New Year's scenario for the snow queen preparatory group. New Year's party script for the preparatory group of the Snow Queen kindergarten

Daria Batmanova
Scenario of the New Year's party in the preparatory group “The Snow Queen”


1. Adults: presenter, snow queen, Santa Claus.

2. Children: storyteller, Kai, Gerda, raven, prince, princess, robbers, little robber, deer, Snow Maiden

Fanfare sounds. Two children enter the hall and stand in front of the Christmas tree. The rest of the children are outside the door.

1 child There is a Christmas tree in the hall,

Everything sparkles and shines.

2 reb. Waiting for the children to gather,

To make the lights come on,

So that the floor shakes from dancing...

1st and 2nd child together: (turning towards the door)

You are ready?

Children: Yes, we are ready!

1st and 2nd child together: Well, then come into the hall!

Children run into the hall to cheerful music

Ved. Happy New Year! Happy New Year!

We talk to each other.

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Happy wonderful winter holiday!

Reb. What about our Christmas tree?

Is it worth frowning?

What about our Christmas tree?

Are there no lights?

Reb. To make it more fun,

The ringing song, ring,

Come on, Christmas tree, be brave,

Light up your lights!

Song No. “Come to us Christmas tree”

The lights on the Christmas tree light up

Ved. Well, our Christmas tree is cheerful! And we have no time to be bored. Boys, invite the girls to a fun dance.

Dance “Ice Palms”. Children sit on chairs.

Ved. They say on New Year's Eve

Whatever you don't want.

Everything will always happen

Everything always comes true.

Guys, I know that you also have cherished desires. Would you like to tell us about them?

Several children come out.

1 child Like ours at the gate

New Year has come knocking!

2 reb. We made a wish

They counted until 12.

Together: One, two, three, four, five -

We didn’t have time to make a wish.

3 reb. The number six hissed -

You can't count everything.

4th child: But on the numbers 7 and 8

We pronounce our wish.

(children speak in turns)

Let my family go to the sea

Let no one swear in our group

May grandma never get sick again

Let me become at least a little braver

I want to be the smartest one in the group

I want my mother to always be near me

Let them give me a bicycle

And I want a dog

And for me - the Internet

I want to have a sister

Let no one in the world offend a child

I want to meet new friends

Let mom and dad never quarrel

5 reb. Achieves 9, 10

Hang everything on the Christmas tree

6 children Beats 11.12

Everything is starting to come true.

(children speak in turns)

My family is going on a cruise

No one swears for a whole week

Grandma is nothing more

Well, who said that I didn’t become bolder?

I'm now the smartest one in the group

And next to me is my mother

They gave me a bicycle

And I want a dog

And I have the Internet

And I got a sister

And in the world, no one offends a child

A bunch of friends, both old and new,

And mom and dad are always cheerful.

Song No. “Everything will happen soon”

Ved. On the glorious New Year holiday

Everything comes true in the world.

A fairy tale is coming to visit us.

Do you want it kids?

Ved. Well, then we need to invite the famous Storyteller to our party. And for him to appear at our party, we all need to close our eyes tightly together and remember our favorite fairy tale. Ready?

Ved. Then close our eyes.

Children close their eyes, music sounds. The storyteller comes out.

Storyteller. Hello children! Do you want to get into a fairy tale? Well, today, on the New Year, nothing is impossible. Now I'll wave my wand and...

Waves a wand, music sounds

In one country, a long time ago

Once upon a time there lived Kai and Gerda,

Until one day to their window

The queen didn't show up...

Kai and Gerda come out holding hands, stopping in front of the Christmas tree.

It's snowing, it's snowing

The wind swirls and sings.

Winter has come to us,

Brought a lot of snow.

Gerda. It's fun, we played. We're doing well!

Kai. Gerda! Gerda! Look! Our rose has bloomed!

The snow is sparkling, the sun is shining.

Such a special day.

Children are laughing outside the window,

And flowers bloom in winter.

Gerda. Let the evil blizzard swirl.

You and I are inseparable.

After all, they can’t live without each other

Kai and Gerda, brother and sister.

Kai. Look at the pattern on the frosty glass!

It's like flowers have bloomed

Right in the starry sky (looks out the window)

Gerda. These stars are miracles

Snow Queen

Icy and heartless

Probably even evil

At night when it's dark

Can look out the window

Where the gaze touches her,

Ice blossoms pattern!

It's better for us to close the window in the house quickly,

They say her beauty freezes her heart.

Kai. I'm not afraid of the queen

I'm not afraid of her spell.

If she suddenly comes in,

I'm in the fire and that's it.

Gerda. Be careful, dear Kai!

Better stop bragging!

What if she hears us

And he will come here now...

The music of the blizzard sounds. The Snow Queen appears

Queen. I hope everyone knows about the Snow Queen?

Yes it's me. I'm made of ice.

But life among people is of little interest to me:

You are all too hot, gentlemen!

I have a lot of power over the cold and snow,

What a pleasure! And only this is happiness.

The Queen approaches Kai

I liked you, buddy.

You are brave and courageous.

Come to me and be with me.

Since you are so fearless.

I love daredevils

I give you my kiss!

He covers Kai with a blanket, “kisses” him, spins and walks away in a waltz.

Kai (grabs his heart)

Oh, how it stings here in my chest,

Gerda, Gerda, help.

Gerda. Kai, my dear, what's wrong with you?

I will save you, dear (runs up to him)

It hurts, Kai, tell me quickly

Kai. Move away, don't touch me

There is no worse person in the world than you.

Take this garbage away

I planted flowers here

So terrible and useless

They only breed worms.

Gerda starts to cry

Kai. Give me my sled now!

I want to go for a walk.

And you can stay (throws her a handkerchief)

Wipe your nose with a handkerchief.

Runs away from the hall

Gerda. Kai! Kai! Come back soon!

Storyteller. If you want to find your brother,

It won't be easy, Gerda, on the way,

There are many tests, it will be hard.

But friendship and kindness will always help.

Various heroes will meet along the way.

Only friends will help us find Kai.

And don’t regret doing good deeds.

And then your brother will be found quickly.

Gerda. I'm not at all afraid of the Ice Kingdom.

Kai and I will soon return to my home.

There will be trials, it will be hard.

But I know that friendship and kindness will help.

Storyteller. I'll see Gerda off.

I'll show her the way...

He takes her behind the tree.

Dance No. “The snowstorm covered my city”

Ved. Our Gerda walked for a long time.

And somewhere she came.

The storyteller comes out. A raven sits on a chair near a Christmas tree

Storyteller. Ay, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo.

A raven sits on an oak tree,

Sits high

Screams to the whole world.

Raven: Kar, kar, kar!

Gerda comes out and cries.

Raven: Why are you crying, girl?

Gerda: I'm looking for my brother all over the world.

Raven: Is that where you are running?

Gerda: I need to go to the crystal castle

But I don't know the way

Maybe you can help

I need to find the way

Raven: There is one castle nearby

Everything shines like it's made of ice!

Not crystal, but mirror.

Over there in the palace live the prince and princess. They have a big holiday today. Let's go to the palace, maybe you will meet your brother there?

They go behind the tree. Fanfare sounds and the prince and princess run out.

Princess: Prince! Look for me quickly

I'm tired of playing

Prince. I'll catch you now

Will you look for me

Princess. It’s good for us near the Christmas tree

Happy holiday to celebrate

So let's have fun

So let's dance.

Prince. Everybody dance!

Dance No. “Paul Mauriat - Minuet”

Gerda enters

Princess. What's happened? Who's there?

Is there a bully trying to get into the castle?

Court ladies (alternately)

Today a girl came to our palace.

Her name is Gerda.

She is looking for her brother.

Her brother was taken away by the Snow Queen.

Princess: It can't be! I want to see this girl immediately!

The court ladies run to the door, lead Gerda by the arms to the Princess, and stand at a distance.

