New Year's theatrical performance of prostokvashino. Scenario of the holiday "New Year in Prostokvashino" for children of senior and preparatory groups

Tatyana Gerasimova

Tree off.

The presenter stands at the Christmas tree, congratulates all those present on New Year(poem). Then the presenter He speaks:

HOST: And now we meet our children!

To the hall to the song of D. Bilan "New Year's" children enter, sit on chairs. Then the screen saver sounds (balalaika) from "Winter in Prostokvashino» . Against her background, the presenter He speaks:

HOST: Oh, guys, hush, hush!

Something strange I hear!

Someone is talking...

What will happen now!

The host and teacher open the curtains. Matroskin the cat sits on the stove (in felt boots).

MATROSKIN: And where did this Ball go!

Sharik enters with a gun and in sneakers.

MATROSKIN: Aah, the hunter has come! Where is the prey, Sharik!

BALL: A snowstorm howls for two days! All the hunting is swept over, little animals from

the cold is gone! At the very paws stiffened!

MATROSKIN: Sharik, you dunce: I told you "buy boots!", and you

bought sneakers!

BALL: They are prettier!

MATROSKIN: Who is winter in Prostokvashino wears sneakers!

Leit motif "Winter in Prostokvashino» . A knock is heard at the door. Matroskin and Sharik ask who is there. Pechkin's voice for door:

PECHKIN: It's me, the postman Pechkin, brought a letter from your


BALL: Come in, come in, dear comrade Pechkin!

The postman Pechkin enters the hall.

PECHKIN: Here (shows letter) what does your boy:

“Hello, my dear Matroskin and Sharik! Writes to you

your uncle Fedor. Coming soon New Year and me and dad and

mother wanted to come to Prostokvashino…»

MATROSKIN: Hooray, our uncle Fedor will come!

I'm sick and I'm at home. And so you don't get bored

meet New Year, call the children from kindergarten. They are

cheerful and kind. Goodbye. Your uncle Fedor. ate

snow your uncle Fyodor and now lies at home!

BALL: And we will call the guys! Matroskin, write!

MATROSKIN: I feel good here too! Write yourself!

Ball "writes" letter, gives Pechkin. Under the leitmotif "Winter in Prostokvashino» Pechkin bypasses the Christmas tree, approaches the presenter.

PECHKIN: Kindergarten?. You have a letter from the village Prostokvashino.

HOST: Thanks! (opens envelope, reads)"Hello,

dear children - preschool children! Come visit us at

Prostokvashino to celebrate the New Year. Cat Matroskin and dog

Ball." Dear comrade Pechkin, how can we get to

before Prostokvashino?

PECHKIN: Yes, it’s not far, you’ll reach it on skis! And it's time for me to write and

deliver parcels! (leaves the room)

HOST: Guys, we need to hurry up, Matroskin and Sharik are already

are waiting for us! Go!

DANCE OF SKIERS Gr. Stagecoach - "Snow and trees"

Matroskin and Sharik come out to the Christmas tree.

TOGETHER: Hooray! The boys have arrived! We will greet the new year! BUT

here is our beauty - a Christmas tree!

HOST: Yes, your Christmas tree is beautiful, tried - dressed up! Just how

as if something is missing ... What is missing on the Christmas tree,

CHILDREN: The lights don't burn!

HOST: It is necessary to light the Christmas tree,

Magic words to say!

Come on, children, one - two - three ...

CHILDREN: Our Christmas tree, burn!

Ringing. Christmas tree incl. Applause.

CHILD 1: That's the tree! Good!

And elegant and slim!

Thousands of lights at once

Fired up on her!

CHILD 2: And under the tree a round dance

And dancing and singing!

Cat Matroskin, Sharik - friend

Invite to the circle!

"NEW YEAR DANCE" Hizhinskaya

After the round dance, the children sit down.

HOST: Matroskin, Sharik, did you like our song? It's time and

Call Santa Claus. Let's all come together guys

let's call grandpa!

CHILDREN: Father Frost!

Under the leitmotif "Winter in Prostokvashino» instead of Santa Claus, Pechkin enters the hall with a parcel in his hands (it says "From Santa Claus").

HOST: It's you again, Comrade Pechkin! And we called Santa Claus!

PECHKIN: I came to you on business.

HOST: What business?

PECHKIN: I brought you a parcel from Santa Claus, but I didn’t give it to you

I'll give it away because you don't have any documents.

MATROSKIN: Give us our package now!

PECHKIN: What documents do you have?

MATROSKIN: Whiskers, paws and tail - these are my documents!

PECHKIN: There is always a seal on documents! Do you have a stamp on

tail? - no! And you can fake a mustache!

HOST: Come on, you get angry, better go drink tea. Ball,

Matroskin, pour hot tea - it's winter outside,

cold! Sit down, please, comrade Pechkin! Already everything

on the table and there are even a lot of delicious sweets! Come on

candy, show yourself!

DANCE OF CANDIES Gr. "Samantha" - "We are candy"

During the Pechkin dance "drinking tea", then He speaks:

PECHKIN: What beautiful and delicious sweets you have! Give me that one

candy, they are very wonderful! (pointing to a girl)

The girls run to the chairs, Pechkin follows them. (runs out of the room).

BALL: Now we'll see what the postman Pechkin brought.

Sharik opens the box, but does not have time to look - Baba Yaga appears in the hall.

BABA YAGA: All on holiday invited,

Everyone forgot about me!

Having fun here celebrating... Ooooh(notices the parcel, even

parcels are received ... Well, go away! (Sharik; reads

inscription) "From Santa Claus" (opens) yes here

a bag ... probably with sweets ... then I'll open it - I'll see!

(pulls bag out of package).

Well, goodbye, I'll tell you revenge:

I'll turn off the lights on the tree in no time!

Fly, toad, nonsense - go out, Christmas tree, forever!

Tree off. Baba Yaga, with a malicious laughter, with a bag in her hands, runs away from the hall.

HOST: Matroskin, Sharik, look, Baba Yaga extinguished our Christmas tree!

MATROSKIN: Let's say: 1-2-3, Christmas tree, burn!

BALL: That's right, Matroskin!

HOST: Guys, let's all together say: 1-2-3, Christmas tree, burn!

The children are talking, but the Christmas tree is not on.

HOST: Baba Yaga so bewitched our Christmas tree that we cannot

light her fire! What to do? Who will rescue us!

2 gnomes with flashlights run out.

GNOME 1: We are fabulous gnomes,

Let's light the lanterns

Frost with the Snow Maiden

On the let's call a holiday!

GNOME 2: Let it be joyful and fun

Lights will be lit!

Magic lanterns -

Magic lights!


During the dance, the Christmas tree is on. The song is playing right away "Hello Dedushka Moroz" in Spanish Lizaveta. The voice of Santa Claus is heard from the corridor.

HOST: Hear! This is Grandfather Frost with his granddaughter rushing to

light of lights! Gnomes, go meet Santa Claus!

The gnomes come out and then come back with Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. Everyone stands at the tree.

SANTA CLAUS: Hello, kids - cute girls and


SNOW MAIDEN: Hello, dear guests.

Santa Claus congratulates everyone on New Year, then turns to Matroskin and Shariku:

SANTA CLAUS: Matroskin, Sharik, how are you in Prostokvashino in winter

Good! How beautifully you decorated the Christmas tree! In many places I

I have never seen such a Christmas tree! And how many lights on it!

