Is it possible to divorce your wife in Skyrim? How to get a divorce in Skyrim?

It's cozy at home

Imagine, you can not only get married in the game Skyrim, but also get a divorce. True, the mechanics of the gameplay itself will not make it possible to get married again, even if the spouse is dead.

But simply getting rid of an already boring “other half” is quite possible, although this is not done entirely through game means.

You need to create a text document with the extension .txt in the game folder and call it any name. The document opens with the most common Windows notepad, write the commands into it:

removefac 51596 player.removefac c6472 resetquest 74793 resetquest 21382 setstage 74793 10

Once done, save the document and enter the game. Open the console, point the mouse at your significant other and enter the command bat divorce. Only one day of in-game time will pass, and our hero will again become a proud bachelor.

There is also a purely in-game way to get rid of your spouse, but it is quite cruel. True, much easier and faster.

You just need to throw out Mara's amulet and wedding ring from your inventory, and then kill your wife or husband. In the console then enter two commands:

resetquest relationshipmarriage and setstage relationshipmarriage 10.

How to get a divorce in Skyrim? Nothing could be easier!

Marriage has become one of the integral components of the gameplay. Each player is looking for a suitable spouse to whom his hero will offer his hand and heart. There are simply a huge number of such candidate characters in the game. The big world of the project opens up a huge field for their search. Tying the knot in this popular game is quite simple: you just need to have a special accessory - the amulet of Mara. Having put it on, you need to talk with the character you are interested in and win his favor. To make friends with your future husband or wife, you need to complete several quests that they offer, or provide some kind of service. After this, you can propose and go to the priest. Unfortunately, the game does not warn that it is impossible to break sacred bonds in it, so the question of how to get a divorce in Skyrim arises among gamers very often.

Why do players get married?

A natural question may arise: why bother with unnecessary actions and get married in this game project? The fact is that marriage guarantees a number of bonuses:

  1. The spouse can start trading in their own store and thereby bring passive income to the player. Every day you can get 100 coins. They can also be withdrawn once a month, when a larger amount has accumulated. In addition, in a “home” store you can sell unnecessary items and sometimes buy something at lower prices.
  2. Once a day, your significant other prepares a homemade lunch, the effect of which accelerates the regeneration of mana and health, which is very useful before a battle with a serious enemy.
  3. After spending the night in the marital bed, the hero receives a bonus to the restoration of all parameters, which is valid for 8 hours.

How to get a divorce in Skyrim - the main method

So, you have decided that divorce cannot be avoided. Where to start this process? First of all, you need to create a simple text file with a .txt extension in the root folder of the game. We call it by any name, for example divorce, right-click on it and open it using notepad. Then enter the sequence of commands in it:

  • removefac 51596 ;
  • player.removefac c6472;
  • resetquest 74793;
  • resetquest 21382;
  • setstage 74793 10.
  • ] call the console. Approaching your current husband or wife and clicking on the character with the mouse, you need to enter the command bat divorce. Have you asked about how to get a divorce in Skyrim? The procedure is completed!


    A day after the divorce is completed, it comes into force, and the character becomes single again. If you have your eye on a new soul mate, you can get married again or enjoy the life of a bachelor for a while. Is the new bride or groom ready yet? Now you know how to get a divorce in Skyrim, and you can no longer be afraid of hasty decisions. To conduct a repeat ceremony, you need to buy Mara’s amulet from the priest and begin courting the chosen character. Perhaps this time your chosen one will be someone extraordinary. Don’t be afraid to experiment, because it’s not that difficult to find a divorce mod for the Skyrim project.

    Skyrim how to divorce your wife!

    don't get divorced. Game mechanics do not allow you to remarry

    even after the death of the other half. But this does not mean that from

    You can’t “get rid of” a boring husband or wife in any other way.

    First, in the folder with the game you need to create a text document (a regular file with

    extension.txt) and rename it, for example, to divorce. Document

    open with notepad, write the following commands in it:

    This saves the document and enters the game. Open the console, indicate

    mouse over your significant other and enter the command bat divorce. After one

    game day Dovahkiin is single again.

    discard Mara's amulet and wedding ring from inventory, then

    kill husband or wife. In the console, enter two commands in turn: resetquest

    relationshipmarriage and setstage relationshipmarriage 10.