Princess. Is it really true that you are looking for your brother?

Gerda. Yes, but I can't find it anywhere! Where should I go now?

Princess. Oh, poor thing!

Prince. Among our friends there is a famous Storyteller. He knows everything in the world! Maybe he can help you?

Storyteller. (approaches Gerda) Hello Gerda! I'll tell you how to get to the kingdom of the Snow Queen. Only the road there is not easy, through a dense forest, through snowy deserts. Aren't you scared?

Gerda. No no! Show me the way, please!

Storyteller. Well, go on your journey, and I will try to help you in difficult times.

Princess. Here, take a warm muff and cape.

Gerda. Thank you dears, goodbye!

Prince and princess together: Bon voyage!

Gerda and the Storyteller leave. The lights go out, a whistle is heard, robbers run out. The lights come on and the "Dance of the Robbers" is performed. At the end of the dance, one of the robbers runs out the door, dragging the reluctant Gerda behind him, they stop near the Little Robber in front of the Christmas tree.

1 robber. We are dashing robbers,

We are forest robbers.

2 robber. We rob at night, we rob during the day

Anyone with a fat wallet!

3 robber. Here's some loot,

Today we will have food.

Little Robber. Get away from her, guys!

Hat, fur coat - everything is mine!

I don't like to joke!

And whoever argues, I’ll shoot you!

M. Robber.

I see you have mined a little gold today?

(looks at Gerda)

Wow, what a queen!

You will live with me.

Tell bedtime stories.

(To the robbers)

Hey, you're on the right and you're on the left

Surround the queen.

(Robbers surround Gerda)

Gerda. You take what you want

I don't mind giving everything away.

I'm looking for my brother.

There is no time to waste.

M. Robber. Shut up. And don't cry

I don't like any tears.

I don't feel sorry for your brother.

I'm not kidding! I'm serious.

Your brother, what's the matter with me?

Will you help me?

Will you play with me

And protect the deer.

Hey, robbers, go and bring the deer.

(The robbers bring out the deer)

M. Robber. Hey deer, come quickly

You will get to know her.

Deer. I know your trouble, and I will help you.

I saw your brother, it’s not easy to get there.

He went with the queen to my Lapland.

Do a good deed, let me go with her.

M. Robber. Come on, shut up quickly, don’t knock your hoof in vain.

Gerda. I beg you, help, I ask you for help.

You are so kind, even though you are angry with us...

Deer. I can show you the way, but you have mercy and let me go.

I’ll warm her up with warmth, don’t be angry, but help.

M. Robber. Why are you all shouting here, or should I shoot you?

Maybe I’ll really become kind?

What should I do? What do i do?

(children's answers)

Okay, stop shedding tears, I’ll let you go, so be it.

There is a muff and a cape. (gives clothes)

And eat a little.

(gets Gerda ready for the trip)

M. Robber. Of course I'm cruel and evil -

It’s not for nothing that I’m called the Robber.

But I will help Gerda find Kai -

I’m about to burst into tears from kindness myself...

(waves a handkerchief at Gerda, the robbers sit down)

Ved. In the meantime, while the reindeer rushes our Gerda across the icy desert, let's take a look at the Snow Queen's palace.

The lights go out, the light music, the soundtrack - the howling of the wind, a snowstorm. The Snow Queen appears.

Queen. Wind, wind, rise,

Scatter like white snow,

Blizzard, blizzard, come,

Sweep all paths.

All paths, all paths,

So that no one can pass.

I'll bring the blizzard with me,

So that everything can be hidden in the snow!

Queen. So, Kai, tell me! Do you agree to live with me forever and help me freeze people's hearts?

Kai. I don't care!

Queen. Wonderful answer! This is the most important thing you must learn...No matter what happens, you should always care. Because this is the only way you will maintain icy calm and freezing self-confidence.

Gerda. The weather began to make noise and cleared up in the field,

The smooth road was covered with white snow.

No road, no way -

How can I find Kai?

Dance “Winter” (Spanish: Vitas)

Gerda. Kai, my brother! How long

I was looking for you here

Kai. Get away from here quickly

I fold the mirror here.

Gerda. Didn't you recognize it?

Your dear Gerda?

Kai. Don't grab my hand

I'm not going anywhere.

Gerda. What to do? What to do?

Tears are dripping from the eyes (sitting down crying)

The Storyteller Appears

Storyteller. Gerda, I see you need help. I can't cope with the Snow Queen's charms. But I'll tell you who can help you. Here, in Lapland, Del Moroz lives with the Snow Maiden, only they can defeat the Snow Queen.

Gerda. How can I find Father Frost and Snow Maiden?

Storyteller. And the audience will help you with this. Guys, can you help? What about adults?

Let's all shout together: Santa Claus, Snow Maiden!

Snow Maiden. Come on, blizzards and blizzards,

Don't spin the carousel!

Don't walk at the gate

New Year is coming!

Father Frost. Hello! I am very glad that in this hall

They still recognized Frost,

We didn’t forget to invite you to the Christmas tree,

And they decorated the miracle Christmas tree.

Good holiday - New Year,

Congratulations to all the people!

For a thousand years - health, happiness, life without troubles!

Santa Claus approaches Gerda

Father Frost. I'll give you a hint, guys.

Defeat evil spells

Melt the icy heart

Only friendship and warmth can

And of course good will conquer all evil!

Snow Maiden. We all need to try, together

Sing a sweet song for Kai

And then he will become good forever

And then the Evil Queen will disappear.

Queen. Who here wants to be kind?

You can't defeat me!

Is it you, Santa Claus,

Are you poking your nose into my affairs?

I will never give you Kai up!

I am the strongest, coldest and most evil!

(says to Kai)

My boy! Come after me!

I can't leave you among people

And you will be calm like me

And together we will rule the whole world.

Snow Maiden. Guys! Sing our good song soon!

Song No. “Hello Grandfather Frost”

Kai. Guys, I'm so grateful to you all.

I will never forget your help.

This world is like a new gift to me,

I cry and laugh, I am human.

Always share your sadness with friends,

And in happiness, don’t forget to invite your friends.

We are born, and we know it ourselves,

Warmth of the soul to give to people

Gerda turns to the Snow Queen

Gerda. I'll melt your icy heart

And I will teach you to love people.

You will not, Queen, be angry anymore.

You will be very kind, that's what!

Gerda kisses the Snow Queen, who “thaws out”

Kai. Look! The magic is gone

And the New Year's miracle happened,

Love and friendship have conquered evil,

The evil witch turned into a fairy.

Queen. Still managed, Gerda,

You can defeat me.

Has managed in my heart

Melt all the ice.

Well, well, the snow and ice in the kingdom have melted.

Ved. Then stay the Snow Queen at our holiday.

Song No. "New Year's Song"

Father Frost. It's so good that everything ended so happily. And now the dance begins. Let everyone try!

General dance No. “Walk and have fun people... It’s New Year!”

Father Frost. Oh, I’m tired after such a fun dance!

Ved. Sit down, Grandfather, relax, and the guys will read poetry to you.

Children's poems to Santa Claus

Children from the place take turns verses.

1 child Santa Claus, Santa Claus!

It has grown to our eyebrows,

He climbed into our felt boots.

They say he is Santa Claus

And he plays pranks like a little boy!

Father Frost. Who's talking about me?

2 reb. He ruined the water tap

In our washbasin.

They say he has a beard

And he plays pranks like a little one!

Father Frost. What did I ruin?

Snow Maiden. He draws on the window

Stars, palm trees, balls.

They say he is 100 years old

And he plays pranks like a little one!

Father Frost. Who is it that says I'm small? Ah, pranksters! Come on, put your hands up! I'll freeze it now!

Game "I'll freeze"

Father Frost. Smart guys! Didn't freeze anyone!

Queen. Santa Claus, can I play with the guys too?

Father Frost. Of course you can! Guys, do you mind?

Children. No!

