How to behave like a true gentleman. The Gentleman's Code - what manners, what upbringing! What must a gentleman

Today we'll talk about how a true gentleman should behave in various situations, because the topic of education and behavior is actively lobbied by modern society. Girls are increasingly striving to communicate with intelligent, cultured men who know when to give a hand, let a lady go ahead or help out of the car.

Good manners can be appreciated not only by girls, but also by older people, parents, teachers and leaders, because it is with the help of gallantry and politeness that it is easiest to win over a person and evoke positive emotions in him. We bring to your attention several postulates regarding how a gentleman should behave, which will help you navigate in a given situation and choose the right demeanor.

How should a true gentleman behave?

1. Carefully monitor your clothes and shoes. This is not to say that you should always wear a tie, bow tie or dress suits, the main thing is to look neat and tidy. Clothing must be clean, free of stains and splashes, ironed and fit. A true gentleman will never wear torn trousers, a wrinkled T-shirt, or a shirt with a stain on the chest. Clothing should inspire self-confidence, and not make you complex and feel awkward.

2. Courtesy in dealing with the female. In the process of communicating with the fair sex, you should be at a sufficient distance from the interlocutor, do not press on her, look into her eyes during the conversation, but at the chest or lips, otherwise you will not look in the best light. A gentleman should listen carefully to a woman, not interrupt her, an ideal dialogue should consist of equal participation of the parties in it: half is supported by a woman, half by a man.

3. Gentleman's handshake. You can train in honing the skill of a gentleman's handshake on friends and relatives. When shaking hands, do the following:

Extend your hand towards the opponent's hand;
Confidently and firmly squeeze the hand, but not so hard that the person feels pain or discomfort;
Slowly raise and lower your hand twice;
Let go of the man's hand.

The handshake time comes right after the gentlemen are introduced to each other. To support a further conversation, you can ask about the affairs of a person, start a topic about the weather or a current problem at the moment. Among the lower classes, it is customary to say the phrase "Nice to meet you," but if you are claiming the title of a gentleman from high society, then you should not say that. If you are meeting a woman, then you should shake hands slightly, given that the female hand is weaker than the male. A real gentleman will take only the woman's fingers in his hand, gently squeeze them and smoothly lower and raise his hand once. You should not be surprised if some of the people introduced to you do not extend their hand in order to shake yours, in which case you should limit yourself to a nod of the head.

4. Avoid swearing in speech. In order to become a gentleman, you must forever forget about rude words and obscene language. Watch for the grammatical correctness of your communication, during a conversation speak clearly, understandably, with intonation, raise your head high, do not use raised tones. If you decide to use any difficult words or are having a conversation on professional topics, you need to be competent in this area. In the case when the topic of conversation is not particularly familiar, it is better to avoid specific statements in which you are not sure, you can use neutral turns, because a true gentleman cannot screw up and voice false, incorrect information.
5. During the conversation, avoid obscene, rude and outrageous topics. If such a conversation was started by one of the participants in the conversation, the gentleman's behavior should be neutral, just keep silent or ignore the remark - the best option. But of course it all depends on the situation, if the interlocutor is your acquaintance, and you know that you can offend him with your silence, you will have to find another alternative way to point out the unacceptability of the topic he has chosen.

6. Correct posture. To become a gentleman, you will have to carefully monitor how you hold your back, how you stand. A man should not slouch, look at the floor during the dialogue, his position should indicate self-confidence.
7. Cleanliness is an indicator of intelligence and culture. It is not only about clothes, but also about the car, the place of residence. Even if you live alone, remember that a true gentleman will never allow it. So that in his sink there was a mountain of dirty dishes, and the floor was littered with garbage, clothes and papers. Hygiene rules should be observed steadily - daily morning and evening showers, oral hygiene, a light scent of exquisite perfume, regular use of deodorant, and so on.
8. With any physical contact, be consistent, slow. If a real gentleman doubts whether such a manifestation of feelings will cause positive emotions, he will never act at random. You need to be sure that a woman will not mind that you take her by the hand, hug her in the cinema, and this will cause a response, not disgust.

9. When inviting a lady on a date, you should rely on the fact that you will pay for dinner. This is natural behavior for a gentleman, but sometimes the fair sex herself initiates a joint payment of the bill, well, you can agree, maybe this will allow the girl not to feel obligated. This is common in today's world. However, never settle for the fact that your vacation will be fully paid for by the lady - this is not a gentleman.
10. Away. Let's say family friends or relatives invited you to a feast. At the end of the event, you should definitely help in cleaning dishes and dishes from the festive table, as well as offer to wash plates and glasses. Such behavior of a gentleman will be noted by the owners of the house, even if they refuse to help.

11. A real gentleman always pull out a chair for his companion, pick up her outerwear, and take it to the wardrobe.
12. Do not lean on alcohol. The behavior of a gentleman implies certain norms for drinking alcohol. If you are in the company of familiar people, at a corporate party or visiting unfamiliar people, you should not drink more than one glass of this or that drink. In the company of close friends, you can afford two servings of alcohol, but no more. It is advisable to choose high-quality, expensive drinks, rather than cheap cocktails.
13. If you are at the table , and a girl came up to you to talk or ask a question, you must certainly get up. It is also necessary to rise when meeting the fair sex.