(admiring) We walked into their light with the Snow Maiden, very much

they burn bright!

HOST: Grandfather Frost, Snow Maiden, if not for the dwarfs-wizards

with your flashlights, would you find the way to

Prostokvashino! It was they who lit the lights on the Christmas tree and

light the way for you!

SANTA CLAUS: Thank you, dear gnomes!

HOST: Sit down, relax!

The gnomes sit down, put away their lanterns.

HOST: Can holiday continue,

Let's sing and dance

Let's be together with Santa Claus

See off the past year!

SNOW MAIDEN: Move the circle wider,

Everyone get up in a round dance!

AT Prostokvashino we are together

Let's meet together New Year!


After the round dance, the children remain in the circle.

SANTA CLAUS: But I, guys, are not only gifts I distribute: I'm cold

There is a lot of frost, I hid it in my magic mittens!

Watch out, I'll freeze you now!

HOST: And you try! Nothing will work for you, grandfather!

SANTA CLAUS: How can that not work!


HOST: Nobody, Santa Claus, you did not freeze. Go guys to your

places ... And you, Santa Claus, sit down. Snow Maiden, help

Children sit down. A sad Pechkin enters the hall.

HOST: Comrade Pechkin! Why are you so sad?

PECHKIN: Why, why! It's frosty outside! And then I have a bird

candy stolen! She must be taken to the clinic for experiments!

SANTA CLAUS: Well, what are you, postman Pechkin, so worried about!

Matroskin, Sharik, did you receive a parcel from me? There after all

many candies!

HOST: Grandfather Frost, they are no longer there!

SANTA CLAUS: Where did they go?

HOST: Guys, tell us who comes to us, stole sweets and

extinguished the tree!

Children talk about Baba Yaga.

SANTA CLAUS: And where is she, this Baba Yaga?

Baba Yaga enters the hall.

BABA YAGA: And here I am!

SANTA CLAUS: Answer, Yaga, why did you extinguish the Christmas tree, sweets stole children?

PECHKIN: The parcel was not addressed to you! And you arbitrarily

Opened, the contents were dragged away!

BABA YAGA: They also ask ... they are indignant! On the holidays

never call me, don't play with me, don't do anything to me

treat! So I stole your candy! Maybe me too

I wanted something sweet!

I'm tired of flying in my old mortar,

Tired of doing bad things!

I gathered for you at the Christmas tree,

Curled, dressed up!

I'm still young, I'm only 200 years old,

And what a merry one - there is no dancer equal to me!

HOST: Baba Yaga, you dance and teach the kids!

BABA YAGA: Come out to the Christmas tree, people, we will start a round dance!


BABA YAGA: Phew, tired! Haven't danced in years!

Now it's your turn, Santa Claus, to amuse the people!

SANTA CLAUS: And I would like to listen to the children with the Snow Maiden,

right, granddaughter? We haven't seen each other for a whole year, very much

I want to hear your poetry! I know, prepared, taught!

HOST: Of course, Grandpa, get ready! Learned a lot of verses for

SANTA CLAUS: Something hot became me,

I'm not used to living in the heat!

Granddaughter, I'm getting sick ... I'm melting ... I'm melting ... I'm melting ...

SNOW MAIDEN: For you I make a snowball -

Cold white lump!

Stand with us in a circle,

Play with the snow!

HOST: Guys, get up in a circle,

Pass the snow to your friends!

THE GAME "SNOW" (music) "Who has a snowball in his hands"

PECHK., B. Ya.: And we will play with you,

We'll throw snowballs at you!

SNOWBALL GAME U. Karakoz - "Zimushka-winter"

SANTA CLAUS: Well, it's enough for you, kids, to indulge - throw snowballs!

Let's collect snowballs - we'll put things in order near the Christmas tree!

Children collect snowballs in a basket. Baba Yaga puts them under the Christmas tree. The children are standing by the tree.

HOST: Grandfather Frost, did you feel good?

SANTA CLAUS: Oh, nice to play snowballs!

BABA YAGA: Oh, and how good you are in Prostokvashino!

PECHKIN: And let's sing our favorite! Well, guys, sing along!


Children freely stand in front of the Christmas tree. After the song, they sit on chairs.

HOST: All this, of course, is good! But what about gifts?

Santa Claus - Baba Yaga stole all the candies in the bag

to yourself in the hut!

BABA YAGA: Oh, kids, it's nice how you are! And I'm ready right now

fly after the bag!

PECHKIN: You leave - and then look for you and our sweets!

SANTA CLAUS: Yes, you don’t have to go anywhere and fly, Yagusya! Have you forgotten

that I am a magician! Now I will say the magic words, and the bag

he will come!

I'll call him soon - he's probably at the door!

Hey, bag, come here and bring us gifts!


To the music hall "comes in" Bag.

SANTA CLAUS: You, my bag, spin around,

Dance and bow!

And then don't yawn -

Give gifts to everyone!

The bag dances and spins.

BABA YAGA Q: What's in the bag?

HOST: Oh, don't touch it - it will run away!

BABA YAGA: I'll take a look!

BAG: You can't handle the bag!

Santa Claus conjured

No one should open!

BABA YAGA: Oh, curious, I can't!

BAG: Well, then I'll run away!

The bag runs out of the room. Santa Claus for him: “Stop, bag, but what about the gifts!” Then Santa Claus enters the hall, carries exactly the same bag (with gifts) and He speaks:

SANTA CLAUS: Here ... I caught it by force! Oh, and he's smart! Came

it's time to distribute gifts, Snow Maiden, let's go - help


The hall is decorated with balloons, to the music from the cartoon "Vacations in Prostokvashino" children take their seats in the auditorium. The chairs are pre-divided into three rows. The blinds open. Sharik appears on the stage with a gun, in a hat with earflaps, in headphones, in sneakers and dances to music like rap. At this moment, Matroskin walks with an imposing gait from the other side and, seeing how Sharik is dancing, starts laughing ... and then starts copying his movements.

Matroskin: Hey, Sharik! (The ball continues to dance, not noticing anything around)
No, you saw. He is dancing here, and the garden is overgrown with swan. Sharik, wake up.
He comes up and touches Sharik on the shoulder. The ball is scared

Sharik: Where, what?

Matroskin: What, Sharik, are you doing backup dancers?

Sharik: So, the holidays have begun. Uncle Fyodor will come to us soon.

Matroskin: Well, well, come on, come on, Timothy is our village.

Sharik: Eh, Matroskin, you don’t understand anything in modern dances.

Matroskin: But you, I see a lot of thinking.

Uncle Fyodor appears.

Uncle Fyodor: Yes, stop quarreling. I did not come to you for the holidays.

Sharik: Hooray, our beloved uncle Fyodor has arrived!

Matroskin: Now we will store twice as much hay for my cow.

Uncle Fyodor Yes, okay, you and your hay. Let's say hello to the guys.

(Matroskin draws attention to the children.)

Matroskin: Oh, really, we forgot to say hello to the guys.

Uncle Fedor Guys, let's get acquainted! I propose to do this with the help of an interesting game - chants.

How many of you are here today!
You can't count them all in a day...
You are Misha, Sveta, Vova, Ksyusha!
Guessed? Now let's check!
All Lyosha clap, Nastya stomp,
Yegor and Danila are jumping,
Dasha and Masha are kicking their legs,
Lights raise their hands
With might and main Sasha squat.
And the rest, as loud as possible,
they call their names!
So one, two, three
say your name!

