Mi & Co Mango Butter - "a simple and easy way to laminate hair at home without gelatin! get acquainted: my disappointment before application and charm - after. it's all mango butter

The oil from the seeds of the fruit of a tropical tree is practically odorless. Delicate, luxurious and light, like a gentle caressing veil covering your skin. Melts on contact with it and instantly soothes and nourishes it.

Magical, amazing exotic oil makes your body fragrant and transports you to another world. A world smelling of spices and beautiful flowers, to where women have beautiful, silky skin.

Mango butter has a composition that is similar to shea and cocoa. Although there are some differences in the content of fatty acids. Light, slightly sweet aroma, oily and dense texture very reminiscent of high quality butter. As a rule, mango butter has a rich cream color, at room temperature it retains its texture, but melts immediately when applied to the skin.

Almost in equal proportions, the product contains stearic and oleic acids, which moisturize and soften well, are quickly absorbed into the skin and relieve inflammation. Polyphenols, antioxidants quercetin, and caffeic acid are powerful antifungal, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory agents. This leads to the use of mango butter. The tannins give the oil its astringent and antibacterial benefits.

In everyday life, human skin is daily attacked by various environmental factors and unsanitary conditions that harm its integrity and health. Mango butter softens the skin, soothes and moisturizes, thereby preventing its drying, wrinkles and cracks.

  • Fats from the kernel of the fruit tree have bioactive properties. In addition, natural lipids have high oxidative stability, are biocompatible with many ingredients and oils, and have no harmful effects on the skin.
  • Mango butter is able to restore the lipid layer of the skin and maintain high elasticity of the epidermis. Prevents sagging skin, reduces signs of cellulite.
  • Significantly increases skin hydration. Helps with eczema, dermatitis and flaking.
  • Creates a protective film on the surface of the skin, which protects the skin from UV radiation and bad weather.
  • The antibacterial property of the product makes it suitable for the treatment of burns, frostbite. The anti-inflammatory action has a soothing effect on bites, irritation and rashes.
  • A high percentage of tocopherols, phytosterols and triterpenes significantly reduces the visibility of wrinkles and skin roughness. Cosmetics with mango butter are created specifically for sensitive skin.
  • This product is non-greasy and easily absorbed by the skin.
  • Antioxidants help keep skin young and healthy. They neutralize toxins to generate cell renewal in the epidermis and prevent the formation of wrinkles.
  • Treats muscle fatigue, relieves pain and tension.
  • Prevents stretch marks and stretch marks on the skin.

Mango oil has been used in cosmetology for a long time and is part of most body and hair care products. Without a doubt, this is the best natural remedy that makes the skin look like silk. There are special properties of mango butter, which, according to the observations of dermatologists, are indispensable for the care of appearance.

So, deep wrinkles in most women became less noticeable, small ones disappeared, and signs of aging are significantly reduced with daily application of mango butter for about 5 weeks.

Like any natural product, mango oil for hair and face can work wonders. It is light enough to be applied to the skin neat or blended with other beneficial ingredients. It significantly improves any mask for nourishing hair and skin.

It does not need to be prepared in a special way, which makes it easy to use. On dry, chapped skin, chapped lips, you can safely apply it as a protective balm. It is possible to add to ready-made cosmetic products or home-made mixtures in arbitrary proportions.

The easiest way is to add a small piece of oil to a portion of the finished hair mask and distribute it through the hair. Keep the application on the head either for the time indicated on the instructions for the mask, or longer, depending on the availability of time and the desired effect. Then you need to rinse with water the entire mixture from the hair.

It is good to apply a massage to the scalp, which simultaneously improves the condition of the hair, strengthens it and promotes growth. For this, grape seed oil or almond oil, which is mixed with mango butter, is suitable. You can strengthen and activate the process by adding rosemary or carrot essential oil, 6 drops are enough for this. Distribute over the scalp, parting with a comb.

And then massage with your fingers or a comb with rounded tips. Do not be too zealous, just enough to massage the skin lightly to ensure a rush of blood to the surface layer. Carry out this procedure for at least 10 minutes. Rinse off with water and shampoo afterwards.

