The best age for a woman to give birth. Doctors have determined the best age to give birth to your first child

The concepts of “late” or “early” are absolutely abstract and have no clear boundaries when it comes to the age at which a woman should become a mother. Our grandmothers successfully gave birth at 18-19, and this was considered the norm. Mothers and aunts had already had some time and decided to take this step at 24-25. We, representatives of the young and advanced generation, will not surprise anyone if we become parents at 35 years old and later.

Causes of late pregnancy

If a woman was not treated for infertility, then, most likely, conception was delayed due to her unwillingness to become a mother. For example, a girl who has just graduated from university is in no hurry to burden herself with a house and pots. She wants to go to work, make a career, become successful and self-sufficient, and only then have a husband and several children. Unlike her, the woman is ready psychologically and emotionally for this step: she approaches the matter more responsibly. Such a lady is experienced and calm, so motherhood will be a real joy and a long-awaited gift for her.

Other reasons for late pregnancy can also include: the availability and accessibility of safe methods of contraception, advanced methods of treating complications during pregnancy. A woman does not ask the question: “When can I give birth?” She is confident that modern technologies will help her become a mother at almost any age.

At what age do you give birth?

If we take into account medical indications, the ideal age for this noble cause is 20-24 years. But often girls at this time are not yet mature enough for motherhood. Doctors call this time period a transition period: if the physiological period occurs on average at 14 years, then the emotional period begins ten years later. A girl who has celebrated her twenties is just beginning to “fledge”: she has a lot of ideas about work, creative plans, etc. Where can one even think about a child. The main thing is not to go on a spree until retirement, when it is too late and almost impossible to give birth. Although... There have been cases when women at such an old age became for their daughters.

Based on the above, the ideal age for childbirth would be from 28 to 33 years. If you decide to have offspring later, the risk will increase: the number of problems associated with pregnancy is directly proportional to the number in your passport.

Arguments for

It is possible to give birth after 40 years. Moreover, conception and gestation will even benefit the fading body. A powerful hormonal shock caused by the birth of a new life will prolong youth and protect against the formation of wrinkles and the appearance of gray hair. The harbingers that threatened the nulliparous lady will disappear like smoke. In addition, menopause will be easier and less painful in the future.

Doctors say that it will also improve the general condition of the body: the risk of stroke and osteoporosis will decrease, the level of cholesterol in the blood will decrease, and sugar will stabilize. In short, don’t hesitate when to give birth. It’s actually never too late, if you have the desire and health.

In addition, a lady of 30-40 years old is already a fully formed person who has a roof over her head and a stable financial income. Having attended dozens of christenings with her friends, she has nursed babies more than once, so she won’t shy away from a screaming baby and call the pediatrician every ten minutes. On the contrary, the woman will know what to do with the child, how and why.


Until what age can you give birth? There are no specific restrictions: it all depends on the woman who wants to become a mother. The only thing that doctors agree on is the number 35. In their opinion, this is the threshold after which few people can boast of excellent health. Therefore, the expectant mother, having become pregnant at this stage of life, is exposed to the following threats:

  1. Miscarriage. Relentless statistics show that in women aged 20-30 the risk is 10%, in 30-40 - already 17%, in 40-50 - 33% and higher. The reason is aging of the eggs.
  2. Problems with the placenta: premature detachment, chronic failure of the embryonic organ.
  3. C-section. Over the years, the likelihood of its use increases. If a woman giving birth is over 30, then in 40% of cases surgical intervention is necessary.
  4. Freezing of the fetus. It occurs in different countries, but in older women the threat increases.

In addition, late pregnancy after 40 years provokes an exacerbation of chronic diseases and the activation of hereditary ailments.

Other risks

Firstly, when a woman finally comes to her senses and decides to procreate, fate can play a cruel joke on her. Being completely healthy and having no contraindications, she will not be able to get pregnant. The fact is that every girl is born with a certain supply of eggs and with age their number decreases significantly. Sometimes such women, in order to conceive, need to “work” hard for a whole year, or even more.

Secondly, late pregnancy after 40 years affects the duration of labor. They can be protracted and difficult. Although research shows that, on average, childbirth lasts only 45 minutes longer than for younger people. Another contraindication is the woman’s age. Staying ten years longer on this planet, she was more exposed to the toxic effects of the environment: she inhaled exhaust fumes, consumed contaminated water and poor-quality products. Therefore, she has a greater chance of developing fibrous tumor, endometriosis and other diseases that can negatively affect conception and the course of pregnancy.

