What amniotic fluid looks like. How to determine the leakage of amniotic fluid? Contractions without breaking water

In nature, everything is thought out to the smallest detail, including the habitat of babies in the mother's stomach - amniotic fluid. During pregnancy, the state of amniotic fluid changes every week. Why it depends and how the changes affect the development of the fetus - obstetrician-gynecologist Anna Sorokina will tell.

All nine months of life before birth, the baby swims in the amniotic fluid. This is a wonderful environment that fully meets the needs of the baby.

To understand where amniotic fluid comes from, let's remember school anatomy lessons: an egg fertilized by a sperm cell attaches to the uterus and begins to divide. As a result, four components appear - the fetal membranes, the chorion (the future placenta), the umbilical cord and the embryo itself (the unborn child). By the end of the second week of pregnancy, the fetal bladder already occupies the entire uterine cavity; the liquid inside it is absolutely sterile. Up to 14 weeks of pregnancy, amniotic fluid (amniotic fluid) seeps into the baby's body through the skin, and when its skin is enriched with keratin and thickens, the baby swallows amniotic fluid and excretes them in the urine. Over time, the volume of liquid processed reaches several liters per day.

Amniotic fluid is formed due to the penetration of blood plasma through the mother's blood vessels into the cavity of the fetal egg. In the last months of pregnancy, the kidneys and lungs of the baby begin to take part in the production of amniotic fluid. By the end of the gestation period, the amount of amniotic fluid reaches 1-1.5 liters, and, surprisingly, every three hours they are completely renewed!

We follow the norm

Since everything related to the state of the amniotic fluid is very important for the development of the child, obstetrician-gynecologists closely monitor what happens during this period. Usually, up to 18 weeks of pregnancy, the volume of fluid is proportional to the weight of the baby. In other words, if there is not enough fluid, it means that the child is growing more slowly. The volume of amniotic fluid depends on the individual characteristics of the body of the expectant mother. Usually this indicator fluctuates between 1–1.5 liters, and by 37–38 weeks it approaches the mark of 800 ml. And yet there are critical situations: when there is not enough amniotic fluid (less than 0.5 l), they talk about oligoamnios when there is a lot (more than 2 l), - about polyhydramnios. The amount of amniotic fluid is estimated by the results of ultrasound.


occurs with congenital malformations of the fetus (especially the urinary system), fetoplacental insufficiency, against the background of hypertension, infectious and inflammatory diseases, metabolic disorders (obesity III degree) of the mother. Features of pregnancy management and the outcome of childbirth depend on how long the oligohydramnios occurred and to what extent it is expressed.


can be associated with Rh conflict, diabetes mellitus, maternal cardiovascular diseases, genetic diseases or intrauterine infection of the fetus. Polyhydramnios is also possible with identical twins. Often pregnant women with polyhydramnios complain of general weakness, shortness of breath, rapid pulse, and swelling. They may experience an incorrect position of the fetus, its increased mobility. In chronic polyhydramnios, treatment with conservative methods may be necessary - diuretics, vitamins, and sometimes antibiotics are prescribed. In acute polyhydramnios, an amniotomy is performed (opening the fetal bladder) with careful release of water. In any case, if doctors tell you about polyhydramnios or oligohydramnios, you need to listen very carefully to their recommendations.

Important indicator

Since there are fetal cells in the amniotic fluid, their analysis reveals a number of diseases in the child, including genetic abnormalities. This study is called amniocentesis and consists in a puncture of the abdomen of a pregnant woman under ultrasound control. At 15–17 weeks of development, the chromosomal set in the fetus is determined using amniocentesis, later the stage of hemolytic disease (with Rhesus conflict), abnormalities in the development of the kidneys and lungs, and the infectious agent is detected. The study of cells takes from 2 to 6 weeks, and the result is ready by 20-22 weeks.
Amniocentesis is performed under local anesthesia. A contraindication to this analysis is the threat of termination of pregnancy, since the procedure itself in 1% of cases can lead to termination of pregnancy. Ultrasound and special genetic blood tests can only lead doctors to suspect any fetal disease, but the final diagnosis can only be made after amniocentesis.

