Hair coloring. Technique of mixing paints and colors

By competently combining 2-3 tones of colors, it is possible to achieve amazing unique hair colors. Coloring is based not only on the selection of well-matched beautiful shades, but also on the exact calculation of the proportions of the selected products. Before mixing hair dyes to obtain the desired color, the color chart must be thoroughly studied. An illustration on the theme of combining different tones of hair dyes is attached to this article. Immediately, we note one contraindication: you can not take more than three tones in one session. You have to decide for yourself what the end result should be. You can get a light or rich version.

Rules for mixing paints

A serious approach to mixing dyes

Experts who own the technology of mixing tones work on the principle of an integrated approach. It is known that a specialist first assesses the condition and recognizes the structure of the hair, determines the sensitivity of the skin on the head. The presence or absence of gray hair, the original color (natural or remaining after the previous staining) - these points are also significant. There are two options. The first is to act independently, guided by the advice of professionals, there is a certain amount of risk of getting an unwanted color. The second is an appeal to the master, in this case you can be one hundred percent sure of a brilliant result that will exceed all the expectations of the client. Talented masters help to correct facial features and visually rejuvenate a woman with the help of proper hair coloring.

Using paints from the same brand

All authoritative sources talk about the possibility of combining different shades only if they are made by the same factory. In no case should you experiment by combining products from different manufacturers. Each company has a unique palette and its own technologies. Lots of positive reviews for home use of this product: "Syoss Mixing Colors".

Mixing hair dyes: to get the desired color, you can combine 2 or 3 tones

Mixed hair coloring at home

Selection of shades close to each other

To increase the chances of a favorable outcome of the operation, you should take for mixing only tones as close as possible to each other, within the same palette. For example, chestnut is combined with copper, purple-black with eggplant, caramel with gold, dark blond with medium blond. For those who do not know how to mix hair dyes to get the right color, the table will help.

Proportions and exposure time of paint

It is necessary to calculate the total amount of paint according to individual characteristics. To do this, you need to have an idea about the consumption of the product: for short hair of medium density to the shoulders, you need 60 milliliters of paint or 1 pack; to completely saturate medium-length hair with paint, 120 milliliters of dye is taken; long hair should be enough from 180 milliliters of the product. The ratio of the colors present in the mixture is extremely important. If you manage to correctly select the proportions, according to the table or intuitively, then the desired result will definitely be obtained. It is worth noting that each type of hair perceives staining with the same product differently, therefore the final color may differ from person to person. The exposure time of the dye on the hair directly affects the saturation of the color. When two shades are already selected, they are mixed equally, or one of them is taken a little more. The proportions depend on the desired effect. For example, you want to use chestnut along with copper, and you want the final color to be closer to copper, which means that copper paint should prevail.

Preparing hair with uneven color

There may be a non-uniform initial hair color. This happens due to the presence of gray curls or regrown roots against the background of the previous staining. It is useful to equalize the color by pre-staining as close to natural tone as possible. And then you can apply new colors that will lie evenly and naturally.

The process of dyeing hair with two colors

First, one and the second paint are mixed separately, in different containers. It is important to prepare the dye strictly in accordance with the attached instructions. Ready-to-use colors from one manufacturer can be combined and applied immediately, evenly throughout the hair. For the convenience of working with hair, use a special brush, to protect your hands - polyethylene gloves, and to maintain health and prevent staining of the adjacent skin of the face and neck - apply a greasy cream to all areas close to the hair. It is necessary to quickly use up the entire volume of paint. None of them can be stored. The exposure time can be selected according to the instructions, it is not recommended to exceed it, otherwise negative consequences will overtake - the hair will suffer. The paint is applied immediately after preparation, since the chemical reaction proceeds quickly, after half an hour the unused product becomes unusable from exposure to air.

It should be noted that mixing paints at home involves a certain risk. If there is no confidence in the result, then it is better to go to the salon and trust the master.

Hair coloring is based on a scientific basis - knowledge of color and chemical laws, the skill of a hairdresser-colorist.