Down syndrome

This is the greatest danger that awaits a first-time woman if she is well over 30. According to statistics, a forty-year-old lady has a 9 times greater risk of giving birth to a baby with this disease than her ten-year-younger colleague. In such pregnant women, the risk is 1%, in a woman who is 45, it is already 3%. Doctors have also recently put forward a new hypothesis: a baby with Down syndrome is more often born into families where the mother of the mother was of advanced age. That is, at one time she gave birth to her daughter, being already a mature woman. At first it seems that this is exactly the case when it is too late to give birth.

But it is not all that bad. Just think: for girls who are 25 years old, the chance of giving birth to a baby with this genetic disease is 1 in 1,400 cases. For those who are 30 - 1/1000, 35 - 1/350, 40 - 1/60, 45 and above - 1/12. But since young ladies become mothers much more often, 80% of down children on the planet were born to women who were not yet 30 years old.

Other threats to the fetus

Until what age can you give birth? There is no exact answer to this question. Some doctors say the sooner the better. Others, on the contrary, adhere to a policy of conscious, “mature” pregnancy. The choice is up to the woman, who decides for herself when to become a mother. At the same time, she must clearly understand that her unborn baby faces dangers other than those described above: low weight or hypoxia. The latter is a consequence of a protracted second stage of labor, which is often observed in late pregnancy.

The following fact is interesting: if a woman already has a child who has reached adolescence at the time of the second conception, then she will give birth according to the laws of the “first time”. This means that within 15-20 years the body “forgets” about pregnancy. Therefore, such a lady and the one who actually conceived for the first time find themselves in absolutely identical conditions with all the ensuing consequences.

Course of pregnancy

If a woman had headaches before conception, they may get worse. Moreover, ailments are often associated with blood pressure, which increases and causes discomfort. When this happens regularly, gestosis develops - it manifests itself in the form of swelling. Also, after 40 years of age, the risk of diabetes increases. If the disease is diagnosed before pregnancy during pregnancy, it may worsen and worsen the general condition.

When is it too late to give birth? Then, when you have accumulated a whole bunch of ailments over the past three or four decades. In this case, they can not only progress, but also provoke complications: thyroid diseases lead to miscarriage; kidneys, heart and lungs - to premature birth. In addition, young women have more elastic tissue and muscles. With age, fibers lose their ability to stretch and maintain density. Therefore, for middle-aged women, the risk of losing a child increases.

How to minimize the danger?

You can give birth at 45. The main thing is to follow some rules that can significantly reduce the chances of miscarriage, freezing of the fetus in the womb, or the occurrence of genetic disorders. The first thing to do is to carefully plan your pregnancy and prepare for it mentally and physically. A woman should visit a gynecologist: let him rule out the presence of diseases and infections, and also provide advice.

The baby's organs are formed in the first trimester, so six months before conception, the expectant mother is simply obliged to fall in love with a healthy lifestyle. Namely: give up fatty, smoked, canned foods, introduce a lot of greens, fruits and vegetables into your diet, quit smoking, forget about alcohol and coffee. It is recommended to take a complex of vitamins prescribed by a doctor, exercise, walk a lot and sleep 8 hours a day - this will also increase the likelihood that a woman will quickly become pregnant, carry her to term without problems and give birth to a healthy baby without complications.

If the doctor is annoying

This shouldn't be confusing. Focusing solely on age, he will not prohibit giving birth. But he will put such a lady on a special register. Increased attention and excessive control should be treated philosophically: additional tests will not hurt, but will only add confidence that the fetus is developing correctly.

It happens that obstetricians, in order to avoid possible complications, already at first offer the woman consent to a caesarean section. Under such circumstances, there is no need to rush off the handle: the lady needs to think, discuss the situation with other doctors, and undergo a full examination. If there are no serious contraindications, then you can try to give birth yourself.

And one more thing: the offensive label “old-timer” will be given to the expectant mother at her first visit to the antenatal clinic. This should not make your mood worsen or your self-confidence evaporate. The baby’s health is the most important thing now, and as for mothball terms, you simply don’t need to pay attention to them.

