Competitions in the sauna on mother's day. Competitive program for a bath party

Every year we have a long-awaited holiday - a birthday. And with the approach of this date, we are beginning to be overcome by the question of where and how best to celebrate this event. Houses are a mountain of dirty dishes, complaints from neighbors for noise, a kilometer of cleaning after fun. A restaurant is a good solution, but rather expensive. But a sauna or a bathhouse, that's it. You can have a fun holiday and at a low price it will come out. Moreover, such establishments have long been adapted for table events. From this article you will learn how best to celebrate a birthday in the sauna. Let your bath party be special and unique.

Choosing a place and time for a holiday

At this time, saunas and baths have long ceased to fulfill their direct function of elementary cleanliness. And they turned into a favorite place for large companies. Therefore, many establishments are already equipped with a swimming pool, jacuzzi, water jet, karaoke, massage table and even billiards. When choosing a venue for a holiday, it is worth considering the above facts.

Considerable attention should be paid to the steam room itself. Ask the administration how it is heated. If the heater is on wood, then the steam will be good and hot. If the stove is electric, arrange for it to be turned on during the day, 2-3 hours before your arrival. The fact is that for their own savings, unscrupulous hosts turn on the sauna an hour before you arrive. At this point, the steam room heats up, but does not give a high temperature. It’s very disappointing to bathe all evening without heat, and when it’s time to leave, she will only, only come into her own strength.

The size of the room also plays a big role. If the company is numerous, then you should pay special attention to the rest room. The saying: “In cramped quarters, but not offended,” this is not your option.

It would be nice if the bath was in a fairly picturesque place. For example: on the banks of a river or pond, overlooking the forest. Agree that it is very pleasant to go out into the street after a heated steam, where a truly picturesque spectacle surrounds. If you have the opportunity to order such a bathhouse, believe that all guests will appreciate the local landscape in your favor.

Once you have chosen the sauna you like the most, let the guests know where you plan to spend your holiday. Only after you coordinate everything with the invitees, you can safely go to discuss the time and discounts for you. It would be better to place an order a few days before the event. If you are in doubt about how long to order, then do not regret adding an extra hour. It is better to leave early (which is usually rare) than to pack up in a hurry later in order to free up the sauna for the next steam lovers.

Festive table for a birthday in the sauna

Menu for the holiday, you can choose to your taste. But remember that the sauna is more conducive to drinking such drinks as beer, wine in extreme cases. Vodka or cognac, we would not advise you to drink. Because heat expands blood vessels, and alcohol, on the contrary, constricts. Such a difference can negatively affect well-being. You can of course drink some wine, but beer knocks more
thirst, but in a blazing hot atmosphere, it seems like a divine drink. Therefore, when choosing a menu, try to focus on the main drink - beer. From food, we would recommend you to cook kebabs and salads. And for a drink, serve a variety of dried and salted fish. Crayfish will also beautifully complement your table. Elevated air temperature, as a rule, does not increase appetite, and hot dishes will remain less in demand than a beer snack.

Theme ideas for bath parties

A birthday in the sauna can be organized with some theme. For example:

  • Hawaiian party
  • Neptune Day
  • Playboy Bunnies

But if you don’t have time to prepare, then you can celebrate the holiday just as fun by adding some contests.

Sauna birthday fun

After the guests had taken a steam bath, they bought plenty. You can start having fun. Games in the sauna can be varied, from table games to more active ones. We offer you an approximate scenario for entertaining guests at a birthday party. It can suit both men and women.

"Compliment": When everyone has gathered for a glass of beer at the table, you can play this game. It is necessary to say one compliment, starting with the first letter of the hero of the occasion. You need to talk in circles. Who could not come up with praise for the birthday man, he says a toast. If desired, during the evening, you can repeat the second and third letters of the name.

"Robe": This game can be played as soon as all the guests have gathered together, it can also be played after water procedures. The essence of this fun is that you need to tie a sheet as creatively and erotically as possible. On the ladies it will look beautiful, but on the guys it will be funny.

