Beautifully set the table for an anniversary. How to decorate a table for a birthday: bright ideas for the holiday (38 photos)

You don't need to be professional chefs to decorate the table. You can make a cake from bread, decorate dishes with beautiful slices, and make decorations from sausages and tomatoes.

How to decorate the table beautifully - sausage and sausages

They are on many people's tables. But not everyone knows that sausage can not only be cut into slices and placed on a plate, but also turned into flowers.

Sausage flowers

To make such an edible painting, take:
  • sharp knife;
  • sausage;
  • Bell pepper;
  • flat plate.
Step-by-step instructions for cutting sausages and sausages:
  1. One pepper will need to carefully remove the seed capsule. To do this, cut off the top and use a sharp knife to chop the top edge in a zigzag pattern. Take out the seeds, put inside a circle of sausage, folded as shown in the photo.
  2. Do not cut off the stem of the pepper, otherwise it will look like a flower stem. You can roll up the remaining circles of sausage and tie them with pepper rings.
Complete your edible masterpiece with other items. Thinly slice the sausage, give it the shape of a blossoming bud and place it inside the prepared pepper, as in the previous case. Cut a fresh cucumber in half and take out the middle, place pieces of cheese inside the resulting boats. Make a sail from a cucumber slice, attaching it to the boat with a toothpick.

Also, using a wooden skewer, attach a carrot hat to the snowman, and make a nose out of it. And use peppercorns as the eyes and buttons of the snowman. It will be easy for them to pierce the protein part. Such a picturesque picture looks good on a plate.

If you want to make several carrot flowers, then take as many bell peppers as you need. But take small fruits to get portioned flowers.

You can make a wonderful snack in half an hour by taking:
  • a piece of polystyrene foam or a ball of this material;
  • wooden skewers;
  • flower pot;
  • sheet of foil;
  • sausage;
  • cucumbers;

If you don't have polystyrene foam, then you can put a floral or regular sponge in the pot. As a last resort, use foam rubber.

Cover the bottom of the prepared materials with a circle of foil cut along the diameter of the top of the pot.

To cut flowers from sausage and cheese, use a stencil, then they will all turn out even and the same size. Cut it out of cardboard. Cut the sausage and cheese into slices 7 mm - 1 cm thick. Place a stencil here and cut out edible flowers. Chop the cucumber into circles and cut each in half. Now put on a skewer first a slice of cucumber that has turned into leaves. And at the top, attach flowers made of cheese and sausage.

For two

See how to decorate a table in a romantic style. To do this you need to prepare with your own hands:

  • smoked sausage;
  • plate;
  • toothpicks;
Using a template or by eye, cut out hearts from pieces of sausage. Chop the cheese slices into 1 mm thick squares. Insert a toothpick here and stick a sausage heart on each one. Place all this on a beautiful dish and you can put it on an openwork napkin.

Your other half will be pleased to receive such a breakfast in the morning as a recognition of your love. This is also an excellent snack that is made very quickly.

You can also make sausages in the shape of hearts. To do this, you need to cut off the ends of each at an angle of 45 degrees and prick them on a skewer.

If you need to decorate the table for the New Year, do not spend a lot of time and products on it. After all, you can make Christmas boots out of sausages. Here's what you'll need for this edible decor:
  • sausages;
  • sharp knife;
  • cream cheese;
  • greenery;
  • skewers.
Cut the sausages diagonally, using the ends. This slice with the edge is put on the toothpick first. It will represent the toe part of the boot. For the second, take a piece from the central part of the sausage, also cut diagonally. Place it on a skewer and decorate the top with cream cheese. You can attach a small sprig of greenery here. Make a few of these edible decorations and stick them in a salad or place them in a mug to place on your holiday table.

If you don’t know how to decorate the table for the year of the Dog or other animal in order to spend a minimum of time and products, then use the same sausages.


  • wooden skewers;
  • sausages;
  • grapes;
  • Cherry tomatoes;
  • hard cheese;
  • dish.
Wash and dry the grapes and tomatoes, and boil the sausages until tender and cool. To make a Christmas tree from grapes, place the berries on skewers and toothpicks. Cut the sausages into different pieces at an angle. Prick them on a skewer, starting with a large piece and ending with a small one. Attach a tomato on top, which will decorate such a tree as a star. Place all this splendor on a platter and you can serve it on the festive table.

By alternating sausage, cheese, tomato and herbs, you can also make a New Year tree that will be edible. Make decorations from tomato cheese triangles.

The next sausage tree looks very appetizing. To make it, take:
  • foam cone;
  • foil;
  • small sausages;
  • toothpicks;
  • sprigs of greenery.
Using toothpicks, pierce the sausages and secure them to the cone, starting from the bottom. Sometimes add greenery between these elements.

To prevent the foam from showing through the sausages and greens and to prevent the food from coming into contact with it, it is better to first wrap the cone with food foil.

Decorate the top of the tree with a cheese star and place the convenient tree on a dish.
Serve your child sausages for breakfast, which you turn into octopuses, and your favorite child will happily have a snack.

To do this, cut each sausage in half and chop the bottom into strips. Boil the sausages and serve the octopus with natural sauce.

