Musical "New Year's Adventure of the Bremen Town Musicians" for children of the preparatory group. New Year's adventures Kolobok

Children enter the hall to the magic music, sit down. The hall is in twilight, snow is falling (the glass ball is spinning). The clock strikes, the Snow Queen comes out (without noticing the children), turns on the stars, lanterns, the Christmas tree and other lights with a magic wand.

sn. Queen: Soon, soon the New Year,
Here he is at the gate.
It's all right in the snow kingdom
Ice cubes, a Christmas tree, everything is in decoration.
Just couldn't steal
What I really wanted.
Nothing, it's not evening yet!
Ha ha ha! See you soon!

(The Snow Queen leaves)

Vedas: Time is running forward and forward,
Here on the threshold is the New Year.
It's time to start the holiday, friends.
Sing, dance, you can't be bored here!

(Children stand around the Christmas tree in a round dance)

1 reb: Shine with lights, Christmas tree,
Call us for a holiday!
Fulfill all desires
Make all your dreams come true!

2 reb: With new happiness,
Happy New Year
Congratulations to everyone, and then
And we walk in a round dance
Let's dance and sing!

Round dance "Christmas toys".

3 reb: May this year be good for everyone!
Let children's laughter not cease everywhere!
Let people be open minded
Let everyone come to us for a big holiday!

4 reb: Oh, carnival, amazing ball!
How many good friends you have collected!
Let everyone laugh, dance, sing!
Miracles are yet to come!

Round dance "Winter fun".

Vedas: And now let's see what amazing events take place in the winter forest on the eve of the New Year holiday.
In the forest clearing - age-old fir trees,
White blizzards covered the paths.
The Snow Maiden lives in a house made of ice.
The snow creaked a little audibly ... Shh! It goes here.

(Snow Maiden exits)

Snow: Hey Snowflakes, hurry up!
Spin in a fast dance.
Decorate the pines if,
To shine in the sun!

"Dance of the Snowflakes"

Snow: (holds a branch with white berries and leaves behind his back)
The animals told me:
Summer at the forest edge
blueberries ripen,
Strawberries and cranberries.
I do not know these berries:
I'll melt in the summer.
Managed to beg grandfather
Make a berry out of snow.
Not raspberries, blackberries,
And the forest snowman!

The song "Snowflake".

1st snowflake: Apparently, the berry is not so simple!

2nd snowflake: There was some magic here!

3rd snowflake: Santa Claus blinded her for a reason,

4th snowflake: I gave it on New Year's holiday!

Snow: I'll hide the snowman between the branches
And I'll go look for forest animals.

(Snowflakes sit down, the Snow Maiden leaves the hall)
Enter Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat.

Alice: My name is Alice
You won't find anywhere smarter.
As long as fools live in the world,
I won't have to go hungry.

Basilio: In Wonderland I am a famous cat:
Deceiver, beggar, swindler.
Catching mice is not fun
Isn't it better to cheat simpletons?

Alice: Hey, Basilio, look
What sparkles there, in the distance?

Basilio: I don't see... Where?

Alice: Under the tree!
There is so little sense from cats!

Basilio: These are the berries between the branches,
As if they are burning with silver (approaches the Christmas tree).

Alice: (Looks at the berries)
Cooked by the Snow Maiden
They are a gift for children.

Basilio: We were not invited to the party,
Invitation not sent!

Alice: Look at the branch
My friend, this is a snowman!

Basilio: Well, what is this miracle?

Alice: This is a delicious dish-
No for the Snow Queen
Better than magic berries!

Basilio: The snowflake must be hidden
More often, somewhere in the woods...

Alice: Instead of berries under the Christmas tree
I'll put thorns.

(Alice and Basilio take the snowman and leave; the Snow Maiden runs out from the other side)

Snow: Hey, my forest friends,
Squirrels, bear cubs!
Get ready for the road,
Hedgehogs, bunnies!

(animals run to the tree)

Snow: To kindergarten for a holiday
It's time for us to hurry!
I received an invitation
Me yesterday!

Beasts: Hooray!

(The Snow Maiden is looking for a snowman, cannot find it, sees the thorns)

Snow: Oh, disappeared, oh, disappeared!
I put it under the tree!

Squirrel: What happened, what was missing,
Answer us soon!

Crow: Why did you become gr-r-rust?
Tell your dr-r-friends.

Bear: Who is the offender, I'm sorry I don't know
I impudently teach:
I'll break his ribs
I never joke!

Snow: Someone dragged the snowflake,
Berries that Santa Claus blinded.
Instead, there are thorns here...
How can we go to kindergarten?

Hare: You can’t help grief with tears,
No need to waste time.

Bear: We won't let the thief escape.
Let's all look for it!

(everyone runs around the tree)

Crow: Kar-kar-kar! Hurry over here!
I found footprints, friends.

Hedgehog: (sniffs, examines traces)
There were a fox and a cat.
The trail will surely lead us.

(they follow the trail in a chain and run into Alice and Basilio)

Crow: Karrr! The robbers have been caught!
Are you trying to get away from us?

Bear: And please, no shouting.
Give it to the snowman!

Basilio: Here, take it quickly.
And don't scold us anymore.

Alice: We don't need berries anymore.
We just wanted to joke.

Base and Alice:
Forgive us, friends!

Snow: Well, for the first time, we'll forgive
And we'll give you a berry.

(Alice and Basilio swallow each berry)

Basilio: Oh, how delicious!

Alice: Now I'm kind to everyone,
Forget the anger and envy.

Basilio: I won't offend the weak.

Alice: Happy New Year to all the animals,
Happy New Year to all guys!

Basilio: We wish you happiness, joy,
While we're running!

Snow: It seems that all the guests have gathered, but Santa Claus is still not there.
I need to call my grandfather
Celebrate the New Year with us.

(name is Santa Claus)

D.M: Happy New Year to you, friends!
Happy rich holiday!
Happiness, joy wishes
Santa Claus guys!
Guys, I'm an old grandfather,
Guys, I'm old!
January and February
I walk the earth.
Only the country I'm out of bed -
The blizzards are rising.
How I shake my sleeve -
Everything will be covered in snow.
But now I'm very kind
And I'm friends with the guys.
I won't freeze anyone
I won't catch anyone.
I came from a good fairy tale.
Start playing, dancing,
Get into the round dance!
Together we will celebrate the holiday of the Christmas tree -
Long-awaited New Year!

Round dance "Santa Claus".

Snow: And at the Christmas tree, as always
There is no trace of boredom.
Where is the louder laughter coming from?
Who is the funniest here?

D. M .: Well, of course, boys,
Naughty bastards!

Snow: And the girls are good.
Everyone laughs heartily!

D.M.: Boys are better anyway!

Snow: No, girls!

D.M.: Listen here:
I'm reading a poem now
And I'll show you.
And you guys repeat
Warm up your voices.
Shout who at the end is friendly,
That one will be more fun.
And the words are very simple
And the movements are:
Hedgehogs came running, hedgehogs came running,
Sharpened, sharpened knives, knives.
Jumped, jumped bunnies, bunnies.
Come on together, come on together...

(They walk in motion)

D. M .: For a start - good,
But let's try again!

Play again

Snow: We are now almost deaf,
But we admit from the heart:
Both girls and boys -
You are all very good!

D. M .: And celebrate the New Year, friends,
We can't live without a song.
We will sing about the tree now
And let's go around it.
And as we go along
Let's imagine who we sing about!

"The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree"

D. M .: And now I continue the holiday,
I invite all the guys to the dance.

(sit down)

Snow: Santa Claus, sit down, relax, listen to the children read poetry.

Snow: Santa Claus, you promised
Fabulous arrange a ball!

D.M.: The hour of magic has come!

Snow: And who did you invite?

D. M. Guests are not difficult for you to recognize
The riddle must be solved.
This story is not new.
In it the princess slept for centuries,
Fairies are vicious in that fault
And the prick of the spindle (Sleeping Beauty)

A phonogram sounds, Baba Yaga appears.

Snow: Oh, grandfather! Is it sleeping beauty?

D.M.: No, granddaughter! This evil spirits of the forest came to us. How did she get here? I don't understand...

B. Ya .: They forgot the old grandmother
And they weren't invited to the ball.
For such an insult
Get no forgiveness!

Dance of Baba Yaga

B. Ya .: Oh, how many kids are here,
Both girls and boys.
Everyone was silent, no "shu-shu" ...
I can't stand the noise.

Snow: Robbers, hurry out, scare Baba Yaga.

"Dance of the Robbers"

B. Ya .: Wow, they danced!
They stunned me poor
Bad old lady!
How can I take revenge on you?
(waving broom)
Wind, rise in fire,
Spruce shroud in black haze!
Cancel today
New Year's holiday!

Snow: Santa Claus, do something!

D.M.: Stop, stop, Baba Yaga!

B.Ya.: What, were you scared?

D.M .: Baba Yaga, I want to treat you with a delicious berry.

B.Ya.: Well, give me your berry, otherwise my witchcraft must be continued.

(swallows a berry)

B. Ya .: I became kinder, younger,
So slim and so pretty
Together with you I want
Have fun at the ball.

Snow: Then listen to what song the children will sing to you.

The song "What is hidden under the tree"

B.Ya.: I want to play with you a little more. Here I have boots. Such fast, boots-walkers are called. I will now race around the Christmas tree in felt boots.

Running in boots.

B.Ya.: Well, guys! Well done! Have fun with the old lady!
Now it's time for me to go to the forest.
Happy New Year, kids!

(runs away)

Snow: It's good that we managed to treat Baba Yaga with a berry, otherwise she would have done trouble! (the lights go out in the hall, the soundtrack of sinister laughter)

Snow: Oh, guys! It seems that we are in the kingdom of Koshchei the immortal!!!