Queen. You see, my friend Blizzard, how many snowballs she gave me as a gift. (Throws out snowballs) Only these snowballs need to be transferred all into ice buckets, and very quickly, so that they do not melt. Can you handle it?

Ved. Then we need two teams. Team of Father Frost and Snow Maiden.

Game "Move the Snowball". Two teams of 5-6 people are formed. They stand in columns, with ice blocks placed opposite them as a guide. Between the blocks there is a snowdrift with snowballs. Buckets are placed next to the teams, and spoons are given to the first players. The players' task is to run to the snowballs, pick up one snowball with a spoon and transfer it on a spoon to a bucket. At the end of the game, snowballs are counted.

Father Frost. And now it's time to receive gifts! Where is my magic bag?

He walks around the tree, looking for it.

Ved. What happened, Santa Claus?

Father Frost. I remember I was carrying gifts.

Where did you put them?

No, I don’t remember, I forgot...

Ved. What to do, grandfather? Will the children really be left without gifts? Do something!

Father Frost. Am I a wizard or not?

They say that I am 100 years old.

Bring me a big cauldron,

Place it here on the table.

Salt, sugar and a bucket of water,

A little snow and tinsel.

I'll add a snowman.

Just a minute, friends,

We need to mix everything in the cauldron,

Magic words to say:

“Snow, snow, snow! Ice, ice, ice!

Miracles for the New Year!

Help the snowman!

Turn everything into gifts!”

(opens the cauldron lid and hands out gifts)

Ved. Guys! What a wonderful fairy tale we told you on New Year’s Eve! Spectators! Did you like our fairy tale? Then reward our little artists with friendly applause!

Children go to the middle in front of the Christmas tree. Parents applaud.

Father Frost. We'll say goodbye to each other

And again we will part for a whole long year.

And in a year the blizzard will howl again,

And Grandfather Frost will come again.

Snow Maiden. Just don't forget us at all,

You wait for us - grandpa and I will come.

And welcome us again with songs and dances,

And we will bring you the best gifts!

Ved. And when the new one comes,

The best New Year.

Definitely go with him

New happiness will come.

It will fit, I can’t hear it

And he whispers in our ears:

"The best and happiest

All together and with children

New Year is coming!

Ved. Come on guys! Let's sing a song about the New Year!

Song No. “Snow”

New Year's holiday scenario for grades 1-4
The beginning of the construction of a round dance
Presenter: Good afternoon, dear guys and dear adults!
We are glad to welcome you to our holiday. What holiday are we having today?
Children: NEW YEAR!!!
Host: New Year!
New Year is a fairy tale holiday,
New Year is all about joy and laughter.
Dear children and adults,
Happy holiday to you all.
Look, guys, what a wonderful Christmas tree we have.
What beautiful toys hang on it, and you are so elegant, cheerful, and this means that it’s time to start our holiday.
Yes, but what would New Year be without the Snow Maiden. Let's call her together.
Snow Maiden! Snow Maiden! Aw! Aw! Aw!
The release of Baba Yaga – 1 BYU
Baba Yaga. I'm coming, I'm coming, my dears, I'm coming, I'm coming, my dears! Here I am! Learned?
Children: Yes, Baba Yaga (bone leg)
The exit of the Snow Maiden and snowflakes.
Baba Yaga. But no! I'm called Snow Maiden, friends,
I'm not afraid of the cold
I'm not afraid of winter blizzards
And I’m even friends with her.
I learned from a magpie in the forest,
That without the Snow Maiden there will be no ball.
Well, here I am, that same Snow Maiden.
Exit of Baba Karga – 2BY

Baba Karga. Who is it that calls himself the Snow Maiden?
Don't listen to her. An impostor.
Well, what kind of Snow Maiden are you?
I’m another thing: beautiful, one braid – a braid for all braids!
Baba Yaga. Ugh, braid! Is this really a braid? (touches the braid)
Well, what a braid, but I have a hat and boots, like a real Snow Maiden.
Baba Karga. Phew, should the Snow Maiden have such a hat? (examines the cap with interest)
Host: So, what is this dispute? Now we will find out which of you is the real Snow Maiden? Whoever lights the Christmas tree will be the real Snow Maiden. (run around the tree, blow, spit, stomp, clap)
BYA lighting up the Christmas tree

Baba Yaga. The Christmas tree is just sleeping, you need to wake it up.
Host: How to do this?
Baba Karga. Let's join in a round dance,
Let's sing a song, the Christmas tree will hear it, wake up, come to life and sparkle with different lights.
Host: Well, let's go to the Christmas tree and sing a song for it!
Song “The Little Christmas Tree is Cold in Winter”

Host: What a wonderful song. But the Christmas tree never woke up. So you are both not real Snow Maidens. Guys, let's call the Snow Maiden again: Snow Maiden! Snow Maiden! Aw! Aw! Aw!
Come on, snowflake stars
Get into the circle quickly
straighten your dresses
and dance more joyfully.

Exit of the Snow Maiden and snowflakes.
Snow Maiden. Hello guys! I'm so glad to see you!
All the animals know me
The name is Snegurochka
They play with me
And they sing songs.
And the bears are naughty girls,
And bunnies are cowards, my friends! I love them very much!
Guys, how beautiful you are! And the Christmas tree is so elegant, but for some reason it doesn’t light up. Yes! And where is Grandfather Frost?
Why can't I see him?
Grandfather was getting old, he probably got lost in the forest again. We need to help him. Guys, let’s call him together with these words: “Santa Claus! We are waiting for you! Come quickly to our House!”
Oh, grandpa can’t hear us. Let’s shout to him louder again. () 2-3 times
We haven't seen each other for a whole year. Oh, where is grandpa? Probably delayed. Help me call Santa Claus. Agreed?
Father Frost. O-O-O-O! Hello guys!
(children answer)
It still sounds dull
Come on, louder again -
Hello guys!
(children answer)

Now your answer is not bad,
It almost made me deaf!
How you have grown, how big you have become!
Did everyone recognize me?
(children answer: Santa Claus)

Guys, I’m an old grandfather, I’m already five thousand years old!
In January and February I walk the earth,
As soon as I get out of bed, snowstorms arise!
As soon as I shake my sleeve, everything will be covered with snow!
But now I’m very kind and I’m friends with the guys,
I won’t freeze anyone, I won’t catch anyone!
Happy New Year and happy holidays.
Snow Maiden. Grandfather, why doesn’t our Christmas tree sparkle and shimmer?
Father Frost. It's not in order - you need to decorate the Christmas tree. In the forest, winter decorates the Christmas tree, and at the holiday - the guys...

·Snow Maiden. Grandfather Frost, and our Christmas tree is already decorated.
Father Frost. Dressed up? Where are the children’s smiles on the Christmas tree, where is the festive mood?
Snow Maiden. (amazed). How do you hang them there?
Father Frost. And it's very simple,
Game "We will hang the balloons.."

Snow Maiden. Oh, what a beautiful Christmas tree, but the lights don’t light up.

Father Frost.
What is this? What a mess!
There are no lights on your Christmas tree!
So that the tree lights up,
You will use the words:
“Surprise us with beauty,
Christmas tree, turn on the lights!
FANFARES New Year 2015
Song "Russian Santa Claus"
Father Frost. What a wonderful song! Well done boys!

Snow Maiden. Play with us Grandpa.
Game “Forward 4 steps, back 4 steps”
Snow Maiden. Let's sing one more song - a repeat song. Listen carefully to my song and repeat every second line after me.
Song – Repeater.
Baba Yaga. Grandfather, and the children - how much they love you, how much they know about you! And now they will play the game.
Let's play a game -
I'm asking you a question,
You give me the answer -
Shout “yes” or “no”.