Using this technique, you can create other funny animals. The following photo shows you how to cut a sausage to create the perfect breakfast.

Using this product, you can quickly decorate your table. Use a paring knife to cut the sausage into thin strips. Make a long slit in the center and insert the end of the sausage through it. In this way, braid the braid and roll it into a circle to make a rose.

You can decorate the table using ham. Cut a rectangular slice and fold it in half. Chop this workpiece into pieces along the fold line. Roll it into a roll, place the uncut part on the salad, the ham will fluff up and you will get a spectacular flower.

It can also be made from many slices of sausage. First you need to chop them or buy slices. Fold each slice in half and place it close together, then roll it up and cut off the bottom. Place remaining sausage on a platter.

Make an edible Christmas wreath from sausage, ham and related products. They can decorate the table for any other holiday.

Look how wonderful the cut looks if you roll up thin slices of cheese and ham and put sausage flowers in the center.

Once you learn how to make these edible roses, you can make a bouquet. Combine ham with sausage to create two-tone flowers. Cut the cheese slices in a zigzag pattern, you will get openwork roses. Chop radishes to create blooming tulip buds, make lilies from onions, and decorate all this splendor with greenery.

Sausage lovers will certainly be pleased with the following idea. A full skirt is made from this meat product. Place a small doll in the center and you can unload this masterpiece onto the table.

The next young lady is made in the form of a royal person. A fluffy skirt made of ham and sausage is decorated with cucumber slices and dark olives. Decorate the edges of the plate with vegetables, and make flowers from carrots and tomatoes.

If you have porcelain figurines, decorate the holiday table with them, decorating the skirts of these characters with sausage and bacon.

If you get the hang of it, you can create a real paradise for a meat lover. As you can see, there is a palm tree made of ham and sausage, decorated with vegetables, the lower part is also made of these meat products.

You can also make butterflies out of sausage. To do this, you will need a dish of suitable shape. Make the wings of this insect from sausages of different colors, and the body will be made from a cucumber.

You can make such a shape yourself from foil, make a border for the butterfly from olives, some wings can be decorated with orange slices and cut out kiwi halves. Also, these fruits will decorate the butterfly’s head, and you will make its wings from meat products.

How to decorate a table beautifully with your own hands using tomatoes

These vegetables can also be used to make table decorations.

If you are covering it for the New Year, then cut the ribbon from one cucumber fruit and place it on a skewer, bending it. You will get an openwork Christmas tree. Cut out the top of its head from cheese. Make Santa Claus out of a tomato. To do this, cut off the cap of the fruit, maybe not all the way. Scoop out the pulp with a teaspoon and replace it with any light salad or protein with mayonnaise.

The following funny characters will also help you decorate your New Year's table or any other one.

  • small tomato fruits;
  • boiled eggs;
  • sharp knife;
  • carrot;
  • Bell pepper;
  • toothpicks.
Cut the cap off a tomato and you will turn it into a man’s headdress. Cut small pieces from the sweet pepper that will become the eyes, and turn the carrot triangles into the nose of each character. Now let's collect these heroes. To do this, first pierce the tomato with a toothpick, then a boiled egg, after that? tomato cap.

Surprise your guests by turning tomatoes into cherries. To do this you need to take:

  • cherry tomatoes;
  • cheese braid;
  • green basil;
  • a small, sharp knife with a thin blade.
Cut a small indentation in the top of each tomato to insert a piece of pigtail cheese. This way you will connect two fruits in pairs. Attach a basil leaf between them. It will seem that these are bright red cherries with green leaves.

To make your child fall in love with vegetables, make him a picturesque picture of them.

Chop the tomatoes into slices and place them in a circle in the shape of a flower. Place olives in the center. Turn green onion stems into plant parts, adding spinach or basil leaves. Lay out the lower part of the picture from cucumber circles.

You can complement this splendor of tomatoes with boiled eggs and cheese. Then the child will have a full breakfast.

You can decorate the table with even more simple flowers. Their petals are made from cucumber circles, and the core is made from tomato halves.

If you are serving vegetables to guests, then you can quickly create a flower meadow. Turn cucumber slices into petals and core cherry tomatoes. The next flowers will be from tomatoes, and their core will be parts of cucumbers. Cover the space between plants with greenery. This is such a picturesque dish.

If you know art, then try making flowers from onions, cucumbers and tomatoes. This dish will whet your appetite and help decorate the table.

Tomatoes go well with cheese, use this property when creating your next dish. Cut rectangles from the cheese that will become mushroom stems. And turn tomato quarters into their caps. Then you will get boletus mushrooms. If you want to make fly agarics, then place mayonnaise dots or small pieces of cheese on the tomatoes.

Another interesting idea for preparing breakfast for your loved one.

Take oblong tomatoes and cut a piece diagonally from each. Place tomato slices on a skewer, connecting the slices to each other. Attach a paper tip to the back of the skewer. You will get Cupid's Arrow.

You can use cheese as tips and the back of the arrow. Then you will have a complete snack.

How to decorate a table with bread products - photo

These flour products will also help you set the table quickly and beautifully.

