New Year's panel made of paper. DIY New Year's gift

When the New Year's mood hits you with a joyful wave smelling of tangerines and pine trees, it's time to decorate your home and create a cozy holiday atmosphere in it. The beautiful Christmas tree shimmers with multi-colored lights in the corner, multi-colored garlands are strung under the ceiling, a wreath of fir branches adorns the door - this is probably how every apartment looks on the eve of the New Year holidays. And I really want to add something new and original to my New Year’s decorations at home. Some kind of special highlight, looking at which the owners will feel the warmth and comfort of a home holiday, and the guests will admire the imagination and talent of the hostess-handicraftswoman.

Master class on how you can make a New Year’s panel from an ordinary photo frame, which will undoubtedly become the “cherry on the cake” of the New Year’s decoration of your home. If you have a few scraps of fabric, glue, an old photo frame, a New Year's mood and 20 minutes of free time in the house, there is an easy way to create a creative little thing.

To make the panel we will need:

  • Fabric (canvas or burlap) is the basis of the panel;
  • Frame;
  • Cardboard;
  • Multi-colored pieces of fabric;
  • Super glue;
  • A little imagination.

Having come up with a plot for the panel, you can begin production. First, let's cut out a piece of cardboard of the size we need, corresponding to the photo frame. We place the resulting piece of cardboard on a fabric base and, adding 4-6 cm on each side, carefully cut it out. Glue the resulting piece of fabric onto the cardboard, face up. We wrap the allowances and glue them to the back of the cardboard.

On the resulting canvas we draw the selected plot with a pencil. For example, a snowman or Santa Claus under the Christmas tree.

Then we cut out the parts that will make up the pattern on the panel from the prepared scraps of fabric. Glue the cut out parts onto the canvas one by one. All that remains is to insert the resulting panel into a frame like an ordinary photograph.

Panel – symbol of the year 2017

2016 is coming to an end, the year of the Red Fire Monkey, which replaced the Blue-Green Wood Goat that ruled in 2015. According to the eastern calendar, the symbol of next year will be the Red Fire Rooster.

The rooster is a simple and unpretentious bird, which is why there is no need for luxurious, expensive decorations in New Year’s decorations.

A tapestry panel is a work of art that amazes with its beauty. Let's talk about this in the material:

But the symbol of 2017 will appreciate jewelry made independently. So it would be very useful to make a New Year’s panel with the image of the owner of 2017. You can make a New Year's cockerel from felt. This material is very simple and easy to work with. And the finished figurine can be glued to the base of the panel or sewn with hand stitches. A panel with a voluminous paper cockerel made using the quilling technique will also look great. The dominant color in the panel should be red, and all its derivatives (burgundy, purple, etc.), as well as yellow, gold and orange.

You definitely need to pay due attention to the owner of the year, then he will not forget about you next year and will reward you with wealth and prosperity.

New Year's wall panels

New Year's wall panels will be an excellent decoration and will add individuality to the festive interior. There are a great variety of materials for making such panels. And those who have already thought that it can only be made from fabric or paper will be in for a pleasant surprise.

And so, a wall panel can be made from 6 materials:

  • Silk, by painting with special paints for working on silk fabrics;
  • Salt dough made from simple ingredients such as flour, salt, vegetable oil and water;
  • Cereals, coffee, pasta and other bulk materials that are poured onto a section of canvas pre-coated with glue;
  • , for example, pine cones, spruce branches and dried flowers from which you can create beautiful floral collages on a New Year's theme;
  • Beads, embroidered with them on a New Year's themed canvas;
  • Buttons, sewing them in the form of New Year's toys to a rag Christmas tree, already glued to the canvas in advance.

And this is not all the materials for the New Year's panel. It can also be made from papier-mâché, wood, ceramics, stone, wallpaper, foam plastic... in general, the limits of this list depend only on your imagination.

Combining different materials and textures, playing with colors, a cute home decoration will turn into a stylish exclusive home decor accessory.

You can decorate a wall with a panel made up of several pictures or photographs united by a New Year's theme. Or just go and buy a New Year's wall panel in the store.