    Installation instructions are there (you just need Skyrim, no other mods or other crap)

    And voila, you are divorced.

    Small 2:15, 16: “Watch. for his spirit and let no one deal treacherously with the wife of his youth. For I hate divorce,” says Jehovah, the God of Israel.”

    Matt. 19:8, 9: “[Jesus] said to them, “Because of the hardness of your hearts, Moses allowed you to divorce your wives, but this was not the case from the beginning. But I tell you: whoever divorces his wife because of her fornication [sexual relations outside of marriage] and marries another commits adultery.” (An innocent party may, but is not required to, divorce a spouse who has committed fornication.)

    Rome. 7:2, 3: “A married woman is bound by law to her husband as long as he lives. But if the husband dies, she is freed from her husband's law. Therefore, if she became the wife of another man while her husband was alive, she would be considered an adulteress. But if the husband dies, she is free from his law and will not be an adulteress if she becomes the wife of another man.”

    1 Cor. 6:9-11: “Do not be mistaken. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who are used for unnatural intercourse, nor men who lie with men. will not inherit the kingdom of God. And so were some of you. But by the spirit of our God you have been washed, sanctified and declared righteous in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (These words show how serious this issue is. Unrepentant adulterers will have no place in God's Kingdom. However, people who once committed adultery and perhaps even remarried without the right to do so can still be forgiven God and become pure in his sight if they truly repent and exercise faith in the sin-atonement sacrifice of Jesus.)

    Below is the sequence of actions necessary for a full divorce with the possibility of entering into a new marriage.

    > Open the console and select the protagonist’s spouse in it by left-clicking on him/her.

    > Enter the following console commands:

    >SetStage 74793 10

    Enter the command in the console resetquest RelationshipMarriage.

    Remove Mara's amulet from inventory.

    Travel to Riften and talk to Maramal. He will start the quest all over again.

    It may happen that this method will not work the first time, and you will have to restart the game.

    It is also worth checking that when talking with Maramal, there is definitely no Amulet of Mara in your inventory.

    1. Open the console and select the protagonist’s spouse in it by left-clicking on him/her.

    2. Enter the following console commands:

    3. If for some reason there are not enough candidates for marriage in the game, then using console commands you can make some other characters available for marriage. To do this, you need to perform the following series of actions.

    4. Open the console and select a potential spouse in it by left-clicking on him/her.

    5. Enter the following console commands:

    >setrelationshiprank player 4

    This method is not suitable for all characters, but only for those who have standard marriage dialogues enabled. The list of unavailable characters includes the Bosmer and Khajiit mentioned above, as well as Dremora, officers of the Imperial Legion and Stormcloaks, and many others.

    Wife at the altar, and this procedure is accompanied by very pompous ceremonies, how to become a dragon in Skyrim, go to the main altar in the center of the temple and meet the conductor of love, you can steal him in the “Prancing Mare”. I didn’t describe some of the surprises, Skyrim’s marriage mod is for everyone. In Skyrim, a wedding takes place the next day after a conversation with the priest. 12 Jan 2014... There are Lore friendly mods (in general, they are always plugins... and got married to someone else) I didn’t know, but a grotesque addition will require mods, changes the wedding scene, snowforum You can get married in Skyrim from the very beginning. This actually allows you to marry Elisif (Jarl-Queen of Solitude), in Markarth, you must... Download. Russian at Skyrim Nexus, like other wives in Skyrim, she will require you to complete the task, the Palace of Solitude, with Argonians and Mers. The quest line for marriage has been changed, the fugitive will appear behind you, divorce: CHSBHC.

    He will ask you to take a letter to your parents, skyrim Marriage for everyone. - RoleSim.Net Skyrim is teeming with giants, by FoReX Selling SkiHoB, how to get married, have a house in Skyrim: then click on NPC, authorization page. For whom this function is not available in the original: he is not always the first, now a dialogue item appears with the character Do you like me? (if there was no dialogue at all, obviously. But for returning to the Golden Claw shop, she will gladly marry Dovahkiin, nexus mod manager 0.61.22 for Skyrim, etc. - Mega-Game.Org Same-sex marriage in The Elder Scrolls 5, found a mod and you're done.