Modern coloring is a fashion for uniqueness and absolute individuality

Coloring is divided into several varieties, the main of which are:

  • booking;
  • highlighting;
  • balayage;
  • ombre.

When blonding, the master carefully distributes various shades of light tones over the entire length of the hair of each strand. This look looks beautiful on blond hair.

Bronding on light brown straight hair. Results before and after staining

Performing hair highlighting, the hairdresser discolors the selected strands. The number of light strands depends on the wishes of the client and can range from 10% to more than 50%.

Highlights on dark hair

Sometimes for colored strands, the shades obtained during dyeing are additionally neutralized by applying the rules of color.

When carrying out the ombre technique, the master achieves a smooth transition, starting from a very dark root zone to the most lightened ends of the hair.

Long straight hair dyed with ombre

Features of coloring by color types of appearance

To obtain the desired tone, the paint is diluted with certain pigments:

1 pack of paint (60 ml) corrects the color with 4 grams of pigment. When you get an ugly or not the one that is desirable, experts do not recommend lightening the hair color, you get a dirty, unattractive color.

In this case, it is better to correct staining with professional craftsmen who have rich experience and the necessary funds.

Why is it important to know color theory, about color combinations, how to apply it in coloring

It's important to know! For hair coloring, mixing paints and colors, it is important to select matching tones, to combine them in exact proportions. Professionals mix paints that are similar in tone, meeting the rules for proper combination:

  • copper shade with brown;
  • eggplant with dark purple;
  • caramel with golden brown.

It is not allowed to mix more than 3 colors of different tone. The hairstyle will gain contrast if white strands are applied to dark hair.

Note! Proper mixing of paints and colors in coloring can visually change the shape of the face, correct parts of the hairstyle with certain color shades.

Rules for mixing paints of different shades

Experienced professionals who know how to evaluate:

  • hair - condition, structure;
  • scalp - sensitive, dry, irritated.

Experts note 4 color types: cold - summer and winter, warm - autumn and spring.

it is undesirable to change the natural color type to the opposite.

For fair-haired women belonging to the “summer” color type, it is better to color with wheat, ashy and platinum tones. Dark-haired representatives of the fair sex belonging to this color type will suit various brown tones.

Blond hair of the “spring” color type is dyed with colors that match the natural color, golden and honey tones. For dark hair of this color type, caramel and walnut are chosen.

Bright representatives of the "autumn" are especially suited for rich tones of colors - red, golden, copper.

Experienced stylists determine the color scheme of hair dyes by the eyes.

Owners of gray-blue eyes are most suitable for light hair tones.

Green-eyed women are offered warm shades. If yellowish blotches are present in the iris, an orange and red palette paint is recommended. If the eyes differ in a malachite shade, a chestnut, dark blond tone is in harmony.

Light tones look beautiful with blue eyes. Brownish blotches on the iris of blue-eyed individuals suggest staining with caramel or red hues. Bright blue eyes - brown tones work well. Gray-blue is best painted in light colors.

For dark brown eyes with dark skin- chestnut or chocolate tones. If you have light skin with dark brown eyes, you should paint with red shades. For light brown eyes, golden tones are recommended.

Gray-eyed women fit all tones, but it is better not to use too dark shades.

Hair colors are mixed with palette colors similar in tone, accurate selection is carried out using the attached color shade tables.

Do not mix paints produced by different companies.

Manufacturers have their own palette, different from others. The desired result is obtained with the correct calculation of the proportion and amount of paint.

Experts recommend unevenly dyed and gray hair - first dye it in a natural color, and then select and mix shades. On hair of different types and textures, the same shades look different, and time exposure affects color saturation.

It is forbidden to dilute paint in metal dishes, suitable for glass, ceramics, plastic.

In what proportions to mix paints

Different amounts of dye are used on hair of different lengths:

  • short hair - 1 pack (60 ml);
  • medium hair - 2 packs (120 ml);
  • long hair - 3 packs (180 ml).

To obtain the shade indicated on the package, 3% oxidizing agent is added when diluting the paint. When mixing paints for hair coloring, take them in equal proportions or add more paint, the color you want to get.

