Registration of the junior group. Beautiful design and decoration of a group in a kindergarten with your own hands: ideas for autumn, winter, spring and summer decoration, junior, nursery, middle and senior groups, photos, templates

...If we can teach a child to feel

Beauty, marvel at the wondrous creations

human hands, the beauty of nature, then

Let's raise a person with high culture

feelings, but to reveal to children the beauty of the world

possible through creativity, which

brings joy... (V. A. Sukhomlinsky)

Our group is called "Buratino". Compensatory speech therapy group for children with severe speech impairments. We tried to create all the conditions for our children so that they feel comfortable throughout the day. When opening the group and registering it, we took into account all the standards of the program.

Let's start our excursion, dear colleagues, from the entrance to the group. Welcome! The changing room is decorated according to the name of the group. We dressed our fairy-tale hero in an Olympic uniform. After all, the Olympics in Sochi 2014 are coming soon. The children and I are also preparing for it (we have conversations, look at illustrations, study sports).

Our stands are also designed based on the fairy tale “Pinocchio” (information stand and menu).

When we have holidays, open days, we make sure to decorate our locker room according to the theme of holidays, lexical topics, and events.

To the left of our fairy-tale hero is our sports corner.

Well, what shall we go further? Before entering the group we have a mood corner. Modern life requires from a person qualities that allow a creative and productive approach to any type of activity. This is explained by the fact that preschool age is sensitive for the development of imaginative thinking, imagination, and mental processes that form the basis of activity. We need to create conditions for psychomotor development in the speech therapy group. Therefore, almost all corners of the group are associated with the work of fine motor skills. Children find the appropriate symbol of their mood at the moment and hang it on the stem of a bright dandelion (hook). It was not by chance that we installed the mirror, since children sometimes simply do facial exercises to show their emotions and can change the symbol (the group has a card index of exercises).

Right at the entrance we have developed a corner “Hello, I’m here!” or in another way we call it “Zodiac circle”. Photos of children are attached to those rays of the sun, which zodiac sign they are. The kids really like it. They learned the entire zodiac circle. They know the signs of their family and friends, even each other. When children come to kindergarten in the morning, they turn the photo over to the front side, and when they leave in the evening, they do it all the other way around. It is possible to combine the correction of existing disorders in children with the improvement of motor skills using non-traditional methods and techniques.

Let's go further and what do we see? Wow! Pinocchio and his children found themselves in a field of miracles. What miracles happened to our children today? We know, we know, our Anya learned to say the sound “R”, so she got another gold coin. Both children and parents can always track the progress of their children. Due to the fact that every year there is an increase in the number of children with various disorders, including speech disorders, we must focus on the current, immediate and future development of children, as well as on the development of their individual abilities.

Immediately on the opposite side there is a large stand for creative works “City of Masters”. The exhibitions at the stand change very often, because in addition to NOD on visual activities, we conduct the group work “Skillful Hands”. There is also a shelf for making plasticine and other DIY projects. The principles of our work are the development of children's free activity, during which self-realization, self-expression, self-affirmation of the child's personality and individual capabilities occur.

On the opposite side of the creative stand there grows a miracle - a tree. We use it to get to know our surroundings. The seasons change according to the calendar: leaves, birds at the feeder, snow, insects, buds and much more, depending on the season and changes in nature. The children themselves help us organize our work. Observing the activities of children during the day, we ask ourselves the question, what else can we do in our work so that our students can reveal their potential?

We use wood for environmental education. Rules of behavior in nature.

Some topics in fine arts may also be suitable for our wonderful tree, for example, “Bullfinches are like apples.” Of particular importance for the development of a preschooler’s personality is his assimilation of ideas about the relationship between nature and man. Mastering the methods of practical interaction with the environment ensures the formation of the child’s worldview and his personal growth.

Oh look! What a caterpillar. Are there any pockets on her belly? These pockets are for mommies, daddies and kids. And in the pockets there are many different riddles, poems, signs about the seasons. We learn them together with moms and dads at home. Parents themselves choose what to teach today. We base our activities on both previously developed methods and our own proprietary developments, including unconventional methods. Thus, our group has created all the conditions for the comprehensive development of children.

We ask you to move on, dear guests! We have a fun corner for duty officers. Do you know why he’s funny? Yes, because our little cook always calls those on duty to set the tables with a cheerful song. Teachers turn it on at a time. The guards on duty hear the song and run to be on duty. Like this. The information in the corner changes frequently: table manners, table settings, national dishes, and more.

A little further away we have a children's library. Yes, you heard right, it’s the library. If children want to take a book home, they sign up on their library cards. Just like in a real library. There is a library card for every child, and even for adults. The library has: a card index of books (list of literature); first aid kit for books; bookmarks that the children made themselves; illuminated magnifying glass; little books for your own authorship (design); table lamp for individual reading or evening reading (we have an evening tradition in the group, reading fairy tales by candlelight. A magic chest containing objects with which we find out how the book appeared, what we used to write on? Children can do it themselves at any time try to write: on clay, papyrus, bark, stone, leather. We organize various exhibitions dedicated to writers and poets.

Next to the library we have a creative area. Here you can find everything “Whatever your heart desires.” We love to “create”. We practice a lot using unconventional techniques. Our doll Alyonushka changes her outfits, or rather national costumes. Decorative and applied arts products are changing.

To the right of the creativity zone we have a fine motor zone. As researchers of children's speech note, hand movements have always been closely related to speech and contributed to its development. In the process of manipulating the materials, there is a natural massage of biologically active points located on the palms and fingers, which has a positive effect on the general well-being of the child. Therefore, our children use these trays with different objects to develop their fingers and hands in their free time. There are various massagers, sujo-ki, tops, tablets for tactile sensations, sorting cereals, stringing beads, working with tweezers, a pipette and much more. To ensure that children do not lose interest, benefits are changed once a week.