Panel "New Year's Fantasies"

Coming up with a plot for a New Year's panel is not so difficult. Of course, first of all, Father Frost, the Snow Maiden and the snowman, lonely and sad under the green triangular Christmas tree, come to mind. But if we're talking about fantasies, then let's dream up something completely special.

A panel in the form of a window painted with frosty patterns will look very interesting and original.

An original panel can also be made from leftover wallpaper. We will teach you in the next article:

For some reason, Santa Claus refuses to paint his magical pictures on modern plastic windows. So such an artificial window will not only bring magic and mystery to the New Year’s decoration of the house, but will also return us for a moment to such a dear and close past.

You can draw frosty patterns with simple paint (gouache or watercolor), made from paper, or use more complex drawing methods using wood glue and a suitable piece of glass.

DIY New Year's panel for children

It’s very nice to decorate your home with homemade holiday accessories. And it’s a hundred times more enjoyable if you made them with your children.

One of the simplest options is to make a New Year's themed panel from plasticine. It will not be at all difficult for a child to make such a panel himself. To do this, you need to draw a template of our future New Year's picture with a simple pencil on a sheet of cardboard, and then color its details with plasticine. You can also make an applique from colored paper and cotton pads.

For a more complicated craft, we will need an old music record and 35-40 multi-colored disposable forks.

We glue the forks with hot glue alternately on one side and then on the other side of the plate. We decorate by intertwining the forks with ribbons and tinsel. We attach a bow with bells in the center and the panel in the form of the New Year's century is ready.

Working with a heat gun and hot glue requires great care. Children should only use the heat gun under adult supervision.

New Year's panels made by children's hands are perfect as a "must-have" New Year's craft for a kindergarten.

Material on how to make decorations for the ceiling for the New Year will also be useful:

DIY Christmas panel - an interesting craft

Having celebrated the New Year with endless gifts and sparklers from fireworks, we begin to prepare for another bright holiday - Christmas. As a rule, the Nativity panel depicts angels, the Star of Bethlehem or a Nativity scene. A Christmas panel based on Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol’s story “The Night Before Christmas” will look very original.

Christmas has long been considered a family holiday. Gathering with the whole family to make a Christmas panel is not only a pleasant holiday pastime, but also a great way to unite family and family ties.

Developmental New Year's panel " Christmas tree" (video)

A DIY New Year's panel can serve not only to decorate the New Year's interior, but also become a wonderful and original gift for friends and family.

New Year's panel (photo)

Both adults and children take more than one master class to create a truly incredible New Year's composition. And you can welcome 2018 with a homemade wall decoration. This could be a craft on canvas, where things that are not the most common in creativity are used as the main material. You can hang elegant collages, panels made of plasticine, panels depicting the Snow Maiden or Santa Claus, or perhaps the symbol of 2018, on the wall.

It all depends on your imagination, what materials are used for crafts - cereals, buttons, sparkles, old puzzles, etc.

Often parents have to work hard and do something with their own hands for their children. These are the same decorative works for kindergarten; as for panels, every third master class is dedicated to them.

Or maybe you yourself work in a kindergarten, and you are faced with the task of making beautiful wall compositions? Then shake your head!

New Year's pasta panel

Why from pasta - yes, because pasta is wonderfully aged into shapes, beautifully painted, glued, and from pasta, like from a construction set, you can make anything you want.

A panel for the New Year made of pasta could look like this:

  • Panel Snow Maiden. It is not necessary that the entire Snow Maiden should be made of pasta; you can decorate the fur coat with pasta, or the hat. Snowdrifts can be made of pasta, or a sleigh in which the Snow Maiden rides. Or the Snow Maiden will have two braids made of pasta.
  • DIY Christmas panel. The Christmas panel is dedicated to the theme of the bright holiday of Christmas - it is a spruce, the star of Bethlehem and, of course, angels. If the panel is for children, then everything that is depicted should be understandable to children. Volumetric paper angels, a star made of shiny textured paper, snowdrifts made of cotton pads. Children themselves can make panels for Christmas from pasta - simple figures of angels are made from different types of pasta.