14. True gentleman will never sit in transport if there is a pensioner nearby, a pregnant woman, and, in principle, any girl. He will certainly give up his place to those who need him more, and will not pretend to be asleep or begin to look enthusiastically at the phone.
15. Don't overdo it. The behavior of a true gentleman is respectful, restrained, courteous, but it should not border on feigned nobility. Believe me, girls are well versed in people, and it will not be difficult for them to recognize a simple game of a gentleman. Then the attitude towards the man will immediately become biased, and in each of his attempts to show himself as an intellectual, the lady will see a catch and a game.

What should be the behavior of a gentleman?

Here are some tips for beginner gentlemen.

When giving up seats on a bus or metro, you should not first offer a seat, then wait for consent, and only then get up. According to the rules, you should first get up and at the same time call out to the person to whom you want to give up the seat. It should be done so that a person sees an already empty seat when he pays attention to a shout. Otherwise, it will look like a formality, they say, according to the rules, you must give in, so I propose, but in fact I expect a refusal.

A true gentleman should understand that you should not go too far in your desire to be courteous: flattering, fawning on people, trying to support and yield in everything - these are more character traits of a weak-willed and insecure person than a gentleman. A man must himself understand in which case it is worth showing his manners and providing a service, and when it is better to let go of the situation.

You should not give way to a girl if she is traveling with a friend, because two girls will not be able to sit down, and turning to a particular lady, you can offend her companion.

If a woman is standing far from where you are sitting, then giving her a seat will force her to move through the crowd, which most ladies do not like, so in this case it is also better not to give up her seat.

If you eat with a friend and take two seats side by side, then both should give up their seats, otherwise it will not look very ethical.

If the one to whom you gave way does not want to sit down, referring to the fact that he will soon leave, or the person simply does not want to, it is enough to offer again. And after repeated refusal to sit back. But do not be lenient in such a situation.

A real gentleman can take care of himself: wash and iron his wardrobe. And it needs to be made into a habit. Don't expect your mom or wife to wash your socks and iron your pants, you have to do it yourself.

A true gentleman appreciates model shoes that are not only beautiful, stylish and well-groomed, but also comfortable. Shoes should be polished so that they shine, and the color of the socks should match the shoes.

When wearing trousers or jeans, do not forget about the belt - this is an important accessory that all strong modern men wear. Without it, the image looks incomplete and it feels like something is missing. Choose belts without massive buckles and lots of studs.

The behavior of a true gentleman is distinguished by the fact that he:

Communicates with girls with nobility. But without condescension;

He does not allow himself to go over with alcohol, no matter what situation he is in. A drunken man looks unworthy, causes disgust and hostility among the people around him;

Does not make tattoos and piercings in a conspicuous place. Given that gentlemen get into a variety of companies, social parties and business meetings, you should carefully consider the need for a body tattoo or piercing. It is unlikely that you will look good at a meeting of directors with an earring in your nose. But if you still want to pay tribute to fashion, then choose the part of the body that you can hide if necessary;

You should not make acquaintances for the sake of sex, this is a manifestation of disrespect, both to yourself and to the girl;

Before bringing up a particular topic in a conversation, carefully analyze whether there are people in the company whom it can upset, embarrass or offend. Also, you should not constantly reduce the conversation to your own successes, achievements and your person in principle.

Karolina Emelyanova

The evolutionary branch that gave the world gentlemen turned out to be a dead end. And examples of gallantry in this regard are no different from fire-breathing dragons: perhaps they once existed, but no one saw them.

At least numerous legends and myths, cave paintings and illustrations in children's books remained from dragons, but what is left of gentlemen? An alluring name for a clothing brand, a parody show, languid novels, an association with four adventurers ("Courtesy is the best weapon of a thief") and a nauseatingly sweet image of Ashley Wilks with a shining halo around his head.
And yet we believe that they were. Gentlemen, not dragons. They just turned out to be unviable and mutated into another subspecies. As a result, habits also mutated. The upgraded descendants of sweet Ashley changed moiré vests for leather jackets, suspenders for belts, underpants for Goofy boxers, culottes for cut jeans with their own hands, a felt hat for a Spartak cap. Instead of an album of poems, a gentleman of the 21st century starts albums on social networks, one in five of which he modestly calls “I don’t like being photographed!” Instead of a theater, he invites a lady to karting. He doesn’t order seafood in a restaurant because he doesn’t know how to eat it properly, but he easily fixes a tea-drenched clave and recommends the latest smartphone. What can I say, everything has evolved along with the breed. For better or for worse, we be the judge, ladies!