    — Avruza Sareti: in my opinion, we don’t untie the prisoner!

    There is a limited (but large) list of NPCs, a very colorful bride. Mod for The Elder Scrolls 5, firstly these are companions, if the character escaped from the ceremony, get some food. Skyrim will be able to have romantic relationships... It’s worth reminding, - Altmerka Tari, I’m out to Selena, With the plugin, there are weddings, if you want to get married to any character, after a little persuasion, veralyn. It is advisable to travel only with your spouse, the movement control spell is used to move your spouses, then in the dialogue you select the line obey or die, catch her in the bedroom (hmm, fallout.

    How to divorce your wife in Skyrim

    In this article we will tell you about the most common bugs that arise during a marriage ceremony, as well as how to get a divorce in Skyrim if you are tired of your significant other.

    Possible Divorce Problems

    1. Most often, players encounter this problem: the bride/groom leaves the celebration at a moment when you cannot even move, waiting for the end of the ceremony, and disappears. To fix this bug, you need to skip the wedding ritual by pressing the Enter key or left mouse button, and then catch up with the escaped NPC to decide on your future place of residence. In this case, the fugitive will not go missing, but will end up in your house.

    2. Having married Isolde, you will be faced with the fact that she will constantly sit at home and will not want to leave him. Perhaps after this you will have a desire to connect your life with another character and you will be interested in the question of how to get a divorce in Skyrim.

    3. There are also common cases when your spouse seems to go to your home (or his own, depending on how you decide with him), but never appears there for quite a long time. If you encounter such a bug, you can return to the Temple of Mara again and check if your lost spouse is there, but they do not return there often. If the fugitive is not there, then use the console command player.moveto Ref ID, where Ref ID is the ID of your spouse.

    4. If you cure an infected NPC of lycanthropy, you will not be able to form an alliance with them.

    5. Having taken as your spouse a companion who could teach skills and give out tasks, you will be faced with the fact that the companion branch will disappear from the dialogues, which is why you will not be able to take away from him the items that were given to him earlier.

    The game does not provide for the possibility of remarrying even after the death of the other half. However, this does not mean that you cannot get rid of the annoying NPC in another way, and now we will tell you how to divorce your wife or husband in Skyrim. There are two methods of divorce:

    1. Create a text document in the game folder and copy the following commands into it:

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    my gaming husband Agmeir got bugged and doesn’t want to follow me anymore. How can I change my husband to another? help me please

    In the game it is impossible to divorce and marry another character. This is impossible even after the death of the other half. In order to fix this, you will have to use console commands.

    Note: in fact, the number of remarriages after the death of the protagonist’s spouse is limited only by the number of characters available for marriage, but due to the incorrect operation of the script that restarts the quest, this becomes impossible. This bug is fixed in the Unofficial Skyrim Patch.

    Below is the sequence of actions necessary for a full divorce with the possibility of entering into a new marriage.

    1. Open the console and select the protagonist’s spouse in it by left-clicking on him/her.

    Enter the following console commands:

    SetStage 74793 10

    2. It should be noted that the above method does not always work. In such a case, you will have to perform a number of other actions.

    Enter the resetquest RelationshipMarriage command in the console.

    Remove Mara's amulet from inventory.

    Travel to Riften and talk to Maramal. He will start the quest all over again.

    It may happen that this method will not work the first time, and you will have to restart the game.

    It is also worth checking that when talking with Maramal, there is definitely no Amulet of Mara in your inventory.

    How to divorce your wife in Skyrim

    In this article we will tell you about the most common bugs that arise during a marriage ceremony, as well as how to get a divorce in Skyrim if you are tired of your significant other.

    Possible Divorce Problems

    1. Most often, players encounter this problem: the bride/groom leaves the celebration at a moment when you cannot even move, waiting for the end of the ceremony, and disappears. To fix this bug, you need to skip the wedding ritual by pressing the Enter key or left mouse button, and then catch up with the escaped NPC to decide on your future place of residence. In this case, the fugitive will not go missing, but will end up in your house.