Prenatal diagnosis

But this is a really useful and necessary thing. Modern medicine has the highest quality drugs and equipment with which you can become a mother at 50 years old. Doctors say: 97% of pregnant women who are 40 years of age or older, having undergone many tests and laboratory studies, have gained firm confidence that everything will work out for them. And a positive attitude is already half the battle.

Prenatal diagnosis is:

  • Invasive. Methods are associated with violation of tissue integrity during direct examination of the fetus (cordocentesis, amniocentesis, chorionic villus biopsy).
  • Non-invasive. Examination of the expectant mother, her tests (ultrasound, fetal cell sorting, blood serum screening).

If the patient is a middle-aged woman, she is required to undergo prenatal diagnosis. It will exclude possible chromosomal abnormalities of the fetus at an early stage of its development, which allows parents to terminate the pregnancy if the pathology is very serious. When deviations can be eliminated, they are eliminated using intrauterine surgery or immediately after the birth of the baby.


Until what age do women give birth? There is no doubt: they do this at any stage of life, forgetting about the number in their passport. And this act should not be shocking at all. If a lady is in good health, has no chronic, infectious or other diseases, and is full of strength, energy and optimism, then such a step is absolutely justified. Such a woman can find the happiness of motherhood even at 50 years old. At the same time, accurate pregnancy planning, early diagnosis and constant monitoring of the process by medical personnel will protect it from possible complications.

But the most important thing is desire. When a representative of the fair sex sleeps and sees diapers, diapers and rattles, it will be doubly easier for her to have offspring. Hope for success and faith in the future - they will be one of the guarantees of a positive result. When powerful support from close and dear people is added to this, the lady will quickly and confidently achieve her goal.

Don't be afraid to give birth. Be afraid not to try. And remember: age is a punishment for boring and weak-willed people, whom you are not one of.

Statistics say that as a woman ages, her chances of conceiving and giving birth to a healthy child become less and less. However, the number of pregnant women aged 30 and older is increasing. What age is optimal for motherhood?

The term “old-timer” is gradually becoming a thing of the past, and those who are curious do not condemn, but to a certain extent even admire the courage of women who decide to become pregnant at a late age. And in maternity hospitals you can see very young women in labor less and less often. The average age of most expectant mothers is 25-27 years.

When should you plan a pregnancy so that women’s “biological clock” does not lag behind and is not in a hurry? Doctors do not risk making categorical statements on this matter, but prefer to divide a woman’s age into four periods regarding the ability to conceive and carry a pregnancy.

3 facts about the threat of miscarriage
When planning the birth of a child, it is important to know that the risk of miscarriage increases with the age of the expectant mother:

  • in 25-30 years - 1 in 1,250 cases;
  • by 35 years - 1 in 378 cases;
  • by 40-45 years - 1 in 30 cases.

Pregnancy under 18 years of age

Possible difficulties
Pregnancy is often registered in girls aged 15-18 years. Unplanned, it most often leads to abortion, since many perceive the news of an unborn child as an obstacle to study and entertainment. According to statistics, for every 100 teenage pregnancies there are 70 abortions, 15 spontaneous miscarriages and 15 births.

Development forecasts
Early pregnancy is dangerous because the body is not yet fully prepared for reproductive function. 10-15% of young expectant mothers are diagnosed with an anatomically narrow pelvis and increased uterine tone, which can lead to spontaneous miscarriage.
Early pregnancy can also cause hormonal problems. At a young age, there is not enough estrogen and progesterone necessary for the normal development of pregnancy. And this can lead to problems with the formation, growth and development of the placenta.

Pregnancy at the age of 20-29 years

Possible difficulties
Expectant mothers of this age can hope for a minimal risk of serious abnormalities in the fetus and complications during childbirth. And to get pregnant, a woman 20-29 years old needs, on average, from 3 to 6 months.

Development forecasts
The optimal age for pregnancy is considered to be from 20 to 29 years. The development of the body has already been completed, the hormonal background has been established, the ovaries are most often still healthy, and the vaginal and uterine muscles are elastic.
By the age of 29, many have already achieved a certain stability in work in order to take a break for maternity leave. Some expectant mothers hope for help from relatively young parents who will help raise their baby.

Pregnancy at the age of 30-35 years

Possible difficulties
Pregnancy of 30-35 years in most cases is complicated by various threats: placenta previa, increased uterine tone, bleeding and other negative manifestations.