A significant role in this direction is played by the search and cognitive activity of preschool children, which takes place in the form of experimental actions. In their process, children transform objects in order to reveal their hidden significant connections with natural phenomena.

And we have something to watch. Now you will see for yourself. In order to improve the state of speech function and reduce the number of speech disorders, develop fine motor skills of the hands, it is necessary to create a system of correctional work with children. For such children, the process of acting with objects throughout the day is often important. In order to form in children initial concepts about the basic calendar units of time and give a correct interpretation of these measures, we have developed a nature calendar for children with severe speech impairments.

Children determine the time of year and month using an arrow. On the calendar, children determine the state of today's weather and move the arrow to the corresponding symbol. When determining the weather, children change clothes on dolls - templates also located on the calendar. All templates can be easily removed and reattached.

At the bottom of the calendar there are tree templates. In our case, it is birch. The tree can be traced in all months throughout the entire season (without leaves in winter, in spring it begins to turn green gradually, in summer with green leaves, in autumn with yellow leaves). Then we determine which week is in this month. To do this, buttons are attached under each tree for the number of weeks in this month.

On each button hangs a week (lace) on which we put a bead (day of the week). The beads are also the corresponding color: Winter - white, spring - pale green, summer - bright green, autumn - yellow. Every day beads are added and we count which day, for example Wednesday, if there are three beads? (third). We identify weekends with red beads. At the end of each week we count the beads (how many days are in the week). The proposed manual served as a model of the calendar year, since with its help the interrelation of all measures of calendar time was clearly reflected. The children themselves took down the weeks of the calendar and added the weeks together to form a month.

The months gradually and consistently formed into a year. Children at any time could come up to determine how many days had passed since the beginning of the week, how many weeks had passed since the beginning of the month, how many months had passed since the beginning of the year, and by the empty weeks - how much was left before its end. By performing all these actions, children gradually comprehend and realize the complex quantitative relationships between individual measures of time. Working with a calendar and a calendar year model makes the learning task much easier. Children develop clear ideas about the length of the year and the standards for measuring it.

Look, dear colleagues. We use a hoop to hang pictures and illustrations on lexical topics. We also use it for speech breathing exercises: snowflakes, butterflies, flowers and more. To ensure truly comprehensive development of the child, it is necessary to maintain the unity of the subject-development environment and meaningful communication between adults and children.

We live in the far north. And we always lack warmth, sunshine, some greenery, vitamins. Children see snow for almost 9 months. We implement mini-projects throughout the year. Children are invited to prepare a mini-report. Projects are developed and implemented taking into account the program being implemented. These projects well fill the gaps in educational work with children. The children and I worked on the “Little Gardeners” project. The child encounters phenomena of the surrounding world, in particular living and inanimate nature, very early and strives to understand them.

The defense of the project consists of transmitting the collected information on the topic by the child himself, using photographs, drawings, crosswords, riddles - prepared together with parents on this topic. The child, defending his project, learns to speak in front of a group audience and answer questions from those present. Evelina defends the “My Motherland” project.

Well, the time has come to look into the quietest place. This is a children's bedroom. Here we wake up, do exercises and walk along the corrective paths that we sewed ourselves. My children and I call it the “Health Path.” How great it is to do everything yourself, with your own hands, with your parents and children. Caring for the health of the younger generation is one of the priority areas of state policy in the field of education.

And this is our pride. Our theater is the best. We host children's productions, finger theaters, tabletop theaters and other theaters. Behind the curtain we have a dressing room with a mirror, a costume room and various types of theaters. Conditions are created for the predominance of positive emotions in the organization of children's theatrical activities.

We even show the REMP theater (the poem “Once a cube went into the forest, there he found a cylinder!”). This way the children remembered geometric bodies better. After all, we don’t have classes now, but we have direct educational activities. The purpose of this theatrical performance was to generalize, systematize, and clarify ideas about geometric figures and geometric bodies.

Well, all that remains is to look at our washroom. There are fish swimming around the algae. Scheme maps (algorithms) are posted everywhere. And in the group, locker room, bedroom.

Today we need education that faces the child, his characteristics and abilities, and gives him the opportunity to express himself where he is successful. This is especially important when raising children with disabilities. Taking into account the importance of this problem, the work being carried out does not lose its relevance. The novelty of this work lies in understanding the priority of correctional work on the development of fine motor skills of the hands using non-traditional methods and techniques as an effective means of developing the personality of a child with severe speech impairments.

List of used literature:

1. Development program for a preschool educational institution (from the experience of the MADU)

2.N.E. Veraksa "Project activities for preschoolers"

3.L.D. Postoeva L.A. Martynenko “Play, listen, learn!”

4.L.L. Timofeeva “Project method in kindergarten”

5.M.E. Khilko Developmental psychology

6.E.A. Lifits "Development of speech, movement and fine motor skills"

7.Own developments (from work experience)

Certificate of publication in the media Series A 0002223- 0002224 ShPI 62502666132205 date of dispatch November 16, 2013.

We invite preschool teachers of the Tyumen region, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra to publish their teaching material:
- Pedagogical experience, original programs, teaching aids, presentations for classes, electronic games;
- Personally developed notes and scenarios of educational activities, projects, master classes (including videos), forms of work with families and teachers.

Why is it profitable to publish with us?

Forming a group in a kindergarten, as a rule, falls on the shoulders of the teachers. In order for children to feel comfortable, it is necessary to ensure that the environment in the room is close to home. In addition, a beautifully and tastefully decorated group has aesthetic and developmental significance for children.

There are many options for creating children's corners, decorating cabinets, and designing stands. The main thing is to be creative. You need to get the attention of your parents. Perhaps one of them draws beautifully, takes photographs, or is fluent in computer programs and will be able to create excellent nature calendars, posters with lists of birthday people, etc.