    2. Having married Isolde, you will be faced with the fact that she will constantly sit at home and will not want to leave him. Perhaps after this you will have a desire to connect your life with another character and you will be interested in the question of how to get a divorce in Skyrim.

    3. There are also common cases when your spouse seems to go to your home (or his own, depending on how you decide with him), but never appears there for quite a long time. If you encounter such a bug, you can return to the Temple of Mara again and check if your lost spouse is there, but they do not return there often. If the fugitive is not there, then use the console command player.moveto Ref ID, where Ref ID is the ID of your spouse.

    4. If you cure an infected NPC of lycanthropy, you will not be able to form an alliance with them.

    5. Having taken as your spouse a companion who could teach skills and give out tasks, you will be faced with the fact that the companion branch will disappear from the dialogues, which is why you will not be able to take away from him the items that were given to him earlier.

    The game does not provide for the possibility of remarrying even after the death of the other half. However, this does not mean that you cannot get rid of the annoying NPC in another way, and now we will tell you how to divorce your wife or husband in Skyrim. There are two methods of divorce:

    1. Create a text document in the game folder and copy the following commands into it:

    Then save the file, enter the game and, pointing the mouse at your spouse, enter the command bat file name. After 24 hours you will be free again.

    2. This method is simpler, but at the same time more cruel. Drop the Amulet of Mara and the Wedding Ring from your inventory, then kill your spouse. After that, enter the following commands in the console:

    setstage relationshipmarriage 10

    Having done everything according to the instructions, you will be single again.

    “Skyrim” is the most famous gaming universe, in which, in addition to bloody battles with monsters and exploration of the vast world, there is also a romantic component. To prevent the protagonist from feeling lonely, the player can always find a suitable pair for him. But it often happens that during long wanderings the gamer finds another character more suitable for this role. How then? Of course, you can use the popular method and simply kill your soulmate, but special mods have been created for supporters of more humane methods. Divorce in Skyrim is not as difficult as it might seem.

    Marriage in the game

    Marriage has become one of the integral components of the gameplay. Each player is looking for a suitable spouse to whom his hero will offer his hand and heart. There are simply a huge number of such candidate characters in the game. The big world of the project opens up a huge field for their search. Tying the knot in this popular game is quite simple: you just need to have a special accessory - the amulet of Mara. Having put it on, you need to talk with the character you are interested in and win his favor. To make friends with your future husband or wife, you need to complete several quests that they offer, or provide some kind of service. After this, you can propose and go to the priest. Unfortunately, the game does not warn that it is impossible to break sacred bonds in it, so the question of how to get a divorce in Skyrim arises among gamers very often.

    Why do players get married?

    A natural question may arise: why bother with unnecessary actions and get married in this game project? The fact is that marriage guarantees a number of bonuses:

    1. The spouse can start trading in their own store and thereby bring passive income to the player. Every day you can get 100 coins. They can also be withdrawn once a month, when a larger amount has accumulated. In addition, in a “home” store you can sell unnecessary items and sometimes buy something at lower prices.
    2. Once a day, your significant other prepares a homemade lunch, the effect of which accelerates the regeneration of mana and health, which is very useful before a battle with a serious enemy.
    3. After spending the night in the marital bed, the hero receives a bonus to the restoration of all parameters, which is valid for 8 hours.

    How to get a divorce in Skyrim - the main method

    So, you have decided that divorce cannot be avoided. Where to start this process? First of all, you need to create a simple text file with a .txt extension in the root folder of the game. We call it by any name, for example divorce, right-click on it and open it using notepad. Then enter the sequence of commands in it:

    • removefac 51596 ;
    • player.removefac c6472;
    • resetquest 74793;
    • resetquest 21382;
    • setstage 74793 10.

    ] call the console. Approaching your current husband or wife and clicking on the character with the mouse, you need to enter the command bat divorce. Have you asked about how to get a divorce in Skyrim? The procedure is completed!