Of course, this is not all, but the simplest place where you can use pasta is snowflakes. For the youngest children, this is a feasible task - to make a simple panel with your own hands, where large snowflakes made of painted pasta adorn a plain canvas.

New Year's panel made of pine cones

A panel of pine cones is a more difficult job, since pine cones are not very easy to work with. By the way, you can make snow-white ones from simple pine cones, and all this with the help of simple whiteness. Well, already such white cones - you can use them wherever.

Floral panels and collages for the New Year made from pine cones:

  • Herringbone. The composition can be large - Santa Claus, his granddaughter, animals. It is not necessary to make everything out of cones; it will be enough to just arrange the tops of the cones painted green in a herringbone pattern.
  • Fantasy composition. To do this, you need to watch a master class where many natural materials are used at once, where only the center of the composition, the dominant, is made of pine cones.
  • Minimalism. And this is the so-called empty panel of cones. Considering that such minimalism in decor is relevant today, it is worth taking note of the topic. Moreover, it is so simple: you hang or fix ribbons with cones in a painted hollow frame at the top. It turns out that you have the cones inside the frame, right on the wall.

You can also make the same monkey, the symbol of 2018, out of cones.

New Year's panel made from disposable forks

This is a good way to make a large patterned snowflake.

The master class will be simple:

  • In the center of the composition there is a dense circle where rays from disposable forks will be attached;
  • This circle is decorated, wrapped in tinsel, and the ends of disposable forks are fixed to it with hot glue;
  • The wide part of the forks is also covered with tinsel in a circle.

It turns out that the forks are the edges of a snowflake. On the other hand, if you decorate this composition more, you will get a New Year’s wreath made from disposable forks. In the center of such a circle can be depicted Santa Claus, or the number 2018.

Panel for the New Year using scrapbooking technique (video MK)

New Year's panel made of cotton pads

Children love to make various things from cotton pads. You can start with a simple applique and end with a beautiful panel.

Moreover, you can make shapes with round outlines from cotton pads, or you can use the cotton wool itself. For example, it’s clear how to make a snowman or a hare from disks, the same snowdrifts. Well, the background can be made from cotton wool itself.

New Year's panel made of plasticine

A plasticine panel can be a real work of art. And for 2018 this material is relevant.

From plasticine you can make:

  • DIY Santa Claus panel. Santa Claus is the center of the composition, but he can be surrounded by a spruce wreath made of plasticine, or snowflakes made of plasticine. The Christmas tree and Santa Claus are a familiar plot, but Santa Claus and the monkey are already something interesting. You can also make a three-dimensional panel from plasticine, where numbers can be three-dimensional (2018), or some details of the panel - the same Santa Claus or individual elements of his outfit. Or maybe use real candies in his bag?
  • DIY panels for children. Make your own master class, where a whole New Year's fairy tale will be sculpted from plasticine. Ask the children to add something to the plot of this fairy tale, perhaps a little star or a bird, but let the child, with your help, do it himself.

You can also make interesting panels on the window.

Panel calendar for 2018 shabby chic (video)

New Year's panel on the window

Usually, such words usually mean plot compositions on the window, where a whole New Year's fairy tale is played out. Here is Santa Claus riding in a sleigh, here are the cheerful snowmen frolicking, and the Christmas tree is all covered in snow.

How to glue such a panel onto a window:

  • Arm yourself with an ordinary brush and liquid soap; you can simply smear the parts on the back with soap and glue them to the window;
  • There is another interesting method where milk is used instead of glue;
  • As an option - starch paste;
  • If all else fails, you will have to use narrow tape.

And the snowflakes themselves and other New Year’s figures can be printed on a printer by downloading a sample from the Internet, and then cut out with a stationery knife.

New Year's panel on the door (video master class)

DIY panel for the New Year 2018

Panels with retro pictures are rightfully considered interesting and one of the most popular. Again, you can download them on the Internet, and then cut out the necessary fragments. You can also get backgrounds there, which are called “backgrounds for decoupage.”