It is possible, by agreement with the parents and the head, to arrange the group with ready-made manuals and stands. They are made to order by specialists; their topics and volume are determined depending on preferences, taking into account the age and needs of the children. And you can see beautiful finished stands by copying the link Here you can purchase ready-made solutions.
Stands need to be given special attention. They can be done with help. The main set of stands usually includes a poster with information for parents, a menu, a group list, announcements, and congratulations. You must not forget about stickers or pictures on the lockers, a poster on the front door with the name of the group.

The kindergarten group should be decorated in bright and rich colors as in the photo. Stories from fairy tales or cartoons are perfect for decorating walls. Kids will be very pleased to see their favorite characters on the walls. The main thing is that the stories, in addition to the aesthetic, have an educational effect.

When setting up a group, it is important to pay attention to a corner where they can display their crafts and drawings and show them to parents. For small children, it is better not to clutter the group with a lot of furniture, but to provide space for outdoor games.

Now you know general recommendations on how to design a kindergarten group with your own hands. We hope that our photos helped you with decorating a kindergarten group with your own hands. We'd be interested to see what you come up with! Therefore, we look forward to your pictures with pleasure on the theme of the original design of a kindergarten group; maybe your templates will help someone else decorate the interior of a kindergarten.

In order for children to enjoy going to kindergarten, both parents and teachers need to put in some effort and knowledge about how to how to decorate a kindergarten with your own hands. Moreover, literally everything can be decorated. Starting from the hall and lobbies to the area for children's walks and games, where children spend a considerable part of their time. In the material you can get acquainted with examples of educational and play areas, as well as the group as a whole.

How to decorate a kindergarten with your own hands photo

It would be best to break down the information thematically by topic, how to decorate a kindergarten with your own hands, photo-examples and so on for the areas you will be working on. And we will move logically, like a baby who finds himself in this new and still completely unknown world for the first time. And I want the child to be imbued with love and interest in his new “second home” at first sight, so that he feels comfortable and pleasant to be there. To do this, in all zones without exception, you need to fill the space with fairy-tale characters, toys, and fun entertainment. So that kindergarten is immediately associated, even among adults, with an interesting pastime.

The first place where the baby ends up and where he gets the impression of his new place of stay is the hall and corridors of the room. It would be a big mistake to leave just plain, painted and whitewashed walls, even though they are three hundred times recommended by sanitary standards. After all, this is not only boring, but also scary, reminiscent of either a hospital or a boring institution. It’s a completely different matter when, right from the door, the baby finds himself in a real fairy tale. You can see examples of this in the photo above, and, you see, they immediately create the right mood in parents, and will cause real delight in kids. There are practically no restrictions on the choice of colors, since the goal is not to calm the children, as in the recreation area, or to make them more focused, as in the classroom for lessons and activities. It is best to choose not cartoon stories, because the fashion for them goes away quite quickly, but some neutral fairy-tale stories.

For example, in the photo you can see a very interesting design option that resembles a city road with markings, signs, and traffic lights. We assure you that even the girls will be delighted and will quickly remember the way to their group, let alone the boys. Often each group is given its own separate name, rather than boring numbers and letters. Such a name in the form of an emblem can also be placed in the design, for example, by making a sticker or drawing on the doors, placing a corresponding soft toy next to it on a shelf, or something in the same spirit.

The second area where mom and dad and their child find themselves when they open the door in the beautiful corridor is the locker room. It is also decorated as beautifully as possible, as far as the budget of the entire event allows. But not only beauty is important, but also the convenience of changing clothes, especially if we are talking about the older group, where children already dress on their own. In the photographs you can see various options for furniture sets that will be convenient for use by both parents, teachers and nannies, and for children. Also, do not forget that the locker room is the very place that parents visit most often, since they do not directly enter the group every day. This is where it is worth placing a stand with useful information for them, making an exhibition, and so on. Of course, all this should be organically integrated into the fabulous design of walls and furniture, and not stray from the general outline.

How to decorate a kindergarten group with your own hands

The main attention should be paid directly to the room where the kids are, that is, the group. About, how to decorate a kindergarten group with your own hands, a huge number of teaching aids and recommendations have been written, because there are simply no small details in this matter. And yet, we urge you, in addition to the rules and regulations, to also be guided by common sense and a sense of taste. You can use your favorite examples, because, by and large, the group is such a kind of children's room, only there are many more kids there. But otherwise, the tasks before the designer are still the same - to create a beautiful appearance for the room, where it would be possible to combine a study area, a play area and a place for relaxation (daytime sleep).

You can see examples of how you can transform it in the photo above. As you can see, here too you must adhere to the general chosen concept so that the room looks like a fairyland. In fact, doing this is much easier than it seems, because in the modern world there are so many tools that can allow anyone to feel like an artist. Children need tables and chairs for activities. Moreover, unlike school desks, here it is better to make the workplaces individual and it will be especially good if you can make furniture that is adjustable depending on the child’s height, and also meets all the requirements for the formation of correct posture, which is very important at such a young age. very important.

It is better to move the sleeping area as far as possible from the work desks; here it should be possible to provide maximum fresh air, both in summer and winter, but it should not be cold or damp. It is better to cover the walls with drawings in the most neutral, light, pastel colors, which would not attract the attention of the children at the moment when they are trying to sleep. The same should be said about cribs and bedding; they should be beautiful, in harmony with the surrounding space, but not attract attention or arouse interest.