To make this type of tasty snack, take:
  • bread for toasting;
  • round tin can;
  • molds;
  • ham or sausage;
  • greenery.
To cut the bread evenly, place a round tin can on the slice and circle it with a knife. You can use another similar form.

Don't throw away the bread scraps, cut them into thin slices, they will form part of the filling.

As a filling you can use chopped boiled meat, mushrooms, boiled eggs. Place the bread rounds in greased pans, place the prepared filling inside, sprinkle with grated cheese and herbs. Place the pans in the preheated oven and leave them there for 10–15 minutes, until the bread is slightly toasted and the cheese is melted.

You can use the bread rounds to make another snack dish. This type of holiday table decoration is very inexpensive.

Using an even notch, cut round pieces of bread slices, brush them with mayonnaise and decorate with tomato flowers and herb leaves. To make flowers from tomatoes, you need to use a thin sharp knife to remove the skin from these vegetables in a spiral, and then arrange it in the form of roses.

Turn bread into calla lilies too. Grease the circles with mayonnaise, place a long piece of boiled carrot here and pull the opposite edges towards each other. Blind them with mayonnaise. Use green onion feathers as stems.

You can cut off the crust of the bread, roll each rectangular piece into a ball and place the filling inside.

For another holiday table decoration idea, cut the loaf crosswise, as Tosya did in the movie “Girls.” But you will need to get not two halves from one loaf, but several long slices. Remove the crust and cut the bread into strips. Lubricate them with mayonnaise, place thin slices of ham or sausage here and roll them up. Secure by tying them with green onions.

Use bright colors to decorate the table. Trim the crust off the rectangular slices of bread, then cut each one in half diagonally to create triangles. Coat the first one with carrot salad and add a second thin slice. Place the beet salad on it, cover with the next triangle of bread. The third layer will be green, it consists of lettuce leaves.

You can make similar multi-layer sandwiches, wrap them in parchment and tie them with a beautiful rope. Then your loved one will be able to have a tasty snack at work and once again feel your care.

Sandwiches with salmon and cucumber will also decorate any table and can be taken with you to work.

They consist of:
  • white bread;
  • mayonnaise;
  • salmon;
  • cucumbers
Cut 2 triangular pieces of bread. Lubricate 1 and 2 with mayonnaise, attach thin strips of cucumbers here. They will hide the bread and decorate it in an unusual way. Crush the canned salmon with a fork and add a little mayonnaise to make it stickier. Spread it on the insides of the bread slices and connect them together.

The bread cake also turns out great.

To make it, take:
  • White bread;
  • mayonnaise;
  • boiled chicken;
  • ham;
  • pickled cucumbers;
  • radish;
  • tomatoes;
  • arugula or lettuce;
  • green onion feathers.
You can make the cake round or rectangular. Place the first layer of bread on the dish, brush it with a little mayonnaise and place pieces of boiled chicken on top. Cover with the next slices, also grease with mayonnaise and add grated cheese. The next layer consists of bread and sausage. Cover everything with slices of bread, grease the cake with mayonnaise, decorate with chopped vegetables, and attach strips of green onions to the side.

You can make completely different fillings to suit your taste. If you have round bread tortillas, use them. Lubricate these products with curd cheese and sandwich with cucumber slices, the next layer consists of thin pieces of salmon. Finish creating the cake and spread cream cheese on the top and sides. Decorate in the same way as was described at the beginning of the paragraph.

Decoration and filling can be very different. If you like, use cucumber and tomato slices and decorate the top of the cake with shrimp and vegetable roses.

If you wish, you can make a heart-shaped bread cake and please your other half with it on Valentine's Day or any other holiday.

How to decorate a festive table with sliced ​​sausage and other products will be shown in the next story.

On the eve of a birthday, the real fuss and organization of the upcoming holiday usually begins. Of course, the first step is to determine the number of invited guests and select the place where the entire event will take place.
There are many points to consider, but one of the main ones is the decoration of the birthday table.

Preparation and decoration of the festive table

So, you have chosen the place where the holiday will take place, and you are faced with the task of decorating the table not only beautifully, but also correctly. There are several steps through which we can achieve our goals.

Laying out the tablecloth

The tablecloth is one of the main elements of the holiday, because it plays a certain basic role and decorates the festive table. First you need to choose the appropriate color and design. Flowers, butterflies, gifts, or any other theme that you like can be painted on it.

One of the secrets that you can use is the size of the tablecloth. Experienced designers recommend buying it in such a size that it can hang from the festive table by about 20-30 cm. If the overhang is less than this size, the overall picture of the table will not be very attractive. And vice versa, when the overhang is more than 30 cm, guests sitting at the table will feel discomfort.

Decorate the table with plates

Again, depending on your taste and color, you can put traditional white plates on the tablecloth, or choose a colored option.
According to the classic rules of beautiful table setting and decoration, it is recommended to place plates as follows:

    • First comes the large serving plate.

    • Then the middle appetizer plate.

    • And at the end there is a small dessert plate for sweets and fruits.