Development forecasts
A woman’s moral and physical readiness for motherhood helps to overcome difficulties, because with age, the attitude towards health becomes more serious. There are more and more expectant mothers over the age of 30. Women deliberately postpone motherhood for this time, because almost all of them are already fully realized professionally and financially. They perceive the birth of a child with great joy.

Pregnancy over 36 years of age

Possible difficulties
It is believed that it is at the age of 35-36 that the peak of maternal feelings begins to flourish. But at this age it is more difficult for women to become pregnant naturally. There is a high probability of premature placental abruption, fetoplacental insufficiency, rupture of the soft birth canal and bleeding during childbirth. The risk of miscarriage and the development of congenital pathologies in the baby, including Down syndrome, increases.

Development forecasts
Those who want to experience the joy of motherhood are not deterred by gloomy forecasts. They rely not only on themselves, but also on the possibilities of medicine that allow them to maintain late pregnancy.
Many people dream of having not just one baby, but several at once, because the age of 35-39 years is considered the peak of twin births. Doctors also inspire hope, believing that if a woman was attentive to her health, then her pregnancy at 35 years old will proceed like the pregnancy of a 25-year-old.

Age records for child births
The youngest mother in the world is Peruvian Lina Medina. In 1939 at the age
At 5 years and 7 months she gave birth to a son weighing about 3 kg. During childbirth I had to do
caesarean section, as the mother's pelvis was not sufficiently developed. Child
He only found out who his biological mother was at the age of 10.

The oldest mother in the world is Romanian Adriana Iliescu. At the age of 66 she is safely
gave birth to her first child - daughter Eliza. Despite the solid
age, a woman dreams of a second child.

Readiness for pregnancy is not an age-related phenomenon

At what age is it optimal to become a mother is still a subjective question. It is important that a woman’s physical and psychological readiness for the birth of a baby coincide, because only in this case the news of pregnancy will bring joy both at 20 and at 30, 35 years and older.

Expert: Irina Isaeva, obstetrician-gynecologist
Elena Nersesyan-Brytkova

Photos used in this material belong to Maria got married at 30. At first, she and her husband Sergei were not sure whether they even wanted to have a child. And when they finally “ripened” to this decision, it turned out that they were unable to have a child. Now Maria regularly visits doctors, and every now and then the thought arises: “Was it necessary to delay so much time with the birth of an heir?”

By the way, all the tests that she and her husband did show that everything is fine with their health. And doctors assure them that it is “absolutely normal” to have problems with childbearing at their age and that Maria could “unexpectedly” become pregnant at any time. But this moment hasn’t come for a whole year now.

Mary's story is absolutely typical of today's times. And why don’t women give birth when nature itself told them to? And how important is age when it comes to pregnancy? “It is important,” doctors say, “but not so much that at some age, even at 45, you deny yourself the joy of motherhood. But you should know what complications you may have.”

What can you expect...

The most favorable age for the birth of a first child is considered to be from 20 to 30 years. And not in vain - it is much easier to conceive at 20-25 years old, because... The ovaries at this age are still young and healthy, and the woman herself has not yet had time to accumulate a bunch of chronic diseases in her “baggage.” The percentage of childless women in marriages without contraception is only 6% at the age of 20-24 years, 9% at 25-29 years. The risk of miscarriage is minimal. Childbirth is also easier: 80% of women give birth naturally at a young age, because the muscle tone of the uterus and vagina is still high.

For subsequent births, the best interval is 3 years. During this time, the woman’s body has time to recover, that is, go through a period of rehabilitation after childbirth.

So far, this is the age at which the peak of pregnancy and childbirth occurs, although the age limit is steadily rising every year: if some twenty years ago, most women gave birth to their first child at an average age of 21, now the average age of those giving birth to their first child is 25 years.

The fashion of having your first child around age 30 has reached Russia. If previously everyone who gave birth after 30 years of age was considered an older primipara, now “young” mothers closer to 40 are not uncommon. And their number continues to grow.

The reasons may be different, but for most women it is the desire to achieve a certain social and professional status, to make a career, before fully devoting themselves to the family. Following the pattern of other countries, where women only begin to give birth at thirty-five, and sometimes at forty, in our country, the number of women who gave birth to their first child between the ages of 30 and 40 has tripled over the past twenty years. Today, every 12th child is given birth to a woman over 35 years old.