(Koshchei appears)

Koschey: Yes, you are not mistaken! This is my kingdom - the kingdom of Koshchei the Immortal!! And imminent death awaits you in it !!!

D.M.: Why do you have such anger, Koschey?

Koschey: I don't like it when it smells of the human spirit.

D.M.: Koschey. The guys have a holiday today, the New Year. Please don't get mad.

Koschey: I don't want to hear! I can't stand the holidays! Either stop your celebration, or I'll smash the whole Christmas tree for you!

D. M .: It’s not good, Koshcheyushka, it’s not good to spoil the holiday with the guys! After all, we also have power, but not simple, but magical. I'll freeze you... And the guys will help me. Come on, guys, let's make a frosty wind with me ... (blowing: u-u-u).

Koschei: (laughs) Ha-ha-ha!
I'm not afraid of frost ... They came up with some small fry to scare me !!! Come on, go home, otherwise I’ll be really angry with you, there won’t be a wet place left !!!

D.M.: Why are you, Koschey, insulting my friends? Although they are small, they do not have the courage to take.

Koschey: Yes, huh?? Then let them measure strength with me, your friends !!!

D.M.: What, guys! Are there brave and strong among you? Who is not afraid of Koshchei, who will measure his strength with him?

Rope pulling.

(Koschei squirms)

Koschey: Oh yes!!! Oh, how are you!!! (grabs teeth)
Oh oh oh!!!

D.M.: What is it!

Koschey: I have a toothache!!! It's all your fault! You froze me! All my strength was wasted! I will avenge you for this! (grabs the Snow Maiden) Here, I'll take her!

Snow: Grandpa, grandpa!

D.M.: Wait, Koschei! Eat a tasty berry on the road!

Koschey: A berry? Here's another! Although, give me your berry, but quickly, I have no time to talk to you here !!!

(Koschei eat berries)

Koschey: Oh, what is this? I'm warm, I'm good!!! And my tooth stopped hurting! (releases the Snow Maiden) You are free, beautiful girl! Guys, how I love you all!

Snow: Thank you, grandfather!
And we continue our holiday!
Guys, let's dance!

Cheerful dance.

Koschey: Forgive me, friends!
Do not scold, do not scold!
I will protect you now
I won't forget anything!
Until then, my friends
I must leave you.

Snow: Grandpa! It's time to distribute gifts, until someone came to us for the holiday again.

D.M.: It's time, it's time! Now granddaughter!
(Santa Claus brings a chest with gifts)

D. M .: For the sake of a holiday for you
I've got something here!

(The Snow Queen enters the soundtrack)

Sn.K .: I am the Queen from the country,
Where there is neither snow nor spring,
Where the blizzard sweeps all year round,
Where there is only snow and ice everywhere.
Silence, I love peace
Noise and fun can not stand.
I've been waiting for you since the beginning of the day.
Nobody remembered me.
But I won't bother you
Let the snowman take.
She's cold as ice
And I should belong.

Snow: Santa Claus! Don't give it to the snowman! The Snow Queen will never be kind: she is evil and cruel.

D. M .: So you say that you can’t stand noise and fun? .. Children, do you know any other dance? Come out to dance!

"Dance of the Polar Bears"

Sn.K .: I can't stand dancing, and even such!

D.M.: Children, let's laugh and clap merrily, maybe the Snow Queen won't like it?

(children clap and laugh, Sn. The queen plugs her ears)

Sn.K.: Oh, yes! I will punish you severely!
And I will turn gifts into snow!

(waves wand, walks away)
Santa Claus opens the chest, and there is snow.

Snow: What are we going to do now? Will the children be left without gifts? Grandpa, you are a magician! Think of something!

D. M. Bring me a big cauldron,
Put it right here on the table.
Salt, sugar and a bucket of water
A little snow, tinsel.
I'll add a snowman.
One minute friends
We need to mix everything in the cauldron,
Magic words to say:
"Snow, snow, snow! Ice, ice, ice!
Miracles for the New Year!
Snowflake, help!
Turn everything into gifts!

(opens the lid of the boiler and distributes gifts)
The secret of the surprise: a smaller saucepan is placed in a large cauldron, water is poured into it and all the components are poured. Several gifts are placed between the walls of the pot and the cauldron. The rest of the gifts are brought by the educators discreetly in a bag).

Song for the New Year.

Snow: Well, that's all, the ball is over,
Fun noisy carnival!

D.M.: Be healthy! I will come
Visit you next year!

(Snow Maiden and Santa Claus say goodbye and leave)


Father Frost

Snow Maiden

Baba Yaga

Christmas trees - 6 people.



Funny boys

(Music sounds, funny guys run out)

Song "White Snow"

1st: Friends, the New Year is coming soon, and do you remember how fun and unusual we are

met last year.

2nd: Yes, this cannot be forgotten.

3rd: Especially a meeting with Baba Yaga and Santa Claus.

4th: And most importantly, after meeting with Santa Claus, the harmful Baba Yaga became

kind and learned to make friends.

6th: Well, the New Year is a magical holiday and our new fairy tale begins.

(Music sounds funny guys leave)

Baba Yaga appears

sings a song "Ice Ceiling"

B.Ya: Green Christmas trees The New Year is on the doorstep, but my Christmas tree has not yet been dressed up.

It would be necessary to decorate it with toys, garlands, and invite guests.

What is the New Year without guests? Necessary

invite. And don't forget about the funny guys too.

That's where I'll start.

(comes to the screen)

B.Ya: Magic screen, help me

Hurry up with the funny guys

B.Ya: Hello guys, Yagusya is in touch

Glad to hear from you grandma

I'm calling to invite you

New Year's fairy tale to visit again

I invite everyone to my edge

I'll be waiting for you near the hut

We will celebrate a wonderful holiday together

Hope it gets even more interesting.

(screen guys)

- Hello, dear grandmother Yaga,

We recently thought about you

We are very glad that you have not forgotten about us.

And thank you for inviting us all.

- We will celebrate the New Year with friends

We'll see you soon at your Christmas tree.

(screen dims)

B.Ya: So, I invited guests, now I need to tidy up the hut, and then I’ll rest a bit. (Leaves to the hut)

(exit of Leshy and Kikimora)

L: And I say the New Year is coming soon!

K: No, there will be no New Year.

L: How can it not be?

K: Yes, just like that, it just won’t?!

L: How can it just not be?

K: We'll ruin it!

L: How can we just spoil it?

K: Well, you're stupid. Simple means simple.

L: You've got me completely confused. With his Kikimor words.

Say what you mean, and don't confuse me anymore.

K: So this is my plan.

We will steal all the Christmas trees in the forest. And without Christmas trees, there will be no holiday.

L: This is the plan, you are just the head of Kikimora.

Wait, and the Christmas tree at the hut of Baba Yaga, we are also the same. Let's steal.

K: And her first. Let's show granny how to forget old friends.

Song "We don't care"

(Christmas tree exit)

The song "The little Christmas tree is not cold"

(the exit of Kikimora and Leshy is stolen by Christmas trees,

the song "Hey, are you there")

(the main tree remains)

B.Ya: Why are you making noise here?

K: We don’t make any noise, but just walk, admire the Christmas trees

B.Ya: Yes, there are many beautiful Christmas trees in our forest, and my most beautiful one, Santa Claus gave it to me, soon my friends will come to visit, we will celebrate the New Year together.

L: (whispers) New year, new year?! Let's see what your new one will be!

K: (pushing Leshy on the shoulder) Do you hear Leshy, shut up. And then our plan will be ruined.

K: Yes, indeed, your Christmas tree Baba Yaga is the most beautiful. We look at her and we cannot see

B.Ya: All right, I have no time to talk to you. You walk, and I'll go, I have things to do

still a lot. (leaves)

K .: Look, her Christmas tree is the most, the most.

L .: And soon the guests will come.

K: Well, let's see how she will surprise guests.

(music steal the remaining Christmas trees - leave)

(guys exit)

Song ___________________________

(Baba Yaga exits)

B.Ya: Oh, guys, I'm glad to see you irises. A whole year has passed since our

last meeting. They grew up the way they grew up.

1st: Hello, grandmother, we are also very glad to see you.

2nd: Well, tell me, grandmother, what's new with you.

3rd: How is your granddaughter Dusya-Yagusya?

B.Ya: Yes, everything is fine in our fairy forest. Everyone lives together.

And Dusya-Yagusya became completely independent. I went to the city to study.

4th: Grandmother, where is your Christmas tree that Santa Claus gave you.

B.Ya: But here she is?! (no tree)

It's like, who is it, where is my Christmas tree? (crying)

5th: Granny, don't be upset, we'll find your Christmas tree.

6th: Let's call Santa Claus, he will help us.

(guys call Santa Claus - screen)

1st: Hello, good afternoon. We would like to hear from Santa Claus.

Snowman: Unfortunately, this is not possible. Santa Claus is busy cooking


2nd: Well, then invite the Snow Maiden, we need to tell her something very important.

Snowman: And that's impossible. The Snow Maiden decorates the Christmas trees in the forest.

3rd: So how can we be.

Snowman: Don't worry, she will come to you soon.

4th: Well then. We will wait for her.

Snowman: Friends, what happened to you, maybe I can help you?

1st: Yes, that's the trouble, the Christmas tree that Santa Claus gave to Grandmother Yaga was stolen by someone.

Who we don't know. And we don't know how to help Yagusa.

2nd: But the New Year is coming soon. And you can't do without a tree.

Snowman: Don't worry, I'll tell Santa Claus about your trouble. He is a must for you

will help. (screen dims)

(Snow Maiden exits)

Song "Snow Maiden"

Snow Maiden: Hello, friends, hello, Grandmother Yaga.

I have come to you with news. Can you imagine I went to the Christmas tree forest

dress up, and the forest is empty, all the Christmas trees have disappeared somewhere.