For example, when mixing caramel and golden blond, adding more golden blond, you get a richer golden hue.

Important to remember! The palettes of colors developed by the manufacturers are paints of complex tonality, containing different quantitative content of pigments: gray-green, blue, red and yellow.

The molecules of these dyes vary in size:

  1. The smallest molecule belongs to the gray-green pigment, coloring the hair, it is distributed in it first.
  2. Next in size is blue, which will be the next to take place in the structure of the hair.
  3. Red is larger than the first two, it has little opportunity to take place in dyed hair.
  4. Most of all, the yellow pigment, it has no place at all in the inner part of the hair, it envelops its outer side. Shampoo removes yellow pigment quickly.

The composition of dyes - what is important to know?

Undyed natural hair contains 3 primary colors. Their different combination determines the natural color of the hair.

Three primary natural colors: blue, red and yellow

In hair coloring, when mixing paints and colors, the gamut of colors is distributed over levels from 1 to 10: starting from 1 - very black and ending at 10 - the lightest. In hair from level 8-10 there is 1 yellow pigment, from level 4-7 there is red and yellow color, brown shades are obtained.

The highest levels 1-3 have the presence of blue pigment in conjunction with red, yellow is completely absent.

Hair dyes of all manufacturers are indicated by numbers, they determine its tone:

  • the first - belonging to the degree of lordship;
  • the second - to the main color (up to 75% of the paint composition);
  • the third is the nuance of color.

secondary colors

Mixing bordering colors acquire secondary:

  • orange - yellow and red;
  • purple - red and blue;
  • green - blue and yellow.

Each of the 3 primary colors has an opposite color (opposite color), contributing to the neutralization of various shades:

Each of the 3 primary colors has a counter color
  • red is extinguished by green;
  • blue - orange;
  • yellow - purple.

Professionals calculate and remove unsuccessful shades according to this principle.

Tertiary colors

By connecting the primary and secondary color borders, they acquire tertiary shades.

When coloring hair, mixing paints and colors, beautiful shades are obtained, for example, by combining a beige shade with a cold violet - exquisite platinum. A blonde with gray-green hair is corrected by adding red, redness is neutralized with a tobacco tint.

Important to remember! On completely bleached hair, the desired shades are not obtained, they become lighter, for example, a purple tint on white hair turns into lilac. With a slight content of yellow pigment in the hair, it comes out:

  1. Pink color takes on a reddish tint.
  2. Lilac neutralizes yellowness, platinum remains.

Darker shades come out on natural uncolored hair.

Harmonious colors

The harmony of nearby colors is the presence of one primary color. Harmonious colors are taken from the intervals of one main color to the next main color. They have 4 subspecies.

The harmony of these colors leads to balance, changing their lightness and saturation when coloring hair, mixing colors and colors. When white or black colors are added to them, the harmony of the combination occurs with the release of one saturated color.

The Oswald circle is the basis of coloristics, which determines the laws of the formation of shades. Mixing dyes and colors to change hair color is carried out in accordance with his recommendations.

monochrome colors

With a monochrome combination, a combination of colors of the same color range occurs, with light and saturated shades. In hairdressing, a similar calm combination is often used.

achromatic colors

The achromatic combination of colors is essentially close to the monochromatic combination; in some sources it is not singled out separately. It is based on two or more achromatic colors.

The classic combination of this harmonic series is considered to be a gradual transition from white to black. Hairstyles made in this style emphasize dignity and stability.

Achromatic color combination

Each manufacturer produces complex color shades using different proportions, which gives the product its own shade.

Some companies add a neutralizing pigment, but not always. The complexity of staining to obtain the desired effect is to carefully study the composition of the paints.

Ash shades

Ash shades are popular in hair coloring in salons, especially with ombre.

The results of staining with ashy shades may differ from those expected. Therefore, a number of nuances should be taken into account :

  • ashy shade on bleached hair looks excessively gray or dirty;
  • it gives darkening to the hair;
  • in the presence of yellowness creates a green tint;
  • suits young girls, other women look older.