Often teachers design several thematic corners. This is truly a wonderful idea, because they are all necessary and important, but it would be better if they do not mix either in space or in the children’s heads. The teacher chooses thematic corners himself, but the most common among them are a corner of acquaintance with nature and the surrounding world, a health corner, a corner of sports games and achievements, as well as interesting decorative elements that can teach children in a playful way. For example, these could be posters with the correct sequence of putting on clothes for a walk, a height meter, names and pictures of pieces of furniture, clothing, dishes, etc. It is believed that it is better to design a group for older children with letters and numbers, so they will be remembered faster and will be stored in memory literally on a subconscious level. But for kids, it’s better to have more pictures exploring the world that surrounds them - animals, houses, transport, and so on.

How to decorate a kindergarten playground with your own hands

Let's move on from interior design to landscape design and use all our knowledge on the topic in order to make daily walks in the fresh air not only more interesting and fun, but also ones that will help the development of the baby so that he becomes stronger, more dexterous, smarter with each passing day. during the day. In, how to decorate a kindergarten playground with your own hands, there are no strict recommendations, the main thing is that all the elements with which you fill the space are safe for children, and, at the same time, useful for them, for their physical and mental development.

The inputs that almost all playgrounds have are a covered veranda where you can walk during unfavorable weather conditions, during strong sun, and so on, as well as a fence or fence that separates the playground from the outside world and several swings and sports equipment. All this needs to be decorated and supplemented in order to make such a dull project truly interesting.

Key task No. 1 can be called resolving the issue how to decorate a kindergarten veranda with your own hands. This room should not be just a temporary shelter from the rain and sun, it should be no less beautiful than the group, and also filled with interesting games. In addition to the beautiful design that is made on all surfaces and walls of the veranda, you also need to take care of a sufficient amount of light that should get inside. This can be provided either by windows or by the roof structure. It would be very appropriate to design the floor as a platform for games, for example, hopscotch or tic-tac-toe. You can also make shelves there where toys are stored, reception; this can be either their permanent storage place or a temporary one if there are doubts about their safety inside the veranda.

Very often there is a fence adjacent to the veranda and just as often it presents a boring, dull sight. But this “canvas” is just begging for some interesting work. So before you buy an expensive swing or conjure up grandiose crafts, you should learn how to how to decorate a kindergarten, areas with your own hands, turning only to a simple way of improving space.

How to decorate the territory of a kindergarten with your own hands

It is impossible to express in any words how much children love to play, and when buildings or crafts that are installed on the playground help them in this, there is simply no limit to this delight. Below you will see some examples of how to decorate the territory of a kindergarten with your own hands with the help of such crafts. And even if they are not very useful, the pleasure of imagining yourself as the captain of a real ship, a truck driver or a real tram, as they say, is priceless.

Another idea that is often forgotten when decorating is to have a purpose-built tiny house or gazebo. In fact, this is one of the favorite children's entertainments, because there you can invite guests, have puppet tea parties, in a word, behave like real adults.

How to decorate the kindergarten yard with your own hands

And the last collection of ideas, how to decorate the kindergarten yard with your own hands, which may push you to new achievements ahead of the start of the new school year. Sandboxes, slides, sports equipment - all this will fit perfectly into the concept of an ideal site. Just don’t forget that you need to leave enough space for outdoor games, and don’t overdo it, trying to squeeze everything you like into the limited space of the yard.

It's always nice to go to a place where you feel comfortable. How to create a warm, kind and bright atmosphere here so that you want to come back here? Comfort can be achieved through little things, which is why you should pay attention to them.

As early childhood educators, we often hear a question parents ask their children: “What did you do in kindergarten today?” or “What did you do today?” To make it more interesting for children to talk about the work done, it is advisable to hang children's creativity on display. For this purpose, the idea came up to use individual wallpaper frames that can be hung in the dressing room or in the hall, thus organizing a mini-exhibition of children's art. Making them is very simple and cost-free.

Material: thick cardboard, beautiful wallpaper, glue, scissors, newspaper.

Progress(for creative works, ½ A4 sheet size 21.5×15 cm). From thick cardboard we cut out the base for the frame (a rectangle measuring 19x26 cm) and the frame itself (inner rectangle measuring 20.5x14.5 cm, outer rectangle 24.5x18.5 cm). We twist 4 tubes of the required thickness from newspaper (approximately half a sheet of newspaper) and glue them around the perimeter of the frame. We wallpaper the base and frame with newspaper tubes. The glue should be applied only to the edges of the wallpaper to make the frame appear more voluminous. Glue the frame to the base so that the top side remains free of glue (the child’s work will be inserted into it). Place under a press until completely dry.

Constantly changing the contents of the frames always makes the group look bright and impressive.

Sometimes parents, coming to kindergarten for such a mini-exhibition, are unable to determine what their child has created, especially in younger groups. Then you need some kind of informant who reveals the topic of modeling, drawing, design, appliqué or children's design.

The idea arose to make "House of information."

You can make it from a box, carefully pasting it over and decorating it as you wish. Place a pocket window on each side of the house to indicate the theme of the work.

Order is the key to any comfort. Therefore, the idea arose to maintain it by putting some things in cardboard organizers. They are convenient for arranging literature by section of the program, children's books, and for safely storing pencils or sheets for children's creativity. You can make these organizers from a cardboard box of a suitable size by cutting off the corners, pasting them over and decorating them to your liking.

If there is not enough space in a kindergarten group, you can do portable sand therapy corner, because children need it so much.

It turns out that you can not only play with sand, but also learn and have fun. Taking a plastic container, divide it into two parts: pour sifted clean sand into one, and stones (beans, acorns, chestnuts, large buttons) into the second.

Games that you can play with the sand therapy corner: laying out a certain pattern (flower, geometric shapes, house, etc.); drawing with a finger (sun, snake), palm (octopus, tree), fist (animal tracks), edge of the palm (paths); stick drawing; burying and unearthing objects (find out by touch what is hidden in the sand); “pouring” a slide, path, snowdrift, etc.; construction of a farm, desert, jungle with appropriate toys; modeling from wet sand (balls, pancakes); free activity of the child. For a variety of games you need: a sprayer with water, sticks, small plastic or rubber toys.