Uncle Fyodor: So we met! We are pleased to welcome everyone today to the Humanitarian Center - the library named after the Polevoy family, which has temporarily turned into a village called Prostokvashino.

Matroskin: And also we invite you to take an active part in the competitions that we have prepared for you.

Uncle Fedor: To begin with, we will give names to each team. Here is the command of the cat Matroskin - let's call it ...

(Matroskin: (interrupting) "Fresh cream", mur-meow! (licks his lips)

Uncle Fyodor: Here is the team of our Sharik.

Ball: Woof. I propose to name my team "Sugar Bone"

Uncle Fyodor: But this team will be mine, Uncle Fyodor's. Guys, I hope you like animals like me? Then our team will be called "Animal Lovers"! We have prepared a motto for each team. And now we will check the teams for cohesion. So, in turn, we will show each team its motto, and you must pronounce it with the whole team clearly and unanimously.

The motto for the team "Fresh Cream":
There is nothing more beautiful
Than a fresh cream pack!

The motto for the team "Sugar Bone":
If you are a decent guest,
Take the bone with you!

The motto for the team "Animal Lovers":
We love animals very much.
cats, birds, and more!

The melody of a popular song sounds.

Matroskin. What a familiar melody... I remember my second cousin used to love to sing it.

Ball. Woof. And I hear it for the first time.

Matroskin: You, Sharik, have not heard a lot of things yet! But the guys, I'm sure, know a lot of songs and will be able to guess them from the very first chords. Really guys?

Musical competition. Soundtracks of various children's songs are turned on, children sing on commands under the guidance of Matroskin, Sharik, Uncle Fyodor.
Sounds like cartoon music. The postman Pechkin enters the stage.

Uncle Fyodor: So summer has come. Already the first summer rain is knocking on the window ...

There is a knock on the door.

Matroskin: But it seems to me that it's not the rain that is knocking, but someone is pounding on the door.

Sharik: Yes, yes, come in!

Uncle Fyodor: I wonder who it is?

Sharik: Admiral Ivan Fedorovich Kruzenshtern. Man and ship.

Matroskin: Well, you're already completely, (hitting his forehead with his fist)

Ball: Who's there?

Galchonok: It's me, me, me! Brought you a new competition! (flies to the audience)

Ball: Hurrah! My favorite jackdaw has arrived!

Matroskin: Well, come on, tell me, what is your competition?

Galchonok: I invite 2 people from each team to come out here and I will give them cards on which the concepts that you need to depict without words are written. All these words are related to cartoons about Prostokvashino.

The words:

Music from the cartoon "Vacations in Prostokvashino" sounds. Uncle Fyodor enters the stage with a primer in his hands. A jackdaw "flies" to him.

11. What is the name and patronymic of the postman Pechkin. (Igor Ivanovich)

12. What, according to Sharik, should smart cows give instead of milk? (sparkling water)

13. What kind of headdress did Uncle Fyodor's mother give Pechkin? (capless)

14. What kind of jam did the animals treat Uncle Fyodor when he fell ill? (raspberry)
15. What did the parents of Uncle Fyodor send in the package for Sharik? (camera gun)

17. What, according to the father of Uncle Fyodor, could be done with the help of a hat after Sharik shot at it? (discard vermicelli)

18. Who saved Sharik when he was drowning in the river? (Beaver)

Music from the cartoon "Vacations in Prostokvashino" sounds. The little jackdaw sits on the stage and cuts a magazine with scissors.

Ball What are you doing? Is it possible to treat a magazine like this? Take a newspaper instead. You can cut it, make a Panama from the sun out of it, and just arrange a fun game.

Galchonok: Kar! Kar! What is it like?

Sharik: I'll tell you now. I need six people from each team. Your task is to run this distance, stepping only on newspapers. I stumbled and got my feet wet.

Music from the cartoon "Vacations in Prostokvashino" sounds. Sharik and Matroskin enter the stage.

Sharik: What do you think, Matroskin, what am I thinking about now?

Matroskin: About what? About what? Of course, about the sugar bone that you just buried in the yard.

Sharik: How did you guess?
Matroskin: So everything is written on your forehead!

Sharik: (feeling his face) How is it written?
Matroskin brings a mirror to Sharik and he sees in the mirror that the word “everything” is written on his forehead

In general, I could become a psychic, but only you know - I have a cow, a farm ... There is not enough time! Do you want me to show you what I can do?

Ball: Show me.

Matroskin: Look carefully: now I will guess the thoughts of the guys.

Matroskin conducts the game. A specially prepared recording of phrases from songs sounds. Matroskin walks around the hall and leads the microphone over the heads of the children. Stops - an excerpt from the song sounds.
After the game, the music from the cartoon "Vacations in Prostokvashino" sounds and the postman Pechkin enters the hall.

Uncle Fyodor Matroskin, do we happen to have watercolor paints?

Matroskin: Yes, in our house there are only three markers for everyone!

Uncle Fyodor Why is that? Not enough money?

Matroskin: We have money. We don't have enough brains! I told Sharik: go to the store, buy paints, let's start painting. So no, he brought these three markers instead of paints - he says, it’s fashionable, they say, now to draw graffiti on fences!

Uncle Fedror: Well... Markers, so markers. They can also draw.

Matroskin: That's what you came up with well. And we will draw a cow - my beloved Murka, mur!

The ball is playing. Invites five people from each team, tells each player what he should draw (body of a cow, head with horns and muzzle, udder, legs with hooves, tail), then the players are blindfolded in order and a marker is handed. Participants draw.

Uncle Fyodor: Yes, guys, today we, residents of the village of Prostokvashino, learned what cheerful and talented guys live in Irkutsk in the Universitetsky microdistrict.
And for those who have not had time to read books about our Prostokvashino, go to the children's section of our library. You are always welcome there.

Galchonok: Matroskin, Sharik, Uncle Fedor, Pechkin! Let's go drink tea! The samovar is already boiling! It's time for the kids to get back to the playground.
All Goodbye guys! See you soon!

New Year's theatrical performance for elementary school

The scenario of the New Year's holiday for younger students "New Year in the village of Prostokvashino"

Author: Kuzmina Mila Vladimirovna, Deputy Director for HR, MKOU "Medvezhyegorsk secondary school No. 1" of the Republic of Karelia

Dear friends! I present to your attention the scenario of the New Year's theatrical performance for elementary school based on the beloved cartoon "Winter in Prostokvashino".
All the main roles were played by a school teacher and two 7th grade students. The artists tried to make the fairy tale not only interesting and funny, but also instructive. Our children were not just spectators in the hall. They cheerfully sang about winter, read poems, danced round dances, played funny games with Santa Claus. At the end of the holiday, everyone received New Year's gifts, and the parents expressed their gratitude to the teachers for the joy given to children and adults!
Target: creating a festive atmosphere
A task: use the creative potential of adults and children
Characters: presenter, cat Matroskin, sheep Murochka, Galchonok, Sharik, Uncle Fedor, postman Pechkin, Baba Yaga, Grandfather Frost, Snegurochka, Prostokvashinsky radio
Scenery: house, fireplace, table, samovar, pointer "prostokvashino village 1 km".
Props: horse sticks (3pcs); disposable plates (3pcs), balloons (3pcs), round mat (1pc), hoops (2pcs), identical parcels (2pcs); toy Santa Claus and a bag, a package with numbers, a letter, a steering wheel
Preparatory work:
learning songs, round dances, tasks for classes to prepare artistic numbers (song, dance, skit)
Background music between activities: backing track of the song "If there was no winter"
1 action
Under the backing track of the song "What is the New Year"
Hello kids,
girls and boys, as well as their parents!
Frequent forest, blizzard field
Winter holiday is upon us
So let's say together
Hello, hello New Year!
(Children repeat in chorus: "Hello, hello, New Year!")
Round dance "Under the New Year"
(heroes appear imperceptibly: the cat Matroskin with the sheep Murochka)
Song of the cat Matroskin (from the cartoon "Winter in Prostokvashino")
Action 1
The music sounds "If there was no winter." The cat Matroskin sits on the stage and sings a song with a guitar “And I notice more and more often ...” A sheep Murochka sits nearby.