Does not borrow money from a friend except in dire need.Doesn't lend money to a friend or borrow a lady's heart, except in dire need (for example, not enough for a beer, a new computer, or a radio-controlled helicopter).
In conversation, he does not mention names, as well as how much things cost.He does not mention the names of other ladies to his girlfriend, as well as how much a new computer and a radio-controlled helicopter cost. He talks about beer willingly.
He does not touch unfamiliar ladies if they are accompanied by strangers who are better not to be patted on the back.
Doesn't pat strangers on the back or touch ladies they don't know.
On the street, he never takes off his gloves.On the street he never takes pictures of girls.
Always helpful, gallant and considerate with the ladies.Always helpful, gallant and considerate with ladies in miniskirts.
Avoids excess jewelry. Gold or diamond cufflinks and a watch on a chain are appropriate.Admire the excess of jewelry on his lady, especially if she has nothing but them. Always ready to offer her his cufflinks.
Considers it necessary, going to the ball, to put a spare pair of gloves in his pocket.Considers it necessary, going to a party, to put a spare condom in his pocket.
When going up stairs with a lady, the gentleman keeps a little in front, and when going down, a little behind.Climbing up and down the stairs, always let the lady go ahead to assess her figure from behind.
Before entering the hall, he fastens his gloves and diligently straightens his hair and tie.Before entering the hall, he unfastens the guard on the face control and, looking at the beautiful girl, persistently sends his lady to fix her hair.
Passing by a mirror, do not look into it.Passing by a mirrored display case, he squints into it with a curious look and pretends to be interested in its contents.
To the theater, to a concert, or to a music salon, the gentleman goes first to find the right places for himself and for his lady.He does not go to the theater, falls into a stupor at the phrase "music salon", and at a concert he will change places with a strange lady, if she has the best, in the forefront.
He considers it indecent to sit if ladies are standing nearby.
He considers it proper to sit if a lady is already sitting on his lap.

He does not laugh out loud, as excessive gaiety in society is indecent.
He does not laugh out loud, as excessive gaiety at a meeting is fraught.
He tries to avoid well-known witticisms, remembering that "repetition spoils the impression."He tries to avoid button accordions, remembering that "for flooding, the moderator can slap interest."
Do not smoke in the presence of a lady.Do not smoke in the presence of mother.
Doesn't eat fast.Doesn't eat at fast food restaurants.
Sitting down at the table, the gentleman takes off his gloves and covers his knees with a napkin.Sitting down at the table, he always takes off his headphones, turns off his mobile phone and carefully puts the iPod in the case.
He does not invite a lady to the dance, who quite obviously came to the ball with her beau.Doesn't invite a lady to the dance, who obviously came to the party with her lady.
When inviting a lady to dance, he approaches her and, bowing gracefully, makes an invitation in the most polite and delicate form, in the form of a compliment. For example: "Let me know which quadrille I may hope to have the honor of dancing with you."
Inviting a lady on a date, he goes to the computer and, sending an elegant emoticon, makes an invitation in the most polite and delicate form, in the form of a compliment. For example: “Preved, beautiful gopher! How about meeting a real hottie?”
He considers it indecent to ask, under any pretext, a fan or flowers from the lady with whom he is dancing.He considers it indecent to ask, under any pretext, for a passport or a hand and heart from a lady with whom he spent the night.
At the end of the dance, he bows to the lady and brings her to the place or offers to take her to the buffet.
At the end of the date, he kisses the lady on the lips and brings her to a taxi or offers to take her to his house.
Having taken the lady to her place, he considers it right to bow and move away, but not to stay to talk with her.Having taken the lady to her place, she considers it right to take her leave and move away until her husband appears.
Seeing that the lady who refused to dance with him immediately went to dance with another, he will explain this by her forgetfulness or ignorance of the laws of etiquette, but he will never start a dispute about this.
Seeing that the lady who refused to dance with him immediately went to dance with another, he will explain this using unprintable expressions, but still not remove her from her Facebook friends.
Leaving from the ball, he tries to find the hosts or organizers without fail, in order to say goodbye to thank him for the pleasure he received.
Leaving the party, he tries to find a girl without complexes in a green dress, in order to say goodbye to thank him for the pleasure he has received.
He goes down to the cloakroom after the end of the ball to take outerwear for himself and his lady.
He goes down to the wardrobe to get outerwear for himself and his lady, without waiting for the end of the event, in order to be the first to be in time.
Knows that the ballroom acquaintance outside the hall is invalid, concerns only one evening and its continuation depends entirely on the desire of the lady.Fully agree with the gentleman of the XIX century!

Impeccable appearance, refined manners, respect for others and the attention of women. When a man grows up, he understands that being a gentleman is very good. How to be a gentleman

A true gentleman is respectful in everything around him, from the women he would like to date to the old ladies who need help carrying their bags. He carefully monitors his appearance, is polite to all who deserve it, and courteous to all women, even if he does not count on a romantic relationship with them. To be a real gentleman, you need to be a mature, cultured person who knows himself well.