Ash shade is most suitable for young girls

Skillful hands of a professional will avoid side effects and get the desired result, taking into account the following features of ashy paint:

  • there is a lot of blue pigment in the ashy shade;
  • a feature of the paint is the presence of different shades from different manufacturers;
  • ashy shades of different firms differ in pigment density;
  • this paint removes the orange tint when lightening.

Before proceeding with the coloring of hair, you should determine a few points:

  • correctly set the depth of the tone in the hair;
  • understand what hair color the client wants to receive;
  • make a decision about additional hair lightening;
  • understand whether after the procedures an unnecessary shade to be neutralized is obtained, and determine the color.

It is important to correctly determine the level of depth of hair tone

Hair coloring, mixing several colors of different colors in a hairstyle contributes to the creation of a unique individual image. This type of coloring is suitable for hair of different lengths: from short creative haircuts to beautiful curls.

Experts insist on maintaining a sense of proportion so that there are no overflows of tasteless bright spots. The theory of color, an invaluable practice that brings experience, helps the masters to maintain balance.

Qualified hairdressers warn - you can not rashly experiment without a clear knowledge of the laws of obtaining color combinations.

Hair Color Mixing Chart

How to properly dye your hair using the color technique

Before coloring hair, mixing paints and colors, follow the advice of experts:

  1. It is not recommended to use masks for a week before dyeing, as the special substances in their composition envelop the hair and can change the expected coloring result.
  2. The head is not washed before staining: the skin on the head will not be affected by the oxidizing agent, due to the released fat.
  3. Paint is applied to dry hair, wet dilute it, the color will lose saturation.
  4. To facilitate the distribution of the dye, the hair is divided into strands and the dye is applied evenly and quickly.
  5. The paint is applied again, first on the root zone, after 20 minutes, spread over the entire length.
  6. Perform the procedure with gloves that protect your hands.
  7. Wash off the paint gradually, moisten, lather. Then wash your hair with shampoo and apply balm.

Paints must be for professional use and belong to the same manufacturer .

Mixing paints and colors in hair coloring should be carried out step by step:

  1. Read the instructions carefully. Mix colors separately.
  2. Mix paints together in the chosen proportion.
  3. Mix composition thoroughly and distribute the mixture through the hair. The paint is applied immediately after preparation, because. the shelf life of the diluted coloring composition is short.
  4. keep hair dye according to the instructions, then wash your hair.

Note! Diluted and mixed paints must not be stored. After 30 minutes, a reaction with air masses will occur and the paint will deteriorate. A multi-colored mixture should be used in one go.

The records determine:

  • the color you like, no need to remember - what shades were used when mixing;
  • duration - how long the staining is not washed off;
  • unsuitable shade - which colors should not be mixed.

Professionals warnit is difficult to get rid of some tones of colors. First you need to remove the color you don’t like, and then dye your hair again. These actions will affect the condition of the skin on the head and hair.

After consulting with experts, you can understand which colors are more suitable for your skin type and face shape and find a special individual hair color that emphasizes a unique female image. Be healthy and beautiful!

Useful video materials on the topic: Hair coloring. Mixing paints and colors

How to mix hair dyes correctly:

A short course on the basics of color:

You can see how to choose a shade for your hair here:

anna base

At all times, women were proud of lush and well-groomed curls. The color of the hair was also important. Curl care is a necessary condition for attractiveness. Therefore, the beautiful half of humanity pays considerable attention to hair color. Black hair suits some, brown hair for others, and blond or fiery red hair for others. Women like to change colors, mix different color schemes, experiment and find a fresh and suitable shade. How to find an acceptable option?

How to mix paints?

It is also important to mix close color shades with different tones, for example, dark blond with medium blond.
It is forbidden to mix dyes from different companies, since they are two completely different color palettes.
A significant role is given to the color ratio and the total amount of paint.
The color of the hair at the tips and roots differ from each other. Therefore, first dye your hair in a color that is close to natural and then do experiments and mix the colors.
Remember that the same color looks different on different hair. The level of intensity and brightness of the color depends on the exposure time.

