Is it possible to drink tattoo painkillers. Tips for Reducing Pain When Getting a Tattoo

Sometimes before tattooing we do anesthesia. Does everyone need it, how is it made and how much does it cost? Does everyone need anesthesia Let's not smooth the corners: getting a tattoo is not the most pleasant process. But since

Sometimes before tattooing we do anesthesia. Does everyone need it, how is it made and how much does it cost?

Does everyone need anesthesia

Let's not smooth the corners: tattooing is not the most pleasant process. But since everyone is different pain threshold, we feel these few hours under the tattoo machine in different ways. Some for nothing that do not faint like Turgenev's girls (sorry, men, for this comparison), while others - as if nothing had happened, joke and laugh.

You know how you handle pain. Do not be guided by the stories of friends and advice from the Internet. If for you any touch is akin to torture, anesthesia will not be superfluous.

Will anesthesia relieve discomfort?

No. Anesthesia will not completely relieve you of sensations, but it will greatly muffle you.

Our masters confirm: with anesthesia, the session is completed by everyone without exception. Even languid young ladies who desired a tattoo on their chest, where it hurts.

How is anesthesia done?

Tattoo artists use surface local anesthesia ie gels, ointments and sprays. They contain lidocaine, novocaine or prilocaine. Local - this means that you will lose sensitivity for a while and only in the right place.

There is also injection anesthesia, but only a physician has the right to do it. The tattoo artist will not make you a "prick". If someone offers, run away from him.

How much does it cost and how long does it last

We have anesthesia costs 500 rubles.

We do 40-60 minutes before the session. On average, it lasts 1-3 hours - just as long as a normal session lasts.

How anesthesia will affect the tattoo

Anesthesia can interfere with healing.

If you have been given anesthesia once, then the risks are minimal. But if a “top-up” was required during the session and you asked for anesthesia several times, the tattoo may turn out paler. The master will correct all the shortcomings for correction, but the tattoo will heal longer.


The main thing is intolerance to the components: lidocaine, novocaine, prilocaine.

If you have skin diseases, you need a certificate from a doctor that you are allowed to have this procedure.

And of course, the standard contraindications for tattooing.

Don't get a tattoo:

    With blood clotting disorders.

    With hepatitis and HIV.

    With malignant neoplasms.

    With a tendency to keloid scars.

    With epilepsy.

    With mental disorders.

    With diabetes. Disclaimer: definitely not worth it for type 1 diabetes. At compensated stages - it is acceptable, but you need to prepare: the session will be difficult, it will take a long time to heal. Consult with an endocrinologist.

Postponesession if you have:

    Colds, fever, feeling unwell.

    Skin and allergic rashes.

    Exacerbation of chronic diseases.



    Alcoholic and drug intoxication.

Where is the most painful place to get a tattoo?

The place is different. It hurts the most to get a tattoo in places where there are a lot of nerve endings and thin skin: on the neck, chest, ribs, lower back, spine, ankles and knees.

It is not so painful to get a tattoo on the shoulders, shoulder blades, biceps, shins and the outer side of the thigh.

Tattooing refers to surgical procedures and involves the presence of anesthesia. Despite this, today tattoo anesthesia is almost never used, however, with great desire it can be done with the help of special preparations. In the case of small drawings, it is used.

Reasons for the lack of pain relief

Anesthesia is not welcomed by specialists for the reasons that due to freezing, the skin loses its natural properties. It fills with liquid, becomes not too sensitive and elastic, and this, in turn, causes its deformation. As a result, the quality of work leaves much to be desired, and healing takes much longer and subsequently requires adjustment.

Anesthesia drugs

If it is impossible to endure suffering, before a tattoo it can be carried out with the help of such preparations:

  • Cream "Dr. Namb" - an anesthetic with maximum effect, is used to provide local removal pain symptoms in the process of tattooing, piercing and for minor cosmetic surgeries.
  • Ointment "Deep Namb" - another cream for tattoo pain relief, which has a pronounced anesthetic effect.