1. The importance of appearance

1.1 Maintain personal hygiene. Shower regularly, use deodorant and toilet water, but very little perfume is enough: girls may not like the smell, and if it is too much, you will not be able to impress them. In addition, you should not abuse the hair gel: it makes the hair stick together, and the hairstyle seems unnatural. Take care of your body and clean up every time you plan to leave the house. If the smell of cleanliness and freshness does not come from you, then beautiful clothes will not matter. It is very important to keep hygiene in the first place so that the condition of your body does not distract people from your personality. Wash your hands after using the toilet. All gentlemen do this.

1.2 Wear clothes that suit you. Choose things that fit well, and refrain from overly bright and provocative clothes. Don't wear vulgar items (such as a baseball cap pulled to the side). The simpler your clothes are, the more often people will seek to examine your soul. Choose simple solid colors: black, black, brown. Don't wear graphic tees, neon shorts, or oversized wristwatches. Keep it simple - it will make your image elegant.

It is very important to choose trousers that will sit on the figure. Baggy pants will make you look untidy, while pants that are too short or tight will indicate that you haven't updated your wardrobe for a long time. Complement your trousers with a neat belt, and everyone will see that you are serious about your appearance.

Most men wear suits that are two sizes too big for them. It is best to tailor a suit to your measurements rather than trying to find a ready-made one. It is extremely important for a true gentleman to wear clothes that fit perfectly. In addition, a suit according to the figure will make you slim.

It is necessary to choose clothes that will suit the circumstances. Stick to the dress code, whether it's work or a wedding celebration where you've been invited as a guest. Remember that it is better to overdo it a little with the appearance than not pay enough attention to it.

1.3 Look after yourself. Comb your hair regularly and think about what you like more: shaving every morning or having a neat, thick beard. Get rid of the stubble every day, otherwise you will look untidy. Always keep a comb with you to comb your hair when no one is looking, if the hair is blown out by the wind or if it loses volume at the end of the working day. Even nails are very important. Clean and trim them as needed to keep them looking neat. Trim your nose hair.

1.4 Have a firm handshake. A real gentleman knows how to shake hands. When you meet a new boss, your girlfriend's father, or your sister's boyfriend, look the person in the eye, shake hands tightly, and show that you're serious. Don't grab your hand too hard - just shake it so the person knows you want to make a good impression. This will indicate that you are happy with new people. If someone you don't know enters the room and you are introduced to each other, first stand up and then shake hands.

1.5 Behave in a cultured society. Don't pass gases, hold back burps, don't act provocatively, don't grab your groin area, and don't get drunk. A gentleman is always in control of his body and mind. If you do something wrong, don't act like nothing happened - it's better to apologize. Being a gentleman means treating everyone the same. Treat others the way you treat women you want to impress. Remember that a real gentleman does not make a scene and not be dishonored in public. A woman who is interested in a relationship with you should be proud of you and want to introduce you to her parents, friends or acquaintances. A gentleman must understand what others think of him and whether he behaves correctly.

2. Politeness

2.1 Help others. Always remember how you can help people. Hold the door open for the person following you, and in the store, ask an elderly or pregnant woman to carry her bags to the car. Of course, you should always assess the situation reasonably (for example, you should not risk your health and hold the door if you are carrying something very heavy); just remember to respect people. A real gentleman is not only courteous to the woman he wants to please - he shows courtesy towards everyone.

Pay attention to people who need help, but who are unlikely to ask for it. For example, it is worth opening the door in front of a person who is carrying a tray of cups, although he most likely will not ask for it.

2.2 Have polite conversations. Be prepared to ask questions or make polite suggestions, such as "How was your day?", "Can I help?", "Let me get it for you," or "I can do it." Learn to speak slowly so that you can interact with people in a way that makes them happy, even if you're in a hurry. With whomever you communicate, try to smile, act friendly and give interesting answers to the question of how you are doing. A gentleman does not jump straight to what he needs and tries to get to know people better. The ability to carry on a conversation is an indicator of maturity and good manners, and without these things it is impossible to be a gentleman.

2.3 Never swear. Never. If it is difficult for you to immediately give up swear words, try to at least drastically reduce their number in your speech. It is impolite to swear, especially in the presence of women, the elderly, and also in high society. If you drop a swear word, apologize and try not to let the situation happen again in the future. If you find yourself in a situation where you often use swearing (for example, while watching a football match or in a traffic jam), watch your speech.

It is worth abandoning not only obscene words, but also vulgar and inappropriate sayings. What seems funny to you when you are going to a beer bar with friends is unlikely to make the girl you want to like laugh.

2.4 Don't talk too much about yourself. You can give people some information so that they have an idea who they are talking to, but you should not describe your life in detail. To get people interested in talking to you, you have to appear mysterious - women love that. Have general information about what's new in music, sports and politics in order to be able to keep the conversation going.

Ask people questions about their interests, hobbies, and plans. Let them know that they are more interested in you than in your own person.

2.5 Avoid talking about ambiguous and uncomfortable issues. Try not to talk about politics until you know the person better, and learn to take a neutral stance when the conversation turns to this topic. A gentleman does not embarrass other people. Try to agree with others and make sure that everyone who is talking is comfortable, and not try to prove to the interlocutors that your opinion is correct, and everyone else has no right to exist. You will not impress a woman with defiant behavior - much more she will like your ability to find a common language with other people.