Sharik appears with a photo gun
Ball: Wow, it's cold outside! The paws are frozen, the tail falls off
Matroskin:(purring) - That's why Murochka and I are sitting at home! Heat! The beauty!
Ball: You also bring your mother-sheep into the house!?
Matroskin: And mom in the house ...
Ball: We just missed mom! Soon the children will come to us, but we have not yet lit the Christmas tree and the TV does not show!
Matroskin: Okay, make noise. As they come, they will leave. My Murochka doesn't like noise!
The voice of the radio sounds: Says Local Prostokvashinsky radio! We remind you that the New Year is coming - the year of the Sheep! Happy New Year, comrades!
Matroskin: Hooray! My sheep Murochka was born on New Year's Eve! And she has a double holiday - after all, her year is coming - the year of the Sheep!

The voice of the radio sounds: Says Prostokvashinsky radio! Residents of house number 1, meet the long-awaited guests!
Sounds background music from the cartoon "Three from Prostokvashino"
(Uncle Fyodor runs out with a steering wheel and dances to the music)

Uncle Fedor:
Rushing, rushing my bus
Through the snowy forests!
Sweeps sparkling snow
We are visiting friends.
Guys! Here is the stop. We arrived in the village of Prostokvashino! And where are our friends: Sharik and Matroskin?
(Sharik runs out)
Ball: Hooray! Beloved Uncle Fyodor has arrived! Our guests have arrived! Hooray! We will have a real holiday!!
Well, how many parasites came in large numbers! It's not like they'll drink all my milk, they'll scare my Murochka too!
Ball: Do not grumble, Matroskin, no one will frighten your Murochka. Our kids are celebrating New Years!
Matroskin: I know them! .. Well, all right, have fun, just don't play around, otherwise you will break the furniture in the house, but we don’t have money to buy new ones. Sharik is a loafer, there is no use for him, he runs around with a gun all day, and even invited nature lovers

Leading: Don't be upset, Matroskin, you'll see what a fun holiday we'll have, you'll start to get better right away. So guys, let's get started!
(Children's New Year's montage)

1. Came to us again today
Christmas tree and winter holiday.
This New Year's holiday
We waited impatiently.
2. Happy New Year, Happy New Year,
Congratulations to everyone, and then
And we walk in a round dance
We will dance and sing.
3.Sparkle with lights, Christmas tree,
Invite us to the party.
Fulfill all desires
Make all your dreams come true!
Leading: Guys, look, our Christmas tree is not on fire, let's light the Christmas tree with our sonorous voices
Once! Two! Three! Shine Christmas tree!
(Christmas tree does not light up)
(knock on the door)
Little gal runs around the house, flapping its wings: Who's there? Who's there? Who's there?

Postman Pechkin appears
Pechkin: It's me, the postman Pechkin, who brought you a New Year's package of special importance! (gives the package to the presenter)

Leading: Guys, let's see what this special package is, maybe this is a hint how to light the Christmas tree?
(the presenter takes out the numbers: 0215)
The postman brought a package
And in the package is an envelope,
And in the envelope is a secret,
And in secret is the answer,
Encrypted, numbered,
Like no matches and no candles
Light our Christmas tree?
I open the package...
Oh folks, here is the answer!
Secret cipher from different numbers
(shows the children the numbers: 0, 2, 5, 1)
If we decipher the code,
Under which the New Year, -
The tree will light the fire for us.
How to arrange these numbers?
Come on, answer kids!
The heroes of the performance take the numbers and make different combinations,
As soon as the numbers were made up (2015), the Christmas tree lights up to the music.

Hand in hand we'll stand
We will start a round dance,
Happy New Year to all,
Let's sing the song together!
Song Santa Claus
2 action:
(background music playing)
Matroskin: Wrong at us any New year turns out.
Host: Why is that?
Matroskin: For the New Year, Santa Claus should be, Snegurochka, but we don’t have them. Wrong this New year.
Ball: Again you, Matroskin, you are dissatisfied with everything, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden should come to us just about. They promised. Maybe the blizzard delayed them
(Knock on the door)
Galchonok: Who's there? Who's there?
Pechkin: It's me, the postman Pechkin! ( Pechkin enters) Brought you a letter from Santa Claus.
Uncle Fedor and Sharik: Hooray! Santa Claus is coming to us! Come on, Pechkin, you will celebrate the New Year with us.
Matroskin: There is nothing to roam about other people's houses on New Year's Eve. You have to sit at home and watch your TV.
Pechkin: Well, you are harmful, Matroskin, you need to be taken to the clinic for experiments.
Moderator (considering the letter): The letter is addressed to the cat Matroskin, Sharik and Uncle Fyodor. Come on, come here! Read the letter.

Matroskin(sniffs): Smells like milk chocolate.
Ball(sniffs): No! Smells like tangerines!
Uncle Fedor: (is reading)
Hello my guys!
I will describe everything in order:
We got stuck on the way
And we can't find you!
The blizzard is blocking our path,
The evening is already coming.
Help us find the way
Feel free to call us!
Ded Moroz and Snegurochka
(children call Santa Claus and Snow Maiden))
(music "flight of Baba Yaga")

Baba Yaga:
But Baba Yaga is against!
What kind of gathering is
Gathered here as a sin.
I will arrange a holiday for you -
I'll disperse everyone now
I am a malicious Yaga, I am a bone leg!
jet broom,
Got me through quickly!
I'll scare you all.
Oh, how evil I am!
Matroskin: And here the Snow Maiden came to you for a holiday.
Baba Yaga: Finally, someone appreciated me. Only here, in Prostokvashino, they know a lot about beauty!
Uncle Fedor: Sorry, grandma, but we didn't expect you.
Ball: We were waiting for Santa Claus!
Baba Yaga: Santa Claus? Here's Santa Claus!!! (takes out a toy D.M.)
Matroskin: I'm sure she also has gifts ...
Baba Yaga: And here is a bag with gifts ...

Ball: Tasty, but not enough!!!
Baba Yaga: And what upset the people? Grandma will now conjure a real Santa Claus for you! Ready:
Abra! Mop! Charlie chu! I'm looking for Frost!
Matroskin:- Remove "Abra! Mop! Charlie choo!
I will teach you magic!
So let's get started!

Pour water into the pot and add a thousand smiles to it.
- Well, everyone smiled together!
-One grimace for witticism! Wonderful!
-Now pour laughter from "hee-hee" to "ha-ha"!
Now, the magic words!
Music sounds
Miracle, miracle show!
Santa Claus, come soon! ..