"Dance of washcloths": When part of the evening is already over, and the guests are tipsy, you can arrange a competition for the best dance with bath accessories. Several volunteers are selected, who can choose any attribute related to the sauna for help. When the actors are ready, the host announces loudly: “And now the washcloth dance! Washcloths, in the studio!!! To the music from karaoke, an incendiary dance of the guests is performed. You can dance all at once together or each separately, it's up to you. The main thing is that: "good dancers, the basin did not interfere." Well, the audience will play the role of judges and choose, in their opinion, the most original dancing washcloth. The winner is expected to receive a prize.

  • The loudest voice
  • funniest performance
  • Performance with dance
  • Most Creative Singing
  • The best edition of bath sounds

Fans themselves will choose who they consider the best singer and will award the title "Voice of the Sauna".

Chastushki: These ditties can be prepared by one person, or you can distribute a sheet with printed couplets and sing them in a circle. Here are the bath ditties offered by us:
I'll drink beer today
I'll steam with a broom.

I will cover my head with a hat,
I will become a bathing hero

Hop hey lalaley
In the bath together more fun!

I often wash with a washcloth,
I rub hard with a washcloth.
My wife is swearing
That I'm so quickly erased.

Hop hey lalaley
In the bath together more fun!

How to remove fat from the sides?

You need to eat less.
And just go to the bath
In the morning, early in the morning.

Hop hey lalaley
In the bath together more fun!

Today I am in soapy foam
I'm in soap today.
Oh, good whisk
Went off topic!

"Water Race": If you have a pool, you can arrange a whole relay race. Divide into two teams, be sure to come up with funny, bath names for each. And then the flight of your imagination for tasks:

  • Swim across the pool at speed
  • Stay underwater for as long as possible
  • Synchronized swimming
  • How far can you throw the ball
  • Swim at speed through a water jet
  • Swim with an inflatable ring

The main thing to remember is that tasks for playing on the water must be safe.

"Beer Sniper": For this game you will need two squirt guns or two water guns. We fill the weapon with beer. The game can be played between two couples. Girls should get into the mouth of their boyfriend from the spritz. The guy's task is to drink as much beer as possible, spilling less precious liquid.

"Cash cows": A pair of medical gloves is taken, a small hole is made at the ends of each finger. It is best to prepare at home in advance. Four participants are selected. The first two get on all fours, and gloves filled with water are held like an udder. The other two must milk her at speed. A sea of ​​laughter will be received by both those who watch and those who play.

"Water fight": What a holiday without a fight! If you buy a sufficient number of inflatable hammers or modeling balls (sausage balls) in advance in a toy store, then you can arrange a real battle in the water. Fun and a charge of positive emotions are guaranteed for your guests. It is desirable if you shoot it on video, the course of the battle later, everyone involved will want to see it.

"Continue the proverb" A: This game is good at the table. When the guests have already managed to warm up well and experience the delights of the bath. The host calls part of the proverb, and the guests should continue it. Often, the audience does not know the continuation, but begins to put forward their own versions. It turns out a very unusual and funny sequel.

And finally, you can say a saying that is attributed to Peter I: “After the bath, sell the last footcloths, but ??? (drink beer). After that, it will be appropriate for everyone to hit the beer together.

At the end of the evening, you can make a birthday greeting. Throw in a pool of flowers, send small candles into free swimming. It's better to turn off the light. Lower the birthday boy to the center of the pool, and the guests, standing on the sides on the side, will unanimously sing the song “Happy Birthday”. After that, shouting “Congratulations !!!” three times, with a loud cry of “Hurrah!” can jump into the pool for the birthday boy.

You can dilute our script, a birthday in a bath, at your own discretion, with any of your ideas, or you can completely borrow it without changes. Most importantly, do not be afraid to experiment and you will succeed. Have a hot park!

I love new interesting acquaintances, I like to chat about anything and everything. I like to flirt, build eyes - without consequences. In general, I am sociable. Now I’m sitting at home with a baby, and I don’t have enough communication ((I’m no longer a goer on dating sites (today there’s nothing to do for lovers just to fray), I tried to install VKontakte applications, but the experience was unsuccessful (I described my experience in a review of Topface application) I don’t want to communicate closely on the forums - I know how addictive it is.