You can make panel collages where symbols and stories of past times are intertwined, combining plots, characters, and patterns. Even beginners can make such collages using the decoupage technique, the main thing here is accuracy and varnishing to the same final thickness of the panel.

Panel "New Year's Fantasies"

New Year's fantasy is a composition in which there is more creativity than technology. It's just a combination of techniques.

Examples of such work:

  • Batik + decor with beads and rhinestones;
  • Decoupage + embroidery (embroidery can frame the work);
  • Applique + patchwork;
  • Applique + quilling;
  • Decoupage + painting with acrylic paints.

Well, the heroes of such works can be Santa Claus, New Year fairies, angels, and children from pre-revolutionary postcards. Mix, match, decorate - creativity also comes with eating.

New Year's panel made from vinyl record (video master class)

If the New Year is just around the corner, and you want something unusual in the decor of your home, and a hand-made series, this could well be a festive panel. If it is made with high quality, then for many years on the eve of the holiday it will delight you, filling your home with man-made beauty.

New Year's panel (photo idea)

Attention everyone photo New Year's panel clickable, enlarge on click.

Nothing lifts your spirits like that. as a constant reminder of the holiday.
And what holiday can compare with the New Year, except perhaps a birthday.
And what is always before our eyes, New Year's panel photo You can view.

DIY New Year's panel

I’ll say right away that such New Year’s panels are very difficult to execute, so you shouldn’t take on such difficult work.
It will be doubly offensive when after many hours of labor have been spent. As a result, what you get may not be what you expected.

New Year's panel photo

I apologize, I didn’t get a full photo of the New Year’s panel, so it’s something like this, in parts.

Photo of a New Year's panel with a clock

So first, try building a simple snowman.
I don't want to offend anyone in any way. But as a rule, the pile, a masterpiece of a New Year's panel, disappears at this stage.
So we go from simple to complex.
We make panels together with the children, believe me, it’s much more interesting for both the children and you.

By the way, here are some interesting articles:

So let's go, first we need:

Felt: colors white, dark brown, grey, green, yellow and blue
- 1 sheet of cardboard, or the cover of a case, binder, album, whatever you have on hand
- glue, scissors
We will find the cellophane bag in the process, the whole process of work is in the photo, look from left to right.

A simple panel for children and training

Our snowman snowman template, print it out, the larger the format, the better.
But we need to learn, so it’s an A4 sheet.
Cut out the parts along the contour.
We put the cut out parts on felt, and now we cut them out of felt, look at the colors, be careful.
We glue some details like eyes.
Glue felt onto a rectangular sheet of cardboard; the cardboard will be the base.
For toughness.
And onto this cardboard covered with felt, which serves as a background, we glue the snowman, not forgetting about the details.
The final stage is to ensure that our DIY New Year’s panel looks great.
Place the cardboard with the snowman glued on in a plastic bag and iron it through the fabric.
That's all, in my opinion, it turned out to be a very cheerful New Year's panel made with your own hands.
Is not it?
But in my opinion it’s complete nonsense, NOT VERY MUCH.

New Year's panel decorated with Christmas tree decorations

A good New Year's panel made by professionals or real amateurs looks much better.
It's done in much the same way, with a few differences. The base is different, the frame is a little better, the tinsel is a little better, a little paint and...
This is a real hand-made New Year's panel that catches our eye.

New Year's panel decoration elements close-up

In my opinion, THESE ARE EXACTLY New Year's panel beautiful.
If you need step-by-step instructions for creating a New Year's panel, write in the comments, I will describe in detail, but unfortunately there are no step-by-step photos.
If only you take it apart in a new way. 🙂

Please note that all photos of the New Year's panel are clickable and can be enlarged by clicking on them. Nothing lifts your spirits like that. as a constant reminder of the holiday. And what holiday can compare with the New Year, except perhaps a birthday. And what is always before our eyes, you can see the New Year's panel photo. I’ll say right away that such New Year’s panels are very difficult to execute, so you shouldn’t take on such difficult work. It will be doubly offensive when after many hours of labor have been spent. As a result, what you get may not be what you expected. I apologize for the full photo...