Action 3
Father Frost:
Hello kids-
Girls and boys.
Happy New Year
And I wish everyone good health!
Here I come again
We will sing songs and dance.
Let's get up in a friendly round dance,
Let's welcome the New Year!
Snow Maiden:
We are on a silver sled
Instantly one rushed to you.
Past the fluffy Christmas trees,
across snowy fields.
We will be together today
have fun, dance
So fervently that in place
No one can resist

Father Frost:
Stand up guys
Hurry to the round dance,
Song, dance and fun
Let's meet the New Year with you!
(The song "There was a cheerful Santa Claus")
Leading: Grandfather Frost, Snow Maiden, we are so glad to meet you! We have prepared for you "Theater - impromptu "Happy New Year"
So attention:
As soon as I say:
"Santa Claus", shout "He-ge-gay!"
"Snegurochka" - "Here I am!"
"snowflakes" - spin
"herringbone" - raise your hands up
"bunnies" - jump like bunnies
"blizzard" - howl "Whoo!"
"holiday" - "Happy New Year!"
"Snowdrifts" - squat
"gifts" - "Hurrah!"
"lights" - show with your hands how the lights burn
Begin! Music!
Once on New Year's Eve, Grandfather Frost (children shout “Hey-gey!”) And the Snow Maiden (children say “Here I am!”) Went to the guys for a holiday (shouting “Happy New Year!”) They were in a hurry, so walked through the snowdrifts (squat), Bunnies jumped nearby (children jump), A blizzard howled (they shout “Oooh!”), Light snowflakes fell from the sky (everyone spins) And then a beautiful Christmas tree appeared ahead (hands up), There were lights on it brightly (showing lights), There were many children there, and everyone screamed with joy when they saw the gifts (shouting “Hurrah!”) How good. That on New Year's Eve Santa Claus (children shout “Hey-gey!”) And the Snow Maiden (children say “Here I am!”) Come to the children for a holiday (shout “Happy New Year!”)

Snow Maiden:
Boys and girls!
Grandpa you tell
How do you dance, sing
Cheerfully, live happily.
(Musical game "And it's cold outside")
Father Frost:
Get ready quickly kids
To the New Year's relay!
(Three teams of 6 people)
1 "Horses" (boys) - ride the "horse" to the chip, return and pass the horse to the next relay participant

2. “Do not drop the snowflake” (girls) - on a disposable plate, carry the balloon, without holding it with your hands, to the chip; run to the team and pass the plate with the ball to the next player.

Freeze game

Leading: Santa Claus, why do you freeze children? Do you grab them by the ears, by the nose? We will not let you out of the circle for this.
Father Frost: Release, please.
Presenter: You will dance - we will let you out.

Father Frost: Yes, I'm old, I can't dance. Snow Maiden, what should I do, tell me!
Snow Maiden: Grandpa will have to dance, I will help you (dance).
(Dance of D.M. and the Snow Maiden)
Leading: Grandfather got tired, tired. Let the Christmas tree rest, and I suggest watching TV, there are so many interesting programs!
Matroskin: There is nothing to watch TV, you need to save electricity. And what's the use of it? Harm one for children!
Uncle Fedor: Yes, we don't need it. We'll set up the TV ourselves.
(performance by children from classes)

Action 4
(background music playing)
Matroskin: What is it we all have fun and have fun? So you can get tired. And in general, gifts should be given on New Year's Eve.

Murochka: What is the New Year?
Matroskin:(dreamy) - This is a Christmas tree, this is when sausage sandwiches hang on the Christmas tree ... gifts ...
Father Frost: Where is my gift package?
(knock on door)
Galchonok: Who's there? Who's there?
Pechkin: It's me, the postman Pechkin, who brought you a package from Santa Claus (included with the package). You have received a valuable package. There she is. Only I won't give it back, because you don't have any documents.

Santa Claus, Snegurochka and Matroskin: Give, Pechkin, our package!
Pechkin: What documents do you have?
Matroskin: Tail! Mustache! Guitars! Here are my papers!
Father Frost: Beard, staff, bag! Here are my documents. By the way, Pechkin, let me give you candy from this bag.
Pechkin: I love sweets (takes, looks at). But I still won’t give the parcel without documents, I’ll send it back
(Galchonok runs up, takes the candy and runs away behind the Christmas tree, Pechkin runs after him to the music)
At this time, parcels with gifts are being replaced. Pechkin comes out from behind the Christmas tree, takes an empty box, leaves with the words "That's how greedy for someone else's!")

Action 5
Baba Yaga appears to the music of "Flight of the Yaga"

Age: for students in grades 5-7.

Characters: Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, postman Pechkin, Sharik, Matroskin.

Voice of the radio. Prostokvashino radio speaks: we broadcast a concert at the request of the inhabitants of our village Prostokvashino: time 23 hours 00 minutes. Listen to the announcement: All those who arrived at the New Year's Eve, please gather near the central village Christmas tree. Postman Comrade Pechkin, you are instructed to meet the guests who have arrived. Comrade Pechkin, do you hear? This is the order of the head of administration. You need to meet guests!

(includes Pechkin)

Pechkin: Are you guests? How small are you. I thought, maybe some bosses came to us, the president, whose Indian! Okay, let's get to know each other. I am a local postman, Pechkin is my last name. And you, therefore, guests? What are we to do? Play what? So I can't play. Not like all sorts of balls there. They run around the village, no "hello", no "bon appetit". Oh, look, it's easy on the face.

(Sharik runs in)

Ball: Hi guys! Have you seen Matroskin? If you see him, tell him that his milk has run out. (Runs away).

Pechkin: What did I tell you? He greeted you, but not me. It's like I'm empty.

(includes Matroskin)

Matroskin: Hello guys! Hello, comrade postman, I forgot your last name. Skameikin, in my opinion. No, not Skameikin, but Taburetkin.

Pechkin: How do you Comrade. Matroskin, aren't you ashamed?! How did you forget my last name?! Pechkin is my surname. And my dad was Pechkin and my grandfather.

Matroskin: I remembered that your grandfather fell off the stove as a child. And since then they began to call him Pechkin. Do you also regularly fall off the stove?

Pechkin: I don't fall off the stove. I sleep on the sofa.

Matroskin: So you fall off the couch?

Pechkin: I don't fall anywhere. And you, Matroskin, by the way, the milk ran away.

Matroskin: My milk never runs, I only run Sharik. Have you seen him here?

Pechkin: Still as seen! Rushed off in an unknown direction.

Matroskin: Why so?

Ball: Because everyone who dances this dance at the New Year will be lucky in the New Year. I even invited a professional: Dancer. She will dance.

Matroskin: Do you think Santa Claus will come to us?

Pechkin: Yes, what did he forget in our outback?

Matroskin: And I think it will come.

Ball: And I think so and I think that we need to prepare well for the meeting.

Pechkin: This must be understood, you will solemnly embrace him, and then you will climb to kiss.

Ball: It is possible in another way. I will meet him with flowers.

Matroskin: And where do you get them? Will you pick dandelions out from under the snow?

Ball: Why dandelions. We have a cactus growing on the window of our house.

Matroskin A: This is my cactus. I've been watering it for 4 months now. And in general, cacti and ficuses are not given at meetings.

Pechkin: It is necessary to meet your Santa Claus with bread and salt.

Matroskin: Salt is a white poison. Her knees creak.