Baba Karga.
Santa Claus is a cheerful old man,
Loves jokes and gags. - Yes!
Baba Yaga.
Santa Claus is a good old man,
Wears a hat and galoshes. - No!
Baba Karga. He knows songs and riddles. - Yes!
Baba Yaga. Will eat all your chocolates! - No!
Baba Karga. He will light the Christmas tree for the children. - Yes!
Baba Yaga. Wears shorts and a T-shirt! - No!
Baba Karga. Santa Claus brings gifts. - Yes!
Baba Yaga. Does he drive a foreign car? - No!
Baba Karga. Is Santa Claus afraid of the cold? - No!
Baba Yaga. Is he friends with Snegurochka? - Yes!

Father Frost. And now, my dear grandchildren, I invite you to take a ride with me on a steam locomotive
Game "Steam Locomotive"
At this time, Matroskin the Cat hides his mitten.

Thumbelina. Grandfather, have you lost anything?
Father Frost. Oh, where's my mitten?
Cat Matroskin. And you take it away! (throws it to the children)
Music. Game "Mitten".
Cinderella. (feels sorry for grandfather, gives him the mitten) Grandfather is tired and melting. Guys, let's blow on him! (blowing)
Ataman and robbers. Guys, I heard you like to play. Reaction of the audience.
Let's play the game “Christmas trees and stumps”: when we hear the word “Christmas trees,” we stand up, raising our hands up; when we hear the word “stumps,” we sit down.
Game “Christmas trees and stumps”

Father Frost.
Guys, I really like to joke:
Grab someone by the cheeks or nose.
And who cannot escape from Grandfather,
That will be a funny poem for us to read.

Music. Game "I'll Freeze!" (at the end of the game there are 8-11 people near the Christmas tree)

Reading poetry. Sweet prizes.

Baba Yaga. Grandfather! How did you like my suit? Really, in the latest fashion? Baba Karga. Nonsense! Mine is better!
Baba Yaga. No it's mine! If you argue, I'll hit you!
Baba Karga. I'll give it to you!
Snow Maiden. You are incorrectly determining whose costume is better! We need to hold a competition!
Baba Yaga. Yes! And in a fair competition I will win! Bring all the guests and various small fry here. Baba Karga. Exactly! Let's go in a circle to the music, and I will be the jury and the first place will be mine! Look, Baba Yaga, that girl over there has nothing...
Baba Yaga. And that boy looks quite...
Snow Maiden. We need to hold a competition.

Children's fashion show in costumes. Santa Claus rewards them with sweets.

Exit of the Snow Maiden and snowflakes. From 0 to 18, from 1.35 to the end.
Snow Maiden:
It’s time, friends, we need to say goodbye. I congratulate everyone from the bottom of my heart. May both adults and children celebrate the New Year together.
Father Frost:
The carnival is sparkling bright,
The kids are having fun
New Year gifts
It's time to receive it.
Goodbye, kids,
Goodbye, Christmas tree,
Our Happy New Year
Remember for a long time!
The beginning of the construction of a round dance
The characters organize the children and take them to their classes like a train.

New Year's adventure

New Year's party for the preparatory group



Snow Maiden presenter -

The Snow Queen -

Father Frost -

Atamansha -

1st robber -

2nd robber -


Snowflakes –

Gnomes -

Decorations and attributes:

  • Decorated Christmas tree in front of the central wall
  • Artificial Christmas trees, silver and green - 3-4 pcs.
  • Road signs on stands - 3 pcs.
  • “ice blocks” flat on stands - 2 pcs.
  • Grandfather clock for gifts - screen
  • Screen decorated to look like a window with a curtain
  • Video projector
  • A cardboard snowflake with wishes on a silver elastic band, perfect for every child
  • Hoops decorated with snowflakes for dancing – 6 pcs.
  • Lanterns with floating candles for gnomes – 6 pcs.
  • Bags without bottom for robbers – 2 pcs.
  • Bag of cones with tasks
  • Snowflakes for the competition
  • A sprig of “snowmen” in a crystal casket for the Snow Queen


  1. Dance of the Dwarves

The hall is decorated. There is a decorated Christmas tree in front of the central wall. Behind the right wing is an unfolded screen-clock, hiding decorations and gifts.

The central light is on, the Christmas tree lights are on, and the mirror ball is on.

Before the start of the matinee, Snegurochka enters the group, congratulates the children on the upcoming New Year and invites them to a holiday in the music room.

To the music, the children, following the Snow Maiden, run into the hall, holding hands, and line up around the Christmas tree. Everyone has a snowflake made of cardboard on their hand, on which New Year's wishes are written by the children. at the end of the dance they line up in a semicircle in front of the Christmas tree.

  1. “New Year's Entrance” - disk “Ku-ko-sha” No. 14

Snow Maiden.

Guests, hello, sit down,

Don't skimp on smiles.

At the New Year's carnival

We are very glad to have guests!


New Year is just around the corner,

Santa Claus is already on the way.

Waiting for miracles

The dense forest suddenly froze.

How the magic bass will strike

The clock says twelve times

A joyful holiday will come to us -

Dreamer, joker, prankster!

He will give songs, fairy tales,

Everyone will be whirled around in a noisy dance!

Smile, wink,

This holiday is New Year!

This holiday is the longest

It's fun and vintage.

Our ancestors drank and ate,

We had fun for two weeks!

Dressed up and joked

The holiday was awaited and loved.

So let's do it now

We will meet him here!

They line up freely in front of the Christmas tree and sing a song.

  1. “New Year’s Song” by Sholomonova, M.R. 6.06, p. 43


Make a wish quickly

The New Year is already at the door!

We'll go to our Christmas tree

And we’ll whisper our wishes to her.

To the music, children remove a snowflake from their wrist, bring it to their face, whisper their wishes and hang it on the Christmas tree.

While the children are hanging snowflakes on the Christmas tree, the Snow Maiden says words.

Snow Maiden.

Near the Christmas tree, near the Christmas tree

Walk slowly

Admire, look -

Is the tree really good?

We saw all the toys

On our fluffy spruce?

It's already before five o'clock

A fairy tale awaits us ahead.

A recording of bells sounds.

Oh, guys, do you hear, someone is coming towards us on a sleigh. Is this really?....

Father Frost enters the hall to the soundtrack of “Song of Santa Claus.”

Father Frost.

Over the mountains, through the forests

I walked for a long time to visit you,

So that here on New Year's Eve

Stand under the tree in a round dance.

  1. “The New Year has come to us” Sosnina - green folder

The children take their seats.

Snow Maiden. Grandfather Frost, we are very glad to see you at our holiday and ask you to tell us a fairy tale.

Father Frost (sits on a chair near the Christmas tree).A fairy tale? Okay, listen carefully...

New Year's Eve comes to us

A whole world of mysterious wonders.

He takes us into a fairy tale,

To the distant kingdom and to the forest.

It's already on our doorstep

The wizard has arrived - New Year!

Listen! On an unknown road

The fairy tale moves with snowy steps...

The lights go out. The mirror ball and spotlight are working.

The theme of the Snow Queen is played.

On the window screen is an excerpt from the film “The Snow Queen” at the moment when the Snow Queen looks into the room through the window.

The screen goes blank. The soundtrack sound is louder. The Snow Queen “flies” into the hall, spinning.

The Snow Queen.

I'm a queen from the country

Where there is neither sun nor spring,

Where the blizzard blows all year round,

Where there is only snow and ice everywhere.

Silence, I love peace,

I can't stand noise and fun.

I've been waiting for you since the beginning of the day -

Nobody remembered me.

Well, I don't hold grudges,

But I’ll give you a surprise!

The sound of a snowstorm, blizzard, disturbing music.S.K. moves around the hall, “casting spells.”

One two three four five,

You will lose time and strength,

I'll stop all the clocks

I will ruin your holiday.

And the New Year will come,

How the clock starts ticking!


Blizzards howl, snow falls!

Rush into the distance of the snowstorm!

Dress up in white fur

Centuries-old spruces.

Everything I look at

Will be in ice captivity

Forever! And from now on you all

Servants of the Snow Queen!