DIY New Year's panel. Step-by-step instructions with photos

New Year's master class "Christmas tree - a magic needle"

Author: Kuzmina Mila Vladimirovna, Deputy Director for Educational Work of Medvezhyegorsk Secondary School No. 1 of the Republic of Karelia
On fluffy branches
Ray in the arms of snow
Sparkled rare
Silvery light.
The sun smiled
Beautiful Christmas tree.
Is our Christmas tree
Maybe you don’t like it?! (Alexander Metzger)
Target: making a New Year's panel using mixed media (quilling with scrapbooking elements)
- continue familiarization with quilling and scrapbooking techniques;
- learn to compose a composition;
- develop creative imagination, fantasy and sense of taste;
- cultivate attention and care for friends and loved ones;
I bring to your attention a New Year's panel in which two techniques will be found: quilling and scrapbooking. Thanks to quilling, the Christmas tree turns out voluminous and fluffy. Scrapbooking makes it possible to decorate an item using paper and decorative elements. Working in mixed media, children learn to convey the feelings and emotions of the New Year holidays. The New Year's panel will decorate your room and will be a wonderful gift.
The master class is designed for elementary school children. Children from the preparatory group of kindergarten can also cope with this work with the help of adults. The work will be of interest to anyone who loves children and knows how to unleash a child’s creative abilities in any job. New Year's crafts can be done collectively in small groups.
Required material:

winter background:

Paper plates, colored cardboard, crepe paper, winter picture, PVA glue, double-sided tape, glue gun, decorative buttons, braid, beads, glitter, scissors.
Step-by-step production:
1. Cut a strip 2cm wide from a roll of crepe paper

2. Fold the strip several times and cut it to the middle. Craftswomen call it "noodles"

3. Using a quilling tool, we make rolls, gradually gluing the edges.

4. Spread and fluff the finished rolls

5. The number of rolls depends on the size of the Christmas tree. We cut out a triangle from cardboard and begin gluing rolls onto it - the details of the Christmas tree, filling the entire triangle

6. The Christmas tree is ready. While it dries, we proceed to the main workpiece, which consists of a paper plate and a winter background (the plate can be replaced with a circle)
According to the size of the bottom of the plate, cut out a circle from the winter background

7. Glue the cut out circle onto the plate using double-sided tape

8. Glue the finished Christmas tree onto the background

9. Decorate the Christmas tree with buttons, beads, and a flower (the top of the tree)

10. Process the edges of the plate with curly scissors

11. Glue the braid on the reverse side with hot glue and decorate the work with sparkles

12. If there are errors in the work, then you can stick another plate on top of the back side

The work is ready. Thank you all for your attention!

DIY New Year's panels: we make them together with the children. Panels made of plasticine, napkins, sequins, children's hands made of paper and other materials.

Master classes by participants in the New Year's joint competition of the Rodnaya Pathinka website and the Games and Toys magazine.

Authors of the master classes: Marina Mikhailova (15 years old), Samara region, Klyavlino station and Olga Valerievna Mikhailova (teacher, group “Bell” (children 4 years old) of the kindergarten “Alyonushka” (Structural Unit “Kindergarten “Alyonushka” GBOU Secondary School No. 2 named after V. Maskin railway station Klyavlino municipal district Klyavlinsky Samara region).

New Year's panels with children: master classes

New Year's panel made of sequins "Bullfinches"

Leads a master class Mikhailova Marina (15 years old), Samara region, Klyavlino station. The photo shows Marina's work.
Materials: Threads of different colors, sequins (different colors and shapes), beads, fabric, small pieces of fabric, plinth, fiberboard.

Step 1. Take the fabric of the desired size. We draw two bullfinches and a sprig of rowan on the fabric with chalk.
Step 2. Sew the body of the bullfinch from black and red pieces of fabric.
Step 3. Cover the bullfinch with sequins.
Step 4. Embroider a rowan branch with sequins. Sew on snowflakes.
Step 5. Now we glue the embroidered bullfinches on the fabric to a piece of fiberboard of the required size. First make a loop on the fiberboard.
Step 6. We make a frame from the plinth.
The work is ready :-).

