The Chinese woman reached into the luggage x-ray after her bag and became a work of art. Foldover clutch - folding clutch

Secret feminine character can be revealed if you pay attention to what kind of bag a woman chooses for herself and how she holds it, say Spanish psychologists.

Bag large sizes characteristic of an active nature with a broad outlook and increased efficiency. Typically, this bag is easy to open and has many compartments (just don't confuse it with a shopping bag).

An elegant handbag They are worn by sophisticated people who devote a lot of time to their appearance and toilet. Although they go to work, they devote most of their time to extraneous conversations.

Miniature handbag without handle- the so-called cosmetic bag. They put keys, cosmetics, a notepad, a pen, and small change in it. Its small volume speaks of the owner’s restraint and organization.

And now about how a woman holds her purse

By the hand (hand lowered). About such a woman we can say that she is moderate in all respects. She is characterized by decency and punctuality.

Hand through the handle . If the elbow is pressed to the waist, we can talk about qualities such as love of order and the ability to manage a household, as well as self-esteem. For such a woman, it is important not to fall in the eyes of others. That's why she tries to maintain excellent shape under any circumstances.

If the hand on which the purse is worn is raised up , to the shoulder, then the woman can be described as brave, energetic and not inclined to avoid problems. She is sociable and a little afraid of loneliness.

Way to hold your bag by the corner often combined with the habit of leaving it anywhere. This is unique self-confident woman, indifferent to what others think about her, and very attached to her own - often erroneous - opinion.

Shoulder bag - a sign of shyness and uncertainty when the hand is lowered and inactive. If the hand moves easily and naturally, a shoulder bag is evidence of a cheerful character; a woman is pleased with herself and those around her, strives to be liked, wants to attract attention, and is partial to compliments.

Bag under the arm speaks of isolation, which often hides independence, seriousness and emotional stability.

What's in the bag?

Psychologists are convinced that you can also learn a lot about its owner from what is stored in a woman’s purse. Try a little experiment in a moment of rest. Of course, you shouldn’t take these characteristics too literally. By the way, a similar thing can be done for men - take a briefcase or wallet instead of a handbag.

Chaos style - In this style of handbag, the essentials lie deep at the bottom. You have to take out half the contents to find a travel ticket or a notebook. What can you say about the owners of such handbags? Apparently they live by the motto<Никаких проблем!>. Unoffensive and welcoming, they can nevertheless easily let anyone down, forgetting about a promise and not seeing anything wrong with it. Easy to meet, easy to break up. And one more feature: you should never insist that people of this type quickly do or find something.

Model order style - Here the handbag is the exact opposite of the previous one. Everything you need is always at hand. The handbag itself will never be a loud color; preference is given to soft flowers and strict forms. The character of women who have such handbags is active and reliable. They are correct, polite, confident. They have organizational skills.

Collectible handbag - It contains used cinema and theater tickets, crumpled recipes, brochures, buttons, newspaper and magazine clippings with useful tips, letters, photographs. The owners of such handbags are dreamy and somewhat careless, not very practical in everyday affairs.

For all occasions - What’s not here! Spare glasses, medicine kit, small telephone directory, deodorant, manicure accessories, several sets of keys, threads with a needle, plastic bags... This set testifies to the efficiency, practicality and worldly wisdom of a woman. And sometimes about a kind heart. But if all this (or almost all) ends up in a man’s briefcase, then he can be called a pedantic person and unsettled in life.

Business style - They are always in the purse notebooks, a set of postage stamps and envelopes, a thick notebook, a calculator, a specialized magazine and latest newspaper, definitely a pen - and more than one. People with different inclinations and different character. And yet they are, perhaps, distinguished by self-confidence, lack of humor and a rather naive understanding of many everyday affairs.

And Italian psychologists believe women's handbag the most “talking” item of women's everyday life- by its form and content you can understand a lot about the owner of this irreplaceable accessory.

At one time, Sigmund Freud argued that the fair sex subconsciously associates a bag with the very intimate part bodies, and psychoanalyst V. Reich called a handbag a “transitional object” that gives a feeling of security and protection.

