Face cream for combination skin. The best, according to women, day creams for normal and combination skin

Combination, or mixed, skin combines two types - it can be oily skin(most often in the T-zone: forehead, nose, chin) and dry or normal skin in the cheek area. This skin type can be called the most common: about 80% of teenagers, 40% of people under 22 years of age and 10-15% of people over 25 have it.

Combination skin has healthy appearance, smooth structure and oily areas with large pores in the T-zone. Oily and dry areas on the skin can alternate in any order, but problems with the T-zone are usually still relevant for owners of such skin. There is an opinion that mature age Combination skin may change and become normal. This really happens.

Distinctive feature combination skin- increased activity sebaceous glands in the T-zone, while in other areas of the skin the sebaceous glands are less active and practically do not cause problems. Combination skin requires careful care of each area of ​​the skin separately. As a rule, in people with combination skin type, due to increased sebum secretion, comedones (blackheads) appear in the T-zone, and dryness and flaking are observed in other areas of the face. It will help to cope with these problems combined care behind the skin of the face.

IN different time combination skin requires different attitude and care. In summer, combination skin should be treated like oily skin: be sure to use gels for washing, scrubs once a week, light (non-greasy) creams or gels with anti-inflammatory components. In winter, treat it as dry: cleanse carefully with milk, use scrubs no more than once every two weeks, protective creams(thick, fatty, based on animal fats, waxes or thick vegetable oils) at least 20-30 minutes before going outside. If necessary, if your skin remains dry in the evening, apply a moisturizer at night. Often improper care behind the skin of the face leads to dryness in the cheek area or clogging in the T-zone. The first step towards healthy skin there must be its purification.

Skin cleansing

Cleansing combination skin should be gentle, as it is necessary not only to remove excess sebaceous secretions, but also not to dry it out. Cleanse combination skin morning and evening by special means for this skin type. These can be gels, foams, milk. The product is applied in a thin layer, after which the skin is massaged with your fingertips for 2-3 minutes, and then washed off with cool water using sponges or cotton balls - this method is the most delicate and hygienic. It is advisable that cosmetics It was stated that they are non-comedogenic, but if there are no special instructions, then it should be borne in mind that the following ingredients are comedogenic: almond oil, peach kernel oil, Coconut oil, oleic alcohol, isostearic alcohol, isopropyl myristate, acetylated lanolin, isopropyl isostearate, butyl stearate. Remember that if you have combination skin, it is not advisable to wash your face with soap and hot water, as this can provoke increased activity of the sebaceous glands.


After cleansing, the skin is wiped with a toner or lotion for combination skin that does not contain alcohol. Its task is to normalize skin acidity and the function of the sebaceous glands, narrow pores and prevent inflammatory processes. When choosing a tonic cosmetic product, pay attention to its composition: it should include anti-inflammatory and moisturizing components. As a rule, these are panthenol, bisabolol and various herbal extracts. Toners with salicylic acid are also great.

Applying cream

Mandatory condition: cream for combination skin should not be oily! It should contain anti-inflammatory substances (chamomile, sage, plantain and others): this prevents the occurrence of inflammatory processes. Try to purchase creams only from natural oils, such as macadamia oil, meadow kernel oil, shea butter, sesame oil, because mineral oils lead to clogged pores and clogging of the skin.

A day cream for the care of combination skin should have an anti-inflammatory, mattifying - eliminating greasy shine skin - and a moisturizing effect. Night cream for the care of combination skin should be slightly oilier than day cream. The fat content of the cream is determined by its consistency; in addition, on the jar of cream there is an indication: “day” or “night”. It is also recommended to be used as a daytime during the cold season. The main functions of night cream are skin restoration, nutrition and hydration. But, as a rule, the need for its use arises in women after 30 years of age.