Let us consider in more detail the method of using these and similar drugs:

  1. Do an allergy test by applying a small amount of the product to the area inside the elbow joint. In the absence of any reactions, the ointment can be used.
  2. Wash the area of ​​the body to be painted with warm soapy water, then dry thoroughly.
  3. Apply tattoo pain relief cream in a thick layer and massage well.
  4. After soaking the product, apply it again, affecting more space than necessary for the future drawing on the body.
  5. Cover the smeared area with a thin plastic wrap for two hours, then wash the area with soap and water.

Pain relief for lip and eyelid tattoos

In the process of carrying out such procedures, it is almost impossible to do without. Specialists in permanent makeup use special creams, gels and drops for this. by the most the best option spray with lidocaine. It is convenient to use, effective and, in addition, this drug reduces bleeding. When tattooing of eyebrows and eyes is planned, masters often use ointment to anesthetize the Emla tattoo, and when performing this procedure, obesthesin injections are used on the lips and nipples.

Types of anesthesia for tattooing on the face

In procedures aimed at the facial area, many masters use the following tools:

  1. "Prepkain" (pre-before the start of the process).
  2. "Sustain" (during the procedure).

These two medicinal product designed to be used on the face.

"Prepkain" is first applied to a clean, undamaged area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin before the start of the tattoo itself. Indeed, this tool helps to relieve pain and simplify the experience of a person. This drug allows tattoo anesthesia with lidocaine (contains 2% lidocaine and 0.5% tetracaine).

As for "Sustain", this remedy is a gel that significantly reduces the sensitivity of bleeding during tattooing. Such a drug is a strong anesthetic, but at the same time it is safe for any type of skin procedure, even with injuries. Anesthesia of a tattoo with "Sustain" is effective in cases where it is applied after the applied contours of the pattern. So there is much less bruising and swelling, since the medicine contains epinephrine.

As mentioned earlier, anesthesia in the process of tattooing is not a mandatory measure, and many masters insist on its absence. So the next result will be more successful. After all, any means of such an action to one degree or another affects the human body and its skin in particular. Of course, if you can hardly endure any types of pain, and you have no strength to endure, then you can use the above preparations, taking into account individual needs and the diameter of the pattern.

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Remember when the only people who had tattoos, were tough bikers and salty sailors or ex-prisoners? Tattoos gave the wearer a certain bad reputation. Now these are terrible stereotypes that have been completely refuted. All more people want to get a tattoo and it becomes the norm.

Feel pain or not? This is a frequently asked question for those who want to get a tattoo. Tattoos can be placed on different parts body, hence the pain differs in strength in different places. Some can handle the pain and some can't. Some say that the essence of a tattoo is to feel the pain, because it looks like the soul of the work, but others argue that it is not the pain that is more important, but the beauty of the tattoo. Yes, they both have their own reasons to think so, but they all have one goal and that is to have a tattoo.

People who want to get a painless tattoo often resort to the use of pain relief. Most professional tattoo artists are well aware of this client need and use an anesthetic cream. But this sometimes causes conflict with some artists, because they do not want their clients to use anesthesia when tattooing.

Here are 6 reasons why tattoo artists don't want to use tattoo pain relief:

1.Traditional thinking about the tattoo process. They still insist on their own " old school thinking that their clients must feel pain during the tattooing process. They can't accept that more people want to get a tattoo but don't want to feel pain.

2. Desire to receive from you more money. There are tattoo artists who charge fees based on how long it takes you to get your tattoo done. They know pain relief will help make the tattoo process faster, so they don't allow it.

3. Pain relief for a tattoo lengthens the process. Some feel that using tattoo anesthetic will cause a big problem because there is time involved in applying and wiping it off before the procedure.

On the other hand, the client can simply apply an anesthetic cream such as Dr.Numb, which works quickly, one has to put it on an hour before he goes to the salon, and then wipe it off before starting the tattoo. It's not even related to the time of the tattoo.