It is often necessary to arrange something: be it an invitation to a New Year's party or a postcard for March 8th. And every time I want to be more original than the last.

In such cases, you can make original colored cardboard, which will provide an excellent basis for creativity.

In the store, such cardboard is not cheap, but creating something with your own hands is always interesting.

Material: a large colored napkin, a thick sheet of paper or cardboard, cling film (thin in a roll), iron.

Progress. Carefully separate the top colored layer of the napkin from the bottom. Place cling film and a napkin on a thick sheet of paper or cardboard as required by the design of the future product. Iron everything with an iron at maximum temperature. Work especially well on the edges of the cardboard (the iron should be in one place for at least 10 seconds). Trim off any unnecessary material and iron the edges again. If the wrong side of the cardboard turns out to be ugly, decorate it with the bottom layer of a napkin, doing all the work from the beginning.

As you know, children do not always want to clean up their toys. What if we beat this process? For example, sending toys on a trip.

You can make a cardboard train, in the carriages of which children will definitely put toys.

Large boxes need to be covered and given the image of a train. The process of putting things in order is relaxed and exciting, because each time the “passengers” can be different, and the travel route can be limitless.

When organizing any exhibition or demonstration of visual material, for example, “Gifts of Autumn,” a problem often arises: how to beautifully lay out or arrange everything.

Then the idea came to make a universal a basket of newspaper tubes.

Material: newspaper, 2 identical cardboard sheets, PVA glue, acrylic or enamel paint, box for braiding, knitting needles, fabric or napkin for decoration.

Progress. We twist a lot of tubes (about 50-60: we divide the spread of a newspaper sheet in half, then half again in half and again. We lay out the resulting base for the tube (30x8 cm) vertically on the table. We place a long knitting needle in the upper right corner at 30 degrees and twist the tube. Secure the remaining tip with glue. Glue the finished tubes along the perimeter of the base - the bottom of the basket (1st cardboard sheet). and secure them to the top of the box with clothespins, an elastic band or tape.

We begin to weave: we turn one of the corner tubes and thread it above and below the vertical tubes. When the working tube is finished, the next one can be easily inserted into it, you just need to first lubricate its thin tip with glue. We continue weaving until the desired height of the basket. We remove the top fasteners and the box mold. We hide the protruding tubes by cutting them off and wrapping them under a horizontal row. Coat the finished basket well with PVA glue. After drying, paint with acrylic or enamel paint. You can use a cloth or napkin to decorate the inside.

Sleep is the quietest and most peaceful time of the day. This means that it should be organized thoughtfully. Children are on the move all day long, so the bedroom should have relaxing accents that help calm the child easily.

Our idea helped with this hanging modules.

The main condition is that the color of the toy must be pure. One example of a module would be volumetric clouds suspended on a fishing line. Initially they may be snow-white, but over time they can add some color. They can accommodate constantly changing “residents” who can be considered. The quiet rocking of the module parts will lull even the most active baby to sleep.

A creative teacher will always be able to turn an unnecessary thing into a very useful one.

So we implemented the following idea: out of old bills we made an excellent educational toy labyrinth, capable of solving a wide range of problems in all age groups.

For the base of the labyrinth you will need a board in which 6 holes (3 mm in diameter) should be made to insert the wire into them. Bend 3 different pieces of aluminum wire (3 mm in diameter) - these are “paths” for beads from the abacus. Color the beads and string them on a wire, which is inserted into the holes made. Decorate the base.

Opportunities of the labyrinth: gymnastics for the eyes when moving beads along winding paths: development of fine motor skills (sorting, scrolling beads with fingers); learning colors both in class and in free time; collecting a multi-colored caterpillar and traveling with it along slides, holes, paths; learning to count; inventing stories by attaching plasticine characters to beads; formation of the concepts “left”, “right”, “up”, “down”; finger grip training and hand strength development; studying animals (as in the proposed case), plants, figures, or what you use to decorate the base of the labyrinth.

Cognitive practical activities occupy an important place in the daily routine. Here, an ordinary plastic bottle can be widely used.

To organize observations of plants, you can make pots using the cut off top and bottom of the bottle, and decorate them with the children.

It is important that the inverted neck rests against the bottom of the bottom of the bottle, then we can watch how the planted plant or cut bouquet drinks water. And if you use the upper part as a funnel, you can study the flowability or density of different materials. And many more different possibilities!

As you can see, from very simple materials, using imagination, desire and time, you can create many different things that help not only make workplaces cozy, but also develop children and play with them. Create and creativity will repay you in full!

Two players are selected - this is “tag”. The instructor gives them a jump rope, they take the handles of the jump rope and at the instructor’s command: “One, two, three, tag, catch! “They run after the participants of the game all over the court and try to “tarnish” them. Those who are “tainted” are considered losers and leave the game. To free themselves from the rope, the “tag” drivers must catch one player at a time, then those caught take the rope and continue catching. The winner is the one who has never been caught. The game is repeated 2 times.

Outdoor game “Bird and Cage”

The instructor selects a “bird catcher” and a “sparrow” from the children, the rest of the players are “birds”: pigeons, eagles, tits, bullfinches, swallows, ducks, etc.
The circle is designated as a cage (1-2 m in diameter). A “sparrow” sits in the center. The “bird catcher” walks around her, protecting the captive from other “birds” who try to touch the “sparrow” with their hands in order to free him. Whoever the bird catcher touches with his hand is considered caught and goes into a cage. If the bird catcher fails to catch anyone for a long time, then a new driver is chosen.