Deep cleansing for combination skin

A cleansing mask is carried out once a week. For these purposes, scrubs/peelings with solid particles are used (of course, if there are no inflammatory processes). Scrubs should contain polymers or polished (crushed) bones (unpolished bones injure the skin). Masks for the care of combination skin should be creamy (they should not dry out on the skin) and contain no fruit acids, otherwise overdrying will occur in areas with a dry skin type. Film masks (when they dry, a film forms on the skin) can be applied to oily areas of the skin. In addition, once a week you can apply nourishing mask, but only on areas with dry skin!

Determining your skin type
You can determine your skin type yourself: to do this, you need to wash your face with soap, and after 2-3 hours pat your face dry paper napkin alternately at each site. If a greasy mark remains on the napkin, it means that the skin in that area is oily.

Masks for combination skin

Cleansing mask. 1 tbsp. spoon oatmeal mix with milk until a paste is obtained. If milk is not available, it can be replaced with kefir or a decoction of chamomile and plantain herbs. Apply the resulting mixture in a thin layer to the face, avoiding the area around the eyes.

Revitalizing mask. 1 tbsp. Mix a spoonful of low-fat cottage cheese with milk until smooth. Apply the resulting mixture in a thin layer to the face, avoiding the area around the eyes. Whitening mask. Its essence lies in layer-by-layer application of kefir for 25 minutes. Kefir should be applied in a thin layer to the face, avoiding the area around the eyes. As soon as the kefir dries, you need to apply the next layer, and so on for the entire recommended time.

Nourishing mask. Mashed potatoes mix with milk. Apply the resulting mixture in a thin layer to the face, avoiding the area around the eyes.

Masks must be kept on the face for 15-20 minutes, then rinsed with water. room temperature using a sponge. The procedure is completed by applying cream to the facial skin. Please note: home-made masks are applied only to healthy skin!

"Black dots". Often women try to squeeze out the comedones that have formed. This should not be done, because mechanical removal provokes the appearance of new “black spots”. In addition, on insufficiently cleansed skin, squeezing can provoke inflammatory skin lesions.

There is no doubt that caring for combination skin is very important. But in the struggle for healthy, matte and beautiful skin lifestyle and compliance with the rules are no less important rational nutrition, aimed at stabilizing the microflora and intestinal functions. In other words, caring for combination skin takes a lot of time, but with proper care, such skin will not age for a long time.

Arthur Utegenov
Cosmetologist-esthetician, Tver


Thank you very much for the article, everything is very clear!

03/28/2014 13:27:03, Anna_N

I’m over 35. I started to notice that creams and masks don’t help my skin much! My friend Imedin recommended it to me! I've been taking it for half a year now, after 3 months I started to notice good changes with my skin. The elasticity has increased and the color has changed! I read about these tablets that they are designed to take care of the skin from the inside! I really liked this concern! :)

08/07/2007 14:20:48, Svetlana

very useful information for me, thank you

But natural face masks are listed. It is very important for me. Thanks a lot!

It’s a pity that pharmacy brands of creams that can be used to care for this skin type at home are not listed.

07/02/2007 11:18:52, Vera

Comment on the article "Combination skin"

For skin 30+ it’s the best, it contains no chemicals, only natural ingredients. I really like the Rose cream, I have never seen a cream work so well, it not only moisturizes, but also tightens. Within a couple of months, the skin began to look more nourished and...


Try Ausganika cosmetics, I recently switched to them and really like them. For skin 30+, it contains no chemicals, only natural ingredients. I really like the Rose cream, I have never seen a cream work so well, it not only moisturizes, but also tightens. Within a couple of months, the skin began to look more nourished and radiant.

I always liked going to salons, they have special professional cosmetics, for example, Kristina, they have great ones, I recently found out that Kristina can also be used for home care buy. The site found them

09/22/2016 16:37:50, Perletta

Please advise nutritious cream from iHerb. - gatherings. Foreign online shopping. Purchasing goods in foreign online stores Girls, I have dry skin, recommend a nourishing cream (night), but also a day cream :), and also praise chapstick from there.