Mango oil for hair is healthy and nutritious. It reduces dryness, smoothes the scales of the hair, which provides it with elasticity, smoothness and shine. Well-groomed and healthy hair is easier to comb and style, they are less exposed to the harmful effects of an aggressive external environment.

Mango butter for face and body provides many benefits. How often you apply this amazing natural product to your skin will determine the condition of your skin. This may be the application of pure oil, when a piece is applied to the skin and under the influence of heat it quickly melts. With massage movements of the hand, it should be gently rubbed. You can use it either every day or once a week. It all depends on the needs of your skin.

You can enjoy the bath and take care of the body at the same time, if you dip a piece of mango butter into the water. Soak for a few minutes in the water and get out of it. It is advisable not to wipe the body, as oil particles remain on the surface, which need to be rubbed a little with your hand and only then blot the skin with a towel.

If your hands and nails are uncomfortable, the skin is excessively dry, burrs form, nails break easily, try rubbing mango oil into the skin, cuticles and nail plate daily. The result will be already after 3-4 procedures.

Mango butter for the face is used to preserve youth, improve color and even out the surface of the skin. You can safely apply pure oil on prepared skin (cleansed) and do a light massage or just let it "lie" on your skin. Literally 10 minutes of such an application will help you forget about tightness, dryness and discomfort. Remove excess oil with a napkin, although they rarely remain, as this product is well absorbed.

To any of your favorite face masks, add a piece of mango butter and apply as usual. Or mix it with avocado pulp and cottage cheese. Proportions can be applied arbitrary. A few minutes of exposure, and you will feel a pleasant velvety and softness of the skin of the face.

How you choose to use mango butter doesn't really matter. Now you know about another amazing and powerful tool for your beauty and youth, good mood and self-confidence.

Indian mangifera, better known as mango, is a sweet, very fragrant and juicy fruit that can weigh up to 1 - 2 kg. In total, there are about 500 varieties of this fruit in the world, differing in color, size and taste. The pulp of the fruit is actively used in cooking for the preparation of various dishes, drinks and desserts, and a very valuable fatty oil used in modern cosmetology is obtained from the seeds by cold pressing. Mango butter for the skin is of particular value, as it contains a whole range of useful substances.

Properties of cosmetic mango butter and its application

Mango essential oil is a semi-solid butter that is added to various cosmetic products after melting. Many cosmetologists call mango oil an excellent alternative to various hard oils. It is actively added to lipstick and lip glosses, shampoos, home and industrial creams, shower gels, body lotions.

Mango butter can be in a semi-solid, solid and liquid state. Most often, it is the semi-solid form that is found in retail chains, which is a formed mass that easily crumbles and is cut at normal room temperature. When squeezing the crumbs, the mass quickly sticks together into a piece. The color of the product is light yellow and its taste is neutral.

Pure, natural mango butter, containing no additives, is virtually odorless. If the product has a rich, intense and very pleasant aroma, this indicates the content of various additives in it, which can have a negative effect on the skin.

The melting point of mango butter is between 29 and 34 degrees, so if you place a piece of butter in your palm, it will melt very quickly.

Despite the fact that most cosmetologists call mango butter a good alternative to other solid oils, in fact, this product has many advantages over others. Mango oil contains many fatty acids necessary for skin health, in particular, oleic, stearic, palmitic, arachidic, linoleic, linolenic. Contains oil and stearins, carotenoids, tocopherols, as well as many vitamins and microelements.

This type of oil is distinguished by its resistance to oxidation and the ability to form an emulsion. It also contains a large amount of antioxidants, as well as vitamins E, A and C, which makes it very beneficial for the skin.

Mango Butter: Properties and Uses for the Face

The value of mango oil for the skin lies in the fact that the product is an excellent natural moisturizer, while saturating the skin and many nutritional components. Mango butter can not only provide the dermis with the necessary amount of moisture, but also keep it in the tissues for a long time.

The oil is versatile, it can be used in the care of any skin type, but most often cosmetologists recommend this tool for dry, mature, dehydrated and damaged skin.