Who would like to have this procedure? Women over 40 years old (or if the father of the unborn child is over 45 years old); those who have already had a child with genetic abnormalities. However, every woman always has the right to refuse an amniocentesis.

Childbirth begins!

Usually, the rupture of the fetal bladder and the outflow of water occur after the onset of regular contractions and the opening of the cervix by 5–6 cm. the birth of a child.
If the amniotic sac has ruptured before 37 weeks of pregnancy and the baby's lungs have not yet matured, doctors will try to keep the pregnancy going as long as possible.
If the leakage of water is also accompanied by infection, the woman immediately begins to prepare for childbirth and is given drugs for the rapid maturation of the child's lungs.

When the water starts to leak, many moms confuse it with urinary incontinence; in order not to be mistaken, strain the muscles of the perineum - the flow of urine can be stopped by an effort of will, but amniotic fluid cannot.

Amniotic fluid allows the child to provide reliable protection against damage, injury throughout pregnancy. However, how to understand that the waters have broken and how much is considered normal?

How do you know if the waters are breaking?

The girls are worried that it could be that she did not notice how the waters broke. In fact, such experiences are not justified, because it is simply impossible not to notice such a process. The waters can depart both before contractions and after they begin, everything is individual here and is within the normal range. Also, if you are wondering how to know that the waters have broken, you should be aware of two possible scenarios.

In the first case, the water of a woman arriving in an interesting position can leave little by little, gradually, as if leaking. This happens if the membrane of the fetal bladder is torn from the side or from above. In the second case, the waters can leave in a large volume and all at once, about a glass of liquid, so in this case you don’t have to wonder how to understand that the waters are leaving, this cannot be overlooked or missed.

Normally, amniotic fluid should be light in color., even rather colorless, are often slightly cloudy, but do not have an unpleasant or pronounced odor. If you are worried that you may confuse them with urine or secretions, then we give you a few tips. Urine has a pungent odor and a specific color, you can delay urination, but not the discharge of water. Also with vaginal discharge: they are not so abundant, they have an acidic environment and their own smell. The waters have an alkaline environment, which can always be checked with litmus paper.

After the water breaks in a pregnant woman, contractions can begin immediately, or maybe after a few hours. It is possible that you will wait for them only by the end of the day. Don't worry - this is normal. Try natural ways to induce labor: go for a walk, be active, do intense tummy rubs and nipple massages.

Methods of influence

Can water break? Yes, it happens. There are times when contractions have already begun a long time ago, but the water still does not depart. In this case, you should also not panic, but you need to go to the hospital. After examining the woman in labor by a doctor, he can give more time for the water to drain naturally or break through the amniotic sac. The second option will be able to bring closer the beginning of the approach of attempts and, as a result, childbirth. As you can see, there is nothing wrong with the fact that contractions began, but the water did not break. The most important thing in this situation is not to panic and consult a doctor in time.

amniotic fluid color

What should be the color of the amniotic fluid (what color does the water leave)? Normally, they should be transparent, odorless, but it happens that their color changes., what does it mean? The yellow color of the waters does not portend danger - here the only thing that needs to be done is to go to the hospital in the next 2-3 hours. If the water is speckled with red, with a woman feeling well - this indicates the opening of the cervix, and the same is not dangerous.

The green color of the waters means that you can’t relax. Gray-green and greenish shades can be due to two reasons: fetal defecation or insufficient amniotic fluid. In this case, it is necessary to go to the hospital without hesitation and as soon as possible, since the baby may experience serious oxygen starvation. In addition, meconium (a bowel product) swallowed by the baby, once in the lungs, can cause the development of pulmonitis or pneumonia in the newborn.

Dark brown is the color of unhappiness. And this indicates the intrauterine death of the fetus, in this case, the fetus should be removed as soon as possible, because its long stay can cause the death of matter.

The red color of the waters is also dangerous, it can indicate the presence of internal bleeding in the fetus or woman. At the slightest suspicion, it is urgent to call an ambulance, take a horizontal position and not move.