And so I came to you to find out about your New Year's beauty.

B.Ya: Yes, I don’t have a Christmas tree anymore.

Snow Maiden: Where is she?

1st: The thing is that someone stole it. Who we don't know.

Snow Maiden: No need to despair, we are in a good New Year's fairy tale.

Santa Claus will definitely help us, we just need him


B.Ya: Well, while we are waiting for Santa Claus, let's go to the hut, I'll have tea for you

(Snow Maiden guys and B.Ya. go to the hut)

(music sounds, Kikimora and Leshy come out)

L: No, we didn’t do the right thing, we shouldn’t have listened to you.

Why did we steal all the Christmas trees, we can return it before it's too late.

So I want the New Year, gifts, fun.

K: Well, you're stupid. That's how I knew I couldn't mess with you.

That you keep whining and whining. Look, you wanted New Year, gifts.

(sounds of hooves)

K: Goblin, do you hear this clatter. It's probably Santa Claus. Let's hide.

L: Where are we going to hide?

K: We will pretend to be snowdrifts, and no one will recognize us. Did you understand everything?

L: Yup! But as?

K: And so. (covered)

(the soundtrack “Hello, Grandfather Frost” sounds, the Snow Maiden comes out, guys, Yaga)

Snow Maiden: Friends, you hear, this is Santa Claus hurrying to us.

Song "Hello Santa Claus"

(Santa Claus, Snowman and Christmas trees come out)

Santa Claus: Hello my family

Small and big

I was with you a year ago

I am very glad to meet again

They grew up big

And me then you got to know

Who am I children ... (Santa Claus)

Oh, moved to tears.

Snow Maiden: Hello, Grandfather Frost

We were waiting for you

B.Ya: Santa Claus, do you know what trouble happened to me?

Someone stole my Christmas tree. How can I celebrate the New Year now?

Santa Claus: I know about your trouble granny. The snowman told me. Well, we're all

fix it.


You spin snowflakes and blizzards in a carousel

And enchant the thieves, turn them into icicles.

(Leshy and Kikimora crawl out of the snowdrifts)

K: What are you, what are you, Santa Claus do not need to turn us into icicles

L: Forgive us, we won't do it again. We don't want to be icicles.

K: We promise to live together,

Get along with everyone and be friends.

We will return Christmas trees

Even Grandmother Yaga.

Santa Claus: Well, let's believe you for the last time.

Return Christmas trees now.

(Christmas trees come out)

B.Ya: So the fairy tale is just a miracle

New Year calls friends

Well, I, on a good holiday

Calling all guests

(referring to L. and K.)

And don't be bored

We forgive you friends

Have fun with us

It's time to celebrate the New Year.

Santa Claus: Happy New Year!

We wish you happiness and good!

To live all this year

Without sorrows and worries.

Snow Maiden: So that you study with success,

Well, have fun on holiday

To increase skills

And luck multiplied!

Baba Yaga: Let the New Year not be stingy:

Happiness, joy will bring!

All good things will happen!

Everything, friends, will happen!

SONG "New Year's"

(Christmas songs sound)

Scenario of the New Year's holiday (musical) "Snow Tale" for children of senior preschool age

The authors of the script are educator Gomerova Tatyana Valeryevna and musical director Zolotukhina Marina Evgenievna.
Adults: Snow Queen, Snow Maiden, Santa Claus, presenter.
The roles of the rest of the characters are played by children.
Target. Create a joyful holiday atmosphere, consolidate children's skills in musical and theatrical activities.

To the cheerful music, children enter the hall, stand in a round dance in front of the Christmas tree.
Leading. We are glad to welcome you friends,
You can’t be sad at our holiday,
Let smiles appear on faces
And good wishes come true.
Well, on New Year's Eve
We will perform a round dance.
Round dance "How good it is."
Children sit on chairs.
Leading. Children prepared poems for the holiday.
The children go to the middle of the room.
Leading. Wonderful people living in our garden!
And of course, good fairy tales, he is really looking forward to it today.
It was in December, winter was in the yard,
The people are already preparing to celebrate a merry new year!
In the realm of cold and ice, where it is always cold,
Not at all tender, the Snow Queen,
I looked in my mirror, I also wanted a holiday.
The Snow Queen appears (holding a mirror in her hands).
The Snow Queen. A year passes, a year comes, people celebrate the new year,
Dancing, having fun, dreaming and frolicking,
And I'm alone year after year, I celebrate this new year
And I do not dream of anything, because I have everything,
Diamonds, mountains of silver, treasures cannot be counted!
Ice servants flatter me, they call me beautiful,
But something became boring to me, quite dreary here.
Song of the Snow Queen. (to the motive "Christmas toys")
1. I was suddenly bored, it became dreary here,
New Year's holiday, but the guests do not come.
And they don't congratulate me at all
They don't sing merry songs to me,
And I don't play snowballs with me,
It's boring here, it's boring here.
Chorus. I want people to have fun and play snowballs,
Jump, run, chase, frolic
And roll lumps,
Rolling down a big mountain on a sleigh,
And skiing through the forest to run.
And a merry dance will spin,
And dream and dream.
II. Ice servants, they don’t give frolic.
Even the queen suddenly got bored here.
I can't laugh, have fun,
I can't joke and mess around
Will suddenly cease to be afraid of me,
It's boring here, it's boring here.
The Snow Queen. Comes to visit in the new year, the girl is icy,

After all, her heart beats, mine is icy.
They are waiting for her for the holiday, her name is Snegurochka!
But this year I decided to change places,
Let her sit alone, I'll have fun
Everyone will be waiting for me, sing songs and congratulate me
And I will be a beauty that everyone likes.
Hurry all servants to me: Blizzard, Blizzard
Ice, Frost and Cold, and another friend - an ice blizzard.

Minuet dance, music by Boccherini.
At the end of the dance they line up.
Snowstorm. You are such a beauty, ice queen,
I'm not too lazy to praise you, hour after hour, night and day.
Everything is friendly. We will serve you, guard your kingdom.
Song of the Blizzard (motive "Christmas tree, Christmas tree, forest aroma ...)
I. There are no such beauties in our world,
You are not at all like the others.

you every hour.
II. You are more tender and whiter than snow,
Everyone here is ready to sing you.
You make us so happy with your appearance,
We are ready to praise you every hour,
you every hour.
III. There is no queen more beautiful than you
After all, you are for us, the queen of dreams.
You make us so happy with your appearance,
We are ready to praise you every hour,
you every hour.
The Snow Queen. Blizzard, blizzard you fly, bring the Snow Maiden to me! (The blizzard flies away).

The Snow Queen. I will go and I will fly around the world,
And for the country of ice, I will watch my own.
The Snow Queen and Servants exit. The Snow Maiden appears.
Snow Maiden (sings).
New Year, New Year, put everyone in a round dance,
Christmas tree, Christmas tree shine with lights,
Come visit us soon, fairy tales with miracles.
Hello kids, girls and boys!
I hurried to your holiday, I decided to congratulate you,
After all, today all the people
Celebrates the new year!
Not an easy day today
The most important day of the year!
Together with Santa Claus, I am really looking forward to this day.
On this day, all over the earth, miracles happen,
Transformations, adventures, all dreams come true.
I need to gather guests, forest animals, my friends.
Let them also not be bored and celebrate the holiday.
Song of the Snow Maiden (to the motive “Let them run clumsily, pedestrians through the puddles ...)
I. Let today for a holiday,
All the animals rush to us,
We invite everyone to visit today.
Celebrating the New Year
We treat all friends
And we sing happy songs.
Chorus.'Cause today is coming
Merry, new year
And with him, of course
Brings miracles.
And with him, of course
Brings miracles.
II. Let's all get together
Dance and frolic
Round dances are great to lead.
We'll play games
We will treat everyone to tea
And we will give gifts.

The Hare (child) comes out.
Zaychikha. We have been waiting for this day, exactly a whole year.
We really dreamed that Santa Claus would come,
The Snow Maiden will gather all the forest people,
We will start a festive, miracle round dance.
Snow Maiden. We didn’t forget anyone, we invited everyone to the holiday,
Bunnies, bear, fox, very red sister.
Soon the clock will strike, why aren't the guests coming.
Bunny. I'll run to call the bears,
Apparently they are fast asleep.
Only New Year's holiday
All friends must meet. (The hare leaves).
Snow Maiden. I'll look in the forest for a golden fox,
And all the animals they know, they all want to celebrate the holiday.
Snow Maiden, beauty, do not leave us,
but it’s better for the inhabitants of the forest to wait with us.
The guys want to dance, sing songs, read poetry.
Snow Maiden.

Happy friends,
I will dance with you!
"Pair dance", ukr.n.m.
Children sit on chairs.
Girl - Snow Maiden, we have been waiting for you,
We want you to read poetry at our carnival.
Children read poetry.
Oh, guys, hush, hush, I can already hear someone.
Blizzard (child) appears.
Snowstorm. Oh, how long I flew, finally found it,
Not simple, mischievous, I'm an icy Snow Maiden.
Let's fly with me, to the ice queen.
Snow Maiden. Hello, not an easy guest,
Hello, Blizzard - ice!
I gather my friends to visit all the forest animals.
Queen, wait, or let her come
And I call her to the holiday, to our cheerful round dance.
The Snow Queen Appears.
The Snow Queen. You are an ice girl, you are a mischievous Snow Maiden.
I sent Blizzard to you, my flattering friend,
Strictly ordered her to bring you quickly.
You are stubborn and waiting, you are not going to my palace.
Well, I won’t forgive you, and I’ll take revenge on you!
Look, I decided to disobey, nothing, it wasn’t there,
I will conjure, I will complete, everything will be as I want.
Conjuring. Blizzard, blizzard you whirl, change your appearance
Become a different Snow Maiden, Ice Queen.
I, too, will change and turn into a Snow Maiden.
A blizzard with snowflakes flies around the hall around the Snow Queen and the Snow Maiden.
Dance "Snowstorm" with ribbons.
The Snow Maiden and the Snow Queen change their appearance.
The motive "In the garden or in the garden"

Snow Maiden. What is it, what's wrong with me, I'm different now.
In the reflection of the mirror queen is evil. (looks in the mirror)
The Snow Queen. Such is sorcery, such is skill.
Blizzard, you take it, lock it in my palace.
Snowstorm. I will do everything as ordered, everything will be as you wanted.
The blizzard takes away the Snow Maiden, in the guise of the Snow Queen.
The Snow Queen sits on the throne of Santa Claus.