Sedentary game "Ears"

The children stand in pairs and, playing pats, say: Mom beat, beat, beat and reported everything to dad. Dad beat, beat, beat and reported everything to the woman.
The woman beat, beat, beat and reported everything to grandfather.
Grandfather beat, beat, beat and reported everything to the sisters.
The sisters beat, beat, beat and reported everything to the brothers.
The brothers beat, beat, beat and rolled me into a tub.
And there are two frogs in the tub - close your ears quickly!
At the last words, the children quickly cover their ears with their palms. Whichever player did it faster wins. The game is repeated 3-4 times.

Outdoor game “Squirrels, hares, mice”

The instructor appoints one driver, and the rest of the players are divided into 3 teams of 5-6 people, and the instructor gives them names: “squirrels”, “hares”, “mice”. On the court, 3 hoops are placed on the floor at a distance of 5 m from each other - these are animal houses, each team occupies one of them. The instructor commands: “Mice! Hares! "The named groups must swap houses. If during a run the driver catches one of the participants, then the person caught becomes the driver, and the driver joins the players of the team whose member he caught. The instructor can. give a signal to three teams at once: “Squirrels, hares, mice! " Then all groups leave their houses and run to occupy any other one.

Outdoor game "Seine"

With the help of a counting rhyme, two drivers are selected, who join hands and, at the instructor’s signal: “Let’s start!” » catch the rest of the players. Having caught up with someone, they must join their hands so that the person caught ends up in a circle. Now the three of them catch the others. Each new player caught becomes part of the net. The game continues until all participants are caught. The game continues 2 times.

Sedentary game “Finish the word”

Children stand in a circle. The instructor stands in the center of the circle with a large ball in his hands. He throws a ball to someone and says the first syllable of a word, for example: “Ma” before this gives the players a hint that it is a name, a pet, a piece of furniture, etc. The player to whom the ball was thrown catches it and names the word in full. If he guessed the word correctly, he throws the ball back to the instructor, and if not, he is eliminated from the game.

Outdoor game "Game with a bear"

The instructor, using a counting rhyme, selects the driver - the “bear”. A 1.5-2 m rope is tied to his belt, which in turn is tied to a bench. A barrel with “honey” written on it is placed nearby. The rest of the game participants try to steal a barrel of “honey” from the “bear,” and the “bear” carefully guards it. Whoever the “bear” even touches with his hand is considered a loser. And accordingly, he becomes a driver, i.e. a “bear”. The game continues 2-3 times with a change of driver.

Outdoor game "Tag"
(with ribbons)

Children stand in a circle, each player has a ribbon attached to the back of their belt. Using a counting rhyme, choose a “tag”. At the instructor’s command: “Run away! “The children scatter all over the hall, and the “tag” runs after them and tries to pull out the ribbon. The one whose ribbon is pulled out is considered a loser and is eliminated from the game. At the instructor’s command: “Get to your places!” "The remaining players return to their places in the circle. From the caught players, a new “tag” is selected with the help of a counter, and the game begins again. The game is played 3-4 times. The “tag” who catches the most players wins.

Outdoor game “Stop!”

The instructor chooses a driver, throws the ball up as high as possible, and the driver must catch it. While he catches the ball, the rest of the players scatter around the court. As soon as the driver catches the ball and says: “Stop!”, the players stop in place. The driver tries to hit the player standing as close as possible with the ball. If he misses, he runs after the ball, and the rest of the players again scatter in different directions. Having caught up with the ball, the driver shouts again: “Stop!” If it hits, the player who was hit becomes the driver, and the game starts again. The game continues up to 3 times.

Sedentary game: “Catch - don’t catch”

Children stand in a large circle, the instructor is in the center with a large ball in his hands. The ball needs to be caught only if something edible is named: carrots, cake, candy, ice cream, pastry, pineapple, orange, etc.
If the instructor says inedible things: car, garage, fence, slippers, etc. and throws the ball to the player, he should not catch it. If a player makes a mistake when catching the ball, he is eliminated from the game.

The first game is used with very young children and is called “Colored Baskets”.
Purpose of the game: The game is aimed at learning colors by children aged 2.5-3.5 years, memorizing the names of primary colors, developing the speech skills of preschoolers, developing observation and memory.
Progress of the game: children are asked to collect mixed up objects in baskets, the child draws any card, but he must put it in a basket of the same color, while loudly calling out the color and the object he chose.

2. Game “Bottom of the Sea”

Purpose of the game: development of artistic composition skills, development of speech, logical thinking, memory.

A very common game that can be used not only in art activities, but also in other educational areas. The children are shown the seabed (empty), and it must be said that all the sea inhabitants wanted to play “Hide and Seek” with us, and in order to find them we need to guess riddles about them. The one who guessed correctly puts the resident in the background. The result is a complete composition. The teacher motivates children to perform visual activities. (Good to use with middle and older groups). In the same way, you can study with children other themes of plot compositions: “Summer Meadow”, “Forest Dwellers”, “Autumn Harvest”, “Still Life with Tea”, etc. You can invite several children to the board and ask them to make different compositions from the same objects. This game develops intelligence, reaction, and compositional vision.

When consolidating knowledge of folk paintings or when conducting monitoring in senior and preparatory groups, you can use this simple game.
Target: consolidating knowledge of the main motifs of Russian folk paintings (“Gzhel”, “Gorodets”, “Filimonovo”, “Dymka”), strengthening the ability to distinguish them from others, name them correctly, and develop a sense of color.
Progress of the game: the child needs to determine in which clearing each of the horses will graze, and name the type of applied art based on which they are painted.

One of the most difficult topics is, of course, the study of perspective in a landscape - distant objects seem smaller, near ones larger. It is also more convenient to use the game for this.
Purpose of the game: teach children to see and convey the properties of spatial perspective in drawings, develop their eye, memory, and compositional skills.
Progress of the game: The child needs to place trees and houses in pockets according to their size, in accordance with their prospective distance. (preparatory group).