4. They don't think it works. Some people are still skeptical about tattoo pain relief, but they haven't even tried it themselves! High quality cream brands such as Dr. Numb already have a good reputation in the tattoo industry and artists should be open to trying them out.

5. They think it interferes with the quality of the work. There are pain relief creams that have been made specifically for tattoos, such as Numb. It does not affect the quality of the tattoo ink.

6. They think that tattoos are only for difficult people who have never experienced pain before. But what about the rest who have low pain tolerance but still want to express themselves through tattoos. They should also be able to get a tattoo with pain relief.

Pain relief tattoo creams can benefit many people, whether you are a client or a tattoo artist. Both should be open to testing, follow the instructions, and then they will realize that this helps them relieve the pain associated with the tattooing process.

Of course, "being a man" during a tattoo session is another ridiculous stereotype that deserves to be broken. The tattoo hurts and how you deal with that pain is a personal decision and has nothing to do with your testosterone levels.

Benefits of using an anesthetic (pain relief cream):

You can sit longer and better. Less writhing, twisting, panting and needing breaks. My preferred product is TKTX ointment for long sessions on the back and other areas that last 3 hours or more. If you are coloring and shading and your artist is making multiple passes on the same area you want to use Sustaine Gel.

Pain relief can help in healing in long term. By managing your pain levels while getting a tattoo, you help your body stay in its comfort zone. Shock occurs when you are exposed to pain for long period time. You become unsteady, your the immune system gets a heavy load and you basically feel terrible. This will increase inflammation and will usually prevent natural healing skin after tattoo. Often the most difficult part of a tattoo is the outline. These long, bold passages, large needles to serious depth make the manipulation very painful.

Professional tattoo artists usually use pain medication. Still worried about not being masculine enough? Stop it. Every professional artist has pain relief creams; Many use painkillers themselves, think that pain relief is good idea if you need it.

An important thing to remember is that not all pain relief products are effective. This a big problem when you're hoping for help from a product that doesn't deliver. You may be tempted to skip creams and take a pill or alcohol.

DO NOT abuse medicines, prescription to block pain during a session! Many drugs have side effects, such as blood thinning, which can make your session a disaster. You must also be "awake" during the session so that you can sit properly and listen to your master. This is also one of the reasons why alcohol to dull the pain is a truly terrible idea. Drunk people are sweaty and slippery, cannot sit up straight or still, and bleed too much.

Remember that pain is part of the tattoo process, but it doesn't have to be a horror show. Speak to your artist prior to your appointment and have pain relief cream ready when you need it. Create conditions for yourself that will help you focus on your tattoo and not on the pain.

Use TKTH and Dr.Numb for pain relief before heading to the tattoo parlor and be fully equipped!

You can order high-quality anesthesia for a tattoo in our Dobraya Lavka online store by making a call or placing an order on the website.

Getting a tattoo is a lengthy and often painful process. By choosing the right anesthetic ointment for a tattoo, you can minimize discomfort during the session.

Modern medicine offers a wide range of professional anesthetics for every taste: sprays, gels, foams. Depending on the level of pain threshold, each person needs individual approach when choosing an anesthetic for a tattoo. Only an experienced tattoo artist with a long work experience will be able to give correct recommendations and choose the right drug. However, it would be useful for each person to independently get acquainted with the options for the use of anesthetics. This is especially true for beginners who are just about to get their first tattoo. What you need to know and what painkillers are best to use so that the tattoo parlor does not turn into a torture chamber?

Overview of anesthetics

In the composition of anesthetic creams on water based includes active anesthetics, as well as epinephrine (analogous to adrenaline). Thanks to this combination, the sensitivity of the upper skin layer is reduced, which makes it possible to apply a tattoo almost painlessly for several hours. The cream also constricts blood vessels, so the area of ​​​​the body covered with an anesthetic looks much lighter in appearance. Do not use ointments that contain alcohol, otherwise healing will be painful. You should also not use anesthetic creams with aloe extract for tattoos: after work, the drawing may lose color or disappear altogether.