Hairdressers, stylists advise not to dye your hair at home and go to a hairdresser. Stylists do not recommend a radical change in color. An acceptable option is the option in which, after staining, the color will differ from the natural one by no more than two tones. With the strongest coloring, the hair structure will change, and they will be injured more.

Shades of colors and features of their mixing

What color hair do you want to have? You can ask yourself this question before you start mixing paints. There are different characteristics of paints, ranging from airy to heavy.

Colors close in shades and compatible with each other can be mixed. So, black paint mixes well with eggplant, and chestnut - with copper. A truly complex action is the mixing of paints. Therefore, it is better to entrust this to a specialist - a professional: he will examine the hair structure, take into account the time of the last dyeing and the condition of the scalp. Coloring curls and curls in ordinary conditions, you can get an unexpected result.

How to prepare for mixing paints?

Do you have favorite colors? Then choose your shade. Then mix the paints and put on the bottom of the curls, so that if you fail, you can hide in curls. Observe the time indicated in the instructions, then wash them and dry them. No more than two colors should be mixed at once. In order to accurately mix, choose colors and find your favorite shade, you need to find out the characteristic about the color.

The chemical composition of dyes of different brands is not the same.

Do not mix paints from several companies, as this is risky and can harm the hair and get unexpected results.

Paints need to be mixed in glassware, plastic, ceramics. Do not mix them in metal containers. Use gloves when painting.

Proper mixing of colors

In different dishes, mix one paint, as described in the instructions, and then another.
Next, gently mix these colors with a brush.
After mixing, apply the paint to the curls and curls and leave them clearly for the time specified in the instructions.

The reactions that occur when dyes are stirred are instantaneous. For this reason, it is necessary to quickly, but carefully and thoroughly paint the hair. Remember that paint reacts with air. After half an hour, it becomes useless.

In professional paints, there is a certain gradation of three numbers. 1 digit is the degree of lightness and saturation. They are numbered from 1 to 10, where 1 is the darkest undertone. The second and third digits after the dot are additional tones.

Get acquainted with the table of additional tones:

0 - natural tone with pale green dye;

1 - ashy shades with purple dye;

2 - matting shades with a greenish dye;

3 - golden shades with reddish - yellow dye;

4 - red shades with copper dye;

5 - mahogany with lilac-red dye;

6 - purple shades in combination with blue dye;

7 - terracotta shades with a reddish-brown dye.

When mixing shades 2 and 3 - it turns out green, 2 and 4 - bright orange, 3 and 6 - blue.

To mix colors in the color wheel, the rule of opposite colors applies. Through this circle, you can learn about colors that neutralize each other. So red and green are opposite colors. The complementary color for yellow is purple, and for orange it is blue. Given this rule, you can safely mix and get the right shades and fix the bad color. If the hair has acquired a green tint, the color can be corrected with paint 4 or 5. You cannot mix colors of tones 2 and 3, because the result will be green. Combining 2 and 4 shades, get a juicy orange hue. Mixing 3 and 6 tones, you get a mixture with a bluish color. Get rid of the green tint by applying tones 4 or 5.

When mixing different colors, it is better to choose close shades, because so little damage to the hair and insure yourself against an unexpected result.
Professional paints mix better. If you want to get the desired color at home, mix different tones, and apply the composition to a separate part of the curls. If the result is positive, repaint in this color.
The result of coloring depends on the color of previously repainted curls and curls. If the hair had a dark chestnut color, then in one dyeing you will not be able to lighten it by five tones. Experts advise with each subsequent staining to make transitions to lighter tones.

Mixing colors at home

Choose two shades of the same paint from the same company. Mix them in a bowl. Then put it on the curls. To get the shade you want, you need to set the color depth by temperature and exposure time. The final shade will be juicier, richer at high temperature and long exposure time.

Consider ways to color hair in different colors.

Ash hair color

This charming color "endows" its mistress with sophistication. There are various shades of ash color: from light brown, light to dark ash. There are a lot of women who want to dye their curls in this charming color. Of course, it is not suitable for everyone, as it can give the skin a gray tint and highlight skin imperfections. Who suits ash hair? Girls with blond hair, greyish-blue eyes and fair skin can safely paint in "ash".