Application idea

Entering the game, you seem to find yourself in a bathhouse, where players at the table play spin the bottle. The players take turns spinning the bottle, and then those who have formed a couple can kiss, steam each other with a broom or pour cold water on their choice. Pouring water is considered offensive)))

If all the places at the table are occupied, then you take a queue (visible at the top) and wait for a seat to become free. If representatives of the opposite sex are waiting in front of you, then you can get to the table earlier - there should be the maximum equal number of players of both sexes at the table. It is also possible to sit down with other players. If for some reason you didn’t like the composition of the participants, or the wait is delayed, then you can change the bathhouse.

On the right side is the chat. There people chat about everything, there you can order music, answer quiz questions.

Financial part

The local currency is money. They can be bought, and for each entry into the game once a day they give five money. They can be spent on gifts for other players

Sometimes avatars of players are so covered with gifts that you can't see them behind them)))

Chips are also given out, offering to test your luck - to be honest, I have not tried this opportunity.


In addition to chatting in chat, you can search for suitable people in the search. Well, they'll be looking for you too. It is proposed to fill out a short questionnaire, indicate the purpose of acquaintance there.

You will be asked to make yourself known to the selected person by blowing a kiss, steaming with a broom or dousing with water. Actually, the choice is the same as at the bath table. With those with whom the desires coincided, you can start a dialogue. If for some reason you did not like the interlocutor, there is a blocking function.


In general, the idea is not new, but the design is unusual and for my taste, it turned out nice. The creators of the game managed to avoid vulgarity. What I liked is that there is no obtrusiveness, as in Topface - no one offers to spam friends, at most - for 30 money they offer to place the game in the left menu. Unlike Badoo, people are so more active, they write, and often quite adequate people who also want to just chat casually in their free time. There are also inadequate ones. Of course, but I got very few of them. The application is quite new, I got to the very first days of its launch, so small organizational flaws can not be considered.

PS While this review was being written, the application changed its name to "Sweat and kiss")))

As a rule, it is not necessary to be bored in the sauna. A bath session involves a change in the regime of the steam room and relaxation filled with the coolness of water procedures or unhurried conversations with friends. In addition, most modern saunas, including those in Korolev, are equipped with a billiard room, massage chairs, karaoke and a TV.

And yet, in order for your company to remember a joint vacation for a long time, you should take care of some exciting game in advance, because nothing unites the team like the opportunity to feel like a child again.

There are a lot of games that could be played in saunas. Of course, you can have fun with them in any other setting. But if you take into account the specifics of the sauna, you can come up with something truly unusual. What is worth playing, and what should be avoided during bath procedures?

A few safety rules for large companies:

  • One of the win-win options is calm conversational games, games with drawings or the classics of the genre - cards. First of all, it's always relevant! Secondly, it gives the necessary rest to your body, heated up by steam procedures. Thirdly, physically active games in the sauna room with a slippery floor can lead to an accident, and a quiet pastime relaxes and sets you in a peaceful mood.
  • You should not arrange highly intellectual games, even if you are all really connoisseurs and erudites. After all, a bath is a place where not only the body, but also the brain rests.
  • In addition, do not forget about time. If you like long board games, then it is better to indulge in them at home in a relaxed atmosphere. When a party takes several hours to go to the steam room, it will have to be constantly interrupted, which obviously will not benefit the game mood. There is too great a danger to mix up the move, lose cards or flood the playing field with water.
  • Absolutely any alcoholic games and bets are contraindicated in the sauna. If at first it seems cheerful, then such a pastime often ends very sadly. The inappropriate actions of intoxicated players can lead to injury or even worse consequences, and the most harmless among them will be disputes on the topic: "Who will spend the longest time in the steam room" or dive into a snowdrift.

But a good option for fun in a big and noisy company can be good old forfeits, various contests and games: “Guess who I am?”. The rules of the last game are very simple, everyone must think of a person well known to most of those present. Having written her name on a piece of paper, they pass the note to the person sitting next to him. Everyone must designate the inherited character to the rest of the players, but does not have the right to look into the name written on a piece of paper. The goal is to guess which of the characters they got by asking a variety of questions implying “Yes / No” answer options to those present. Moreover, if the answer to the question is “no”, the move passes to the neighboring player.