The Italian magazine Nuova Psicologia brought together all the psychological signs associated with a woman’s bag. Here are some of them:

If a lady suddenly begins to rummage through her purse, it means the interlocutor is unpleasant to her.

When a woman sees someone she loves or likes, she will try to show off her bag.

The closer the bag is to the man, the more attractive the woman is to him.

If a woman strokes her bag, this is a signal of seduction, and if she asks a man to take something out of her bag, then this is a sign of absolute trust and desire for intimacy.

If a woman constantly changes her bags, she has a problem with self-identity.

A small handbag means that its owner is rational, economical, even prudent; the average size bags indicate the lady’s adequate self-esteem and stability in her personal life; a large bag can indicate a state of stress and defenselessness, as well as a subconscious attempt to take up more space in society.

When a woman craves change, she changes the size of her handbag.

A woman from the Chinese province of Guangdong did not want to part with her purse even while her things were being scanned at the entrance to the station. So I climbed into the X-ray machine along with my things. It turned out well: the images from the scanner look like a work of art.

Sometimes people find it very difficult to part with their belongings. But if the act of a couple who is somehow still understandable, then the woman who followed her bag through the station’s X-ray scanner is only surprising.

New Year in China is celebrated on February 16, and for many Chinese, February New Year holidays are the only opportunity to see family.


But the most important thing before the start of the holiday remains that the great New Year's migration, as a rule, occurs along with a bunch of bags stuffed with gifts for relatives, as well as serious amounts of money earned during the year. And for the sake of these bags, people are sometimes ready to do very strange things.

This is exactly the funny incident employees at Dongguan Railway Station in Guangdong Province in southern China encountered, writes the Daily Mail. They were shocked when they saw the silhouette of a man on the X-ray screen designed to check passengers' belongings.

A few seconds before the strange incident, a real drama unfolded at the station checkpoint. One of the passengers calmly put her suitcases on the scanner belt, but when she was asked to put there the small purse that the woman was holding in her hands, she was seriously confused.

But, apparently, the Chinese woman really was not a trespasser or a smuggler. Without thinking twice, she climbed onto the X-ray conveyor belt after her purse. She did this silently and sternly, so that none of the confused employees dared to stop her. Therefore, the woman rode safely on the machine’s belt following the luggage.

The incident was recorded by surveillance cameras installed at the station.

The images that appeared on the X-ray screen after the woman left the tape can be considered a real work of urban art. The X-ray shows the Chinese woman on all fours, surrounded by various items from the luggage of her fellow travelers.

In the second photo, the woman seems more comfortable in the cramped tunnel of the device.

She later explained that she reached into the X-ray scanner for her purse out of anxiety. After all, her things could have been stolen. As the Daily Mail reports, she considered not only other passengers, but also station workers, potential thieves.

The employees were not angry with the restless passenger, but advised other visitors not to be exposed to the effects of X-rays in the future. Sometimes the Chinese really should be wary of thieves, because Chinese guys .

But now the whole world can admire the unusual photographs and appreciate how attentive the people of China can be to their belongings, much like the Chinese who checked in their luggage on the plane.

Citizen, please go to the middle of the bus, otherwise I won’t fit with my bag.
- With pleasure! For the sake of such a pretty citizen, I’m ready to go even to hell.
- Thanks for the compliment! You, probably, anyone you meet -
transverse so you say?
- No, only beautiful women with big bags. You
not even a bag, but bags! I wonder what you carry in it? Sleeping
headset? A year's supply of potatoes?
- They didn’t guess. Scissors for cutting long tongues.

Ahh. And did you cut a lot?
- I kiss the bag. I'm taking it to fry.
- What oil?
- Without oil: it won't burn in our frying pan.
- Is it delicious?
- Don't know. We don't eat ourselves. We sell it at the market.
- Is there a quality certificate?
- Yes, but not about your honor. You're not from the consumer department, are you?
- I'm from the council.
- Which one?
- Female.
- So in women's council there are no men!
- Happens. I just visited there.
-And what issue was resolved?
- About the forcible confiscation of women's bags in order to avoid
hernia and prolapse of the stomach.

