20 minutes to swell. Then melt in a water bath until completely dissolved. Mash avocado pulp until puree, squeeze lemon juice into it. Pour warm gelatin into avocado, stir well. Apply to a clean face in an even layer, leave for 20-30 minutes. After removing with a napkin, wash your face with slightly warm water.

Gymnastics for the face

A beautiful shape of the oval of the face is formed by the muscular frame, so it will not be possible to get rid of the bulldog cheeks without returning the tone to the muscles. This can be done with the help of special gymnastics or salon electrical procedures. But even if you turn to a cosmetologist for help and take a course of myostimulation, you still have to do exercises regularly to maintain the effect at home.

Lifting exercises

In order to get the fastest effect, it is better to perform the exercises every day for at least a month. Then, to maintain muscle tone, you can do gymnastics 2-3 times a week. It is best to do this in the evening, after washing, before applying a nourishing cream. Gymnastics will warm up the skin, activate blood circulation, slightly open the pores and the valuable components of the cream will be able to penetrate deeper.

  • All exercises are performed 5 to 10 times from the initial standing position, with a straight back and a slightly raised chin.
  • Inflate both cheeks as much as possible, hold the air for 20-30 seconds and release it, folding your lips into a tube.
  • Take air on the cheeks, then overtake it on the right and left cheeks, inflating each of them as much as possible. Breathe through your nose while doing the exercise.
  • Take in air for both cheeks, sharply release it, lightly clapping your hands on your cheeks from both sides.
  • Open your mouth, move the lower jaw alternately to the right and left.
  • Open your mouth, try to reach the tip of your nose with your lower lip, hold for 10-15 seconds, relax.

After completing the complex, tap with your fingertips on the cheeks and chin, imitating raindrops, to relieve tension and completely relax the muscles.

When age makes itself felt too clearly, any woman who is used to having an attractive appearance begins to panic. She organizes a serious fight against wrinkles, flabbiness of the skin, age spots and loss of facial contours, resorting to the services of expensive cosmetics, proven folk remedies, daily massage and special exercises. Of course, with the help of these methods it is possible to achieve positive results, but it will take a long time to wait for them.

You will act wiser if you focus on modern cosmetic procedures carried out in salons and clinics. Let's talk about such methods related directly to facelift.

Threads for lifting the oval of the face in the salon

Classics of the genre in this direction are golden surgical threads. This method is a bit outdated, but still quite effective. Thinness is characteristic of gold threads (their thickness does not exceed 0.10 mm), quality (for the manufacture of this material, metal of the highest standard is taken), After the metal threads are under the skin, they will serve as a kind of frame and a stimulator for the formation of elastin and collagen fibers , which will gently align the "floated" oval of the face. You will be able to notice the first changes after the procedure after a few months, but the result itself will be preserved and consolidated for as long as 15 years.

An alternative to surgical gold threads are aptos threads, Silhouette threads and mesothreads. Aptos threads have a liquid texture and hooks invisible to the naked eye, which make an internal correction of the location of the dermis. The first results will be visible in 2-3 weeks. The duration of the effect of the procedure is 3 years. The advantage of Aptos threads is that over time they are completely absorbed.

Photo: facelift in the salon

Threads Silhouette, like the previous version of the threads, also do not feel like a foreign body under the skin. They, similar to the threads of aptos, are liquid, but this material is characterized by a cone-shaped shape. Silhouette threads are inserted under the skin without any problems, they are resorbed in a year, and the effect of the procedure lasts for five years. However, this method is not suitable for women over the age of 50, and the rehabilitation period is rather long.

Mesothreads are the latest invention in this category of non-surgical procedures. They are made from a material that is absolutely safe for the health of the skin. Mesothreads dissolve in six months. This method of correcting the oval of the face works in the direction of stimulating the production of elastin and collagen in the skin, which is the main condition for the onset of a natural and long-term lifting effect.

The cost of one thread, depending on the specific type, can range from 700 to 5000 rubles. Limitations of the use of a thread face lift: dermatitis, dermatosis, cancer, fever, lactation and pregnancy.