To the music of S.K. circles around the hall, looking intently at the children.

Snow Maiden. Guys, don't look at the Snow Queen! Close your eyes quickly!

The children close their eyes, and only Santa Claus does not have time to hide from the icy gaze and freezes in place. The Snow Queen flies out of the hall laughing.

Snow Maiden. Guys. Everything is in place, no one was hurt? Well, good! I think that no Snow Queen will be able to ruin our merry holiday.(to D.M.) Santa Claus! Let's sing songs, read poems, and celebrate New Year's holiday!

D.M. sits frowning, all shrunken and grumbling under his breath.

Father Frost.

Why did people gather here?

What kind of holiday is New Year?

The tree is so scary

And who are you here?

Snow Maiden (throws up his hands).

Grandpa, it's me!

Granddaughter, your Snow Maiden!

We came to the guys

Brought laughter and joy!

Father Frost.

Joy, laughter... and for whom?

No! I don't remember anything!

Children are evil! Honestly,

I'm not interested in you.

(gets up from his chair and gets ready to leave)

I'm going to the Queen.

I'll be at work there.

Bye everyone! Goodbye, friends,

And leave me alone!

Santa Claus is leaving.

Snow Maiden.

Guys, what a disaster, what a disaster! I didn't look. She saved you, but she didn’t save your grandfather from the evil spell of the Snow Queen. She froze the kind heart of Grandfather Frost, and he became completely different from himself. And besides, she also bewitched time, stopped all the clocks, and without them the New Year would never come. What should we do, guys, tell me.

Children's answers.

Snow Maiden. That's right, guys. We need to free Santa Claus from the spell of the Snow Queen and wind up the New Year's clock so that the long-awaited New Year will come to us. But only those who believe in friendship and miracles can do this. Do you believe in miracles?

Children. Yes!

Snow Maiden. Then we will succeed. After all, good always triumphs over evil. Let's go, friends!

Children with the Snow Maiden perform a song. At this time the curtain closes. Backstage the scenery changes.

Dwarf boys come out of the hall.

  1. "Song about Wizards" from the film "New Year's Adventures of Masha and Viti" (re-partition)


1. We will find Santa Claus

In the kingdom of ice and snow.

We're not afraid of anything

Evil queen.


May the road be difficult

We know without a hint

That good is stronger than evil

In reality and in a fairy tale.

2. To everyone in the world, finally

We need to remind -

One Hundred Miracles Every Day

Friendship does it!


Sit down

After the children are seated, the curtain opens. On the stage there is the scenery “Forest” (small fir trees, “snowy” trees)

There is an image of a forest on the screen. Suddenly the lights turn off, only the mirror ball and spotlight work.

Snow Maiden. Guys, where have we ended up? There is forest all around, you can’t see anything. This is exactly who will help us find the way.(the introduction of the gnome dance sounds).

Look, someone is coming towards us with flashlights and singing a song.

  1. Dance of the Dwarves - disc

At the end of the dance the central light comes on. The curtain opens.

The gnomes line up in front of the central Christmas tree.

Snow Maiden. Hello, gnomes, thank you, your lanterns have made it quite bright around.

1st dwarf. Who are you? And where?

2nd. And how did you get here?

Snow Maiden. Our Grandfather Frost has disappeared!

Dwarves (together). We didn't know about this...

Snow Maiden. He was bewitched

Snowflake Queen,

But Santa Claus needs to be rescued

Let's go on the road with confidence!

3rd. We want to help grandpa

Of course, with all my heart,

4th. And we ask you guys:

Together. Take us with you!

Snow Maiden . Of course, gnomes, stay, we welcome friends.

Gnomes put lanterns under the Christmas tree and sit on chairs

The phonogram "Song of the Robbers" plays.

The Atamansha and the robbers enter the hall, accompanied by music, with bags without a bottom behind their belts. They perform the number.

Chieftain. Well, gotcha, darlings?(rubs hands). Well, now you won't leave us!

1st robber. Hold them, hold them!

2nd robber. Catch them, catch them!

Chieftain. Well, put them in bags and hold them tight!

Game with robbers

The robbers catch the children and put them in bags. Children jump out of bags. The chieftain is angry with the robbers, egging them on. The robbers fall down from fatigue.

The children take their seats.

1st. And what kind of children they are! Well, they don’t get caught in bags!

2nd. They're so clever!

Chieftain. And where do these come from?(to children) What have they forgotten in our forest? A? What are you looking for?

The children and the Snow Maiden talk about how they ended up in the forest.

Snow Maiden . We are looking for the Snow Queen's castle! She bewitched Santa Claus and stopped time so that the New Year would never come.

Chieftain . Oh-oh, how brave! They are looking for the Snow Queen! Ha ha ha! So she is right there waiting for you!

1st. And you won't get to the castle!

2nd. Get lost!

Chieftain. Better join our gang(Snow Maiden). And I will make you my right hand!

Snow Maiden. To become the same robbers as you? Never! Our children are very good and well-mannered, and also very kind and will never offend anyone! Really, guys?

1st. You do not want? Then you definitely won’t succeed! Stay here!

2nd. We will take you prisoner!

Snow Maiden. Let us in, we need to hurry, we urgently need to disenchant Santa Claus so that the New Year can come!

Chieftain . Just complete our three tasks, then maybe we’ll let you go.

1st. Do you think the Snow Queen put us here for nothing?

2nd. You won't be allowed into her castle!

Chieftain. And our tasks are difficult, you will never cope!

Snow Maiden. And I think we can handle this because we...

Children. Friendly! Cheerful! Brave! Skillful!

Chieftain. Let's see, let's see, we have a whole bag of these tasks,

1st. They spent the whole night inventing them (for one of the children)

2nd. They caught it on the cones.

Chieftain . Well, take it out of the bag!

The child takes out a cone with a task and gives it to the Snow Maiden.

Snow Maiden (reading) "Happy song.". Shall we do it, guys? And with great pleasure!

  1. “For the New Year’s holiday” Eremeeva, M.R. 6.07, p. 76

During the song, the Atamansha and the robbers dance.

Snow Maiden. Well, you doubted it! And we even made you laugh. Look, how they danced!

Chieftain. Just think! This is just the beginning! You haven't seen any other tasks yet.

1st. Those will be more difficult.

The chieftain gives the bag to the third child, who takes out the task and gives it to the Snow Maiden.

Snow Maiden . (is reading) "Cheerful dance."

1st. What a task! There's no way you can do it!

Atamansha. (rubs hands) Well, that's it, there is no further way for you. You'll stay here in the forest!

Snow Maiden. Take your time, gentlemen robbers. We can do this too. Look how our guys can dance. Watch and learn!

The robbers throw up their hands in bewilderment and scratch their heads. While dancing, try to repeat some movements.

  1. Dance “Friendly Polka” - disc

Children take their seats

Snow Maiden (to the robbers). Well, are you satisfied?

Chieftain. Yeah, it’s crazy...

Snow Maiden. Give me your bag of tasks here.(addresses one of the children). Come on, (name), pull out the third task for us, the last one. ( Is reading) "Winter mysteries."

Chieftain. This is what you need!

1st .The Snow Queen herself came up with these riddles, even we don’t know the answers.

Chieftain. You are good singers and dancers, but your intelligence is not enough, because as children you are still not smart!

2nd. Certainly! Where should you go with us?

1st. We are adults. Do you know how old we are? (counts to himself, on his fingers) A lot in general.

Snow Maiden. Well, that doesn't say anything! (to the robber) He’s so big, and you can’t even count your years. (Atamansha). If you want to test the kids, then ask your riddles... let's see who the stupid kids are here.

Chieftain. Well, listen.

Who whitens the glades with white

And writes on the walls with chalk?

Sews down feather beds,

Have you decorated all the windows?


1st. Walking free

In the forest, in an open field

Twists, twirls, mutters.

He grumbles to the whole world.

It flies through villages and cities,

Doesn't want to know anyone?