So why aren't you acting?
- I'm afraid of fierce resistance.
- Aren’t you afraid of anything else?
- I'm afraid of mice, height and width.
- Why width?
- Because. Everywhere you go, you come across women's bags.
this height, this width!
- And you go around.
- Side too long: along the entire state border
you'll have to make your way.
- And what do you want to offer?
- Hand, but not necessarily heart.
- To whom?
- A woman with a large bag.

So let me borrow your hand, I’ll use it, maybe a hernia
it won’t and your stomach won’t go down.
- I can’t give: I only respond to demand with an offer,
according to unwritten market laws.
- You'll get tired of talking to you. Let's keep quiet.
- You can’t be silent! If everyone is silent, who will decide the issue?
about giant handbags? A woman should not lift
more than three kilograms! Except when she
goodwill carries her husband in her arms. The times are long over when
our tireless workers carried mammoths and rails to
shoulders. Do you agree with me?
- No. Times are coming back. I go out.
- From yourself?
- From the bus. We arrived at the market.

Me too. Let me do the gentlemanly thing?
- Please!
- Hey, citizens! Let the man with the sofa pass! Or rather, with
furniture bag.
- Here, please, on this counter. Thank you!
- So where are your tongues? There are only clothes here.
- They jumped out of the hole.
- And I’m thinking: why is this so moth, I don’t smell like meat?! You
women's sheepskin coat for my wife average height There is?

Here, choose. Seven pieces left - from a llama, a sheep, a ram,
rhinoceros, deer, zebra and giraffe.
- Set aside from the giraffe: an exotic species! And leather raincoats
There is?
- Ten two or three. Look. This is pigskin... this is husky... this
crocodile... this is leatherette under the tarpaulin... this is from kitchen oilcloth under
- I'll take the crocodile. Those women's boots are sticking out of your bag -
- Austrian, Italian, African, Uryupinsk - forty-eight species!
- Does it have an aluminum sole?
- Certainly. There are even cast iron ones.

In! Let's use cast iron so we can't go far! So. A
fur hats?
- Please! Here are mink, nutria, weasel, sable, marmot, steppe
wolf, fox, dog, gopher, cat, mouse, fish...
- We'll take sable. Maybe you have sable fur coat There is?
- But of course! Last eight left. Take this
this one. Strong! These sables were fed millet porridge and given strong drinks.
- What else can I get from you?
- Take about thirty bras while they're cheap,
about fifty panties. Here are woolen dresses - camel,
goat, bear and fifteen other varieties.
- So. And for the summer something: chintz, staple, linen, satin, burlap,
gauze, fine mesh?

It’s also possible for summer, but I have them at the bottom of my bag. help me
Take out the boxes with perfumes and cosmetics.
- How damn heavy! Are there dresses in this bag?
-No, these are men's socks with women's tights... here are handkerchiefs... here are six boxes of toothpaste... these are boxes of kitchen utensils... these are boxes of candy... these are with mayonnaise... these are sausages... there are dried fruits in this bag. .. in these three boxes there are auto parts... these are cans of engine oil... and here fresh vegetables and fruits... these are shampoos and soaps... Oh! Here it is, my bus pass, and I’ve been looking for it for a week... it’s a hundred blocks of American cigarettes... Phew, I’m tired!.. You better come closer to the summer, then we’ll get it - it’s still a long way from bags of summer clothes...You turned pale, do you feel bad? Wait, I had a bag of medicine here somewhere. These are irons... these are coffee grinders... these are vegetable cutters... these are electric drills... these are watering hoses... these are pest control chemicals... these are gardening tools... these are prefabricated country house... Phew!.., these are seedlings of apple, pear, cherry, apricot, bamboo, baobab... Phew!.. Now I’ll rest a little...