Fun games for a bachelorette party:

One of the most popular games among the fair sex: "Hat". Each player writes a given number of words on a separate sheet of paper. Words must be nouns. After that, the sheets are folded and put into a hat or something that can replace it. After that, the players are divided into pairs and for a predetermined time, usually half a minute, they describe the words that have fallen out to them, without using single-root concepts for this. In the second round, the rules become more complicated. The notes are again returned to the hat, and now it is necessary to explain the word that has come across with a single association. The third round - the word is shown in pantomime. Winners are determined by the total number of points for all three rounds.

Of course, usually the female team visits the sauna in the absence of the stronger sex to talk about women's topics and enjoy beauty treatments. But even such an unusual pastime can cheer you and your girlfriends up for a long time, tearing you out of the usual circle of worries. Games in the bath or sauna do not differ by gender at all. And beautiful ladies can play poker much more recklessly, but such an option as an unusual photo session that can be turned into a contest is usually a female privilege.

Getting out into nature, sitting at home or in a cafe is, of course, great. But nowhere can you relax your body and soul like in a good steam room. Do you agree? Then the sauna party will surely leave only positive impressions in your memory!


Many people think that getting together in a sauna or bath for a birthday is by all means singing ditties, eating herring and diving headlong into a snowdrift. Not at all! In close company with friends and in such an environment, it is easy to organize a theme party.

In fact, the recreation area of ​​a modern bath is not much different from the cafe hall. And it is here, and not in the steam room, that the company will spend most of its time. For the design of a youth bath party, the following topics are more often chosen:

  • Hawaiian party. Short tops and no skirts rather than their presence, shorts for guys. Lots of bright tropical flowers, palm leaves, banana-coconuts;
  • Maritime. Striped decor, boats, coral shells, umbrella slippers. Shorts, swimwear, pareos. Light snacks, seafood. If the bath has a pool - that's it;
  • Eastern. And again, half-naked beauties, only now in transparent trousers. Guys with naked torsos. A lot of fruits. Plus, oriental flavor - sweets, silk, ethnic dishes, colorful pillows;

  • Greek. Wrapped in a white sheet, tied with a golden braid - charming Aphrodite or majestic Zeus at your service! Well, and all sorts of little things like olives, fruit wines and pottery.

In a dank autumn or snowy winter, throwing a summer-style bath party is a great idea! Especially if there are a lot of steam lovers among friends, i.e. if the very atmosphere of the bath has long become familiar.

Our website has details on any of these topics. The following is a description of the traditional version.

So, back to the herring and ditties. For the design of traditional bathing gatherings, everything that hints at the Slavic style is useful. There is no need to clutter up the space - a few details will suffice:

  • dried mushrooms and bagels in beads, branches of mountain ash and wild rose, bunches of fragrant herbs, birch and other brooms;
  • tubs, buckets, tubs, etc.. In wooden dishes of a similar shape, you can put fruits, put an armful of wildflowers or sunflowers;

  • "grandmother's" chest, box under Khokhloma or braided basket. Put a mirror, nourishing cream, wooden brush, disposable napkins inside - it will come in handy for forgetful ladies;
  • a pair of striped rugs and towels with bright red patterns(as on towels) will enhance the original atmosphere. In some places you can “accidentally leave” bath accessories;

  • two or three proverbs on the bath theme will add entourage. Print it out, frame it and hang it on the wall.

For a photo session, in addition to brooms and wooden containers, buy a few hats with funny drawings / inscriptions. Make invitations to a bath party - a themed flyer or postcard in the form of the same hat, broom, tub.

What to wear and take with you to the bath?

As they say, everyone is equal here, there are no generals here. Largely due to the lack of upper, and even any clothing. Of course, you can wear a long elegant dress or suit to the bath. Only meaning?