In cosmetology, natural mango butter is used:

  • To reduce the inflammatory process in skin tissues, as well as to treat various dermatological diseases. With the help of mango oil, you can significantly improve the condition of the skin with dermatitis, acne, psoriasis, eczema.
  • To soften the skin, accelerate cell regeneration and damage healing processes.
  • To protect the skin from the harmful effects of the sun's ultraviolet rays.
  • For skin rejuvenation and wrinkle smoothing. The effectiveness of the tool in this matter has long been proven in practice. As a rule, to obtain a lasting effect of facial rejuvenation, smoothing fine wrinkles and reducing the size of large folds, you need to apply mango oil for 4 to 6 weeks.
  • For skin health. Mango butter has antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties due to the content of a significant amount of tannins.

Mango oil is applied to the skin and with insect bites, as well as in the presence of skin allergic reactions, as it helps to quickly eliminate unpleasant symptoms, itching, burning, and reduces the intensity of the inflammatory process.

The use of mango butter in home cosmetology

Since mango oil melts very quickly during normal contact with the skin, it can be used in its pure form without prior dissolution, lubricating lips, hands, face or body skin, scalp (to nourish and strengthen hair). To do this, just take a piece of oil and treat the skin with it.

You can add mango butter to any cosmetics, both industrial and homemade. To moisturize the scalp, strengthen hair, improve their growth, mango oil can be added to ready-made shampoos, conditioners and hair balms. It is also added to ready-made creams, lotions, tonics, and cleansers. Based on it, homemade creams and masks are prepared. At the same time, the concentration of mango butter in any preparation can be from 10 to 100% of the total volume.

It is important to store mango butter properly. To do this, it should be placed in a plastic or glass container with a lid and put in a cool, dark place. You can store the oil in the refrigerator, in a tightly closed container.

Since mango seed oil can quickly relieve muscle tension, eliminate muscle pain and symptoms of fatigue, it is often included in various massage mixtures as a base or additional component. You can use this product for massage and in its pure form.

Treatment of the skin with mango oil allows you to instantly restore the lipid barrier, which helps to retain moisture. Due to this ability, it is recommended to apply mango oil to the skin after each visit to the bath, sauna, pool, after taking a bath or shower. For the same purpose, it is recommended to treat the skin with this product when weathering, frostbite, after prolonged exposure to the sun or wind, as well as after exposure to other factors that have a drying effect. You can apply the oil on the skin and before going outside on hot, windy or frosty days for additional protection.

The oil is great for caring for any type of skin, including the most sensitive, because it can quickly eliminate the symptoms of irritation and even peeling of the epidermis. The skin after applying mango oil becomes especially tender, soft, moisturized, acquires a pleasant velvety and a healthy radiant color. Mango oil also helps to eliminate age spots, and also quite actively fights acne and acne elements, having a positive effect on stretch marks, scars and scars. During pregnancy or a sudden change in weight, this oil is recommended to be applied daily to the skin of the entire body in order to prevent the appearance of stretch marks.

For men, mango seed oil can be used as a shaving cream as it provides excellent glide and prevents irritation. You can lubricate the skin with it after shaving to soften, soothe and intensively moisturize it.

Another way to use mango butter for body care is to use it instead of sunscreens. This product is able to perfectly protect the skin from the harmful effects of sunlight, including ultraviolet radiation.

To quickly restore facial skin, for example, before an important event, you can apply mango butter to previously cleansed and steamed skin as a mask. To do this, you can generously lubricate the skin with oil, removing its remnants with a soft cloth after half an hour, or soak a cloth with oil and apply it to your face. To increase the effectiveness and eliminate a certain problem, other essential oils can be added to the composition of such a mask. For example, to get rid of acne more effectively and quickly, you can add a few drops of rosemary, tea tree, black cumin, lavender, grapefruit, and lemon essential oils to mango butter. To whiten the skin, you can add lemon or parsley juice, lemon oil.

For the care of the skin of the whole body, special baths are considered the most effective method. To do this, the bath should be filled with water of the desired temperature (it should be higher than body temperature), you can add special salt or a decoction of medicinal herbs to the water, after that you just need to throw a piece of mango oil into the water and wait a couple of minutes until it dissolves. It is recommended to take such a bath for about half an hour. As a result, the skin becomes very beautiful, moisturized, acquires a healthy and well-groomed appearance.