A woman's bag is a mystery no less than the Bermuda Triangle. And although the first bags appeared as long ago as the money they carried, their current image Lady's bag found only at the end of the 19th century: just at the time when women began to realize their freedom from men. Modern bag- child of the French Revolution of the 18th century and era women's emancipation the end of the 19th century.

In the Middle Ages, women wore wide skirts, in the cozy folds of which early pocket bags were easily hidden. These pockets were not connected to clothing, appeared to be androgens (for they were worn by both men and women), and differed only in design and material. Later, bags in the form of elegant pouches that were pulled together at the mouth were worn on the belt.

1790 is considered the year of birth of the bag, which must be carried in the hand. This is connected with the French Revolution and the new women's fashion. The innovation was a success, and within a few years, from 1804, the rules good manners Men are assigned to keep their hands in their pockets, and women are assigned to keep their pockets (i.e. bags) in their hands. Thus, the androgenicity of the pocket, waist pouch and coin holder was lost - and the woman learned to leave the house holding a small handbag in her hands. The first bags were called "reticules". This word came to the Russian language in an ironic French version(like many other words related to fashion) - “reticule”.

A sewing bag was called a “tooth bag.” The smaller the bag, the wealthier the woman was considered, because next to her there was a man or a servant (or as in Griboedov: “husband-boy, husband-servant, one of the wife’s pages”) who carried necessary items. However, as emancipation progressed, the woman's bag began to gradually increase in size. And if earlier society ladies hid their fans, perfumes, mirrors, elegant lace scarves and carne de ball (a book for recording dance partners) there, then gradually the need arose to carry cosmetics and books in it, and at the beginning of the 20th century - even cigarettes. And when the train was invented in the second half of the 19th century, railways and it became possible to move faster in space - then, for convenience, a traveling bag was invented, that is, a bag for traveling.

In those days when a woman asserted her right to be considered a “decent lady,” even if she travels independently, without male accompaniment, it was the bag that became her indispensable partner and essential item. If at the beginning of the century before last the bag was carried in the hand or on a finger, then at the end of the century it gradually rose and ended up on the shoulder. Suffragettes carried bags with special chic- like soldiers with their backpacks. However, for most representatives of the fair sex, such an “elevated” position was finally strengthened only in the 1950s.

Functionally and aesthetically, bags and handbags have gone through a period of division of labor: bags for work and exercise, cocktail and evening bags, a bag for funerals. Each era tried to create its own own style for this item. One of the brightest periods of handbag history was the 1920s, when flapper-girls experimented with the Charleston handbag. In other times, bags were supposed to be in harmony with shoes, in others they were perceived as toilet decorations. Locks on bags appeared in the 19th century, and zippers were invented in 1923.

IN Victorian era mass, industrial production of bags began. The first companies appeared, such as Hermès and Louis Vuitton. However, homemade bags and, so to speak, one-piece items for a long time remained more popular because the middle class could not always afford brocade or leather bag from English or Spanish leather. Homemade bags are closely connected with history: during the Second World War, women came up with the design of bags that could accommodate gas masks; and in the 1960s, hippies who resisted universal consumerism sewed a variety of bucket bags themselves.

In the process of amateur and industrial production, they used various materials: satin and silk, tapestries and leather, wood and glass, iron and plastic (such as bakelite or lucid), straw and old magazines. The bags were decorated with Venetian or Bohemian beads, bugles, semiprecious stones, metals, lace, embroidery, applique, Limoges porcelain and cameos.

More and more interest in bags was shown famous designers and artists. Their wildest fantasies made it look like fashion accessory for miniature sculptures. Lady's hat- not free: it should decorate a woman’s face.

Shoes should be, above all, comfortable. And only bags provided artists with unlimited freedom. In the 1920s they were made in the form of airplanes, steamships and cars. In the 1940s, Walborg Poodle bags appeared - bags in the shape of black and white poodles. Baroque modernist Elsa Schiaparelli created her bags together with Salvador Dali. Anne Marie deFrance managed to create bags in the form musical instruments. And the king of lucid products, Will Hardy, experimented with the plasticity of the material. In the 1920s, the famous artist Sonia Delaunay, and after her, in the 1960s, Emilio Pucci, were fond of geometric design.