5. Game “Collect a landscape”

Using the example of a landscape, it is also convenient to develop a sense of composition and knowledge of natural phenomena. To do this, it is convenient to use this didactic game.
Purpose of the game: to develop compositional thinking skills, to consolidate knowledge of seasonal changes in nature, to consolidate knowledge of the concept of “landscape”, to develop observation and memory.
Progress of the game: the child is asked to compose a landscape of a certain season (winter, spring, autumn or winter) from a set of printed pictures; the child must select objects that correspond to this particular time of year and, using his knowledge, build the correct composition.

6. Game “Matryoshkin’s sundress”

Purpose of the game: develop compositional skills, consolidate children’s knowledge about the main elements of painting a Russian nesting doll, and consolidate knowledge of Russian national clothing.
Progress of the game: Silhouettes of three nesting dolls are drawn on the board, the teacher calls three children in turn, they each choose to wear their own nesting doll.

Each of these games can be drawn by yourself or made using a computer and a color printer.

Tasks: see "Home, family"
Game actions: Mom carefully feeds, dresses, undresses, puts her daughter to bed, washes, cleans the room, irons the clothes. Mom goes with her daughter to the hairdresser, combs her hair beautifully, decorates the Christmas tree at home, buys food at the store, and prepares a delicious lunch. Dad comes home from work and they sit down to dinner.
Guests arrive. Celebrating the birthday of a daughter or son.
Dad is a truck (or taxi) driver. Dad is a builder at a construction site.
My daughter caught a cold and got sick. Mom took her to the doctor, put mustard plasters on her at home, and gave her medicine.
Mom took her daughter for a walk. They ride the bus, ride on the swings in the park. Grandma came to visit for her birthday. Celebrate New Year.
Mom takes her daughter to the puppet theater, to the circus, to the cinema, to school.
Game material: household items, dolls


Tasks: To arouse children's interest in the medical profession. To cultivate a sensitive, attentive attitude towards the patient, kindness, responsiveness, and a culture of communication.
Game actions: The patient goes to the reception desk, takes a coupon to see the doctor, and goes to the appointment. The doctor sees patients, listens carefully to their complaints, asks questions, listens with a phonendoscope, measures blood pressure, looks at their throat, and makes a prescription. The nurse writes a prescription, the doctor signs it. The patient goes to the treatment room. The nurse gives injections, bandages wounds, applies ointment, etc. The nurse cleans the office and changes the towel.
Game situations:“At an appointment with an ENT doctor”, “At an appointment with a surgeon”, “At an appointment with an ophthalmologist”, etc.
Preliminary work: Excursion to the medical office. Observation of the doctor’s work (listens with a phonendoscope, looks at the throat, asks questions). Listening to K. Chukovsky’s fairy tale “Doctor Aibolit” in a recording. Excursion to the children's clinic. Reading lit. works: Y. Zabila “Yasochka caught a cold”, E. Uspensky “Playing in the hospital”, V. Mayakovsky “Who should I be?” Examination of medical instruments (phonendoscope, spatula, thermometer, tonometer, tweezers, etc.) Conversation with children about the work of a doctor and nurse. Looking at illustrations about a doctor, honey. sister. Modeling “Gift for sick Yasochka.” Making game attributes with children with the involvement of parents (robes, hats, recipes, medical cards, coupons, etc.)
Game material: gowns, caps, pencil and paper for prescriptions, phonendoscope, tonometer, thermometer, cotton wool, bandage, tweezers, scissors, sponge, syringe, ointments, tablets, powders, etc.


Tasks: arouse children's interest in the professions of a doctor and nurse; cultivate a sensitive, attentive attitude towards the patient, kindness, responsiveness, and a culture of communication.
Game actions: The patient is admitted to the emergency room. The nurse registers him and takes him to the room. The doctor examines patients, listens carefully to their complaints, asks questions, listens with a phonendoscope, measures blood pressure, looks at their throat, and makes a prescription. The nurse gives medications to patients, takes temperatures, gives injections and dressings in the treatment room, treats wounds, etc. The nurse cleans the room and changes the linen. Patients are visited by relatives and friends.
Preliminary work: see "Polyclinic"
Game material: gowns, caps, pencil and paper for prescriptions, phonendoscope, tonometer, thermometer, cotton wool, bandage, tweezers, scissors, sponge, syringe, ointments, tablets, powders, etc.

Tasks: arouse children's interest in the sales profession, develop skills in a culture of behavior in public places, and cultivate friendly relationships.
Game actions: The driver brings the goods by car, the loaders unload them, and the sellers put the goods on the shelves. The director keeps order in the store, makes sure that goods are delivered to the store on time, calls the base, and orders goods. Buyers are coming. Sellers offer goods, show them, weigh them. The buyer pays for the purchase at the cash register and receives a receipt. The cashier receives the money, punches the check, gives the buyer change and a check. The cleaning lady is cleaning the room.
Game situations:“Gegetable shop”, “Clothing”, “Products”, “Fabrics”, “Souvenirs”, “Books”, “Sporting goods”, “Furniture store”, “Toy store”, “Pet store”, “Hats”, “Flower” store, bakery, etc.
Preliminary work: Excursion to the store. Monitoring the unloading of goods in a grocery store. Conversation with children about the excursions. Reading literary works: B. Voronko “The Tale of Unusual Purchases” and others. Ethical conversation about behavior in public places.
Children meet with their mother, who works as a salesperson in a store. Children compose stories on the topic “What can we do?”: “How to buy bread in a bakery?”, “How to cross the road to get to the store?”, “Where do they sell notebooks and pencils?” etc. Making game attributes with children (candy, money, wallets, plastic cards, price tags, etc.).
Game material: scales, cash register, gowns, hats, bags, wallets, price tags, goods by department, machine for transporting goods, cleaning equipment.