Well, now I'm waiting for guests, cheerful joyful
of people. Let them sing, play, let them congratulate me.
Leading. The guests have been sitting here for a long time, they are looking at you,
But such a queen, they will not want to congratulate.
Bring back our girlfriend, the Snow Maiden girl.
Snow Queen (Snow Maiden). Look, you are guests, darling, I'm blowing now
And the children - the little ones, I will also cast a spell.
Leading. No, this will not happen, we need Santa Claus, we should call here now.
Come out Hare, Bear, Fox.

The motive "The chicken went out for a walk"
Bunny. Ate-ate I woke up the bears and hedgehogs,
Along the forest paths, guests, Snegurochka, are in a hurry to us.
A fox. Is the treat ready for your forest guests,
Pies, mushrooms, nuts and jam for friends.
Bear. I brought with me honey, a treat for friends,
Bear cubs and squirrels will come a little later.
Bunny. We are now preparing everything to celebrate the holiday,
What would be with a ready treat to meet expensive awns.
Snow Queen (Snow Maiden). Why did you come here, who called the animals here?
You will scare away the Bear, all decent guests,
I don't need a hare here, let alone a fox,
Look, they appeared, cracked, it's just miracles.
Bunny. You are the Snow Maiden for the holiday, you called us to yourself.
But you have never been so cold, harmful.
A fox. What happened, that's the thing, our Snow Maiden got sick.
Snow Queen (Snow Maiden). And well, scat, the beast of the forest, such a naughty one.
Otherwise, I will turn you little animals into toys now.

The motive "The chicken went out for a walk"
Bear. Oh, let's run away from here, otherwise, it will be bad for us.
A fox. We need to run to look, call Santa Claus here.
The animals run away.
Snow Queen (Snow Maiden). Well, then I'll go and find myself guests,
So that they praise me, so that they give me gifts.
The Snow Queen (Snow Maiden) leaves.
Leading. Well, it's time for us to find out how the Snow Maiden is doing.
A blizzard appears, dragging the Snow Maiden (Snow Queen) by the hand
Snowstorm. I will do everything as ordered, I will close the doors behind you.
Look - you are around, this is now your home.
Blizzard, blizzard wait, you let me go back.
I called the guests, my friends, forest animals.

Snowstorm. Here you will find friends, new northern animals.
We will praise you, you will live well.
You are beautiful and pure, you are beautiful and proud,
There is no other queen in the world, dear queen.
Snow Maiden (Snow Queen). I love my friends, dear forest animals.
I miss them very much, I'm melting from longing now.
Flynn comes out.

The motif "Drip-drip, knock-knock-knock"
Owl. You are so beautiful, ice queen,
Go around the whole world, there is no better lady in the world.
Everything is calm in the kingdom, we scared away all the animals
And by your order, we rolled up a snowman.
He will now live here, he will serve you.
The Snowman enters.
Snowman. I'm an ordinary snowman, I'm used to the cold, the cold.
I am glad to serve the Queen, to cherish my service.
Snegurochka (Snow Queen). What are you talking about, I don’t need servants,
You look at me, friends are important to me.
We all need to live in peace, we all need to be friends together.
And do not scare the little animals, it is better to invite them to visit.
Owl. Is it possible to live in the world? And why should we be friends?

The motive "That's what mom"
Snegurochka (Snow Queen). There is no better friendship in the world, the whole world knows it.
A friend will always help a friend, a friend will come to the rescue,
And on a holiday for each other, she will always sing a song.
We do not miss with friends, it's fun to play together,
Dance and have fun and catch up with each other.
Adults and children know that you can't live without friends
Do not swear and do not fight, friendship should be valued.
Song "Friendship" (to the motive of the song "Cinderella")
I. At least believe, at least check
We can't live without friendship.
Friendship is necessary in this world.
Much to be valued.
Because there is no more
Friendship in the world is nothing
And I love my friends
I love everyone to one.
Chorus: (as in the original song)
II. Our friends rush to help us,
If suddenly trouble came,
Friends will always help us.
Friends will always help.
And I love my friends
I love everyone to one.
Because there is no more
Friendship in the world is nothing.
III. If not, next to you
Good loyal friends
It is very important to find them.
Make friends soon.
Because there is no more
Friendship in the world is nothing.
And I love my friends
I love everyone to one.
VI. At least believe, at least check
We can't live without friendship.
Friendship is necessary in this world.
Much to be valued.
And I love my friends
I love everyone to one.
Because there is no more
Friendship in the world is nothing.

Owl. Did a miracle happen here, the queen has changed,
But such as now, it has become a hundred times better.

Motive "This is my grandmother"
Snegurochka (Snow Queen). You are mistaken friends, I am not a queen at all.
She stole my appearance and bewitched me.
I am a Snow Maiden - a girl, I am a friend of all snowflakes
She called for the new year, to visit all the forest people.
Help me friends so that I can return home.
Snowman. We are ready to help you, if only you give your word,
That you will take us all with you from the ice queen.
We do not want to live with her, we want to be friends with you.
Owl. I will not scare the animals, I will not offend you.
I want to live in peace with you, I want to be friends with everyone.
Snowstorm. And take me with you, I will faithfully serve you,
I will do everything as you want, I will cherish friendship.
Snegurochka (Snow Queen). Blizzard, blizzard you fly, you take us home!
Everyone is flying away.
Leading. And while they were flying, the Fox and the Bunny came running to Santa Claus, and
clubfoot Mishka. They “carry” Santa Claus to the music.

Father Frost. Hello kids, girls and boys!
Happy New Year, I wish you happiness and joy!
I remember exactly a year ago I was with these guys,
The year flew by like a day, I did not notice,
Here I am again among you, dear children.
Leading. Hello Santa Claus, we have been waiting for you,
So that you light the Christmas tree at our carnival.
Father Frost. Come on, Christmas tree, smile, well, wake up,
Well - ka, tree one, two, three, shine with rainbow light.
Leading. Let's clap. (Everyone claps). And now it's time for us to dance kids.
Round dance "Our tree is great."

Father Frost. Oh, and nimble people, they live in this garden!
Who, for Santa Claus, will read a poem here now?
Children read poetry.

Fox, hare, bear enter.
Bear. Hello, Santa Claus, we were looking for you,
After all, trouble happened to us, the Snow Maiden was stolen.
Father Frost. Hello my friends, I'm glad to see you all.
You really tell me, do not crack, do not rumble,
Where is my Snow Maiden, Snow Maiden - girl?
Bunny. We gathered as usual to celebrate the holiday together,
After all, the Snow Maiden asked to call all the forest animals.
A fox. We came to congratulate her, and she drove us all away,
In appearance, she is the same as before, but in her soul she has become different.
It became harmful and evil, all terribly icy.
Father Frost. Well, friends, it's time to go, we'll find the Snow Maiden.
Bear. We don't need to go forward, she's coming here on her own.

Father Frost. Hello, my granddaughter, we were looking for you,
Why are you scaring the guests at our carnival?
Where you saw guests, it is full of forest animals.
I want you to visit us, invite people now.
Father Frost. We visit people ourselves, we give fairy tales with miracles.
Well, in the house for the new year, we call the forest people.
Or small children, our dear friends.
Snow Queen (Snow Maiden). Children are also not needed, they are very noisy.
They do not know how to flatter, to praise my beauty.
Father Frost. I'm standing next to you, but I don't recognize you,
Even though you look like your granddaughter, you are completely different.
The Ice Queen is you, though different,
How can you not conjure, you will not become a Snow Maiden.
Though you are strong in witchcraft, it is winter in your soul.
My granddaughter has always a bright spring in her heart.
Snow Queen (Snow Maiden). Okay, okay, Santa Claus, you recognized me.
And my game is funny, you, of course, figured it out.
I became very sad, in my castle with snows,
And so I decided to switch places.

The Snowman, Owl, Blizzard and Snow Maiden (Snow Queen) run in.
Snegurochka (Snow Queen). Hello my friends, how glad I am to see you,
Hello, Santa Claus, do you recognize me?
I am your Snow Maiden, even though now I am different.
The queen conjured, we changed places.
Father Frost. Do not be sad about anything, we will return witchcraft now.
Here I will wave my staff, I will return the former appearance to everyone.
Conjuring, Blizzard flies around.
Snow Maiden. Oh, how glad I am, friends, I have become the same again.
Father Frost. Granddaughter, who are they, what kind of new friends?
Snowstorm. We want to live here with you, we want to be friends with you.
Snow Maiden. They helped me a lot, showed me the way home.
The Snow Queen. And who will live with me, who will praise me?