Video review of mango cosmetic oil

Today we will talk about what mango butter is and how it is used in cosmetology. Mango butter is made from the Mangífera índica plant. Imagine this evergreen tree with large, broad, dark green leaves and yellow flowers that grows in the tropical rainforests of India. This fruit has a rich specific aroma and sweet taste that are hard to miss. From these juicy fruits, more precisely from the seeds, mango butter is obtained by cold pressing. Natural oil is completely odorless. Therefore, it is perfect for young ladies who do not accept the sharp smells of cosmetics.


Mango butter is suitable for all skin types. And, unlike other oils, it won't clog pores when used on oily or combination skin. It moisturizes well, has an anti-inflammatory effect, protects against UV rays, eliminates fine wrinkles, restores elasticity, removes pigmentation, has antibacterial properties, perfectly relieves itching.


This cosmetic product belongs to the category of solid and semi-solid vegetable oils, the so-called butters. It contains fatty acids such as:

  • Oleic
  • Stearic
  • Linoleic
  • Linolenic
  • palmitic
  • Arakhinova

Oleic acid is present in a very large amount, it accelerates tissue regeneration, protects against free radicals and increases turgor. Also, stearic acid, which also has a high concentration in mango oil, has protective properties, helping to reduce the aggressive effects of the environment on the epidermis.


Mango butter is mainly used for hair, face and body skin. It can be applied to areas of the face and body that you want to hydrate and protect. It is perfectly absorbed and does not leave a greasy film. In order to prepare a face mask, you need to take mango butter, sea buckthorn oil and honey. Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Apply to face and leave for half an hour. Then rinse. This mask is recommended to do once a week. Your skin will become velvety, elastic, the tone of the face will become more even, and small inflammations and wrinkles will also disappear.

It is also great for strengthening hair. We take our oil and mix it with. You can add 5 drops of orange oil. Apply the mixture to the hair and distribute with a large-toothed comb along the entire length of the hair. Now we remove it all under a towel and leave it for 20 minutes. It is recommended to do this mask once a week. It significantly reduces the fragility of the hair, making them smooth and silky.

Also, mango oil can be added to cosmetics or mixed with other oils. He has only one contraindication - individual intolerance to the components. Therefore, it can be used as a dragee in newborn babies. It perfectly relieves inflammation, reduces itching, removes allergic crusts.

And, finally, I want to tell you a recipe for facial skin based on mango butter. It makes my skin velvety, silky, smoothes fine wrinkles, nourishes, moisturizes and does not leave a greasy sheen. Especially very suitable for oily and combination skin.

We will need:

  • mango butter
  • avocado oil
  • orange oil

Heat the mango butter in the microwave until it becomes creamy. Then we take a whisk or a mixer and beat intensively until a white foam appears. In this consistency, add avocado butter and a few drops of orange. Mix everything thoroughly and transfer to a jar for cream. I apply this cream on my face and neck before going to bed. The result will surely please you.

Read other useful and interesting articles in this one.

If you have tried mango, then you know how tasty and juicy this exotic fruit is. And the seeds of the fruit that you throw away are used to make oil. It turns out a soft, creamy texture with a very slight smell. And how much useful is fraught with mango butter. Today I will tell you the useful properties and application of this product in cosmetology.

This product is extracted from ground mango seeds. The mixture is heated and boiled to achieve a uniform consistency. The resulting product resembles cocoa or shea butter. In its consistency in the solid state, it has a more granular structure. Therefore, do not be afraid that there will be small crumbs when applied. It melts quickly on contact with the skin. The color is thick, creamy white, the aroma is slightly sweet.

In cosmetology, mango is very popular. Because it is rich in oleic and stearic acids

These fatty acids act as emollients that soften and soothe the skin and hair. The product has a high oxidative capacity, wound healing and regenerative effect. Plus contains a large amount of antioxidants and vitamins, and.

The main fatty acids present in this oil are:

  • oleic 46%;
  • stearic 44%;
  • palmitic 5.5%;
  • linoleic 6%;
  • arachidonic 3%.