Pechkin: Then bread with sugar.

Ball: Sugar is also a white poison. His teeth are falling out.

Matroskin: Yes...

Ball: Hooray! I figured it out. We will chant!

Pechkin: Why is it scandalous?

Ball: Do not scandal, but chant, i.e. shout out loud.

Matroskin: And what do you offer us to shout?


Happy new year, congratulations,
We wish you happiness, joy!

Guys, you agree to shout with me in honor of Santa Claus. Let's practice.

(includes Santa Claus)

Father Frost: Hello, what's going on here?

Ball: Hooray! Santa Claus has arrived. Three four. (everyone screams)

Father Frost: Thank you.

Pechkin: They almost got into a fight here without you, and generally violated public order.

Father Frost: Nothing, now you can fight. And I didn't come alone. Guess who came with me?

Sharik, Matroskin: Wolf, fox, bear, Baba Yaga.

Father Frost: No, Snow Maiden.

(includes Snow Maiden)

Snow Maiden: Hello guys. What a beautiful tree you have!

Hello dear tree
You are visiting us again
The lights run, sparkling,
On your dense branches.

Father Frost: Come on, do me a favor. Sing a song about the New Year. And you, Comrade Pechkin, don't stand still. Better yet, sing with us. (All together sing a New Year's song).

Snow Maiden: Thank you guys, you sing well.

Ball: Hooray!

Matroskin: What are you yelling at?

Ball: So the New Year is coming. Need to have fun. And you, Comrade Taburetkin, join us.

Pechkin: But I'm not Taburetkin.

Ball: What's the difference.

Snow Maiden: Correctly. Let's have fun.

We have a game for you.
I will start it now.
I'll start and you finish.
All the people rejoice
This is a holiday ... (New Year).
He has a ruddy nose
He is bearded
Who is this ... (Santa Claus).
That's right guys!
In the yard the frost grows stronger -
The nose blushes, the cheeks burn,
And we meet here
Merry ... (New Year).
Under the azure sky
Beautiful on a winter day
Happy New Year).
And we wish you happiness!

Snow Maiden: Grandpa, can you sing a song? Guys, do you like songs?

Father Frost: Well guys, I'm ready.

For me, this is very simple.
Oh, the soul is 90 years younger!

Santa Claus:

I'm lying in the sun,
I keep my beard up.
I lie and lie
And I'm trembling from the sun.

Leading: What kind of song is this - “I’m lying, trembling”?

Father Frost: Yes, it's me from experiences. I'm very worried that my granddaughter might melt.

Leading: Do you know more fun songs?

Father Frost: As much as you want. At least this one.

Let pedestrians glide awkwardly through puddles,
Let the ice rink freeze on the asphalt,
The kids all ride in the puddles together
And they don't hear the bell for the lesson.
And I ride, and only in front of passers-by.
Unfortunately, the Christmas Tree Festival is only once a year.

Leading: Thank you, Santa Claus, amused the guys. Better listen to what New Year's songs our guys know. (Children sing songs)

Father Frost: Well done boys. And my granddaughter Snegurochka has prepared another game for you.

Snow Maiden:

I love to sit by the Christmas tree with the children,
I love everything, as it should be considered there.
What toys, are they bored?
Or who is not pleased with his neighbor?
What happens and what does not happen on the Christmas tree?
Don't say yes all the time
And that will be nonsense.
And if “no”, then that should be the answer.
Are there toys on the Christmas tree ...
Merry Parsley...
Large pillow...
Are there bright pictures on the Christmas tree ...
Multicolored snowflakes...
Ripped boots...
Are there chiseled balls on the Christmas tree ...
Golden fish...
Baked apples...
Sweetened pies...
Smoked sausage...

Leading: Grandfather Frost and the Snow Maiden, and our guys also prepared a gift for you, they will perform New Year's ditties for you.

Santa Claus slept in bed
He got up, ringing icicles.
Where are you, blizzards and snowstorms?
Why won't you?

I am a cheerful Snow Maiden
I'll play hide and seek with you.
But I'm afraid to drink tea -
I melt from the hot.

May any of your dreams
Come true, come true.
Let the lights on our Christmas tree
They light up brightly.

Everyone is making a snowman
Mom is looking for Igor.
Where is my son? Where is he?
Rolled into a snowball.

Frost with a white beard,
With lush mustache
Like a young boy
Dancing with us.

The hare walks in a white fur coat,
The gray one is in stock.
What are our children to do?
We don't have any.

Although boasting is indecent,
But we must tell you
What we are good at
And learn and dance.

In our hall there is noise and laughter,
The singing does not stop
Our tree is the best!
There is no doubt about this.

Look Santa Claus
Festively dressed.
He brought us gifts
Gingerbread, sweets.

Children lead a round dance,
Clap your hands
Hello, hello New Year!
You are so good!

Outside the window a flock of snow
He also leads a round dance.
Saying goodbye to the old year,
We welcome the New Year!

Father Frost: Well done boys! Funny ditties sang. Now let's play a little. (games of Father Frost and Snow Maiden).

New Year's contests
  1. Relay-congratulation "Happy New Year!" (Competitors should, as quickly as possible in the running relay, using letter cards, make up words and wish everyone a Happy New Year.)
  2. Relay "Christmas tree". (who will decorate the Christmas tree faster)
  3. Relay "Skiers" (with ski poles imitates skiing)
  4. Competition "Snowman" (who will correctly assemble a snowman with his eyes closed)
  5. Competition "Stupa with Baba Yaga" (participants put one foot in a bucket, leave the other in a shoe. Hold the bucket handle with one hand and a broom with the other)
  6. Competition "Winders" (who will wind the rope on a stick faster)
  7. With a sheet of cardboard on your head, you need to walk or run, you can’t hold it with your hand.
  8. Competition "Pull the rope" (a rope is placed, a bow is tied in the middle, who will pull it)
  9. Relay race "Cancer moves back" (go with your back to the skittle, go around and return back again, do not look back)
  10. Relay "Balloon" (carry a balloon on a teaspoon, pick it up from the floor)
  11. "Accurate shooter" (get cones into the bucket of the left hand, left-hander - right)
  12. Competition "Whose snowflake flies longer" (blow on a feather)
  13. Relay race (on a rocket to carry the ball around the skittles)
  14. "Overcoming the mountain ranges" (Blindfold walk along the rope).
  15. "Fishing" (Take the fishing rod with both hands behind your back, and catch the fish candy with your mouth).
  16. "Cinderella" (1 person shaves a bucket of cubes, runs and pours them out. And gives the bucket to the player. He collects them, etc.)
  17. Relay "Running in bags"
  18. "Obuvayka" (Blindfolded to find shoes)
  19. Contest "Smuggler" (Using packages from kinder surprise, put foam rubber moistened with perfume in one of them).
  20. Competition "Basket with lost things"
    • Washcloth. (Moydodyr. “And a washcloth, as if swallowed a jackdaw”)
    • Gloves (Phone. “And then the hares called. Could you send gloves?”)
    • Chocolate (Dr. Aibolit. “And he gives everyone a chocolate bar in order”)
    • Coin (Fly-Tsokotuha. “The fly went across the field, the Fly found the money”)
    • Phone ("My phone rang")
    • Balloon (Cockroach. “And behind him mosquitoes in a balloon)
    • Soap (Moydodyr "So the soap jumped...")
    • Saucer (Fedorino's grief "And behind us are saucers ...")
  21. Competition "Kuralapoy" (write a word with a felt-tip pen, tying it to your feet)
  22. Relay "Hockey players" (participants lead the puck with a stick, skittles).