The motive "It's good in our garden"
Owl. We don’t want to live with a mean one, we don’t want to be friends with you.
You are very harmful and evil, Ice Queen.
Snowstorm. If you live alone in the castle, we don't need you anymore.
Snowman. We do not want to flatter you, we do not want to praise you,
In order for your friends to love you, you need to be sweet, kind.
The Snow Queen. What to do, how to be, I do not know how to be friends.
It's winter in my soul, that's why I'm cold
But I still don't want to be alone.
Snegurochka (points to the snow queen). My dear friends, you can't drive her away,
We all need to live together, teach her to be friends.
It's not her fault that it's winter in her soul.
She looks like me, she's almost the same
She is close relatives to me, she is icy.
But we have a difference, not at all big,
After all, my heart is beating, its icy.
Dear Santa Claus, you brought gifts to everyone,
Don't forget about me, I'll ask you
The miracle is not simple, let her heart beat, although it is icy.
Let the soul wake up from sleep, let spring always bloom in it.
Father Frost. This is a miracle you must do now yourself.
Smile at the queen, touch her heart
And wakes up in a moment from sleep, in the heart of a warm spring.
(The Snow Maiden does as Santa Claus said)
Snow Queen (grabs her heart). What did you do to me, I became completely different,
I do not want to be more harmful and cold to be like that.
Promising to be kind, I want to be friends with you,
I admit my mistakes and I ask you to forgive me.

Father Frost. Well, let's forgive her friends, because you can't live without friendship.
Owl. We are ready to forgive you, to live together with you again.
Snowstorm. We will serve you, we will be friends with you.
The Snow Queen. In vain you do not praise me, point out the mistakes,
So that I would not become evil again, the Ice Queen.
Snow Maiden. Well, it's time forest people, we all celebrate the new year.
Snow Queen (children). Stay with us, sing songs, have fun.
The song "Himself, Santa Claus himself" by E. Tilicheeva
Leading. And now it's time for us to play, kids. The first game "Sled".
Father Frost. Next game "Guess what I play"?
Snow Maiden. Next game "I'll Freeze"
Father Frost. Run to your seats, and I'll catch up with you.
Leading. Good Santa Claus, did you bring gifts to our children under the Christmas tree?
Father Frost. I did not forget about the children, and about all the forest animals,
But while walking through the forest, he lost his gifts in the snow.
The Snow Queen. Do not be sad, you friends, I will help you now.
Blizzard, blizzard you fly, sweep the snow through the forest
Whistle around the Christmas tree and look for gifts.
Blizzard finds gifts.
Father Frost. And now you do not yawn, but hand out gifts.
Characters give gifts.
Father Frost. Let the New Year be a gift, only joy brings you.
And luck, and good luck and smiles round dance.
Leading. This is such a wonderful fairy tale that the New Year gave us! We invite everyone to take pictures
near the Christmas tree.

New Year's adventures Kolobok
Positive anti-crisis New Year's fairy tale

Actors: Kolobok, Grandfather, Grandmother, Mouse, Hare, Foxes - 2 people, Bears - 3 people, Masha (role without words, but with a very loud cry).

Act one
grandfather and grandmother

A room in the old people's house. Mandatory attribute - radio or music center. There are footsteps, the sound of doors opening. Grandfather enters, turns on the radio and begins to dance.

Grandfather. FAQ, FAQ ... I create a New Year's mood for myself. New Year should be celebrated in vigor of body and spirit.

Grandmother (appearing). You better listen to what they say on the radio. You will have good spirits and good body...

Grandfather. And what is it they say that my mood can deteriorate?

Grandma turns on the radio.

Radio 1.

Radio. On the radio of the village of Kolobkovo. We're delivering bad news. Last night, late in the evening, uninvitedly, unexpectedly, unexpectedly, our village was visited by a financial and economic crisis. How long his visit will last, no one knows yet. It is only known that he will obviously spoil the New Year's Eve for us ...

Grandfather. Who is this crisis? Maybe I should scare him with a rifle?

Radio. Well, Gregory, you and the village...

Grandfather. What? .. (knocks on the radio). You alone... a village...

Radio. Why are you hitting me? And without that, my head hurts.

Grandfather. And you do not mock people, but respectfully answer when you are asked. Who is a crisis?

Radio. A crisis is a disproportion between production and consumption, which leads to a drop in production, the devaluation of the ruble and the aggravation of social relations.

Grandfather. Well, that's what I would say right now.

Grandmother. Understood?

Grandfather. Of course I understood.

Grandmother. What did you understand?

Grandfather. You can’t do it with a rifle ... You need a cannon and a couple of grenades ...

Grandmother. Gregory! A crisis is when cows don't give milk, chickens don't lay eggs... and even dogs don't bark.

Grandfather. Why don't dogs bark?

Grandmother. Pah, you stupid! Yes, because the crisis!

Grandfather. Hey, Matryona, I can’t understand something ... We have a fairy tale, besides New Year’s! And this is a negative...

Grandmother. Oh, and this crisis doesn't care. He goes where he wants, when he wants. The main thing for him is to spoil the mood of people ...

Grandfather. Well, he won't spoil it for us!

He takes a balalaika, tries to play and sing. It turns out sadly, Grandfather sighs.

Grandmother. Doesn't sing?

Grandmother. Don't go... No more forester.

Grandfather. What? Fedor is no more?

Grandmother. Your Fedor is alive and well! The forester is no more. He was made redundant and fired without severance pay.

Grandfather. And… Crisis?

Grandmother. He is…

Grandfather. Then I myself will go into the forest and cut down the one I like ... under the very root.

Grandmother. Hello! First, it's illegal! Do you want the precinct to fine you? And secondly ... I didn’t want to upset you, but we also no longer have toys for the Christmas tree ...

Grandfather. And the star on top, is it red?

Grandmother. And the star is gone.

Grandfather. A crisis?

Grandmother. No. As soon as I heard this unimportant news, I sat down ... on a toy box.

Grandmother. The electricity was cut off, the refrigerator did not work, the herring went bad ...

Grandfather. That is, we won’t have my favorite herring under a fur coat either?

Grandmother. Will not be.

Grandfather. Here is the New Year for you!

Grandmother. Here's your holiday...

Grandfather. Just like in a fairy tale about Kolobok ... It remains to place in the barn, scrape through the barn ...

Grandmother. And collect, if possible, two handfuls of flour ...

They look at each other.

Grandfather and Grandma. But this is an idea!

Grandmother. Only now scrape the bottom of the barrel ... What is this?

Grandfather. Now let's find out. (To the radio). Hey, "bad news", scrape the bottom of the barrel - where is this? .. Why are you silent?

Radio 2.

Radio. Leave me alone! I got mad at you...

Grandfather. Offended? If you are rude, I will generally bend the antenna for you ... Matryona, do not fill your head with wise words. Do we have a barn?

Grandmother. There is.

Grandfather. Here! Go to the barn, maybe you can really sweep a little flour for the New Year's bun. At least there will be something on the table...

Grandmother (leaving). In the meantime, chop wood, and kindle the stove.

Grandfather. Listen, my general...

He leaves the room, singing "It's good to be a general, I can't name a better job for you, gentlemen."

Action two
Mouse, Grandfather, Grandmother and Gingerbread Man

Music sounds. Business Mouse appears and starts exploring the room, humming.

Song of the Mouse

Mouse. Wee-wee-wee, wee-wee-wee...
If only I could find a crust
A branch from a Christmas tree -
Everything will fit in a mink,
And arrange in the new year
A real round dance.

Wee-wee-wee, wee-wee-wee...
Well, at least find something.
Maybe where it fell
Stuck in a corner?
I'll pick it up quickly.
Is it good to go missing?

Meets the eyes of Grandpa.

Mouse (insolently). Well?!

Grandfather (surprised). What's "well"?

Mouse. Why don't you scream, why don't you call for help? You're not afraid, are you?

Grandfather. Am I afraid of mice?

Mouse. And your Grandmother Matryona, as soon as she sees me, immediately jumps onto a stool, screams, squeals “Save, help!”

Grandfather. Listen, cheeky accelerator of the rodent family, what are you doing in my house?

Mouse. Looking for something to eat. Maybe there is a piece of cheese or sausage... The New Year is still approaching, I want delicacies... And I only have candles in my mink.

Grandfather. So you stole the candle?

Mouse. I didn't steal it, but I found it! She fell from the table ... And what fell is gone! So is there anything to eat? Grandfather Gregory, don't hustle!

Grandfather. I can only offer herring.

Mouse. Yeah ... the refrigerator did not work, the herring went bad ...

Grandfather. It's not nice to eavesdrop!

Mouse. Is it nice to offer stale food? Or you, Grandfather, do not know that nutrition is the basis of our health! It's better to be hungry than to eat anything! And what is that delicious smell?

Grandfather. This is my mistress warming up yesterday's potatoes.

Mouse. Not true! Potatoes don't smell right! It smells so... (learning) Gingerbread man! Will you please, master?

Grandfather. Yes, there is a Kolobok of this ... Two handfuls of flour ...

Mouse. Don't be greedy, Gregory, there's enough for everyone...

Grandmother enters with a large kolobok on a tray.

Grandmother. Here, Grandfather, look what a miracle I got!

He sees the Mouse, squeals, throws a bun at her. The mouse promptly “passes” to Grandfather and runs away. Grandfather, burning himself, throws the bun into the wings. There is a magical sound.

Magic sound.

An actor appears on the stage, playing the role of Kolobok, and, shaking himself, pronounces his text.

Kolobok. Grandma, can't you be more careful?! I'm still a bakery product, and not some inanimate object! You can’t just me like this ... on the floor!

Grandfather. Matryona, who is this?

Grandmother. Gingerbread man in sour cream…

Kolobok. Yep, sour cream! You regretted, Grandmother, and sour cream, and butter! And you can't skimp on food!

Grandfather touches Kolobok.

Grandfather. And the truth is ... Dry Gingerbread Man, like yesterday's cracker.

Kolobok. What am I saying!

Grandmother. Maybe we should hold him for a couple, it will become softer?

Kolobok. I'll wait until you eat me...

Song Kolobok

I will leave Grandpa
And I'll leave Grandma
It's fun to part with them
I'll find a thousand ways.
Do not hope, Kolobok
Will not give you his side!
To be food in the New Year -
This won't suit me!

Grandma starts crying.