It is wiser to wear something comfortable and simple, which is easy to remove and not scary to hang on a common hanger. Expensive jewelry is best left at home - traditionally in the steam room on the body there should be nothing but bath accessories. High humidity, a lot of people change clothes, something can get lost, something can deteriorate from contact with water.

For the most creative - funny bath costumes of different characters(the choice is very large, the prices are affordable). For fashionistas - elegant sets.

It’s easier for men - if only they don’t have their favorite stretched family members. And for women, we have some tips on what to wear to a bath party and what to take with you:

  • in the steam room, both bathing suits and sheets are appropriate(whoever is more comfortable). Be sure to wear a hat or towel over your head to avoid heat stroke and dry hair. A seating mat will come in handy (suddenly there won’t be extra ones in the bath?);
  • in the recreation area you can wear a comfortable bathrobe if you feel embarrassed to walk in a swimsuit or a sheet;

  • don't forget the rubber slippers. Even if they are given out in the bathhouse, for hygiene reasons it is better to grab your own;
  • the same applies to towels - at least two, a large one for the body and a smaller one for the hair;
  • despite all the benefits, the bath greatly dries the skin. In order not to suffer with the consequences later, be sure to remove all cosmetics before the steam room. Before the steam room, apply a protective balm to your lips, you can use a mask on your hair. After 10 min. after leaving the steam room, apply a non-greasy nourishing treatment to the skin.

Those. in addition to clothes, you need to take make-up remover, lip balm, hair mask (optional), cream / mask for face, hands and body, shampoo, comb, elastic band or hairpin with you.

Consult with your master if you have recently done:

  • lamination or extension of hair, eyelashes;
  • tattoo, tattoo;
  • piercing;
  • hardware cosmetic procedures;
  • nail extension.

In some cases, after such procedures, you can not visit the sauna. Then the party will have to limit itself to the pool and / or recreation area.


Overeating in the bath is unhealthy, but, as a rule, after the steam room, a brutal appetite is played out. To pacify him, light snacks are ideal - meat and vegetable cuts, vegetable salads, seafood, fruits. Fish, nuts, salted crackers and other snacks are appropriate. The table is more comfortable overall, without frills.
If there is a brazier on the territory, lovers of barbecue, vegetables and mushrooms on the grill will be delighted. Only all heavy food and strong alcohol - after the steam room!

It is better to choose desserts that are not afraid of high temperature and humidity (they will not melt, they will not flow). For a birthday, you can order a bath-style cake, but then the establishment must have a working (!) Refrigerator - this point needs to be clarified separately.

Drinks according to the guests' tastes, but lighter ones are more reasonable - beer, wines and champagne, cocktails. From non-alcoholic - fresh juices, kvass, fruit drinks, mineral water, tea (from a samovar - gorgeous!). It is also better to take ordinary drinking water with you.


It is customary to relax in the bath, so the complex scenario of a bath party is rather not needed. But funny contests will not let your friends get bored and will leave pleasant memories in your memory. It is only desirable to carry out all active games before the steam room or after half an hour, when the body returns to normal after a heat load.

We propose to play out the scenario of the "struggle" for the titles of Mr. Banya and Mrs. Banya. No long lines needed, just have fun! How to choose the winners? Hold a vote, give this honor to the birthday man or persuade friends in advance and reward the hero of the occasion and his / her soul mate.
"Dirty" competitions (before the steam room or it doesn't matter if there is a pool)

  • Shave the ball(prank for women). The purpose is clear from the name of the contest. The bottom line - when the ladies bend over the balls richly smeared with cream, the men must simultaneously burst them.

  • Appetizing body art. The goal is to draw a funny costume on the body of your soul mate / friend, with cream or other food.
  • Very dirty challenge. For this entertainment, you need to prepare the eggs - squeeze the contents through the hole (it will go for pancakes) and fill the shells with all sorts of "horrors" - cream, ketchup and mayonnaise, shaving foam, jelly, cocoa powder and more. Write actions on pieces of paper - crush with your foot, smash on your forehead, crush your booty, gnaw, etc.

You pull a piece of paper, perform a phantom, twist the bottle. "Lucky", to whom the neck points, pulls the next piece of paper and twists the bottle after performing the phantom.