Such a rich composition makes this product very valuable in hair and skin care.

Beneficial features

Mango butter in cosmetology is often found in soaps and goes as a moisturizing ingredient. In INCI products, you will find this ingredient under the following name: Mangifera indica Seed Oil. But often they write briefly Mango Butter or Mango Seed Butter.

Here are the main benefits of using for care.

  • restores and maintains skin moisture, stimulates cell regeneration;
  • reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles;
  • nourishes hair;
  • helps protect against UV radiation;
  • treats rashes, dermatitis and eczema;
  • relieves itching from insect bites;
  • helps to avoid stretch marks during pregnancy.

Which is better - refined or unrefined?

When Mango Butter is refined, it is passed through a filtration system and treated with chemical solvents. This changes the color, texture and aroma. This product is odorless and colorless. After processing, the content of vitamins and useful properties also changes.

A large number of unsaponifiables give the product conditioning and moisturizing properties. Therefore, it is better to buy unrefined if you want to get more useful properties. Look for a product that has not been hydrogenated or mixed with preservatives or flavors.

Recipes for home use

This product is easy to use when mixed with carrier oils or essential oils. It is extremely similar in application. However, its fatty acid content is slightly different. Plus high levels of vitamins and antioxidants.

This is why it is so effective in healing and improving the appearance of hair and skin. So, I will share recipes on how to use Mango Butter.

To reduce wrinkles

Thanks to the natural high concentration of vitamin A, the butter stimulates healthy cell production and circulation. These abilities keep the skin firmer while reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Cells that are important for maintaining the overall tone of the epidermis are also stimulated. Mango deeply hydrates pores without being greasy, helping to maintain shine and beauty. Use it as a facial moisturizer as part of your skincare routine. Only pre-moisturize the skin or simply cleansed

For acne prone skin

Mango Butter is easily absorbed, effectively providing moisture to the skin without clogging pores. It has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Many people ask about its comedogenicity.

Mango butter is non-comedogenic. This means it won't clog pores or aggravate acne.

It is important to use a pure, unprocessed product. Chemical additives (aromas, dyes) can irritate already irritated problem skin.

First, wash your face with a cleanser, removing dirt. Then lightly moisturize your face or clean. And apply the product with a small makeup sponge. Not fingers! Otherwise, it will lead to the appearance of more bacteria.

After applying a thin layer, it is important not to touch your face. Therefore, it is better to use it 2 hours before bedtime. Let the product soak in to keep your pillowcase clean.

If you have a severe rash, make this special cream:

  • 60 grams of mango butter;
  • ½ teaspoon rosehip oil
  • ¼ teaspoon (in oil);
  • 3 drops of essential lavender and immortelle.

Place mango, rosehip and vitamin E oils in a jar. Mix well using a stick. Then add essential lavender and immortelle, which also have healing abilities. Use the prepared mixture to treat stains. Apply the product pointwise, leaving it overnight.

From sunburn

Sunburn is not fun at all. Mango Butter will heal sun burns. You can use it by melting between the palms and applying to damaged areas. You can use the following recipe for a cooling lotion.

  • 60 grams of mango butter;
  • 2 teaspoons of gel;
  • 3 drops each of sea buckthorn oil and peppermint.

Melt the main component in a pot. Then add aloe vera gel. Mix well, add remaining ingredients. Place the resulting mixture in the refrigerator for 15 minutes. Then take it out, beat with a mixer until creamy. Lubricate tanned, damaged skin with a ready-made lotion. Shelf life - 18 months. Keep the burn medication in a cool, dry, dark place.

To reduce stretch marks after pregnancy

Stretch marks are a common thing during pregnancy. The best way to create a super powerful stretch mark "preventer" is to combine it with a coconut butter that repairs damaged skin.

When used together, the results are amazing! Combine equal parts mango + coconut oil, spread on areas prone to stretch marks (abdomen, thighs, chest).

Treatment of scars and cuts

Make a wonderful cream with a combination of three oils known for their healing properties.