Kolobok. What are the tears for, Granny?

Grandmother. And you judge for yourself! There is no Christmas tree, toys are broken ... And you want to leave us ... How to celebrate the New Year?

Grandfather. Listen, Kolobok! As a man I ask a man... Stay!

Kolobok. Now! So that you can make sandwiches out of me!

Grandfather. You will still be eaten!

Kolobok. Who?

Grandfather. And ask the audience. Guys, do you remember who ate Kolobok?

Grandmother (after the response of the audience). I heard? A fox!

Grandfather. What difference does it make to you who eats you? Stay!

Kolobok. Well, I do not! That fairy tale ... it is not correct! The right fairy tale when everything ends well! When there is a Christmas tree, gifts, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, and further down the list ...

Grandfather. But it is not in our power!

Kolobok. Right! Not in yours! I will do it! Gingerbread man... Hey, Grandfather, what's your name?

Grandfather. Gregory!

Kolobok. I will do it - Kolobok Grigorievich! I'm leaving, but we'll meet again! (leaves with song)

Song Kolobok

I left Grandpa
I left Grandma.
Someone will say: "Kolobok
He acted badly."
But believe me, I swear!
I'll be back to the old ones
To help them without hassle
It's great to celebrate the New Year!

Act Three
Gingerbread Man and Hare

Gingerbread man (ending singing). Who is there on the horizon? Looks like a hare. Now it will start: “Gingerbread Man, Gingerbread Man, I’ll Eat You!”

Song of the Hare

Hare. Why does everyone say that I'm oblique?
Checked recently - vision is in order.
I will always see the wolf behind the pine
And a fox when spying on me.

And so no need to call names!
Call better the wolf and the fox!

Why does everyone say that the hare is a coward?
When I heard it, I just laughed!
Yes, it happens, sometimes I'm a little afraid,
Well, who among you has never been afraid?

And so no need to call names!
Call better the wolf and the fox!
It's not easy to be a hare in a fairy forest...

Why does it smell so delicious? Carrots? .. Cabbage? .. No, not cabbage. Is it a kolobok? Seems out of season...

Kolobok. Yes, I'm Gingerbread Man, Gingerbread Man.

Hare. Exactly Kolobok! Overdue, right?

Kolobok. You are overdue. Just out of the oven!

Hare. Yes? And what is this crumpled one?

Kolobok. Grandma dropped it. I saw a mouse, got scared, stumbled ...

Hare. Gingerbread Man, but I didn’t recognize you right away!

Kolobok. I didn't recognize you either. Pretty boy! Fur coat, I see, you have a new, white ...

Hare. And what? I can afford to change outerwear twice a year!

Kolobok. Is the fur not artificial?

Hare. You offend! Natural…

Kolobok. People live, well, in the sense of hares ... (tries to touch fur)

Hare. Caution... Grease stains may remain.

Kolobok. What are the stains? I have no butter, no sour cream - water and yeast ...

Hare. What's wrong?

Kolobok. There is a crisis in the village. Grandma and Grandpa save on everything.

Hare. It's clear… (Pause)

Kolobok. Come on.

Hare. What come on?

Kolobok. Well, this is ... "Gingerbread Man, Gingerbread Man, I'll eat you!"

The hare laughs.

Kolobok. Why laughing?

Hare. But you still run away! You will also start teasing: “I left Grandma, I left Grandfather! And from you, Hare, I will leave even more so.

Kolobok. Offended!

Hare. Yes, I wasn’t offended at all ... I’m joking too.

Kolobok. Not understood…

Hare. What is not clear? If you were a carrot or a head of cabbage, I would have eaten you with great pleasure, but a fat-free piece of dough ... This is not for a New Year's treat ... So, as Cat Leopold said, “Guys, let's live together!” (holds out paw)

Kolobok. Come on... Listen, where can I get a Christmas tree?

Hare. In the woods. But without the permission of the forester, they cannot be cut down. Laws must be respected!

Kolobok. It's clear. Can I ask you one favor?

Hare. How can I help.

Gingerbread Man, looking around, whispers something in the Hare's ear.

Kolobok. And won't they kick me out?

Kolobok. And you tell me the password!

Hare. Which?

Kolobok. Let, master, on the threshold! Your Kolobok called me! Won't you let me down?

Hare. Honest bastard! (runs away)

act four
Kolobok and two Foxes

Kolobok. So ... And with whom do I have the next meeting according to the fairy tale? Guys, don't you remember? Looks like wolf. It's coming! Do you hear the snow? I smelled, gray, the smell of baking. Sneaking up!

Fox appears, then the second.

Song of the Fox

Foxes. We are smart friends
Outwardly, we are just darlings,
We are with you in this fairy tale along the way.
Looping between the Christmas trees
We are walking in the forest
And we can circle around your finger.

We will smile
And admire you
And we will sing praises to everyone.
In the forest of any animal
We are ten times smarter
Any "to eat" divorce.

Sharp teeth, red coats
And an angelic voice too.
Sharp teeth, red coats
We will sing for you, my friend.

Kolobok. The error came out. This is not a Wolf, but a Fox ... And not one, but two at once! To run late, it seems, they have already smelled ... Ah! Where ours did not disappear! As they say, "Attack is the best defense!" Hello Foxy Sisters!

Fox 1 (cautiously). We are not sisters, we are friends.

Kolobok. Girlfriends? .. Then the rhyme does not work. If you were frogs, I would say: "Hi, frog girlfriends!"

Fox 1. Lisa, do you know this impudent?

Fox 2. No, Lucy, I see it for the first time.

Kolobok. Yes, you can't know me, because I'm just out of the oven. Here, touch it, still warm ...

Fox 1. Really warm and smells delicious. (whispers to Lisa 2) It's Kolobok!

Fox 2. Kolobok?!

Fox 1. Yes…

Kolobok. Well, what do you say?

Fox 1. What can be said here? Kolobok, Kolobok, I'll eat you!

Fox 2. Kolobok, Kolobok, I'll eat you too!

Kolobok. So, girlfriends ... You first figure it out among yourself! Who is first, who is second. Otherwise, I don’t even know who to answer that I left Grandma Matryona, that I slipped away from Grandfather Gregory, we parted friends with the Hare in general ...

Fox 1. Listen, girlfriend, is this really Kolobok?

Fox 2. Yes, like Kolobok ... Only some low-budget ...

Kolobok. Well, have you figured it out? Who will eat me?

Fox 1. Gingerbread Man, Gingerbread Man, aren't you afraid of us?

Fox 2. Our teeth?

Fox 1. Our claws?

Kolobok. Lizonka, Lusenka! You should be afraid of me!

Fox 2. Why?

Kolobok. Any girl will tell you that eating koloboks, pasta and other flour products is overweight, a spoiled figure and a direct road to cellulite ... This is firstly ... Secondly, the flour that was used for my production is far from the best quality. Flour for me was ground in barns, flour for me was scraped in the bottom of the barrel. Have you seen these barns, have you seen these barns? Without going into details, I will say in one word - "unsanitary conditions". Although, if you are not afraid of food poisoning and do not value your health, please eat me! Just keep in mind that your skins will not fit not only on fur coats, even on collars ...

Fox 1. What?!

Kolobok. I say: salt can be added to taste! My grandmother seems to have missed me. I completely forgot ... Bon appetit!

Foxes (bewildered). Thanks…

Fox 1. Lisa, come on.

Fox 2. No, Lucy, you're better.

Fox 1. And I don't want anything...

Fox 2. And I felt like something...

Fox 1. I have a chicken in my hole.

Fox 2. And I have a goose.

Fox 1. Let's have a celebratory dinner...

Kolobok. And your mood, I see, is not quite festive.

Fox 2. And where does he come from? Our burrows are narrow and dark.

Fox 1. No tree to put up, no guests to invite.

Fox 2. And so I want music and dancing!

Kolobok. I can arrange.

Fox 1. What to arrange?

Kolobok. Music, dancing ... In short, a fun meeting of the New Year. Take your chickens, take your goose, and what else do you have, and come (whispers in ear).

Fox 2. Will they let us in?

Kolobok. Say the password: “Let me, master, on the threshold! We were invited by your Kolobok!” Remember?

Fox 1. Remember!

Fox 2. Run to get together! (run away).

Act Five
Gingerbread Man and Three Bears

Kolobok. Well, it looks like the hardest part is behind us. It remains to chat with the Wolf and that's it! Wolf! Come out quickly, don't delay the fairy tale... I still have to solve the problem with the Christmas tree...

There are cries of "Save! Help!" Masha runs onto the stage, followed by the smallest Bear 1.

Kolobok. Hey, clubfoot! Why do you hate little girls?

Bear 1. I do not offend her, I catch up with her.

Kolobok. Okay, why are you chasing little girls?

Bear 1. I want to bite her.

Kolobok. Not ashamed?

Bear 1. She should be ashamed of this. She ate everything from my bowl, broke my high chair, crushed my bed ... Step aside, otherwise I’ll bite you ...

Kolobok. And for this, and on the neck for a short time to get!

Bear 1. And now I'll call my parents, and then we'll see who gets hit in the neck. (shouting) Dad, mom, there's some strange food here that wants to hit me!

Two more Bears appear.

Song of the Bears

Bear 2. Who is Mavo Mishutka offending?
Bear 3. Who is threatening my baby?
The Bears. Take care while the head is intact
The bear's paw is very heavy!

Bear 2. Who walks around here, sings songs and prevents bears from falling asleep in a den?

Bear 3. I’m not used to this in my forest, if I were meat, now they would make a barbecue ...

Bear 2. Who is hurting our son?

Bear 3. Who is hurting our baby?

Kolobok. Events are developing in an arithmetic progression ... There was one Hare, then two Foxes, and now there are three Bears ...

Bear 1. I almost caught up with the girl, but this one got in the way ...