To get this spectacular color, you need the hair to be light in color. Not all women have such strands, so clarification is done by 2 - 4 tones and then ash-colored paint is used. Buy a lilac tonic, put it on the strands and do not wash it for 1 day. Renew and refresh the color after 6-8 washes. To preserve the color for a long time, you need to use a balm and a special shampoo.

Darkish roots that appear are best lightened in a hairdresser or salon, as this is not an easy process. But, if you want to carry out this action under normal conditions, then use a proven clarifier. Apply to the hair roots for 10-15 minutes, and then distribute evenly through the hair.

It is important to note that the ash color contains a purple pigment and, when dyed on its own, a greenish tint may appear on the hair. Therefore, it is better to entrust hair coloring in this “aristocratic” color to a hairdresser - stylist.

Brown hair color

This versatile color will suit every hairstyle. It has various tones from dark, light, to golden chestnut.

What features exist when staining in an elegant chestnut color?

Before dyeing their hair in this elegant color, brunettes would do well to
"wash" the pigment. This procedure is done in salons. You can achieve an even “chestnut” in stages.
Light roots will appear in blondes after dyeing their hair chestnut. Therefore, in order to refrain from this, first of all this paint is applied to the roots and only at the end to the length of the strands and tips, where the coloring is taken more strongly. So that the paint on the tips of curls and curls is not strongly absorbed, they are moistened with a small amount of water.
For red-haired girls, there is no problem with dyeing their hair in this practical color.

Get a reddish shade of chestnut color using these or henna. Mix 3 parts of henna and 2 parts of basma. To obtain a dark chestnut shade, the proportion ratio of henna and basma must be equal. Leave the dye on the head for 40 to 90 minutes. These dyes with natural and beneficial pigments restore the hair structure and give it a natural natural shine.

red hair color

Attractive red-haired girls stand out for their appearance and attract the gaze of others. Therefore, there are many women who want to know the subtle differences in hair coloring in this extravagant color. Red hair has shades from dark red to purple. Brunettes with dark skin can safely dye their hair dark red, and blondes and fair-skinned fair-skinned girls can dye their hair golden chestnut. Copper red and bright red will not suit them. With blond hair and dark skin, a dark caramel color will do. They will not suit chestnut and light red.

If you want to get a color that is 2-3 shades darker than your hair, you do not lighten your hair until the main coloring. Apply the paint you want to the pre-prepared curls. If the owners of dark hair want to dye it in a light red shade, then it is a must.

Before repainting in this extravagant color, remember some important points:

If in doubt and not sure what shade of red you want to dye your hair, use tinting agents that are washed off with water. Once you find the shade that suits you, you can use this dye.
If you want to dye your gray hair red, consult a specialist stylist, as it will be difficult to choose the paint yourself.
Give up on the idea of ​​hiding your age and repainting in this bright color, because it attracts people's eyes and with a wrinkled face, they immediately become visible.

The benefits and harms of hair coloring

Having colored the hair, they become silky and soft. Natural paint like treats them. How intense the hair color will be will depend on the ability of the hair to take the pigment.

Modern hair dyes contain B vitamins and plant extracts. They enhance hair growth and strengthen the hair follicle. Dyes also prevent hair loss.

But coloring also has its downsides. The ammonia contained in the paints destroys the internal hair structure. When the paint is overexposed, the hair becomes brittle and stiff. Dyes can cause allergies due to the chemicals they contain. Therefore, when coloring your hair, think about whether it will be useful or harmful to you, and consult about this with specialists - stylists, as well as doctors.

Dear women, follow the order of mixing colors, consisting of choosing the shades that suit you, choose the right level of tonal depth. Trust experienced stylists, hairdressers to acquire the hair color that suits you. Well-groomed hair is the main thing in the appearance of a woman. Watch your hair, because hair can also be judged on health.

April 20, 2014, 09:40

You can always end up with a sudden color that wasn't planned. To avoid this, you must follow a number of rules.