Once the main plates are set, they are complemented by dinner sets. There are also some placement rules here, namely:

  • On the right side of the plate we place a spoon and a knife.
  • There will be forks on the left.

If desired, you can decorate the table with additional special forks and spoons for various dishes, but this is not at all necessary. It will be enough to use the standard set.

Arrangement of glasses and glasses

The choice of glasses and glasses depends on the wishes of the guests and what they will drink. According to ethics, glasses are placed a little higher from the plates on the right side from largest to smallest. These can be glasses for wine, water, champagne, or small glasses for strong drinks.

Decorate the table with napkins

You don’t have to take regular white napkins, because it’s still a holiday, and you can use beautiful artistic colored napkins. There are no special rules for arranging napkins. They can be under the appliances, in a glass of water, or you can make some interesting figure out of them.

Decor elements

The table decor is the finishing touch to complete the work. It can be decorated with a vase of flowers, interesting figures and other elements, the choice of which will depend on the general theme of the holiday in which it will take place.

Birthday table decor ideas

So, the main work on setting the table has already been completed, all that remains is to accentuate it a little with the help of various design options.

Decor using balloons

They are considered a universal option for decorating any holiday, especially birthdays. These can simply be balloons that will be inflated with helium. As an option, you can make entire decorations, for example: a bouquet of balloons, balloons in the form of numbers, or compositions of your favorite characters from movies and cartoons.

Decoration with vases

Another option with which you can decorate your holiday table. This could be one large central vase containing a bouquet of various flowers. Or you can take small vases, put a flower in each of them, and place them evenly around the table.

Here the main task will be to achieve maximum harmony and not to overdo it with the number of vases and flowers. Remember that they should only be decoration, and not an accent moment of the holiday.

Holiday dishes

They can also be a beautiful table decoration for a birthday, and they are also delicious. With a little imagination, you can present your guests with dishes in various interesting designs. These could be canapés, salads or sandwiches. Even an ordinary transparent bottle with multi-colored candies will add color and taste to your table.

Decorating with candles

It’s not a fact that this option is suitable for a large noisy company, but if you are celebrating your birthday with family and loved ones, candles will add a certain romantic and calm family atmosphere.

They can be placed in beautiful candlesticks, or you can use candles - tablets that will float in a container with water and flowers.

Table decoration in a themed style

There are basic rules for decorating and setting the table, which we reviewed above. They can be used by modifying them to suit a certain theme in which you would like to celebrate your birthday.

The first question that arises is “which table design elements should be modified?” The answer is quite simple - think about the style of such items:

  • Decoration on napkins.
  • Serving sweets, including cake.
  • Decor of bottles containing drinks.
  • Decorations on the table (vases, candlesticks).
  • A tablecloth that will match the theme.
  • Menu and nameplates.

Themed Birthday Ideas

If you decide to celebrate your birthday in a certain style, believe that this holiday will be fun and will leave the most vivid and memorable memories. Here are some ideas in what style you can hold this event.

Hawaiian style

This is a mixture of colors and exoticism that we so lack in life. The holiday will be bright and unforgettable. You will definitely need decorations for guests in the form of flowers around the neck. You can make them yourself using regular colored paper. Also included will be colored straws for cocktails, decor in the form of coconuts, oranges and bananas. Dress code in accordance with the theme.

Italian mafia style

This is one of the most popular topics, which requires a strict dress code. The most popular elements are a hat, a cigar, a cigarette holder, red lipstick, a combination of red-black, or white-black colors in clothing.

The table should be decorated accordingly. For each of the guests, you can make business cards with the signature of the place from cards, and decorate mafia-themed cakes. Additional paraphernalia to convey the atmosphere of the “mafia” can be toy pistols and knives on the tables. The main drink will be whiskey with ice.

Mexican birthday

This table design will require colorful decorations in the form of vases with flowers, colorful plates, and a red cloth napkin on which to place cutlery. The main color combination will be white, yellow and red, as well as a range of blue, green and orange.

Mexico is associated with cacti and sombreros, so you can prepare colored hats and drinks in the form of tequila and sambuca for guests.


Another option for a themed holiday, the design of which will depend on what season of the year you were born. Accordingly, table decorations can also be made from the symbols of a certain season:

    • Autumn. You can use decorations in the form of leaves of different colors, cones, acorns, rowan branches or seasonal vegetables. The main color palette that will be used for decoration is yellow, red and orange.
    • Winter. Table decoration using snowflakes, spruce branches and other winter components. The colors that can be used are blue, cyan, white and silver.

  • Spring. Of course, it is advisable to use flowers, willow or sakura branches here. Decorative butterflies or birds will help enhance the mood of the festive table. It is advisable to use a delicate palette that is associated with this season.
  • Summer. A summer table setting will look beautiful with flowers and fruits, as well as all the bright summer color palettes that can be used in the design.

The festive table is one of the elements of creating an atmosphere and a sense of fun. Therefore, it will be very important to decorate it using different decorations and individual wishes. Your mood and the mood of the invited guests will depend on this.

The success of a party with friends or a family gathering for a birthday largely depends on the table setting. For those who are organizing the holiday themselves or arranging a surprise for a loved one, we have prepared a selection of 85 inspiring photos of holiday table settings, compiled 4 table decoration options and 8 tips on how to beautifully and inexpensively set and decorate a birthday table.