Father Frost: Oh, and I got hot. It's time to head north. And then I'm afraid, together with my granddaughter, we will melt with you.

The hour comes
parting hour
Let the tree live in memory:
Let's say goodbye to each other
See you again, New Year!

(Santa Claus leaves)

Snow Maiden: And Santa Claus, guys, left you wonderful gifts under your Christmas tree. (Snow Maiden gives gifts to children.)

Views: 25847
Category: GAMES AND EXERCISES FOR TRAINING » Training exercises communicative and business

Scenario of a New Year's fairy tale

New Year in Prostokvashino.

On the stage:

On the left - Prostokvashino pointer, screen, winter forest;

On the right - a hut (screen), inside - a room (in the room - a Christmas tree, a round coffee table, a bench, a swivel chair, a Russian stove with burning wood, a TV on a chest of drawers, a kettle, cups, a vase of cookies, a laptop on the table);

At the bottom of the stage - snow, Christmas trees, tinsel.

Before the start of the story:

On the screen is a fragment of the cartoon "Vacations in Prostokvashino", on the stage there is a forest and a hut, music.

Beginning of the tale:

The hut unfolds, the room opens, Sharik decorates the Christmas tree, singing a song, Matroskin sits in an armchair with a mobile phone.

Action 1.

Matroskin: Sharik, do you know what date it is today?

Ball: Why should I know? Winter is in the yard, just have time to carry brushwood from the forest ...

Ball: 31 or 32 - what's the difference ...

Matroskin: You are a dark animal, Sharik! There is no December 32, but on December 31 people celebrate the New Year!

Ball: Wow! So, Uncle Fyodor will come? Yummy will bring!!!

Matroskin: This is another question ... MTS does not catch something and there is no WI-FI. Eh, Sharik, we live with you in the wilderness, no civilization!

Ball: You, Matroskin, picked up clever words, but there was no point - it would be better if you caught mice, otherwise they walk around the room on foot, slowly. Previously, we lived without all these little things, and now we’ll get by ... Look, the postman Pechkin gives a connection in any weather!

Matroskin: Well, well, the darkness is impenetrable, what can I say to you ... (waving his hand).

Action 2.

On the screen is a fragment of a cartoon with a check mark.

The jackdaw makes his way to the hut, froze, knocks on the window.

Ball: Do you hear knocking? This is probably him, the postman Pechkin (runs to the door).

Galchonok: Let's warm up, uncle!

Ball: Come on baby, we're warm. Do you want hot tea?

Matroskin: Here is the first sign for the New Year!

Galchonok: I'm not a swallow, I'm a Galchonok!

Matroskin: So, you are our New Year's gift! And what good is you?

Galchonok(timidly): Well, I can fly a little, collect crumbs, sing songs ...

Ball(assents): Well, you see, it will fit in the household, huh!?

Matroskin(arms to hips): Come on! And well, sing, little light, don't be ashamed! And Sharik and I will listen!

Matroskin and Sharik sit down on a bench. Galchonok goes to the middle of the stage, music sounds, Galchonok sings a song.

Matroskin: Well, not bad for a start. Okay, stay, there are enough crumbs for you.

Ball: Hooray! Now it will be fun!

Galchonok: Thank you, friends!

Ball and Galchonok dress up the Christmas tree, Matroskin with a laptop at the table.

Action 3.

On the screen is a fragment of a cartoon with Pechkin - he is walking through the forest. Our Pechkin makes his way through the hall to the stage, goes and grumbles.

Pechkin: Who came up with these urgent telegrams?! Go here on foot at this time. What kind of people, no, in order to give Pechkin a snowmobile, for example, they strive to send it away to the ends of the world!

He approaches the hut and knocks on the window.

Galchonok: Who's there?

Pechkin: It's me, the postman Pechkin. Brought a telegram from your boy.

Ball(runs to open the door): Hooray!

Pechkin(enters and shakes off the snow): Get it and sign it!

Matroskin ( gets up from his chair and goes up to Pechkin, and Galchonok sits in his place): Sharik, sign it, you love it ...

Reading telegram: Dear Sharik and Matroskin! I can't call you. I'll be back in the evening with friends. Address: Lugansk, st. Levanevsky, 105, Lyceum.

Ball: Hooray! Uncle Fyodor will come, it will be fun!

Matroskin: Yes, it's fun! What about feeding them?

Galchonok: And we still have a lot of cookies.

Pechkin: Would you like to invite a tired postman for tea?

Ball: Well, of course, Uncle Pechkin, sit down at the table!

Everyone except Matroskin sits down at the table.

Action 4.

On the screen, a blizzard, a blizzard, music sounds. Matroskin goes to the window. Snowflakes swirl from the hall to the stage.

Matroskin: Hear what a blizzard! Oh, and sweeps in our direction!

Galchonok (goes to the window): What beautiful snowflakes! See how they flow!

Ball: The doors were not closed, now it will sweep into the house!

Music sounds louder, snowflakes rise to the stage, song and dance of snowflakes - 8-A grade. After the dance, snowflakes scatter through the forest.

Matroskin: And what was that?

Galchonok: The snowflakes were singing and dancing!

Pechkin: What will you not see on New Year's Eve!? Well, I have to go. Not all telegrams and letters have been delivered yet (gets up and leaves).

Ball: Come to us, Uncle Pechkin in the evening, it will be fun!

Pechkin: Well, I don’t know, until you get to you ... Be there!

Galchonok: Goodbye!

Matroskin: Again you, Sharik, kind soul, invite everyone to visit. And what to feed?

Galchonok: We have a table full of crumbs!

Action 5.

On the screen is a fragment from the cartoon "Just you wait!". A hare in the costume of Santa Claus, and a wolf in the costume of the Snow Maiden run through the hall to the hut. The hare knocks on the door

Galchonok: Who's there!

Hare: Help, good people! The wolf is chasing me!

Ball: We are open!

Matroskin: This is still not enough!

The hare runs into the house, followed by the wolf. Music sounds and the Hare begins to sing the song “Tell me, Snow Maiden, where you were ...” The wolf sings along.

Galchonok, Matroskin and Sharik clap their hands and dance.

The hare and the wolf begin to dance the tango, the hare steps on the hem of the skirt, she falls, the hare, frightened, runs away, and the wolf continues to dance, not immediately understanding what was happening. Then he stops and looks at himself, realizes that he was left in the same shorts with a tail, runs after the hare shouting “Well, Hare, wait a minute!...”

Ball(grabs her skirt and runs after the wolf): You forgot your skirt!

Matroskin: Stop, crazy! Why does the wolf need a skirt? (takes the skirt from Sharik, tries it on) And it will do for us on the farm. Soon our mother will arrive and we will give her for the New Year!

Galchonok: Something boring. There is no one.

Matroskin: It's time to turn on the TV. There's always a New Year's concert. (Goes to the TV and turns it on.)

Action 6.

Pantomime - Matroskin depicts "I told you", Sharik and Galchonok - Hooray !!!

On the screen is a New Year's light, the song "Christmas". The stage lights are turned off. Before the stage, the trio of 10-A sing the song while everyone else dances. After the song, the lights on the stage turn on.

Ball: What a beautiful concert!