I can’t choose a face cream for myself, because I don’t know much about it myself, and the specialists from Letual and Ile de Beaute spoke so uncertainly, as if I wanted something that doesn’t exist. Beautiful girls, please advise me which creams to look for so that I can at least go to the cosmetics store...


In my opinion, you need two creams)). A sanblok is a sanblok. And the skincare cream has nothing to do with it. Anti-wrinkle cream is a myth)). There are no such people. It is necessary to choose a skin care cream that would take care of the skin so that the appearance of wrinkles is not rapid.
Your problems are:
- the skin is most likely dehydrated,
- The T-zone is shiny and has black spots,
- skin is prone to formation age spots.
To solve problems you need:
- moisturizing, well-absorbing day cream, preferably with a matting effect (look at bioderma pharmacies and clinics, they have series for your skin)
- good cleansing, including deep cleansing (look at nitrozhina, there is daily remedies and funds for deep cleansing, and also Bioderma water is good)
- protection in the sun, with a factor of at least 30 (I recommend Estee Lauder, these products are inexpensive), but keep in mind that all these products give the skin a shine or a whitish film, otherwise, in my opinion, it cannot be, so you also need:
- additional matting (these are matting wipes throughout the day and matting powder, in your case it is more of a barrier agent rather than a foundation)))
This is the very, very minimum... I have a different skin type, I can’t tell you in more detail about the brands, I only brought you mid-price ones (Nitrogina is generally cheap, but effective).
It’s best to visit a cosmetologist. I only outlined it very schematically and, moreover, I may be mistaken in understanding your problems.

cream for dry skin. I can't find the cream. By winter, the skin on your face becomes unbearably dry. From the last one I tried, Uriage Supply seems to be both nutritious and for dry skin, but no. Recommend a cream for very dry skin for the oval of the face, please. I'm older than you and my skin...

Moisturizing day cream for combination skin is worse, but also not bad. Now I tried their moisturizing mask with aloe and violet. Light peeling + mask + cream = smooth out expression lines on the forehead.


thanks to all.

This happens to me when I start using a new cream. There is no redness or swelling, just slight tingling and burning. It goes away after a few uses.
As for moisturizers. Any moisturizing cream (even medical ointments) stings very much when applied to damaged skin. If the skin is very dry, it is by definition damaged. When it heals, the burning goes away. How unpleasant it is to reanimate the skin on your nose after a cold :)))
By the way, the best moisturizer I've ever used is night cream for dry skin (I have combination skin with dry areas in winter)" Clean line"with aloe and wheat germ, it seems. I used it both day and evening. The result is noticeable. More expensive creams, even luxury ones, did not give such an effect. Moisturizing day cream for combination skin is worse, but also not bad. Now I tried their moisturizing mask with aloe and violet. Light peeling + mask + cream = smooth out expression lines on the forehead. Try it! Price: 30 rubles.

Features of combination skin

Combination facial skin is characterized by active work sebaceous glands in the forehead, nose and chin. At the same time, other areas of the face have reduced activity of the sebaceous glands. is that each section of it needs special care. Often the situation is aggravated by the appearance of pimples and blackheads in the T-zone area. Therefore, the choice of care products should be especially careful.

Increased oiliness of the skin in the forehead, nose and chin does not exclude the need for moisturizing. This can be achieved with the help of a well-chosen cream for combination skin.

What should a cream be for combination skin?

Day and night cream for combination skin

Day cream for combination skin should be light, mattifying, and can be used as a base for makeup. Night cream should help restore and relax the skin during sleep. Unlike day cream, night cream contains a large number of oils, therefore it cannot be used in morning hours, otherwise you risk ruining your makeup.

For combination skin, which has its own characteristics, it is very important to receive sufficient hydration. As a rule, a good day cream contains 60-80% water, which is responsible for hydration and prevents the formation of a tugging film after application.