A little about preparation and organizational issues

  • Having set the date and time of the holiday, having decided on the list of guests, menu and budget, you should begin to audit the service and your existing decor. Make sure that dishes, utensils, treats and napkins are of the right quality and quantity.
  • Pay special attention to the presence of dishes for desserts: stands for cakes, shelves and dishes for fruits and sweets, dessert plates and spoons, as well as candles and straws for drinks.
  • If you are not familiar with the rules of serving, it doesn’t matter, modern table decoration at home does not require strict adherence to the rules, but still some principles are worth learning. An approximate arrangement of cutlery and utensils can be seen in the following diagram.

  • It’s also worth thinking through the table design down to the smallest detail in advance. And our selection of photos and tips will help you with this.

4 design ideas

Idea 1. Table decoration in an unusual style and color scheme

Any table setting, consistent with the same concept and color scheme, will be beautiful. But to make the festive table look especially original, you should choose some unusual style, color scheme or motif.

Here are some fresh birthday table decoration ideas:

  • Serving in the style of a la russe - this look has not yet become fashionable and has not yet become boring. A table with nesting dolls, a samovar, and bagels will definitely be remembered by guests and will create a sincere atmosphere.

  • Rustic style has long become popular in wedding decor, but has not yet become boring in the design of home holidays. Rustic deserves attention not only because of its “trendiness”, but also because it makes it possible to decorate a table with your own hands literally from improvised means and natural materials.

  • Another trend in decor is black, white, pink and gold with prints: stripes, zigzags and polka dots.

  • Floral motifs on dishes are an eternal classic that is experiencing a rebirth. Flowers are trending not only in vases and porcelain designs, but also in table textiles.

Idea 2. Thematic table decoration

A birthday tied to any theme is doomed to success and beautiful photos.

There are a lot of themes for both children's and adult parties, and for each you need to select your own accessories.

What table setting elements can be stylized?

  1. Serving a sweet menu, including cake;
  2. Decor of bottled drinks;
  3. Table decorations: vases, and other accessories;
  4. Tablecloth;
  5. Nameplates and menus.


  • As a rule, theme parties do not require expensive decor; you can decorate a basic set of accessories and do a lot of things yourself. So, on a classic white tablecloth you can lay fabric runners in the desired color.
  • Try to adhere not only to a given theme, but also to a certain color scheme in everything - from decorating dishes to decorating bottles.

Here are some examples of table settings for a themed birthday (adult):

Idea 3. Orientation to the time of year and seasonal decor

If themed birthdays are more suitable for parties with friends or a children's party, then a celebration with the family or a formal reception of guests is better to be held more traditionally and elegantly. Consider decorating the table to match the time of year in which you or the birthday person were born. This design option has a big advantage - you can decorate the table not only beautifully, but also relatively inexpensively, using seasonal natural materials: flowers, fruits, leaves, pine cones and branches.

Summer table setting can be decorated with garden or wildflowers in small narrow vases, as well as fruits as shown in the photo below (scroll).

The autumn holiday table can be decorated with yellowed leaves, acorns, pine cones, rowan branches, wooden stands, and seasonal vegetables, such as pumpkin. The color scheme, of course, consists of autumn colors: orange, gold, yellow, burgundy, brown, etc.

For a winter birthday, pine cones and dry tree branches, such as rowan, are suitable, but in no case should they eat pine trees. The color scheme here should consist of cool colors and contrasting combinations: blue + white, blue + white, silver + white, etc. But it is better to avoid New Year's flowers (red and green), as well as Christmas tree decorations. Snowflakes, stars and owls are suitable decorations.

  • To completely eliminate the association of winter decor with New Year’s, you need to put vases with flowers on the table, for example, white roses as in the photo below.

A spring birthday is decorated in soft colors, the table is decorated with fresh flowers, such as tulips and hyacinths, as well as willows and sakura branches. Decorative butterflies can enhance the spring mood.

8 solutions for budget serving

It is not necessary to buy new serving accessories for your birthday celebration, because most of the details can be easily and inexpensively made from scrap and natural materials.

  1. , decorated with lace, burlap, paint, ribbons, jute, etc. Photo examples of such decor are presented below.

  1. Balloons filled with helium are suitable for table decoration. Here are some ideas that are suitable for setting a table for a child’s or even an adult’s birthday. It is better to choose balls in accordance with the overall color scheme of the table design.

  1. Napkins can be decorated:
  • Rings made of beads and seed beads, which you can make with your own hands in advance;

  • Ribbons or twine (for a rustic serving style).

  1. What can you use instead of expensive flowers for table settings and napkins? If the birthday is celebrated in the summer, then there are no problems with flowers - you just need to collect them in advance (in a clean place) and make compositions from field daisies, clover, fireweed, or even porridge. This design will turn out to be very gentle and elegant.

In autumn and winter, branches and cones are suitable, which you can paint with your own hands, for example, with gold paint as in the next photo on the right.