Amount of amniotic fluid

So, how much water leaves? Let's try to figure this out. The volume of amniotic fluid directly depends on the gestational age. At the same time, they can increase completely disproportionately. At the tenth week of pregnancy, the total volume of amniotic fluid averages 30 milliliters, closer to the 13-14th week of pregnancy it increases by about three times, now its volume is 90-100 milliliters, and by the 18-19th week of pregnancy this figure increases by four times and is 400 milliliters.

The volume of amniotic fluid reaches its maximum at about 37-38 weeks of gestation, at this stage the figure can be 1-1.5 liters, but immediately before the onset of childbirth, the volume of water can decrease and range from 800 milliliters to one liter. In the event that a woman continues to prolong pregnancy, then gradually the amount of amniotic fluid will decrease, thereby threatening the health of the baby.

Next steps

If the waters broke when the woman was at home, then it is necessary to call an ambulance so that she can take her to the hospital, no matter how pregnant she is. In the event that the discharge of amniotic fluid occurs at an early stage of pregnancy, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible, since the sooner you can turn to specialists for help, the more likely it is to keep the pregnancy and bear a healthy child without pathologies.

In the event that you notice that the discharge of the waters occurred on time, and the approximate, set date of birth by your attending physician is one of these days, then this indicates that the birth will begin in the next six to twelve hours. At the very least, doctors will make every effort to make this happen, since it is this period of time after the discharge of the waters that is considered to be optimal for both the newborn and the woman in labor.


During childbirth, the amniotic sac ruptures and water flows out, this is called "water discharge". Such a moment can happen before the start of contractions, and after the opening of the cervix. After the rupture of the amniotic sac, the child no longer has protection against possible infections., therefore, childbirth should occur no later than a day after its rupture. During childbirth, the total discharge of water is an extremely important indicator. If the waters broke a few weeks or days before the birth, then the woman must be hospitalized, and she must adhere to strict bed rest to reduce their discharge.

The volume of fluid directly depends on the position of the fetus during childbirth. If it is turned to the small pelvis with the head, then the discharge of water will be small. But this can be a serious problem, as the large amount of amniotic fluid left behind can cause the uterus to rupture. Therefore, if the cervix is ​​open, then the fetal bladder is opened, since it can not only harm the woman in labor, but also prevent the baby from leaving. It should be especially emphasized that all the procedures carried out should be carried out only with control over the condition of the baby, since it is important not only to take delivery, but also that the baby is healthy.

The protection of the baby in the mother's abdomen, its stable growth and proper development is provided by amniotic fluid during pregnancy. The enlarged uterus contains a fetal bladder filled with a special liquid substance. It is the "home" for the baby for the entire long period of pregnancy, almost from the very conception. Therefore, it is especially important to monitor the condition of this fluid and correct emerging deviations in time.

Formation and functions of amniotic fluid

The Greek concept "amnion", denoting the membrane of the fetus, gave the name of the amniotic fluid - a nutrient medium for the intrauterine development of the child. Immediately after the fertilized egg enters the uterus and attaches to it from the inside, a chorion is formed at the attachment site (in the future it will become the placenta). With the help of the umbilical cord, the chorion is connected to the amnion - the fetal bladder. Inside the amnion, real magic happens - a baby develops from several cells after the allotted time. Reliable protection is provided by thin and elastic, but very strong bladder walls.

The fetus is in the amnion filled with amniotic fluid or amniotic fluid

The amnion is filled with a fluid, the sterility of which is achieved by regular renewal. How is amniotic fluid renewed during pregnancy? Until the middle of the term, they are produced by the cells of the fetal bladder, and after the 20th week they are mainly formed by the kidneys of the child. At the end of pregnancy, the fluid is updated 8 times a day.

Amniotic fluid provides comprehensive protection for the baby:

  • Due to the content of immunoglobulins, the baby is reliably protected from all kinds of infections.
  • In the event of an accidental fall of the mother, the shock is cushioned by the presence of liquid, and no harm is done to the child.
  • The umbilical cord remains free and is not pinched.