Day cream for combination skin should contain a UV filter designed to prevent Negative influence ultraviolet. In addition, when choosing a cream for combination skin, you should give preference to those products containing vitamins A, C, E and F.

Each of them has its own function:

– vitamin A prevents drying of the skin, preventing the appearance of wrinkles;

– thanks to vitamin C, metabolic processes are activated in skin cells;

– vitamin E prevents harmful radicals from penetrating into the deep layers of the skin;

– Vitamin F has an anti-inflammatory effect.

How to choose day and night cream for combination skin

A good night cream for combination skin should carefully care for both oily areas of the face and dry ones. Therefore, the main ingredients included in its composition should be alpha and beta hydroxy acids.

Alpha hydroxy acids (glycolic, citric, lactic acids) actively affect skin cells, promoting an exfoliating effect, accelerated renewal of the epidermis and moisture retention.

Beta hydroxy acids (kojic, salicylic acid) help to avoid the appearance of age spots, have a disinfectant and antibacterial effect.

How does cream for combination skin work?

The main functions of the cream for combination skin are moisturizing, protecting, and increasing elasticity. In order to increase the effect of using the cream, you must follow several rules. To protect dry areas of combination skin from overdrying, you need to drink as much as possible. clean water no gas, refuse bad habits in the form of smoking and drinking alcohol.

You should also give preference healthy eating– eat as many fresh fruits and vegetables as possible. Fatty foods and sweets activate the sebaceous glands, so they are not recommended for those with combination skin.

Combination skin. Which cream to choose

Don't forget that regular use of cream for combination skin will save you from many problems. If you use cleansing and moisturizing products only occasionally, you shouldn’t hope for their effectiveness.

Care for combination skin depending on the season

Basic care for combination skin

Basic care for combination skin includes not only moisturizing with creams. An important component of care is cleansing and exfoliation. This is especially necessary in warm time years when skin should be treated as fat type. It is recommended to use tools based on natural products having an anti-inflammatory effect. Don't neglect cleansing. In summer, you need to use a gel for washing (daily) and a gentle scrub with small granules (1-2 times a week). As for the face cream, summer period best time of year light will do moisturizer.

Care for combination skin in the cold season

In cold weather, care for combination skin should follow the principle of caring for dry skin. In winter she needs gentle cleansing using milk and scrubs, but the latter can be used no more than once a week. A cream for moisturizing combination skin during the cold season should have a protective effect, and its base should include natural plant and animal fats. You should use face cream in winter in the morning (a few minutes before going outside) and at night.

Under no circumstances should a cream for combination skin be greasy. It is preferable to choose products based on natural oils.

Cream for mixed skin should increase the elasticity and tone of the dermis, protect the face from sun rays, wind and frost. The product should mattify, have a sebum-regulating and anti-inflammatory effect. To choose a truly high-quality product, you should carefully study its composition.

Cream for mixed skin: composition and properties

Combination skin is both oily and dry. Increased greasiness characteristic of the T-zone: forehead, nose and chin. At the same time, the skin of the cheeks suffers from a lack of moisture, often flakes, and seems sluggish.

A cream for combination skin should moisturize well without creating a greasy film on the face.

What ingredients are included in creams for combination skin:

  • Plant extracts: aloe, lily, pineapple, white tea, iris, chamomile.
  • Essential oils: rosemary, ginger, mint, tea tree, citrus fruits.
  • Glycerin is a trihydric alcohol that serves as a humectant and softener.
  • Panthenol is a provitamin with soothing and healing properties.
  • Vitamin F, ascorbic acid, tocopherol.
  • Alpha hydroxy acids: glycolic, citric, lactic.

There are practically no fatty vegetable oils in creams for combination skin. Instead, hyaluronic acid, urea, and collagen are used as hydrants, or moisturizing components. All these substances are naturally present in skin tissue and are able to retain moisture without forming a greasy film.

Which cream for combination skin should I choose?