In spring, and at any time of the year, instead of flowers in the decoration of napkins, you can use sprigs of greenery, for example, rosemary or thyme (photo below), and you can put willow branches in a vase.

  1. To decorate, for example, snack plates and cards with names, you can use almost anything: fruits, vegetables, sweets, baked goods, the same pine cones, leaves, acorns, twigs, wine corks and much more.

  1. For table decoration, you can use paper: silk, foil, colored cardboard, corrugated.

  1. We have already said above that an ordinary white tablecloth, which is found in every home, can be easily modified or even replaced with runners, which are easy and quick to sew. In the photo below, one runner is sewn from burlap and lace, and the second runner is sewn from white cotton fabric, decorated with special fabric paint.

And also a festive one made from paper, such as kraft paper or from stapled book pages.

  1. And finally, you can save time on washing dishes and money by using beautiful disposable tableware, which you need to choose by color.

OK it's all over Now. We hope that you have already gleaned some ideas and are ready to start organizing the holiday. We wish you that your chores will be pleasant, and that your birthday will be fun and soulful!

When the time comes for our own birthday, we plunge into these pleasant preparatory chores... In our article we will offer you 33 original ideas for decorating the holiday table.

We all love to attend holidays to enjoy the prevailing atmosphere of solemnity and fun. Part of this mood, undoubtedly, is created by the interior of the room and the festive table itself.

Do you have a birthday coming up? Then it’s time to get acquainted with our original ideas to surprise and delight your guests, as well as your loved one.

So how can you decorate a table for a birthday?

The starting point should be the choice of tablecloth; it will be the basis of our “tasty picture”. Tablecloths in warm, rich, rich colors will help us create a festive atmosphere - these are golden, terracotta, orange and reddish tones. A rich blue, bright red or dark green tablecloth will also look very elegant. The main thing is to correctly arrange the entire color scheme of the festive table composition when using saturated shades. You can put covers on the chairs by tying them with ribbon.

How to decorate a table for a birthday: dishes and napkins

A good choice for a birthday party would be dishes with edging. Snow white and gold will go perfectly with the warm color of the tablecloth. If you have chosen a rich, bright color, then use colored dishes, choosing a good contrast.

Napkins will also become an important element of table setting. They should be combined with the tablecloth and, in addition, they can be given the most intricate shape, which will definitely attract the attention of guests and immediately put them in a festive mood. There are many options for folding napkins. One of the most simple, but elegant ones is to simply roll it up into a tube and tie it with a thin satin ribbon. You can give it the appearance of a turret and install it vertically, or, after some minor manipulations, making a few bends, give it the shape of a fan and secure it with tape at one edge of the fold. Here you can safely experiment and come up with something of your own, unique and completely new.

How to decorate a birthday table with flowers

As for the presence of flowers on the table, of course, this will decorate and emphasize the festive atmosphere. Just note that you need to avoid flowers with a strong aroma. Their smell should not distract from the culinary delights and should not cause any disturbance to guests. A small number of flower petals can be unobtrusively scattered on the table between dishes.

Flower vases should be low, almost flat, and flower stems should be fairly short. Flower arrangements should not block the view of guests; they serve only as an addition to the table decoration. You can use a multi-component flower arrangement - place a large bouquet in a flat vase in the center of the table, and miniature flower arrangements in the same style near each device.

U painting a table for a birthday is unusual

Don't be afraid to use some unusual design items and add your own unexpected details. It can be anything. For example, decorative vases, unusually shaped hodgepodges made of glass. They can be placed at each device or along the edges of the table.

And don’t forget about candles, they will decorate any holiday table. Candles can play the role of a central element within a flower arrangement or be an independent element on the table. In the second case, you can focus on a beautiful candlestick. The candlestick can be tall and elegant and the candles in it are thin and generally rise above the table. And perhaps you will like the option with a flat bowl, where small colored candles and flower petals will float.

You can celebrate your birthday in the form of a costume themed party. But even without using costumes, you can create some special holiday style. For example, let this evening be held in Japanese style. Red, black and white colors in serving will help you with this. Dishes with a black edging and a red flower will emphasize the Japanese flavor, the tablecloth may be a soft pink shade - all this will create the sophistication and mystery of the East.

If the table is already stylishly decorated with a tablecloth and dishes, there are flowers or candles on it, you should move on to the dishes. If you just put a dish on a plate, the design will not look original. Try to decorate them exquisitely with imagination. When planning the menu, keep in mind that guests will be of different age groups and with their own tastes. Let there be few dishes on the table, but they will all be decorated with soul and taste.

The arrangement of dishes deserves special attention. Place colorful canapés on skewers, slices and tartlets. Decorate drink bottles with ribbons, paper and flowers. Everything should be in tone with the main serving.

How can you decorate a table for a child's birthday?

First of all, you need to think over the holiday decoration style, and based on this, choose a color scheme for dishes, tablecloths, and decorative items.

Above the table you need to hang ceiling decorations in the form of balls, garlands, and paper decorations.

You can easily make a tablecloth with your own hands from taffeta, organza, mesh or packaging film. In order to fix the drapery, you can use tape or, for example, a stapler.