The temperature inside the bubble is constant at 37 degrees Celsius. Until about the third trimester, the baby can even make swimming movements, as long as there is enough space for this.

Characteristics of the waters

More than 95% of the composition of the amniotic fluid is water. The rest is made up of vitamins, trace elements, even particles of the skin and hair of the fetus. Toward the end of pregnancy, when the child masters urination, urine also appears in the composition of the liquid. But due to frequent renewal, the composition of the liquid remains unchanged. There is an opinion that the liquid smells like breast milk, which is why a newborn baby unmistakably finds the mother's breast.

The amount of amniotic fluid increases from week to week, reaching a maximum two weeks before the planned date of delivery.

At 38 weeks, the volume of amniotic fluid is approximately 1-1.5 liters. Further, the amount of water decreases, and by the time they are born, about 800 ml remain.
Various pathologies of pregnancy can affect the decrease or increase in the amount of amniotic fluid.

Normally, amniotic fluid should be clean and clear. If a suspension appears in the waters, this most often indicates infection.

Diagnosis of the condition of a pregnant woman and a child using amniotic fluid

The state of the amniotic fluid is one of the main indicators of the normal or pathological course of pregnancy, as well as the condition of the unborn child. You can evaluate the amount and homogeneity of waters on an ultrasound examination, which every woman must undergo at least three times during pregnancy.

If necessary, the analysis of amniotic fluid can determine the sex of the child and his blood type. In addition, the suspicion of the presence of genetic abnormalities in the fetus can be confirmed or refuted by analyzing the amniotic fluid.

If it is necessary to determine whether the child is ready for birth, amniotic fluid is also taken for analysis. Based on the results of the analysis, an emergency delivery by caesarean section can be performed. Also, fluid analysis makes it possible to find out about the readiness of the respiratory system of the newborn for independent work.

Possible problems

Unfortunately, pregnancy does not always go smoothly. There are cases when violations of the quantitative or qualitative composition of the amniotic fluid provoke the occurrence of various pathologies.


This condition is said when the amount of amniotic fluid exceeds one and a half liters. This condition can be caused by kidney problems in the mother, infectious diseases, cardiovascular pathologies of the mother, or congenital diseases of the child. In the case of multiple pregnancies, polyhydramnios is also quite common.

With polyhydramnios, the amount of amniotic fluid exceeds 1.5 liters

Polyhydramnios is found, usually in the second or third trimester of pregnancy. If polyhydramnios occurred suddenly against the background of the previous normal state, delivery should be carried out immediately.

Low water.

The opposite situation is when the amount of water does not exceed 500 ml. Oligohydramnios can be caused by hypertension in a pregnant woman, inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs, overweight of the expectant mother, or disorders in the urinary system of the fetus. The condition is dangerous with the risk of hypoxia (oxygen starvation) of the child, therefore, appropriate treatment aimed at enhancing the production of amniotic fluid should be carried out immediately.

Oligohydramnios can also have a negative impact on the process of childbirth - the fetal bladder will not be able to press on the cervix with sufficient force, so its slow opening will lead to weakness in labor.

With oligohydramnios, the risk of premature birth is doubled, and babies, due to lack of space, are much more likely to take the wrong position in the uterus, not having time to turn into head presentation in time.

Oligohydramnios often makes itself felt with abdominal pain in a future mother - the child does not have enough space, and his every movement is difficult and painful. Reducing the amount of amniotic fluid can lead to clamping of the umbilical cord, as a result - to oxygen starvation and even death of the fetus.

Water leakage.

In a normal state, the fetal bladder remains intact throughout pregnancy, and the outpouring of water indicates the beginning of active labor. However, there are times when water starts to flow prematurely. Such a situation, or even the slightest suspicion of it, requires an urgent examination by a doctor, since a decrease in the amount of amniotic fluid can seriously harm the health of the child in case of untimely assistance.