Roskontrol, having carried out an examination of foreign and domestic products for combination skin, noted high quality Nivea day cream. The product does not contain bleaching or dyeing agents and does not increase skin greasiness. The moisturizing effect after application lasts for a day.

Light texture, pleasant floral-fruity aroma and long-lasting action are the advantages of the “Vital Moisturizing” cream from Garnier. However, the product also has a drawback - the presence of preservatives and dyes.

According to reviews, cream for mixed skin without dyes is less likely to cause allergies

Also worthy of special attention following products for combination skin:

  • "Wild Rose" by Weleda;
  • L "Oreal "Trio Active. Moisturizing and freshness";
  • Natura Siberica “Care and Moisturizing” with mattifying effect and SPF-15;
  • Olay Essentials “Active Hydration”;
  • face cream with cucumber juice and cranberries “One Hundred Beauty Recipes”;
  • nourishing night cream with sea buckthorn and rose hips “Clean Line”;
  • moisturizer from Clinique.

A problem for many. Often big problem The choice of moisturizer becomes - how to choose one that does not clog pores, cause oily shine and does not provoke breakouts? We know how! For you, we have selected 6 of the best moisturizing creams that are perfect for oily and combination skin.

If you have oily or combination skin, we recommend choosing a cream that will simultaneously mattify and moisturize the skin. It's not easy, we agree. But we have already done all the work for you and prepared a selection of creams that will cope with this task perfectly.

Let's see?

Natural day cream with vitamins B5, B7 and chamomile extract, Day Vitamin Cream, Mulsan Cosmetic

In first place is Day Vitamin Cream from Mulsan Cosmetic. This cream is ideal for daily care for oily, combination and problem skin faces. Main feature The product has a natural composition. Confirmation of this is the shelf life of 10 months, while ordinary cream, as a rule, is stored for at least two years. Day Vitamin Cream is rich in vitamins. Vitamin B7 restores the skin, and Vitamin B5 makes it more elastic.

Chamomile extract in the composition prevents the appearance of wrinkles. After the first use, the skin becomes soft and tender, the complexion is evened out. You can purchase this day cream in the online store www.mulsan.ru.

For comprehensive care, Day Vitamin Cream is best used together with Night Vitamin Cream. Moreover, when purchasing two products, the store provides free shipping

Mattifying cream hydro-balance, HyaluroMat Cream, Lirene

The cream mattifies perfectly thanks to the micro sponges in the composition that absorb sebum and prevent the appearance of oily shine on the face. The molecules protect the skin from drying out and help retain moisture in the upper layers of the epidermis, while babassu oil relieves inflammation, tightens pores and even cleanses the skin of blackheads. A nice bonus - the presence of SPF 10 - will protect your skin from harmful effects ultraviolet.

Cre mfor the face with a mattifying effect,CucumberBalanceControl,Dr.Sante

Everyone will love this cream! Light, non-greasy and fast-melting, it perfectly refreshes and tones the skin, tightens pores and blocks the sebaceous glands. AcnacidolR technology prevents inflammation, and vitamins A and E instantly soothe skin covering, relieving irritation, redness, itching and peeling.

Soothing moisturizer, Effaclar H, La Roche Posay

This cream is designed for oily and combination skin that is dehydrated due to the use of various drying agents. The cream restores the damaged hydrolipid layer, increases protective function skin and restores its softness and feeling of comfort, and La Roche-Posay in the composition has a calming and softening effect.

Facial cream for perfect nutrition, Yaka

The cream is ideal for oily, sensitive and flaking skin. To get fresh and moisturized skin, it is best to use the product at night. The product is quickly absorbed and does not leave a greasy film on the face, and most importantly, it does not clog pores. After using the cream, the skin becomes pleasant to the touch and velvety.

Sometimes creams with natural composition can provoke allergies, so we recommend that before using it, do a test on the crook of your arm to understand whether it is suitable for you or not.