Dishes at a children's party should be healthy and light. Design them in the form of children’s favorite characters, dolls, cars. Create a whole fairy tale from your dishes!

Be guided by your preferences and good mood when decorating the festive table and your guests will appreciate your efforts!

Any celebration, especially a birthday, requires careful preparation. Since when celebrating at home, the main attribute is a table with treats and drinks for guests, it is important to pay the most attention to its decor and serving. By skillfully applying the basic rules for placing dishes and cutlery, as well as showing imagination in table decoration, any housewife will amaze guests who have not even begun to try the treats.


Properly setting a formal table at home is not much different from serving it in a restaurant. Familiarizing the hostess with the characteristic features of arranging dishes and treats for a birthday will allow you to arrange a feast with taste:

  • You should start preparing for the feast in advance. First you need to clarify the number of expected guests. In accordance with this number, you need to prepare individual dishes.
  • For special occasions, the house should have a nice earthenware or porcelain set with a sufficient number of plates, since using dishes from different sets can be perceived as bad form. The rules for the placement of portion plates include two points: the dishes must be placed at a distance of one centimeter from the edge of the table, and half a meter should be left between adjacent plates. This will allow guests to feel relaxed at the table and at the same time communicate without problems.
  • According to the serving rules, place a plate for hot dishes at the very bottom, a deep bowl for first courses on top of it, and small plates for appetizers on top of it.

  • The placement of cutlery also plays a significant role. A fork should be placed on the left side of the plate, and a spoon and knife should be placed on the right side. Spoons and forks, according to serving rules, must be placed with the convex side down.
  • The next step is the arrangement of containers for drinks. On birthdays, it is customary to serve cold and alcoholic drinks in beautiful glass or crystal dishes. The largest glasses should be placed on the left side of each guest’s plate, then all available containers should be placed in descending order, and at the end a glass should be placed on the right side.
  • To organize a children's birthday party, it has recently become acceptable to use disposable tableware that is safe for active children. In addition to the fact that it does not break, mom will not have to spend time washing it. Manufacturers provide a huge selection of colorful designs of plastic and paper tableware with images of their favorite characters, which will please any little mischief.

  • There should be two types of napkins on the table: paper and fabric. The former are necessary for wiping lips and hands during and at the end of a meal, and the latter are necessary for protecting clothes from accidental contamination at the table. You can additionally decorate the table with napkins. Paper napkins should be placed around the perimeter of the entire table, placing them beautifully in napkin holders, and fabric napkins should be rolled into a tube and tied with a ribbon or threaded into special decorative rings.
  • When guests sit down at the table, cold appetizers, salads and sandwiches should already be placed on it. Dishes must be placed so that all guests can comfortably reach them. Instead of one large salad bowl, it is better to use two or even three containers placed along the entire length of the table. All salads should have spoons to make them easier to serve. The first hot dishes are poured from a common container with a ladle with the utmost care, then the second hot dish is served.

What's the best way to cover it?

In addition to the correct arrangement of dishes and dishes, any housewife takes care of the festive decor. A room for meeting guests, decorated in the same style and thought out to the smallest detail, will allow you to hold a celebration at the highest level, even at home.

The choice of style and decorations for serving a festive table largely depends on the dishes and tablecloth. If necessary, the tablecloth, as a less expensive attribute, can be replaced with a more suitable one. So, for crystal tableware, a snow-white tablecloth without any patterns would be an excellent solution; in this case, the napkins should also be white. If the service for the celebration is made of porcelain, then you can use your imagination when choosing a tablecloth. The most practical option is to purchase a universal, plain tablecloth that will look good with any set of dishes.

For special occasions, it can be decorated with a silk or satin ribbon, and for tea drinking in pleasant company, the tablecloth can be decorated with lace napkins.

Candles in beautiful candlesticks, arranged in a special way, will help you set a truly festive table at home. Whatever the number of candles used, they cannot be a replacement for the main lighting. The color scheme of candles and the style of candlesticks should resonate with the overall look.

In addition to candles and napkins, today it is customary to decorate the table with other decorative elements that will set the mood during the feast. You can often find decor recreated from natural materials. This style of decorating a festive space belongs to the rustic style. It is often used when decorating wedding celebrations, but recently the style has become popular for anniversaries.

Depending on the time of year, you can place a variety of compositions on the table: baskets with apples and other harvests, compositions with pumpkins or corn on the cob will be appropriate for autumn name days, in the spring and summer months the table can be decorated with unusual designs from seasonal flowers, and in winter the celebration will be decorated fir branches and cones reminding of the approach of the main holiday.

Lovers of Russian traditions will love the holiday decorations in the style “a la rus”. This style design is perfect for a 55th anniversary, when women and some men retire. Plates or teapots with Khokhloma, a samovar decorated with a bunch of bagels on the table, nesting dolls and sweet cockerels on sticks will help to recreate the soulful atmosphere.

For guests, you can save several scarves or kokoshniks, painted felt boots and hats with earflaps for memorable photos, and for entertainment, prepare several soulful compositions accompanied by an accordion.