You can check if water is leaking using special tests

A sign of water leakage is a sharp increase in fluid released when changing body position. You can accurately determine the leakage of water using pharmacy tests. If the condition is confirmed, it is necessary to contact the maternity hospital as soon as possible - perhaps this is a signal of the onset of premature birth.

Water of an atypical color.

In the normal state, the waters are transparent in color, and there are no impurities in them. True, towards the end of pregnancy, impurities inevitably appear - these are epidermal cells and vellus hair of the fetus. This state of the water is quite normal and does not threaten the development of the child. However, the green color and turbidity of the waters may indicate a serious pathology - fetal hypoxia. In this case, with a lack of oxygen, the muscles of the anus contract reflexively, and meconium is released into the amniotic fluid.

Another cause of premature meconium excretion is the aging of the placenta as a result of prolonged pregnancy. In this case, the placenta ceases to fully supply the fetus with oxygen, as a result of which the child develops oxygen starvation. The muscles of the anus contract again, and meconium is excreted.

Ingestion of amniotic fluid mixed with meconium by a baby negatively affects its development, so green waters require immediate medical attention.

Is it possible to avoid problems

Amniotic fluid is a nutrient medium that ensures the development of the child in the womb until the very birth. Any violations and deviations require close attention and medical supervision. Most amniotic fluid pathologies are successfully corrected in a hospital setting with the help of medications and vitamins. The patient must maintain complete calm, both physical and mental. You will have to forget about physical activity and an active lifestyle for a while.

It will not be superfluous to remind you of the need to visit a doctor observing pregnancy. It is constant monitoring that allows you to avoid many problems that negatively affect the normal course of pregnancy.

Without amniotic fluid, the development of the baby inside the womb is impossible. This is truly "living water", which gives the child a full life support.

Table large diagram
baby inside measurements
pain observation development
pregnant mother drinking

Amniotic fluid has an official name - amniotic fluid, from the Greek "amnion", in translation "- the shell of the fetus." What amniotic fluid looks like is clearly shown in the photo.

It is impossible to overestimate the importance of the functions of the amnion in the formation of the embryo. You need to know how long the baby will continue to live without amniotic fluid in order to fully realize the significance of the life-giving fluid: no more than 6 hours and a maximum of 12 hours.

Protects the fetus from infections

Amniotic fluid creates a sterile microenvironment for the child, blocking the influence of adverse factors. They are a shock absorber during mechanical external impact and a barrier to the penetration of viruses, microbes, infections. It is important to know how often the amniotic fluid is updated.

An amazing fact, but this happens several times a day - every three hours, and the composition changes depending on the stage of gestation.

Initially, amniotic fluid is similar to plasma, the fluid part of the mother's blood. Closer to delivery, the amniotic fluid contains a large volume of urination of the embryo.

The amniotic fluid provides the baby with oxygen and carbon dioxide. They have a rich composition, saturated with electrolytes, proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, enzymes, hormones, phospholipids, bioactive substances, vitamins, epithelial cells and hyperechoic inclusions (waste products of the baby).

The amount of amniotic fluid and components depends on the period of gestation, the weekly indicators can be seen in the table below.

Color changes and effects

Amniotic fluid may change color depending on the health of the mother and baby. It is necessary to know what color amniotic fluid is when leaking or when leaving, in order to understand whether there is a risk of pathology or not.

First you need to be able to determine how amniotic fluid flows and how it drains. When the water leaves, the bubble ruptures and a decent volume of liquid is poured out, about 200 ml. Many women confuse leakage with normal discharge, so they may not immediately realize that they are at risk.

Leakage threatens with premature effusion, which means premature birth. What to do in such a situation? Studies of this problem show that leakage is fairly easy to diagnose. You can purchase a test, an amnicator with an indicator, which is easy to use and used at home.

What amniotic fluid looks like when leaking, we advise you to look at the photo. If a problem is found, it is necessary to contact your doctor, take tests and undergo the prescribed examination.

The best medical centers

color staining

White or clear amniotic fluid without a strong odor is considered normal. But often there are cases of color changes that indicate the condition of the mother and child.