New Year's panel "Snowman".

With you a master class on making this panel Mikhailova Olga Valerievna shares. The panel was made by the children of the group “Bell” (4 years old) of the kindergarten “Alyonushka” (Structural Unit “Kindergarten “Alyonushka” GBOU Secondary School No. 2 named after V. Maskin, railway station Klyavlino, municipal district Klyavlinsky, Samara Region).

Materials: Glue, scissors, colored cardboard, pencil, snowflake-shaped sequins, eyes for toys.


Step 1. Draw a snowman on cardboard.

Step 2. Take sequins in the shape of snowflakes and glue them onto the snowman. The body is ready.

Step 3. Using sequins, glue on a hat, a broom, buttons, a mouth and a nose.

Step 4. Glue the finished eyes.

The work is ready. Here comes the snowman!

New Year's panel "Snowman made of napkins"

Again share their idea with you in this master class: Mikhailova Olga Valerievna and children of the group “Bell”, 4 years old. Structural Unit "Kindergarten" Alyonushka GBOU Secondary School No. 2 named after. V. Maskina railway station Klyavlino municipal district Klyavlinsky, Samara region.

Materials: Paper napkins, glue, scissors, colored paper, Whatman paper, pencil.


Step 1. Draw a snowman on whatman paper. Let's cut it out.

Step 2. Take white paper napkins and crumple them into small balls. Glue them to the snowman. The body is ready.

Step 3. Cut out a bucket, eyes, mouth and buttons from colored paper. Glue them to the snowman.

Step 4. Make a carrot nose out of orange cardboard and glue it on.

Step 5. You can glue a broom and a letter of congratulations to the snowman’s hands.

New Year's plasticine panel "And it's snowing..."

Materials: Plasticine, fiberboard, plinth, pencil.


Step 1. Make a loop on a sheet of fiberboard of the required size. Then we draw winter nature and a snowman on the fiberboard.

Step 2. Place plasticine on the drawn drawing. Smear over the drawing.

Step 3. Glue the baseboard to the finished work.

An example of such a New Year's plasticine panel made by Olga Valerievna Mikhailova, Samara region, Art. Klyavlino.

New Year's panel made of paper children's hands "New Year's Eve"

This New Year's panel was made by 6-year-old children from kindergarten“Alyonushka”, teacher - Mikhailova Olga Valerievna (Structural Unit “Kindergarten “Alyonushka” GBOU Secondary School No. 2 named after V. Maskin railway station Klyavlino municipal district Klyavlinsky Samara region). I give the floor to Olga Valerievna to conduct the master class:

Materials: Glue, colored paper, scissors, wallpaper.

Step 1. Trace the child's hand on cardboard. Cut it out. This will be our stencil.

Step 2. Using a stencil, cut out palms from colored paper (white, red and green).

Step 3. Draw the face of Santa Claus. And we lay out the fur coat from the red palms. We use a napkin for the fur for the fur coat. We lay out the beard from white palms. Cut out felt boots from black paper and glue them on. Santa Claus is ready.

Step 4. Let's start making a snowman. We make a snowman out of white palms. Cut out a scarf and a hat from colored paper and glue them to the snowman. Draw eyes and a mouth, glue on a carrot nose. The snowman is ready.

Step 5. Let's move on to making the Christmas tree. We lay out a Christmas tree from green palms of different shades. We cut out circles from colored paper and glue them to the Christmas tree. We glue a red palm onto the top of the head - this is our star. So our Christmas tree has become elegant.

Step 6. Move to gift bag with the symbol of the coming year. (We did this work for the year of the snake, but on this basis you can make the future symbol of the year - a lamb.) Cut out a red bag and a white ribbon. We lay out a snake around the bag of green palms. We glue a congratulation on the bag.

Step 7. Write from a rolled napkin inscription "Happy New Year!". Cut out snowflakes and glue them.

You will find all the New Year master classes of the competition