Tests for women

  • From a large sheet without scissors and accessories, make a sexy dress.
  • It’s good to “steam” a companion (or girlfriend?) With a newspaper folded into a tube. Whoever has the stronger "broom" is worn out, he won.

Tests for men

  • Blindfolded (until the steam room, while the floors are dry!) ​​Find a bottle, open it, insert a straw and drink faster than your rivals. Ladies can tell companions the direction. Bottles are better with beer or water, small 0.33;
  • Burst your balloon faster than your opponents. Method - sitting on a chair, jumping on the foot pump with the fifth point (ask your friends - these are sold along with air mattresses, gymnastic balls, pools). Turn on Gazmanov's "Esaul, Yesaul" or a cowboy song, it will be funny.

With friends, in close company

  • According to the scenario, party guests should dance a bath dance(download suitable music). Can be in pairs, ladies VS men or each for himself. Pull out one of the papers:
    • basins (come up with a dance of savages)
    • brooms (dance the lady)
    • washcloths (erotic dance)
    • towel (gypsy).
  • Wrap yourself up in one big sheet and "run" to the finish line before your rivals;
  • Put a couple of eggs in a bag, tie the bag so that it hangs just above the knees. The goal is to break the eggs of others and keep your own intact. Traditionally for men, but in fact it doesn’t matter - it will be funny to everyone, regardless of the gender of the participants.

  • twister(on a sheet with circles). Everything would be fine, only clothes on the guests at least.
  • The same sediments and balls, but you have to burst together(pair competition), without using arms and legs, preventing the sediment from falling to the floor. And that means, “Zhamkaya” application with bodies.
  • Bath leaf- tear off all the sheets from your half with your teeth faster than your opponent (stickers).

  • Other entertainment:
    • play a "bath" crocodile or pantomime (draw or show everything that is associated with a bath);
    • sing karaoke;
    • drunken billiards (beat in turn, missed - penalty);
    • collect and hold as many balls or balls for a dry pool as possible (you can in the water if there is a pool in the bath);
    • any card games.

Gifts - bath accessories, themed souvenirs, cosmetics like oils, handmade soaps, sea salts (something that suits everyone, without being tied to an individual - this is not entirely appropriate even in a close company).

Advice to the organizer:

  • hammam, terma, sauna or Russian bath - to each his own. Modern baths, regardless of type, include a spacious relaxation area, a swimming pool, showers, a billiard room, plus musical equipment and karaoke. When choosing an institution, check out what is included in the cost of visiting;

  • it is advisable to agree with the attendant so that the average temperature is maintained in the steam room. If there are lovers of heat in the company, let them “break away” separately from other guests;
  • alcohol and a bath - a bad combination. But, as a rule, not a single traditional bath party can do without beer and little white. The organizer must ensure that the guests remain in a sane condition (this is important for health!). And in no case did they visit the steam room if the degree of fun rolls over;
  • in decent baths they give out all the necessary accessories, but sometimes they require an additional payment or, as luck would have it, the one you need is not available. It is better to take several sets with you in case one of the guests forgets to grab slippers or other small things;

  • bath is very healthy, but also dangerous. There must be a first aid kit with the necessary medicines at hand, and in the staff of the institution - a person who knows how to provide first aid for heat stroke and problems from the cardiovascular system. Delicately make sure that all guests can visit the steam room (sea contraindications).

I searched all over the Internet, synthesizing and simultaneously inventing a new one)

1. Prepare notes with desires and indicate a certain time on them, distribute to all guests. Everyone must complete their task at the specified time. Do not talk about your task and the time of its completion. It's very cool when someone suddenly gets up from the table and starts to crawl under the table or read congratulations for no reason) We had the following tasks:

At 17.30 quickly run up to the pool, climb into it and shout: “I see Turkey!” Go to the table and clarify: “You need to drink for this!”

At 18.00 get up, say "Let me introduce myself!" choose three different guests and, pronouncing your name, hug one of them, kiss the second, and shake hands with the third.

At 18.20 go to the table, pour a glass of wine and read the congratulations:

"On your birthday

I will become a cool athlete

Candidate for master

In raising glasses!