But postponing the first pregnancy until the third decade of life has its risks. A woman's fertility begins to decline many years before menopause, despite the regularity of her menstrual cycle. Although there is no strict definition of how long a woman can be reproductively healthy, infertility is more likely to occur after age 35. The percentage of childless women in marriages without contraception is 15% - 30-34 years old, 30% - 35-39 years old. That is, almost a third of women over 35 years of age are generally infertile.

Why? First of all, this is due to age-related changes in the tissues of the uterus and ovaries, leading to a decrease in their functional characteristics. Age-related changes in the body primarily concern the circulatory system and at the same time manifest themselves in organs that are not working effectively enough. In young women who have not given birth for many years, the internal genital organs are in a state of functional insufficiency and are therefore subject to premature aging.

But even a healthy older woman may need a longer period of time to conceive. Problems such as chronic placental insufficiency, fetal presentation, and premature placental abruption are also possible. And only 40% of women give birth naturally.

Childbirth in women after 30 also has its own characteristics, including a greater likelihood of labor weakness, a greater risk of ruptures of the soft birth canal due to decreased tissue elasticity, and bleeding. However, pregnancy prepares future mothers over 30 not only problems, but also pleasant surprises. So, pregnancy with twins or triplets (even if you were treated for infertility) most often occurs at this age. And at 35-39 years old there is a peak of twin births.

Well, it’s not for nothing that the retirement age for athletes, ballerinas and military personnel is precisely 40 years. The reserves of strength and energy of even an absolutely healthy human body are still depleted. And let forty-year-old Hollywood mothers shine with smiles from the pages of magazines. Everything would be fine, but such a late pregnancy, alas, is fraught with many medical troubles. Giving birth after 40 years is difficult and dangerous. The percentage of infertile women is 64% at 40-44 years old. And the risk of miscarriage in women 40-44 years old increases to 33%.

In most cases, decreased fertility in adulthood depends on the depletion of ovarian function. Risk factors for early wasting include smoking, family history of early ovarian failure, significant ovarian pathology, and ovarian surgery.

But even if pregnancy has occurred, along with a sense of miracle, the expectant mother will face new worries. And first of all, this concerns the fact that closer to 40 years of age, the risk of giving birth to a child with a congenital pathology increases. Among them are defects of the heart, gastrointestinal tract, musculoskeletal system and the common Down syndrome. The age of the father is also important here (in a third of cases of the development of Down syndrome, pathologies in male chromosomes are “to blame”).

Of course, the risk of some genetic disorder as a result of a random mutation is always present, even in a young woman. But with age, the mechanism that allows one to distinguish a healthy embryo from a sick one is disrupted, and if a young body more often simply rejects such a fetus, then after a critical age there are more spontaneous mutations, and the protective mechanism does not always work.

The difficulty is that before pregnancy it is impossible to predict and accurately predict the possibility of conceiving a baby with one or another chromosomal pathology, including Down syndrome, you can only calculate the degree of risk of the pathology. Taking vitamin supplements, in particular B vitamins and folic acid, helps partially prevent the occurrence of pathologies. Most doctors recommend doing this three months before conception. 2-3 months before the expected pregnancy, chronic diseases should also be treated, if necessary.

Women over 40 are 3 times more likely than women under 30 to develop gestational diabetes. Childbirth becomes difficult and lengthy for those women whose muscle elasticity and joint elasticity decrease with age. Therefore, an active lifestyle is especially important for “late” mothers: more movement, swimming, special gymnastics, especially exercises to train the muscles of the perineum.

Of course, medicine these days has a supply of techniques and technologies that allow a woman of any age to become pregnant, maintain the pregnancy and give birth safely. But doctors are not magicians. Therefore, as the song says, “think for yourself, decide for yourself...”

The birth of a child is an important stage in the life of every person. Some people have a baby unplanned, while others spend many years preparing for this significant event. Both conception itself and the health of the unborn child largely depend on the age of mom and dad. What is the optimal age to give birth to a child? Let's talk about this in our article.

Dangers of Early Pregnancy

The ability to conceive appears in a woman with the arrival of her first menstruation, however, the onset of puberty does not yet mean the physiological and mental readiness of the body for such an important event as pregnancy.