He is like a grain of sand,

And covers the earth

It's made of water

And it flies from the air.

He lies like fluff in the fields,

Glistens in the sun's rays.


Snowflakes run out of the hall, take hoops, and prepare to dance.

1st. Wow, we completed this task! Well done!(shakes hands with children).

Chieftain. Oh, you garden-variety head. Why are you happy? This is our defeat! Do you know what the Snow Queen will do to us?

1st. (dreamily) But still, what kind of children are they? How do they sing, how do they dance?

2nd. Are you in agreement with them or something? Now we have to let them go!

Chieftain. Okay, we'll let you go. Our word is strong. Further only the domain of the Snow Queen.

To the music, the robbers leave the hall, sigh: “oh, such a loot is gone from our hands,” “such a contingent for the shaiti is disappearing,” “oh, it’s getting colder,” “look, it’s snowing.”

The central light turns off. The mirror ball and spotlight are working.

There is a video of falling snow on the screen.

Snowflakes run into the hall to the music and perform a dance.

The curtain closes.

  1. Dance of snowflakes - from the musical “The Snow Queen”

During the dance, the decoration changes to “The Snow Queen's Castle)” (a throne for the Queen, flat ice floes on stands, a screen like a clock, behind it are gifts for children, a box with snowballs, 2 ice buckets, each with a spoon, ice floes from polystyrene foam, hidden by the branches of a Christmas tree, a casket with snowflakes.)

On the screen is an image of the Snow Queen's castle.

The curtain opens. The snowflakes sit down, leaving their hoops on the carpet and behind the tree. The Snow Queen sits on a throne in front of the Christmas tree

Snow Maiden. Quiet, guys. Look.

The Snow Queen.

I am the queen of the ice kingdom

I am the mistress of snow, blizzard, ice.

Who is lucky enough to get here,

He will stay here with me forever!

I am indifferent and harsh towards everyone,

I'm only afraid of heat and fire.

Snow Maiden. The Snow Queen!

The light turns on

S.K . Who came to me uninvited?

Snow Maiden. It was the guys and I who came to help our Grandfather Frost! Where are you hiding it? Come on, disenchant him back! And don’t forget to turn back the time, all the clocks around have stopped!(stomps his foot)

The Snow Queen.Look, they're making noise! We found someone to scare! Me! Snow Queen! Ha ha ha! Did you want to disenchant Santa Claus? Time to return? Aren't you afraid of challenges?

Snow Maiden. We are not afraid of anything! Our guys have already gone through so many tests and have overcome them all!

The Snow Queen.Here's your first test. You see, my maid Blizzard, how many snowballs she gave me as a gift.(Throws out snowballs)Only these snowballs need to be transferred to ice buckets, and very quickly, so that they do not melt. Can you handle it?

Game "Move the Snowball".

Two teams of 5-6 people are formed. They stand in columns, with ice blocks placed opposite them as a guide. Between the blocks there is a snowdrift with snowballs. Buckets are placed next to the teams, and spoons are given to the first players.

The players' task is to run to the snowballs, pick up one snowball with a spoon and transfer it on a spoon to a bucket. At the end of the game, snowballs are counted.

Snow Maiden. Well, Snow Queen, now you see that our guys are cheerful and friendly?

The Snow Queen.They are friendly, but how brave they are remains to be seen. To compete with me, you need courage!

Snow Maiden. And make sure of this!

The Snow Queen. Well, okay. Here's another task for you! Whoever walks on the ice floes and never gets his feet wet is the one who is brave!

The game “Who can cross the ice floes faster?”

Two teams of 5-6 people are formed. A path of 5-6 “ice floes” is laid out in front of them. At the leader’s command, players must run across the ice floes as quickly as possible without slipping once, run around the ice floes on stands and return to the team. The team that finishes it faster wins.

Snow Maiden. Well, are you convinced? Our guys are all brave, so no one is afraid of you!

The Snow Queen.Yes, I haven’t met such brutal opponents for a long time. Well, yours took it! I will return your Grandfather to you!

The lights turn off, the tree is completely dark.

The phonogram “magic” plays. Santa Claus appears behind the Christmas tree.

The light turns on.

Santa Claus (from behind the Christmas tree) Oh, my knees are starting to buckle, either I’m getting really old, or someone cast a spell... (comes out, stretches, rubs his knees, looks around).

The Snow Queen, on the contrary, backs away behind the Christmas tree and hides.

Snow Maiden. Hello Dedushka Moroz! How long have we been looking for you and the guys, how many adventures have we experienced!

Father Frost . What happened? I don't remember anything!

Snow Maiden. But the Snow Queen bewitched you and stopped time, and the guys helped you out.

Father Frost . The Snow Queen? Where is she? Come on out!

The Snow Queen comes out from behind the Christmas tree.

The Snow Queen.Everyone scolds me for the cold, for the frost, no one wants to be friends with me. But I’m bored alone in the ice castle, so I have to do all sorts of outrageous things.(sighs).

Snow Maiden. What are you saying, our guys are always happy to make new friends, really. Guys? On holidays, friends always give each other gifts and in honor of our friendship, accept a gift from us.

The Snow Queen. Which?

Snow Maiden. And listen.


We collected snowfields from snow-covered forests.

And the Snow Queen has a silver braid,

And the Snow Queen will soon have a hundred friends.

Look with a radiant look - you will immediately become more cheerful.

  1. « Snowflake" by Dubravin - phonogram

Snow Maiden. Grandfather ...(pretends to whisper in Santa Claus's ear)

Santa Claus (shakes his head). Okay then. (makes passes with his hands, approaches the tree, takes out a snowman in a casket, gives it to the Snow Queen)

Father Frost . Here, keep the gift, and don’t be mischievous anymore.

The Snow Queen takes a gift and thanks the children

Father Frost. Well, let's stand around our Christmas tree. Let's have some fun, because we don't have much time left. After all, New Year is coming!

The Snow Queen.Santa Claus, the trouble is that I stopped time, even my ice clock stopped, and my magic won’t be enough to return the passage of time. What should I do?

Snow Maiden. Grandfather Frost, what, there won’t be a New Year? And there will be no gifts?

Father Frost. How can it be that the New Year does not come on time? So that I don’t give gifts to the children? Yes, I am the most important winter wizard!

(walks in front of the clock, speaks against a soundtracksongs "Only Then")

I'll blow on the watch now,

I will disenchant them with magic.

Ding-ding-knock, ding-ding-knock,

The shooter is heard knocking.

All the clocks have gone now,

Time has returned to normal

And immediately to the joy of the guys,

Gifts will fly to them!

On the downbeat of each beat, gifts “fly out” from the clock, and the acting heroes distribute them to the children.

At the chorus and ending, the children and characters line up in free order in front of the Christmas tree, as if for a group photo, and congratulate all the guests on the New Year!

Evgenia Yeranskaya
Scenario for the New Year's party in the preparatory group based on the fairy tale "The Snow Queen"

Scenario of the New Year's party in the preparatory group.

Target: to create a joyful experience for children, Christmas mood, waiting for a miracle, fabulous action.



1. Expand knowledge about New Year's holiday;

2. Expand students' vocabulary


1. Development of children's creative abilities in the process of various types of play activities;

2. Develop children's imagination, thinking, memory, creative abilities, and strengthen interdisciplinary connections.


1. Create a joyful mood in children, evoke a positive emotional response in them;

2. To form a respectful attitude of children towards their parents and parents towards their children; cultural traditions in communication between adults and children.

The holiday is in progress!

Children enter the hall to the music and stand in a semicircle.

Presenter: How nice that today

Our guests came here

And, without looking at worries,

Everyone found a free hour.

Child 1: We came to the decorated Christmas tree,

We've been waiting so long to meet her.

Let's join hands

Let's start our holiday soon!

Child 2: New Year! New Year!

Music calls you to dance!

Let him spin around the Christmas tree

New Year's round dance!