It turns out that the bag can determine the character and temperament of the owner. Moreover, not only the shape, size or color of the handbag is taken into account, but also how you wear it: for example, on the shoulder, by both handles, on the elbow or under the arm. By looking at a bag you can identify a rebel, a bitch, a good girl, and business woman. The main thing is to know the correct algorithm.

So, big bags preferred by pragmatic women who love comfort and simplicity in everything. The spacious bag is so convenient to carry everything you need! In addition, a magazine or book or some small purchases can easily fit into it. According to psychologists, lovers of such bags have an impatient character. They demand from both personal and business partners full dedication and live by the principle: “Take it out and put it down!”

For owners small handbags external image is much more important than convenience. They are not bothered by the fact that such a bag can fit a very limited set of items. Just in case, they always carry with them plastic bags, where they put everything that doesn’t fit in their handbag or clutch. But, as it seems to them, they look quite feminine. They carry themselves with dignity, but can sometimes be bitchy.

Bags strict classic shape chosen by “business” ladies who know their worth very well. They are practical and active.

Bags unusual and original design They prefer extraordinary people, often with creative professions and inclinations, adventurers by nature, as well as ladies of fine spiritual organization. Such a bag may also indicate that a woman outwardly wants to appear self-sufficient, but deep down she is very vulnerable and reacts painfully to criticism.

Backpack instead of a bag, it most often indicates the immaturity of its owner. This girl is not ready for serious relationship with a man and creating a family, her element is company and entertainment. It happens that quite mature people also carry backpacks. Subconsciously, such a lady continues to feel like a teenage girl. This is what they say about such people: “A small dog is a puppy until old age.”

Owner of the bag black color can be practical, thrifty and careful. She does not go on adventures and trusts only a limited circle of close people.

Bag warm or light tone indicates that her owner is no stranger to romance. She can be slightly childish, open, kind and inquisitive. Such ladies often conquer others with their charm.

Bag bright color may indicate boldness and creative nature, its owner is often characterized by some eccentricity, even if she does not belong to bohemian circles.

Most women carry a bag on shoulder. If the lady is right-handed, then on the right, if left-handed, then on the left. It happens that a lady puts a bag over her shoulder. Either she is afraid of losing it (if the bag is worn this way, it is more difficult for a burglar to rip it off), or she has male type character and she pays more attention to convenience, and not to how she looks in the eyes of others.

If a woman carries a bag without a belt, holding by both handles, this is a sign of conservatism. You will never hear an obscene statement from such a person, she does not allow herself any liberties, she controls literally every step, every word... She is strict and punctual in many areas, so much so that many begin to consider her a terrible bore and troublemaker.

Bag on elbow reveals capriciousness in a woman. Or maybe you have an overly refined nature in front of you. However, she tries to hide her vulnerability from others.

Not many women carry a bag under the arm. If you encounter such a phenomenon, then know that in front of you is a determined and purposeful person. Business, work is more important to her than her personal life. She may not take good care of herself, which is why she is called a “bluestocking.” Women who like to carry bags under their arms are usually reserved and taciturn.

The contents of the bag can tell a lot. Usually, handkerchief, comb, mirror, keys, cell phone are in everyone's bag. But if a lady carries around a full "arsenal of beauty": cosmetic bag, lipstick, powder, eye shadow, mascara, perfume, cream, tonic, sanitary napkins- she is very concerned about the opinions of others about her person and therefore always strives to be “in full dress.” If cosmetics at a minimum - let's say, only lipstick and deodorant- the owner of the bag does not like to complicate her life, prefers naturalness.

There are people who have a bag full of things "just in case". There you can find medicine, old notebooks, scissors, a screwdriver, spare glasses, even spare jewelry... Who knows what you might need! Such women are very prudent and tend to fear unforeseen situations. They strive to always be prepared for any difficulties in life.

Read also:

The Bible... of handbags. Shopping