Bear 2. Michal Potapych, who is this? Do you know him?

Bear 3. I have no idea, but judging by the smell, Mishutka is right, something edible.

Bear 2. Michal Potapych, isn't this Kolobok?

Bear 3. Exactly! I have a book of fairy tales. He is drawn there ... Looks like it!

Bear 2. So Kolobok!

Kolobok. Yes, I'm Kolobok. I'm swept in the barns, scratched in the bottom of the barrel... Why are you looking at me like that?

Bear 3. Yes, I think, how best to eat you? Raspberry jam or honey?

Bear 1. Dad, it's better to dip it in honey bit by bit! It will be delicious!

Kolobok. Here is the family! What parents, what a son! As they say, “the apple does not fall far from the tree…”

Bear 2. You really are. We are the most normal Bears!

Kolobok. Normal bears in the month of December lie in their dens, suck their paws and see colorful dreams. And you won't be disappointed...

Bear 3. How can you sleep in this weather? It's warm, there is almost no snow... This global warming has canceled all our reflexes! We can’t sleep in winter coats in such a warm weather!

Bear 2. And our family, by the way, took first place in the forest at the “Family of the Year” competition.

Bear 3. Today we wanted to celebrate it, at the same time to celebrate the New Year. And the girl you're protecting has ruined everything! It’s good that they didn’t have time to put up the Christmas tree, otherwise they would have dumped it ...

Kolobok. Where do you get your tree from?

Bear 3. Do you think I cut it down in the forest without permission? Wrong! Potapych respects the laws! I grew a Christmas tree myself on my site.

Bear 2. Small grown, but very fluffy!

Bear 3. Mishutka and mom made toys.

Bear 2. It turned out no worse than people!

Kolobok. People now have problems with Christmas trees! Here, Grandfather Gregory and Grandmother Matryona do not have a Christmas tree at all ...

Bear 2. Why is that?

Kolobok. It's a long story…

Bear 3. It's a mess, a mess! How to celebrate the New Year without a Christmas tree?

Kolobok. So I say, it would be necessary to help the old people ...

Bear 3. Maria Mikhailovna, let's step back for a few words ...

Kolobok. Probably, they agree on who will start eating me first ...

Bear 3. So, Kolobok, let's part for good, for health.

Bear 2. Go to Grandfather Gregory. Tell them to have guests.

Bear 3. We treated ourselves to honey in his apiary in the summer without his knowledge, it's time to return the favor.

Bear 1. Dad, are we going to eat Kolobok?

Bear 3. No, Mishutka. We're going to get ready for the New Year.

Bear 1. Hooray, let's decorate the Christmas tree! (leave)

act six
The final scene in Grandfather and Grandma's house

Grandfather. Matryona! Any news?

Grandmother. So turn on the radio and listen.

Grandfather. It got mad at me!

Grandmother. There was no need to bully, otherwise “I’ll bend your antenna, I’ll pull you out of the socket”!

Grandma turns on the radio.

Radio 3.

Radio (sadly). Good evening. On the radio of the village of Kolobkovo. You are again listening to unimportant news ... In short, everything is the same as before ...

Grandmother. Did you hear, Gregory?

Grandfather. Heard, heard...

Grandmother. I'm going to go to the barn. Maybe some more flour for pancakes, at least.

Grandfather. Come down, take a look...

Mouse (appearing). Grandfather, will you give me a piece of Kolobok?

Grandfather. And you run after him into the forest. If you find it, it's all yours.

Mouse. All, all?

Grandfather. Down to the last crumb...

Mouse. Hooray! (runs away)

Kolobok appears.

Kolobok. And what are you, Grandfather, managing my fate as your own?

Grandfather. Kolobok?!

Kolobok. He is!

Grandfather. Returned?!

Kolobok. As you can see!

Grandfather. Matryona, run here, Gingerbread Man is back!

Grandmother. Oh, you are our handsome, you are our sweet cracker! Returned! And there is nothing to feed you.

Grandfather. Well, what are you talking about, Grandma? Where has it been seen that food is treated to food?

Kolobok. You don't have to feed me! Today I will serve you...

There is a knock on the door.

Grandfather. Who's there?

Hare. Let, master, on the threshold! Your Kolobok called me!

Grandfather. Well, come on...

Grandmother. Hare?!

Hare. Hello hosts. Please accept these humble New Year's gifts.

Grandmother. What is it?

Hare. Delicious carrot and cabbage salads!

There is a knock on the door.

Grandfather. Who's there?

Foxes. Let, master, on the threshold! We were invited by your Kolobok!

Foxes enter.

Kolobok. Meet! These are girlfriends Lisa and Lucy.

Fox 2. Do you really have music?

Grandfather. Still would! The radio is called!

Turns on the radio, music plays. Foxes are dancing.

Fox 2. Then here... (holds out package).

Grandmother. What is it?

Fox 1. There's smoked chicken and fried goose!

Kolobok. Well, Grandfather, are you satisfied?

Grandfather. Of course. This is not a dry bun for you!

There is a knock on the door.

Grandfather. Who's there?

Bear 3. Have you ordered a Christmas tree?

Grandma and Grandpa. No!!!

Kolobok. Ordered, ordered ... Bring it in!

Enter Bears. Bear 3 is dressed as Santa Claus.

Bear 3. Hello, Happy New Year! And here is the Christmas tree!

Grandmother. Grandpa, just look, what a beauty!

Kolobok. Mishutka, where is Michal Potapych?

Bear 3. Michal Potapych - this is when I'm in the forest ... And today, if you don't mind, I'll be Santa Claus! There is very little left before the New Year, so congratulations can begin!

Congratulations are heard, after which the actors perform the final song.

final song

Everybody. He left Grandpa
He left Grandma.
But we knew: our fairy tale
Will end well.
Everything is ready: the table is set,
Here comes the music.
Have fun, honest people!
The New Year is coming!

Let the white snow sparkle
There is good laughter
New Year is a magical holiday
And fun for everyone!
We want to wish you
Never lose heart!
Be attentive to each other
And help each other.

Santa Claus will come again
And bring gifts.
Who will write a letter to him,
He will find it under the tree.
Happy New January Morning
A good dawn will break out.
Do you believe this story
Showed you not in vain!

Text and music by S. Yarushin. Performed by students of school number 46 in Chelyabinsk.


The script for the New Year's musical "The Snow Queen" in the preparatory group

Characters :


Santa Claus, Snow Maiden

Children :

Ole Lukoye, Grandmother, Gerda, Kai,snow queen

Snowflakes(servantssnow queen), Raven, Crow, Robbers, Prince, Princess

Attributes: Fur coat, mittens, small plastic skis, a ball of thread - Gerda, bells - Snowflakes, Letters - Kayu, 2 small thrones,

Goal and tasks :

Create a joyful holiday atmosphere

Encourage children to participate in the story

Encourage children to complete all assigned tasks in dances and round dances

Children come out to the music"Tell me a story"


Children read poetry

1 New Year's Eve is just around the corner. Everyone's favorite holiday.

His arrival is equally awaited by the quiet and the prankster.

Both the elderly and the young are glad to meet him.

In the winter he will come to you and me, having passed the snowstorms of the barrier.

2 He will light the lights on the Christmas tree, give us gifts.

His deeds are like a round dance, both cheerful and bright.

And immediately it will become warmer for us, even though the world is freezing in a blizzard.

And we will love each other even more, take care of each other.

1 Song "Merry New Year"

Muses. S.E. Kozhukhovskaya.

Children sit on chairs.

A child comes out and readspoem :

On this winter eveningsnow whirling

Welcome friends to our show!

A merry hour has come for everyone, everyone is in joyful excitement,

Heroes of a fairy tale, pleaseyou : Start the show!

(sits down)

Ole Lukoye : Hello dear friends! I know many fairy tales and would like to tell you, but where should I start? Maybe a fairy tale about a good fairy? Maybe I'll talk aboutsnow queen.

Runs away (sits down)

Sounds frightening music, outThe Snow Queen , sits on the throne, near her servants

The Snow Queen A: I'm bored, all alone. Blizzard, snow, blizzard, winter

Servants: The Snow QueenWe are your servants! We'll cure you of boredom.

2 Dance

Freeze after the dance

The music sounds, it suits themThe Snow Queen

The Snow Queen : You are very cold and I don't need you at all. I want warmth and affection, I'm tired of evil tales. I saw the house yesterday, dear boy is waiting for me!

The Snow Queen and the Snowflakes leave and sit on the throne, the servants are nearby.

Music sounds, Grandmother enters, admiring the Christmas tree


For my grandchildren, I chose a Christmas tree for a very long time,

To holidayThis Christmas tree decorated .

I hung toys, colorful crackers,

Gerda, Kai! Hurry up here and take a look at the Christmas tree

Gerda and Kai appear


What a fluffy Christmas tree we have!

What a fragrant Christmas tree, fragrant!


The Christmas tree is just a feast for the eyes, surprisingly good!


Tall, beautiful, green, slender, She glows with colorful lights!

Isn't she a beauty?

Everybody: We all love the tree!

Girl Runs Out :

We made a slide yesterdaysnowball flying spinning

Hurry here Gerda, Kai on a sled ride

3 Dance to the song "The bells chirp joyfully"

After the dance, everyone sat down except for Kai and Gerda

coming outThe Snow Queen and her servants Snowflakes

The Snow Queen : Hello Kai, I'm behind you

The Snow Queen takes Kai away , they fly after hersnowflakes

Gerda screams: Kai where are you, wait!


Ole Lukoye incoming

Ole Lukoye: Kai's heart turned into a small piece of ice. And Gerda decided to go to the castlesnow queen , Kai free andqueen to defeat !