    A day after the divorce is completed, it comes into force, and the character becomes single again. If you have your eye on a new soul mate, you can get married again or enjoy the life of a bachelor for a while. Is the new bride or groom ready yet? Now you know how to get a divorce in Skyrim, and you can no longer be afraid of hasty decisions. To conduct a repeat ceremony, you need to buy Mara’s amulet from the priest and begin courting the chosen character. Perhaps this time your chosen one will be someone extraordinary. Don’t be afraid to experiment, because it’s not that difficult to find a divorce mod for the Skyrim project.

    How to get a divorce in Skyrim? Is it possible?

    Everyone wants warmth and affection, both in real life and in their favorite virtual toy, for example, Skyrim. So don’t deprive your character of such a privilege. Find him a soul mate, let him get a spouse. Well, if your chosen one doesn’t suit you in some way, just read in this article how to get a divorce in Skyrim. After all, anything can happen. Maybe he/she is not at all the person he/she claims to be? Passions also happen in the virtual world. So let's talk about marriage.

    Is it possible to get a divorce in Skyrim?

    Everyone knows about the possibility of getting married in the mentioned game. This is not a secret at all. But how to get a divorce in Skyrim? Take your time. To begin with (just in case), we’ll tell you how to get married. To do this you will need the amulet of the goddess of love - Mara. You may encounter it as you progress through the map or while completing one of the tasks, or to simplify the task, just go to Riften to the priest Maramal and give him two hundred gold for this amulet. Do not rush to leave the priest when you receive from him the thing you need: in order for the amulet to be activated, you must first talk with Maramal about marriage. Otherwise, you simply will not be able to propose to the selected character.

    When all the necessary steps have been completed, put on the amulet: when you talk with passers-by, you will have an additional option in the conversation that allows you to talk about marriage. However, not every character can become your spouse - some will even have to be appeased by completing the tasks assigned to you (too many worries, is it worth asking the question of how to get a divorce in Skyrim?).

    Complicated divorce

    Meanwhile, time passes. Some are disappointed in their companion, others are simply tired, and it also happens that a new alluring silhouette appears on the horizon. And the question of how to get a divorce in Skyrim becomes very relevant for many players. But the game mechanics do not allow you to remarry, even if your significant other dies. Don’t worry, you can deal with this problem - players will come up with something to improve their favorite game. This method is not easy, but it will help you break the relationships that are holding you back.

    First, create a text document in the game folder (an ordinary file with a .txt extension) and rename it. For example, use the commonplace word divorce. Open the document using the Notepad application and write the following commands: “removefac 51596 player.removefac c6472 resetquest 74793 resetquest 21382 setstage 74793 10.”

    Once you have entered everything you need, save the document and enter the game. After downloading, open the console, point the mouse at your spouse and enter the command “bat divorce”. After one game day, your character will already be free.

    Serious passions in Skyrim: how to divorce your wife?

    There are several easier ways to get divorced. Let's look at two of them:

  • To get rid of obligations, throw away the amulet of Mara and the ring of the sanctity of marriage. But that is not all. After getting rid of the jewelry, you need to kill your spouse. Then call the console and enter the command “resetquest relationshipmarriage”, and then “setstage relationshipmarriage 10”. Then go to the Temple of Mara for a new amulet.
  • You can do without killing, but to do this you need to download a specially designed mod. Install it and launch the game. Then go to your spouse, open the console again, highlight the husband/wife there, and then enter “bat divorce.” That's all. And no murders. You are already divorced and after a day you can look for your soul mate again.
  • Riot Pixels Forums

    Skyrim - Plugin Discussion

    DJ_Kovrik March 28, 2015

    and sometimes I disable/install new mods during the game

    Bad habit Regarding CRF - there are not such global changes that you suddenly want to delete it later

    Vasily Lothar March 29, 2015

    Sometimes some mods start to get stuck. Of course, I don’t touch global or serious fashions. This means minor mods - adding, for example, fixing display windows for houses in hearthire or a divorce mod if your wife gets tired of it. Installing major mods during the game is, of course, a bad idea. Something small and not plot-related. In other cases, of course, it’s worth starting a new game. Simply, in the CRF description it is not recommended to change the set of plugins during the game in principle, i.e. any plugins. This is why the question arises.