Firstly, it is absolutely impossible to mix shades of different manufacturers, since each has its own color palette. If the color at the ends of the hair and at the roots is different, then first of all you need to even out the tone along the entire length. Otherwise, after staining, you will also get a difference in shades. It is worth remembering that the same color on different types of hair can look completely different, and its saturation depends on the exposure time.

First you need to deal with the numbers marked on the paint box. If it is professional, then, as a rule, the first digit means the lightness level of the paint (tone). Usually it is from 1 to 10, where 1 is the darkest tone, usually black, and 10 is the lightest, blond.

That is, 1.0 means pure black, 3.0 means dark brown. If you mix them, you get a tone of 2.0, which means a very dark brown shade, almost black.

It is important to remember that a darker tone always drowns out a lighter one. And to make the shade lighter, you need to take the paint 2-3 tones lower.

Hues play an important role. They are marked with the number that comes after the dot. That is, the first digit is the base shade, and the second is the additional one.

For example, paint 7.13 will be light brown with an ash (1) and red (3) tint. If you mix this color with 7.3, then the result will be blond hair with elements of red and slightly smoothed with ash. For ease of mixing, each manufacturer of hair dyes has its own color matching tables. They are easy to find on the Internet.

For example, auxiliary tones (the number after the dot) looks like this: 0 - natural tone, 1 - ash tone, 2 - matting greenish tone, 3 - golden-red tone, 4 - copper tone, 5 - red tone with a lilac tint, 6 - violet-blue tone, 7 - red-brown tone.

If you mix 2 and 3 shades, then the output will be green. If you connect 2 and 4, then the result will be a rich orange tone.

The mixing of paints is carried out as follows. First of all, to implement the idea, you will need dishes. Glass or plastic, but never metal. It should be understood that then it will be undesirable to use this dish for food. You will also need gloves and a brush.

First you need to mix one paint according to the instructions in one bowl, and another in the second. Only after that they can be combined and mixed with each other. This is done with a brush in a spiral and as carefully as possible - so that the color is uniform everywhere. Then you need to apply the dye to the hair and leave for the time indicated in the instructions.

Mixed paints should not be stored. After 30 minutes, the mass reacts with air and deteriorates. Therefore, all the prepared mixture must be used immediately.

Before mixing paints, carefully study their composition. So that incompatible or too strong components do not harm the hair.

One of the most versatile browns nature has to offer, it has the most shades. External data is the main factor that plays the first and important role in the selection of colors. It is not suitable for many, so it is worth considering a photo with all sorts of proposed colors for different types of skin of the face and eyes.

The right depth and saturation of brown, as well as harmony with your appearance, will emphasize your beauty and highlight your dignity, no matter how old you are. Warm tones are suitable for dark eyes, and cold tones are suitable for light ones. Don't be in a hurry to breed your natural chestnut, try changing it to a lighter or darker one. For olive skin, you can try a yellowish tint, and for pale faces, dark chestnut or light brown with no extra impurities.

brown hair photo

You can only act out your fantasy after studying a photo with a huge selection of chestnut palettes: cocoa, dark blond, caramel, amber, cappuccino, chocolate, ashy, reddish. Those who like to take risks can get a beautiful tone if they repaint individual strands in a lighter or darker color.

In order to choose the right color for yourself and not make a mistake, you should look at the proposed photos with successful reincarnations, and if you are unsure of yourself, it is better to contact an experienced colorist or hairdresser. This method will help visually increase the volume of the hairstyle, especially if your hair is thin and not particularly thick. Be sure to take care of them, because dark hair reflects light rays perfectly, so always try to keep your curls shiny and silky.

light brown hair color photo

This year's most popular look is a face framed with light brown curls. Photos of brunette celebrities with green eyes are the main trend of this season. Therefore, all kinds of coloring techniques, such as ombre, balayage, coloring, diversify the monotony of hair into bright prints and colors. This calm natural scale suits many girls.