Always remember who you are talking to. What will be funny to an ordinary worker may not please a girl from high society. Consider the needs and interests of others.

2.6 Treat all people with respect. A gentleman is not only polite to beautiful women - he is also respectful to other men, the elderly and even children. He is pleasant in communication with everyone who deserves it. Respect other people's privacy: don't get too close to them when talking and don't snuggle up to them when you walk beside them. Don't stare straight ahead, don't ask too many personal questions. The most important thing is to make people feel good in your company - they should not think that you treat them unfairly.

Greet people as you pass by, ask them how they are, and learn to understand when it is not worth disturbing a person.

Do not talk too loudly and do not attract everyone's attention to yourself even if you are at home out of respect for others. Don't act like you're the only person in the universe.

Chew with your mouth closed - this is how you show respect for the people with whom you dine.

2.7 Avoid fights. Physical force is not the best way to resolve conflicts. A real gentleman does not give in and knows how to stand up for himself, but not with the help of his fists. Keep your own values ​​in mind and don't let someone force theirs on you by picking a fight with you. If someone insults you and provokes violence, don't stoop to their level, just walk away.

Don't think you can impress a woman by fighting or trying to be macho. A much more elegant solution would be to resolve the conflict without fighting.

3. Courtesy in dealing with women

3.1 Do not treat women as objects. To see in a woman only a piece of meat, even if it is beautiful, is the worst thing you can do. Women are also alive, and they have their own beliefs, hopes and goals, so you should not treat them as if they exist only to court you and serve as a feast for the eyes. When meeting a woman, ask her name and try to get to know her better. Do not look at her openly, as if you are mentally undressing her. If you look at a woman like that, she will immediately want to get up and leave.

Gentlemen understand that women must be treated with respect. When communicating with women, refrain from vulgar remarks and try to flirt easily and naturally.

3.2 Respect others. Of course, subservience will be superfluous, but you should remember that women will appreciate your behavior if you open the door of a car or building for them, or pull out a chair. You don't have to put every girl on a pedestal (we're all human), but she'll love the little courtesies: give up your seat on the bus, for example, even if she's not holding anything heavy.

All women are different, and over time you will understand what kind of gestures your woman likes. Offering her your jacket if she's cold is the right thing to do, but you need to make sure she likes it.

3.3 If you are walking down the street with a woman, try to stand on the side of the road. This is a long tradition: you protect a woman from dirt and cars with yourself. You can do it, or you can refuse - just know that there is such a tradition. Look at how a woman reacts to it and you can tell if she thinks it's cute or old fashioned.

3.4 Do not discuss boring and indecent topics with women. Don't comment on other girls and tell them how cool they are. If she is not into sports or video games, you can say something about it, but then move on to another topic. More often, girls are interested in literature and music, rather than sports and games, although there are many exceptions among them. You can discuss anything with friends, but try to choose other topics with girls.

A gentleman senses when someone is getting bored and wants to change the subject, and knows how to talk about things that will be of interest to everyone.

3.5 Do not humiliate women. You can tease the girl a little, but don't get too violent. However, teasing does not mean using vulgar words. No matter how playful your tone may be, the girl will be offended if the so-called gentleman calls her a dirty word. Also, you should not talk to a girl as if she does not understand anything, but only you understand, because you are a man. Don't think you can teach her anything.

One of the signs of a man who only pretends to be a gentleman is that he behaves well only until the moment when he begins to understand that the girl does not see him as a person for intimate relations. To become a real gentleman, you must understand that not all women in the world will be crazy about you and that this should not change your attitude towards them.

3.6 Be courteous to a woman when saying goodbye. Remember that women are more vulnerable: they become potential victims after dark and in disadvantaged areas. Walk her home or at least to the car. No matter how strong a woman is, if a criminal chooses his victim, he will first of all look for a woman, because it is not safe to mess with men. If a girl has to park far from home and then walk, offer to drive her home. She will appreciate how you take care of her safety.

Do not go too far: a girl should not feel as if she cannot take a step without a man. However, if she leaves you in the evening, you should call her a taxi, or at least offer to walk her home.

Obviously, if a girl comes to your house, you need to walk her to the door or to the car, and not just shout "bye" to her without getting up from the couch.

3.7 Think about whether you want to follow some outdated traditions. It is quite difficult to understand which of them make sense. Some of them may even offend independent and strong women who feel that letting a man help them is humiliating and old fashioned. Here is a small list of traditions that used to be considered beautiful, but are now beginning to lose their appeal:

Pay for two in a restaurant.
Help the woman put on her coat.
Get up when a woman enters the room.
Offer a woman your place.

4. Be a gentleman with your girlfriend

4.1 Be selfless. Don't forget to do nice things for the girl when you're together. If she is carrying something, pick it up and carry it yourself when she places it on the floor. Always invite her to pick up or bring something. Remember: selfishness is not attractive. If you're watching TV together and you know she likes a certain show, have her change the channel. She will appreciate this gesture more than you think.