(Song « New Year's» ) .Sit on chairs.

Presenter: I hear music playing!

The magic guest is hurrying to us!

(included storyteller)

Storyteller: Hello, hello, dear children!

I am a wizard from fairy tales.

As soon as night comes, close your eyes -

I will open a colored umbrella over you,

And you will have such a magical dream...

I invite you to a fairy tale for you,

And in order for us to get there

We open the doors by dancing

And in we all fall into a fairy tale!

("Dance with Toys")

Storyteller: what a lovely dance

You showed us!

But still someone

There's not enough room here.

Who - answer kids,

Who are we waiting for?

Children: Santa Claus!

Presenter: girls and boys,

Let's call him!

(name of Santa Claus)

Storyteller: Grandfather Frost doesn't hear. Maybe the snowstorm covered the entire road to the kindergarten?

(takes out a magic wand)

Here's a magic wand

My assistant.

A way to illuminate the frost

She will help us.

Let's say it together: “kribble-krabble-boombeli!

Illuminate the path with a stick"

(stick lights up)

Storyteller: So where is our guest? New Year,

Merry Santa Claus?

Magic will always help.

I'll wave my magic wand,

On I'll bring Father's Day!

(waves his wand)


Music sounds, lights go out - flies in The Snow Queen.

Queen: Are you waiting for frost, children?

Well, you will never wait.

I hid it in my possessions,

You won't find your way to him.

(snatches the wizard's wand)

Only a magic wand could help,

You don’t have her anymore, I’m flying away!

(The lights go out, the queen leaves, the light comes on)

Presenter: Guys, did you find out who it was?

(children answer)

This The Snow Queen! She bewitched the boy Kai, who was found and saved by his sister Gerda!

We need to call Kai and Gerda to help us get to the castle snow queen!

But how do we call them?

Storyteller: We will send a message to snowflake(attached to snowflake message, launches her through the door).

So that our snowflake our assistants flew to Kai and Gerda snowflakes help us with dance and song.

(Song and dance « Snowflakes» )

Kai and Gerda come out.

Gerda: Hello guys! We got snowflake with a message and hastened to help you. We know how to get to the castle queens, but this path is not easy. We need to get ready to go.

The presenter takes out the briefcase and the game is played "guess whose things"

Storyteller: Take me with you, I’ll be useful to you. They walk around the Christmas tree.

Leshy comes to the meeting: Hello, tell me where you are from and where?

Storyteller: we are looking for a castle snow queen, and who are you?

Goblin: I’ll say this about myself

Strictly confidential:

I am the most important in the forest,

And most importantly there is no!

Gerda: Tell us, goblin, how to get to the castle?


I won’t let anyone through just like that, should you surprise me or show me a trick?

(storyteller shows a trick)

Goblin: Oh, you surprised me! I have never seen a better miracle!

Go through the forest, there to the left, and I’ll go protect my forest! Goodbye!

They walk around the tree and meet a robber (adult) All the robber children stand behind him.

Robber: We are terrible, evil robbers,

Beware, those who pass by!

Hey, pedestrians and horsemen, we are waiting in ambush for you!

(perform a dance)

Robber: What, darlings, got caught?

Of course we were scared!

To walk through the forest

We need to solve riddles:

Robber: Well, you guessed it right, go ahead!

They walk around the Christmas tree and realize that they are lost.

Gerda: Kai, in my opinion this is not the right road,

We took a wrong turn!

Kai:The road is difficult and complicated.

Winter reigns everywhere here.

How through Let's go through the snowy forest?

Storyteller: with the help of my magic umbrella, I invite my assistants here, who have lived in this forest for a long time and will help us find our way! (opens umbrella)

Kings of this road,

You will appear soon

Show us the way,

Don't leave your friends!

(go out Kings-dance of kings) .

(A castle appears)

Storyteller: Thank you, kings, took us to the castle, and here it is. Let's knock.

(they knock on the door, it doesn’t open.

Gerda: The hostess doesn’t want to open the door for us.

We'll have to call the Trolls to help us.

Storyteller: Trolls, feel free to come out and open the door, help us.

Trolls appear - dance.

Coming out after Trolls queen!

Queen: What kind of music is blaring?

Who's making noise here near the palace? (sees children)

Children, how did you get here?

How did you find the way?

Storyteller: We met true friends on the way,

We managed to find the road to the palace.

Queen: I see you've come a hard way

Behind grandfather frost.

If you can collect the name of frost from letters

Take over my charms!

(match the word game)

Presenter: Well done, you didn’t let us down!

Now you have saved the frost.

Queen:waves his magic wand

Krible-krable, krible-ville!

Open the icy doors!

Music sounds. Santa Claus enters.

Father Frost: Hello guys!

Again with you, I'm friends.

Let's continue children holiday?

Children: Yes!

Father Frost: the evil spell is all dispelled,

And the door of the palace is open...

But with snow queen

What should we do now?

Queen: Here the fairy tale made everyone friends,

Loud laughter sounds everywhere.

I'll try to be kind

And it's time for me to fly away.

Thank you and goodbye!

Leaves queen.

Storyteller: We guys need to go back to kindergarten and continue our New Year.

I’ll wave my umbrella and carry us all over! (opens umbrella to music, removes lock)

Father Frost: after such an adventure we need to relax and play.

(game with D.M.)

Presenter: how well we played, and now let’s get into a friendly round dance

We will celebrate the New Year with song!

(song to Santa Claus).

Father Frost: Oh, I’m tired, I’ll sit and rest.

Presenter: Grandfather sit down and listen to the guys’ poems.

(children's poems).

Presenter: thank you, Santa Claus,

What for children you brought a holiday!

Did you forget about the gifts?

Father Frost: I put the gifts in a bag.

But where is the bag? I lost,

When I was looking for the way to you.

Storyteller: I’ll come to the rescue again.

I have a magic umbrella.

My umbrella will guide us all -

And Santa Claus will find the bag.

Father Frost: and here the gifts themselves came to us, showing 1-2 gifts.

Well guys, thank you for saving me from the cold snow queen, you have come a hard way. Met a lot of friends. Well done!

It's time for me to go! But still I know:

In winter I'll pinch your nose,

I'll paint the windows with a pattern,

And I'll skate you on the ice,

And I'll come again in a year!

Children and presenter say goodbye: Goodbye Santa Claus!

Presenter: Well, it’s time for us to say goodbye!

We want to wish everyone

Happiness, joy, good luck!

Never lose heart!

Scenario for the preparatory group

The Snow Queen.


Presenter - 2


The Snow Queen






robbers - 4 boys

Eskimos – 4 people

penguins – 6 boys

Father Frost

scene 1.

Cheerful music “Kai and Gerda” sounds, 2 or 3 people per room. Children run in and play in the snow. Placed around the Christmas tree. For the chorus, everyone dances in a circle and sits on chairs to the music. Comes out 1 presenter:

it's so nice when guests come,

Music and laughter are heard everywhere.

We are opening the New Year holiday

We invite everyone, everyone, everyone to the Christmas tree!

Part 2: it's already on our doorstep

The wizard approached - N. year

Hear on an unknown road

The fairy tale moves with easy steps.

(he leaves, Kai and Gerda run out to the continuation of the music “Kai and Gerda”, they play: they spin around, holding hands, suddenly Kai stops, holding his heart)

Kai: oh how it stings here in my chest

Gerda, Gerda, help.

Gerda : Kai, my dear, what’s wrong with you?

I will save you, dear.

Kai (in an icy voice)

Get out of the way, you.

And take flowers with you.

Gerda : my dear Kai is sick

I'm not crying, ah-ay-ay!

Maybe it's worth playing?

To lift your spirits?

(general game _____________________________

(After the game, all the children sit on chairs, Gerda is alone near the Christmas tree)

Gerda: oh, where's Kai? Gone! I'll go look for him.