Action 7.

A festive concert is on the screen, the group "New Year's dudes" is announced. Under stage 11-A, a dance is dancing. They finish the dance and, dancing, run away from the hall.

Galchonok: A can you do that, Sharik?

Ball: Guess who can't!? (Parody dance).

Matroskin: Yes, you, Sharik, are a noble dancer!

Action 8.

On the screen is a fragment from the cartoon "The Bremen Town Musicians", the song "Three White Horses".

Galchonok: Oh look how funny! Let's watch!

Under the stage, a staging of the 9-B class.

Action 9.

Ball: Indeed, a beautiful song! (Sings a song to himself.)

Matroskin: He also sings!

Ball: If you don't like it, don't listen!

Galchonok: Guys let's be friends! Oh, look, it seems the fairy tale is about to begin!

On the screen is a fragment from Cinderella. Under the stage, a performance of 10-B class.

Matroskin: Only, Sharik, don't say that you can do it too!

Ball: Yes, easily! (parodies dance)

Galchonok: How funny you are, Sharik!

Action 10.

Galchonok: Look out the window! Looks like we have guests again. And there are a lot of them!

Ball: Yes, this is Uncle Fedor with friends!

Matroskin: Finally!

The crowd rushes onto the stage, Uncle Fyodor hugs Matroskin and Sharik!

Uncle Fedor: How I missed you! What a beautiful Christmas tree you have, probably Sharik dressed up?

Matroskin: All Sharik yes Sharik! I didn't play the fool either. I followed the news and listened to the weather forecast.

Uncle Fedor: And you're done, Matroskin! And what kind of nightingale is this

Galchonok: I'm not a nightingale, I'm a Galchonok! I also live here now!

Uncle Fedor: So you have more fun now? And these are my friends from the Lyceum!

Friends: Hello!

Uncle Fedor: We didn’t play the fool either, here’s a New Year’s gift for you. Only one persuasion - you dance with us!

On the stage, the dance of the Art Studio with the heroes (beginning of Eurovision). After the dance.

Uncle Fedor: Well, did you like it?

Galchonok: Highly!

Ball: I just got a little out of breath...

Matroskin: It's all nonsense..

Uncle Fedor: We left gifts for the New Year's table in the hallway. You, Matroskin, cook dinner for now. And my friends and I will go to the forest, play snowballs, go sledding. Let's go guys!

They run into the forest.

Action 11.

Matroskin: It’s always like this, Matroskin then, Matroskin that ...

Galchonok: Don't worry, we'll help you.

Pechkin makes his way through the hall, knocking on the door.

Galchonok: Who's there?

Pechkin: It's me, the postman Pechkin. They gave me skis for the New Year. Here I am to you soon, so as not to be late! I met Uncle Fyodor with the guys, he said that now mom would be shown on TV with amateur performances.

Matroskin: And on what channel? We don't catch everything here!

Clicks the remote control channels, can not find. On the screen fragments of different programs.

Ball: Ah, what a shame! What to do now?

The music is quiet.

Galchonok: Hear the music, it's on the street. See someone

is approaching us.

Ball: Yes, this is our mother with amateur performances, cheers!

Matroskin: How can it be that both on TV and in the forest at the same time?

Pechkin: Scientific and technical progress!!!

Under the stage, the song "If there was no winter" is performed by educators.

After the song, mom goes up to the stage. Girlfriends go to the forest for brushwood.

Mother: Well hello my dears! (hugs Sharik and Matroskin).

Ball: Our mom has arrived!

Mother: What a beautiful tree you have! And the guests have come!

Pechkin: Yes, the guys invited me to the New Year.

Galchonok: And now I live here.

Mother: Well, that's good! It will be more fun! Here we will gather brushwood with my friends, and start preparing a festive dinner. And while you're dressing up for the holidays. Here in the chest there are decorations for you.

Mom goes to the forest.

Galchonok: Hooray! What a beauty!

He takes out jewelry and distributes it to everyone, everyone tries it on.

Action 12.

On the screen, the dance of the gnomes (on TV).

Ball: Look, we have the same caps as they have on TV!

Pechkin: Must try on...

He takes off his hat and puts on his hat.

Pechkin: Well, how?

Galchonok: Cool, Uncle Pechkin!

Loud music sounds, under the stage there is a dance of the Art Studio "New Year's Tale of the Dwarfs". Matroskin, Sharik, Galchonok and Pechkin are dancing on the stage.

After the dance, everyone bows. The gnomes run through the forest.

Action 13.

Matroskin: These dances of yours will not lead to good, soon the floor will fail!

Pechkin: And I liked it, and the floor, if anything, we'll fix it, there are so many boards around.

Ball: It's fun, it's fun, only it hurts to eat, as much as the stomach is stuck to the back.

Galchonok: Poor Sharik! Eat the cookie crumbs.

Pechkin: By the way, will you have dinner soon?

Matroskin: As expected - at 19:00.

Pechkin(looks at his watch): Well, there's not much left then. It would be time for Santa Claus to appear with gifts ...

Matroskin: What Santa Claus! Here you are, Pechkin, an adult, but you believe in fairy tales!?

Pechkin(looks out the window): So how can you not believe if he walks alive through the forest straight to our house ...

Matroskin: It can not be!

Galchonok and Ball: Maybe!

Santa Claus knocks on the door. The ball runs and opens.

Father Frost: Good evening to you, friends!

The path is not close to me.

From Lapland on skis

I hurried to you for the holiday.

Galchonok: Real Santa Claus!

Ball: And he brought us presents!

Pechkin: How not to believe in miracles?!

Santa Claus, of course, is needed

On New Year's Eve with the family for dinner ...

Father Frost ( shows a sign to Matroskin - be silent): Oh, these educated cats to me! Are you, by any chance, not from the kind that at Lukomorye walked all around the chain?

Matroskin: Yes, we are such cats, not embroidered with a bast!

Ball: Don't listen to him, Santa Claus! Come to the table, let's drink tea!

Father Frost: Oh, thanks! And here are some goodies for the table, sweets, lamb.

Action 14.

On the screen, Ingrid sings a song.

Galchonok: Oh, look, a beautiful aunt sings at the concert!

Matroskin: This is not an aunt, darkness, but Ingrid, a famous French singer.

Father Frost: Well, turn it up louder, let's listen!

The music is loud, the dance of the administration under the stage.

Galchonok: Yes, a beautiful song, but incomprehensible! Is France far from here? It must be beautiful there!

Father Frost: France is far from us, Galchonok. As for beauty...

So how can it be somewhere more beautiful than here in our native land?! Look at the open spaces around, and our forest is real and magical at the same time! Now let's all gather together and arrange such a New Year that no one has ever seen!

Matroskin: Looks like we have another guest!

Pechkin: Yes, I know them, these are important guests, they give us warmth and light!

Ball: Warmth is good, especially in winter!

Matroskin: Come in, dear guests, maybe tell us what you want, so we will listen with pleasure!

Father Frost A: So the New Year is coming soon! And, well, Sharik, call everyone to the holiday! It's time to celebrate the New Year!

Ball with Galchonka: Guys, get ready to celebrate the New Year with us soon!

All the artists gather on stage and below the stage. They sing the song "The New Year is rushing towards us."

Ball: Guys, the holiday has just begun! We invite you to a tea party with pies, and then to a New Year's disco under the Christmas tree! Rather follow me!