  • 60 grams of mango butter;
  • 2 tbsp. shea spoons + cocoa butter;
  • 7 drops of lavender oil + immortelle;
  • 4 drops of carrot seed oil.

Melt the first three components. Once melted, pour in and stir in said essential oils, which are known for their scar-fighting abilities. Place the finished mixture in a jar or glass. Use it to apply on scars at least once a day.

Also you can protect, moisturize, heal minor wounds, cuts with this product. You can use only it, or you can prepare your own healing balm.

To do this, melt 2 tablespoons of mango with equal portions of beeswax and coconut oil. Lastly, add 5 drops of tea tree oil. Pour the mixture into a small glass jar. Allow the balm to cool completely before use.

For eczema and psoriasis

Mango oil is incredibly soothing and has anti-inflammatory properties. It can treat inflamed, dry, itchy skin caused by eczema or psoriasis.

Making your own healing balm at home is extremely easy. Combine 1/4 cup mango butter and 1/2 cup soft (not runny) coconut oil. Blend with a blender until a creamy, white mixture forms. Use the balm after a shower and whenever you want to moisturize or heal your skin.

For moisturizing hair

Do you have dry curls and thick and/or curly hair? Then this product will be an excellent moisturizer! It is best to use the following mask recipe:

  • 60 ml mango butter;
  • 1 teaspoon avocado oil;
  • 2 teaspoons of aloe vera gel;
  • 10 drops of essential lavender.

Melt the main component, then add the remaining three. Pour the mixture into the blender, but do not turn it on. Place the container in the refrigerator for 15 minutes. Beat the hardened mixture with a blender until a creamy consistency is formed. Use as a conditioner on damp hair. Apply it to the ends of your hair, avoiding the scalp.

Which mango butter to choose

This product may be a little more expensive than shea butter, but they have very similar properties and benefits. If you're making your own masks, look for 100% pure, no additives. Picked up the positions of products for face and hair care.

Fatty oil Botanica - In a package of 50 ml. In fact, this is a lot, because it is quite fatty. It will take a small amount to apply, for example, on the hands. The smell is rather weak, pleasant. Ivory color, texture is a bit like wax. The price is quite acceptable.

Shampooklorane for hair – You can buy this product both in a pharmacy or an online store. Volume 400 ml. Quite dense, saturated substance of orange color. The smell is pleasant, slightly sweet. The fragrance after washing the hair then remains for some time. Reviews about Kloran shampoo are mixed, so you have to try.

Shampoo should perform the main function - to remove dirt and oil from the hair and scalp. And the main nutrition and smoothing is carried out with the help of balms and conditioners. Cloran in this series has mango balm. It is better to try these 2 remedies in tandem.

Puremango for body It is an unrefined cold pressed product. Butter is firm, slightly grainy. Feels greasy on application and absorbs gradually. But it softens the skin very well. It melts into a liquid state with a bang. For hair, melt one tablespoon to a liquid state and apply to before washing for 1-2 hours. Write your feedback about the result in the comments 🙂

Nubian Heritage with and shea butter - the consistency is also grainy. There's nowhere to go, you have to melt. As noted by those who have tried the smell of this product is awesome. It is lighter in fat content than shea butter. Easily absorbed, non-greasy and non-shiny. Volume 114 grams, enough for a long time.

Here it turns out how many usefulness of this product. And how do you use mango butter for your skin? Share your recipes in the comments and. I will continue to study the benefits of oils for the skin.

The face of every woman sooner and later requires additional care. Many people use natural mixtures to rejuvenate the skin and improve its elasticity.

Someone applies them fresh, and someone prefers to prepare face masks from them. The question arises, which of them most effectively improves the structure of the skin?

Tea tree essential oil for face is one of the best face care ingredients. But! Especially often use mango butter. So what is this remedy and how does it affect the skin?

Mango butter is a remedy that is rich in nutrients. The composition includes the following components. Monosaturated fatty acids that are involved in the regenerative processes of the skin epidermis.

Vitamins of group B, as well as A, C, D and E. They prevent skin aging, due to them the natural production of collagen fibers occurs. The phytosterols and tocopherols included in the composition accelerate the regeneration of the skin.