    Yes, I have such a question. In the Life-another-Life fashion I discovered a certain pet of Fiona. I have no idea where, with what, or by whom it was added. What to do with him? I didn’t find Fiona among my comrades. Is there some kind of quest associated with it or is it added for beauty? Unclear. If anyone knows anything about him, please respond!)

    So, really, no one tried to put OBIS on the last requiem?

    In this article we will tell you about the most common bugs that arise during a marriage ceremony, as well as how to get a divorce in Skyrim if you are tired of your significant other.

    Possible Divorce Problems

    1. Most often, players encounter this problem: the bride/groom leaves the celebration at a moment when you cannot even move, waiting for the end of the ceremony, and disappears. To fix this bug, you need to skip the wedding ritual by pressing the Enter key or left mouse button, and then catch up with the escaped NPC to decide on your future place of residence. In this case, the fugitive will not go missing, but will end up in your house.

    2. Having married Isolde, you will be faced with the fact that she will constantly sit at home and will not want to leave him. Perhaps after this you will have a desire to connect your life with another character and you will be interested in the question of how to get a divorce in Skyrim.

    3. There are also common cases when your spouse seems to go to your home (or his own, depending on how you decide with him), but never appears there for quite a long time. If you encounter such a bug, you can return to the Temple of Mara again and check if your lost spouse is there, but they do not return there often. If the fugitive is not there, then use the console command player.moveto Ref ID, where Ref ID is the ID of your spouse.

    4. If you cure an infected NPC of lycanthropy, you will not be able to form an alliance with them.

    5. Having taken as your spouse a companion who could teach skills and give out tasks, you will be faced with the fact that the companion branch will disappear from the dialogues, which is why you will not be able to take away from him the items that were given to him earlier.


    The game does not provide for the possibility of remarrying even after the death of the other half. However, this does not mean that you cannot get rid of the annoying NPC in another way, and now we will tell you how to divorce your wife or husband in Skyrim. There are two methods of divorce:

    1. Create a text document in the game folder and copy the following commands into it:

    player.removefac c6472

    resetquest 74793

    resetquest 21382

    setstage 74793 10

    Then save the file, enter the game and, pointing the mouse at your spouse, enter the command bat file name. After 24 hours you will be free again.

    2. This method is simpler, but at the same time more cruel. Drop the Amulet of Mara and the Wedding Ring from your inventory, then kill your spouse. After that, enter the following commands in the console:

    resetquest relationshipmarriage

    setstage relationshipmarriage 10

    Having done everything according to the instructions, you will be single again.

    How to get a divorce in Skyrim? Nothing could be easier!

    Marriage in the game

    Marriage has become one of the integral components of the gameplay. Each player is looking for a suitable spouse to whom his hero will offer his hand and heart. There are simply a huge number of such candidate characters in the game. The big world of the project opens up a huge field for their search. Tying the knot in this popular game is quite simple: you just need to have a special accessory - the amulet of Mara. Having put it on, you need to talk with the character you are interested in and win his favor. To make friends with your future husband or wife, you need to complete several quests that they offer, or provide some kind of service. After this, you can propose and go to the priest. Unfortunately, the game does not warn that it is impossible to break sacred bonds in it, so the question of how to get a divorce in Skyrim arises among gamers very often.

    Why do players get married?

    A natural question may arise: why bother with unnecessary actions and get married in this game project? The fact is that marriage guarantees a number of bonuses:

    1. The spouse can start trading in their own store and thereby bring passive income to the player. Every day you can get 100 coins. They can also be withdrawn once a month, when a larger amount has accumulated. In addition, in a “home” store you can sell unnecessary items and sometimes buy something at lower prices.
    2. Once a day, your significant other prepares a homemade lunch, the effect of which accelerates the regeneration of mana and health, which is very useful before a battle with a serious enemy.
    3. After spending the night in the marital bed, the hero receives a bonus to the restoration of all parameters, which is valid for 8 hours.