A mother who is too young is at risk of having a child with developmental defects and low weight. There are frequent cases of complications arising during the period of bearing a baby, since the internal organs are not yet ready to experience double stress: problems with the heart, kidneys are possible, and there is also a high probability that the unprepared pelvic bones will not be able to separate properly, which will necessitate delivery through surgery.

So, a young mother theoretically has the ability to bear and give birth to children, but pregnancy in this case is associated with high risks and requires careful monitoring. A teenage dad also increases the risk of having a child with developmental defects and low weight, since the reproductive system is not yet fully regulated, and the chance of passing on defective genes from the father is quite high.

The same age

What is the optimal age to have children? According to doctors, this period for a woman begins at 18-20 years old. The regulation of the reproductive system is completely completed, the ovaries are ready for work and full of strength, the optimal amount of hormones is produced, and the elasticity of the ligaments and joints allows you to hold the growing uterus during pregnancy and give birth to the baby naturally. Until approximately 25-27 years of age, a young organism, at the peak of its capabilities, is maximally ready for reproduction.

Of course, a woman’s reproductive functions do not fade away after 27 years. The fact is that the supply of eggs that mature in a woman’s body is limited to a certain number. During the period of their greatest activity, the ovaries intensively produce eggs, the supply of which becomes less and less with each subsequent menstrual cycle. By the age of 30, only one tenth of the original number of cells capable of fertilization remains. From about this age until the onset of menopause, the creation of eggs will proceed at a much quieter pace, and since the safety margin and initial capabilities of the ovaries are individual for all women, the likelihood of pregnancy decreases every year. In addition, the increasingly poor selection of cells increases the possibility of selecting poor quality cells, which can lead to the development of congenital anomalies in the fetus.

In addition to possible problems with conception and the health of the offspring, more problems may arise with the health of a woman who decides to postpone motherhood to a later date. Childbirth and pregnancy are enormous stress for the body, placing a huge strain on the heart, kidneys and other internal organs. Of course, it is much easier to cope with such shocks at a younger age.

For men, the return of paternity is also important. The optimal age for having children for men is approximately 35 years of age. Just like in women, the safety margin of the testicles is limited; spermatozoa up to this age are in the phase of greatest activity and with the maximum probability of successfully reaching the egg. And in the same way, with age, a man’s number of defective cells that carry gene mutations and anomalies increases.


In addition to possible problems associated with conceiving a child and its normal intrauterine development, the fact that the baby needs to have time to raise is of no small importance. It is physically easier for young parents to pay attention to their growing baby, especially when they reach adolescence. And then, mom and dad will have energy and time to communicate with future grandchildren.

Of course, if for some reason your first baby was not conceived at the “right” age, this does not mean that the chances of becoming a mother after 30 are irretrievably lost. It’s just that the older the woman and man, the more careful observation and care the “interesting situation” requires.

Time for the second birth

So, with the optimal life time for the birth of the first child, everything is more or less clear. When should I give birth to my second child? What better time to give him brothers and sisters?

First of all, let's consider this issue from a medical point of view. The fact that childbirth and pregnancy involves a lot of effort and energy for the mother’s body has been mentioned more than once in this article. The recovery period after childbirth requires quite a lot of time - according to doctors, about 3 years. During this time, the mother can fully recover, finish breastfeeding her first child and be physically ready for further procreation.

From the point of view of raising two or more children together, what period is the optimal age for the birth of a second and subsequent child is a controversial issue. Some parents believe that this difference should be no more than 5 years, while others, on the contrary, prefer to keep the first child at least until school, and then plan for the second. Each opinion has its positive and negative sides, let's look at them all:

Pros of a small age difference

- children have common interests - they may have common toys, books, etc.;

The ability to set the same daily routine for kids;

Lack of selfish tendencies - from a young age the child gets used to caring for others.

Disadvantages of a small age difference

Great physical costs for the mother because she needs to simultaneously pay attention to both babies;

It is impossible or extremely difficult for a woman to realize herself professionally, since maternity leave comes one after another;

Concurrent illnesses in children.

Pros of a significant age difference

The mother has fully recovered physically after her first birth; the first child can help raise the youngest;

The time and attention devoted to raising each child increases significantly.

Disadvantages of a significant age difference

It may be difficult to prepare your first child for the arrival of a new family member, because he is accustomed to a certain daily routine, as well as full attention from mom and dad;

Each of the children has their own world and interests - friends, games, hobbies.