Photo: facelift in the salon

The most popular salon techniques for lifting the oval face

Pay attention to mesotherapy. This method of lifting the face oval is based on the subcutaneous injection (injection) of a nutritional composition that has a lifting effect. The content of the means introduced within the framework of mesotherapy is formed by such components as hyaluronic acid, amino acids, vitamins. In combination, they launch and enhance the skin's own production of collagen and elastin by the human body, which are responsible for the elasticity of the bodily integument and, accordingly, the shape of the face oval. In order for the procedure to give the desired effect, it will take an average of 5-15 sessions. An important point: after the implementation of mesotherapy in the first seven days, it is absolutely impossible to expose the face to steaming and even just heating, you should not abuse cosmetics, especially decorative ones, as well as alcoholic beverages. Mesotherapy is prohibited for oncological diseases, problems with the heart and blood vessels, gallstones, skin lesions. The procedure can be carried out after 30 years. This pleasure costs from 2000 to 5000 rubles.

Tighten the contours of the face in a state and radio wave lifting . The skin is treated with heat using, as the name of the correction method implies, radio waves, as a result of which the synthesis of collagen fibers is activated in the dermis. In addition to lifting the oval of the face, thanks to radio wave lifting, it is possible to get rid of age spots, make naturally rather dark skin lighter. 10 sessions - and your face is like new! The only disadvantage of the method is an impressive list of contraindications. It includes malignant neoplasms, hypertension, thrombophlebitis, pregnancy, diseases of the skin and endocrine glands, hormonal disruptions. The cost of the procedure varies from 4000 to 7000 rubles.

Biorevitalization is a bit similar to the mesotherapy method, with the only difference being that injections of hyaluronic acid are always used for its implementation. Basically, this is a gel composition of European production. The best reputation for preparations for biorevitalization of Swiss and Italian companies. This technique allows you to tighten the oval of the face due to the effective smoothing of the skin, its high-quality stable hydration. And it also returns a healthy natural shade to the body, eliminates any irregularities in their structure. The gel is injected using hardware nozzles or special syringes. The method cannot be used for skin lesions, including open wounds; diabetes mellitus, exacerbation of herpes, pregnancy.

Fractional photothermolysis is a hardware procedure for lifting the face oval. The essence of the procedure: with the help of a laser in the deep layers of the skin, the regeneration process is launched at full capacity, that is, tissue renewal. As a result, the patient is provided with elastic, smooth, elastic skin, the disappearance of vague contours of the face and double chin. True, the method has a huge number of contraindications, including problems with blood clotting, the period of breastfeeding a baby, pregnancy and menstruation, etc. You will have to pay up to 4000 rubles for the procedure.

Photo: facelift in the salon

Many women who have problems with facial contours prefer a correction method called " vacuum massage". This salon method of lifting the oval of the face is carried out using a special device. It is based on the "breaking" of fat deposits, the removal of fluid stagnation in tissues, the elimination of puffiness and skin irregularities, and the improvement of blood flow. In general, there is a serious lymphatic drainage, which simply cannot but have a positive effect on the contours of the face. In order for the result of the procedure to be stable (lasting up to 1.5 years), 1-5 sessions of vacuum massage will be required. This procedure should not be performed in the presence of acne, boils; with rosacea, open wounds; if you have sensitive skin. The approximate cost of the procedure starts from 1000 rubles.

Beauty to you and long youth!

Age-related decrease in the elasticity of the skin and a strong sagging of the contours of the face are normal, albeit undesirable changes that every woman faces at one time or another.

These unwanted age-related changes can be quite effectively dealt with.

In order to rejuvenate and give the face freshness in a relatively short layer, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the methods of how to tighten the oval of the face at home.

There can be several reasons for losing facial contour.. As a woman ages, her skin produces less and less collagen. This is a natural substance that has a direct effect on the firmness of the skin of the face.

As soon as the skin begins to lose its ability to produce it, it can be helped from the outside, using special cosmetic products that will produce its own collagen.

It can be different creams, as well as masks purchased or made independently from natural ingredients.

Lack of moisture can lead to loss of skin elasticity.. To avoid this phenomenon, it is worth establishing a daily drinking regime, that is, drinking at least 1.5 liters of water. This is the perfect opportunity to hydrate the skin from within.

The loss of skin elasticity contributes to the so-called photoaging, which manifests itself with the abuse of sunburn.

An unhealthy lifestyle has an even more obvious detrimental effect on the skin of the face. Improper nutrition, as well as addiction to nicotine and alcohol, cause a strong and rapid fading of the face.