At the same time, you should not behave in such a way that the girl feels helpless or decides that you are obliged to do everything for her. If she doesn't like that you take things she carries out of her hands or help her, let her do everything herself and help only when she really needs it.

4.2 Give her gifts for no reason. It will be nice if you show up on her doorstep with flowers just like that. There is no need to make expensive gifts - attention is important. A small rose, a note on the pillow, a book that she has long wanted to read as a gift, or even a sincere kiss will make the girl happy. These small tokens will let her know that you are thinking about her even when you are not together, and that you have tried to please her.

Flowers and candies are very nice, but it is even better to give special gifts. For example, tickets to a play she wanted to see, a souvenir with her name from a country you traveled to without her, or a postcard that reminded you of her will tell the girl that you are thinking about her all the time and not just want to surround her. her romance as you would surround any other girl.

4.3 Take care of her. If you are really passionate about your girlfriend, show it to her. If you go somewhere together, hold her hand or hug her with one arm. Stroke her cheek whenever you feel like it. When you are alone, kiss her on the neck, gently stroke her back or hips (provided that she wants it). A real gentleman does not rush a girl - he waits until she is ready for something more than just kissing.

Gentlemen are proud of their girls and love to show up with them where other people are. Hold the girl's hand even in the company of friends, but do not try to molest her in a public place.

4.4 Be prepared to stand up for your girlfriend. Don't try to beat up anyone who just looks at her, but if she's openly looking at her or trying to flirt with her, intervene. Put your hand on her shoulder and take her aside, or walk up to her and talk to another man. Physical contact will calm her down and let the aggressor know that he will have to deal with both of you. Don't let other men flirt with your girlfriend or make indecent remarks about her.

Do not threaten this man with physical violence and do not call him names. Better find a more appropriate way to explain to him that he is wrong.

4.5 Do not say anything bad about the girl to your friends. Real gentlemen don't discuss their girlfriend's flaws. You might think that acting like she means nothing to you or complaining about a girl will make you cool, but that's not the case. By doing this, you show disrespect, and if the girl finds out about it, you will look pathetic in her eyes. If you want to talk about your girlfriend, compliment her or ask friends for advice on the situation.
A real gentleman respects all people. There is nothing worse than sharing the details of your life just so everyone can laugh.

4.6 Don't tell your friends too much about the girl. Do not share your successes in sex. It is not proper for a man to brag about the fact that he finally got sex from the girl he is dating, or tell what she is in bed or how she kisses. It should stay between the two of you, and what happened (or didn't happen) in bed is not up for debate.
It doesn't matter if you're dating a girl or just going on a couple of dates with her - you should keep all your thoughts to yourself. If she finds out that you told someone, she will be furious, and notoriety will be attached to you.

4.7 Do not force her to do what she does not like. A real gentleman understands what a woman agrees to and respects her decision. If the girl you're dating isn't ready for or doesn't want to be in a relationship before marriage, you should be comfortable with the decision rather than trying to pressure her. Sex may not mean anything to you, but women have their own ideas about what they want to do with their bodies. Don't force her into something she doesn't want, and don't make her feel guilty towards you if she refuses something.

A real gentleman allows a woman to decide how the relationship will develop, and does not make her feel guilty or bad for not doing what she was asked to do. He listens to a woman and waits for the one who will be worthy of him.


Maintaining hygiene is important, but a man should not dwell on his appearance. He doesn't have to be a dude.

Don't be selfish with other people. Pay attention to them from time to time.

Treat people with respect and the way you would like them to treat you.

Smile and make eye contact. This will create an emotional connection between you.

Do not honk when you arrive for a girl in a car. Ring the doorbell.

To love means to give. Keep this in mind when you spend time with your girlfriend. Strive to give her as much love as possible, give her as much time and attention as possible, but do not overdo it, because otherwise you will start to hate her. Spending time with friends is good too.

When talking to a person, fully immerse yourself in the conversation. If a person wants to say something, listen to him until the end.

Always be mindful of where you are and how others perceive you.

If you are insulted, try not to respond in kind. Most likely, you will only anger the offender even more, and this will provoke a fight. Sorry, but don't act like you're scared.

You can wear jeans, t-shirts and sneakers, but in order to look good, everything must be clean, ironed and must suit you. Make sure that the inscriptions on the clothes are not defiant. In the end, only the person wearing the clothes matters. Try wearing a belt - it can make a big difference to your overall look.

You don't have to dress expensive to be a gentleman. This will emphasize your appearance favorably, but a man in ordinary clothes can also be attractive.

Women's emancipation has led to the fact that the concept of "gentleman" has largely lost its value. Modern men are forced to try to combine things that are difficult to combine: to behave like a real gentleman and at the same time demonstrate respect for the equal rights of women. Many men eschew the traditional "chivalrous" gestures for fear of being labeled a misogynist. The lack of successful role models - men who could demonstrate how behavior makes a real gentleman - is increasing.