  1. Yellow: A dirty or hazy yellowish color is considered normal when water breaks.
  2. Yellow with streaks of red or pink: if the woman in labor is in good health, there is no concern. Veins warn that the uterus is ready for childbirth.
  3. Red: signals a dangerous threat to mother and baby. Perhaps bleeding began in the child or in the mother, the blood could get into the amniotic fluid. This rarely happens, you should urgently call an ambulance.
  4. Dark brown: This is evidence that a tragedy has occurred. In most cases, intrauterine death of the child occurred. In this case, they are trying to save the woman in labor, immediate placement in intensive care is necessary.
  5. Green: Green amniotic fluid means the baby is in serious danger. This happens in situations where the amount of amniotic fluid turned out to be too small, or a bowel movement occurred inside the womb.

If meconium (original feces) enters the amniotic fluid, aspiration (inhalation) of the waste product by the baby may occur. This happens quite often, green amniotic fluid suggests that the baby needs help.

Provide free movement of the fetus

Quantitative characteristics

Without amniotic fluid, a child can stay in the womb for no more than 12 hours, this is as much as it is safe for the life of the baby.

The normal volume of amniotic fluid varies from 600 to 1500 ml. The amount of amniotic fluid affects the free movement and movement of the baby, normalizes metabolic processes, and protects the umbilical cord from compression.

The amount of amniotic fluid has different parameters, which depend on the week of pregnancy. For example, at week 10 - 30 ml., At week 18, an average of 400 ml, closer to 38 - from 1000 to 1500 ml.

There is a special table that shows the parameters corresponding to each week of the term.

week of pregnancyAverage normal value in mm
16 121
17 127
18 133
19 137
20 141
21 143
22 145
23 146
24 147
25 147
26 147
27 156
28 146
29 145
30 145
31 144
32 144
33 143
34 142
35 140
36 138
37 135
38 132
39 127
40 123
41 116
42 110

With a significant deviation from the average value, tests and a full examination are prescribed.

The most common and safest examination is performed using ultrasound, but it does not give accurate results. Ultrasound is performed for general characteristics of mother and baby.

Reduce the force of shocks and pressure coming from outside

Biochemical, hormonal, immunological, cytological and other analyzes are taken during the examination by the method - amniocentesis. Early detection of chromosomal abnormalities is often required to prevent the birth of an affected child.

Amniocentesis is performed through a puncture of the amniotic sac. Contraindicated in genital infections, there is a risk of miscarriage. Every 1000th procedure ends tragically.

Consequences of deviations from the norm

With significant deviations from certain parameters corresponding to the healthy bearing of a child, there is a risk of pathologies in the mother and child.

The first complication is oligohydramnios. The reason is the weak production of amniotic fluid. It is quite rare, but can cause serious complications:

  • difficult childbirth;
  • premature delivery;
  • presentation of the embryo;
  • baby hypoxia.

The consequences of this pathology are anomalies and a delay in the growth and development of the child.

Perhaps the appearance of polyhydramnios, this is a significant excess of amniotic fluid. It happens chronic and acute.

  1. In chronic cases, the mother feels well, drugs are prescribed to remove excess fluid. Additional individual recommendations are given regarding diet, etc., which must be strictly observed.
  2. In acute - the rapid arrival of amniotic fluid, accompanied by acute pain in the abdomen, severe swelling, shortness of breath. There is a need to place a pregnant woman in a hospital, as there is a risk of premature birth. If the flow of water does not stop, an amniocentesis is performed to remove excess fluid.

Another pathology is leakage: the cause in most cases is the infection of the genital organs. With leakage, there is a risk of premature birth. Sometimes they are difficult to notice, it is recommended to carry out a verification test.

If there is a suspicion, you should immediately get an appointment with a doctor. It is often recommended to stay in a hospital for preservation, adherence to strict bed rest and doctor's recommendations.

The composition is quite complex and varies depending on the timing of pregnancy.

It is impossible to ignore the symptoms of the manifestation of pathologies, as well as to show an independent initiative for treatment at home. Such actions threaten the health of the baby.