Before using the product, the skin should be treated with an alcohol-containing solution, and only then an anesthetic cream should be applied. For effective absorption, the body area must be wrapped with polyethylene. cling film. Rub the cream is strictly prohibited! Do not be afraid of burning or slight redness - this normal reaction for the drug. It is necessary to anesthetize the skin before the tattoo 30-40 minutes before the start of the tattoo session.

It is contraindicated to use anesthetic gels during pregnancy, during lactation, as well as for people with Parkinson's disease and coronary heart disease. In other cases, the remedy does not provide negative impact on the human body, with the exception of individual intolerance to one of the components.

Let us consider in more detail the most effective painkillers used by tattoo artists.

Ointment TKTH

This anesthetic ointment is used during tattooing, tattooing, hair removal and other cosmetic procedures. The duration of the ointment is 4 hours. As part of a professional anesthetic includes lidocaine, prilocaine and epinephrine. The first two substances contribute to effective pain relief, and epinephrine reduces tissue bleeding, and also relieves swelling.

Instructions for use

  • Clean the skin as much as possible, apply a tattoo anesthetic in a thick layer, seal with a film and leave for 30 minutes. Please note: if the skin is injured, the ointment should not be kept longer than 10-15 minutes, otherwise it cannot be avoided. chemical burns. In this case, the session can be stopped.
  • Remove the film, remove the remnants of the anesthetic cream and proceed with the tattoo. The duration of anesthesia - from 1.5 hours (in particularly sensitive areas, for example inside hips) up to 6 hours (shoulder or knee).

An individual allergic reaction to the composition of the drug is possible. Carefully observe the sensations during the absorption of the cream. If an unbearable itching appears or the skin becomes very reddened, the ointment should be removed immediately. Anesthetic cream TKTX does not affect the healing of the tattoo and does not form a crust. The picture remains bright and saturated.

Cream Dr. Numb

The tool can be used during a tattoo session, piercing, permanent makeup, laser removal. It contains the highest allowable concentration of lidocaine, which allows you to minimize the pain threshold. The cream has a hemostatic effect and does not leave hematomas.

Instructions for use

  • Degrease the skin, apply the product in a thin layer of 2 mm, wrap with cling film. Should be avoided direct contact with the drug and apply it not by hand, but cotton pads or sticks.
  • After 25 minutes, remove the film, wipe the treated area dry. The duration of anesthesia is about 3 hours.

The cream is contraindicated in people with heart disease and diabetes. An allergic reaction in the form of a rash to the components of the drug is possible.

Cream "Prepkain"

It consists of 2 components: lidocaine and tetracaine. The effective formula allows you to apply anesthesia for tattooing and tattooing in the process. The product should be applied one hour before the procedure on clean, undamaged skin. Anesthesia lasts about 2 hours.

Ointment Deep Numb

A professional drug for blocking pain impulses, which is used in almost all cosmetic procedures. It contains lidocaine, prilocin, benzocaine. The creamy texture allows you to quickly and gently absorb into the skin, cooling it. Anesthetic ointment should be applied to clean, alcohol-treated skin half an hour before the procedure. It is advisable to avoid direct contact with the cream and use medical gloves. The duration of anesthesia is about 4 hours.

Gel "Sustain"

This is an anesthetic gel to relieve swelling and bruising after tattoo contouring. It is used in almost all cosmetic procedures, as well as for any damage to the skin.

Healing ointments

Healing ointments will be needed after the tattoo in any case, no matter what drugs you are anesthetized with. Experienced tattoo artists advise using such products on the second or third day after the session. They should not be applied immediately to injured skin, because this can provoke the release of pigment. During the healing process, itching appears as the skin dries out and tightens. This can lead to the formation of cracks, which will be accompanied by painful sensations. In addition, the pattern may be deformed. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to choose ointments that contain vitamins A and D. For example, Bepanten plus or D-Panthenol. They contribute rapid healing and do not affect the quality of the tattoo.