(goes behind the tree, Gerda’s music sounds)

Ved. : and Gerda went to look for Kai. She walked and walked and came to the royal palace. And in front of the palace she met the royal raven and the crow. (They walk towards each other and argue:

Crow: Karl stole corals from Clara.

Crow: Clara stole Karl's clarinet.

Both: No!

Gerda : good afternoon dear crows!

Crow : girl? Who are you, tell me?

Crow : and why did you come to the palace?

Gerda: my name is Gerda. I'm looking for my brother Kai.

Haven't you seen him?

Crow: I know where to look for him! Recently a boy appeared in our kingdom.

Crow : and became very friendly with our princess.

Crow : the boy was resourceful, cheerful and knew everything in the world.

Crow : And that’s why he became our prince.

Crow: Don’t waste your time in vain, go to the palace quickly.

But first, guess our riddles:

music riddles

Ved: let's guys help Gerda solve the riddles.

(the crows leave the hall with Gerda, the prince and princess come out)

Prince : Dear guests! The princess and I

We invite everyone to the New Year's ball.

Enough joy and light for everyone

After all, a joyful holiday has brought us together.

Princess: you came from different fairy tales for the holiday

They brought fun, laughter and jokes with them.

Prince: let the tree light up

For everyone in this world

Let them be very happy

both adults and children.

Round dance

At the end, the children sit down, the Prince and the Princess remain, the crows and Gerda enter the hall.

Crow : I’m sorry that we came to this ball without an invitation.

Crow: Gerda is looking for his brother, but cannot find him.

Gerda: I was so cold and tired, but I couldn’t find Kai. The prince is not like Kai.

Gerda : where should I look for Kai?

Princess: The courtiers told me that the Snow Queen kidnaps children before New Year.

Gerda : This seems to be true. I saw three white horses with crystal sleighs. Where should I look for her now?

Prince : like where, in Lapland - this is a country in the north.

Princess : A muff and a fur coat will keep you warm.

Prince : Let's go, we'll take you out. (everyone leaves)

Presenter: and Gerda’s path lay through the forest where the robbers lived.

(robbers enter, dance)

Chieftain : Hey, be quiet! It seems like someone is coming... (they listen)

1 robber: Exactly! Hide!

Gerda appears : someone seemed to sing?

(robbers jump out noisily and surround Gerda)

1st breakdown: gotcha, beauty!

2 times.: scared?

Gerda : Who you are? What do you need?

Chieftain : She asks who are we?

3rd breakdown: yes, we are the worst!

4 times.: the most formidable!

Chieftain a: the most dangerous robbers in the forest. And you, apparently, are a princess? Take off your fur coat and muff. And take her to the closet and lock her there. We will demand a ransom from the king for her!

Gerd a: dear robbers, let me go. I am not a princess. I'm an ordinary girl and I'm looking for my brother Kai. He was kidnapped by the Snow Queen. I have to find him before the new year...

Chieftain : What is N. year?

Gerda : Guys, tell the robbers what n is. year?

(children read poetry)

1st child: it’s always like this, like N. year!

Everyone is waiting for D. frost to come

With beads. Firecrackers

New toys.

2nd child: will be with us soon

Our favorite D. frost

He won't forget anyone

He will bring a cartload of gifts!

3 children: fathers, mothers are with us

We are celebrating N. year

It is for both adults and children

It will bring a lot of happiness.

And today is a wonderful day

We'll start a round dance

Let's sing a song together

Hello, hello n. year!

(song performed)

Chieftain : (addresses the robbers) get away from her. Gerda is my living toy. If you play with me. If you make me laugh, maybe I'll let you go.

(a game)

Chieftain: well, so be it, I'll let you go

I don't want to hear your cry.

I still have a prisoner

Here he is torn. What a slacker!

Let him go with you!

Deer: I was born in Lapland

With D.m. made friends

He knows all the ways there

Maybe. He will find the queen.

We need to call D. m.

Ved. : let's call D.M. in an unusual way

(musical game)

The entrance of Santa Claus to the music.

From their dense forests

I've been coming here for a long time to see you

I'm not late? Got it right?

The hall is full of people here.

A glorious holiday will be here.

I see that the guys are waiting.

Ved: Hello, D.M. We are very glad to see you, but we have a problem. Sn. The queen stole Kai. Help us get to her.

D. m .: Yes, not an easy task. Path to Sn. The Queen’s journey is very long, but we will overcome it with you.

(they leave. Gerda's theme

Eskimos come out and dance)

D.M. + Gerda + deer appear.

Gerda : It's snowy and cold here, look

how to find a way in the white tundra?

Eskimos (all ): Hello, friends.

Where are you headed?

Deer: to the kingdom of Sn. Queens.

D. frost : Have you seen her?

Eskimo 2 girls: how, how did we see

The sleigh flew past.

Eskimos 2 boys:

You need to go straight

You are on the right track.

Ved: They will bring everyone to the North. Sit down, children, hurry up.

(song “we will go, we will rush...”, general dance)

Grandfather M.: Well, thank you!

All: and goodbye. (everyone leaves around the tree, music by Gerda)

Ved : it took a long time or not long, only the winter road led to Antarctica.

(music, penguin dance)

Pings: 1. Like a gentleman in a tailcoat

Emperor penguin.

2. on 2 legs like a person

Snow tramples on its hind legs.

3. you want to see a penguin

Look for it in Antarctica.

4. diving into the sea between ice floes

A penguin swims behind the fish.

5. The sun rarely comes

The darkness roams here

6. You have to ask the sky

To open the way with radiance.

Gerda. : thank you for the advice

D.M : live long, many years.

(the lights go out, D.M. addresses the children)

D.m .: let's say children together:

Sky, sky part, shine and show yourself! (all children repeat in chorus)

(music sounds, Northern Lights dance, garlands glow. Lights come on)

Ved: and finally, our friends reached the Sn castle. Queens.

(alarming music sounds, the Snow Queen appears, Kai follows her with cubes, sits down near the Christmas tree, plays with cubes, all three enter the hall)

The Snow Queen: You finally got to me, you vile girl!!!

(Gerda runs to Kai and hugs him)

Gerda : Kai, dear, dear, I found you!

Kai: (pushes Gerda away) who are you, girl? I do not know you.

Gerda : It's me, your sister.

Kai: get away from me!

Gerda : D.M. What should I do? Kai doesn't recognize me?

Sn. Core .: you see, you were looking for Kai in vain, he doesn’t know you and doesn’t want to know you!

D.M.: This is all the witchcraft of the terrible Troll. Strong and evil. He froze Sn's heart. Queen, she became evil and froze Kai.

Deer: but you are stronger than Troll, I know.

D. m. : you need to say spells:

Blizzards, winds, hurricanes

Fly all over the oceans

Happiness, joy and love

Wins again and again!

(Gerda runs and hugs Kai, magical music sounds).

Kai: look! The magic happened

And the New Year's miracle happened

Love and friendship conquered evil

The evil witch has turned into a fairy!

Sn. Queen : thank you, D.M. you broke my spell

Thank you D.M. for removing the spell.

Gerda : let’s stand together in a round dance

Kai : Let's celebrate the glorious New Year!

Sn. Queen : only the Christmas tree is standing. There are no lights.

D. m.: come on, Christmas tree, buckle up (everyone, buckle up 3 claps)

Come on, Christmas tree, smile (everyone - smile 3 xl)

Come on, Christmas tree, one, two, three (1,2,3 – 3 chl.)

D. m. : you shine, shine, shine!!!

(Christmas tree lights up, round dance)

Sn. Cor.: D.M., play a game and amuse the kids.

(game for attention: “There are Christmas trees....)

Ved .: so the good fairy tale ends

But let the holiday not end.

D. m.: Let all the smiles that were on their faces

They are now turning into gifts!

(gift distribution)

Sn. queen : and now we need to say goodbye.

Let's say goodbye together.

We'll meet again more than once

Ved: goodbye, good morning!

All the heroes leave