At 18.45, depicting an airplane with the sound “vzhzhzh”, “weee”, etc. run three times around the table.

At 19.00, stand on a chair and read the congratulations with an expression:

“Glasses clink, the cake flies!

The champagne explodes!

A little headache

Our holiday continues!

Hurry to the table, shout a toast!

Let all the dreams come true!

Let the lines of the first verse

Today they will be justified!”

2. At the very beginning of the birthday, guests are given paper and felt-tip pens, and each guest draws what he would like to give to the birthday man (car, house, helicopter, etc.), then in the middle of the party, the birthday man pulls out a gift with his eyes closed. What will pull it out and wait for next year.

3. "SECRET FRIEND". I liked it the most, it went very cool!)) At the very beginning of the holiday, notes with the names of the guests are distributed to all those present. All notes are put in a bag and the players take turns pulling out any piece of paper with the name (if the guest pulled out a piece of paper with his name, ask to return it)). To the person whose name is written on the pulled out piece of paper, this player must become a secret friend. The role of a secret friend is that he tries to do something pleasant for this person during the whole holiday, while trying to remain unknown. To do this, he can ask to put on the favorite song of that person, treat him with candy, invite him to a dance, say or write something pleasant to him, quietly put a little surprise on him. At the end of the party, a discussion is held, during which each player expresses his guesses about the identity of his secret friend.

4. Lottery. The host reports: "Many surprises have been prepared for you today. And one of the first surprises for the most fortunate guest. Somewhere here in the hall a banknote is hidden. Whoever finds it will become the happiest person of the evening." And as soon as everyone starts looking: “STOP-STOP! You are all SUCH adults, but you still believe in fairy tales - it was a joke)) Do you believe in horoscopes? Many of you would like to know what the coming year has in store for everyone? I have a bag in my hands, and you have the opportunity to take your amulet prize for a year in advance, but blindly. "The guests take turns putting their hand into the bag and take out a gift.

Chocolate. The year will be generous and rich. But there is one condition. Take the chocolate, remove the label, put it under your pillow. And believe me, in the morning you will have everything in chocolate!”

souvenir candle. This year will be more romantic than ever for you and will help you save money on electricity!

Lighter. The coming year will give you the fulfillment of desires, because you are holding the most precious thing that Gazprom has - gas! And as you know, whoever is with Gazprom, his dreams come true!

Instant noodles. This prize has a double interpretation: either you will be hung noodles on your ears all year, or you will be everyone around you. The second option is of course preferable for you.

Pen. In the coming year, you will become very popular and will be able to sign autographs for everyone. You can start right now.

Magi Golden Cube- You pulled out the most expensive gift, gold has increased in price by 40% over the past year, so this year will be truly golden for you!

5. "Why did you come to this holiday?"

The guests pull out notes from the bag with pre-prepared answers:

Purely humanly congratulate!

Haven't been to the sauna in a long time

To borrow money

I love the birthday girl))

Bored at home, and you don't have to wash the dishes

Ask for something as a gift

Where else can you meet smart people?

6. Kind words for the birthday boy. Decipher (in your own way!) the abbreviation to get some congratulations or a compliment to the birthday man. The music turns on and after 5 minutes each participant will have to read out what he did. For example: Utilities - Horror What Good.


7. Who will quickly prepare and drink a cocktail.

And now we will prepare the well-known Screwdriver cocktail. By the way, the cocktail got its name from the fact that American engineers, secretly adding vodka to canisters with concentrated juice, stirred the drink with screwdrivers.

The recipe is very simple - orange juice (you have to squeeze it out of half an orange) and pour vodka into a glass, be sure to decorate with a slice of orange. And drink)

Give each guest half an orange, pre-cut slices, vodka and tubules. The prize for the fastest I had was a cocktail "Screwdriver" from a can)

8. “If you are not from donkeys, then you will understand me without words”. Explain the hidden words with gestures:

"laundry soap"


"hot steam"

"cold and hot shower"

9. A pair of each creature). The facilitator must prepare in advance cards with the names of animals (two of each type) and distribute to the participants. The host must make sure that one of the paired cards goes to the man and the other to the woman. The music turns on, at the command of the host, the participants begin to make the sounds of their animal (grunt, croak, meow, etc.). It is necessary to find your partner in this cacophony by sound.