Preparations for tattoo against sunburn

If you decide to get a tattoo in the summer, remember that after applying you will need special care. Sun and sweat don't heal quickly, so you'll need to limit your time outside on a hot day. Protect skin from direct contact sun rays a special ointment or spray will help. Choose waterproof products with a high degree of UV protection. For example, professional tools Color Guard Spray or Secondskin. They can be purchased at specialized stores or pharmacies.

Remember that drugs can not be applied the next day after going to the tattoo parlor. By doing this, you will not only harm the tattoo, but also harm your health. Remember that it is strictly forbidden to remove the protective film for 12 hours after the procedure.

Adhere to the rules of personal hygiene, exclude synthetic and tight clothing, reduce physical exercise, do not visit the sauna, bath or solarium - and then the healing process will pass quickly and imperceptibly.

Have you chosen a master and a sketch? The only thing left to do is to choose an anesthetic for the tattoo! You need to understand that the pain prog is different for everyone. If you are doing a tattoo for the first time, then without freezing, you risk turning the tattoo session into several hours of torture!

Surface anesthesia will make the session more than pleasant.

You need to understand that everyone's pain threshold is different. If you are doing a tattoo for the first time, then without freezing, you risk turning the tattoo session into several hours of torture!

With the right anesthesia, you will feel calm, and the master will not have to be distracted and he will be able to do his job with high quality.

So, which means are suitable for tattoo pain relief, and which are absolutely NOT suitable?

Do not buy pain relief creams for hair removal and other cosmetic procedures.

They can adversely affect the color of the pigment!

Pharmacy lidocaine and various sports frosts are also not suitable for tattoo pain relief!

To anesthetize the skin before the tattoo, there are special creams. They are available, have an adequate price and have their own characteristics.

What should I pay attention to when choosing anesthesia for a tattoo?

  1. The declared effect of the cream should be at least 2 hours, because. Usually a tattoo session lasts exactly 2-3 hours.
  2. Anesthesia should not affect the color and saturation of the pigment.
  3. The cream should not cause allergic reaction(with the exception of individual intolerance to the components).
  4. Ideally, tattoo pain relief should reduce swelling, prevent bruising, and reduce bleeding. To do this, we need epinephrine in the composition.
  5. The effectiveness of anesthesia. The most common and effective formula is lidocaine + prilocaine.

Now, according to this checklist, we will select the funds we need:

These are the most effective and popular means for pain relief for tattoos.

Consider the composition of these anesthetic creams:

Super Numb: 10% lidocaine, 2% tetracaine, 0.2% epinephrine (adrenaline)

Ointment TKTX: lidocaine 5%, prilocaine 5%, epinephrine 1%.

Dr. Numb: lidocaine 5%, prilocaine 5%, epinephrine 0.01%.

Epinephrine in the composition of the funds prevents bruising, bleeding and swelling.

Action of creams from 2 to 4 hours!

Creams are economically consumed and 1 tube in 30 gr. enough for 1.5-2 sessions.

With these creams, the skin does not become “oak”, so the master will be comfortable working.

If you are doing a tattoo for the first time, then it is better to consult with your master. He will tell you which of the anesthetics is right for you, focusing on professional experience: Super Numb, TKTX Ointment or Dr. Numb.

Is it possible to enhance the effect of tattoo painkillers?

Yes, there is Sustaine gel for these purposes. It is applied to already damaged skin, after contouring. Masters use this remedy to prolong the effect of a pre-procedural anesthetic or to anesthetize a further process.

Where to buy anesthesia for a tattoo?

Pain relief for a tattoo session can be bought in our online store site.

We buy goods directly from the supplier, so our prices do not bite!

The tools that we reviewed in this article are absolutely available to anyone.

The retail price of TKTH ointment in our online store is 340-430 rubles. Cream Dr. Numb and Super Numb - 450-600 rubles.

Favorable wholesale prices are available for tattoo artists and salons!