Tasks: expand and consolidate children’s knowledge about working in the “Beauty Salon”, instill a desire to look beautiful, cultivate a culture of behavior in public places, respect, polite treatment of elders and each other.
Game actions: The hairdresser washes the hair, combs it, makes haircuts, dyes the hair, shaves, and refreshes with cologne. The manicurist does a manicure, coats the nails with varnish, and gives recommendations on hand care. The master of the beauty salon massages the face, wipes it with lotion, applies cream, paints the eyes, lips, etc. The cashier knocks out receipts. The cleaning lady sweeps, changes used towels and napkins. Visitors politely greet the salon employees, ask for a service, consult with the specialists, pay at the cash desk, and thank them for the services.
Preliminary work: Children visiting a hairdresser with their parents. Children's stories about what they did at the hairdresser. A teacher's story about the culture of behavior in public places. Looking at an album with hairstyle samples. Examination of booklets with samples of cosmetic products. Didactic game “Let’s comb the doll’s hair beautifully.” Didactic game “Cinderella is going to the ball.” Walk to the nearest hairdresser. Making attributes for the game with the involvement of parents (robes, capes, towels, napkins, etc.)
Game material: mirror, set of combs, razor, scissors, hair clipper, hair dryer, hairspray, cologne, nail polish, children's cosmetics, album with hairstyle samples, hair dye, robes, capes, towels, cash register, receipts, money, mop, bucket.

“Dining room” – “Cafe” – “Cook”

Tasks: Expand children's understanding of the work of canteen and cafe workers. Develop interest and respect for the professions of a cook and waiter. Familiarity with the rules of behavior in public places.
Game actions: The dining room has tables and chairs for visitors. The cooks prepare delicious food in the kitchen, cook dumplings, bake pies, cook borscht, soups, fry cutlets. The canteen feeds drivers, workers, construction workers, sailors, and schoolchildren.
There are napkins and vases of flowers on the tables. Waiters serve food to visitors, talk to them politely, and give them a book with a menu to choose food according to the visitor’s wishes. Visitors pay for lunch at the cash register and are given a receipt. People come to cafes not only to eat, but also to listen to music.
We celebrate a birthday, dance, sing karaoke. The waiters are polite to visitors, bringing food and sweet water. There are beautiful dishes and flowers on the tables. The musicians play and sing beautifully. Visitors, leaving, thank you for the pleasure you have received.
Game material: White cap (2 pcs.), apron (2 pcs.), children's kitchen dishes, children's tableware, children's teaware, stove, models of food, vegetables, fruits, menus, children's trays, cocktail straws, juice boxes , yoghurts.

Artistic word for the corners:

Play corner in a kindergarten group - “Hairdresser”

In a luxurious hair salon
There are all the necessary tools
Mascara, lipstick, and blush,
But there is no Chanel!

Get your hair done here
Shorter, longer,
If the doll wants,
Even the dust will be shaken off your ears!

If you try really hard,
We can cut it, curl it,
What about the princess with the mess
The prince won't be able to tell the difference

Corner "Hospital"

Aibolit treated monkeys,
And Pilyulkin is short!
We treat everyone -
Hippos, squirrels,
Crocodiles and wolf cubs,
And foxes and piglets,
Dolls, fish, bunnies,
Girls and boys!
We treat their teeth and eyes,
And we'll put bandages on them!
And we'll give them pills,
And we'll give you some medicine!
We have bandages and iodine.
Come, sick people!
And what’s really nice is -
What we treat is FREE!

Corner "Toy Store"

Not in every store
You will be able to buy
And in a small basket
Successfully placed

Candies and bananas,
Car, nose drops,
Bulldozers and cranes,
Benches and fountains
And even a steam locomotive!

Board game for 2-4 players aged 3 years and above.
The game scenario is based on the fairy tale “The Wizard of the Emerald City”. Together with the girl Ellie and her friends, the children will have unusual adventures in the Magic Land. Chips move around the field based on the result of a dice roll.
The winner will be the one who first follows the path of the fairy tale heroes, overcomes the dangers and achieves the fulfillment of his cherished desires.

Games based on fairy tales
My children and I play very interesting games based on the most famous children's fairy tales.

The games are designed both for the youngest children, to simply introduce them to the most famous fairy tales, and for older children as role-playing games, games for memory training, attention to logic, and most importantly, fine motor skills of the fingers and speech development.

They include such well-known fairy tales and cartoons as: “Kolobok”, “Ryaba Hen”, “Turnip”, “Teremok”, “The Three Little Pigs”.

What are some possible options for playing fairy tales with kids:

1. To begin, print out the cards and fields for them, laminate or cover with tape, and cut into small cards. And now you can play.
Take a field, for example, with the fairy tale “Kolobok”, tell the story to your child while laying out cards with characters in the cells of the field. Then tell the story and, in the process, invite the child himself to sort the characters of the story into cells.

2. Another option is to put all the characters into cells, and then ask the child to close his eyes, remove someone, for example, a wolf, and let the child guess who is missing.

3. Arrange the cards with the characters in the order they appear in the fairy tale, and now mix them up and invite the child to establish the correct sequence.

4. When the child knows all the heroes of the fairy tale well, introduce him to the next fairy tale and play similar games. Then you can try to play two games at once, for example, sort the heroes from two fairy tales by their cells. When the baby can do this easily, add more characters and more fields.

"By magic"

Game for 2 - 4 players aged 4 years and older.
The game is based on the plot of a Russian folk tale.
The pieces move around the field based on the results of the dice roll. Each player can choose his own movement tactics in order to collect the number of cards - points - necessary for victory.
The laziest can collect the required amount by chasing buckets for water, others will take a walk in the forest or to the fair. And still others will immediately go after the Tsar’s daughter.