    How to get a divorce in Skyrim - the main method

    So, you have decided that divorce cannot be avoided. Where to start this process? First of all, you need to create a simple text file with a .txt extension in the root folder of the game. We call it by any name, for example divorce, right-click on it and open it using notepad. Then enter the sequence of commands in it:

    • removefac 51596 ;
    • player.removefac c6472;
    • resetquest 74793;
    • resetquest 21382;
    • setstage 74793 10.

    After this, do not forget to save the document. Now you can enter the game directly and use the [Ё] or [~] button to call up the console. Approaching your current husband or wife and clicking on the character with the mouse, you need to enter the command bat divorce. Have you asked about how to get a divorce in Skyrim? The procedure is completed!


    A day after the divorce is completed, it comes into force, and the character becomes single again. If you have your eye on a new soul mate, you can get married again or enjoy the life of a bachelor for a while. Is the new bride or groom ready yet? Now you know how to get a divorce in Skyrim, and you can no longer be afraid of hasty decisions. To conduct a repeat ceremony, you need to buy Mara’s amulet from the priest and begin courting the chosen character. Perhaps this time your chosen one will be someone extraordinary. Don’t be afraid to experiment, because it’s not that difficult to find a divorce mod for the Skyrim project.

    Everyone wants warmth and affection, both in real life and in their favorite virtual toy, for example, Skyrim. So don’t deprive your character of such a privilege. Find him a soul mate, let him get a spouse. Well, if your chosen one doesn’t suit you in some way, just read in this article how to get a divorce in Skyrim. After all, anything can happen. Maybe he/she is not at all the person he/she claims to be? Passions also happen in the virtual world. So let's talk about marriage.

    Is it possible to get a divorce in Skyrim?

    Everyone knows about the possibility of getting married in the mentioned game. This is not a secret at all. But in Skyrim? Take your time. To begin with (just in case), we’ll tell you how to get married. To do this you will need an amulet - Mary. You may encounter it as you progress through the map or while completing one of the tasks, or to simplify the task, just go to Riften to the priest Maramal and give him two hundred gold for this amulet. Do not rush to leave the priest when you receive from him the thing you need: in order for the amulet to be activated, you must first talk with Maramal about marriage. Otherwise, you simply will not be able to propose to the selected character.

    When all the necessary steps have been completed, put on the amulet: when you talk with passers-by, you will have an additional option in the conversation that allows you to talk about marriage. However, not every character can become your spouse - some will even have to be appeased by completing the tasks assigned to you (too many worries, is it worth asking the question of how to get a divorce in Skyrim?).

    Complicated divorce

    Meanwhile, time passes. Someone was disappointed in their companion, someone was simply tired, it also happens that a new alluring silhouette appeared on the horizon... And the question of how to get a divorce in Skyrim becomes very relevant for many players. But the game mechanics do not allow you to remarry, even if your significant other dies. Don’t worry, you can deal with this problem - players will come up with something to improve their favorite game. This method is not easy, but it will help you break the relationships that are holding you back.

    First, create a text document in the game folder (an ordinary file with a .txt extension) and rename it. For example, use the commonplace word divorce. Open the document using the Notepad application and write the following commands: "removefac 51596 player.removefac c6472 resetquest 74793 resetquest 21382 setstage 74793 10".

    Once you have entered everything you need, save the document and enter the game. After downloading, open the console, point the mouse at your spouse and enter the command “bat divorce”. After one game day, your character will already be free.

    Serious passions in Skyrim:

    There are several easier ways to get divorced. Let's look at two of them:

    1. To get rid of obligations, throw away the amulet of Mara and the ring of the sanctity of marriage. But that is not all. After getting rid of the jewelry, you need to kill your spouse. Then call the console and enter the command “resetquest relationshipmarriage”, and then “setstage relationshipmarriage 10”. Then go to the Temple of Mara for a new amulet.
    2. You can do without killing, but to do this you need to download a specially designed mod. Install it and launch the game. Then go to your spouse, again open the console, select the husband/wife there, and then enter “bat divorce.” That's all. And no murders. You are already divorced and after a day you can look for your soul mate again.