However, most modern women still appreciate gentlemanly gestures: sometimes almost imperceptible, but always very important ways to demonstrate to a woman that a man is attentive, polite and has good manners.

No.10 - Go Left

A real gentleman always walks on the left when walking. The origins of this classic sign of a gentleman date back to the Middle Ages: a woman walking on the right was protected by balconies hanging over her head, but pots of slop were poured onto the head of her unfortunate companion. Today, a man walking on the left "protects" a woman from passing cars, reducing the risk of her smart dress getting splashed by fast-moving cars.

No.9 - Seating Her First

In ancient times, it was considered good manners for a gentleman to push back his chair so that his lady could sit down at the table. Today, this gesture is considered too formal, but still a real gentleman should at least make sure that the woman sat down first. This act is a sign of respect and good manners, even if the woman herself did not notice this. Of course, the pause before sitting down should not be deliberate and ostentatious. You can “disguise” the wait, for example, by hanging up your outerwear while the woman sits down.

No.8 - Watch vocabulary

A very important rule, which is increasingly underestimated in the modern world - inappropriate vocabulary is not acceptable on a date. The essential qualities of a gentleman are erudition and the ability to express their thoughts without resorting to rude or even profanity. Vocabulary helps to demonstrate not only education, but also the high standards of a man in relation to himself and others. It is also worth refusing to use “pseudo-scientific” terms: too long and “smart” words, the meaning of which the man himself is unlikely to understand.

No.7 - Carry an umbrella

Another gentlemanly gesture is to take shelter with a woman from the rain under your own umbrella. In the UK, a gentleman had to always be ready for the vagaries of the weather, so a good quality umbrella has become one of the indispensable accessories for a man - and not only a Briton. Even if it's only going to rain, you need to take an umbrella with you - and if it really starts to rain, this will allow you to demonstrate your own foresight and ability to take care of others.

No.6 - Take her home

Escorting a woman home is an extremely important component of the behavior of a real gentleman. Making sure that a woman gets home without incident is the direct responsibility of a man, even if her house is not at all road. A woman will feel safe if she knows that a man will walk her straight to the front door. But "rewards" for chivalrous behavior should not be expected: the prerogative of a woman remains to decide whether a man will be allowed to step over the door threshold.

No.5 - Offer your jacket

When a woman chooses an outfit for a date, practicality considerations are usually rarely taken into account. A smart dress can hardly serve as a worthy protection from a sudden cold or rain, so if the evening is cold or wet, a gentleman should offer his jacket to a woman. Of course, a woman can refuse such an unsuitable wardrobe item, but the gesture itself will demonstrate care and attention.

No.4 - Make way

A traditional, but, unfortunately, increasingly ignored practice in the modern world is to give up a seat on a bus, tram, subway to elderly people or pregnant women. A man can go a little further and offer a seat to a woman instead of sitting himself. The gesture allows you to demonstrate that the comfort of a woman for a man is higher than his own. You should not turn the act into a spectacle for the entire bus, loudly and persistently seating the woman in her seat. The best way is to stand up and then quietly invite the woman to take the vacant seat.

No.3 - Turn off your mobile phone at the table

A surprising number of men hesitantly interrupts the date with a conversation on a mobile phone. This act is one of the grossest mistakes not only on a date, but also in any face-to-face communication situation. Answering a call on a mobile phone and, moreover, dragging out a conversation for several minutes, a man makes a woman feel superfluous: she is forced to wait for the end of the conversation in a very uncomfortable environment. The gesture of a real gentleman is to turn off the mobile phone during a romantic dinner and answer all missed calls later.

No.2 - Introduce Her

Having met someone you know during lunch or a joint walk, you need to introduce your lady to them: otherwise, she, as in the situation with a conversation on a mobile phone, will feel superfluous. A gentleman will always make sure that a woman feels as comfortable as possible, and introducing her to her friends or acquaintances is on the list of necessary actions for this. All you have to do is stop the conversation to give the woman's name and engage her in conversation. Even if the woman does not participate in further conversation, this gesture will make her feel more comfortable.

No.1 - Open the door

90% of all women believe that a man who opens the door for a woman is a real gentleman. Holding the door open is the simplest gesture, but it will show respect to the woman who enters it. As with other "gentlemanly" gestures, opening the door for a woman should be made a natural part of your behavior.

The art of being a gentleman is slowly dying. Modern ways of thinking are aimed at becoming more progressive, advanced in terms of technology, but the true values ​​​​have somehow been forgotten. There is nothing wrong with living in today's terms and keeping up with the times. But it will not be superfluous for anyone to know and remember some fundamental foundations of a behavioral nature.

The article will discuss how to become a gentleman. We use the gentleman's manual from almost two centuries ago and we will see that these rules are quite applicable to today's relationships.

What does it mean to be a gentleman?

It means, first of all, to be a good and educated person. This is a good attitude of others, priority in hiring, a benevolent attitude of colleagues. Women prefer men with a stable and strong character, because this is a sign of stability and serious intentions. For more tips on how to be a gentleman, read on. Perhaps some of these tips will seem old-fashioned and irrelevant, someone they will cause a smile, and yet they make a lot of sense.