The music of a blizzard sounds, Gerda comes out

Gerda: Oh, what an evil blizzard! Where is the road, how to get there? I can’t find my brother Kai, apparently I’ve lost my way!(crying)

Sound the music, the raven enters

Crow: Kar Kar Kar. Who are you girl, tell me. Don't cry and don't cry. Tell me what happened.

Gerda: Good raven, I am Gerda, trouble happened to me.The Snow Queen enchanted my brother Kai and took him to her palace.

Crow: Recently, a young boy appeared in our correspondence and became very friendly with our princess. The one you probably need has become her lawful husband.

Music sounds, Crow comes out

Crow: Hello Carl

Crow: Hello Clara.(further referring to Gerda) Let me introduce you, this is my bride, the court crow Klarra. And this is Gerda

Crow: Gerda? Sister Kai? I know your story

Gerda: (approaches the crow) Where is Kai?

Crow: Well, people's morals(shakes head) . First you need to bow. Here I am a court bird!

"Tango" Cumparsito.

Crow: Okay, I know Kai. He is tall, handsome and slender and behaves with dignity. Come to the palace with us, we'll show you everything ourselves.

Music sounds, go around the Christmas tree

(at this time, 2 small thrones are placed near the Christmas tree)

Raven, crow and Gerda got up from the side

Music sounds, Prince and Princess come out, sit on their thrones

A princess: We open the ball today, the ball is magical,New Year . Cavaliers and their ladies are waiting for the holiday today to us

Prince: We, friends, will drive away boredom, I invite you to the carnival.

5 Dance to the song " New Year's Carnival»

Only Gerda, Raven and Raven remained.

The Prince and Princess sat on their thrones

The crow asks Gerda

Crow: (points to the prince) Is this your brother?

Gerda: No, what are you ... He doesn’t look like Kai(crying)

Princess and Prince approach Gerda

A princess: Girl who are you?

Prince: And why are you crying?

Gerda: I'm looking for my brother Kai.The Snow Queen she bewitched him and took him to her ice palace .. And I don’t know where to look for him.

Prince: Don't be sad Gerda, I will help you. Here's a gift from me for you - a ball. It's not simple, but magical. He will show the way far to the castlesnow queen . (gives a ball to Gerda)

A princess : And in order not to freeze you inthe snowy land of the ice queen , we give you a fur coat and mittens.

Music sounds, the Prince and Princess help Gerda to put on a fur coat and mittens

Gerda: Thank you Prince and Princess, goodbye...

The music is playing The prince and the princess are leaving(thrones removed)

Music sounds Gerd walks around the Christmas tree, sits under the Christmas tree on a stump

6 Dance

Rogue: Who sits under the Christmas tree and looks frightened?

Rogue1: This is my prey.

Rogue2: No, mine

Rogue3: Give it to me quickly.

Rogue: Get away, get away that stuck ...(robbers run away) The girl was almost scared.

Tell me youboldly : What happened, how to help?

In the dense forest, apparently, it led to such a night?

Gerda: My name is Gerda, And I'm looking for a brother, Kai,

ATkingdom of eternal ice , cold, cold, snow.

Robber : You can't get there on your own, but I'll help you. only you will give me your mittens and your fur coat.

Gerda: Okay, I agree. I'm ready for anything for my brother!(takes off his fur coat and mittens. Gives it to the Robber)

Rogue: I give you magic skis, they will help you in your trouble. To the castle itselfThe snow queens will take you .

Gives away skis

Gerda: Thank you, robber!

The robber leaves.

Music sounds, Gerda puts on her skis and rides around the Christmas tree

Music sounds, Gerda is in the castleSnow Queen , Kai sits on the floor and puts the word out of ice

Gerda runs up to Kai

Gerda: Kai kai do you hear? It's me, it's me, it's me, your sister, look at me

Kai does not look, continues to collect the word

Kai: Queen I said I'll be here, I'm the lord, I ordered the word Eternity to be laid out of white ice floes.

Gerda: Kai, I came for you, let's hurry home to our dear grandmother.

Kai: Hush, hush, don't interfere.

Gerda: You are such a cold Kai. Do you remember how they played with you, sang, decorated the Christmas tree?

Includedsnow queen with servants

The Snow Queen : How dare you come here? I will not give you Kai, do not ask. I will turn you into white snow, sweep you with snowdrifts for many centuries.(conjures on Gerda)

Music sounds, everyone freezes

The Snow Queen leaves

Ole lukoye enters

Ole lukoye: Guys, look what the evil Queen has done, what should we do? How to help Gerda and Kai.

Let's call our good wizard, Santa Claus, he will help to disenchant Gerda and Kai.

Everybody: Santa Claus, Santa Claus, Santa Claus.

Ded Moroz and Snegurochka: Hello fabulous people, New Year is coming,

I was in a hurry, I was in a hurry to you, I was so afraid of being late,

I almost got lost, I really don't know what to say.

Happy New Year, I wish you happiness, joy,

Let the fun come to you and to big and small ones.

Santa Claus: Hello, my dears, Both small and large.

Happy New Year, I wish you happiness

Look Christmas tree wonder! And everything around is so beautiful!

What all the beautiful elegant. Mom dad, obey, and grandparents? Haven't the neighborhood kids been offended this year? Well done here pleased the old man!

Ole Lukoilo: Grandfather Frost, Snegurochka, we have a disaster, the Snow Queen froze Kai and Gerda and we need your help.

Father Frost: Oh, what she is, but nothing, I will help you and melt the evil spell of the Queen.

Call her to me.

The exit of the Snow Queen.

The Snow Queen: Who here wanted to see me?

D.M .: How dare you spoil everyone's holiday?

The Snow Queen: Everyone is having fun and laughing

And I'm alone, alone

After all, I'm on this holiday

Wasn't invited

Father Frost: You disenchant Kai and Gerda,

And don't be silly anymore

Then so be it

On a holiday on our

You have fun and dance

The Snow Queen: Gerda die,

Kaya Hug

The ice will melt and then

Kai's heart will become

The same as always.

Music sounds, Kai and Gerda come to life.

Gerda says to Kai: we are with you again

Kai: we can't be separated from you(hugs)

The Snow Queen : yes, your friendship managed to defeat my spell

Ole lukoye enters

Ole Lukoye: Evil was defeated by Gerda, the world is ruled by kindness. It is always easier for the kind in the world to live. Let's love and be friends! A fairy tale is a lie, but in it there is a hint of good fellow a lesson! Here's a fairy tale - we told you,

Here's a fairy tale - we showed you. Let's stand together in a round dance.

After all, today is the new year!

Children don't sit down.

Snow Maiden: Grandpa, let's play a game with the guys!

Santa Claus: Of course we will play, get up in a round dance.

Children get up in a round dance.

Father Frost. Oooooh ... .. And why is it that she does not burn at the Christmas tree?

What a mess! There are no lights on your Christmas tree!

To make the tree burst into flames with all the lights, use the magicwords :

“Surprise us with beauty, Yolka, light the fires!”

Children repeat words 3 times


Children applaud, lights turn on

Father Frost. Oh, I'm tired, I'll sit, I'll look at the kids

Snow Maiden: Sit down grandfather, sit down and rest.

For a long time the guys know what Santa Claus loves,

When poetry is read to him about snow and frost!

Let's make Grandpa happy and tell poems

Children read poetry :

Field, forest and garden are covered with white fluff.

And the trees are covered in lace attire.

Finally, the time we longed for has come again

Hello, our long-awaited Zimushka-Winter!

How can you not like this pure snow!

Children are rolling down the hill, laughter is heard everywhere.

Let Santa Claus blush our cheeks.

Glad to ski and skate, we laugh to tears!

A white blizzard creeps along the road

It crumbles loudly, circling until dark.

With blizzards, snowstorms, noisy undertakings

A frosty, Russian winter has come to us!

Children sit on chairs.

Father Frost : Now I want, guys, to tell you all riddles.

1. Two sisters, two braids,

Made of fine sheep's wool

How to walk, how to put on

So that five and five do not freeze.(mittens)

2. They are shaken, they are rolled,

And do they carry it in the winter?(felt boots)

9 THE GAME "Boots and mittens"

(felt boots and mittens are placed in front of the Christmas tree, two children run around the Christmas tree in opposite directions, the one who runs faster and puts on boots and mittens wins)

Presenter: Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, and the guys want to give you an orchestra.

10 "New Year's Orchestra".

Children sat down

Snow Maiden: Oh what good fellows you guys. They made us happy and sang and danced and read poetry. Grandpa, it's time to give gifts to children.

Guys, do you like gifts?(children answer)

The Snow Queen:

Look, it's ice!

Unusual picture:

It contains gifts for children.

They lie under a thick layer of ice.

Kai and Gerda: We must melt the ice

To receive gifts.

Snow Maiden:

Guys, help together

Repeat the magic words together!


The fire of kindness, the warmth of love!

You melt this ice!

The fabric with which the gifts were covered falls off. Santa Claus distributes gifts, the Snow Maiden and the presenter help him.

Snow Maiden: It's time to say goodbye to us friends

Goodbye, kids.

Father Frost: Goodbye, don't be bored

Wait a year for us!

Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden leave.


Happy New Year, we wish everyone joy and happiness!

Festive fun, fun! Happy New Year, everyone, everyone, everyone!


1 Song "Merry New Year"

Muses. S.E. Kozhukhovskaya.

2 Dance snowflakes to the music of E. Grieg "Fairy Yeast"

3 Dance to the song "The bells chirp joyfully"

4 The Dance of the Raven and the Crow is performed "Tango" Cumparsito.

5 Dance to the song " New Year's Carnival»

6 Dance "Robbers" Music from the cartoon "The Bremen Town Musicians.

7 "Happy New Year!" L. Olifirova.

8 Game "Cold snowstorms in the yard." At the end, the children sit on chairs.

9 THE GAME "Boots and mittens"

10 "New Year's Orchestra".

Find material for any lesson,