Magnesium, calcium, iron, potassium provide cellular metabolism. Polyphenols, antioxidants, quercetin, caffeic acid are antifungal, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory components.


Beneficial for the skin - it softens, soothes and moisturizes. It also protects against negative influences. In addition, the components included in the composition have the following useful properties.

The fatty components that make up the fruit have bioactive properties. In addition, they are resistant to oxidation and are compatible with all oils and with many components, do not have a harmful effect on the skin.

Helps restore the lipid layer of the skin and maintain the elasticity of the epidermis. Prevents sagging and smoothes the surface of the skin.

Due to the fact that it increases the level of hydration, it should be used for eczema, peeling and dermatitis.

When applied to the skin, it creates a protective film, which is also negative weather.

It is highly absorbent and also relieves tension and fatigue and effectively fights cellulite and removes stretch marks.

Has antibacterial property. Therefore, it can be used for burns, frostbite. In addition, it has anti-inflammatory properties, helps with bites, rashes and irritations.


Due to the fact that it has a huge number of useful components, it can be used to improve skin, hair and nails. It is especially effective on the face.

For example, if you mix tea tree essential oil with mango butter, you get a good remedy for relieving inflammation and tension. It can be combined with cosmetic ingredients, added a few drops to creams or balms, and applied to the face.

This combination will help smooth wrinkles and increase facial elasticity. On the lips can be applied in its pure form, especially good for chapping and flaking.

Great for dry skin prone to flaking. It can be applied neat. Due to it, the skin will become soft, tender and elastic.

It can be used before going out into the cold, it can protect against the negative effects of frost, and prevent frostbite. Good for hair and scalp.

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If every day this tool is applied to the hair, then they will become strong, smooth and shiny. It can be added to various hair masks, shampoos or balms.

After washing, the hair will be silky, combing will be easy. In addition, they will be less susceptible to the negative effects of the environment.

Face mask recipes

Mango Butter Mask. This mask will help relieve inflammation, peeling.

  • A small amount of mango butter should be heated;
  • Wet paper towels in it;
  • We put them on the face;
  • We remove them after 30 minutes;
  • No need to rinse.

Mango butter and clay mask. You will need the following components:

  • Half a mango;
  • Almonds - 70 grams;
  • Oatmeal - 70 grams;
  • Mango butter - 10 ml
  • Dry white clay - 2 tablespoons;
  • 50 ml heavy cream.

Cooking. Rub the mango pulp through a fine sieve. Grind oatmeal and almonds to a powder. We mix all the components until a homogeneous mass.

Add cream, butter and dry clay to the mixture. Mix everything with a whisk until smooth. Spread the mixture on your face in a thin layer. Wash off the mask after 20 minutes with warm water.

Mask of mango butter and starch. You will need the following components:

  • Half a mango;
  • Mango butter - 20 ml;
  • 1 tablespoon of starch.

Cooking. Mango pulp should be rubbed through a sieve. Add mango butter and starch to mango puree. Mix everything thoroughly until a homogeneous slurry is obtained. Apply the mixture on the face in a thin layer. Keep for 20 minutes and wash off with cool water.

Mask of mango butter and honey. You will need the following ingredients:

  • 1/4 of a mango fruit;
  • Mango butter - 5 ml;
  • Almond nuts - 20 grams;
  • Natural honey - 20 grams.

Cooking. We wipe part of the fruit through a sieve until a puree is formed. Grind the almonds to a powder. Add almond powder, butter and mashed honey.

Mix everything with a fork or whisk. We apply the mixture on the face. Keep the mixture for 15 minutes and remove with a napkin or towel.

Lip balm

In order for the lips to always be beautiful and tender, you can make a balm. Cooking it is easy and simple. For cooking you will need the following ingredients:

  • Mango butter - 10 ml;
  • Beeswax - 10 grams;
  • Peach oil - 10 ml;
  • Vitamin E in the form of oil - 5 ml.

Cooking. Heat the wax in a small bowl and melt it. Next, add the mango butter there and heat until liquid.

Add peach a little and vitamin E to the mixture. The finished mixture can be poured into an empty lipstick bottle or into any small container.