The skin of the face tends to actively respond to various adverse factors, but in the same way it responds positively to care effects.

It is for this reason that caring for her condition is so important for a woman. With the right approach, you can achieve quick and lasting rejuvenation.

This article presents a large number of different techniques regarding how, if not to overcome the passage of time, then significantly slow down its manifestations.

To do this, it is absolutely not necessary to visit expensive beauty salons, spending a huge amount of time and money, it is enough to regularly use creams, masks, exercises and various facelift devices.

The ideal effect can be achieved by using special masks and creams.. You need to select them strictly in accordance with the age category, and you also need to pay attention to the manufacturer.

In the process of self-care, do not be lazy and save money on purchasing creams. It is very important to be consistent and pay attention to the composition of care products.

Necessary cosmetics

When solving such an important issue for every woman, how to tighten the skin of the face, one cannot do without the use of special cosmetics.

These should be special peeling agents, as well as nourishing anti-aging creams after 35 years.


Special peeling products are necessary for effective stimulation of important metabolic processes in the skin and for constant cell renewal.

It is worth carrying out such a procedure about once a week, not more often, and if the skin is very sensitive, then it will be enough to use peeling once every two weeks.

This procedure can be carried out at home, it is enough just to purchase a special tool.

After completing the peeling course, metabolic processes are launched, which automatically leads to a facelift.

Nourishing creams

Proper facial skin care cannot be built without the use of nutrients. This is especially true in autumn and winter.

In the warm season, you can use a good moisturizer, which will contain sunscreen components that will effectively protect the skin from its main enemy.

If you use such creams simultaneously with regular masks, massages and exercises, you can quickly tighten the oval of the face and maintain this effect for as long as possible.

A mask based on natural ingredients is the perfect solution to the question of how to tighten facial muscles after 40 years.

Masks, just like creams, can be purchased ready-made, or you can make them at home using natural ingredients.

There are a lot of positive reviews for this method of care.. If someone did not succeed, then this only speaks of one thing - the lack of regularity or the choice of an unsuccessful composition.

If you choose the right masks and apply them as regularly as possible, you can achieve the perfect anti-aging effect. To quickly tighten the contour of the face in normal home conditions, you can use the following home formulations

Recipe number 1 - gelatin mask

This is the real salvation for sagging and aging skin..

To prepare the most effective composition, it is worth melting a small amount of gelatin in a water bath. All subsequent components must be added according to the needs and characteristics of the skin.

If the skin is tired and oily, you should use peach, cherry, kiwi or strawberry. For dry and rather sensitive skin, dairy products are used - cream, sour cream and fermented baked milk.

Natural oils of olive, almond and jojoba help very well. For combination and normal skin, honey, eggs, milk and herbs are ideal.

Effect after the course. GELATIN MASK against WRINKLES on the face

Recipe number 2 - egg mask

A unique lifting mask that is able to provide a quick tightening and rejuvenation.

To prepare the mixture, you should take one chicken protein, add a little oil, milk and honey.

This composition perfectly tightens the skin, but is not suitable for sensitive and dry skin.

Here you can also note the special yolk masks, which simultaneously with skin tightening nourish it. Masks of this plan can be used for different skin types.

If desired, any of the above components is added to the composition, or you can use a one-component mask.

In the process of applying an egg mask, it is important to pay attention to the freshness of the original product. If you replace chicken eggs with quail eggs, you can significantly expand the list of useful components.

How to remove wrinkles on the face (protein, flour)

Recipe #3 - Seaweed

As a basis in the process of preparing this mask, you need to use pharmaceutical seaweed, which are sold under the name Laminaria.

This product is a truly invaluable product for facial skin, and at a very different age. The excellent composition of algae makes them ideal for tightening the skin.

At the same time, Laminaria solves such skin problems as:

  • various rashes;
  • excess fat;
  • pigmentation.

To prepare the mask, you will need to pour a spoonful of seaweed with boiling water and leave it in a similar form for several hours until the product swells. It is better to pour in the morning, and do the mask just before bedtime.

Before this, the algae will need to be thoroughly crushed and then applied to the previously cleansed skin of the face. If desired, you can add an egg, honey or natural oils to the gruel.

You need to keep such a mask for at least 30 minutes, and its frequency should be twice a week.