TOrem" Dynamichumidification", Aqualia Thermal Dynamic Hydration Light Cream, Vichy

Thanks to the availability hyaluronic acid In its composition, the cream replenishes moisture reserves in the skin. Not only does it moisturize, but it also combats dullness and adds radiance to the skin. After it, the skin is smooth and pleasant to the touch. Its non-sticky, melting texture glides seamlessly onto skin. The cream is ideal in quality.

Moisturizingcream, Hydratation Hydrance Optimale Leger, Avene

The cream is suitable for combination and those prone to hypersensitivity. It provides long-lasting hydration of the skin and regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands, making the skin less shiny. Active ingredient - thermal water Avene - soothes the skin and gives it a feeling of comfort. After it, the skin becomes nourished, sleek and well-groomed.

We told you about the best lungs moisturizing creams that are ideal for oily and combination skin. Stay with I WANT, and we will continue to delight you useful information from the world of beauty!

If you believe professional cosmetologists, for the majority modern girls And women have a combination skin type.

This means that the skin of the forehead, nose and chin is different increased fat content, but on the cheeks it is normal or even dry. And naturally, such an epidermis needs special care. In particular, you should know how to choose the right face cream for combination skin, according to what principle and at what time of day to apply it. This is exactly what we'll talk about.

What kind of cream should you use?

When choosing a cream for combination skin, pay attention not only to the brand under which it is sold and its cost, but also to the composition and structure of the product in question.

After all, we are talking about a fairly specific cosmetic product that should simultaneously nourish dry skin on the cheeks and dry out oily skin in the T-zone (forehead, nose and chin). Therefore, many requirements are placed on creams intended for combination skin. The main of these requirements will be discussed below.

  1. Light texture and no fat. That is, such a cream, of course, may contain certain types of oils, but there should be very little of them so that the pores do not clog.
  2. Inclusion of anti-inflammatory components in the product. These could be, for example, extracts of plants such as medicinal chamomile, plantain, sage, etc.
  3. The product should have a mattifying effect. Practice shows that the most best reviews receive creams that can effectively eliminate oily skin. They not only dry out the epidermis and prevent the development of inflammatory processes, but also hide the main flaws in a woman’s appearance. That is, such creams are ideal for use before applying makeup.
  4. The product should have a moisturizing effect. Not only dry, but also oily skin requires high-quality hydration. This means that the cream you choose should nourish the epidermis with moisture and help retain it inside the cells.

Day and night

When choosing a face cream that can be applied to combination skin, it is also important to remember that you will need not one, but two products. After all, the epidermis needs comprehensive care. And don’t forget about proper skin cleansing, toning, and protection from negative external influences.

Moreover, it is advisable to make sure that all the cosmetics that you use to maintain your attractiveness are produced under the same brand.

All my creams for oily and combination skin

How to choose the right face cream - cosmetologist Arina Kireeva [Issue 3 Cosmetolove]

Care for combination skin

REVIEW BEST means for skin moisturizing

BUDGET FACIAL CARE | How to care for PROBLEM SKIN in winter | E.H.

How to choose a moisturizer?

We must not forget that daytime face cream from Natura Siberica or any other brand can never replace night cream. Conversely, after washing your face in the morning, you should not use a product intended for application to the skin immediately before going to bed. After all, day and night creams for combination skin differ in many ways:

  1. Day cream contains less oils than night cream, and therefore can be safely used under makeup.
  2. Your daily product should include SPF filters.
  3. Night cream contains more nutrients and does a better job of moisturizing the epidermis.

Thus, it becomes obvious that only comprehensive care for combination skin will help make it clean, beautiful and silky. Avoid using both day and night creams at the same time, replacing them with one universal remedy, is possible only if you are under 25 years old. At this age, the skin, as a rule, does not require special nutrition and hydration, which means it does not need night cream. However, in any case, approach the choice of cosmetics that you will use as responsibly as possible, giving preference to products famous manufacturers prepared using natural ingredients.