Of course, the optimal age for having a child is a purely individual concept. There are mothers who can easily manage two or even three similar babies at once, and there are those who for a long time do not decide to give birth to a second one. For some, it is important to get on their feet and be fully prepared materially for the birth of a baby; for others, the achievement of material wealth and the birth of children are processes that occur simultaneously.

Supporters of both opinions will agree on one thing - this is a fact - the main thing is that the appearance of little feet in your home is conscious and the child is loved and desired!

What age is best for having a child is known: the most favorable time for the birth of the first child is 18-25 years old. During this period, the body is ready to cope with this task in the best possible way.

In our geographical conditions, a woman’s body is generally ready to bear a pregnancy by the age of 18.

Early pregnancy, before the age of 18, is complicated both by physiological reasons (the body is not yet ready for such stress) and psychological (the girl does not yet feel the seriousness and responsibility of her situation).

Recently, the tendency to give birth to your first child closer to 30 years of age has become relevant not only for Western countries, but also for Russia.

Many women strive to realize themselves in public life, in work, in creativity; but at the same time, they do not want to give up their family because of a career or, on the contrary, abandon their ambitions and plunge headlong into the household. The search for a compromise has led to an increase in the number of women whom official medicine calls “primiparas”. Changing public views on the age range for first-time mothers has led to the need for medicine to look at this problem in a new way. Thanks to modern medical technologies, the possibility of a successful birth of a child remains up to 40 years. But if you still decide to have a child after 35 years of age, you need to be more responsible in preparing your body, since after 35 the likelihood of problems and dangers increases significantly.

Let's name the most common ones:

1. There is a danger of not getting pregnant at all. Over time, our capabilities decrease (by 50% after 30 years, by 80% after 44 years). This occurs because the number of follicles decreases, the number of cycles without ovulation increases, and the uterus’s sensitivity to a fertilized egg decreases.

2. The danger of having a child with Down syndrome. The older the parents, the more time their bodies, including their reproductive organs, were exposed to harmful environmental influences. It has been established that in 25-30% of all cases of birth of children with Down syndrome, various pathologies in male chromosomes are to blame. The risk also increases if the expectant father is over 50 years old, as the number of mutant genes increases. In this case, you should consult a geneticist.

3. Danger of miscarriage.

4. Risk to maternal health.

To ensure your pregnancy goes well, listen to some recommendations before conceiving:

o When conceiving a child, the mother must be healthy. Therefore, late pregnancy must be planned.

o 2-3 months before its onset, all possible diseases should be treated by undergoing a full medical examination. You shouldn’t leave even such seemingly trifles as untreated teeth or frequent colds.

o All major organs and systems of the fetus are formed in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, therefore, treatment of chronic diseases should also be carried out before pregnancy, otherwise all maternal diseases can be inherited by the baby.

o About six months before pregnancy, you need to give up bad habits - maternal smoking has a particularly detrimental effect on the fetus.

o Before pregnancy, it is important to normalize your weight and begin to accustom your body to physical activity - both during pregnancy and after childbirth there will be plenty of it.

o Even before pregnancy, it is important for a late mother to find a good gynecologist who will manage the pregnancy. He will advise what vitamins and mineral preparations expectant parents should take before conception, what the mother should drink during pregnancy, how to eat properly, and what regimen to follow.

o It is very important that the chosen gynecologist is sympathetic to the couple’s desire to have a late child and does not consider late pregnancy and late childbirth a pathology. Then the expectant mother will be able to calmly and frankly share with the doctor her fears, anxieties and experiences, which is necessary for a pregnant woman. You also need to be careful when choosing a maternity hospital.

o Pregnancy in late mothers should be, firstly, active (swimming and gymnastics are required in order to give the tissues the elasticity that is lost by this age), and secondly, under constant medical supervision. Adult women, as a rule, become much more responsible and patient mothers than very young girls. And if the pregnancy is planned, the woman is healthy and full of strength and desire to give life to her baby, then both late pregnancy and late childbirth will go well and will leave only happy memories.

And most importantly, those who decide to have a late birth should never doubt the correctness of their choice. Everyone is ready to become a mother no sooner than they realize this readiness. Therefore, there should be no remorse about the fact that the child was not born earlier, nor doubts that he should be born now.