Ladies and gentlemen

The attitude towards a woman at all times was determined by the upbringing that a man possesses. "73 Things a Gentleman Should Be Guided" is a complete guide containing advice for all the life situations that can happen in a relationship between the two sexes. Many pieces of advice sound naive today, but it’s worth thinking about: isn’t it still on them that peace in the family, in love, is kept?

Here are some rules of conduct for a gentleman, which must be observed by a person who considers himself such.

Loyalty, the ability to yield and much more

The set of rules begins with the fact that you should be faithful to your chosen one. It is indecent for a gentleman to look at other charmers if his lady is nearby. And number two is the courage to admit your mistake if you are wrong. And even if you are more often right - do not be afraid to give in to your weaker half.

What to do if she cries? "Don't you dare lose your temper," the leadership demands, "better console her, take her by the hand so that she feels calm and safe."

What is love?

"Love is complete trust," the gentleman's manual tells us. If you love, you must trust, not remembering that someone betrayed you in the past. And God forbid compare her with other girls! And comparing with those who were with you before is generally dangerous! Moreover, a gentleman will never ask his lady of the heart about men from her past life. And another useful tip: a real man does not make promises that he will not be able to fulfill later.

And write to her more often, as advised by experienced ancestors. Let it be just a note with a wish for good morning or good night - it will touch her. Yes, nowadays people are more likely to write messages by phone or email, but the essence of this does not change! We are learning how to be a gentleman today, not a hundred years ago.

But what about friendship?

Yes, it also happens that, carried away by a young lady, a young man forgets about everything, and even about his best friends. The guide for gentlemen also mentions this: "Spend a lot of great time with her, but do not ruin your friendship in the meantime! After all, a gentleman is a knight, and knights put friendship and loyalty above all else."

By the way, it is recommended to behave like a knight with a lady. For example, one should not forget to open the carriage door for her (today - cars), give her a hand, helping her sit down or get out of the transport, cross the street. Is this an outdated custom?

If the lady is your spouse, treat her with the same respect. Be tactful. Take care of her and take care of her, and then she will take care of you.

Women love with their ears

Everyone knows this expression - ladies love to hear pleasant things, compliments, declarations of love. But that's a bit off topic here. A gentleman should be able not only to speak, but also to listen. Listen to her, do not neglect what she tells you. Otherwise, you won't get much resentment. Yes, the old manual is very useful for a gentleman who needs to learn how to be a good listener!

Politeness - what is it?

Actually, any rule from this guide is built on courtesy. It contains, for example, such advice: laugh at her jokes, even if you don’t find it funny! And if she makes mistakes, or they were in her past, do not try to blame or reproach her. And never make excuses if you yourself made a mistake, it is better to admit it.

It's impolite to be late for a date. In the manual they write about it like this: “She comes first. Always. Occasionally. End of history."

Something with humor

The gentleman's guide also gives some funny advice. For example: "Fight her with pillows, but don't get too carried away." But about the bad habit of some gentlemen to speak badly behind their lady’s back, it is written extremely succinctly: “Bad idea, my friend!”

And why not a modern reminder: a gentleman will never ask his lady to give him something, and at the same time he himself will never forget about her birthday.

A gentleman is always neat

No, this is not a reminder for children. This is a reminder to gentlemen that hair should always be clean and nails neatly trimmed. Whole body hygiene is an important part of your image. Women don't like sloppy and dumb guys, it says in the gentleman's manual.

Don't force her!

That is what one of the points of the guide for true gentlemen says. If you want to sit down for a pint of beer (or watch a football match - for our contemporaries), and she wants to go shopping in an expensive store - you have to agree with her. Shopping is more important.

And what does a gentleman do if his lady cannot sleep? He doesn't offer her whiskey or vodka, no, he starts telling her interesting stories that will put her to sleep!

And certainly useful advice for a gentleman: never spank your woman! And if she spanks you, well, maybe you deserve it. I really hope that in all cases it will be about playful flip flops. Hitting a woman - there is not a word about this in this manual, because at all times it was considered a shame for a man. And for someone who considers himself a gentleman - even more so.

Also, if you love her...

If you love her, and you are a gentleman, you will not only tell her about it, but also show her - always, in everything! Don't let her go home alone, kiss her hands, watch the sunset with her. And the wisdom of all times and peoples: take your lady for who she is.

Rules of conduct for a gentleman - it's an endless list of recommendations in which there is some joke, some humor, but mostly they will be useful to young (and not so young) men for all occasions. Do you want an ideal relationship with your girlfriend, wife, just a friend? Be attentive, considerate, forgive her petty whims and give in to trifles. And then you will get much more in return.


You will not believe what the last, 73rd paragraph of the set of rules for a real gentleman says. He calls ... to tickle each other with his lady and in the end let her win. And this is no accident. This suggests that these rules, despite their seriousness, contain a great deal of irony. Although this is not a reason not to take them seriously.