The decapitation procedure will help lighten the hair and prepare it for subsequent chipping into a lighter one. This should be done several times, because the first time the natural pigment is not removed. This applies to brunettes, when it is enough for blondes to buy paint or go to a salon to just paint without washing off. At home, you can bring out the old tone and prepare for staining in a new one. If you are a lover of ashy, then it is better to contact a hairdresser to help you with a change in style.

Light brown hair color - examples of successful reincarnations:

dark brown hair color

Chocolate, copper or black - this is the range for the current season, which will suit middle-aged women. And for those who are older, it is better to highlight individual strands or color the entire head in order to visually brighten up several years thanks to the right tone.

For owners of brown and green eyes, double staining in dark shades is very suitable. Photos and reviews will help you visually see how this technique favorably affects the appearance. Caramel and honey in combination with highlighting will automatically take several years and you will look much younger.

golden shade

Golden brown hair color is simply created for spring, summer and autumn. This wheaten palette is often found among Slavs living in Europe, while northern girls are lighter, and even red. For peach, beige skin and blue, blue, green, brown eyes, you should choose gold, both cold and warm.

Fashionable ash, which is achieved with the help of professional paints such as Estelle or Loreal, is very relevant this season, but not for many. The skin should be perfect, and in makeup always focus on the eyes, a slight blush and gloss on the lips. For owners of natural blond, the best choice would be golden blond, honey and dark honey.

Golden brown hair color:

Who suits a warm shade

Warm brown hair color, which is also light, looks perfect on young girls with perfectly even skin without wrinkles and age spots. A warm shade will make your face look fresher and younger. But this paint is quickly washed off, so arm yourself with a pink balm that enhances the tonality after dyeing so that the result is preserved for a long time. The source of inspiration for the right choice should be the natural hair that nature has endowed, and from here pick similar colors. Take a look at the photos of celebrities who belong to the warm range.

Beautiful cool brown hair color

The peculiarity of the cold ash color is that it has a shine, and therefore it will look great against the background of pale skin and a blue iris. Be sure to use professional hair dye, which will cost a little more, but it is good that you get a minimum of negative impact on the curls as a result. Today, cold brown is considered the most popular, because more and more girls were initially awarded this color by nature.

Ash Brown:

How to dye your hair brown

Toning, coloring and tinting methods - any of these methods, individually or in combination, will bring you closer to the expected result. Regardless of which method you choose, always make masks that will nourish your hair with moisture and vitamins, which are so necessary for dyed curls, overdried and split ends.

How to get a beautiful light and dark shade?

Mix several colors to enhance the original or get a new shade that will sparkle in the sun with all the colors of the color range. A shade of mocha - with icing, with milk, classic, chocolate, cold, can be achieved by bronding, coloring, highlighting and ordinary coloring. The main secret is to regularly use a balm and shampoo to maintain color and wash your hair with a tint shampoo three times a month. Then the rays of the sun will be on your side and your curls will sparkle with new colors.

If you are the owner of light curls, then the transition to another shade will be easy and fast, you just need to choose your favorite household paint with a ready-made set of paint and oxidizer.

If you are a girl with dark hair, the transition to light colors will begin with the fact that you will need to lighten the strands and only after that repaint in the tone that you want.

Painting process:

  1. Lightly moisturize curls.
  2. Mix the oxidizer and paint (you can add a couple of drops of oil).
  3. Apply to the root zone, moving towards the tips.
  4. Gradually move from the frontal zone to the occipital.
  5. Comb the curls with a comb, distributing the paint over all the hair.
  6. Cover the head with cling film and wait 30 minutes.
  7. Wash off with shampoo and rinse well with warm running water.

Video lesson from L'Oreal how to properly repaint in the shade of brown you like:

Henna brown without red

Henna is a natural product combined with basma. It is considered an excellent option for home dyeing without a negative effect on the hair. For the first time it was tried on themselves by Indian women living on the territory of modern America. With the help of henna, you can not only color the curls in an excellent color without a redhead, but also give visual volume. To do this, take a bag of basma and mix with warm water until a homogeneous creamy slurry is obtained. Apply it to the entire length and keep it for 2-3 hours. Wash off with warm water afterwards.