LAMINARIA from WRINKLES on the face

Recipe number 4 - clay mask

To prepare the mask, you need to take a spoonful of freshly squeezed grape juice and mix it thoroughly with a couple of spoons of clay.

To enhance the effect, a small amount of grape seed oil and wheat germ is added to the mixture.

The resulting mixture is applied to the entire face and neck area with decollete, without affecting only the areas under the lips and under the eyes.

Among the advantages of clay masks, one can note not only a tightening effect, but also high-quality skin cleansing and complete removal of oily sheen.


General rules

There are a couple of general rules for applying the masks listed above. The composition must be prepared immediately before use, that is, the cosmetic mixture must be fresh.

The rule - to cook for the future - is not used here, since natural ingredients tend to deteriorate very quickly, so there is no need to expect any benefit from them.

Another important rule is the alternation of masks so that the skin does not get used to the same component and has the opportunity to respond positively to the masks.

It is worth conducting special cosmetic courses of 10-15 procedures, then taking a month of rest or simply replacing it with another course of care.

A competent facelift at home is quite often built in such a way that a facial massage is sure to be present in the spectrum of daily procedures.

This is an ideal opportunity to quickly and effectively get a positive result, as well as increase the overall effectiveness of the course of masks and creams used.

If nourishing and anti-aging creams are applied to the face with special massage movements, you can quickly tighten the skin.

In order to properly massage at home, you should first study the rules for its implementation by visiting a professional cosmetologist and trying to remember his movements.

During the procedure, it is important to adhere to the following rules:

  1. The frontal area should be ironed in the direction of hair growth.
  2. Then the movements are carried out along the lines "nose-ears". When performing them, you need to bypass the skin under the eyes.
  3. Movements on the sides are carried out from the center of the chin and to the temples.

The massage procedure should be carried out exclusively in a relaxed state.. The face and hands should be very clean and make-up removed.

The optimal duration of facial massage is a period of 5 to 15 minutes. It is advisable to carry out massage procedures before going to bed, since resting the skin of the facial muscles after the massage will contribute to faster rejuvenation.

Massage can be done not only with hands, but also with a contrast shower. Such a procedure effectively stimulates the natural regeneration processes in the epidermis.

The most courageous can be advised to use leeches for a facelift. This procedure is difficult to carry out at home, you will need to visit a beauty salon, and then not everyone, since the procedure is quite specific.

In most cases, daily thorough care will be enough to tighten the oval of the face and make the skin attractive and supple.

Very well the effect of rejuvenation is promoted by special exercises exercises for the face, for skin tightening at any age, after 50 years, including. With regular exercises for the face, you can quickly bring the muscles of the face into tone.

There is a special set of exercises that is known to many women, like Facebook building or yoga for the face.

To achieve optimal results, you will need to perform the following exercises in front of a mirror:

Such gymnastics for the face helps to get rid of the breeze quickly, the oval of the face becomes as clear as possible, and the face is rejuvenated.

If you give exercises every day for 5-10 minutes, after about two weeks you can already observe the first visible results. The most important thing is not to be lazy, but to comprehensively engage in your rejuvenation.

The most requested exercises. Facebook building with Evgenia Baglyk

Special procedures of hardware cosmetology can be carried out at home. These are special devices - massagers and special devices for lifting the oval of the face.

Darsonval is very popular, which acts on the skin with weak electrical discharges, causing stimulation of the muscles of the face.

You can also purchase a special myostimulator, which also perfectly copes with rejuvenation. Here, the action is based on the stimulation of muscle fibers by microscopic currents.

One of the most effective devices is the mesoscooter.. This is one of the newest devices that tightens the contour of the face. The result from the impact of the mesoscooter is visible almost immediately and lasts for a long time.

The features of each procedure must be coordinated with the instructions for each drug, and it is also worth getting a preliminary consultation from a professional cosmetologist.

Summing up

With the systematic use of all the recommendations and methods presented to your attention, the correct approach to solving the problem associated with withering, you can forget about such an unpleasant phenomenon as sagging facial skin for a long time.

These tips will not only prevent such a phenomenon, but even with a problem that has already arisen, they will make it mild.

Taking care of your face doesn't have to be difficult! It is enough to make a little effort to look in the mirror every day and see a beautiful, young and healthy face!