Possible severe complications in a child after birth:

  • postpartum pneumonia;
  • the occurrence of diseases of the eyes, kidneys, skin;
  • belated development;
  • various forms of cerebral palsy.

There are cases when a child choked on amniotic fluid during childbirth. If it is a healthy clean liquid, then there is no particular risk to the health of the baby. Usually the child simply burps up the liquid that he swallowed.

But if meconium is present in the waters, then this threatens with serious complications:

  • postpartum bronchitis;
  • the manifestation of infections of the gastrointestinal tract, the baby will suffer from diarrhea, vomiting and diarrhea;
  • lack of appetite, backwardness of physical development;
  • the rapid development of rickets, it is necessary to constantly monitor how much the baby weighs;
  • during the first year there is a restless state, capriciousness.

In order to avoid all sorts of complications, it is necessary to constantly visit experienced doctors who will professionally eliminate problems and help you bear a healthy baby.

During pregnancy, an amniotic sac forms in the uterus, which will produce amniotic fluid. This fluid protects your baby. A decrease in amniotic fluid is called oligohydramnios or oligohydramnios. A decrease in amniotic fluid can lead to problems, so it is very important to keep the amount of fluid normal with the help of medical or folk remedies. This article provides some tips on this topic.


Increasing amniotic fluid with medication

    The type of treatment is selected depending on the duration of pregnancy. Therefore, the choice of treatment by the doctor will be based on the gestational age. Doctors usually prescribe one of the following treatments along with water rehydration.

    • If your pregnancy is still in its early stages, then the doctor will carefully monitor your condition and fluid levels. A non-stress test or a contractile stress test can be done to analyze the child's activity. Your doctor may recommend one of the following treatments.
    • If you have oligohydramnios in the last trimester, your doctor may recommend delivery by caesarean section, since a decrease in the amount of amniotic fluid just before delivery can be dangerous for both mother and child.
  1. Injection with amniotic fluid. This injection is a syringe filled with leaked amniotic fluid, which the doctor injects back into the uterus, into the amniotic sac. This method can improve the condition of the pregnant woman. This procedure is very similar to an amniocentesis (amniotic fluid test), but instead of taking a sample of the amniotic fluid, the doctor injects the leaked fluid into the amniotic sac.

    • This procedure is often used as a short-term solution to oligohydramnios because after a few weeks the fluid level may drop again. However, doctors have chosen to use this method because it helps them find the problem that is causing the amniotic fluid to drop.
  2. Administer liquid intravenously. Some pregnant women are admitted to the hospital for additional intravenous fluid therapy. This method is used if conventional means (for example, drinking plenty of water) are not able to increase the amount of amniotic fluid. If you have tried to increase the fluid on your own, but there is no change, then you will most likely be given fluid intravenously.

    • You will be discharged as soon as your amniotic fluid levels return to normal.
    • Keep in mind that sometimes intravenous therapy has to be taken until delivery.
  3. Catheter to increase amniotic fluid. Amnioinfusion is the introduction of Ringer's solution or normal saline into the amniotic sac using a catheter. With this procedure, the level of amniotic fluid will increase, so that the baby and the umbilical cord will be better protected.

    • The amount of saline injected will depend on how low the amniotic fluid level is.
  4. Talk to your doctor about having a shunt placed in your body. Shunts are used to move fluid from one place in the body to another. In this case, the shunt directs fetal urine to your amniotic sac if the cause of low amniotic fluid is chronic fetal uropathy (kidney problems that reduce amniotic fluid).

    Talk to your doctor about stopping ACE inhibitors if you are prescribed them. ACE inhibitors are drugs that help lower high blood pressure by stopping the conversion of angiotensin I to angiotensin II in your body. In general, these drugs are harmless, but they should not be taken during pregnancy because they can reduce the amount of amniotic fluid.

What is low water?

    What is amniotic fluid for? The most important function of amniotic fluid is to protect the baby while he is in the womb. It plays the role of a pillow, protecting the child from shock.