Ultra-fashionable table setting in black and white with the addition of gold and hot pink accents in the form of primitive prints will be an excellent solution to celebrate a youth birthday. The main thing in this design is the play of colors and minimal decor. The place of the birthday person in this style can be decorated with a composition of balloons.

A woman doesn’t always want to celebrate such a serious date as turning 45. However, a properly decorated holiday table will remind her that this age symbolizes the prime of life and reveals feminine beauty in a new way. That's why Decorating an anniversary in a floral style will come in handy. The ideal option would be to choose dishes with floral motifs, and place the same flowers around the table in small vases. In addition to flowers, the table can be decorated with edible arrangements of berries.

The classic way of setting the table is suitable for a 50th birthday for both men and women. This style of decorating a celebration is chosen for its simplicity and the absence of unnecessary details, which helps save money and not be distracted from the person of the anniversary by various little things. Characteristic of this style is the obligatory presence of a snow-white tablecloth and the same dishes, but with gold edging. Modern trends allow you to replace a white tablecloth with any other warm shade.

Another modern trend in the festive sphere is the organization of themed parties. Such ideas are great not only for celebrating a child’s birthday, but are also quite applicable for adult gatherings. Let's look at a few original holiday decoration ideas:

  • Pirate gatherings. Decoration does not require overly complex details. It’s enough to hang a pirate flag on the wall, choose a striped print for table textiles, and prepare pirate gold coins as a souvenir for competitions. Other holiday attributes and costume elements should also reflect the overall theme.

  • Gangster meeting. Stylizing the holiday as the 30s of the last century will be a very stylish and unusual solution for a themed party. The festive table can resemble a poker game; cigars can be prepared for adults, and replica pistols can be distributed to children. Subdued lighting will convey the atmosphere of an underground casino, in which money from the birthday boy’s own bank is laid out in every corner.
  • Hipster style. Fans of bright colors and crazy emotions will love this anniversary design. You can use old vinyl records, retro household items, bright accessories and clothing items - everything that will help guests feel the atmosphere of that time.
  • Hawaiian party is another very colorful idea for organizing a holiday in honor of the name day. For this style, you can prepare garlands of paper flowers in the brightest colors and distribute them to guests, place various transparent containers with water, as well as sea pebbles, shells or flowers around the perimeter of the table. The bottom of the table can be draped with a traditional Hawaiian skirt, and the walls can be decorated with brightly painted, whimsical wooden masks.

Decoration with flowers

Not a single anniversary or other celebration is complete without flowers. Flowers in this case are not only a compliment from guests, but also a wonderful decorative composition for decorating the table. Original and aesthetically designed bouquets will set the mood for the holiday and make it truly royal. Often, to create such compositions for an anniversary, they turn to the help of florists, but at home you can create a flower island yourself.

  • Decorating the table in this way should be balanced. That is, a bouquet of decent size should be singular and decorate the central part of the table or the place of the birthday boy. Miniature compositions can be located along the entire length of the table.
  • When choosing the size and splendor of the bouquet, you should take into account the fact that it should not block the interlocutors from each other. In addition, you should not place voluminous flower islands on a richly furnished table, but during tea drinking an impressive bouquet would be quite appropriate.
  • To decorate a feast, you should choose specimens with a subtle, subtle aroma. This will allow you not to overpower the smells of the food, and will also protect your guests from developing allergies or headaches.
  • The color scheme of the composition should also be chosen wisely. A colorful bouquet will look great on a classic snow-white tablecloth, but if there is an abundance of brightly colored decor, it is better to give preference to a monochromatic composition that echoes the main color scheme.

  • The choice of vases is another important point. The best option is simple shapes and materials that resonate with other dishes. Laconic glass vases are universal. For round tables, you can choose oval flower stands; it is better to place voluminous bouquets in the center of the table, and small identical compositions - in a circle. The square shape of the tabletop determines the choice of vases with clear lines, and on a rectangular table it would be successful to place vases of any shape along the center on a strip of fabric contrasting with the tablecloth.

Knowing the rules of table setting and how to decorate it, you can arrange a truly royal feast. A few tricks will help make the holiday as comfortable as possible:

  • Before thinking through the holiday decor, you should analyze the status of the guests. Almost any table setting is suitable for a cozy home environment, but it is better to choose light warm colors, floral arrangements and classic tableware. For a youth party, bright design styles with unusual details would be appropriate. A feast with young children requires the presence of sweet treats and safe cutlery. It is better for colleagues, business partners or unfamiliar people to organize a feast in a discreet atmosphere without any frills, observing the rules of business etiquette used in the office.

  • If you plan to organize a feast in a sauna or country bathhouse, you should also carefully consider the table setting. Before couples' procedures, you can prepare a small buffet with light vegetable or fruit snacks and non-alcoholic refreshing drinks. In this case, the main treats should be served only after all the guests have swam in the pool, visited the steam room and recovered a little. Vegetable and fruit salads, seafood dishes, and nuts are chosen as dishes in such an environment.

Rolls and sushi, snacks in pita bread, and tartlets would also be appropriate. Alcoholic drinks can be served with main courses - barbecue, grilled chicken, baked fish, grilled vegetables.