10. Tale about a kitten. It is better to spend it when the guests have already drunk)) Each guest is randomly assigned a role in a fairy tale. The host reads the words, and the players must depict what they read. Roles: kitten, magpie, rooster, sun, wind, paper. Scene text:

Today the kitten left the house for the first time. It was a warm summer morning, the sun spread its rays in all directions. The kitten sat down on the porch and began to squint at the sun. Suddenly, his attention was attracted by a magpie, which flew in and sat on the fence. The kitten slowly slid off the porch and began to sneak up on the bird. The magpie chirped incessantly. The kitten jumped high, but the magpie flew away. Nothing happened. The kitten began to look around in search of new adventures. A light breeze blew and drove the paper along the ground. The paper rustled loudly. The kitten grabbed it, scratched it a little, sniffed it, and not finding anything interesting in it, let it go. The paper flew away, driven by the wind. And then the kitten saw the rooster. Raising his legs high, he importantly walked around the yard. Then he stopped, flapped his wings and sang his sonorous song. Without thinking twice, the kitten rushed to the rooster and grabbed him by the tail. But he pecked the kitten so painfully that he screamed with a heart-rending cry and ran back to the porch. He began to lick the wound inflicted by the rooster. Then he scratched his hind paw behind his ear, stretched out on the porch to his full height and fell asleep. We don’t know what he dreamed about, but for some reason he kept twitching his paw and moving his mustache in his sleep. Thus ended the kitten's first acquaintance with the street. (Applause.)

11. Tale of an evil cracker. Roles: cracker, hare, fox, bear.

Once upon a time there lived a cracker. She was evil, wicked, she fought with a hare, fell on the head of the Fox, substituted the “leg” for the Bear. The Hare was crying, the Fox was wiping her long nose, and the Bear was grumbling with displeasure. But one day the Bear called the Hare, the Fox and they decided to teach the evil Flapper a lesson. They surrounded her, pulled their paws towards her, and Flapper pouted, got angry, and burst with anger! And the Bear, the Fox and the Bunny began to have fun and dance!

12. thorny path. Two married couples are invited. Men become 3-4 meters from their wives. The host opens 3 bottles of vodka or wine and puts them in the path of each man. After that, each man is blindfolded, turned several times around himself, placed facing his wife and asked to walk up to her and hug her. When the men are already blindfolded, the host quickly removes the bottles and swaps their wives. Spectators are asked to remain silent. We laughed a lot.)

13. "Bathroom Dance"

Each guest / couple / team must perform a dance with washcloths, brooms, basins, towels.

14. Game "My Wish"

The host has a closed box in his hands, inside of which there are notes with the desires of everyone. For example: "I want to change gender to the opposite", "I want to dance a striptease in a nightclub", "I want to undress in front of everyone on the table", "I want the legalization of marijuana in Russia", "I want to want nothing", "I want to work as a watchman at the distillery, etc. The music turns on, and the host passes the box to the guests, and they begin to pass it to each other. At the moment when the host turns off the music, the person who had the box in his hands takes out a note from there and reads it out loud. After the note has been read, the music turns on again, and the box is passed on.

15. Game "Feed me"

Guests are divided into pairs. Each pair is a man and a woman. The task of the partners is to unfold and eat the candy that the leader will give by joint efforts without the help of hands. The first couple to do so wins.

16.Game Enter Me

A couple is invited. The girl is placed on a chair. A bottle with a narrow neck is inserted between her legs. A few steps away from her, they put a man with a blindfold and a straw in his mouth. He needs to insert a tube into the bottle with the help of the girl's prompts. All this is recorded on a voice recorder or video. Then they say: “Let's hear what this couple did last night”)

Unfortunately, we did not have enough time for all the competitions, but what we managed to do went well) I will make a reservation that all my competitions are designed for 6 people. but can be easily remade for more or less.
